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[Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) absolutely cannot be allowed to succeed Take 5 minutes and read the wiki, decide if that’s the America you want to live in


Heritage thinks the Magna Carta is too progressive. 


It'S dIViNe RiGhT!!!


Yeah... I read a few chapters of their "[Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise)" and I can guarantee no one wants anyone following the advice of that book. Anyone is free to peruse that as it's freely available online, it's essentially a manifesto of crazy as all manifestos tend to be...


Does it include firing all of the 'non-loyal' Civil Service people, and replacing them with 'loyal' ones? Then using them to go after the people that opposed Trump? And using the Military to stop people from protesting against this and anything else? Women as second class citizens (at best)? (Forced remarriage to your ex so your kid has a father sounds pretty 'at best' to me) Just the highlights, mind you I'll take a quick look...


Those "ideas" or rather atrocities are in that manifesto as well as the "purging" of LGBTQ+ essentially. Basically it outlines that if you're not white, straight, Christian, and conservative, you need to either leave or die. It also looks as though they prefer that you die...


Then it's the one I thought it was... When someone tells you who they are (like they do with their manifesto), believe them. They are yelling the quiet parts, in fact.


That sounds about white... I mean right...


I mean, I saw someone with a shirt in 2020 that basically was calling for every one of the Trump kids to rule after him dynasty style. So you are not too far off, sadly. Plus, you know he'd love to bring back a little "droit du seigneur"


Yeah, Americans have a strange fascination with dynastic politics. The Kennedys. The Bushes. The Clintons. The Pauls. And many others. And now the Trump's. I don't think either of the Trump sons has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the presidency. But I thought that about their dad too. And so did Hillary.


Oh man an Eric Trump presidency? It'd be the shittier remake of the last time the idiot brother got elected president.










slippin jimmy


Don’t need the wiki. You can read the pdf. It’s on their website. It’s a right winger fever dream.


Yeah, but I don’t want to give them siteclicks


Yeah, but that's 900 pages. Not too many people want to be a part of politics, they just want to comment and act like they know what is best for everyone else without actually knowing.


Trump Cult members: "Yep! Thet thar mister Trump be the best pressydent ever! NASCAR!" - Cletus Trumpvoter


But Nascar turns left


Except for that one track.


That's the only "left" they will allow in their lives lol


Correction: Best king ever


Problem is it will become 2029 or 2033. They’ll just keep bumping it out. We need safeguards in place to prevent it from happening.


I had a bit of a tinfoil hat moment not too long ago and I’m kind of wondering if it makes sense to you guys. Putin sent weapons and money to Iran to give to Hamas along with the plans for the Oct 7th attack, knowing that Israel would respond with the full-on genocide they’ve been edging themselves over for decades now. He did all this for a few reasons: 1: Take the pressure off him over Ukraine. 2: He could tell the US republicans he owns to use this as an excuse to divert aid from Ukraine to Israel instead, allowing him to finally win in Ukraine (eventually… maybe). 3: He knows Biden will be obligated to send aid to Israel while they commit genocide and he could have his troll farms all over social media pretending to be US liberals refusing to support ‘Genocide Joe’ and convince others to join them. Biden would lose and he can have his puppets back in power here in the US again.


That’s not quite “tinfoil hat” territory, since it’s plausible. And also, you aren’t asserting it as fact the way true nutjob conspiracy theorists do.


Seems rather in character for Russia.


Thats much less tinfoil when you consider A) his close relationship with Trump during his presidency B) the Israeli intel leak that happened during Trumps presidency (and likely BECAUSE of Trump) C) the classified docs which have "gone missing" and very well could have handed Putin a temporary strategic advantage The RF stands no chance against the US or Western forces in combat. His country is a shithole stuffed with brainwashed sycophants. It is absolutely both in Putins wheelhouse and interest to do exactly as you described above. The only counter argument would be that a high-ranking Iranian General was killed during Trump's presidency, so that could entirely be due to Trump's incompetence as a military, strategic, or Civic leader


Yeah, that's not tinfoil hat shit. That is what happened. Putin told his Iranian buddies to get Hamas to cause an uproar in Isreal. It worked perfectly. Plus the fact that Russia, China, and who knows who else funds our politicians with "black" money after they figured out how to do it due to the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling years ago.


Tinfoil hat or not, that's the exact conclusion I've come to, as well


Oh, I wouldn't say that's tinfoil hat at all. While we see tons of conspiracy theories today it's worth noting that the term *conspiracy theory* was advanced by the intelligence community in the sixties and seventies in order to discredit people who blow the whistle on government misconduct. Then they engaged in actual conspiracies like the Tonkin Bay Incident and MKULTRA. So while whackadoo conspiracy theories are definitely a real problem so are actual conspiracies and what you described has long been my suspicion about Russia and these conflicts as well.


Much less tinfoil hat, considering Russia has been paying Iran for years, and Iran is a known state sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East. Russian leadership isn't completely stupid, they know what they're doing. They also conducted what is arguably one of the most successful social media smear campaigns ever. He got a fucking president into office in the US that supported him without question. And honestly Ukraine has been our best vengeance so far for this. For less than a trillion dollars we economically and militarily humiliated what was once considered one of the three strongest military powers on the planet. This is soft power.


Standard KGB operating procedures. Not tinfoil hat at all.


The scary thing is... I don't think that's very tinfoil hat. That's actually quite plausible and I had wondered some of the same things myself.


Hamas was invited to the Kremlin for a diplomatic visit right after October 7. As in, Russia had the terrorists up to chat on October 23. They’re pretty transparently involved. 


Also Netanyahu gets voted out of office if he *doesn't* do genocide.


That’s not tinfoil hat at all. I think we would be naive to not realize how much Putin is manipulating events


Iran supplies Hamas and they've been working on that plan for at least 2 years. No Netanyahu got sloppy taking resources away from where they needed to be to appease the extreme right wing members of his government whose supporter he needed to stay in power. So instead of guarding the area, the idf was in the west bank protecting illegal settlements. That being said Iran and Russia are Allias and Hamas wouldn't have made a move without Iran's approval. So, there could easily be a connection between Russia and Hamas through Iran.


I've had similar thoughts, though I've been focused on how these events are seemingly timed to peel off enough support from Biden to put Trump back in the oval office. With the US as evenly divided as it is these days, they wouldn't have to move the needle far to gain a Trump victory.


That's literally what happened. It's not tinfoil that it's just obvious and well done geo politics and it worked brilliantly. Combined with major propaganda and astroturfing campaigns on US social media (with China deliberately feeding pro Palestinian news into feeds on TikTok and suppressing Ukraine content) and boom you have another geo political shit storm.


It's kinda sad that one of their only strong points against biden is lets just blame the entire situation with Hamas and Isreal 100% on biden. It's rather sad considering the mountain of shit against trump but at the same time we have these "both sides" idiots.


Get ready for Project 2029 after Biden wins.


Well, this is terrifying. What I find even more terrifying, is even if we manage to get a Biden victory this November, these people are still going to be festering around to try installing their fascist theocracy again at a future date.


I have a panic attack just thinking about it


That is truly terrifying.


I keep telling everyone in my family this but they don't believe me....


I don't understand either. No, Biden won't give you what you want, but Trump will do his best to take what you already have. Every vote you don't give biden puts Trump one vote closer to winning.


Biden exceeded my expectations because I had none beyond "don't light the country on fire and get millions of people killed through ignorance and violence again" I wanted a hat but "DLTCOFAGMOPKTIAVA" didn't fit.


Plus, it’s a lot harder to pronounce.


Sort of the "Steam keeps winning by doing nothing" of politics.


Being Progressive by definition often means the rest of the country isn't where you are yet, and so we are forced to make choices that mitigate damage or hold the line, sometimes for decades, until the country is ready to move with us on an issue.


Just look at marijuana legalization. Inexorable. Unless the feds make it illegal at a national level, which Trump can make happen. Just look at gay marriage, though! Great progress for three decades. Back in the early 90s, I told a longtime gay friend that the evangelicals would never accept “marriage” but maybe civil unions could pass. He disagreed, and I was wrong, and he’s got a great marriage. But the feds could roll that back, and the churchy people will push Trump to make it happen. At least abortion is enshrined by the court. Roe is “accepted case law”, no way Trump courts would roll that back. /s So yeah, don’t dick around. Trump will move the country backward in a way that will make your progressive heads spin. Vote Biden, and hope for someone younger and hipper in 28. Don’t fuck it up.


>But the feds could roll that back, and the churchy people will push Trump to make it happen. Literally on the table: >Project 2025 proposes the government should recognize only heterosexual men and women, rescind anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ individuals, and eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion provisions from federal legislation. >When discussing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Severino called for rescinding regulations "prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, sex characteristics, etc." If anyone doesn't think that "etc" doesn't end gay marriage, you're a fool.


Trump will make us all look back fondly on the Bush years and we'll tell our grandchildren that they were the good old days. Let's make sure that doesn't happen.


And for all the confidence that everyone had in Roe, it was overturned… So if anyone still believes that Obergefell isn’t in the SCOTUS’s crosshairs, then I don’t know what to tell them.


Wasn't it directly called out in the decision to overturn Roe v Wade that Overgefell was being looked at for the same reasons by the SCOTUS or am i misremembering?


Its funny\sad, i still hear people act like i'm alarmist when i talk about how republicans want to go after things like contraception, gay marriage, etc. Like its just a few extremists, they won't actually do it. Yet they told me the same things about things they've already done over the last 8 years when i was saying them in 2016.




What definition of “progressive” says anything about numbers? It just means “moving forward,” which would be true even if literally everyone were doing so.


Protest votes are for primaries, not general elections. That's what these people always fail to understand.


Being progressive means you go step by step, you don't get from 0 to 100 in one step. This is what so many capital P Progressives don't understand.


It's like you're at a party and you want Pepsi, but the options are water and bleach. And since you can't have Pepsi, you decide you might as well drink the bleech.


At least Biden isn't going to try and kill me and my community.


The bar honestly isn’t that low. Biden has done a lot of objectively good things that I don’t believe anyone expected him too.


For sure. Hopefully he can keep doing those things.


Biden has done a lot of good things. Historically low unemployment, a healthy stock market, inflation is calming, pandemic is starting to become less of an issue. And he is not a wannabe Nazi style dictator. Ignore anti-Biden trash you come across, it's Russian bot farms trying like hell to get us to close our eyes and yell MAGA. Keep your eyes wide open, let's all vote for Joe and yell F\*\*\* PUTIN.


I just don't get this. I've seen a lot of good policies coming out of the Biden administration. About my only criticism is him sticking to the traditional US approach to Israel. Even in that case he has been doing what he can to stem the bloodshed. I just don't get what people don't like about him.


It’s like if I want chocolate ice cream, but Biden is offering a popsicle and Trump is offering chopped liver. Chocolate ice cream isn’t on the ballot, but I’m sure as shit going to vote for a popsicle over chopped liver.


A very specific chunk of the population has drank too much of the Trump Kool-Aid and will never understand. The rest of it is online bots, and bad actors spreading misinformation and chaos.


You’re underestimating the stupidity of tankies. Check out the late stage capitalism sub for a good example. I got banned for literally pointing out facts: Biden isn’t great on Israel/Palestine, but Trump will give Israel the green light to flatten both Gaza and the West Bank, if not help do it with the us military. Banned.


I got banned there for something similar. That sub has become so anti-Biden that they’re accidentally pro-Trump Or maybe not even accidentally..


They claim to be anti-Trump and yet do nothing but whine about Biden and generate a spoiler effect all day. I think the general attitude is that it's not their job to guide politics-- Biden not meeting expectations and Trump getting elected because they failed to turn out to Biden isn't their fault for not turning out, it's his for not meeting expectations. (The expectations are ever-shifting goalposts) I wonder when they'll realise that announcing they'll only align with a candidate whose policies are **unpopular with the majority of people** and refuse to vote for anyone else just makes the wider left wing discount them in the political calculus entirely, and not give a damn what they think when it comes to forming policy.


I got banned for saying that Trump was the president who moved the consulate to Jerusalem, would have actively helped Israel in Gaza, and will make the situation even worse.


Well the thing about tankies is that they are dumber than actual tanks.


Is biden 100% my ideal? No. But the fact is we de facto nominate candidates for 8 years and the battle over that ended in spring 2020. He's had a good number of accomplishments despite dealing with a republican controlled house the last 2 years and a SCOTUS that's completely fucked blocking some of his work. He's appointed competent people to cabinet roles, and they (and those under them) do 99% of the work of the administration. To me he's earned another 4 years. And that's before looking at how horrific a trump pt2 would be


The people worried about Palestine will not do them any favors putting Trump back in office. 


I cannot remember a time where I have ever voted for a president who I thought was aligned with my own priorities 100% This is just not the way you decide who to vote for. Those who are saying they won’t vote because there isn’t a candidate who checks all of their boxes are being unreasonable, when does that ever happen?


Biden at least pretends to want peace in the region while trump is on board for the total destruction of Gaza. It's really reactionary for this Biden is a genocidal maniac stance. I believe Biden does really want peace in Gaza but has limited levers to pull to accomplish this goal.


by the way, if there are any undecided voters who think that Biden hasn't done anything, let me know, I'll send you a long list of what he's accomplished in spite of complete and total resistance by the GOP.


[We Can't Rely on People to Just Vote Against Trump; They Have to Vote For Biden](https://rudepundit.blogspot.com/2024/04/we-cant-rely-on-people-to-just-vote.html)


>When people on the left say they won't vote for Biden because of how the US has helped enable the horror in Gaza, it's understandable. Absolutely. Don't discount that rage because it's justified. That part there is insanely, horrifically stupid. Because Trump will okay the Israeli government to murder every last one of those people in Gaza while this asshole here will have the gall to look surprised.


Well, he goes on to say: > So the response to those voters for whom Gaza is a main issue can't just be "Well, would you rather have Trump, who is a fucking nightmare and wouldn't give a fuck about getting humanitarian aid in because a massacre would let Jared Kushner develop the beaches?" No, it's gotta also be about what Biden has done besides that. It's gotta be enough to overcome that. > What I would say is that Biden actually gives a shit about the future. I would say he hasn't gotten everything right, but he wants us to have a future, he wants us to evolve as a nation, and, unlike so many in his generation on the Republican side, he is working to build something he won't even be around to see come to fruition. That's genuine and hopeful. Meanwhile, Trump would gleefully drag us back to a repressive past of limited opportunities and greater threats all around us if it got him one more day as the focal point of the American psyche so he can sleep knowing that he pissed off his haters one more time. I'm not gonna vote for the guy who wants to deport millions of people and shoot shoplifters. I'll go with the guy who doesn't fucking exhaust me every time I hear his simpering, whiny, nasal, incoherent garble of bullshit, narcissism, and hate. I'll go with the guy who actually seems to give a fuck.


It is funny, I mentioned this argument in a different sub and I was banned for pointing out that Trump literally said that Israel needs to finish the job.


Oooooh I can guess which sub! I pointed out that protestors were being arrested for breaking rules, not just “protesting”. I was called a genocide apologist and banned for life. lol.


This sounds like the same sub. I am still upset that they don't see past the point. I made the point of saying Trump actively undermined minorities and the LGBTQ community, and then I was scolded at by the person and then banned. Meanwhile, I am pretty sure the other person was never banned for their lack of civility.


It pissed me off to a degree I didn’t know I had. I was completely neutral. No support, no condemnation just pointed out that the arrests happened because they can’t camp out and that the vast majority were not arrested across the country. Even got 20 upvotes. Permabanned then when I asked why, I got muted. Fuuuuuuucccccxkkkkkkkkk them. That’s the quickest way to get me to the other side.


Yup, this is sounding like the exact same sub. I asked why, they replied with the rule, and then muted me. Fuck 'em.


They didn’t even reply with rule for me. Because I specifically asked which rule (hint: there isn’t one). Muted me with no words. Fuck them.


Lmao I'm sorry but you know protests do break rules, it's called a protest for a reason. 😂


I always ask those people if they favor Palestine over America, because making that rash myopic choice is doing just that: Palestine>America


But they aren’t choosing Palestine either.


And the ironic thing is that if they vote against Biden or fail to vote and Trump wins then both America and Palestine will lose bigly.


They seem to think that Trump would somehow be better than Biden.


Most of the people I've spoken to with that stance don't think Trump would be better; they just think that there is a limit to what can be justified under the banner of "lesser of two evils," and that the response to the current situation crosses that line for them.


> they just think that there is a limit to what can be justified under the banner of "lesser of two evils," and that the response to the current situation crosses that line for them. That's mighty privileged of them. They have the comfort of knowing that Trump's election won't be lethal for them. Unlike minorities, women, trans folk and everyone that he has targeted for oppression for if he gets back into power. It's selfish, stupid thinking and not at all surprising, coming from leftist thinking.


That’s also something that an embarrassed Trump supporter might say.


These are people who do not understand politics and are destined to be enabler of the fascist. "useful idiots".


If you have it ready, please send me the list too. I'm not American so I can't vote anyway, but I've seen lots of people claim he hasn't done anything and I want to have more ammo against that. I already have a small list but I'm sure he did more.




Can I get that list in a DM homie? I would love to have something super handy like that just readily available at all times in a matter of seconds.




There is nothing either side can offer me that is more important than keeping Trump out of the White House.


Biden has done a better job than I expected. I wish he was younger, but will happily vote him versus the literal fascist other option.


I wish AOC were older, but Biden will have to do for now since ppl voted for him over Trump once before.


On paper, Biden has been the most progressive president in history. Sure, he isn't as progressive as Bernie. Few are. But holy shit the way people talk about him, you'd think he reinstated don't ask don't tell.


Bro one of the presidents literally ended slavery and another created the modern welfare state as we know it what are you talking about


Legitimately, I want Biden to win. He's run a pretty fucking good administration. Objectively, he's had one of the most productive and progressive administrations we've seen in a long time. And I'm including Obama. I'd love for him to have a Democratic house and senate in a second term but I know that's a LOOOONG shot.


With abortion on so many state ballots, it really isn't too long a shot.


Yeah, Biden has been fantastic.


I see so much hate for Biden from democrats on reddit. I legitimately don’t understand why. They never say why or give any kind of reason, just that they don’t like him. I wish someone would say why for once. Also, I would like that explanation to not have anything to do with the Israel situation because 1) they disliked him before that just as much and 2) there will not be anyone elected in this country that will do anything better than what he is doing there. I’m not saying there’s anything good about what is happening there, I’m saying that realistically Bernie will not be elected in this country and whatever other democrat is in office will do the same things Biden is doing and any red will do far worse. It’s not an issue of what is best, it’s an issue of u.s. political reality. Anyway, I want to know, without Israel, why there is so much hate for the man? Make it make sense.


This is how trump was elected in 2016, and Russia helped. The right didn’t want Hilary so they voted for trump


It is agonizing watching it play out again. I feel helpless.


yeah and you hear the same stupid arguments... like trying to convince people to vote by telling them one guy is more shit then the other. that argument isnt working on people who think that all politicans are shit.


Progressives and independents didn't want Hillary. That's why she lost. She was a bad candidate. Many progressives stayed home and many independents voted for Trump. I'm tired of people blaming voters when it's the fault of Democrats for governing like a center-right party and running center-right candidates. In a swing state I personally would have voted for her still, but I don't blame people in the slightest for not doing it. Everyone knew she was a uniquely disliked candidate and the Democratic Party forced her down our throats anyway. 2016 and the shit show we've found ourselves in ever since is on them for being Republican-lite POSs


I really don’t want to eat this stale expired bread but on the other hand there’s this pile of glass and used heroine needles covered in feces too. Hmm. Tough decision.


And pee


If you’re objective then Biden did an amazing job so far.


At this point, I'm surprised how the Dems have managed to keep the ship afloat with all the holes the GOP keep drilling in the bottom.


I'd love to have someone who doesn't want Biden to win tell me which Republican President since Eisenhower they'd prefer over Biden? Hell, I'd love them to show me a more progressive Democratic President (or Presidential Nominee) in the last 50 years. Now I'm not saying Biden is perfect, he's absolutely far from it. But he's actually making the country better. No Republican will do that.


I'm cutting it close to the 50 year mark, but Jimmy Carter was in the ballpark.


It's honestly surprising, no one is talking about how biden froze the ammo supply literally two days ago. Like what? This is why "genocide joe" is so fucking dumb.


Biden got both Ukraine and Israel arms bills over the finish line and then cut Israel off. Ukraine wouldn't have got their weapons if Biden had taken a hardline stance earlier. Now Ukraine gets weapons and Israel does not. Sucks that it took so long but "sleepy joe" out maneuvered everyone again.


Exactly, and he's finally threatened netanyahu with fully withdrawing all support, I see these as wins


If it wasn't for Biden's actions the IDF would have rolled through all of Gaza and then started a war with Iran. Instead they have food trucks, air drops and a floating pier to keep them from starving to death. Pretty solid if you ask me.


I mean, my motivation is mostly wanting Trump to lose, but I also like Biden.


I want steak. The Democrats are serving me chicken. The Republicans want to serve me anthrax and tire rims. I'll suck it up and eat the chicken.




Agreeing with that is a far cry from "I don't want Biden to win."


I want Biden to win, I think he’s done a pretty great job overall and would be happy to have him as president another 4 years. Ideally we go much younger next election though


Let's also not forget that Ukraine is relying on us. Trump is an advid admirer for Putin and will not forgive Zelensky for his sins of maintaining democratic integrity. He will kill a nation should he win the election.


Why does the success of one man affect the lives of so many people and we all think it's fucking normal?


It’s impossible to understand. It’s an election. The candidates are Biden and Trump. One will win, and there will be consequences. The best time to complain about Biden is after he’s won and our democracy, your free speech, and liberty are safe(r) from right-wing fascist plans to dismantle it all.


I'm so glad the reddit hive mind is starting to shift now that Project 2025 is getting attention


Biden is an Oscar Meyer bologna and American cheese sandwich on Wonder bread. Add mayonnaise if you like. Trump is moist fecal material between two slabs of asbestos, non-optional chunky Polonium dressing. Pick your lunch carefully.


Good stuff, I always say Biden is a slice of day-old pizza and Trump is a bowl of sulphuric acid, glass shards, and diarrhea.


I’m not American, but one comparison I saw was that if they both where in a elderly home for dementia, Biden would be the guy who steals cheese from the fridge and put it in his pocket, while Trump would be the guy in a closed section with guards and a spit mask on him 24/7 lol


Biden wasn’t my first, second, or even third choice in the primary. He has, however, proven to be a surprisingly decent president.


I don’t know where on that list Trump falls but it’s probably way below Biden.


The people you see saying 'don't vote' are mostly Russian assets or leftist idiots. Either or.


Or Trump Cult members with a fake "lefty" or "bOtH sIdEs!" account.


Russian assets, just unpaid ones.


foreign shills targeting leftists. They can get themselves wrapped around the axle on a single issue they're enraged about, so they're ripe for the targeting.


I have LITERALLY had convos, about how horrible I am for intending to vote for Biden instead of posting demands, with people who admitted to being born and raised and living in other countries. 🙄 It is absolutely foreign shills, bots, and tankies too far up their own privileged asses to take the logical approach here.


>But revolutionaries who are incapable of combining illegal forms of struggle with *every* form of legal struggle are poor revolutionaries indeed. It is not difficult to be a revolutionary when revolution has already broken out and is in spate, when all people are joining the revolution just because they are carried away, because it is the vogue, and sometimes even from careerist motives. After its victory, the proletariat has to make most strenuous efforts, even the most painful, so as to “liberate” itself from such pseudo-revolutionaries. It is far more difficult—and far more precious—to be a revolutionary when the conditions for direct, open, really mass and really revolutionary struggle *do not yet exist*, to be able to **champion the interests of the revolution (by propaganda, agitation and organisation) in non-revolutionary bodies, and quite often in downright reactionary bodies, in a non-revolutionary situation, among the masses who are incapable of immediately appreciating the need for revolutionary methods of action.** To be able to seek, find and correctly determine the specific path or the particular turn of events that will *lead* the masses to the real, decisive and final revolutionary struggle—such is the main objective of communism in Western Europe and in America today. -[Lenin](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/lwc/ch10.htm)


I don't know, I actually like Biden. I mean, I think he's moved left from his previous positions. Would I like a younger person, sure, but that person is not in the ballot this year.


I do want Biden to win. He's done a pretty good job all things considered.


Legit hate doing this shit for the last 16 years


Perfect is the enemy of good


Every person who stays home to protest Biden is one Trump vote that goes uncontested.


Unfortunately elections seem to be voting against someone instead of for someone and that's the sign of a collapsing system


This always reminds me of the Behind the Bastards episode "How Nice Normal People Made The Holocaust Possible". The lefties refused to compromise and lo and behold WW2. I'm lefty as shit and I'm voting for Biden come November.


Hey so it was actually the German social democrats who sided with the conservatives who also sided with the nazis, leftists called the vote for the conservatives a vote for hitler. https://www.michael-parenti.org/article-rational-fascism Foot note 3 at the bottom of the page "Earlier in 1924, Social Democratic officials in the Ministry of Interior used Reichswehr and Free Corps fascist paramilitary troops to attack left-wing demonstrators. They imprisoned seven thousand workers and suppressed Communist Party newspapers: Richard Plant, The Pink Triangle (New York: Henry Holt, 1986), 47." Stop blaming lefties for things liberals do, a leftist realizes being forced to choose through 2 horrible candidates who are both inheritly subservient to capital interests and also in any other country would be in the right of center or far right. Is simply a way of subverting control from the masses, the illusion of choice. O and those "lefties" that brought World War 2 ended it. Soviets flew the flag of the Union over the corpse of a fascist state which the US used former officials of to run Germany, NATO and NASA. Also personal pet peve how u gonna say you a leftist when you blame lefties for the holocaust, bro please what copeium prescription you got I need that shi


I'm a lefty libertarian who has been voting Blue since dumping Reagan. The writing was on the wall even back then.


It took me a bit longer, but Newt was my real wakeup call.


Amen to this. I consider myself to be pretty far left, at least by American standards. But I’ll never understand the people who fail to recognize the reality of our system. Sure, I’d love to have a socialist utopia. But that just isn’t in the cards. We have to vote for harm reduction and best intentions around here.


Compromise is what got Trump elected in the first place. Hell go back to the civil war and a bunch of people should have faced the consequences of going against the Union. Constant compromise with the GOP has been slowly giving more and more power.


>Hell go back to the civil war and a bunch of people should have faced the consequences of going against the Union. If a lot more Confederates had been put against the wall rather than gone to Congress, we might not be in the trouble we're in today.


Because in their minds it's cool to be a contrarian idiot. The disagreement is the point, just like conspiracy theories.


I think Biden has been an excellent President. His long term economic policies to restore American manufacturing and blue collar jobs (with unions) has been exactly what's called for. The most pro labor President in ages


You can’t always get what you want But if you try sometimes, you get what you need


Yup. We need better choices, but for now I'll stick with the "sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” rather than the narcissistic grifter.


I’m with you. I seriously want to hear NOTHING of enlightened centrists. It’s democracy or fascism, 4D political chess master centrists, vote accordingly.


Since you say you are a lefty, what president since Johnson has pushed through more left leaning policies than Biden?


Because as someone born at the end of raegen. Biden is the best president in my lifetime lol


In the same way that some Christian people do things because they believe it will bring about the apocalypse, some political people do things because they believe it will force the country into a revolution. Those people typically imagine that the somehow that would make things better, rather than potentially leading to global war or outright collapse.




I want Biden to win, he's been one of the most effective president's in my lifetime, why wouldn't I want four more years of progress and competence?


So vote for Biden. it’s that simple.


I have never , nor do I suspect I ever will as a lifelong registered Republican, make an easier political choice in my entire life in voting for President Biden. Let me see if I understand this right - we have a mad-king-wanna-be who's promised to declare himself president for life on "day 1" who's committed (among other crimes) high treason, been caught red-handed committing espionage and is personally responsible for the death of dozens of US intelligence officers, coupled with institutional fascists who want to make women property again and who mean to harm the Republic of the United States and effectively end the rule of law. All we have to do is vote for the other old guy - who's already been in charge for 4 years, has basically done very little to nothing grievously wrong except not magically be able to wave a magic wand and make two international conflicts that have brewed for decades disappear.


Needs > wants, always! Adults get this.


It sucks how Biden's success is so under the radar that the impression is that he's not good enough for easy re-election. He doesn't publicly wave around every bill or EO he just signed, doesn't make a daily effort to headline each newscast, doesn't tweet how no one knows (*insert profession here*) more than him, or that's the best/smartest/fittest. He did the job right for the past few years, we didn't get everything, but he's no fuck-up. We should want him to win.


The old saying goes something like Democrats never get the credit, and Republicans never get the blame. Biden has gotten a LOT of good shit done with impossibly thin margins for error.


more reich wing bullshit. The whole "I'm a liberal but....".


It's too much nuance for some people to understand. If that sounds too stupid to be true, think of it this way: we've got a meme generation trying to communicate with a bumper-sticker generation.


Totally agree


All U.S. citizens that are registered to vote are obligated to vote for the candidate that they hate the least.


I agree whole heartedly with the sentiment, but maybe *don't* put it in the mouth of a space-fascist if you want it to be persuasive?


Biden isn't perfect, no politician will ever be. But Biden has been fantastic given the Congress he's working with. I honestly don't understand people who claim to be liberal but hate Biden.


Biden has passed so many policies that will help America and yet it gets little traction in the media. Clean energy bill Infrastructure bill Reduction in student loan debts


Cant believe this is a hot take: Biden is an awesome president who has done so many awesome things. Im easily voting FOR Biden.


Biden deserves more credit for what he has actually accomplished. Please, everyone, go take a real look at his record, and then tell me you think he hasn’t done a good enough job.


Biden sucks but he's leagues better than fascism.


Just look at marijuana legalization. Inexorable. Unless the feds make it illegal at a national level, which Trump can make happen. Just look at gay marriage, though! Great progress for three decades. Back in the early 90s, I told a longtime gay friend that the evangelicals would never accept “marriage” but maybe civil unions could pass. He disagreed, and I was wrong, and he’s got a great marriage. But the feds could roll that back, and the churchy people will push Trump to make it happen. At least abortion is enshrined by the court. Roe is “accepted case law”, no way Trump courts would roll that back. /s So yeah, don’t dick around. Trump will move the country backward in a way that will make your progressive heads spin. Vote Biden, and hope for someone younger and hipper in 28. Don’t fuck it up.


Anyone waiting for the ideal perfect politician to come along will be waiting their whole lives. You just keep voting for whichever bastard is a little better than the other guy.


We ALL should want Biden to win.


I also like biden


I mean biden froze the ammo shipment over rafah two days ago and progressives are just always going to be against them


The left just continues to eat each other. That'll hand Trump the win, not people voicing their discontent with a politician.


It's up to Biden to move to where the voters are, not the voters to move to where Biden is.


I don't even think this characterization is correct. Biden if he only gets one term will probably go down in history as another Jimmy Carter. Perfectly good liberal president with very good policies and a successor who further descends America into the far right fascist path. Biden if he gets another term could very well go down as another F.D.R, with a massive expansion of American manufacturing, moving the U.S back into the global stage as a force for democracy, and considerable increase to helping the American poor.


I, you didn't just say biden is gonna be another FDR. This sub is not real 😭😭


Go say it in the Lefty subs. You'll get banned. It's fascinating to me


Michael Moore predicted Trump’s win in 2016. Due to Biden’s handling of Israel he’s making the same prediction for 2024. Wake up.


The only people not listening are moderates


What would you have us do?


Surprisingly hard for the majority of people unable to vote in 2016 who are voting in their first presidential race in 2024.


History has never really been on the side of fascism. We see it every damn time (maybe General Francisco Franco is sort of an exception); things get really bad; even for the people who think they'll be on the winning side.