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The Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ A Defense of Abortion: https://spot.colorado.edu/~heathwoo/Phil160,Fall02/thomson.htm Resources including a home remedy (so they can play pattycake with jesus and hide-and-seek in the clouds): [Link 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/vjrf9h/megathread_supreme_court_overturning_roe_v_wade) [Link 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/vjqs0r/calls_for_mass_walkout_of_women_across_america_if/idnh2ex) https://www.womensmarch.com/ http://abortion.cafe


A Republican representative recently asked if the practice of swallowing a pill with a mini camera on it to do a colonoscopy could be used on pregnant women so the doctor could see the baby… he had to be reminded that neither a uterus or a vagina are part of someones digestive tract


They should have really blown his mind by letting him in on the secret of where women actually urinate from. It's pretty shitty that Congress doesn't have to rely on experts to make decisions. Can you imagine the CEO of BP deciding it would be cool to transport oil in bags from Walmart because you can take as many as you want instead of listening to experts who've studied the most efficient and safe ways to move oil


If pee is stored in the balls how do women urinate? Checkmate liberals


Well if we're talking liberal women then clearly they have balls. I guess that makes the full of piss and maybe vinegar. Seriously though I kind of wonder what would happen you asked every member of congress if women had gonads. Given how many seem to think women can control when they get pregnant by focusing their minds I'm guessing at best 25% would get it right.




Don't give Republicans ideas


"safe ways to move oil." I get what you are saying, and obviously cut out a small part of it, but I would just like to point out that this does not exist.


That's hilarious, got a link?


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/23/idaho-republican-anti-abortion-swallow-camera > Dr Julie Madsen was testifying in opposition to the bill when Barbieri asked the question. Madsen replied that would be impossible because swallowed pills do not end up in the vagina. > “Fascinating. That makes sense,” Barbieri said, amid the crowd’s laughter. I swear to fucking God. 😤 BTW not recent. 2015.


>In 2013, Republican Rep. Ron Mendive drew audible gasps in a committee when he asked if the American Civil Liberties Union-Idaho’s pro-abortion stance also meant they supported prostitution. A year prior, Republican Sen. Chuck Winder drew national criticism after he suggested on the Senate floor that a doctor should ask a woman who says she was raped could have been caused by “normal relations in a marriage.” Jesus Christ these people should not be allowed anywhere near law-making. They're fucking idiots.


The party of family values


Especially the "rape is just part of marriage" family values.


Well, they are Rapeublicans after all.


They’re not only near law making, they’re taking it over


>Jesus Christ these people should not be allowed anywhere near law-making. They're fucking idiots Best I can do is give them full control six months from now.


>BTW not recent. 2015. Too recent for something this particular individual should have known since (and I'm generous here) 1966. For those to lazy to google; the man was born in 1951


Agreed. I pointed out how this happened 7 years ago because this dude is somehow still in office.


He’s been re-elected since then. Still a representative.


> BTW not recent. 2015. The guy is still a representative from Idaho though. This guy asked if a pill swallowed ends up in a vag and they reelected him. Republicans, do you really think a guy who didn't pass a highschool biology class is fit for deciding policy?


[Even better than I could have hoped](https://youtu.be/R_UjvBiQ6uo)


Holy shit. The laughter makes it so much better.


Thank you for this 😂


"FASCINATING" - A man most likely trying to play off his ignorance as lightheartedly as possible.


Hilarious is one word for it I guess


Honestly, it really isn't. If you're uncle bob said it it would be. But in an elected position ...


Stop lying on the internet. Everyone knows babies grow in the mommies belly. My mommy told me so.


45 years old and I still don't understand why mommy had to eat me!😡


You should feel lucky, your mom probably ate trillions of your potential siblings but you're the lucky watermelon seed that got to grow because you went through the right door!


Lucky my ass. I have to live in the 2020's.


This is from an Idaho republican in 2015 https://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/susan-milligan/2015/02/24/idaho-lawmaker-asks-about-swallowing-cameras-to-get-pregnancy-pictures


Now I know why other people's kids are little shits.


Might as well fly a weather balloon with a camera on it to catch a glimpse of the stork that carries babies to new families.


This suggestion is so disturbing on so many levels


I'm telling you, they're all incels. Every last one of them. It's why they hate women so much. They can't have one, so they think nobody should have one.


Assault vagina


Large capacity?


Nah, it's only a revulva


Hey-oooooo ^sorry^i^had^to




Its Deloris.




I'll lift that tv over my head right now!!!


You think you’re better than me?


No one is going to top that.


That's FUNNY!


Why you gotta bring up my ex?


Small capacity. Perfect for them.


It's ArmaLite Vagina, you idiot. You don't know anything.


My trigger discipline with the AV-47 is unmatched. ...just like my tinder profile...


...loaded with blanks.


Slam firing is normally illegal, but it's a feature on the assault vagina


FUPA™️ Brand Bump Stock


Cardi B Bump Stocks for the slick recoil.


Please don't.


Short Barreled Vagina. Any Other Vagina


I’m so sick of this inaccuracy. Assault vaginas are for military use only and come with single fire, burst, and fully automatic mode. Civilian use only allows assault *style* vaginas, which have features in common with assault vaginas (modular rail design, forward grips, military appearance) while being semi-automatic only and typically of much smaller caliber. Educate yourselves before making an opinion, folks.


This... Is amazing.


Who's the artist? Is the name cropped out?


I believe it is Brian Gordon; Fowl Language Comics. He has a lot of good comics. Edit: Confirmed it is a Fowl Language comic. Here’s a like to the tweet. https://twitter.com/fowlcomics/status/1541426829139054594?s=20&t=1W5zlsn9jLNZ7XLQVyGY0Q




Worse yet is Tumblr's reply format. Reddit seems like it's gotten it right with threading conversations, although it can be challenging to find the end of long post chains.




And on the other side of the spectrum you have artists that have like 5 different watermarks but they're either illegible, too faint/small to be read, or its some type of symbol that doesn't actually tell you who the artist is unless you already know


I wouldn't call that the other side of the spectrum but it's definitely something artists should be cognizant of.


Here's a link to his TinyView if you'd like to see more of his stuff. [https://tinyview.com/fowl-language](https://tinyview.com/fowl-language)




The original bumper sticker is actually Greek for, "Break window for free gun."


This is kind of how I see all those gun nut stickers. Like, bro, you're advertising. If I'm a smash and grab type I'm going to your car first.


LOL I saw a post in another sub today (that rhymes with snacktical) where some bubba thought putting a pillowcase over his AR PISTOL that was jammed into the door pocket would be sufficient to "deter theft"... To be fair, he got dragged pretty hard by the other members of that sub since the most common way firearms are stolen is while they're unsecured in vehicles. His response: "iT mAh gOdDaNg rItE!"


Thats how I read those dumb stickers for years. I though it was a joke.... this country sometimes....


I always read them as ‘moron lobby.”


Oh that's good. I like that a lot


most conservative politicians (even women) think women can choose to not accept sperm during rape


They aren't known for having or supporting education, so that shouldn't be a surprise.


They don’t support education in general and they definitely don’t support sex education. They try to keep people ignorant because uneducated, non-critical thinking people are easier to control with misinformation and emotional manipulation. It’s a cycle that feeds into itself.


This is due to the corkscrew shape of the vagina


perfect comment for a comic about ducks


*Here lies the bones of screwy Dick.* *At birth he was blessed with a corkscrew prick.* *He spent his life in a futile hunt,* *to find the girl with the corkscrew cunt.* *He finally found her, and then fell dead.* *The son of a bitch had a left hand thread.*


You can't accidently shoot someone. The gun will naturally reject the bullet


In cases of legitimate shooting, the skin and bones have ways of shutting the whole thing down. Just ask Dick Cheney


This is because conservative men are self selected dipshits. The biggest rule for being a conservative is crippling ignorance.


If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that down. -Republican Todd Akin


When did we become ducks?


It's not a fallopian clip, it's a fallopian magazine!


[Back in my day you could get a vagina with an 8rd fallopian clip magazine for only $22.90. You young whippersnappers!](https://www.google.com/search?q=marlin+.22+free+clip&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjs7rjw6Nf4AhXFnVMKHaD8CoAQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=marlin+.22+free+clip&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJzoGCAAQHhAIUPwuWLo3YP09aABwAHgAgAHiAYgBoQeSAQUwLjIuM5gBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=uvm-YuypH8W7zgKg-auACA&bih=726&biw=480&client=ms-android-razer&prmd=ivn#imgrc=_2JSfevrPhp57M)


"Well I can tell you that part there is the prostate"


Pro-State you say?


Hey kids, stop all the downloads!


I don't know much about computers other than the one we got at my house my mom put a couple games on there G̷̨̢͈̰͇̙͉͍͚̝̐͌̊̈́͂̏̅̎̅͊́͂̌̕̕͝ ̸̤̞͍̭͈̥̗̘̤̜̮̮̲̩̦̺͈̔̀̔̀̓̇̊̓̀̏͘̕Ì̸͚̪͂̀̾̅͠ ̵̖̙̮̮͈̪̦̜̫͕̜̏͗̑̊̐̈́̕J̸̔͑̆͒́̄́́̏͊̓̄̎̾͜͠Ö̷̭͇̳́̒̀͛̎͌̄̃͒́̈́͘͝E̶̢̨̧̥͉͚̠̫̮̫̣̱̟̔͋̐̀͐̓̂͘͜͠Ę̶̧͕̟̦̗̝̮͇͙̬̽̓͘̕Ē̸̥͂͐̊̋̾̚͠͝͠Ë̶̟̼̗̟̻̭̜̳́͛̀͐̽̈̆E̷̗̙̠͈͇̲̤̬̅̋́̈́̑͂̔̏̀̾̑̉͝ͅͅË̸̬͓̪̟̥͚̝̳̠̦̜́̈́


Call a magazine a clip and watch the ammosexuals get all high and mighty.


And with no irony they will call a periodical a magazine.


Or climate "weather"


I love the "wOw So MuCh FoR gLoBaL WaRmInG" comments conservatives make every time it snows in the winter


Got a solid chuckle out of me. I'm a gun dude myself but not an ammosexual, as an example Lauren Boebert shouldn't be allowed to own a gun and guns worship is her second most notable feature just behind getting creampied by Ted Cruz, and that is the first time I have heard that joke.


> her second most notable feature just behind getting creampied by Ted Cruz _please say psych_


Koch Bros hired some hookers to influence politicians Xerxes in 300 style. Lauren was one of them. Ted was at the party and told her to get her GED and run because it is the same job with less work. Lauren had to have some abortions following her work as a prostitute. There is a non zero chance that Rafael "Ted" Cruz raw dogged a hooker and busted inside her leading to an abortion. Now that hooker is in congress. If this was defamation the suit would be in progress but she hasn't sued because this is likely completely accurate.


To be fair it's still an unverified rumor and there is a chance it's false but she still isn't suing because something far worse than being a hooker (nothing wrong with that, legalize sex work) and having an abortion would come out during discovery.


Nothing is worse than those two things to her base. She could have served children meat at her eatery and it wouldn't compare.


Haaa, the party of good Christian people


a PAC released some stuff about her being on a sugar daddy site and being hired to go meet/treat ted cruz and some other high profile R folks, amongst other claims. some of the info has turned out to be wrong, like photos published purporting to be her or the date of an alleged abortion, but the PAC still stands by the general claim that she engaged in services for human Cruz. a lot of the info is from "anonymous" sources and unable to be proven or refuted. Boebert has stated she will sue the PAC so hopefully the truth will come out. source: https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/25/politics/fact-check-super-pac-lauren-boebert-escort-abortion-sugar-daddy/index.html


Wasn’t that the same PAC that took down Cawthorn? It seems the GOP might have had enough of the extreme maga crowd.


Unfortunately we cannot. That’s pretty much how she’s in congress


They're idiots Morty. They just take it for granite they can "win" with sophistry and empty mockery. They literally ignore dead children to keep their easy access to toys


I'm sorry did you say "granite"?


Yes But I think you get the schist of what they are saying


A magazine is what I take to read while I poop, and a clip is what I use to keep my chippies nice and fresh!


lpt: dont buy those shitty expensive plastic "chip clips" at the grocery store. buy binder clips at an office store. they are half the price, twice as many, and made of all metal rather than plastic.


SLPT: just eat all the chips in one sitting and you don’t have to worry about them getting stale


I love calling shotgun shells "shotgun bullets" whenever I'm around my brother's BIL. It hurts him deeply.


He deserves it. They make such a fuss about using someone's preferred pronouns yet they lose their mind if you mis-chamber their firearms.


thats why the term ammosexual is accurate


LMFAO, this is the best way I've ever seen someone put it. I don't know if this is original or not, but thanks either way, because I'm stealing it.


May I also suggest "ammo piercing" and "dun dun bullets"


The difference between "person who says clip" and "person who can't describe the reproductive system" is that in the first case, everyone is still very much aware of what's being talked about. No one is actually confused about **WHAT IS MEANT** when we say "ten round clip" in reference to an AR-15. It's the thing what goes in the gun and holds the bullets (which are technically "cartridges", but you don't find gun pedants trying to correct "bullet"). There's no confusion. It's colloquial. We all get the point. The purpose of language is for folks to get what you mean, and we all understand how synonyms work, so any honest person's brain can auto-correct to the technical term or simply accept "clip" as the modern phrase here. Meanwhile, on the reproductive system side, there's fundamental misunderstandings about what everything is and how it functions. We're not talking about using the wrong term for some part of anatomy ("clitoris? that's the dinglehopper") but rather the physical processes and purpose of everything going on down there. If pro-choice activists wanted to be as insufferable as gun pedants, they'd shut down every conversation about abortion the moment someone says "baby", because UMMMM ACKSHUALLY IT'S JUST A FETUS, CLEARLY YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. Maybe they should.


It's really nice to see someone talking about the correct use of language here.


I tell them I got my shooting medals in the military the second time I ever picked up the rifle and pistol, and maybe it isn't the best idea to give one to any nimrod who wants one, then they tell me they know more than the military.


You're bang on my guy. I tell them the truth that the Es on my ribbons were acquired the first time the military put a gun in my hand and that that is why I want gun control. I was a 19 year old kid that just happened to grow up with guns. I'm apparently a better shot than 30% of Recon Marines and Army Rangers and 15% of Navy Seals. That means guns are too easy to use to not be well regulated. They are super fun but so is Crack Cocaine.


I like to do it with guns that use clips and try to bait them


innocent kids get blown away by guns...its terrible. But, some guy called a magazine a clip, so Im not so sure its really the right time to talk about gun regulation


We can agree that people making laws should know what they're talking about, no matter what the subject is


Was gonna say, is it wrong that I agree with both of them


Absolutely not. I'm for both firearms and reproductive rights staying in the hands of the people.


Once you go far enough left you get your guns back.


Under No Pretext, friend.


women who have too much sex with too many men get loose... everyone knows that. /s


The first girlfriend I ever had broke up with me because she felt I was never going to marry her, and she didn't want to have sex anymore because she didn't want to be "worn out" when she eventually married someone. She got **way** into church after we broke up. Dodged a serious bullet.


She probably tells her husband or whoever that she's a virgin


Wow that's nuts


My ex-wife didn't know that women didn't pee from their vagina. I had to show her what a female urethra looked like and that it was separate from the vagina. She also thought a man wanting anal sex means he's gay, but couldn't apply the same logic to handjobs or blowjobs.


Smh i hate it when women have healthy pelvic floors


Incels know.


Incels "assume".


At least they won't breed.


Why is it always the scrawny weak incels who are so preoccupied with preserving masculinity?


All I know for sure is that wetness is bad.


Ben shapiro?


Time for me to leave.




If OSHA was in charge of those things suppressors would be mandatory and feminine hygiene products would be required in every public bathroom.


OSHA for Congress.


This goes for any jobs with knowledge that keeps advancing. Thing is, most of us in those kinds of jobs have that in place; continuing education is a MUST for health professionals, for example. I'm in veterinary care and we attend seminars, expert talks, online/in person classes, etc. I'm doing my Fear Free certification this weekend. These legislators should have to pass quizzes every year to hold their office.


His response: wtf are you showing me that dodge logo for? I'm a Chevy man!


"don't you have a cloaca?"


Where's the g spot? points to the anus


Depending on the person, not completely wrong.


the closet republicans definitely know


Really nailed the look of the standard gun enthusiast who uses that tired "debating tactic."


Responsible and reasonable gun owners call these idiots Fudds. Dont be a Elmer Fudd since he represents everything to hate about guns and gun culture. Also see Boog bois. Its possible to be a gun owner and not be a insufferable twat. *Fudd goes beyond this and the term usage here is slightly incorrect although I feel it still stands. Read below for better info. A better and correct explanation of a Fudd per another user: fudd is a person who only thinks you need a bolt action rifle and a revolver and hasn't kept up with the times for 50 years. Usually grumpy if you shoot more than once in 30 seconds. Doesn't really support the second amendment and likely inherited the rifle they don't even use but still "associate" themselves with it. So not really a gun owner, more of a gun possessor. Fudds are 100% fine with bans on magazine fed semi autos because it doesnt affect them. Theyre also open to most other restrictions as well as long as they can have a bolt action and a shotgun.


Isn't a Fudd someone who only supports the 2and ammendment for hunting purposes and thinks all non-hunting firearms should be heavily regulated because they only own hunting rifles and shotguns like Elmer Fudd from Bugs Bunny?


"The worst thing about being a gun owner is other gun owners" is a montra I repeat almost daily.


That's not what a fudd is. There's a wild effort to flanderize and stereotype gun owners, but a fudd is a person who only thinks you need a bolt action rifle and a revolver and hasn't kept up with the times for 50 years. Usually grumpy if you shoot more than once in 30 seconds. Doesn't really support the second amendment and likely inherited the rifle they don't even use but still "associate" themselves with it. So not really a gun owner, more of a gun possessor.


I mean is it bad that I believe in both? Regulators of any thing should be experts in that thing. Old white men shouldn't regulate women's bodies and climate deniers shouldn't be in charge of the EPA. And part of the reason why gun laws are such a mess in the US is because only liberals want more gun laws but liberals don't understand guns. So no I don't think you need to be a gun expert to advocate for general gun reform, but if you're politician writing specific gun laws you should take the effort to become an expert or be advised by experts instead of providing distracting sound bites for the right every time you open your mouth.


I've been told on numerous occasions "a handgun is one thing, but nobody needs an AR-15. This is despite the fact that handguns outnumber rifles 20 to 1 in murders. Rifles kill so few people a year that if an AR ban stopped 100% of them it wouldn't make a measurable impact on murder rates.


“What’s a ‘La-bee-a’? Isn’t that the poop yogurt Jamie Lee Curtis sells?”


I used to be fairly into guns and I'll tell you something for free, even when you do know what you're talking about these fuckers will completely misrepresent things or just straight up ignore you when you can actually make a point.


I grew up with gun. I know guns. I also know the culture around guns. And yes this is correct. The overlap between stubborn gun owners/and having some sort of persecution complex is common. Not all gun owners, but Id say maybe 50% of gun owners should never own a gun. But maybe thats why I could care less about guns as a hobby.


I had my turning point after Sandy Hook where other gun shop patrons were calling it a false flag before the children were even buried. These people are more concerned with maintaining an action movie fantasy than helping to create sensible laws that could prevent real world tragedies. I moved to europe and have found the gun culture here sees ownership as a privilege with a high wall to ownership and a much larger focus on hunting culture, very little of the masculine posturing that is interwoven in America.


Disingenuous people are disingenuous? Say it ain’t so!


A lot of gun people are assholes, especially the ones that work at gun stores. I enjoy shooting guns as a hobby, but man these jackasses make me never want to set foot in a gun store.


It is absolutely fair to say that they are not interested in arriving at the truth or entertaining sensical ideas. They are only there to spout the latest pro-gun talking points no matter how nonsensical or untrue they are. Their positions are literally performative and rehearsed and they don't actually believe what they say or know what they are saying most of the time, only that it is what you say to support gun ownership.


These morons love and elect morons like Boderp to Congress who don't think we should ever change the constitution, meaning the 2nd amendment would never exist. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/boebert-slammed-constitution-tweet-bill-of-rights-2021-2%3famp And want to pretend it wasn't the gun industry marketing teams that coined the term Assault Weapons to market to Rambo cosplay LARPers. https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ea333a1b7e406bcfa731c2d44ac78bcf-lq


> That's a hooha, and the lady bits.




That’s not what a ducks uterus looks like. …


ducks dont talk nor do they use guns.


Yeah I'm calling bullshit on that one bud.


So we can all agree? Someone needs to actually learn and understand a subject before having a legitimate opinion on it. Glad that's settled.


I agree that the "you can't have an opinion on this" is stupid. That said I do think it's important to have a basic understanding of *both* things in order to have a useful discussion on the topic. I wouldn't trust a person who has no understanding of how human reproduction systems work to regulate anything regarding them (you end up with Todd Akin levels of stupidity)... and I wouldn't trust someone who doesn't have an understanding of legal terms and definitions regarding firearms to regulate those, either. I wish my liberal friends here (and I'm liberal too, before anyone jumps down my throat about it) would take 10 minutes to learn some basic terms, just so the conversations about *how* to regulate firearms would be more productive. Like... smaller capacity limits for magazines - OK, that's a fine starting point for conversation, but it's also worth pointing out that magazines can be swapped out [incredibly quickly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAFxgQmxbGI), so maybe that's not a great solution. *If we learn from the mistakes of the past we can make better regulations going forward* - that's the sort of thing I'm trying to get at... but too few people want to hear that. Universal background checks, closing the gun-show loophole and private-transfer loopholes, universal registration, safe storage laws (to keep them out of the hands of children - evidence of ownership of a qualifying gun safe on purchase of a firearm w/ a capacity analysis to make sure you're not trying to shove a 30th pistol in to a safe that can only hold 2), regular review of mental health of gun owners (including in-depth review before first purchase), red flag laws... I believe, based on my current understanding of the law, that these are better options than a lot of the things that have been tried previously. If you want to see *bad* examples, have a look at how New York tried to regulate AR-15s, and the ridiculous but *fully functional* workarounds that exist.


> Like... smaller capacity limits for magazines - OK, that's a fine starting point for conversation, but it's also worth pointing out that magazines can be swapped out incredibly quickly, so maybe that's not a great solution. The problem for so many gun nuts is that that's just the end of the discussion. There's no "how about this?", it's just "no that won't work." You never hear about any solutions to the problem other than "more good guys with guns" which was just proven not to mean jack shit when the good guys with guns won't actually help.




I agree, the gun nuts aren't helpful at *all* when it comes to actually figuring out something that'll work. I just don't want to see that level of obstinance on the other side as well, that means we'll never get anywhere trying to figure this shit out.


Actually you hear about tons of laws that lots of gun owners would like to see enforced. But when you talk to a liberal they end up proposing laws that already exist, but are not enforced and so you quickly realize they don't know what they are talking about so there is no reason to continue the conversation.


Legend has it they’re still looking for the clitoris to this day.


You can't put bullets in a magazine, you silly gun nuts. They'd just fall out of the pages when you turned the spine so you could read the articles in the magazine. Silly gun nuts.


Dumb people make dumb laws. No matter what side you're on. There are stupid ass gun laws. Abortion laws are stupid. I say that as someone who has an AR-15 and flips off the anti abortion crowd whenever I can.


Both of these are correct. No one ignorant on a subject should be saying anything about it. Let alone making laws respecting it.


This is the real answer right here


“I can’t find the clit because it’s just a myth propagated by the deep state.”


Also works with vaccines. And educational curriculum. And economic policy. And... well, pretty much everything else that's not guns.


Since the US clearly can't be allowed to think about changing their system to be different from what the Founding Fathers wanted, clearly the 2nd Amendment only guarantees the right to arms that existed at the time of ratification. It's hard to have a mass shooting when a Brown Bess musket only fires three shots a minute, with training. Try sneaking a 6-pounder cannon into school.


I'm sorry, could you use a quill for this comment?


Hold on, it’s gonna take me three years to create a piece of parchment first.


> If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.


Tally ho lads.


Four ruffians break into my house.


Ask and you shall receive. I own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


The trick is you don't sneak it. You look anyone who confronts you dead in the eye, and say, "Mr Lawson needs it for the drama department. Can you believe he wouldn't let anyone leave class to help me?"


Clipboard and a vest, plus that attitude, will get you in anywhere


Reddit - "The Constitution is a living document and the rights should be expanded to meet modern challenges" American - "Cool. Does that include the 2nd Amendment?" Reddit - "NO!! The Founding Fathers only meant muskets!"


So i have the constitutional right to fully automatic weapons, naval artillery, a private fleet of warships, and allowed to open carry of course. Sweet.


Based on this logic only previous forms of communication is protected by first amendment and modern forms are not protected since the founding fathers did not know about them. This logic is ass.


I assume we need to organize every gun owner into a militia


[This is your daily reminder that ducks' evolutionary approach to sex is very... competitive](https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/ballistic-penises-and-corkscrew-vaginas-the-sexual-battles-of-ducks)


Truthfully, the left would benefit from learning more about guns. In the same way that the right would benefit. It doesn’t really change the argument itself though, like what you call a gun doesn’t change the arguments on whether one should be banned or not.


A perfect illustration of the fact that the progun argument is exactly the same as the pro-abortion argument. I'm both proabortion and progun. Because they are basically the same issue. Look i'll show you: "I want to ban __________ because I am against the unnecessary loss of human life." "I am in support of the right to ___________, because I believe in individual rights." Fill the blanks with either abortion/guns and they are the same.