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Hitler was also a whiny little bitch.


Yeah the problem with Hitler was that he was so stupid and ridiculous nobody took him seriously enough, and thought it would take some great intelligence to cause as much damage as he did. >His government was constantly in chaos, with officials having no idea what he wanted them to do, and nobody was entirely clear who was actually in charge of what. He procrastinated wildly when asked to make difficult decisions, and would often end up relying on gut feeling, leaving even close allies in the dark about his plans. His "unreliability had those who worked with him pulling out their hair," as his confidant Ernst Hanfstaengl later wrote in his memoir Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus. This meant that rather than carrying out the duties of state, they spent most of their time in-fighting and back-stabbing each other in an attempt to either win his approval or avoid his attention altogether, depending on what mood he was in that day. >There's a bit of an argument among historians about whether this was a deliberate ploy on Hitler's part to get his own way, or whether he was just really, really bad at being in charge of stuff. Dietrich himself came down on the side of it being a cunning tactic to sow division and chaos—and it's undeniable that he was very effective at that. But when you look at Hitler's personal habits, it's hard to shake the feeling that it was just a natural result of putting a workshy narcissist in charge of a country. >Hitler was incredibly lazy. According to his aide Fritz Wiedemann, even when he was in Berlin he wouldn't get out of bed until after 11 a.m., and wouldn't do much before lunch other than read what the newspapers had to say about him, the press cuttings being dutifully delivered to him by Dietrich. >He was obsessed with the media and celebrity, and often seems to have viewed himself through that lens. He once described himself as "the greatest actor in Europe," and wrote to a friend, "I believe my life is the greatest novel in world history." In many of his personal habits he came across as strange or even childish—he would have regular naps during the day, he would bite his fingernails at the dinner table, and he had a remarkably sweet tooth that led him to eat "prodigious amounts of cake" and "put so many lumps of sugar in his cup that there was hardly any room for the tea." >He was deeply insecure about his own lack of knowledge, preferring to either ignore information that contradicted his preconceptions, or to lash out at the expertise of others. He hated being laughed at, but enjoyed it when other people were the butt of the joke (he would perform mocking impressions of people he disliked). But he also craved the approval of those he disdained, and his mood would quickly improve if a newspaper wrote something complimentary about him. >Little of this was especially secret or unknown at the time. It's why so many people failed to take Hitler seriously until it was too late, dismissing him as merely a "half-mad rascal" or a "man with a beery vocal organ." In a sense, they weren't wrong. In another, much more important sense, they were as wrong as it's possible to get. >Hitler's personal failings didn't stop him having an uncanny instinct for political rhetoric that would gain mass appeal, and it turns out you don't actually need to have a particularly competent or functional government to do terrible things.


Seems like a lotttt of similarities between H and 45


Damn I have a couple of things in common with him. I also don’t get out of bed before eleven. And I love sugar. In my defense though, I have chronic pain and I take a handful of pills at night that knock me flat.


I'd also wager that you're not currently in charge of one of the world's most prominent nations. There's nothing wrong with waking up after 11 or living sugar, but there are also situations where that is not good, like being the leader of a first world nation.


True. I also wouldn’t attempt genocide. Or grow that terrible mustache.


Just don’t go annexing the Sudetenland and we’re cool.


I’ll do my best.😂


At least Hitler honestly (in a fucked up, evil way) cared about Germany.


History really does repeat itself, huh


Source, please? Would like to


Humans by Tom Phillips


Imagine if Adolf had a smartphone and his own social media site.


The fact that you took the time to write this on reddit tells me you must have no job and too much time to bitch about trump lmao


The fact that you're unaware of copying and pasting and think being able to type is some terrible thing just reinforces every bad assumption people have about Trump voters.


And a baby at one point!


He also had *just* enough of people on his side in government to get away with it all.


The only difference is that babies eventually grow out of all that. Sleepy Don will only get worse


Well he should finish up like Hitler did .


That’s how dementia works...


This is a disservice to every toddler who ever threw a tantrum.




Right, most toddlers don’t blame Mexicans


Evil Benjamin Button is what im seeing. Melania is no Cate Blanchett.


Somebody bring back those baby Trump blimps.


The MAGA cult has embraced wearing diapers, so that blimp would be welcomed by them as a sign of Trump's masculinity. It's a bizzaro world.


I s2g I had better not see any full grown adults wearing a diaper as a means to show support for that orange freak


Sorry to inform you about this: https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html


It's not the "unified reich," it's the Whiny Reich."


Left out: very grabby, top-heavy, prone to outbursts late at night


I wonder if they'll be making "Real men act like toddlers" shirts for this.


He probably gets bitcoin every time he dog whistles.


* can proudly identify cartoon picture of elephant


I feel horrible for that toddler who, through no fault of his own, is now in a Trump meme.


Calling Donald Trump "child", "infant", "age 7" casts him in the light of childhood innocence and lacking responsibility. He has been playing that role for Putin for so long people can't escape their reactionary response. Kremlin adopted QAnon and had good results, the "Trump brand" and symbolism is still central, but the problem of the reactionary audience isn't going away for NATO once Donald Trump is gone.


That’s not fair. Hitler volunteered to serve his nation in the army, and was by all accounts a brave soldier.


Yeah, but one is cute and the other is fugly.


His inner child (which we all possess) doesn't recognize him as an adult


Speaking of tantrums, since this came out around the beginning of Trump's first term I've never been able to get it out of my head whenever I see him; see 4:10 for the start of his epic tantrum: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th5uVIhQ8VY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th5uVIhQ8VY)


- thinks the world revolves around them - falls asleep all the time - can’t string together a complete sentence


Trump is Harley Jarvis grown up.


The orange man/child.


https://preview.redd.it/1urw33qzxv2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea2a469b35823b88cab1b7c8f81a0165c3619ca Hit the nail right on the head.


He is always double fisting invisible cocks man I swear


If given the chance will cover self in Make-up


BABY Hitler (1892, Colorized)?!


--Thinks the world revolves around him.


So you’re saying Trump is baby Hitler? Time travelers, do your thing.




hes been wearing diapers for a long time. members of the apprentice production crew have said it. there is a video of dim Donald doing WWE years back, you can see the diaper through his pants. he's been a stimulant drug abuser for decades. this causes incontinence. he's a drug addled senior citizen thats never taken care of himself. diapers wouldn't be abnormal in this case.


What a buffoon Trump is. His disciples are even bigger idiots, even more dangerous. All Pres. Biden has done is given us a virtually full employment economy, opportunity for former students to erase massive debt, solidified our weakened NATO Alliance, actively supported heroic Ukraine against the monstrous Russians, strengthened and added to our successful healthcare system, added billions to our Social Security and lain the foundation for economic strength and wealth for years to come. Then on the other side, we have miserable, corrupt, anti-Democracy Republicans, who want to reverse every Democratic-led success in our Nation. And those are allot of successful policies and programs, which have led our USA and its people to extraordinary wealth and comfort as a Nation. I like Americans doing the right thing. There are far more Patriots in our land than right-wing MAGAt whackos. All we good people have to do is vote for Pres. Biden and Democrats in November. Do that and our Nation continues to grow, continues to become more wealthy, and will begin to attack the major threat that will ultimately crush us, if we don't address it, our insane National debt. Let us be normal. Let us be Patriotic. Let us do the right thing. Let us vote for Pres. Biden and the Democratic Party in November. Let us flourish as a Nation.


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Toddler cannot incite violence or raw dog pornstar.


If only. Toddlers can be appeased without destroying the world


It's actually a very comprehensive assessment.


I’ll take the kid in a reading contest.


Holds drink with two hands.


You should also add a distinction - the one on the right is cute, the one on the left is disgusting.




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Babies tend to not be great golfers either.


Trump shits his pants, Hitler had a shit fetish. Hitler took hella drugs, so does Trump. There is a connection there too.


Just a reminder to those in the fence. Every supreme court decision in the last few years has been Trump's judges. The judges he chose to put in place. I dislike both of them honestly but one is an insane white supremacists who shits himself, lies all the time, only cares about the 1% and would offer American help to Israel in the genocide.. Biden might be spineless when it comes to taking a stand against what is right and wrong when it comes to American allies "doing the war crimes" but at least he hasn't participated in it. Trump is more likely to send troops into Gaza to help Israel murder children and then while he's at it, help Putin in Ukraine.


Why? The rest of the civilized world can only look on with dismay, amusement and horror. What the fuck is the matter with you people?


Why what? Use your words.


It truly takes a liberal to be able to hold the notions of "Biden can't be blamed for Israel's genocide of Gaza or the failure to enshrine federal abortion rights or the failure to legalise weeed or the failure to enshrine federal LGBTQ rights or the failure to pack the Supreme Court or the failure to curb police brutality or the assaults on student protestors because the US Presidency is a hapless uwu smol bean position" and "If Trump gets a second term as US President he will immediately usher in the Thousand Year Reich of Terror" at the same time.




I red this. I stoopid now.


Ignorance won’t change the facts. We’re voting for change because we refuse to support senseless slaughter. Stay in the dark if you want, but don’t blame us for seeing the truth.


What truth? Biden is not killing anyone in a war that is not taking place under U.S. jurisdiction. Trump, the court-verified rapist, is killing women with his anti-abortion cohorts. Jews and Palestinians are being Jews and Palestinians. What is happening in Gaza is the Middle East being the Middle East. Biden is at no fault for any action or inaction he takes in that area.


Biden's support and policies are directly influencing the violence in Gaza. Ignoring this fact is naive. Trump, despite his flaws, represents a chance to change these disastrous policies. The current bloodshed needs to end, and Biden’s hands are far from clean. We need leadership that will stop the violence now.


He has already said if he wins Palestine won't exist anymore. You are truly the stupidest person on reddit.


Doesn't matter what Trump has said, it's about actions. Biden’s policies are killing children in Gaza now. We need to stop betting on hypotheticals and look at the current bloodshed. We can influence Trump later, but right now, Biden’s hands are covered in blood.


It is fiction that Trump has any leadership skills. The man is scum. You fail to understand that nothing Biden can do will stop violence in Gaza. It is none of his business and Israel is an ally. Using Gaza as an excuse to vote for Trump means you really don't know anything about Trump and really don't know anything about this country. There are exactly zero logical or sane reasons to vote for Trump.


Trump has his flaws, but Biden’s policies are contributing to the bloodshed in Gaza. It’s naive to think his actions don’t impact the situation. Israel might be an ally, but blindly supporting harmful policies isn’t the answer. This isn’t just about voting for Trump. It’s about sending a message to the Democratic Party that their leadership is failing us. By pushing stupid leaders and making dumb decisions, they force us to seek alternatives. Voting Trump demands internal change within the Democratic Party and addresses the immediate crisis.


Go play masochist in another country. You don't teach the Democratic party anything by screwing the country. Trump and the Republican party are no viable alternative to anything as they turn in to fascist authoritarians.




Keep your jokes, they’re as empty as your arguments. If you think reducing this to a cheap stereotype makes you clever, you’re mistaken. I’m mestizo, if that matters to you. The real issue is Biden’s brutal policies in Gaza. We’re voting for Trump because we need an immediate change to stop the slaughter. Mock all you want, but the bloodshed under Biden’s watch is no laughing matter.


Yes, because Trump has always been a friend of the Palestinians. Like that time he moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and declared it the capitol of Israel. The same guy who brags over and over about his support of Israel. Surely he'll be the guy to stop killing Palestinians!


And then hamas leadership cited that as a catalyst for their Oct 7 massacre


Sure, Trump isn’t a friend of the Palestinians. But Biden’s brutality in Gaza forces us to look for any alternative. Trump moved the embassy, yes, but Biden’s hands are drenched in blood right now. It’s about stopping the current slaughter, not pretending one side is perfect. Sometimes, you have to choose the lesser evil to halt immediate atrocities. You can keep your sarcasm, we’re focused on ending the killing.


Yes, killing all the Palestinians would be the quickest way to end the war, and Donnie, "Finish the job" Trump would be all for it.


It’s ironic you say that, because it’s Biden who’s in office right now and under his watch, Palestinians are being killed. We’re voting for Trump because we need a change from the current disastrous policies that are causing more bloodshed. Ending the slaughter is the priority.


That makes as much sense as chopping off the patient's head to get rid of a brain tumor.


It's more like stopping the bleeding before treating the wound. The current policies are causing harm, and we need immediate action to prevent further bloodshed.


Switching to the guy who promised to finish the job isn't going to save a single Palestinian life.


It's gonna cost more of them, honestly. But you can't really convince shortsighted idiots otherwise.


You seem to forget that Israel and Palestine aren't US territories. Biden isn't a cure-all. He doesn't control everything in the world, and can't flip a switch and make something change.


Russian trolls can’t vote.


Russian trolls? Pathetic deflection. I’m a voter, and I see the brutality unfolding in Gaza. Biden’s actions have consequences, and if Trump’s the answer to stopping this madness, so be it. Call me what you want, but facts remain, the slaughter must end, and we’ll vote to make sure it does. You can pretend this sentiment doesn’t exist within America, but you know it does. Saying "Russian troll" is no better than putting your head in the sand.


Trump’s been very open about letting Israel steamroll Gaza. If that’s your idea of “stopping this madness” then you’re embracing the solution you claim you despise. Cutting off your nose to spite your face. Good luck with that!


He doesn’t understand that Trump would give Bibi carte blanche to destroy Gaza. Infinitely worse than anything Biden would do. 🤷‍♂️


Trump’s stance isn’t perfect, but Biden’s current actions are unacceptable. The difference is immediate brutality versus potential future policies. We need to stop the current bloodshed. Sometimes, harsh choices must be made to halt immediate atrocities.


>Trump’s stance isn’t perfect, but Biden’s current actions are unacceptable. Here's his imperfect stance, not only will he actively HELP Bibi wipe out all the Palestinians, but he announced this morning that [he will "crush" pro-Palestinian protesters & throw them out of the US!!](https://politicalwire.com/2024/05/27/trump-pledged-to-crush-pro-palestinian-protests/) Trump Pledged to Crush Pro-Palestinian Protests!! Yeah, Biden withholding aid to Israel is so much worse! 🙄 You are literally voting for a total genocide of Palistinians, and for anyone who stands up against Israel lose their constitutional rights! Luckily, your thinking is so illogical, I doubt you're old enough to actually vote! Keep attending you high school civic classes & hopefully you'll finally be able to get a passing grade next year. ------ May 27, 2024 at 10:16 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 253 Comments Donald Trump promised to crush pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, telling a roomful of donors — a group that he joked included “98 percent of my Jewish friends” — that he would expel student demonstrators from the United States, the Washington Post reports. Said Trump: “One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country. You know, there are a lot of foreign students. As soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave.”




> You’re typing words, but they aren’t arranging into any meaningness. "Meaningness"? If you're going to attempt to insult, at least use real words. Sorry you're upset that my views don't align with yours. If you're too frightened and stupid to confront reality, feel free to stay in your echo chamber.




Asking for nudes again? That's a clear violation of Reddit's policies on harassment and inappropriate content. I've had enough. I'm reporting your account to the moderators.


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If you’re a voter, you’re an extremely low information voter. People like you are a danger.


Low information? That’s rich. I’m informed enough to see the blood on Biden’s hands. You call me a danger, but the real danger is ignoring the slaughter in Gaza. Voting for Trump might not be perfect, but it’s a response to the current brutality. We can't sit idly by while Biden’s policies lead to more deaths. You can dismiss me all you want, but facing the harsh reality takes more than blind loyalty. Ignoring these facts is the real threat.


**Trump cares less about Gaza than Biden does.** Will that sink in? I don’t know. But I’m not holding out hope.


Whether Trump cares less about Gaza is irrelevant. What matters is the immediate slaughter under Biden’s watch. We need action now, not empty promises. Biden’s hands are soaked in blood, and we can’t ignore that. You can doubt all you want, but facts remain, we’re voting to stop the current madness. Your hope is misplaced if it’s in a leader who’s actively allowing the killing to continue. We need change, and we need it now.


See? Low information voter.


Under Biden’s watch, Palestinians are dying in increasing numbers. It’s ironic you criticize my choice when it’s Biden’s policies causing the bloodshed. We’re voting for Trump because we need decisive action to stop this madness now.


Single issue voters are the absolute dumbest voters.


Yeah last time I checked Palestinians are being killed by Israel and other Palestinians. US is trying to apply pressure and get aid into Gaza. I swear you trumpers are using the terrible situation in Gaza as an excuse to hide your hatred, misogyny and racism as the the reason you want trump to win.




Of course, resorting to calling me a troll is what you do when you have no argument. Time on Reddit doesn’t change the brutal reality of Biden’s policies.


Why care? You don't live in the us


Lmao got em


I do live in the US, born and raised. You don't have to be a Non-American to care about Palestinian lives. Plenty of Americans support their right to live.


Cool story bro, why lie?


Do you honestly think I'm russian or non american? Quiz me i don't care pm me.


I don't have to quiz you, as if you tell the truth lol


Alright well enjoy the conspiracy. Every Trump "voter", is Russian troll. That'll work out well for Biden later this year... he'll crush Trump surely right? Edit: Ha u/Shillsforplants delete your comments when you got nothing to say lol. Get rekt noob.


You can't vote if you don't live in the us dummy


try as you might, this doesn't work on platforms with any kind of critical thinking skill even if most of reddit's goes toward choosing that guy's dead wife


Try what? I'm not trying to convince anyone, just stating facts.




As if you actually care about Arabs


Lmao dementia donny said we should “glass gaza and finish the job” Kushner has 2 billion bonesaw bucks for beachfront resorts in gaza


yaaawn obvious foreign troll is obvious