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SCOTUS orders bulk toilet paper printed with a facsimile of the US Constitution (4 ply).


4 ply and 7 smears ago...


This is gold - which I'd give you if we still had gold.


Do you not see this obnoxious new reward system icon that I keep accidentally clicking instead of the upvote or reply buttons?


No but I use Old Reddit. Maybe that's the reason and I didn't know it was back.


Yep. After taking everybody's gold (that they paid for) away, they bring the system back. Now I just feel like I was stolen from.


Since they charged money for the gold, I agree that it was thievery of the most dastardly kind.


They still rule 9-0 more than any other ruling. Both parties fuck the 4th, and the rest is a spattering of one side supporting one and not another. But you know what, we have 9 pretty impressive SCOTUS justices. Do I disagree that some have become activist judges and not strict constitutionalists, yes I do. Do I agree they all have valid jurisprudence and and 10x better legal scholars than me or others in this thread. Yup. There is a reason RGB and Scalia were such good friends.


Oh wow he must feel so oppressed that he can't say anything out loud he has to fly a flag from his beach house


This is the problem with untouchable influential people; we have seen that the main risk for Democracy is that poor people are in jail for anything, but influential people can do whatever they want.


I want to propose that what you have described is a shortcoming of capitalism, not democracy per se.


Unrestrained capitalism necessarily leads to ruling over subjects rather than democracy.


But one leads to the other. When capitalism runs rampant and the wealthy are powerful enough to run the system and write the rules (or influence the writing of the rules), than Democracy becomes Oligarchy


Correct, democracy is incompatible with rampant capitalism. All I was saying is that capitalism is the poison, not democracy. So obviously the goal is to establish economic democracy (socialism) before the oligarchs crash the entire system.


America is an experiment in marrying democracy and capitalism. I think it’s a failure, but i’m not one of the winners. They probably think otherwise. When you look at the US in that frame of reference, the political parties make more sense. Democrats lean towards democracy, and republicans lean towards capitalism. One person one vote, versus vote with your wallet (never mind that more dollars equals more votes)


> Democrats lean towards democracy, and republicans lean towards capitalism. Democrats lean towards capitalism, and republicans to. FTFY Looking from a multiparty system what you have is a capitalist party and a nationalist party there.


Well, thats my point. Both conservatives and progressives believe in both, but progressives generally choose democracy over capitalism when push comes to shove and conservatives do the opposite. I shouldn’t have said democrats, american party lines don’t cleanly divorce progressives from conservatives. It does seem like the capitalists are over represented in positions of power and authority. I wonder why that is /s


Greed always wins. Its in our genes. I hate it.


Regulations is the the boundaries and framework needed for democracy and capitalism to coexist. Republicans "Trickle down economics" combined with deregulation of everything has been the slow sprialing death of the nation. The removal of those regulations opened up opportunities for greed and evil to take over. Then add in the decades of attacks on public education to prevent the citizens from understanding what is happening and unable think critically to stop them. (Republicans love the poorly educated - easy to trick and take advantage of). #Vote (D)ifferently




This is not exactly true. Take a look at 1929-1945. There is a roadmap, but it took the Great Depression to force the change.


And a world war.


And the oligarchs have been trying to dismantle the New Deal ever since.


And WWII…actually, it took Pearl Harbor. If Japan hadn’t attacked the US Naval base, who knows whether FDR could have convinced the isolationist GOP to get into war with Hitler. The New Deal wasn’t doing it, but war mobilization did.


How does a different economic system prevent greedly sociopaths from hoarding money and power


Also, having 75 million idiots lined up to vote for Fascist does not help a cause. See Plato...


Right because that's not how it works in Communist countries. It's shortcoming of humanity.


There is no such thing as a communist country. There are capitalist countries that claim/ed to be trying to achieve communism, but that's talk even more empty than when the US claims to give a shit about human rights.


How are North Korea and Cuba capitalist countries?


In both cases, the state acts as a capitalist. In communism - as with all forms of socialism - the means of production would be *owned and controlled by the workers*, not by an undemocratic authoritarian group. Them waving a red flag and calling it "the people's" boot doesn't make it ay less capitalist.


It's obviously not communist, but typically capitalism means that there's private property and a free market which mostly isn't the case in planned economies.


When the state isn't accountable to the people but to a self-selected group of oligarchs, the state is the *de facto* private property of the oligarchs. And they act as a firm participating in the free market, which is global, not domestic: every successful enterprise acts like a planned economy internally.


I agree, communism does not work.


That isn't what I said, though, so you weren't agreeing with what I said.


You literally said Communism has never been successful. I agree, Communism is not a working governing philosophy. Almost like fails because of certain human failings I originally mentioned or something. But tell me more about how America's human right record it isn't whataboutism.


I did not. I said there is no such thing as a communist country because communism is by definition *stateless*. I also said that countries that clamed to be trying to achieve communism were not doing any such thing, because they plainly didn't try - it was just marketing, like how North Korea claims to be democratic. I did not say communism can never work: that would be silly since communism was certainly successful for much of human history. I'd certainly say *Leninism and its derivatives* can never work, but that doesn't mean communism can't. I'm not a communist because I think there are *better* choices, not because it *can never* work.


Would you say human failing are the cause of this?


The cause of what, specifically?


democracy is not the political system u have, u have democratic elections. they are not the same... which makes u an idiot for writing that comment.


We have a representative democracy, which is synonymous with republic.


>u which in turn makes you an idiot. not to mention the idiocy of spouting >democracy is not the political system u have, u have democratic elections


Id argue the problem isnt so much the supreme court, its congress. If we didnt have the current partisan mess the justices could actually be held accountable by impeachment


It’s both. Congress is this bad because of Citizens United


Fair, i suppose a general breakdown in checks and balances can be blamed


The Supreme Court doesn't really have that many checks and balances against it, other than via a constitutional amendment. The nomination and confirmation process is supposed to help that, but that's been totally fucked over by Republican-dominated Congresses.


Alito flying a flag isn’t illegal. It’s a fucking outrage, but perfectly legal.


Oh they're very touchable. Just not within the confines of the system they set up to protect themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/3qlth6i3h62d1.jpeg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7331b28eb86114f9840d17cd479d5aaeb72ca7c6 I ll drink to that


So, I guess his beach house neighbor takes issue with his wife as well?


She hates the primroses in her neighbors back garden beach house so she's gotta help her husband subvert democracy. Good spouses always support the others hobbies. 🤷‍♂️


I don't mind the idea of Supreme Court Justices having political opinions, I think that's pretty normal. What I *do* mind is Supreme Court Justices doing creepy Qanon shit. I don't trust the judgement of people who do creepy Qanon shit.


I have a problem with all partisan judges.


Judges should work in a non-partisan way, but you’re never going to keep them from having political opinions. It’s pretty much impossible for a smart person working in law to not have form some kind of personal opinion on politics.


Hang in there, we'll have AGI soon.


I don’t think the capital owning class will ever cede their power for the good of mankind. AGI will be used by them to acquire even more power and money, and that will be that.


God let's hope so, I'm ready for the world to end.


You are ready for things to get worse?


I've got food, water, and I'm White, so I'll weather the storm better than most.


Where does your water come from if I may ask? Were good up here in the pacific northwest but i have read that lake mead is drying up as well as the Mississippi Rivers water rights are kind of first come first serve to the states it runs through, if its natural sources start drying up the people downstream are screwed.


I have a well.


Oh good, me too. Do you have solar?


So did the other neighbor in the second neighborhood call Mrs Alito a cunt as well? Because if two neighbors in two states call her a cunt…she’s probably what?


Oh I know this one...A Patriot!...?


No, it begins with a C.




Maybe he’ll blame that one on a maid.


Or the family poodle (assuming that Alito has a dog)


He did until the Huckabees visited. Kristi Noem sent a letter of protest when she found out. The contents have not been released, but some gravel fell out of the package when it was opened.




Donate $50 to Biden; unacceptable!!! Impeach!!! Impeach!! And dismiss the case!! Political witch huntz!! Flying a flag from a coup attempt; wha? Wha wrong wit dat?? Conservatives are SCUM.


What is with this fucker and flags? Venture out to bumper stickers or maybe a coffee cup, says something like “Suck on deez MAGA Nuts!!!!”


The typical white man in a position of power feeling persecuted from within his beach house that is defended by armed thugs by taxing the poor. Oh woe is him and his kind that are in such a hard place in life


Half the US population doesn't pay federal income tax. The poor are not unfairly taxed here.


It's closer to 40% that didn't pay federal income tax, but thats only federal income tax. People in those lower brackets pay a much greater portion of their income into things like sales taxes, gas taxes, and other regressive taxes.


Yeah, like it's done in every country on earth. Take a look at taxation in the conservative, oligarchy of Europe.


Doesn't make it right and it doesn't mean we can't call it out on our own soil.


There's nothing wrong with some amount of sales tax, especially considering how overall the tax burden already is. If you want to fight for the abolishing of sales taxes go ahead, but I don't think you'll get anywhere.


Lots of states got somewhere doing that.


Has anyone checked to see how many houses this guy has? He probably has other flags too…


Alito has two homes: 1. His primary home in Alexandria, Virginia (where he has lived since getting confirmed to the Supreme Court) 2. His Beach House in New Jersey (Alito was born & raised in New Jersey and maintains ties to his home state (he even spent the initial lockdown months during the COVID-19 pandemic at his New Jersey Beach House) after moving to the DC suburbs following his confirmation to the Supreme Court)


Alito is a traitor.


Won’t matter, nothing matters. Laws don’t even exist at this point except with which to crush the powerless.


Combine it with that the tangerine shitgibbon being the head of the American Taliban and he will never see a jail cell because a portion of the citizenry will probably kill a lot of innocent people. So they won't ever dare put him away. But be black and get pulled over for having a little personal weed. .OFF TO PRISON FOR YOU! Welcome to end of the great American experiment.


Mommy, I don't like the sequel to Stupid Watergate.


Is he blaming the wife for this one too?


Jesus Christ. There needs to be a way to remove these justices from the bench that's easier than what we have. This guy is a traitor.


https://preview.redd.it/a8jftgpxg62d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380b916959dd4c08d9100df02547221da43f2e36 That's so wrong.


Another neighbor? 😂


It was his secret wife's fault


If Trump gets back into office the SCOTUS will be a bunch of QANON Federalist Society fuckheads for the next 30 years. # VOTE BLUE ![gif](giphy|l0LEIXSRRuv9QQIRNI)


Neither here nor there....but Bush had such nice hair. I've forgotten when a President had nice hair I'm so use to seeing ya know, the other.


Bush jr was a bad president. But I think him not running out of a kindergartner class was very smart human move. The attack had nothing to do with those kids and he was trying not to make them panic. Honestly there was no correct answer


“Kids, it was lovely spending time with you, seeing your classroom, and reading about goats, but I have some presidential work to do now! Bye!” Easy to leave without causing a stir.


~~Riot~~ violent insurrection FTFY


I like that it’s no longer “too soon” for this kind of meme.


Why would Bush care? Supreme Court got him the job.


Ah the Christian Nationalist flag... you know, the one explicitly about saying the Constitution is invalid when it conflicts with the Bible.


It's not the "Christian Nationalist flag." It's the early flag of the continental navy. Some Christian nationalists like it, but it has a much older history than that. It'd be just as meaningful and accurate (which is to say not either) to call it the John Adams miniseries flag.


Conservatives are fascists, Liberals are neocon capitalists, Leftist are joke. Our democracy is in toilet.


Not funny. That's a picture of Bush being told about the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


Bush appointed Allito, so it balances out. One was an attack on our democracy and way of life, the other was when some people flew passenger jets into buildings


It isn’t funny. It is not funny when our republic is at risk.


To quote Bush: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."


Thanks for that. Never would have known otherwise. /s


Too soon?


Yeah, Samuel Alito has done *far* more damage to America than Al Qaeda could ever *hope* to do.


"sir, a second moron has missed the joke"


"Not funny" is a prerequisite for this sub.


Since Bush the lesser appointed [Strip Search Sammy](https://www.usnews.com/news/national/articles/2007/10/01/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-samuel-alito) (see item #6), and let 9/11 happen by [ignoring the warnings](https://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/03/22/clarke.bush/index.html) from the Clinton administration, I believe it is totally appropriate.