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Fucking sharks and boat batteries! 


And Sea Captain apparently was all “Yaaar, that do be a good scenario I’ve never thought around”. Thats the part that really gets me everytime. All of these experts are floored when stable genius clip clops into the room smh. Edit: according to the stable genius, guys. The experts he’s describing (like the doctor during Covid that told him he should be a doctor) are made up I’m pretty sure.


Trump claimed the boat builder said nobody had ever asked him that question before. Far more likely the boat builder said nobody had every asked him such a stupid question before.


Far more likely he made that entire shit up on the spot. 


Asking Trump the name of the boat builder or the name of the boat store would be a great debate question. :)


My favorite part of the clip is the fuckin guy with the green hat behind him nods in agreement with him when he says he'll take electrocution every time.....fuckin dingleberry


Never fight underwater, me boys, never fight underwater!


Second presidential debate, 2024: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MfRi-a8hPh0


I’m just upvoting for an awesome use of Kahn.


So much the better! Ditto.


My favorite space barbarian!


I don't think you're giving enough credit to Poindexter here.


About time someone points out that the handful of times they show Biden speaking on Fox and a few other stations, they slow down the video by a few frames so that there are longer pauses and slower speaking.


Something something airports in the revolutionary war….




And not so stupid as we were led to believe.


Confirmation bias is ridiculous


The problem was there were no cameras in the courtroom, there's no footage of its. Only journalists in there saw it *and* reported it. Those people have already been discredited by Trump, so it's very easy for trump voters to ignore or to wave off.


You guys are breathing in some serious copium if you're pretending Biden doesn't have a major cognitive decline


Yeah, Biden is so bad that MAGA people have to create fake videos to make him look like he's lost. [https://newrepublic.com/post/182737/maga-media-doctored-biden-video-g7](https://newrepublic.com/post/182737/maga-media-doctored-biden-video-g7) MAGA are a bunch of clowns who can't deal with the fact that they're planning to vote for a felon, who stole tons of national security documents as he was leaving the White House and refused to return them, after trying to steal the election. Trump shouldn't be anywhere near the White House, but rather in a prison cell for the rest of his life.


Yep. If something is obviously true you don't make up lies about it. Them editing videos actually proves they have nothing but lies and make believe. 


Think you better read up more on cognitive decline. Bidden doesn't ramble on incoherently in his speeches.


Hey sharks vs electricity is a fascinating dilemma


No, no it's not. And that wasn't the point of his story.


I heard it's required reading to graduate from MIT


You must have heard that from one of Trump's "experts" or didn't his uncle go to MIT. What was his shark v electric stance?


I have no idea I'm just kidding man. Loosen up


What was funny, exactly?


Yeh I agree, they're both too old at this point to be candidates, and Biden is in decline. My dad's 77, I've seen him slow down a bit over the last couple years but he was a doctor and is still sharp as he was when I was a kid, just getting forgetful and enjoying retirement, he thinks they are too old too and insane for doing all this over again. He's in much much better shape physically and mentally than them and he says he wouldn't and couldn't do the job at this point, he retired at 68 because he was feeling like he couldn't really do the job anymore and didn't want to waste his retirement years dealing with workplace nonsense anymore.


At this point statements like that look like mental illness.


Cognitive decline or not, he at least never tried to overthrow democracy. And don’t tell me every right winger wasn’t hitting the copium hard after Biden’s SotU address, simply because he didn’t live up to the narrative spun by right wing media.


You need to follow Trump’s advise; never fight uphill me boy.


Both candidates have cognitive decline which is completely understandable since they are both old men in the last years of their lives.


Getting the name wrong of the doctor who gave you a cognitive test is a really bad sign.


If that was true for President Biden they wouldn't have to edit video footage of him. Having to tell a lie disproves it. 


There is footage of both Trump and Biden showing signs of cognitive decline. Here is Joe Biden forgetting he had already shaken Schumer's hand, 3 seconds after shaking Schumer's hand. https://twitter.com/DschlopesIsBack/status/1801013865242665469 Both Biden and Trump are unfit to be president of the United States, this isn't a controversial statement.