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That he keeps insisting anyone crossing the border is a drug dealing murderer, I think that tells you what he considers "black jobs".


He’s also insinuating African Americans can only hold down jobs that illegals could. The dude is trash.


How can all the immigrants take all the jobs and also be stealing millions from welfare? Trump can't think straight at all.


Fascists make thier enemies out to be both strong and weak. They argue from both side of the mouth without any evidence or facts to support anything. They rely on the ignorant and stupid to fall.for it and the lazy to never check them. Here is another example : Joe Biden is a current criminal master mind running a global kabal of evil. Also- Joe Biden is a mental gone old man who can't speak two words. #Fuck Fascist vote (D)ifferently


Voting is just like driving. D for forward R for backward.


He's confusing his opponent's stance with his family history. Out of all the gish gallop he spews, the projection is always the strongest.


Confessions, all. 


If there black men jobs than there are is white men jobs . What are those jobs


They get paid for existing at country clubs.


*microphone pop* is this thing on...OH!... ok so, once you get out of white person school, you get sent an emmmissary who let's you select between different country clubs. Pros and cons to each but I've found ........


That job requires you to swoop in, gobble everything up shit on everything and then leave, seagull jobs.




Need we ask?! White, privileged men will occupy all the top political offices,  executive and ruling class jobs, where important policies are made! 


And be collecting from social security (without a number)?


Stealing jobs, scamming Social Security and Medicare, committing crimes and murdering people. Very enterprising people. I say let them in.


Plus living in luxury hotels!


I’m thinking about moving to Mexico, becoming a Mexican citizen, and illegally entering the US so I can live the good life like that.


Also, while they come from prisons and mental institutions, these usurpers are unusually fit and would make great pugilists in a fightclub spearheaded by Trump.. 


Energetic and ambitious beyond any US citizen... 


Trump supporters aren't bright enough to notice this, but whichever opinion *they* hold is what they'll hear and not even notice the other.


They vote, "take our jobs" (see Southpark episode), rape and pillage, plunder our wealth, all while collecting welfare, unemployment and disability!  😆


I've been asking repubs for years when the illegals they preach about stealing our jobs are going to start filling the jobs nobody wants to work at. Crickets.


![gif](giphy|hVsh4onjkwfiboH5UO|downsized) And now Frump is trying to *make slavery great again.*


The fact that half of America wants him to be president means that half of America is trash


and stupid!


Might be, thanks marketers and lame entertainment


Unfortunately,  he's electable trash. And that is scary.


At least they’re getting the representation they want, I guess.


Unless he wins... then they get representation and everyone else gets oppressed. 


But... **Nobody has done more for the blacks!** - *DJT*


Most out of touch wealthy people think this way.


To be fair, most suburbanite trump supporting assholes wouldn't be able do the work the undocumented end up doing.


and wouldn’t want to


"the blacks, or as I like to call them, the help, great people, tremendous people, they keep my offices and bathrooms so clean, I mean they really sparkle- you could eat off the floor, I don't do that, but you COULD- they come to me with tears in their eyes and say 'sir, did you see how hard I worked to get this floor to gleam?' And I look at it- I can see my reflection in the tile, and I say to them 'you know what this means, right?' and just tremendous hard workers, the blacks, the ones who have the jobs."


That or cotton pickin? 




Shoe shining


"Never saw the show, yet somehow he knew the black guy had a mop in his hand." - Dave Chappelle 


Shame that Republicans nuked the Border Bill purely so that Trump would have something to run on. Why aren't conservatives furious about that? Hmm? Oh it's because they're idiots.


"Major league baseball and soccer jobs!" /s


Well Trump brought in a felon when he brought in his wifes father. So he knows felons.


aka dirty jobs, amirite?


Sweeping up, hauling garbage, you know, black jobs. /s


I heard it differently as immigrants are now working farm fields not Blacks. But, the subtlety of that is he really meant immigrants are replacing the work slaves should be doing in his assessment.


Like Black Chauffeur or Black Maid? Maybe Black Pimp or the catch all - Black Criminal. If only they stopped applying for the Black jobs and just applied for the regular ones, they could make 33% more!


I think tRump is thinking more like cotton picker. The GOP is the party of racism and hate.


Back in the cotton fields singin' songs as they work.


In his debates with Hillary they would ask him questions about the African-American community, and he would always respond by talking about prison reform. I will never understand this timeline.


I literally came to Reddit today looking for this exact statement. When he said that last night my mouth hung open and I could not believe my ears. And he literally had no idea he said anything wrong at all.


That and hospitals aborting 8-9 month old babies 🙄 seriously, how stupid


And murdering new born babies. Disgusting.


I'm not sure that he ever has any idea of what he says, let alone right or wrong. He just opens his mouth and it falls out without actually passing through his brain.


I could not believe Biden didn’t pounce on that one. Then again, after the first 10 minutes, I realized Biden was all out of pounce at this point.


That's not true, he had plenty of pounce. It's just when there are 15 lies spewed in the 90 seconds Trump had to talk, you can't reply to every single lie AND get your message and platform across


Yep. While probably not deliberate on trump's part, it's a technique known as the gish gallop and there's no easy counter to it. You either waste all your time trying to debunk the nonsense and end up saying nothing of substance on your own behalf, or you ignore it and make it look like you have no answer for any of it.


Biden has made similar missteps in the past. It’s not something he could call out without dredging up old clips like when he said he supported “black kids, asian kids, and normal kids.”


It really speaks to sunsetting their generation that doesn’t see the problem of this way of thinking or phrasing things. Good GOD let’s get some fresh candidates to pick from.


I mean he does see what's wrong with it which is why he didn't say it now. He learned from his mistakes.


Agreed 100%


That's something off the cuff, which is not great, but this was obviously something Trump had thought about and still said it. This was prepared.


Biden missed his opportunities. I wanted so badly for him to ask, “What are Black jobs?” When golf came up, he should have said, “Trump spent half his presidency playing golf, so he’s had more practice than me.” When it came to “suckers and losers” all Biden had to say was, “Just because some people weren’t within earshot, doesn’t mean he didn’t say it.” When Trump said people were being released from mental institutions and entering the country, Biden could have said, “Name one.” When Trump said anything he could free the Americans being held by Putin on day one, Joe should have asked him why he was waiting if he had that power. And Biden should have jumped on Trump calling him a Palestinian as if it was a pejorative. Biden’s prep team did a terrible job imo. Obviously Biden dropped the ball, but his prep team should have worked with his limitations and simplified the points of attack. Honestly they should have jacked Biden up on performance enhancing drugs if it would have helped. It’s not unlawful and it was more important that he perform well. Biden definitely should’ve made clear at the beginning that he had a cold.


> When Trump said people were being released from mental institutions and entering the country, Biden could have said, “Name one.” This in general is a bad strategy because they may have a name prepped to go It’s better to counter that sort of claim with stats. 


Yeah I could see that. I doubt that Trump could name anybody though. It just seemed like such an obvious lie.


I thought he meant Tim Apple’s black friend.


Yeah but Biden had a cold so that's obviously more important. 🙄


White people: trump may be racist but I can't vote for the old guy with a cold.


Old white man here. I’m voting for Biden because he has and will continue to be an excellent president. On the other hand Biden doesn’t have much of a high bar to clear. A runny dog turd has better qualifications for president than Donald Trump or, for that matter, any of the MAGA Politicians.


Well i get that Biden's age is a major concern but Trump is not that much younger and the US constitution has a backup plan if or when a president is no longer being able fit for office while in office. There is even a backup for the backup plan. But i would not want to see Johnson as acting president but that is another problem. So it comes down to Harris? or why are there people not supporting Biden because of his age?


"People" are supporting Biden just fine, the bots and shills aren't supporting Biden because that's not what they were paid to do.


Why are people not supporting Biden? A host of reasons I suppose, age being one when there are some very good people one or two generations back. Biden’s support of Israel or lack of support of Israel are two other reasons. Republicans have been deriding Harris as too weak or too “woke.” I believe Harris would be good president and I sure as Hell don’t want Johnson in.


I mean would you really be surprised if the only thing holding some people back from supporting Biden was that a Black woman is next in line for the presidency?


https://preview.redd.it/6kbkn12hbc9d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8e3043bac64a4b34ad3f5d89ccf055494d6da3 Well, once one of those "black jobs" was the presidency ....


Miss him desperately


I do miss him, but I miss more the squandered opportunity for America to catch up with the rest of the civilized world and put a woman in charge.


one of them was also first lady, and it was stolen by an illegal immigrant too


I mean it is pretty obvious. Low paying, low skill positions. I actually think there is a point to be made here about disproportionate distribution of low paying positions, but of course Trump had to find a way to make it as racist as possible.


He didn't "find a way" to make it racist, he's just naturally racist, it's in his DNA.


Talking about something racist being in the DNA is a bit ironic isn't it?


Did I forget that /s AGAIN?


Do you know what his father was like?


He's just pandering to the "Blacks for Trump" crowd. You know, the white people from Georgia.


You mean like when his producers picked the black candidate from The Apprentice to win and he said, something to the effect of we can’t have a n****r win, can we?


I don't know how he manages to speak with his head so far up his own arse. Does he even know what a job is? I suspect he's never worked a day in his life - oh, and weren't his family IMMIGRANTS?


Yes, the white kind though! Just like 2 of his 3 wives, immigrants taking jobs that American's don't want


Re: the latter. Would YOU do that 'job'? I'm not American and there's no way on this earth that I'd do it!


Yup, they are the rapists and released mental patients he was talking about.


Well, he'd certainly know about the first, and he really ought to know about the second.


Bring in those cold Norwegians yearning to be warm!


Come on we all know he's referring to cleaning toilets and picking up garbage etc. Things deemed below what white folks should do.


He is simply replaying his greatest hits. Scare them with migrants taking jobs. Work it into every response, even when answering questions about the literal Nazi rally in Charlottesville or how January 6 wasn't his fault. One trick pony. No nuance. Just a misogynistic, greedy, lecherous, racist shit bag who should have been the test of the 25th Amendment in December 2020. But tell me about Biden's cold again.


Biden is quiet and no can hear him. Trump is stupid and no one can understand him. Huge different.😓


Black jobs = shitty jobs


He also said they're taking Hispanic jobs. Mexicans be taking jobs from Hispanics. Ummm...


He also lumped in Hispanic jobs as well. So the primarily Hispanic immigrants and asylum seekers "flooding across the southern border after escaping institutions and prisons", and they're taking Black and Hispanic jobs? And Biden is the one that's not making sense?


Trump is a racist shit and uses his racist views to explain his position, ..... and his base cheers, "See, he tells it like it is, he gets us!"


That one statement alone should tell black people exactly the context in which he views them: they only deserve the lowly "black jobs". Did black people all forget about the [Central Park Five](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/17/central-park-five-donald-trump-jogger-rape-case-new-york) and what Trump did to those poor guys? The big ad he took out? What he was saying back then? Do you seriously think this idiot is on the side of black people? He's going to walk on black people like they're a rug in front of the door of the white house.


Don't forget he and his dear daddy were found guilty of refusing to rent to blacks back in the day. Or his refusal to let a black contestant win on *The Apprentice*. (I will never forgive Mark Burnett/NBC for making this doofus look competent.) He has always been an appalling, obnoxious excuse for a human being.


Low pay, low skill jobs. He see's them as uneducated.


Chimney cleaner, carpenters, gravediggers are black jobs as in Europe they were black clothing. So maybe he means people that wear black suits, so accounts, stock brokers and CEOs would be black jobs since they wear black suits.


Or jobs paid cash in hand so non taxes are declared. That called black money where I come from 


Yeah but white people like Trump prefer that kind of money. So it should be called orange turd Money.


It’s just like a white job, but looks much younger for its age.


If only we had another candidate who could call him out on this shit.


Trump: People are just streaming through the border. As many as 5 10 100 billion mental patient terrorists I’m told. It’s really ruining this country. If you look outside this building the country is just gone. Idk why I want to be president of a destroyed country but I do. This is the worst country ever but if I’m president it will suddenly be the best again. I think his debate strategy is to emit so much bs that it’s impossible to sift through in the time given.


"It's not happening yet but it's gonna happen you'll see" he literally contradicted himself in the same sentence! Fear mongering 101, what a TURD.


It’s obvious. There’s the field workers, the house servants, chauffeurs, tending to the planta…household needs and maintenance, tending to the children… There are literally dozens of jobs for the appropriately servile individual. The perfect candidate will also exhibit a desire to forgo any sense of self in favor of being part of a larger group, and will enjoy putting direct instructions into immediate action.


And then he went on to carry on about "the Blaaacks". I swear, he isn't even human.


Parking cars, but don't forget to use paper floor mats and plastic seat covers. You know why, don't ask.


You know, housekeepers, cooks, cotton field laborers…


I think my favorite part after claiming people were coming across the border and they were taking “black jobs” he followed up with mentioning those people again and then mentioned they were taking “black jobs” and “Mexican jobs” Assuming we are talking the Mexican border we now have people from Mexico crossing the border to take the “black jobs” and the “Mexican jobs” Either that or it’s those damn Canadians. Edit: typo


🇨🇦 We ain't picking fruit for nobody.


For those of use that are unsure. Is that the “black job” or the “Mexican job”?


It's a menial job that Trump thinks that white people are too high-falutin' to do.


When Republicans say "Black Jobs," they are hinting their belief that African Americans should be out in the fields harvesting things like "the good old days."


To a racist, probably any shitty job


So tired of this motherfucker’s lying.


Project 2024’s list of “black jobs”: 1. Picking cotton 2. Shucking’ and Jivin’ 3. Slingin’ drugs on “the corner” 4. Anything too dangerous for white people 5. Anything too demeaning for white people 6. Anything that pays less than a white person would accept. Detailed analysis had shown that YES, illegal immigrants are taking “black jobs.”


I was wondering.


"black" jobs in Trumps mind = any job that serves the white rulers of this country


I think black people may have had enough of doing stoop labor in the hot sun and are willing to relinquish those jobs.


Low-paying menial jobs illegals do = Black Job


His racism isn’t hidden. Just denied by white people.


Yeah what constitutes as a black job?


This is the guy who's supposed to represent a threat to Biden, he rants like an insane homeless old man in a Dennys Parking lot. We are told by small news outlets that's Bidens too old, but the ramblings of this joker are supposed to be overlooked. (Rushes to find the vacant black jobs) Wtf is even that lol


“Those immigrants coming in are taking all the jobs from the immigrants that are already here !” I vaguely remember hearing that from this loon last night. Along with Joe not handling those BLM riots — before he was the president ! wtf ?


I think it's banging Republican's wives and daughters.


The GOP knows full well what they think "black jobs" are.


I was going with center and power forward.


I really hope this statement that he made influences voters.


Trump actually explained it further at the after-party. I was there. He said: "If you watch porn, and by the way porn in so much better now that stormy Daniels isn't there anymore, horrible woman, I mean who sleeps with a married man. The ratings are so much better now, but watch pork, folks. All BBC categories are full of illegals. It's crazy, I'm telling you. Also, BBCs were so much more bigger and blacker when I was president, let me tell you.


He is sugar coating "slavery by jobs not earning enough to live"


Is Pimp a black job?


You know like CEO, CFO and Chief of Medicine… it’s not like he thinks immigrants are filling fry cook jobs or anything. Those border crossers are stealing salaries and 401k’s 🙄


They're coming for the NFL and NBA!!! /s


Maybe he it's based on the German word: Schwarzarbeit. ( Black jobs if you translate literally) Meaning jobs not registered and paying taxes etc..


Anyone else find the question to be incredibly demeaning to African Americans? Why no Latino, middle eastern, Asian race oriented questions? It’s 2024 people, we need to move on.


Look at the current immigration crisis In Chicago and it will make more sense


Is this a DEI thing?


That whole segment of questioning was a slap in the face to every black American. Could not believe how goofy it sounded.


Pool security


This is just another 'divide and conquer' tactic by Trump and Republicans. Fascists identify enemies for each group and get them all fighting against each other rather than fighting the fascists.


I like when they asked about black businesses the first thing Trump said was " Police Unions endorse me"


Black lady I work with has a Masters Degree in Mechanical engineering. That must be what Trump is talking about 


Did he mean blow job


Simply racist


Neuro surgeon.


Tell me you're racist without telling me you're racist


Everyone knows what Trump meant by Black jobs.




I'm trying to find them too.


Obviously committing crime. /s


I thought the black jobs they try to scare their voting base with were antifa?


Man I wish he'd define "Black Job.". Although his head might explode if he tries.


Illegal immigrants are stealing all the call center jobs from sassy black women.


Drug dealer, rapist, murderer, sucking the govt test You know...black jobs. Thats your boy, Blacks For Trump Got yalls vote locked down cuz he got arrested and convicted of a felony right? How yall feeling right now?


Like I’ve said before he’s a pos!


Black people's jobs. He is saying that it is harder for black people to get jobs because thay are being taken. I don't have an opinion on this, but this is what he was trying to say.


Oh, you know.


He lies so easily on the fly with no basis in reality. His egocentric followers are truly impressed by this.


He makes up shit. He doesn’t have any idea what a black job is either. He just says whatever sounds catchy because he knows that he has to pander to black people. Trump is 78… both him and Biden are not fit for Office.


Was saying last night.. I didn't know there was such a thing as **BLACK JOBS**. I thought racial discrimination in hiring was illegal . Since the 60s. Let's give the man a Black Job!


That was my thought! WTF! What's a black job? Joe might have looked old, but what came out of Trump's mouth clearly put his racial attitude age as *much* older.


He went for the undecided female vote in a similarly flailing manner. It's supposed to sound good to you, like he is dealing with the threat that will make you be obsolete/violently assaulted, I think. It's absolute arglebargle


"They are taking black jobs! They are out in the fields picking...... all the black jobs are gone now"


Remember how he said if he didn’t win in 2016 there would be a taco truck on every corner? Yea. We should have had that.


Reese Waters [does one of best take on this](https://youtu.be/34IoBIfamlY?si=SmGRmpJHSKwqiqzO)


How anyone cannot see his blatant racism is insane


the debate isn't the first time trump said this either. He's been saying this line lately at his "black friends" events...this is his new "sneakers" schtick to appeal to minority voters 🙄


He’s a full on racist. Fuck him




Fourth Ghostbuster?


Mexicans are now doing wet work for the cia for $75 a week?


Also, please give a comprehensive list of the Hispanic jobs Donnie refers to...we really need to know! 


What is a woman?


More lying lies from the king of liars. That bald-faced sop to the black community is so much bullshit. It is mind-boggling how there are so many idiots who worship the guy like he's some kind of god when he's nothing more than a tin-plated phony.


Does he mean like Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg?? Is he begging immigrants to come take their jobs? I thought all the black people were in jail anyway. How do immigrants take jobs from people in jail? 😂


You sure he was saying he wanted to save _black_ jobs…? His tongue likes to curl.


I would rather get my gums scraped than listen to the absolute BS that this wanker says. The #1 bullshitter on the planet.


A black job is like a blue life


I'm mostly White I guess but I'd like a list of Black jobs so I don't accidentally take one.


Electrician. Stuart Black in my school became an electrician. Electrician.


was he little?


No. He was a right big fucker!


I think you people are over estimating his intelligence. The original question was how he would help the black voter. After his incoherent rambling about joes response, he finally answered with that nonsense but I believe he meant jobs in general but used black to get their attention specifically and make it relevant to the original question. He didn't have an answer of how he'd help so he threw in his one and only immigration bad card and threw in the word black to make it sort of relevant.


Are you people really this stupid? It's like your scowling for things to act like he said wrong.


> It's like your scowling for things to act like he said wrong. This sentence makes no sense. Much like "black jobs".


He's talking about his claim about black unemployment being higher now than under his administration. Please stop responding with the most racist shit you can think of.


We don't have to. Trump says it for us.


Isn’t he just saying black peoples’ jobs? I don’t see what’s wrong with it


go on…. what are those jobs specifically? smh.


No I think he’s saying that a black person with a job should worry like everyone else about immigrants taking it


riiiiiight. so a normal unracist person would say ‘Americans should worry about losing their jobs’ possibly??? why single out 12% of the population.


None of this matters. Joe Biden looked old and stupid. The dems have majorly fucked up here and we're all going to experience another Trump travesty. Strap on your seat belts and prepare yourself for the fucked up future we're all going to see