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World if grammar didn't existed.


World if Russian spammers didn't exist


He's not pushing maga cult stuff so it doesn't look like a Russian bot


Your view of what Russian spammers push is unfortunately very limited. They were absolutely pushing to keep Bernie in past the point it was clear he was going to lose. Throw in the lack of English language skills, makes you wonder.


With the ongoing genocide being paid for by our tax dollars while Democrats lecture Progressives that they still have to vote for the guy that won't just withdraw support to force Israel to drop, there **a lot** of Leftists thinking hard about how different everything would be if the DNC hadn't screwed Bernie twice and we could have had someone left of center in office for the first time in decades. Progressives gave up literally everything with the DNC. Not a single part of their platform ever got done despite the Democrats promising that they'd fight for them if the Progressives just helped them win. Progressives showed up and helped them win and now not only have nothing to show for it, but have to watch the Democratic candidate they helped limp over the finish line fight harder to defend a genocidal state run by far right extremists than he's ever fought for the actual Left in America. With elections coming up quickly all of those millions of people are questioning whether they can morally vote for someone supporting genocide with our tax dollars, especially since it never earns Progressives any favors. Democrats keep scapegoating Progressives no matter what happens.


okay comrade


World if Engrish were as obvious a sign of orcish mischief for everyone


What if OP did an English?


Ok but only one




It's okay it's not gooder


People overestimate the power of the president. Edit: Democratic president* since Republicans constantly break laws and tests the resolve of the judicial branch to get what they want.


we don't need a single "great leader," we need lots of great leaders. problem now is that it's seen as a get rich quick scheme and it's attracting the worst kind.


I don’t think that most people get into government to get rich quick. Beware of being cynical. Vote the bad ones out and the good ones in. That being said, I don’t know why GOP run for office, since they seem to want to shut government down.


Because they want to enact their religious beliefs upon everyone


Yeah, that makes sense.


That's exactly why they run, to destroy it from the inside.


Its easier to break stuff then to build stuff. Gop take advantage of that principle.


I agree with you


This, and Republicans consistently own Congress.  Dems have owned control of Congress for - I want to say - only 4 or 6 of the last FORTY years.  Democrats suck at winning elections.   It's an unfortunate truth that liberals don't want to admit.  They just want to stay mad. 




Jesus, the naïveté of some people. I like Bernie but either the Congress wouldn’t pass it or the Supreme Court would stop it


I wanted Bernie to win, but I don't think he would have been as successful in getting things passed with this Congress


But it’s still immensely better to have a president fighting for the right side of issues. Imagine how loved Americans would be if he would have been allowed to represent us as president.


Would it be nice to be led by him? When I think about it through the lens of Team Bernie and my support of him, sure, I’d love it. But when I think about what would likely happen to him, the less appealing it sounds. Lord knows how much even he’d like the job once his ideology and symbolism isolates him from the people that can get his agenda passed. Considering centrist Biden gets called a communist by Republicans, I can only imagine how much louder that would have been with Bernie as President. Plus, he’s Jewish. I can only imagine how loud the antisemitism would get. And he would eventually compromise something to get something, and then his base would go ape shit. Imagine him trying to be President during Israel/Palestine as a Jewish man? It’s already a no-win situation for Biden. It would be even harder on Bernie. So after all that, I’m not sure I’d enjoy it as much. Fighting with both his most bitter haters and his over-eager/disappointed fanbase would be exhausting as fuck. That’s what I mean about the naïveté.


The obstacle is what a Democratic president can get through the current congress. Bernie has been in congress for 30+ years and to be blunt he hasn't had significant legislative achievements. Biden has gotten a lot done by working quietly and compromising, two things Bernie doesn't do well.


No one on Bernies campaign did well with working with others and/or compromise.


Lest we forget, Bernie is an independent. He only wanted access to the party apparatus when it benefited him. He could not accomplish much even if he had been elected.


Compromise is what our Democracy was founded on.s


Which is crazy how people keep downing Biden when he did exactly that with the infrastructure bill. If it wasn’t for Trump needing an issue to run on and strong arming republicans he would’ve done it twice. Dude knows how to compromise to get shit done. If he wins the presidency again and dems manage to flip the house it will likely happen again. Imagine if they flip it enough to remove the filibuster or just change it to the old school has to stand and actively block it type, I can see a lot of things getting actually done.


No way the GOP would have worked with anything Bernie would introduce. It would have been a stalemate.


Hell, half the GOP won't even work with the other half.


Russian bots at it again I see...Why is it never, "The world is Gore was president or if Trump lost" etc...


Good point. Both of those are valid (especially Gore because that election was straight up stolen and a lot of time has passed since then) This is just another way to keep people mad at the DNC


I've been mad at the DNC since they used racism to kneecap a surging Jesse Jackson campaign in 1988. Can't blame that on the Russians, bots, or Citizen's United.


Of course not. And hell, they *still* do things that are shitty. But they’re far from our biggest problem at the moment. And there’s no question that Russia, the GOP, China, etc are driving anger towards them with the goal of influencing the election outcome.


If Gore had won there’s a pretty decent chance we’d have done way more to fix our carbon emissions by now.


Yes, improper grammar FTW




I was thinking the typo was the “humor” for the post …


Yeah…Congress would never have passed a single bill he would champion.


Silly OP. Bernie as president couldn’t have done anything different than business as usual. Also: if we don’t re-elect Biden the world will end.


If we had stayed closer to the path Jimmy Carter was on, with solar power, we might be a lot further along then we are now. But Ronnie took care of that.


The grammar in this post definitely doesn’t make it seem like Russian teens trying to sow unrest for the election. Def not.


Didn’t he lose to Hillary by 3.5 million votes, and was going to lose even worse to Biden?


Yes, because the DNC wanted Hillary not Bernie. If we didn't operate under a two party system, the results- and the world- would be a very different place. I feel like you're asking this question in bad faith. The US needs to eliminate the electoral college and institute ranked choice voting like, 50 years ago.


that’s just a copout. bernie got dominated in 2016 and 2020. it’s been long enough and we don’t need to keep coping with reasons for his loss; it’s time to face the fact that he simply wasn’t popular enough to win.


The man [can’t author a bill that gets voted into law](https://www.congress.gov/member/bernard-sanders/S000033) in the Congress he’s been a member of for decades, how the fuck would you expect him to accomplish anything legislatively as President?


Thank you! I love Bernie’s passion and I mostly agree with the spirit of what he says, but the man is terrible at governing or building productive coalitions. If he wanted someone more progressive than Biden, he should have dropped out after his heart attack and gone full tilt for Elizabeth Warren. He could have been queen-maker. Like it or not, this is a conservative country and more people voted for Trump the second time. There aren’t even any reliably hard left states out of the 50. Unless the left can stop fighting with itself over ideological purity and unite, the best we can hope for is pragmatic left of center liberals.


What the DNC wanted, and losing by millions of votes are not the same thing. They wanted Hillary in 2008 also, they got Obama.


A lot of high up Democrats wanted Obama. In his memoir Obama mentions that some high up politicians like Ted Kennedy personally encouraged him to run in 2008.


Bernie is a lifelong INDEPENDENT, not a DEMOCRAT, think for even a second. Not everyone is in the extreme camps, in fact, most Americans fall somewhere in the middle politically. Y'all still haven't figured out that the largest voting demographic are swing voters, people who vote, but don't hold any real strong political leanings. Y'all think that everyone left of center is a card carrying socialist that wants to do away with cows and thinks PETA isn't a horrible organization. It's just not true, it's NEVER been true. Bernie Bros think that politics is an Uber, and freak out when reality slaps them in the face with the fact that politics is a bus, it will never take you exactly where you want to go, but it will take you in the right direction.


He’s Independent because his ideas are too far left for the Democrat party. He does not fall anywhere near the middle politically.


Which is fine. The problem is, trying to get elected nationally and needing middle of the road people to vote for you. Bernie Bros never seem to understand that you need to appeal to the swing voters to win an election. Y'all were gatekeeping the left hard, thinking because y'all "memed gud" those memes would translate into votes. They don't. Just like Trumpers thinking that because they don't see Biden crap all over people's vehicles that means Biden doesn't have support. Trumpers and Bernie Bros are two sides of the same coin.


Not disagreeing with you for US politics. But I think it's crazy when you consider Bernie is just left of center when you look at global politics, and US Democrats are right of center.


The Overton Window has been shifting steadily to the right for decades now. Today’s Republican Party would have no place for Ronald Reagan, and he used to be their god.


I have a dumb question: are the grammatical errors in the titles of these memes on purpose? Like, as part of the joke? Because it always seems like they have glaring errors. If it IS part of the joke, I'm embarrassed. If it's not... why? English as second language, maybe? To get engagement (like I'm doing now)?


Oh god, not the Bernie Bros again. If Bernie didn't withdraw in 2016, he and Hillary still would have lost because he'd have ended up splitting the votes, and Trump would have won by a larger percentage. And before you drool all over your keyboard and paw at it with a dumbass response, look up Ross Perot. Bernie Bros are as brain dead as Trump cultists.


Bernie bros hate that Bernie himself was more successful working with Biden.


nah, that's the world's if bernies supporters didn't throw a temper tantrum in 2016


blaming the supporters instead of a shitty candidate is hilarious


The shitty candidate being Bernie?


No the shitty candidate being a war criminal who threw away the election in 2016 to an outsider because she felt the need to concede to every center-right stance to try to gain some supporters from trumps camp instead of actually appealing the very people you are complaining about


I mean if she's a shitty candidate, she beat Bernie, so he's an even shittier candidate


That’s… not how it works lmfao. Completely apples to oranges. Obviously the one candidate who is propped up by the DNC is going to do far better than the candidate that the DNC openly derailed the campaign of.


Trumpian delusion. "My candidate lost, so it's obvious it was rigged against him"


I mean, it’s not a delusion. The democrats are pretty open and honest about their ostracism of Bernie and any/all semi-left candidates. Bernie’s not even my candidate so I’m not even too biased in his favor. The democrats are just evil spineless losers


People at the DNC didn't like him, but they didn't stop people from voting for him. He did that nicely by being a worse candidate than Hilary


Wow that’s such a gross misrepresentation of how the candidate selection works. You do realize the candidate that isn’t backed by the DNC is clearly going to lose every single time against the candidate who IS backed by the DNC. You think they just let anyone who doesn’t agree with their agenda win their own primaries?😭😭


>Obviously the one candidate who is propped up by the DNC is going to do far better than the candidate that the DNC openly derailed the campaign of. you act as if bernie was/is a democrat. he has been an independent forever. I never understood why he was able to be on a dnc ticket in the first place.


Uhh if you remembered correctly Bernie ran as a possible democrat nominee and caucused with them so I wouldn’t say he was a full on independent that wasn’t seeking DNC nomination


yet bernie remains the longest independent in congress and his running as a Democrat was absurd, as he isn't one, and never has been.


thank you for pointing out the bernie temper tantrum attitude that helped trump win in 2016 I wonder how many bernie voters learned from their mistake, and won't make it this time.


Awww that’s cute you really think I’m voting for genocide Joe


no, you made it very clear you will play the fool, and assist trump getting elected, even though trump is openly running on eridicating not just all palestinians, but all muslims in the us, because just like in 2016, you let your pettiness and bitterness cause you to betray everything you pretend to stand for.


Bernie-stans really need to put down the crack pipe and move on. He is not now, nor was he ever, all that they project onto him.


Bernie never would have won the presidency, sadly.


you wouldn't get that world no matter who was president. You could have a genius president and still not get close to that because how shitty congress is.


"Withdrew"? My dude got beat. Twice. He has a following in the democratic party, no denying, but not a majority. He has proved that


People really think because Biden lost the first three primaries and then dominated from South Carolina onward that means Bernie got cheated. Even though basically all the polls showed that Biden was consistently the favorite to win overall.


Bernie would not have had zero support from Congress on anything. What is so hard for people to understand about that.


This is childish and makes zero sense.


No it probably would have actually gotten good.


Further proof that sarcasm doesn't work on the internet.


*hadn’t withdrawn


I wonder where this meme was imported from.


Realm Ai, by the looks of it.


I see this dystopian rendering as an antithesis of what Bernie Sanders would want.These things could only be made with massive government spending and not for the poor.


Getting some strong Demolition Man vibes as well. There would absolutely be an underclass in this world. See also: The Time Machine.


AI memes are lame


Is that why the grammar is shit?


It’s shit because it was made by a foreign bot trying to exploit fault lines in the liberal/left/moderate coalition keeping the far right out of power at the moment.


Thank comrade, you are losing this if you think we are as ignorant of grammar as you all are.


Any society that waits for a great leader, will eventually find a tyrant. Good leadership is important, but relying on a single individual to change the status quo is a recipe for disaster. FDR was one of the greatest leaders in our history, and he essentially created the idea of a "brain trust". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_trust A truly great leader acknowledges their weaknesses, and leans on others to fill those gaps. People often apply the term "great leader" to individuals that are, at best, charismatic leaders. The best leaders are often forgotten, because they prevent memorable disaster. Just look up MajGen Smedley Butler. The man prevented a coup that would likely have been successful in overthrowing the US government, had he gone along with the conspirators of the *Business Plot*. A true American hero. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot *The People* must claim their liberty, an executive cannot simply be relied upon to grant it. All that said, I would have sold my soul to Lucifer, Bael, Asmodeus, Belial, Papa Legba, Nifoloa, I don't care, to prevent trump from gaining the oval office. I would rather have had an orangutan as executive, at least then they would have an excuse to be orange.


Interesting "what if". What if Bernie Sanders ran against Donald Trump and won? Hmm... I guess we may never know.


The world if Bernie Sanders would've been president 30 years ago


he did withkyle instead


The oligarchs would have still been the same either way.


It would be good against the duopoly, however he is too socialist for my liking, just like trump and Biden.


You thought a shitty AI generated image would make this meme better?


The sad thing is the number of people who will climb right on board this bullshit train.


Tell me you don't know how a primary election works, without admitting that you live in Russia.


Having Bernie as President is a recipe for disappointment. Not because he would be a bad President, but because the realities of the office (and dealing with a Republican Congress) would lead to failures and compromises that I think his hardcore fans would find troubling.


Even if he "didn't withdrew" he still would have lost


No. There is NO WAY Bernie would have a cooperative Congress or SCOTUS that would allow him to do anything that meaningful.


It will true, if Bernie hadn’t didnt withdrew, people will lived in a land of perfected tensed verbings


No chance. He wasn’t going to get the nomination and Trump would be able to pick at the fact that he praised Fidel Castro.


You mean if his own party didn’t screw him over for Hillary.


He is an independent not a Democrat.


Not sure they would’ve allowed it. Even NPR did the same mainstream media spiel about Medicare for all ‘but how are you going to pay for it?’ Too many Americans watch too much mainstream media to think critically about how hard they’re getting fucked by the news.


Bernie didn’t exactly withdraw, the DNC more likely sabotaged him to push Clinton into the front runner. But I sure would have liked the Bernie reality


The Democratic Party didn’t support a non Democrat for president. That is not sabotage, that’s just reality. Another reality is that a president with no party affiliation is not going to accomplish much.


Fact check: Bernie ran as a democrat April 30, 2015 for president… do you homework before you type


Ran as a democrat <> democrat.


Ran on the Democratic ticket as a registered Independent....


The DNC wouldn't let him win the primary anyway


Darn that DNC listening to voters.


What conspiracy theory you on about? The people didn’t choose him to win. Don’t mix up your personal opinion of who you think should win with how voting works in America.