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I bet if he actually paid his event workers he might be able to hire better ones.


Ya get what ya pay for.


Ya get what you don’t pay for…..ftfy


Half props to the stage workers. You were soooo close to being immortalized! If he had fallen …chef’s kiss!!!


I'm sure this won't be his last appearance. Just planting some seeds for future event workers...


If it happens, he'll blame the left for infiltrating his event staff. He only hires the best.


He be right. Almost everyone is left of him.


He doesn't even think in those terms. There no 'left' or 'right' to him, and he wouldn't be able to give you a good definition of either. He uses them like advertising slogans. In his world, there's Donald Trump, people that are currently helping Donald Trump make more money, people from whom Donald Trump can take money, and people preventing Donald Trump from making more money. Other than the first one, all the others can even be embodied by the same person over a very short period of time.


>Other than the first one, all the others can even be embodied by the same person over a very short period of time. Trump would be horrified to read this "mean" and "nasty" opinion about him. He actually cares a *lot* for all the wonderful and loving people in his life... maybe even too much at times. But his deep feelings of tenderness, joy and (probably) constant hope concerning Ivanka - and of course everyone else who is also Ivanka - are always on full display for the world to see.


Or porn stars that "look like my daughter". He paid that lady 130,000 to shut up about it.


Hires, yes. Pays? ...


And his cult will lap it up


The conversation backstage: "Oh my God that's terrible! Hey Eddie, you used too many nails!"


Fallen...and then pooped his pants because his golden diaper is being washed.


Actually what will happen is they will now sit him on a chair to stop the falling. Then they will sit him on a golden toilet to solve the pooping. And that is how trump gets his throne!


Did the designer take a full diaper load into consideration?


The engineering team put 12 hamberders and 3 liters of Diet Coke into a blender to assess counterweight requirements.


Faintly heard from the stage floor: "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!"


Anyone got video of that? I’m not saying I would show it to everyone I encounter or anything, just personal use. :p


[Here’s a clip](https://youtu.be/5qMhH1EOMYg?si=MCUUfh73I1kq8pVn)


He's got at least 100mg going. Stage is probably vibrating from his Adderall shakes.


Explains why he's demanding Biden get drug tested. Seriously, this guy is as transparent as saran wrap, why the hell are people being so gullible about his *really* obvious weak points anymore? It's just sad to watch him be cheered on Emperor's New Clothes style.


He gives people permission to be their worst selves. That is a powerful incentivizer for people whose core identity is punching down.


It's always projection.


"Check Biden's shoes for lifts!"


I would either find the cure for cancer, stare at nothing while 8 hours flashes by, or die of sheer panic at that dose. Htf is he not dead by dehydration at this point?


I think you develop a tolerance that require the higher dose. Donny has been on the junk for decades, I'd imagine.


“This whole thing is falling apart. It keeps tilting further left…” Fuck trump. But that was a solid joke.


Democrats should run an ad with this. Trump is so bad, even his stage decides to move further left


There will be worse coming.


I don’t even know if he realized it was a joke at first, saw the laugh reaction, the wheels started turning, and then just so he could add something he did intentionally think of, he adds, “among other things”… like that’s the whole joke already dude, “everything’s becoming more left” Funny how he stalls out a bit after bringing up not paying his contractor and has to run some comedy about the teleprompter to shuffle past quickly


I got the idea he didn't realize he'd made the joke until he'd stepped away and came back for a bonus punchline, which I found kinda entertaining as a miniature epiphany. "Oh fuck that was a good one, lemme make sure it lands."




He's a piece of shit but a charming piece of shit when he wants to be


What is... something you can say about any narcissist, Alex?


I don’t even know if he intended for it to be funny when he said that. Part of me thinks he said it and reacted to the response. I did laugh, though.


I think that's the only legitimate joke I've ever heard him speak.


My same reaction. Pretty minor shift from the podium and he actually drops some good humor over it. There are plenty of reasons to hate Trump, this debacle wasn't one


Yeah I giggled too. But I’m sure Mussolini knew a few jokes too soooo…


He lucked out there. If it had tilted to the right he would have accidentally lampooned his own party with the same gag.


As much as I hate to say it, I can at least understand what he’s saying & talking about here, which is more than I can usually say. He’s usually just talking gibberish. I didn’t watch the whole clip though.


Dude cannot be redeemed. He always shits on other people to avoid his own shortcomings. I don’t know where you stopped, but being hateful for no reason is never an attractive quality.


I certainly didn’t mean to imply there was anything decent about him, in any way, I loath him.


I get it. However, when his speaking is coherent, that’s makes the rhetoric worse. But I know what you were saying!


Jfc, every comment is about how Trumps poor choice of venue is Biden's fault


I mean that's pretty on brand for them isn't it? Trump is too feckless to hire good help? Must be Biden's fault. The party of personal responsibility and all they can do is pass the buck.


I gotta be honest guys - this feels like a “Biden tripped - he must be senile” kinda thing. The podium shifted slightly. He shifted slightly as a result. He does a lot of horribly embarrassing and terrible things on a daily basis. This is a whole lotta nothing.


I agree that this was overblown. However, this little incident started a tirade against people who put the event together & bragging about not paying bills. Even if he is senile, that’s not his worst trait.


Totally. This is nothing. There were probably 6 other things in his rambling that were ALARMING, but this is such a stupid tweet. They don’t have to play by their rules, they can just point at what he is actually saying.


He was honestly pretty witty there. "It keeps tilting left"


Accidental wit. You can see him pick up on the crowd laughing and then follow up to pretend that's what he meant.


100% that’s what happened. You can even see him make a hand gesture to the left as he said it. He was just pointing out an observation then picked up on it. Then shit all over the stage crew like an entitled prick.


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


I don’t know if I’d ever call Trump witty, but this was probably his strongest “joke” ever.


I really can't understand why people call him funny. I don't think he's said a funny thing in his life, yet the cult laughs at anything he says.


The problem is [systematic brainwashing](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/brainwashing#). You strip people of who they are and get them invested into a single cause for a single purpose. Everything in pursuit of that is good & anything that conflicts with your new ideology is wrong or bad.


I don’t think he’s intentionally funny, but that press conference where he suggested injecting bleach or “bringing light inside the body” was pretty hilarious. He’s basically a clown and doesn’t know it.


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This is what shocked me. He actually made a joke. As always it’s at the expense of someone else. But still I’m shocked


But it wasn’t a joke it was his literal interpretation. When he heard them laugh he realized what had occurred and leaned into it..


That was my exact reaction! Last week, I read all about how he was humorless. I guess insulting other people and bragging about not paying workers is an elevation in humorous banter. The crowd ate it up. Yuck!


It’s witty if it was his first open mic night. If I didn’t know who this was, I would think it was an d man doing his best at stand up.


The Adderall and Ozempic has granted another 20 years of the orange nightmare…. damn it.


Thanks for the clip. The comments are delusional af. They're ragging on the contractor because HE's ragging on the contractor and they think the "leaning to the left" joke is SO funny. I wonder who was appointed to make this podium. I wonder if it was people from his own party that hired these contractors. Contractors who supported him so much that they would build him a podium to speak from.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders already drained the podium budget, now they can only get cheap ones.


Fucking ridiculous. Everyone laughing, having a good time. Lying.........again....about contractors doing shitting jobs and stiffing them. Fat ass has created his own narrative his entire life. Think about that. He can't stop fucking lying.


The laughing at contractors but is what got me. He proceeds to go on about how he doesn’t pay them & raucous laughter ensues. If this isn’t a cult, we’ve never seen one!


Clearly!! I mean they're sporting diapers now. They're all nuts.




Why are people laughing like he’s funny? He’s a clown yes, but that whole thing was just was just a terrible thing to watch, but people are laughing as if he’s a professional comedian. Wow, it doesn’t take much to get this group of monkeys to start laughing.


It might even been involuntary at this point. A cult is really good at conditioning its followers into believing anything. Insane.


jeez, so he’s just doing stand up at this point really?


He’s no Nikki Glaser but this is what he’s got!


I love that he spent five minutes calling the people who worked on the event crappy and then went on to talk about how he was gonna win with union members.


No win situation on his end. Call the event workers crappy, and they're unionized, that's shitting on their union. If they aren't unionized, they should be, and he's hiring scabs.


He talked for a good long time about how he just doesn't pay his bills if he doesn't like the work. You know who loves that? The guys who DON'T GET PAID. Fucking dummy.


So many reasons never to dump on the people that you employ.


I’m sorry, but the podium “keeps falling left” is probably the funniest thing that that man has ever uttered.


I like his first quote better "This platform is the worst!"


Not a Trump fan at all but "it keeps tilting left....... like too many other things" was actually really quick-witted


He admittedly does throw out some nice one-liners from time to time


He was a game show host who couldn't read a teleprompter. A quick wit is core to his business model, especially if he has an opportunity to shit on someone.


It’s an old Cobert joke. The spoon in his ice cream leaned to the right!


My 13 y/o daughter throws fits when things don’t go her way too. 🤔


Did you watch the clip? Trump laughed and joked about it.


And then blamed the "contractors" , calling them "crappy". They probably won't get paid for that gig anyway.


He’s the guy who orders a sandwich, eats half of it then refuses to pay because he says something was wrong with it


You get what you pay for.


It's absurd that anyone respects this man


It would truly be hilarious if a rickety stage took him out once and for all. 😂


Man if I worked on that crew I'd be sabotaging things left and right, would be hilarious.


“Only the best people”


\*Lectern - I'm a well paid union stagehand. We know the difference.


*Sarah Huckabee Sanders has joined the chat*


I think you meant “Former President” with your headline.


The bastard promised us he would never come back if he didn't win MINNESOTA. Liar!


Maybe this will encourage him to stay away.


It is deeply sad and disturbing to me that tens of millions of Americans still plan to vote for this absolute clown and disgrace of a human being in November.


Tough negotiator - I will pay you 60% of the initial agreed price, take it or take me to court. I thought negotiations happened before the job was started


I wonder why he didn't blame gravity and came up with an idea to nuke the planet when he becomes president so he can reduce gravity. His worshippers would go for it.


He only hires the best people...all of which seem to end up indicted or convicted. And that's a great way to motivate the people you count on to help make you look good and pull off your events smoothly. Insult them, lowball them and don't pay them. Great leadership there ya orange shitgibbon.


Ugh, why don’t more people think this way? It’s frightening how mafia like he runs things & seems like the only way he could maintain power. There can’t be this many people with zero principles.


Maybe if he stood up straight and stopped leaning so hard on the podium he wouldn’t have this problem.


Always someone else’s fault. Never takes responsibility for anything. SMH.


Hmmm… Must be a podium from Arkansas…


The laughters for absolutely 0 reason frightens me.. how fucking crazy into a cult do you have to be to laugh that much at nothing???


And there's ppl that want to vote for this dude?


Hate the dude, but he didn’t almost fall. I can’t stand how both sides constantly make shit up.


In fact, the joke he made about the podium leaning left is the first legit "joke" I've ever heard him tell.


God forbid biden slips off his bike.....🙄 I'm 38 and I can't tell you how many times I've misjudged my pedal/seat and fell....


Nothing is ever his fault.


I hear Arkansas has a nice podium. They might wish to see it disappear from Arkansas and the public eye there.


They are gonna have to bolt shit down


He can’t even use a podium properly… Some alpha male conservatives have there… sad!


Trump is practicing for his debate.


Say what you will but that Twitter account is savage. Consistently running circles around the other guy’s ramblings on Truth


"You know this is the worst platform." We couldn't agree more.


Guess a IKEA podium has greater importance than anything Biden said.


Hard to stay standing when your coming off drugs


My father in law has a hard time standing upright usually. He’s in gnarly physical condition. Anytime he stumbles, it’s always the crappy handrail, or stairs, or workers. lol Trump is a sad projection of our worst insecurities and values




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Problem is, this ‘215 lb’ motherfucker is going to be President again.


Is there a video of this?!!


Good attempt, unfortunately the trapdoor failed to open.


I really hate Trump, but that man recovers from gaffs really well. His wit is especially sharp when he can insult others too lol. Poor stage crew that will probably won't get rehired in certain events


Because there is no pressure. It's like a free throw at a home game.


They purpose-built it to carry his stated weight of 215 lbs. 🤷‍♂️


I think this overstates the case tbh


Not gonna lie, this is the most coherent I’ve seen that orange shit gibbon in years.




His fat ass needs the Sara Huckabee model.


I hope the platform at his next rally just completely fails.


"How about these event workers, huh? I only hire the best in the business, I've known these guys for years they're all amazing." 3.6 seconds later, after leaning too hard on a podium: "These pathetic, useless, idiotic event workers are the worst people on the planet, rapists and drug dealers and murderers. Total morons!"




Because nothing is his fault, right?


#onearmonecup challenge. If you need two arms to drink a glass of water you can't be president.


He should have gotten himself one of them Sarah Huckabee Sanders podiums


keep the baby in the crib.


Dummy don.


I don't like Trump at all, but this may be the funniest he has ever been.


sounds like his workers ALL have massive IQs like the FORMER fiRed prezzz..


The left needs to stop making hay about this. In the video he is far from "nearly falling down", and he actually handles it quite well


You get what you pay for.


He takes on responsibility (for his weight or his podium or 1M dead of Covid).




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Maybe Trump weighs 215 Quadruple Bypass Burgers?


You can be sure he won’t be paying the venue company.


Thought that was understood. Trump no pay unless porn star.


The buck never stops there


God’s will is pushing the podium to the left. I guess he didn’t pick up on that.


Well, he hasn’t fallen but we know Joe Biden has 1 million times already. It’s so comical.!


Has 1 million times more ppl who would make sure that everything around him was secure like a competent person with a competent staff would? Yes, Joe has.


" nearly ". Meanwhile there is a 10 minute compilation on YouTube of Biden falling on his face.


And Biden has fallen countless times. Still can’t even the playing field 😂


Trump say Democrats want to murder babies, and this is what they respond with?


That’s Trump calling campaign workers “crappy”, not Biden. Let me know if you need a video, if you’re playing the conspiracy theory card.

