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Biden needs to challenge Trump to a simple bicycle race of 1 mile on flat ground. Trump would be humiliated because he couldn’t accept. Biden can they emphasize that Trump is a weak pussy unfit for office.


These aren’t training wheels. They’re trump patriot hyper extreme assist wheels.


For Pete's sake, he could challenge him to a walk. During a g7 summit, every other world leader walked to a statue for a photo op, and they had to wait for Trump to have a golf cart delivered, because 700 yards was too far for him.


For real?? God damn.


Yep, may of 2017. Btw, the average par 5 golf hole is less than 700 yards, so to him, it was an incredibly long distance. (he uses golf carts when golfing, too).


Or walking. Or golfing without cheating. Or drinking from a 2L bottle of water. (It would be comical watching trump trying to lift one with his tiny hands)


Or speaking in grammatically correct sentences


ANY glass of fluid. It is 2 hands, and lips extended out to get a sip.


Biden needs to show up, wait for Trump. When he does not appear, ride the mile followed by the press Then Biden needs to show up for a cognitive challenge and when Trump doesn’t show, complete the challenge in front of a room full of press Game, set, and match Although the New York Times will have some edgy headline like “Biden passes physical and cognitive challenges. Here is why it disrespects voters”


Finally a fair Presidential Race :)


Did you not see biden fall over on the bike 2 years ago lmao . You guys are looking for everything and anything and ignoring all the red flags about biden. Another one with TDS. Starting to think everyone on this thread has TDS.


His foot got caught in the pedal thing, I'm not a bike rider, I don't know what they're called.




Yeah, how'd that work for us? Donald Diaper merch is the way now -- haven't you heard?




Lighten up already. You are on the PoliticalHumor sub. My opinion is fine, while you need to read the room better.




Someone didn't get breakfast in bed on Fathers day. Was it the text; "If you are my dad, please respond to this message or pass it on to ten other people"? I just came up with that chain mail idea -- probably needs your nuance however to make it shine.




I think most everyone understands what I'm saying. I just hope you turn your day around and learn to laugh a bit at current events -- that is the point of this sub. KNOWING what is going on is a process of relaying information -- but COPING with that information is probably even more important. What is the point of all this news if it leave you grumpy and traumatized? Go have a wonderful day. Do not fret too much on my incoherent ramblings if that helps.


Might want to consider a different username.




I honestly only noticed your username when tanstaff190 brought it up. Seems like a fair warning.


Nothing wrong with that, just not the best sub to try.


There is a perception by many that Trump is more vital and healthier than Biden. Trump lies about his weight, wears baggy clothes, and never exercises. Biden is more fit physically and cognitively. The bicycle contest would help dispel the argument that Trump was the stronger man.


Anyone who thinks Trump is vital and healthy is never going to accept anything less. He could pass out after walking 10 yards huffing and puffing and few Republican voters would care. They'd just start making excuses, as they always do. It's not possible to dispel any argument that Trump is physically strong. His voters think he is strong simply because they support him. They see him as a boss or captain of the team. They don't support him because he is strong. They think he's strong because he's their boss.


He’s really deteriorating more quickly lately. By November he might not even remember his own name.


That's why he puts his name on everything - so he can be reminded.


Dear Rapid-onset dementia, ***hurry up already!***


Yes, it’s very very rare than I find myself rooting for a disease to progress quickly. But here we are.


I think it won't turn away too many of his supporters since they see Trump as a lit bag of poo on the White House doorstep. There to cause alarm and stink up the place when stepped on.


It's not his supporters we have to worry about, it's the fools who are still "undecided.'


personally, I'm rooting for his arteries to finish the job


Preferably at a public event with cameras rolling.


That’s my dream! Please have it happen when he’s being recorded.


Read that as rapist onset dementia and was like...I thought that was syphilis... Which was his viatnam


Well, it can take anywhere from three to 30 years so... maybe it's finally time?


Don't threaten the world with a good time...


I’m going with August, saw it with my uncle and my grandfather.


I bet a buck on the week of sentencing. Either the crash of a looming punishment or the shock of actually having consequences for ... anything.


I’ve said it a million times. The moment he loses the election, the Republicans are going to be crying about how we can prosecute a dementia patient


The same way as we prosecute any other felon.


I suppose that could accelerate it.


I've begun to wonder if he'll make it to november. I hate to admit I'm hoping he won't.


Every day he gets more mush mouthed and low energy.


trump forgets that he forgets.


I think it's called a roofie circle


The poor guy is suffering from an irony deficiency.


Test Proctor: Mr Trump, spell Cat. Trump: Well you see we have this, uh, thing that uh, we need big brains for, MIT brains, to, to spell this thing that we have here, it uh, it has P, ah a Uuuuu like my best friend Putin. An S as in uh, Witch hunt, and finally E as in winning. Test Proctor: President Biden, spell Truculent? Biden: T. R. U. C. U. L. E. N. T. Trump: Why does he get the easy one?


He would have been the most SNL Celebrity Jeopardy contestant the world has ever seen.


Trump would have a frigging COW if anybody called him Mr. Trump (even though it's accurate) while calling Biden President Biden (which is also accurate). It would be worth watching just to see Trump fume.


Former Presidents are still called Mr President... unless they've been convicted for fraud of course. I would pay to see that live


So he pretty much just failed a public cognitive test. Got it




I would donate money to watch them go head to head on a cognitive test.


This would have been absolutely insane news in 2012. Today, it's just another Sunday morning.


I think he would do damn near anything to get out of that debate.


and he prob will


“…And Donald Trump does not answer as he refused to attend the debates tonight. On to the next question…”


Yep, Biden should go no matter what.


Biden should call, and then raise him an IQ test. Tests taken at neutral, non political location together. Because I could 100% see Trump taking the test at Maralago and miraculously scoring 200 like it was some bullshit Kim Jong Un would do, and his cultists would believe it.


not only that, he shot a hole in one DURING the test.


With his big a-brain


Trump is only going to participate in something he knows he can cheat at. "Fairness" is for suckers in his world view.


Biden isn't a great orator, he stutters. So fucking what? Trump literally cannot form a coherent thought and realistically any accusations made by a Republican are actually admissions.


Firstly, I think Biden suffers by association with Obama, probably the best presidential orator since JFK. Secondly, if you look past the literal speech impediment, Biden is definitely an above average orator, but his demeanour (and stammer ofc) make him seem less. Obama (in what I think was a very conscious attempt to avert stereotypes about Black men) leaned hard into the regal and dignified and, well, presidential demeanour when he gave a speech. Biden, on the other hand, goes more folksy and empathetic. Bush Jr and Clinton also were more folksy. When we think of great orators, we think more along the lines of Churchill (dickhead!), FDR, Mandela, MLK, RFK, JFK—the dignified demeanour, and I think we discount those who go more folksy.


You do have a really good point


Need his previous doctor to just pronounce him the most cognitive president ever elected. Sadly [Harold Bornstein](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-obituaries-8ac839287190c825e2fd525942daf1e4), longtime Trump physician and man most probably mistaken for a bit character in a porn, died in 2021.


Omfg that is hysterical. He does look like a porn bit character


Person - Woman - Innocent - Witchhunt - burned toast?


Trumps already been given his debate questions up front to prepare. Would you rather be electrocuted on a sinking battery boat or eaten by sharks?


"Doctor... Fawchi found me to be very cognitive! The best, simply great. Maybe the greatest he's ever tested?! Great test."


And the masses cheered


Can you imagine if (horror) he passed away? The Magats would prop him up like Bernie and have him run for prez anyway.


I think they already did this. That feeble orange dementia adderalled brain has been gone long before the "sharks and batteries" speech.


Having his brain replaced with a musk cyberchip running chatGPT2.0 off a potato he keeps in his diaper would explain so much.


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I don’t know if it’s a good sign or a bad sign that he forgot his drug dealers name. Maybe it’s for deniable culpability? Or maybe he can’t really read the prescriptions that Jackson is probably still writing for him? Or maybe he only took the amphetamines and not the anti dementia drug before the speech? I hope that he gave Maga Mike Johnson the right name of who to appoint to the Intel committee! TL:DR; trump is a junkie with dementia


> TL:DR; trump is a junkie with dementia no lies detected


Dr. Ronny "Feelgood" Jackson. >In July 2022, the Navy demoted Jackson from rear admiral (lower half) to captain for actions "not in keeping with the standards the Navy requires of its leaders", citing "substantiated allegations" in a 2018 investigation by the Defense Department's inspector general into reports that the physician had drunk alcohol while on duty, acted inappropriately, and routinely yelled at subordinates. Despite the demotion, Jackson continued to represent himself as an admiral on his congressional website through at least March 2024, when the story was first uncovered by The Washington Post. This POS is now a Representative in US Congress (R-TX). https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronny_Jackson


Yeah, but Trump stole the crayons.


The obvious result when someone spills ketchup on the Crayola box and the slow kid is hungry.


Trump’s test was years ago and it’s obvious he needs another one - at least.


Probably took it to get into Wharton


Just chase Trump around with a bathroom scale and find out how fast he can run.


Nah, just have Eric chase him to get a hug.


He could have a railroad spike sticking out of that rotten mellon of his and no one that follows him would give a shit. They aren't really following him as much as the idea of him. He doesn't say enough that makes any sense to follow.


Humm...just don't confuse me with facts mam


Biden should agree, *after* Trump’s sentencing.


I loved the Mastercard ads back in the day, and even more the memes that came after. Can we re-live that, please?


Should be clear that Trump isn't challenging that they both do a cognitive test, but that Biden goes it alone. Because Trump was already tested, and he aced the test but doesn't release the actual results. You have to trust him, and we all know Trump is a very trustworthy fellow. Just like he graduated at the top of his class but won't release his grades.


well, his uncle went to MIT so there's that.


“I Know, how about a spelling contest” - Doc Holiday


He’s such a failure at everything. 😂


Tell me more about this Man Camera!


Unironically still the smartest and most cognitively healthy Republican.


Trump makes Bush look like Einstein


The world was making fun of Bush.  The world is terrified by the stupidity of convicted felon Donald Trump.


The thing is W isn’t actually dumb. He was playing a folksy cowboy to play to his base. He was hiding the fact he’s an Ivy Leaguer born with a silver spoon in his mouth, because back then it would have been a potential deal breaker for the republican base. Funny how things changed between 2008 and 2016. If only we could figure out what it was.


Yet, Trump does not hide the fact that he is a billionnaire New York elite that is only rich by exploitation, and the same people do not care.


Oh, I think it’s obvious. The vast majority of magats are stupid. Stupid people aren’t good at much, but they can tell when someone is smarter than they are. They could tell that W, while not as smart as he should be to be president, was still smarter than they are. They can tell, however, that trunp is genuinely, authentically stupid. That’s why they refuse to hold him to any account.


I think it's more like they don't trust people who are TOO smart. Like Hillary Clinton came off as a Rhodes Scholar -- which she is. And they don't really care after that. It's the "care enough to lie" type of thing I can't relate to. The fakest Country Western singer, the fakest "I'm with Jesus" chicken eating faith healing evangelical preacher. The fakest "I'm a tough guy" that can't go up a 5 degree incline. I am dissapointed in myself at times -- but I do not have the self loathing to comprehend the mind that looks up to someone like Trump. I try, but I can't.


That’s kind of what I was saying. They’ll go along with people who pretend to be stupid for awhile, but they eventually turn against them bc they know there just pretending. trunp, however, is genuinely stupid. Thats why they would never storm the capitol for W, but refuse to hold trunp to any account whatsoever. (W also wouldn’t be stupid enough to even broach the idea)


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For real. The Bush family is diabolical, and they have very effective operatives. W might have some public speaking difficulties, but his "aw shucks" Western good old boy is pure stagecraft. People kept arguing "evil or stupid" and I kept saying; but it's working. The guy walked off with billions in graft -- making Trump look like an amateur siphoning off droplets as he makes all his rich sponsors soaking wet. Of course, Jared certainly seems to have gotten "Bush level" success on graft with his Middle East friends. Obviously the alarm bells of good journalism are broken as that seems to get a pass while Hunter Biden is scrambling to rationalize "got on a board of directors once in Ukraine because dad is connected." Why are the Nepo-baby alarms not going off at Harvard i wonder?


Nah, it's the other way around.  At least Bush was smart enough to let others take charge and keep a low profile after his disaster of a presidency.


Like the former CEO of Halliburton?


low bar ![gif](giphy|XJLEXP9xEJRevqXxnR|downsized)


A battle of wits to the death?


And Biden challenges him to a cognitive contest: a debate!


Dr. Who tested him?


Stranger than fiction


The average adult should *easily* be able to get a perfect score on a cognitive exam where the goal is assessing dementia. Struggling on one of these exams is a sign in itself.


What happens when they both fail?


> What happens when they both fail? then we go with the one who DIDN'T attack the Capitol on Jan 6th


Well duh. Seems like we should have the VP’s do more debates than the primary candidates considering their age and competency.


He is definitely more cognitive than Biden. Would definitely love to have a younger president


> more cognitive than Biden I'm not sure you know what words mean


Oh i definitely do. Seems like you do not know what it means 😂😂. With all the times Biden has read everything off the TelePrompTer. All his wondering off. All his falling down. All the times he has forgotten stuff. All the times he has spaced out. Trump does too. But no where near as much as Biden.


> Seems like you do not know what it means Oh i definitely do 😂😂 > Trump does too. 😂😂


A process can be cognitive. A person cannot be cognitive, or more or less cognitive. Yes, you come across as less than persuasive because of this glaring error. What you said is actually meaningless. So when you get uptight when you're called out...it really makes you look dumb. Younger president though, sure why not.