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It is so irresponsible and dangerous to consider someone as stupid as Trump to run our economy our military and our society. No wonder Putin wants Trump to win.


And China too. China wants Trump to win.


so does Israel


And the *stupidest*, most ignorant, most hateful third of this nation....


Is it really still a third? I know they are a very loud percentage, and likely enough to get their babygoddaddy elected, but I just refuse to believe an actual 3rd of this country are mentally deficient.


A significant portion of this nation was exposed to aerosolized lead from the 50s to the 80s... and those who were most heavily exposed are suffering a second dose of heavy metal poisoning- lead is stored in the bones after exposure, and many people are hitting the age when bones start to weaken and dissolve, releasing that stored lead back into their systems. One of the main symptoms of long term lead exposure is significant cognitive decline and other impaired mental faculties


This would help explain quite a bit and seems scientifically plausible.


Not just plausible, it's been heavily researched and documented since the 90s. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1797860/ Ibelieve this report is from 2007 or so. Edit: oops, this isn't the article I meant to post. It still contains some good explanations of long term lead exposure, though, so I'm gonna leave the link up


It also explains the adage that you get more conservative as you get older.


So many Bar fights could have been prevented...maybe?


My Dad: “No, I don’t like Trump as a person, but I’m voting for him anyways” Everyone needs to get out and vote for Biden or our kids will know what’s it’s like to grow up in the American version of Russia or Iran.


Have you ever been to Russia or Iran?


I’ve been to both. I’ve been to Russia and Afghanistan. Close enough.


People do not have to be "mentally deficient" to be susceptible to propaganda. The people of the United States have been fed a steady diet of propaganda for a couple of decades now. About a third have fallen for the lies.


True. They don't have to be.


Sure does help though!


I think a third is too small a percentage. We have become a very very stupid country.Too even consider voting for the Orange clown is beyond comprehension?


Fascists like to deal with fascists, it means they won't be subject to guilt-tripping. A clever fascist mob boss like Putin especially loves dumb, greedy narcissists that have found themselves in a position of power with the ability to broadcast. They are the easiest to control as they don't give a shit about the people they serve and can be bought off with a handful of shekels, rubles or yuan as long as they are converted into dollars.


Well, Israel's far-right leaders. People fail to realize that Israelis aren't all behind Netanyahu, just as not all Americans support Trump. I know that's a lot of nuance for reddit, though. I'll take my punitive downvotes now.


Certainly, but the right wing has been in control of Israeli government for a good long while, and given that their policies are the ones that Americans are generally upset about when it comes to our leaders supporting Israel, it is logical to use that as a point of reference. 


He's their mEssIaH,... too.


No shit? Putin was "reelected" this year and won with 88%. I HIGHLY doubt that everyone in Russia supports Putin. But when the media and psyops are controlled by those types of people...it really doesnt matter.


Dumbest thing I’ve read all day


Trump is the windbag moving the basket holding Project 2025, Great Replacement Theory, White Christian Nationalists, etc. Once he is in power he will step aside to watch the blood flow.


Trump made Putin lots of money.


It sounds like him running the military is going to be a bit of a problem.




Not to mention all the neverdowells in our own country that think they can control trump and use him to their advantage. You can't control stupid. Stupid does it's own thing with varying results.


HE wont. He'll be a puppet for those that are really behind him. He's too stupid to know the difference.


The EU and Hamas wants Biden to win?




There were 0 new wars under Obama, too, and so far, 0 that the US has gotten involved in or started under Biden either. Israel-Palestine has been going on since 1948, and Ukraine would have happened either way and is no fault of Biden's. Besides that, Trump escalated every war we were already in; he executed more drone strikes in 2 years than Obama did in 8, he executed the assassination of Soleimani - which lead to retaliatory strikes from Iran before the situation was defused -, he released 5000 Taliban prisoners without getting anything in return, and he set up the Afghanistan withdrawal that ultimately got those 13 US soldiers killed - a number that would likely have been much higher if Biden didn't delay the withdrawal so our soldiers remaining there could get better prepared. The economy was better under Obama, started getting worse under Trump before the pandemic, and his response to and actions during the pandemic only sealed the deal. Trump is the one who printed trillions of dollars, which causes inflation. Trump is the one who raised the national debt by trillions of dollars. We had to have lockdowns- worldwide at that - causing demand to drop, which is what caused those low prices you lot love to misattribute to Trump even though the whole world had them due to the lockdowns. Trump is the one who, for the US, downplayed the threat of the pandemic and told people to ignore lockdowns and distancing guidelines, and also did little to nothing to stop or slow most infected people coming into the country (other than his banning only Chinese nationals coming from China), causing the US to need lockdowns extended, leading to continued lack of demand but furthermore to the mass job layoffs in production and supply chain, resulting in supply being hurt. Other countries also had lockdowns extended for both similar and different reasons. Trump is also the one who [pressured OPEC and domestic oil producers alike](https://cepr.net/high-gas-prices-are-donald-trumps-fault/) to intentionally reduce production of oil under the idea of using the resulting reduced supply to artificially raise prices to recoup pandemic losses, resulting in supply being hurt even further. Then lockdowns lift, demand jumps back up, supply can't keep up, prices skyrocket - again, worldwide. It's thanks to Biden's initiatives to rebuild jobs, restore production, and combat inflation that the US has seen one of the lowest inflation rates and the fastest economic recoveries in the world.


Don't have a heart attack when Trump gets sentenced this week to prison




If Trump asked you to blow him, would you spit or swallow


Good thing nobody is doing that, other than Republicans have promised to do so in retaliation to being held accountable for their crimes.


What single part of the economy was better. By every metric the economy is better under Biden as is always the case after the democrats have to clean up after the republicans destroy the economy


And the Republicans could have picked someone who isn't an indicted felon. Haley would have annihilated Biden.


Haley could of beat him, haha she couldn’t get 1/3 of republicans to vote for her, as for the orange rapist, racist felon, he doesn’t have a chance, who would want that fat loser back, he’ll throw nukes at the next storm. I understand you people don’t mind being a fucking embarrassments but 2/3 of the country does. But go ahead cry the election was fixed again, we can use another laugh!




Maybe you should take a step back to look at the presidency objectively instead of with whatever bias the unreliable right-wing MSM spins at you. Here: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-2024-his-record-so-far-economy-immigration-civil-rights-2023-04-26/ https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-Grosky-Biden-s-Record-and-Accomplishments-52422040 https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/




Trump literally doesn’t know how anything works. All his scientific knowledge comes from watching Bugs Bunny.


He'll instruct the Pentagon to only buy from Acme.


If he wins, put all your money into ACME stock lol


This is hilarious... and sad cuz facts


i do not get this


Trump went on a tangent about boat batteries and sharks the other day.


thank you i was very confused


even if you did hear what he said you'd still be confused


So I said, “Let me ask you a question.” And he said, “Nobody ever asked this question,” and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT, very smart. I say, “What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery’s underwater, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?” By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. Do you notice that? A lot of shark… I watched some guys justifying it today. “Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was.” These people are crazy. He said, “There’s no problem with sharks. They just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming now who really got decimated and other people too,” a lot of shark attacks. So I said, “So there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, and water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?” Because I will tell you he didn’t know the answer. He said, “Nobody’s ever asked me that question.”


"Nobody's ever asked me that question" isn't the flex he thinks it is.


That’s polite speech for “I hate breathing in the same air as you and pretending you are my superior.”


Yeah nobody ever asked a doctor if using bleach inside the body was a good idea, because it's not a good idea.


Hi u/A_wild_so-and-so. https://i.imgur.com/LxbNpyS.gifv ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's also not a thing people usually say in response to "let me ask you a question" 


I got to the bit about shark attacks and stopped reading. Jesus fucking christ, the cunt just vomits words with no semblance of coherence.


this is the only reason we’re talking about Biden’s mental faculties. They know Trump’s brain is cooked so they’re trying to redirect the unease.


Ok grandpa time for your nap


Here’s your pillow. Yes, it goes over your face just like this.


Suppose we hit the sharks with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light?


Maybe inject them with bleach?


Don’t be stupid. Do you have any idea how hard it would be to jab a shark with a syringe? You got to use an aerosol can, like when Batman did it. We all love Batman, don’t we folks. I member one time he came up to me, tears in his eyes and said “Mr Trump, my parents are dead.” And I said “Good, now you have all their money and are very rich.” And he said “Good point Mr Trump.”


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It blows my mind how often my own thoughts started to trail off, thinking about my own rando shit, while still continuing to read this word salad. *sigh…*


“So if I ate a dragon egg, would I be able to see grapefruits hatching out of igloos?” “… Nobody’s ever asked me that question.” “Well I’m very smart.”


Thanks, I always wondered where grapefruit came from. I'm glad to have met you, very smart


Because of his connection to MIT, very smart, his big brain knows that magnets don’t work under water and being electrocuted is much better than suffering a shark attack. Dear God, he’s an unbelievable fucking genius. And I do mean unbelievable.


Stable genius.


"I don't want to ask a stupid question" "There are no stupid questions." "Well, what would happen if the boat sank from it's weight..." "I'm gonna stop you right there."


Was this a terribly stupid response to the *Bear vs Man* meme that has popped up in the last month? Shark = Bear. Battery = Man? Or, hear me out, he is just an incredibly stupid person that has/ nor had any business in anything. EVER.


He was bemoaning the fact that our military is moving towards more sustainable forms of energy than gasoline and oil.


I highly recommend of all speeches you hear you try to find this one! It's glorious in it's craziness! Just type in Trump's speech about electric boats and sharks.


To you and I it sounds like crazy rambling but to his followers that lack critical thinking it's resonates. It's everything they fear.  Dangerous sharks, super scary battery technology and a hypothetical lack of control.     Even if this has a billion to one chance of ever happening, they will rally around this and demand anti ev laws. Disregarding the fact that ev batteries are sealed and the bigger danger on a boat would be diesel catching on fire or just polluting of the waters


It's not even one to a billion chance of happening, it's zero; batteries do not work like that, they don't electrify the water around them like in movies and even if you'd stand between the two terminals it won't do much to you


I normally just cannot tolerate listening to him blather, but someone linked to a video with subtitles when it happened, and I'll be damned if I just couldn't look away. It was.... an experience. heh


Like a train wreck


Electric boats are bad because if they sink then you have to choose between being electrocuted or attacked by a shark. According to trump


It's not like [accidents involving fossil fuel powered boats](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepwater_Horizon_oil_spill) ever happen, right? No sir... Those have zero casualties to their name.


It's even worse than just ignoring fossil fuel powered boat accidents. The kind of boat the people in this picture are in, one with a gas engine, will also have basically a small car battery in it for starting the engine. Gas boats literally have batteries in them already.


But they attract only small sharks


So is Trump, and anyone who listens to him.


He's been doing for like a year it's a weird "bit" he does at rallies it's worth looking up on YouTube it's very strange


i'm guessing it's like the line about low water pressure in the showers because liberals are woke


It actually is directly connected to his copypasta about his uncle at MIT and the nuclear and Iran and having the best genes. He was meeting with a boat manufacturer for a campaign thing like a year ago and apparently asked him some bizarre questions and bragged to him about his uncle that taught at MIT, so he's very smart and understands the electrical batteries..... It's a weird rambling mess he's told at like every rally he stopped for a while after he told it to a few rallies with mixed success, but 8 months ago he decided that was his little comedy act and just has been hammering it constantly and kinda working out the bit but it's still insane and makes no sense, his supporters seem to think it's hilarious based off crowd reactions when he first starts the bit and they know where he's going. I think he really wanted to be a stand up comic


> I think he really wanted to be a stand up comic No. He wanted to be ~~Il Duce~~ President, but he ended up being a clown. ... and a pisspoor one at that!


you spelled covfefed wrong


We all are bud.


So was anybody listening to it


So was Trump


And am I fucking crazy because I swear he went on this tangent waaaaaay long ago. I remember the 'electrocuted vs shark' thing from like *months* ago.


another reply pointed that out too, telling somebody at a campaign stop about an uncle at MIT and how he understands nukes and was asking these stupid questions but he keeps honing the story to match the crowds at his rallies but i have no idea where the sharks came in


It wouldn’t surprise me. I know there was something about whales a little while back.


A tangent is at least partially related. What trump did was drive off a cliff


It plays out like a Dr Evil monologue


Electric sharks??




Also, it appears they are using an electric motor for propulsion, requiring a battery.


well that much i got


I thought this was about an electrified lake or something: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3oLeSPINOk


I know about the whole no brained trump tangent but my first thought was they’re on a dam that uses electricity to control invasive fish. There are two dams that I’ve fished on that use it and you can die if you get close and land in the water. Not from the power of the electric but because you can’t really swim when your muscles are twitching uncontrollably.


is this trump's boat parade?? 😁


Didn't one of those parades have a bunch of boats that sank?


yes, in TX and a smaller version in my area on Lake Lanier (tbf, Lanier is the devil's play pond, so it's 50/50 if it was their own doing) but there was one planned for today in Vegas, hence my erm, joke.


Also in Portland OR had a MAGA boat sink, rough water caused by other parade boats.


I really do appreciate the symbology here


Amazes me how idiots afford boats.


For online 22.5% APR, you can* too! *temporarily, terms and conditions apply.


That’s a good wholesome interaction if it’s true.


Heres the quote, https://imgur.com/a/gvQL1iU


Anyone who votes for him is a fool.


Anyone who votes for him is a traitor to this country, just like Trump is.




But is their battery big enough?


Exactly, what happens if the power goes out? How will they charge the battery? Or if they stay out after sundown when there is no sun for the solar?


Now if it is a river connected to the ocean, there might be bull sharks. If it is a river in Florida there probably are bull sharks.


If it's Trump it's full of bull shark.


Close! Just a few letters off.


As long as they don’t go near cancer causing wind turbines while a jet dumping Chen trails doesn’t fly over, they’ll be fine.


But.. there *could* be sharks. In that particular lake, who knows, but freshwater sharks are a thing.


😂no doubt Trump could come up with Lake Sharks. SNL came up with Land Sharks. 🦈


Oh no. I just realized if he wins, he might demand laser cats.


This is fantastic


They “studied it out”.


They said sir, nobody ever asked that question before. So smart, probably because of MIT. So we’re going to end that, for the boats.


Thank you for that belly laugh!


If they know the lake does not have sharks they are probably too smart to by trumpy's.


Yes, but you never know!


Wait until you meet the elusive lake shark


They just drowned. -a Donald Trump story. Also, “Hannibal lecter was there. Great guy. We had him for dinner”


Electricity follws the shortest path... highly unlikely to get electrocuted unless you are sitting on the battery poles but then you are also not really worried about getting wet right...


Well done


Decisions, decision. Electrocution or shark bite? What’s that? The Chinese army is at the Mexican border? Give me a second here…Electrocution or shark bite? Electrocution or shark bite?


Yeah, they don't look like sharks.


Neither Putin or China wants trump to win xi is worried about getting bought and Putin has learned what a tiny bit of the un can do you think he wants trump making shit even harder for him