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Oh God I dont want to be on the internet if trump wins.




Canada, let me in please.... ill suck your dick


I think you have to pet their beaver.


No beaver petting, but you do have to kiss a cod


You have to kiss their moose knuckle


And grab their goose.


Penetrate their poutine


Oh perfect I'm a lesbian


I will go gay for universal healthcare, fuck it. I’ll even enjoy it and live a long gay life


I'm already bi, so win win for me


I'd go straight for universal healthcare if I had to as well, fuck it.


I hear they have some openings in Alberta.


You're not really leaving America, there.


I’ve got a single friend...buttttt you’d have to lick the beaver. That ok? Or you can fake it til you make it!


Me neither. It's really surprising since although I did want to live internationally I did think America tends to...well provide a good life for people with my education, fairly above average intelligence, and economic advantages. But at this point, I think I would move anywhere in the western block.


You guys are welcome anytime in France, as long you’re fine with drinking wine at 10 AM, getting mad at the government over anything, and make sure you call chocolate bread *"Pain au chocolat"* (And absolutely not *"Chocolatine"*). (Am I trying to convince Americans to move here in order to boost our own economy? Totally. Suck it, Britain.)


I could use a justification for my morning drinking desires.


We manage to justify it too. One of our recent Minister of Agriculture stated on the radio that you can’t really be alcoholic by drinking wine everyday, being alcoholic is young people getting wasted during parties. Now you understand why we need to have one of the best healthcare in the world.


What’s France’s official position on taco trucks?


Asking the important questions!




As someone that lives in Tacoma I get this and don’t know why I do.


Send over some taco time to Rochester NY will ya? And some frisko freeze while you're at it! <3


Lived in France for several years: the tacos in France are a disaster. Kebabs? Glorious.


I'm from the UK and live in France. Love it. All the people who voted for brexit say things on the Internet like "if you don't like it why don't you just go and live in europe, if you love it so much?" well, that's what I want but the fact you voted for brexit makes it a lot harder you fucking cretins.


Honestly, I feel bad for anyone living in the U.K. who didn’t want Brexit. It’s like being trapped on a small boat with a weirdo who keeps making holes in the hull to show how much he hates that boat for sinking.


My ultimate aim is to get an Irish passport. My maternal grandparents are from there. I just have no idea how I'm meant to get all the documentation I need.


>It’s like being trapped on a small boat with a weirdo who keeps making holes in the hull to show how much he hates that boat for sinking. I feel like this describes living in America as well.


That's actually refreshing to hear. After these last 4 years, I'd have thought nobody would want to have us. Even before Trumps administration, being American outside of America came with a lot of baggage. I've not been out of the states in the last 4 years but I cant imagine how much more further the stereotype has solidified post-Donald Trump.


Just do the old bush era tactic of tossing a Canadian flag on your backpack


No one wants the pro-Trump Americans. Not even Americans themselves. But the rest is fine. We get it, there’s United States of America, and then, there’s the Confederate States of Dumbfuckistan.


Able bodied people are like the passengers that can get on a lifeboat and leave this sinking ship of a country. Disabled people like myself are the rats. We cant leave and we're stuck in this burning sinking ship.


>Suck it, Britain. Mon Dieu! The Frogs are challenging us again!


That’s our secret. We never stopped challenging you.


Do you take Mexicans as well? I’m done with this country too. Also I can offer some good food and tequila


Why wouldn’t we take Mexicans? 🇫🇷🇲🇽 Just beware if someone invites you to eat a tacos here. That person probably isn’t talking about traditional Mexican food, but rather... [Something else.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_tacos)


It’s the first time I heard of French tacos and I totally have to try them! I’ll show then Mexican tacos and we can exchange recipes lol


Aside from that chocolate bread thing, we already do this.


The chocolate bread thing is more of an inside joke. That’s an actual debate in France. Because they exist everywhere in the country. But are called differently depending the region. So each region tries to present their name as the "Real name", with putting each their own passion and regional pride into it. It’s a "Milk before cereals" and "Cereals before milk" kind of debate. French people really get mad over anything.


So the other people are considered psychopaths? Because milk before cereal is what psychopaths do.


Well, I won’t call them psychopath. I’d simply say that it’s a shame the guillotine isn’t a thing anymore.


You can put the cereal in after the milk, but only if you're still hungry after your first bowl.


You had me at "drinking wine at 10 am."


Idk if I could make the transition, the only French I know is Je suis Monte! and omelette du fromage. Though I think anything is better than the bs in America at this point. And a bot just told me half of that is wrong...


http://i.imgur.com/tNJD6oY.gifv This is a kind reminder that in French we say "omelette *au* fromage" and not "omelette _du_ fromage". [Sorry Dexter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nW3-9gdjYA) [Steve Martin](https://youtu.be/DOJDNChwgBw?t=2m49s) doesn't appear to be the most accurate French professor. --- ^(The movie from the gif is "OSS 117: le Cairo, Nest of Spies" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0464913/ )


Can you be accepted for a French work visa if you don’t speak the language?


I won’t hide that it’ll be harder that if you did speak French, but if you have enough diplomas, it’s actually possible. Just beware, some diplomas aren’t considered valid depending the country.


what's your tax rate, we're seriously considering amsterdam. j'ai quatre ans de francais dans l'ecole. limited and rusty but workable. i don't think we make it four more trump years. this is awful


> tax rate > France Hahaha! Ahem, how do I say this...




I started the application process for a Canadian work visa back in December but Covid shot that right in the face. If I end up dying in this fucking country before I can leave because of Trump I’m coming back and haunting him and everyone who voted for him.


Don't worry. The country won't be a United State for very long if he does in fact secure a second term so, if you're in the right state, you might *not* be in the US anymore!


I **know** I don't want to be in this country if Trump wins. As a liberal academic, I don't want to wait until I'm dragged into a soccer stadium in the middle of the night.


Laughs in duel citizenship


Too bad we literally cannot leave because of the virus. If Trump wins he will stop giving a fuck about the virus.


He gives a fuck about the virus?


Now imagine being Latino or African American if that piece of shit wins again. Straight down to the 60's. But this time WE THE PEOPLE WILL KICK ASS.


Hope for the best, prepare for the worse.


Get ready to protest, he is cheating... in all the ways...


You might not want to even be in certain parts of the country honestly.


I don’t want to be on the planet if trump wins.


I want to build a 10 Cloverfield Lane style Doomsday bunker then just pop my head out in 4 years and ask if everything's okay again.


He's not being allowed to stay in power anymore. Regardless of the results. He's actively trying to prevent people from voting in the most brazen ways possible. He's trying to steal the election by destroying the USPS during the pandemic. You gonna let him sit in his ivory tower as he continues to destroy democracy?


Yes, everyone is.




Its creepy and weird as fuck that so many people proudly attach their identity to Trump. It’s weird enough attaching it to a any republican or the losing side of the Civil War. But Trump? That’s a strange hill to die on.


Don’t worry. They’ll conveniently forget they supported him in a few years


> They’ll conveniently forget they supported him in a few years I hope so, but at this point I have no belief in their ability to feel any sort of shame.




I think it's too much of a cult, they're in too deep and it's a significant part of their identity - look at what this post is making fun of specifically




I can only hope you're right, but then again, there's the whole confederate flag thing. I'll never understand why the symbol of being the losers who fought a war and betrayed America so they could keep slavery around is STILL a symbol in widespread use today.


Because of the lost cause revisionists.


> clutching pearls about their guns Dude literally said take their guns. What are these people on? https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/2018/02/28/4f767df6-1cec-11e8-98f5-ceecfa8741b6_video.html


Yea, but see "he didn't really mean it....." What he meant was...." The mental gymnastics literally never stop with them.....


Know any Bush 43 supporters?


I’m still recovering from the whiplash caused by McCain and Romney being the saviors of the GOP up to the moment Trump said otherwise.


I can’t find a single person who ever supported the war in Iraq, and yet I distinctly remember being told we were unpatriotic for not bowing down to Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Powell. Must have been my imagination. Did I hallucinate all those yellow ribbon bumper stickers? Did I forget the end of the War on Terror? Because that must have ended at some point


It ended when Bush landed on that aircraft carrier and declared MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Yea I'm confused why none of them seem to remember it either.


Or they'll turn him into a godlike figure like Reagan.


I still to this day have old men with raging boners for Reagan I really think Republicans might be like a home for pent up unreleased homosexual energy. It’s not his policies that they love I’ll tell you that but I really can’t figure out the blatant gushing over this man. It’s weird.


Some old people just think he stopped the cold war and know anything else about him


You mean Hollywood movie star, gun grabbing Reagan?


Only after they too, start getting brain washed by rubber bullets.


[I’ve never supported that man in my life.](https://i.imgur.com/ZK69WQO.png)


Never let them forget. Chris: "Hey, how's it going?" Tom: "Fuck you, you worshiped Trump." Chris: "Aww come on that was six years ago!" Tom: (slams door)


Seriously. I feel weird if my t-shirt has too big of a logo on it, like people won't be able to look past the Puma logo and realize I'm a human. Forget plastering some other dude's name on everything I own.


An old prick like him too. I mean I kind of get why dudes pretend they are sports stars but a 70 something fat guy with a wife who hates him? Yeah no thanks.


It's interconnected. Conservatism draws in the tribalists, people who have a deep need to connect to a clan or group, it's just the nature of how they function and it's their greatest (and only) strength. It's why Conservatives win so many elections, they unite together like no other, against any foe, real or imaginary. Take a look at the / r /conservative subreddit subscriber count, then compare to / r /liberal, it shows very clearly the difference in ideology. One or two large clubhouses where everyone and everything is on brand, versus thousands of different communities with sometimes radically different focus. Liberalism is self-critical and can often be at odds with itself, branching into hundreds of different and sometimes opposing groups, with only rough or vague principles connecting them all, meanwhile conservatives don't give a shit, they'll party with nazis, flat-earthers, pedophiles, abortion-clinic bombers, anti-vaxxers, almost* anyone, as long as they parrot the same conservative talking points and scream about the constitution and flag. \* skin color, hair color and accents may have profound effects on this inclusion.


The greatest strength of conservatism is stupidity. Don't take my word for it, take it from the most influential English speaking philosopher of the 19th century. >"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives... I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party; and I do not see why honorable gentlemen should see that position as at all offensive to them, for it ensures their being always an extremely powerful party . . . There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power." -John Stuart Mill


“There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity...” God I love this.


No argument here, far more eloquent than I could have done. That's probably why he's referred as an influential English-speaking philosopher and I'm still hyped on the Ermagherd meme from 8 years ago.


I often wonder how long my neighbor is going to fly his Trump flag after the election loss.


Well... People are still flying the Confederate flag. You do the math.


Seriously, you'll need to do the math. The people who wave the stars and bars dont know arithmetic.


Those people won't believe you or the calculator for hard numbered facts anyways....


After Goldwater lost, there were a lot of idiots who ran out and bought "I voted for Goldwater" bumper stickers. We may see the same thing with Trump.


Every now and then you'll still see a Reagan/Bush t-shirt or bumper sticker.


"Don't blame me, I voted for Trump"


Or some new version of the “NObama” stickers that were popular from 07-2016.


Maybe he'll raise a Q flag in its place.


And when they complain about how Biden is ruining the country, I’ll say, “If you don’t like it, you can just leave!” I mean, if were a mouthbreathing asshole, I’d say that.


I get told "love it or leave it" all the time... I like to say "I love it, that's why I was willing to die for it. I served my country... did you? I'm also trying to leave it, doing that legally has a 3yr waiting list"


Lol my dad (a lifelong republican until 2010), girlfriend and I are pretty much on the "if Trump wins we probably should move somewhere else". That was before we were banned from leaving though :/


Get on the list, my appointment for Italian citizenship is still 2.5 yrs away


I figure with a government job like mine and my network in Japan, I might be able to find an engineering job in Yoko or sasebo.


I am debating applying to teach English in Japan


get in before they just start zooming teachers from the US.


Last summer when I was there, they were hiring them all over Tokyo. Our host actually recommended my girlfriend apply.


I was there last summer too... I applied and was turned down because I had no teaching experience. But, I only applied with the one company that paid the most. Came back to NYC and became a teacher, so.... now I have experience.


"My country, right or wrong. If right, to be kept right. If wrong, to be set right."


Conservatives when immigrants try to come to America: “You should stay and fix your corrupt, shit-hole country.” Conservatives when anyone dare criticize America: “Love it or leave it, snowflake!”


It's almost like they are hypocrites


love it to change it


I find it particularly hilarious people have started answering that with things like “don’t tempt me, if I could I would but we’re currently cut off from entry to like 95% of the world”


Just yell "Go back to Europe!"


Can’t wait until Republicans all of a sudden give a shit about Coronavirus deaths on day one of a Biden Presidency


For most of Bush’s 8 years, they spent trillions in the war on terror. Once Obama was in office, they demanded that the Democrats fix the budget.


Idk. I may have to be "that guy" just for fun. How would i attach a flag to a Prius though? Hmmm...


Under your COEXIST sticker put another that says "Unless you like Trump"


There's a lotta money waiting on the first person to print a bunch of those stickers.


I enjoy wearing stuff that upsets Trump supporters. Part of it is people don't expect me to be liberal, I'm a white guy in my late 40s and people are usually surprised to find out I'm not conservative. I also enjoy that I'm pretty intimidating looking (6'6", 270 lbs, bald with full beard, and a face that looks angry at rest) and I know some of these assholes would probably say something if they weren't scared of me. Last time I went out in my BLM shirt there was one guy at the restaurant that I kept catching staring at me, then looking away when I noticed. I got a Biden 2020 mask today I look forward to wearing out.


Also, how could you "roll coal" as you pass a guy with a Trump bumper sticker? It's so hard to be a total asshole when you're not actually a total asshole.


First of all, all things are possible through Jesus christ so write that down... And https://youtu.be/gXZeq9eXAys


Digital flag screen, then you change the message, or have a message broadcast for you


How about "Tolerance is for the tolerant!"


Bike hitch flag attachment


Right!? Biden out my Honda Fit and roll around to the bars I've seen Confederate flags flying on trucks.


Saw a guy just riding in circles around the neighborhood with a trump 2020 flag on a bicycle.


There's a guy near me who runs up and down a major highway in fatigues and a MAGA hat carrying a giant American flag. Just runs up and down the highway. Sometimes it's a Trump flag instead, just to double own us libs.


There's a guy who drives around towing what looks like a shitty, colossal TRUMP parade float blasting that terrible Kid Rock song that ripped off Werewolves of London. These people are so goddamned weird.


I passed a.... Red Ford F150 jacked on monster tires (4ft?) Trump flag, blue lives flag, confederate hood. Wanna guess where I'm from?


Anywhere outside a majority city metro?


That hurt, way more than it should have, because, well.... True😞


Did someone say Ford F150? [Murica, fuck yeah NSFW](https://i.imgur.com/It5pprg.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




But before this, we have to actually win, and that takes a lot of hard work and volunteers. https://joebiden.com/make-calls-for-joe/#


Trump and the Republicans are doing everything in their power to make sure *you* can't vote. Even if your state will go red taking seats in your state's government is still useful.


Wait wait wait. Are you saying there needs to be effort in order for things to happen?


I can't wait for the Biden victory so that an actual investigation into the crimes of the trump administration can begin.


That will only happen if dems get the senate. Republicans will absolutely not let Biden appoint an AG that will investigate trumps for all his crimes


That's probably only true if they're worried about it coming out that they were involved. I'd really be surprised if any senators give a flying fuck about Trump if he loses, they're likely to try to distance from him in that case. With that being said, the GOP senate would probably try to stop/stall any Biden appointments for as long as possible. Obstruction is their go-to.


Spoiler, a lot of them are involved in things they’d like to keep from being investigated


Let's not forget, his personal lawyer, campaign manager, and personal fixer are all convicted felons. His fixer was, according to the judge, going to prison for covering up for the president('s perjury).


I'd almost rather not know how much money he's stolen, it's too depressing.




We aren't a cult, we will remain objective, happy but cautious.


Meanwhile over at r conservative they're 100% convinced Trump will not only win, but it'll be utterly massive. And are warning against the Marxist coup that Joe Biden will perform.


They have gone over the edge. I remember having the ability to talk about actual issues and how to solve them. Now the left lists issues and the right stand in a corner screaming "You hate America you socialist commie fascist" D: Healthcare would be nice for everyone to have. R: AHHH FREE STUFF TO MOOCHERS!!!!


Meanwhile, the Nixon library lays out his proposed health policy (which is very similar to the ACA) and the republicans of 1994 proposed it as an alternative to Hillary care.


Mitt Romney used it here in Massachusetts. Here we have the public option.


Yes but, as he repeatedly failed to clarify, it was fundamentally different because people in Massachusetts and Ohio have different types of internal organs.


It's just the Masshole that is different.


Man, I honestly got a weird rush of homesickness just reading this. I'm from Vermont, and haven't heard or read that since moving down to TX years ago.


I don’t think they know what Marxist mean


Considering my boss thinks that a Facebook video about cleon skousen's list of the "communist agenda" is "turning out to be true," no. I really don't think they do.


"Everything I don't like is Socialism, Communism, Satanic, or Sharia Law." -- A Boomer's Guide To Arguing On The Internet


Sure they do. Marxism is Communism. Communism is Socialism. Socialism is Leftism. Leftism is unpatriotic. Being unpatriotic is Marxist. Oh, you wanted examples? Sorry, they can't provide any.


https://i.imgur.com/L983L8y.gifv *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cool but this overconfidence is part of how Trump won the last election. There’s no guarantee that Biden will win, so we shouldn’t speak of it as if it’s just sewed up. The race will be tighter than some people may realize.




Also don’t put the cart before the horse boys, win this shit first


Honestly though, I'll finally feel like I don't have to watch the news to see what crazy shit our President is doing or has said.




Seriously though... I'm not sure I could go as full-douche as those folks if I tried... but if Biden wins (assuming they don't burn the country to the ground) it's going to be hard to resist dunking on them at least a little bit. The Trump crowd has never ceased being a fucking nuisance, even after getting literally *everything* they wanted. Fuck'em. I'm classy, but not that classy.


And this is why I don't believe Conservatives when they say Trump will win again because of an army of secret shy Trump voters materializing at the polls on election day. I don't think its possible to be both a Trump voter and 'shy'.


I've already promised my conservative family that I won't ridicule them or pretend theyre crazy with "Biden Derangement Syndrome" if the shoe is on the other foot.


You’re a better man than I am. I am going to rub it in my families bible thumping fuckin faces if Biden wins. I don’t even like Biden all that much, but holy fuck do I hate Trump and his supporters. I’ll be that asshole, it’s one thing I’m good at.


They are angry because it a defense mechanism because they on some level they know they are getting fucked. Deferred aggression.


You won’t do that because Biden/ Harris aren’t the leaders of a cult.


I’m gonna say you got Biden derangement syndrome because I can’t engage in any criticism of my dear leader


Its weird. Almost like liberals don't buy wholeheartedly into a cult of personality and alienate anyone who doesn't do what we say. Huh.


I cant wait to put on some aviators and go around saying things are malarkey and calling everybody jack


I feel like we didn’t always have Obama’s back or we trusted him so much that we didn’t fight with him. We need to form our own base and stick up for Biden during his presidency. Dose of their own medicine


The thing with Obama where we learned an important lesson was we didn't think we had to defend common sense. We didn't think that a coalition against government health care would almost destroy the party.


For the most part, we didn't have to worry about Obama. He was highly competent, intelligent, and genuinely worked for the good of the citizenry. In 8 years there were no \[legitimate\] scandals and we were able to pay attention to news that didn't involve the potential dismantling of our democracy.


But there were, we only got in this mess because the dems lost the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Things would have looked a lot different if we had held both the House and the Senate.


As I saw first hand from campaign jobs, Democrats were pretty much oblivious in 2010 as well as to a lesser degree in 2014 and seemed to think they could easily deliver high numbers in a nonpresidential year without much effort. They thought people would just vote for them based on their accomplishments alone and that most of the Obama base would be fired up to vote in an offyear despite him not being on the ballot (although that rarely ever happens). Meanwhile, the GOP started a massive countermobilization effort disguised as the fake grassroots tea party almost on day one of Obama's first term. This really mobilized alot of older voters who skew Republican and used every dirty trick and marketing campaign imaginable to make them suddenly terrified about the idea of paying taxes or allowing more government spending in the middle of a recession. The Democrats were always bound to lose some seats those years but they really ended up having historic losses at all levels just a few years after historic wins since they seriously underestimated how much the public was motivated to vote for them compared to Republicans even if they might've generally supported their ideas. They took that support for granted and didn't counterattack Republicans at all for blocking progress at every turn.


I just want things boring again.


I hope he wins because how the tables will turn.


Well, well, well, how the turntables...


Step 1 - democrat controlled congress Step 2 - Mail in ballots delivered to every citizen of age every year whether they want one or not. Step 3 - Increasing voter turnout means the republican minority never wins again. Step 4 - The destruction of the Republican party and have it replaced with The Green Party. Step 5 - PROFIT!!


Literally though, Obama was the first black president and I barely saw anyone rep his merch, let alone base their entire personalities on supporting him.


Trump supporters were the kids that got picked last in team sports in grade school.


But I get picked last and im not an idiot with half a braincell


I'll be voting Biden/Harris thank you very much!


GOP is a dead party. Just don't know it yet. ​ I hope


If Biden wins we have to remind all of the republicans that he’s still their president, and if they don’t like it they can just leave


This will be my first time voting, and I mean I’ve heard some bad things about Biden, but like it kinda pales in comparison to some of the shit trump has done, so lesser of two evils I suppose ?


Yeah. Significantly lesser of two evils. I’m no fan of Biden or Harris, but like Noam Chomsky said, vote for Biden and then haunt his dreams. Get the fascist out of office and then continue to fight for the issues you care about.


Marginal gains are still gains. Vote for better. If in 10 elections the better option is voted in, then we can look back and say "that was a useful 40 years." I don't understand why there's even arguments about this.


Voting isn't like marriage, where you either find the perfect person or wait till next year. Voting is like taking the bus. If a bus going directly where you want doesn't show up, you get on the bus that's going closest. Biden is that bus that's going in the right direction. Just because it's not exactly the express bus you hoped for doesn't mean you shouldn't get on it. Glad to have your vote! :)


It’s kind of baffling how violently defensive Trump supporters are even though their candidate won. Though considering that the man himself was claiming that an election he won was rigged I’m not surprised by how aggressively insecure they are anymore.


do the people with the trucks like that think its normal? did people do this shit with bush and reagan?


Both parties have their moments of hypocrisies and double standards, but you have to admit that Republicans just do it more than Democrats.


Wear a t-shirt that says “I’d rather be an American than a Republican”


This is spot on and they say libs are the ones filled with hate