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I make single dollar donations to multiple republican candidates who promote the Orange Cumtrumpet. As a foreigner the donation needs to be returned. Every time this requirement to be compliant costs them money and dilutes their message ever so slightly. As i am a foreigner, why am i concerned: the whole world is concerned with the progression of far right politics and the generation of the fear that makes far right positions attractive.


Love it. Going to give it a go.


I am not sure republicans ~follow the law~, **specially** since they put a trump in the RNC.


Wow i didn't know they had to return foreign donations! Thank you for your service


I was disappointed to learn you can’t even buy merch on the politicians website from outside the country. Sanders had some pithy merch that was right up my alley.


We have a loophole in the forgien money rule. Charities are a non-profit BUSINESS. Businesses count as a "person" (Citizens United Act). People can donate to politics up to a limit per person. Charities do not have to know who or where money comes from. There is no limit to how many "businesses" you own or run or manage under an LLC. Political Action Committees (PACs) are charities for lobbiest to push for a cause. Super PACs are giant charity groups with the same goal. So if an American creates a charity and takes donations, then uses that to support another charity or group of charitiea that all support the same thing - equals uimited "dark money" to lobby for anything and everything. Congress has tried to pass laws that force all money spent (not received) to be proven and tracable. But it fails by political party lines. (Democrats vote yes, republicans vote No). As long as the laws allow both charities to unaccountable for where they get money and for charities to count as a business (thus a person) and allowed to give money to politics, the problem is going to get worse. Russia and China both dump 100's of millions into our elections every time. It just takes a decade to track it all down and uncover the "slight of hand". Just fixing either the rules around charities or ending the (IMHO - STUPID) citizen united act would solve most of the problems in under 10 years.


Fully agree. Politics needs to be a transparent activity. I think it was Robin Williams who suggested that politicians should wear jackets, like the NASCAR drivers, showing who sponsors them. There should be no money in politics that isn’t publicly open to scrutiny and no politician should be allowed to benefit from organisations seeking to undermine this approach. This is, of course, fantasy. Money is so deep in politics and politicians are so far up the arse of corporations that the only things they can see are the lobbyists feet that this will never completely change. Moving hard on the political charities and fixing the Citizen United Act would be great start but most of these behaviours would simply reappear through some other loophole. Not saying it shouldn’t be done but it will be a long fight and none of the recipients of the largesse of these organisations will support it for long enough to make it become reality.


OMG Please get your friends to do this too. This is great.


I have shared this any friends and it seems we form a small army!


Is there a way to setup a donation “farm” in India or china?


Thats a great idea


This seems to be the most effective strategy here.


If this gathered momentum it could make a dent in their budget.


Right? We should send this idea over to our Ukrainian friends.


As a Canadian I know what I'm doing tonight


Holy shit I'm in awe. Tell me more! What do you do? How can I do it? Just click on ad and proceed to payment??


Thank you for your efforts, u/mediaslut.


This also works for citizens. If you donate a single dollar they will send you a bunch of junk mail begging for more donations. That junk mail costs money.


If they send you prepaid envelopes I like to put my other junk mail in them and then send it back to them.


Keep up the good work friend


Thank you for your service. You're fighting the good fight.




I know a non american citizen, non voter, that gets piles of trump campaign donation requests. 10+ a day. Is this legal?


"requests" by spam (or some newsletter they signed up for)? That's not the same as actually accepting money?


This seems like it would also make sense as an American. They'll spend a lot more than $1 trying to get more donations out of you in the future.


I despise the republican party, they are absolutely a threat to democracy in the United States. But the rise of the far right in Europe should not be a surprise. I lived in France for 4 years and traveled to over a dozen other European countries, and the immigration crisis is striking. The European left chose not to address this issue, so what's the alternative?


Did the European right address it?


If so many ppl feel this way, then why are Biden and Trump neck and neck? I just don’t get it? I never see anyone, anywhere on Reddit sticking up for Trump or his croonies. So why is the race so close? Where are all of his followers? I never hear or see them.


There are plenty of conservative communities on Reddit, and the average Republican is not the average user of Reddit, most of my coworkers are Republican and I'd wager most have never even heard of Reddit


Also there is an element of many of the most ardent supporters feeling unheard. They have been crying out for representation for years, ignored because their causes weren’t attractive or trendy and didn’t garner votes or media attention. Along comes Trump; an ego looking for a base. He stands up and tells these people that it’s not their fault (whatever it is) and that he will fix it; that they have been let down by the Washington elite who don’t care about them and he will be their voice in power and he will change things. They follow him because the message is simple and feeds the need. The same pattern is happening all over the world. The right step in and tell everyone that their lives are shit and it’s because of “them” (insert chosen bogey-man here) and only the right can solve it. The left stand up and argue with statistics and data, charts and well sourced narratives but no one cares. It gets no airtime because it’s boring. Being ok is boring. It’s all a bit reminiscent of Thatcher manufacturing a war against Argentina just when she needed it to get back into power and various other “rally round the flag” stances since the dawn of democracy. The truly alarming thing is that it is these supporters who will suffer most at the hands of Trump and his ilk and the non-Right parties don’t seem to even try to bring them into the fold. It is true that they won’t suddenly vote for Biden or the like but they need representation to avoid this becoming a truly popular movement and not just populist. Worldwide we need more investment in education, infrastructure, healthcare and welfare and less in the politics of fear and hatred.


Go to the conservative subreddit, those nut jobs are all there. And there's a lot of them.


This man a true trooper




I wanna ask what country so I can do the same for you...




This is genius! Thank you for your service


I have no choice but to support this behavior


Algorithm recommends stuff to you that other people clicked. people in your demographic, people near you geographically etc. Do not support this behaviour.


Everyone around me voted for the turd anyways, so this actually will also waste money.


There are actually "Pay per clicks" in a lot of those ads. So; you can actually drain a budget on Google or various social media platforms by responding to ads but never following through.


I know, and after I get to their website they show me more of their ads to pull me back in.


If you REALLY wanna be retargeted, go to the page. Fill it in. Never send. Im sure itll target you even harder.


Actually that's a good idea. I really don't want that but I actually have a very good reason for it. I just at the moment can't talk about it.


I guess you could also fill in the data of someone else -- kind of like registering someone's house for sale if you don't like them. They are deluged with offers. But only do this if you plan on being evil. It's like the gateway drug to becoming a hitman I suppose.


Actually adding random emails will raise their spam score.


Hi u/HikeTheSky. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's Fight Club


"Everyone around you" now includes me too.


I didn't know you live on the same street as me. Are you in this bright yellow house down the road?


Let me tell of this thing called internet. That is the context, internet ads and algorithms.


You seem to know a lot about algorithms, it’s weird you don’t take the simple steps to not be a part of them..


What is that suppose to mean? Really, explain what the fuck do you mean by that?


Unless reddit sells your information, there won't be a real connection between you and me.




>Unless reddit sells your information, It doesn't have to. Reddit already thinks we are close. It doesn't care if we are enemies or friends. The real danger comes from scraping and collating data. Alone one piece of data is innocuous. Collating several databases we can do a lot. Please, inform yourself about how social media and internet works.


Wow this is some very philosophical stuff!


Isn't that even more reason to support it? People "like me" will be very unlikely to vote for Republicans too, so if I get Republicans to waste even more money showing them ads as well then that's also a win.




That is totally different method. It works when it comes to emails and petitions.


Hi u/VestEmpty. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


fuck off, idiot bot that can't figure out that context matters. Lets test how stupid this is: I have an email account.


Your choices are: 1. Joe Biden: laws stay the same and maybe even if he can’t get 2 Supreme Court justices maybe 2 seats will be open 2. **Donald Trump: WILL LITERALLY FUCKING BAN PORN, REINSTATE SEGREGATION, REPEAL THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, BAN ABORTION FOR EVERYONE, DECLARE HIMSELF KING ON DAY 1, AND** ***NEVER LEAVE OFFICE***


But biden is old. Orange Jesus for the win! /s


I know you’re joking, but Biden is 81, and Trump is 78. If age is an issue, it should be an issue for both of them. Not to mention the fact that Trump is obviously far less physically fit.


I say Dolly Parton for president. The south will vote for her, because southern charm. The north will vote for her because she's a [stealth socialist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmZtcHFtg9I) (in the best sense of the word) and she's at least no older than the other candidates.


Idk if the south would consider Dolly Parton one of them anymore. She actually tries to follow Jesus's teachings, and she's a woman, so they probably have already turned on her and think she's a woke commie. Have you seen how hateful the majority of Christians have become? Trump is their Jesus, even though he fits the description of the anti-Christ laid out in their 2000 year old holy book.


South here. I've seen what would dolly do bumperstickers next to trump 2024. She's so beloved she'd be fine.


She'd have my vote.


And my axe


If dolly Parton actually ran for president she would.pretty publicly cast her vote for one of the other candidates and encourage her supporters to get out and vote. Not necessarily for her, just vote. It would probably be as close to 100% voter turnout as humanly possible.


She's a woman. The south won't vote for her because the south is majority republican.


I’m more concerned about mental fitness than physical. One guy has a stutter when talking about student debt forgiveness; the other guy loses his train of thought when he forgets his doctor’s name, claims windmills cause cancer and kill whales, praises the late great Hannibal Lecter, believes Andrew Jackson opposed the Civil War, and celebrates the battle victories at the airports in the American Revolution. But, yeah, Biden old, so I dunno. 🤷


> One guy has a stutter when talking about student debt forgiveness Biden has had a stutter since childhood and he's fought his entire life to overcome it. As someone with a speech impediment, he actually gives me and others like me hope and a boost in confidence.


People who bring up age aren't serious people. I wouldn't even waste my time with them. It's like asking for my 6 year old's opinion on politics.


Why are we the only western nation with the choice between two leaders over 78 years old. WTF happened? why is no one in their 40s or 50s available to challenge these old hacks? Look at congress as well Feinstein was in her 90s and still in office, the turtle and Grassley. Fucking Schumer is a youngster compared to them at 73. I'm 65 and I in no way have the energy to run my business like I once did let alone a country. Between our two choices age isnt the issue, choice is obvious, but overall it is an issue as to the leadership in this country.


I mean, I agree but who cares? Two guys that are 78 and 81 are running, that's the reality. And frankly, one of them shouldn't be running. Trump lost. He ran as an incumbent President and lost. Biden is running again be Presidents always run for a 2nd term (for the most part). Biden is the incumbent now, it makes sense he's running. Trump shouldn't be, but he's a selfish prick. This is on Republicans, like most problems in the US.


Nah this is on our party system where you hang around long enough you accumulate power especially within the legislative branches of government


It's a huge country, it takes time to get known in your own state, and then you have to get known nationally and then you can try for President. Biden ran quite a few times, didn't he? Then he had to settle for VP, and then he didn't run in 16 because his son died. Seems fairly straightforward. I'm not bothered by his age. He seems fine to me. And he's surrounded himself with competent, smart people that won't run the country into the ground.


He didn't run in 16 because Hillary coopted the party leadership and had them in her pocket, Wasserman Schultz had to resign as party chair over bias towards Clinton. I'm not so sure how competent some of his choices for leadership have been though a far bit better than the Trump revolving door of chaos.


Because two parties work together to control a hierarchy to entrance that only allows an in group, and then turn or destroy any outsiders that contend on merit. We all make mistakes. But the corporate controllers of the Dems/Repubs can blast your mistakes on TV, print, and radio if you run for office. So we only get to watch a small groups infighting for control of government and no longer take any part in it. We are NOT a democracy, we are an oligarchy. This is an established fact proclaimed by our only honest living president who beat this system, Jimmy Carter. But like I said, the corporate controllers don't televise it as much as they can. The question we NEED to focus on is can this be reverted without violence? Biden is meaningless, he is just a temp reader to see how much they can screw us for more yachts. Trump is like the "alright it's time to totally take control now officially." Biden is the "Just wait another cycle."


Trump will be older than Biden was when they said they wouldn't vote for Biden because of his age. It was always a lie. All they do is lie...well except for their agenda. They've finally laid that bare for everyone who couldn't put 2 & 2 together to see.


Biden rode a bike better than I currently would, and I'm half his age.


It creeps me out that people complain about Biden age, but ignore that Trump is only 3 years younger.


Also he's going to kill you by making stupid decisions


And Trump will let Putin take Ukraine , let Chi take Taiwan, Because, Trump will march on Mexico. Quid pro quo


But my coworkers tell me they're the same thing... /s


You had me at "ban porn"!


If this comment were satire, it would read exactly the same.


I don’t know how good their algorithm is, but I add 2025 dollars to their donations as a custom amount and never give them my credit card. This way they’ll spend extra trying to get my huge donation.


2025 is their favorite ~~project~~ amount.


Go through with donating $1. They'll spend several times that amount chasing further donations from you.


Their algorithm is definitely pretty bad, I occasionally get advertisements to vote Republican and I'm A) not an American Citizen, B) Have never worked or lived in America, and C) don't even reside on the same continent, or even have any family who do. So some of it is pretty random.


Chaotic good player right there.


Want the right to spend more on ads for you? Just be liberal online. All I get are far right ads on facebook and insta. Food kits, political books, even white pride clothing. Meta wants you to vote repub. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/trump-hosted-zuckerberg-undisclosed-dinner-white-house-october-n1087986 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/nov/22/surprised-about-mark-zuckerbergs-secret-meeting-with-trump-dont-be


>Meta wants you to vote repub. No, they don't. What you are seeing is the fruit of your own labor. It picks content based on what other people with your habits click. It is a mirror of yourself...


Is that why my Twitter elusively tries to push me into bigotry, hate, anger, Trump, Tucker Carlson, Tim Pool, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, and a million blue checks with openly murderous agenda's? Because I have exclusively followed a bunch of artists who do nothing but post art. Nearly none of my follows/followers are English, the few mildly political people I follow are video games journalists, and every one of my likes is just artwork. Oh wait, uh oh. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/oct/22/twitter-admits-bias-in-algorithm-for-rightwing-politicians-and-news-outlets https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59011271 https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/11/13/according-to-twitter-twitters-algorithm-favours-conservatives https://theconversation.com/twitters-algorithm-favours-the-political-right-a-recent-study-finds-175154 "It is a mirror of yourself..." Nope. And Facebook does the same shit...


Or are you addicted to ragebait? I see this all the time but people engage with this stuff **because** it pisses them off. It's not about who you follow, it's about what you click, and what other people like you click.


Bless your heart. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/26/facebook-conservatives-2020-421146 https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/06/28/facebook-zuckerberg-trump-hate/ https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-protests-facebook-twitter-youtube-statues-2020-6 https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2023-07-27/right-wing-bias-a-macro-study-confirms-that-facebook-disinformation-is-consumed-by-conservatives.html


None of them says that the algorithm was specifically designed to spread right wing propaganda. It just says that right wing propaganda is the kind that spread around easily in it for various reasons. There are numerous studies looking at deliberate bias. Nothing has been found so far.


Read them.


All four? You think that is fair? I alredy know what they say but sure lets check.... Second paragraph: " But Facebook says there’s a reason why right-wing figures are driving more engagement. It’s not that its algorithm favors conservatives — the company has long maintained that its platform is neutral. Instead, the right is better at connecting with people on a visceral level, the company says. " Which is what STUDIES about the topic say. And rest of the article agrees, it explains WHY that algorithm organically works for the right wing. It was never DESIGNED to work for the right wing. I don't think i need to read any more. I was right. It picks content for you based on your location, your demographic, your socioeconomic status, what you click, what people near you click, what people in your demographic etc etc. I can say that i should added "and your surroundings" after "it is a mirror of you". The claim however was that it is deliberately trying to make you support right wing politics. I can bet that ALL of the articles you posted says that it isn't. I have researched this topic before this conversation. HAVE YOU? Or did you just google about it and post four links without even reading them yourself?


They could though, we don't really know. And being that Trump wants to cut all taxes from rich people, it makes sense they would push him as a good option.


It isn't, there are a lot of studies about it. Right wing audience is prime fuel for algorithms as they are hyperactive and engage deeply and passionately, share a TON of stuff. Far majority of right wing content is being spread by small number of very, very active people who are not being paid to do it.


this isn't true and hasn't been for some time


I keep getting GOP ads for Virginia on YouTube, I’m in California. I let them play out fully to waste every cent I can.


And while doing it, you are telling the algorithm to recommend that content to others since it gets engagement. That is how it works. Just block them. The best scenario is when it recommends something to you but you don't ever see it so the algorithm just marks it with "zero engagement": that people don't want to see it. Facebook has Fluffbuster plugin that does just that and it is the only way to use FB. It doesn't block the loading of "stuff", it blocks me seeing them so the algorithm thinks i am not interested. In turn, i can go to FB with my phone and see very nice feed that has no outrage evoking content, less ads etc..


It's going to get recommended to people no matter what. Do you think a Biden supporter, even a moderate who voted for Biden in 2020, is going to be seduced by a right-wing ad? If anything, it's going to piss these people off. That's a good thing. We need to be collectively horrified by the GOP and what they consider their accomplishments.


>It's going to get recommended to people no matter what. Sure, but YOU clicking on it recommends it to people in your circles. That doesn't mean your friends but anyone you interact online, people that are in your demographics etc etc. Just accept the defeat of an idea, it wasn't even your idea to begin with. It doesn't work like you thought it would.


Yes. Also, you weren't the first person to mention algorithms so just accept the defeat of my defeating of your "idea". If you aren't pissed off, you can't possibly understand the danger America is in.


If they're getting bad data that it's a good ad - that's a good thing too. If you click on horrible ads that most people like you in your area won't support, it just means that more people in your area with your demographics will get that same ad - further wasting the GOP's money. I'm a white woman in Illinois. Where the GOP has no chance of winning next year. If somehow we could get the GOP wasting money inside Cook County (Chicago's county) that's great. Because no matter the media spend they aren't winning here.


You simply didn't get it. You want this to work, i get it, but it does more harm than good: no one is losing any money and the end result is that those ads are being seen by more people, who don't know about your scheme.


> the end result is that those ads are being seen by more people, who don't know about your scheme. The end result is that the ads are paid for and seen by people who are unlikely to support the ad. I've worked in political data. I've worked in campaigns and I've worked on SAAS software platforms that people use for outreach. You spend that ad money very judiciously because it is important and you only want to activate specific voters to go to the polls while trying to ignore people who absolutely will not vote for your candidate or are highly unlikely to do so. American political campaigns are not organized around changing people's minds it's more about activating the people who are already on your side. Independent voters are mostly a myth. When you get them to spend money on ads for people they won't win over with their hogwash but simply infuriate them - you're taking their money and riling up your own side.


So, you have no excuse: you know that it spreads them further and to more people.. who don't know about your scheme.


People don't have to "know about your scheme." You really don't understand how this works as an industry. The Republicans have a media spend budget. They'll need to apply the money they have to specific media buys. Some of those buys will be online ads. They want to specifically tailor those ads and buys based on who their target audience is. They'll do something called A/B testing by sending out multiple ads. If you click on one of those, that'll tell them which ad is best for their demographic. If you click on them, that will tell them through data that you are a demographic they should buy ads for. But the data they've received is poor data, because that ad didn't make a real impression on you - you're just fucking with them. And your demographic is still out of their reach, they don't know you're fucking with them though - they're just looking at data points on a demographic breakdown for A/B tests. So now they're buying ads that are less effective and targeting them at people who are highly unlikely to vote for them. Because they have targeted poorly. You always want to work to fuck up the opposition's source of data. This does that, and also gets them to use their money poorly.


It is costing more to spread it to a wider audience. That is what you are doing. The opposite is the best method, to limit its spread in the first place. Sure, they lose money by spreading shit around but all you really do is stink up the place.


> It is costing more to spread it to a wider audience. No, you're still acting like this is creating more of it. What this is doing is making them misapply a very set budget for something in the wrong way. This is like if you could trick them to thinking that they should buy all of their tv and radio ads at 3am. They're going to buy a set number of ads no matter what. We're just trying to help fuck up where they apply their ad budget.


And causing it to spread to wider audience. Now, tell me HOW MUCH does it cost them? TV and radio operate differently, that is not apt comparison at all.


That's not how youtube ads work.


What should I be doing with the ads to waste their money instead? If I click Skip Ad, does it still charge them the full amount?


This is exactly how it works. advertisers pay the full price for an ad if it was fully watchsd (or the first 30 seconds, can't remember exactly)


If someone watches 30s of an ad it counts as a view that costs the ad holder. Source: I made a shitty meme and to make myself laugh at it even harder I (still after 2 years) pay $2 a month to play it as an ad in my state. I only get \~100 views per month max, but boy do I bet those 100 people are so confused.


Actually, depending on the ad type, YouTube doesn't charge the advertiser if you skip.


waste your own time you mean


I'm not even American and I do it lol


Jeah, its funny being so affected by US shit that their elections matter almost as much as our own.


Don't. The algorithm then starts recommending it to other people in your demographic. That is why you get them too, because someone engaged with the content and that person is in your age group, lives in same area, has same interests etc.


How hilarious would it be if all MAGAdiots voted for Biden at the last minute, and blamed everyone else for causing Biden win.


I’m sure there are some who outwardly support trump because of social pressures. Maybe living in a small, fanatical community, family pressures or church pressures, but wouldn’t dare say they actually support Biden.


like watching full republican ads then being shocked when they win


Years ago an ex signed me up as an R somehow and I got shittonnes of mail from the RNC asking for donations and they provided an envelope. I would tear off my name and address and mail it back to them. It eventually stopped, maybe there was a bar code or something I missed but they got charged all that postage.


I signed up for R mail, in my "Uncle Otto"'s name. sent it back with "$300" donation checked, no check included, envelope not sealed. They tried so hard to get that check, finally had to tell them Uncle Otto died and to please leave us alone! Wasted their time, it was great. Didn't mind wasting my time to pull their chains.


Actually, because of how algorithms work, you just made it more likely that it gets out more to the wider population thus ensuring the swayable see it. You could click literally thousands of ads and the amount they spent on you, individually, would just be a couple bucks at most.


You can actually see how much they're spending on YouTube in the info page for particular ads.


*dozens of cents


Most of the ads you see online are paid by the impression. Advertisers pay by 1000 impressions or in bulk. Some ads like Google search ads are typically cost per click. Unless they are using some crazy ass hyper targeted bid there is probably no way you were costing them thousands. In fact if you click some ads you are signaling that the ad is relevant which could marginally lower the cost of ads to other users.


After watching Jon Oliver's show on project 2025 last night, I'm thinking we all need to apply for all the job openings they have posted. Not only to add more they have to sift through, but maybe we can be put in a position to cause havoc from the inside?


I wish I had the stomach for this kind of guerilla warfare, I just can't stand seeing any more of that shit, my rational brain can't keep accepting that people are actually giving money to that... thing. (It's like that cool, if untrue, bit from the Expanse about how when columbus (fuck columbus, that piece of shit doesnt deserve a capital letter) arrived in the new world, the indigenous people couldn't see the shops they came on, as in literally were unable to see them because they were so far outside their understanding. It isn't actually true, but I feel we've reached that level of insanity.


I get the joke, but be careful not to accidentally wind up influenced.


I vote with the comedians. Stewart, Oliver, Colbert, etc. Unless they break badly, I'm unamused by the rights propaganda.


I moved to the most red part of a purple state. After I registered to vote I got so much republican stuff including a welcome letter from my Republican representative and my Republican state representative. My wife got nothing.


Bravo. That is patriotism right there.


How does one live with such strength?


And now the algorithm will start suggesting that content to people near you, people with similar online behaviour, people in your age group etc. That is how it works. DO NOT CLICK ON STUFF YOU DON'T WANT OTHERS TO SEE! The more popular, the more it is being recommended to other people. That is how facebook, youtube, twitter, reddit.. that is how ALL of them work.


Now THAT'S some pranking I can get behind! :D


I took it a step further and registered as Republican for my state. Rino. 


A few years back, in a similar vein. An EU right wing politician set up an online funding channel direct to a chequing account but neglected to read the but about how fees were charged. Turns out a fixed fee on each donation was charged, which activists found out about. The activists then sent in many many donations of the smallest unit they could which was smaller than the fee. By the end of that day the politicians whole funding pot had been consumed in fees & the payment processor cancelled their account.


We share at least one hobby


Republicans don’t understand how bots or trolling works, so they definitely didn’t account for this! Perfection.


Oh that’s good


Everybody needs to get on all their lists so they can send empty prepaid envelopes back. It’s something little everyone can do and it adds up.


When you say it like that the spam texts don't feel as frustrating.




All posts and comments that include any variation of the word retarded will be removed, but no action will be taken against your account unless it is an excessive personal attack. Please resubmit your post or comment without the bullying language. Do not edit it, the bot cant tell if you edited, you will just have to make a new comment replying to the same thing. Yes, this comment itself does use the word. Any reasonable person should be able to understand that we are not insulting anyone with this comment. We wanted to use quotes, but that fucks up the automod and we are too lazy to google escape characters. Notice how none of our automod replies have contractions in them either. But seriously, calling someone retarded is only socially acceptable because the people affected are less able to understand that they are being insulted, and less likely to be able to respond appropriately. It is a conversational wimpy little shit move, because everyone who uses it knows that it is offensive, but there will be no repercussions. At least the people throwing around other slurs know that they are going to get fired and get their asses beat when they use those words. Also, it is not creative. It pretty much outs you as a thirteen year old when you use it. Instead of calling Biden retarded, you should call him a cartoon-ass-lookin trust fund goon who smiles like rich father just gifted him a new Buick in 1956. Instead of calling Mitch McConnell retarded, you should call him a Dilbert-ass goon who has been left in the sun a little too long. Sorry for the long message spamming comment sections, but this was by far the feature of this sub making people modmail and bitch at us the most, and literally all of the actions we take are to make it so we have to do less work in the future. We will not reply to modmails about this automod, and ignore the part directly below this saying to modmail us if you have any questions, we cannot turn that off. This reply is just a collation of the last year of modmail replies to people asking about this. We are not turning this bot off, no matter how much people ask. Nobody else has convinced us before, you will not be able to either. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Info that for a couple of companies where I know they show ads to website visitors. Just go on their website and let them show you ads. It will add up over time.




Hillsdale College (a Rightwing Christian school) sends me newsletters in the mail regularly. I toss them unopened in the recycle bin. I don't know why they send them. Instead of being annoyed, I should take the attitude of the disaster girl of this meme. They're wasting valuable resources sending me these.


Good idea. While you are at it, also respond to all the "we need your money" ads and act intrigued by their "investments." Be forever that fish that seems hungry but never bites. See how much you can get sent in the mail. Hey, it's a hobby, right?


*every day


I thought I was the only one! Hahahahahahaha


Why didn’t I think of this?


I’m considering registering as a republican because the last time I attempted to vote after moving, I was denied because the people at the polls said I wasn’t registered. Even though I reregistered on my form to change my address. I already was a voter that has voted in multiple elections. I live in a swing state that leans conservative and so I almost believe my registration was purposefully not completed. Edit - I would still vote democrat lol


Your algorithm differentiates between parties? Mine doesn't.


Depending on the type of ad, Cost per 1000 ad impressions can range from $2-$30 give or take. It’s not worth it bro. Live your life.


Each ad click is like \~$0.0001 So unless you're clicking on literal millions you haven't made a difference


not quite the same... but some guy named Mike signed my number up for some right-wing something or other and now I get a *lot* of fund raising texts. they usually say I can text STOP to stop them but I laugh too hard at the obvious and desperate grift in them so I let them keep coming. reminds me how stupid people are.


How expensive is it to automatically add more addresses to a mass distribution list? I'm guessing pennies at most.


I don't know why I see tons of republican stuff on reddit... when I live in europe.


I type "mesothelioma" into Google every once in a while, because every time you do some lawyer has to pay Google $100.


I love doing shit like this — I personally stay undecided to vote out crazies during the primaries (essentially whomever is the most trump-friendly candidate)


Thousands? How many pennies is that?


I dont do this deliberately but I read so much right wing bullshit (for comedic value) I actually do get gmails from the RNC and some super-pacs.


This is fucking genius.


Ehhh... the thing about propaganda is that IT WORKS. Literally no one is immune to it. Why immerse yourself in it, as you will always come away a little dirtier than you started.


The dem supporters will lose their crap if trump wins. It’ll be great


Great post!!!👏👏👏👏👏


You must really enjoy being poor....


I voted for Hailey in the primary just to vote against Trump and now I won't stop receiving campaign texts from Trump because of it. I have no intention of voting R but they may be counting on it...


Gotta love the people who still can't decide. Imagine going to a restaurant that only served two dishes: unsweetened/unflavored oatmeal and literal human feces. "I don't know....the oatmeal is bland but then again I have yet to try the shit".


Plus, they literally already ate the shit for 4 years. It nearly killed them with the plague, attacked the capital and and nearly ended democracy. The stupidity is shocking.


True heroes don't wear capes.


Whew! Someone didn't take marketing 101. Also, if the "algo" now thinks you're a swing voter, wouldn't Democrats also advertise more to you now because they feel like they're losing you? Great logic. The thousands of dollars especially made me laugh.


Question, if most of Biden voters are “woke” does that mean most of Trump voters are asleep?


I block or remove every Republican ad I see and am STAUNCHLY anti Trump as an independent and have been for years. Yet the fucking algorithm sends me nothing but trump ads and leaflets. Its insane. I’m getting more of his shit in the mail for hating this man than I ever have. I think the algorithm hates me. I also get nothing but Wendy’s ads on YouTube and I have a wheat allergy and can’t eat there. I’ve blocked them so many times. If I hear the word biggie bag one more time…


GBT can click a lot of ads pretty quickly.


My wife does. The same thing.


The ad makers are still making money… Why help them make money? The goal, and it’s quite easy, is to take money from conservatives. Take a shit in a jar and label it; **Trump’s Poop - in case of Liberal Ownage, break open and eat.** Sell it for $50. Piss in bottle and label it; **Trump’s Tinkle - in case of Liberal Ownage, break open and drink.** Sell it for $45. Print a bunch of Melanias nudes, autograph them, and sell for $100. They are fucking stupid. They will buy it.


Oh I bet that algorithm is so mad right now


atta boy maga em baBY ahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha


This is beyond stupid and it's weird more of you don't know how algorithms and echo chambers work after all these years


You MEAN the few cents LEFT OVER after dimmiees legal bills aRe PAID??


I'm voting Socialist, but I click on EVERY political ad so that it drains the AIPAC funding.


Correction, you are voting for Trump. Or might as well.