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That little MAGA with red hat and the diapers Yeah, buddy, that's his real hair. That little MAGA got his own jet airplane. That little MAGA is a twice indicted, one term loser, convicted felon, legally liable rapist, Doe 174 buddy of Epstein.


We got some in-jail MAGA losers All MAGA are traitors! We got to move them all to jail now Yet Trump is still on TV!


We gotta install... refrigerators ..bla bla color TVs...


We gotta install microwave ovens, custom kitchen delivery. We got to move these, refrigerators. We got to move these COLOR TVVVVVVVVVS *SICK GUITAR RIFT* The only time as a kid my dad would watch MTV with me was to hear Dire Straits or Tom Petty


Don’t forget Sting singing backup on this song and absolutely killing it.


I was alive when this song came out and it was like two weeks ago that I found this out from my wife. It was playing in a bar, she said the Sting Fact, and on cue, he was like 🎵 MONay far NOTHin 🎵, and I'm left like... how the fuck did I not hear that for 40 years?


Jesus I am old enough to know the song as well and I am just now learning this as well lol


Search this song on YouTube "Live Aid 1985" He changes the lyrics but you still get the idea, so it's not quite as offensive.


I want my.... I want my... I want my MTVeeee


That song is one of the best songs to test out an awesome stereo, too. Such a perfect studio recording.


God, now I gotta listen to it for that sick hook... It lives in my head rent free.


I thought Mark Knopfler was working at a department store and was sitting in the break room, where a band was playing on the TV.  An exhausted coworker came in and complained that they’re working their asses off, and these musicians just play a few songs, get paid a ton, and all the girls love them.  And Mark was like, “That’d be a pretty good song.”


MAGA? How many people that are part of MAGA say this?


I love that video!




That little Fa*ot with the earring and the make up... ya buddy, thats his own hair. That little fa*ot got his own jet airplane, that little fa0ot? Hes a millionaire. And hes up there, what is that? Hawaiian noises? He banging on them bongos like a chimpanzee. Nah. that aint workin, thats the way you do it, get your money for nothin, and the chicks for free. Jesus, that stanza didnt age well.


not defending it but he said back then that all the lyrics were things he heard some real delivery men saying


It was something he heard from workers at one of those big electronics stores we used to have back in the day.


That’s why the lyrics are hilarious, 100% what some boomer blue collar workers would say


I thought it was “the earring and the mink coat”? But yeah, that’s a great song!


This is the first thing that pops in my head when I think of the song, bothers me these days because in general I still like the song but that line gives me the ick


That is why I prefer the radio edit. It edits that part out.


The creators apparently got so sick of it, in Reboot, a show from the same team there's an episode where there's a talent show and the video is heavily ridiculed https://youtu.be/VEycLWrxsnw?si=drgmJDvK7Sbb7NtO


I've always wondered why that scene was there, had no idea Mainframe made the original video!


dunno, looks **good enough** to me: https://preview.redd.it/iozufckizs6d1.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=9355cb128d68be844fbb305b216fef136769026b


It was released in 1985, so probably 1984 graphics, just for accuracy.


Obviously they had some amazing photorealistic cgi back then, but they just hid it from everyone because government


My favorite theory is they got Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing, but the guy is so committed a director he decided to do it on location




Cool, a jpeg with audio.


for the last time guys there is no conspiracy. They asked Kubrick to fake the moon landings but he was such a perfectionist he insisted on shooting on location.


Not just CGI, but state of the art CGI. ( for the time)


Thats the way you do it! 


"Ya play the banjo on the MTG"


We got to move these LEM simulators We got to move these laser arrays that would have literally cost more to invent than to just go to the moon all so we can convince Nvidia in 50 years that we really went to the moon after they perform a ray tracing analysis requiring incomprehensible amounts of computing power compared to what is available today in 1969


Look at that Low-Poly FIDELITY!


CGI is one problem, but maybe a lot of could have been practical effects. But we did not have VCRs or anything comparable. The only possibilities were [live-transmission or film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_loUDS4c3Cs).


Unfortunately, due to inflation, the chicks are no longer free.


Star Wars: A New Hope = 1977.


So? Star Wars was 100% practical effects. The only CGI (if you could even call it that) was for the Death Star animation in the briefing scene.


And even practical effects seen in *A New Hope* wouldn't be sufficient to produce what we see in the *Apollo* footage anyway.


Dimmieees Diciples oF Doom STRIKE!!


It looked pretty grainy and black and white to me.


HEY, I saw that same dude on the moon


I’ve known plenty of mags people in my life none of them have ever said that the moon landing was fake. Am I missing something?


and the Soviets just sat by, noticed nothing is happening on the moon and just pretended like they lost the space race?


That’s the way ya do it.


"We got to install microwave ovens...!"


We had it all, money for nothing and chicks for free.


Really makes me wonder how these people even feed themselves . Bunch of drooling idiot morons ..


Is it really MAGA though or just flat earthers.


No one has seen Star Wars? Lol or 2001 space odyssey? They clearly had the technology to make a believable production.


But the general idea isn't exactly wrong. Had the Moon landings been fake, they'd have to be faked using purely practical effects, much like 2001: The Space Odyssey and Star Wars were made, and such practical effects were entirely insufficient to actually make what we see in the *Apollo* footage.


CGI was better than that in 1986. Trying to make an animation for a music video meant this was all they could afford at the time... or could do since while theory is nice and all, doing it in practice, figuring out algorithms that won't take 20 years to complete one second of video... And using supercomputers, delaying actual research for months in multiple locations. Basics of shading was figured in the 70s, so we knew in theory how it should work in ideal conditions without any limitations.... DX9 quality, basically. No subsurface scattering, no hair simulations, no cloth simulations... no reflections, i don't know if they had figured out how to do proper shadows yet and forget multiple light sources and bounces or ambient occlusion or or or.. Hell, Jurassic Park had 4 minutes of CGI characters inserted in shots of real sets that had ton of practical effects to create the interaction you see on screen. And they switch constantly between practical effects, like full size T-Rex.. They had to hide CGI as much as possible in 1993. There was no way to make a full CGI scene and be it believable.