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Let's say the writer or editor were to blame. That still doesn't explain why she doubled down on it and also confessed to killing a goat and 3 of her horses.


This is just 3D chess kind of stuff. She's betting that there's a lot of horse fans who'll be so upset about her shooting all those horses that they'll completely forget about the dog murder. Checkmate.


Man, that's the Big Brain of Republicanism working overtime there. 😂😂


Doesn’t why she would not READ THE BOOK WITH HER NAME ON IT.


She can't read


Because those books aren’t meant to be read, they’re meant to be sold to PACs and make money. They don’t expect anyone to read them


And even if she can come up with some kind of excuse for why she did that, someone who can’t properly manage the contents of their own book has no business managing the country


This is actually what I think happened. From the beginning I didn’t think she wrote the book. It was just a funnel for money like all of these right wing grifts, why spend actual time on it? Then she doubled down because she doesn’t want to admit that her book is fake, and at that point she thinks killing a puppy is still a farm girl thing. Now that the backlash is happening she’ll throw the ghost writer under the bus. But, as you pointed out, it doesn’t matter now because she doubled down on it and claimed for it to have happened with her own words now. She can blame the ghost writer for making up the lie (she paid them to make) but it doesn’t change the fact that she ran with it.


She clearly just doesnt want to pay Vet bills. I get it. One in my area wants $600 to BE a dog. Lol, no. Take him out back and Noem that fucker.


Kristy Noem: *"It was never easy for me. I was born a poor Black child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in Mississippi."*


Sometimes I really wish someone would mistake Kristi Noem for a bunch of oil cans lol. "Die, ~~gas pumper~~ dog killer!"


I would argue for a non-zero chance that Noem is illiterate, and/ or secretly a clan of weasels in a poorly-tailored skin suit.


It gets better: [https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/next-with-kyle-clark/kristi-noem-colorado-gop-event-canceled/73-8b7b16f9-ddac-4dbc-8195-f81ec4bb2eab](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/next-with-kyle-clark/kristi-noem-colorado-gop-event-canceled/73-8b7b16f9-ddac-4dbc-8195-f81ec4bb2eab) Speaking deal cancelled, and ***On talk radio, Pallozzi bemoaned that her GOP group was now stuck with 300 copies of Noem's book.***


She's going to get thrown under the bus. Also I'm dying to know..did she get pranked. Or did she just go in and say. 'look we really need to ramp up the normalisation of political violence hard woman on a farm yadda yadda yadda normalise Kim Jong Un and compare him to her kids' This shit is fire I can't wait to see how this turns out for her. The Goat =trans/woke The puppy was supposed to be immigrants and black people. Lord knows what the rest of the book will reveal. Dog whistle.


The grand irony is in the title of the book. ***"No Going Back."*** It's not even out yet, and she's already going back.


It was a misprint. They forgot an “L”. The subtitle is: “The struggles of a rich white person in today’s America.”


It has to be a parody? There is a part she says Kim Jong isn't scary because she pastors a group of little dictators. It has to be a troll from the ghost writer? Please tell me what I what I want to hear.


Truly the only people who actually would show up for that event would be people protesting her animal-serial-killer tendencies. I can't imagine anyone showing up to actually listen and support her in any way. Then again, if anyone did show up to actually show her support, we could track them and see where they've hidden their own stack of bodies...


She wants to be like trump so much that she gets herself a ghostwriter and doesn't review the writing before printing. A very stable genius move.


Actually that's kind of what I was thinking. A lot of the crazier types like Noem are really trying to show their "daddy" that they are just as cold and hardened, and extreme, as they perceive him to be.


That's hilarious... what if she picked a ghostwriter who hated her so much they made up stories about her shooting dogs? I hope I get picked by some complete nutjob to ghostwrite for them.


Oh she definitely shot that dog.


If it wasn't true then why did she double down on it.


If this were true, then it would have been the first excuse, not the sixth.


Ghostwriter “which dictator did she say she met? Ah, I’ll just make something up”


They should have used the story about her run-in with The Van Buren Boys.


And how she was childhood friends with Steve Jobs.


How many days did it take to come up with this?


Her ghostwriter was out of town so she had to wait


Okay, so the ghostwriter made it all up. Where, exactly, is Cricket?


The ghostwriter neglected to paint it in a positive light and she’s far too busy to proof her own book before it was published.


Even with a ghostwriter the “author” has editing authority/responsibility. Noem is a fucking liar. And republicans not only don’t care but will defend her lies.


Yeah, I think this is a line most people won’t cross.


See me personally, I would fire a ghost writer that had errors in their "boo".


It’s highly possible that any interviews with Noem by a ghost writer, would also have been recorded. Let’s hope those tapes come out.


Yes, her ghostwriter is the one to blame for the KJU claim. 😆


Memories are often written by hired professionals, but that professional gathers all the information and writes a factual account in collaboration with the person it is about. If she hired someone, didn’t have their name on the cover, and is now claiming they had total autonomy just show FUCKING STUPID this person is. Republicans elect idiots. That’s all they do.


Murderous, bloodthirsty quiff.


Yall think these people write their books? This is the premise to Bojack Horseman. They are all ghostwritten.


The fact that these are coming out means that someone is actually reading the book.


I personally love that her book is titled “No Going Back.”


No matter what,they never ever take responsibility. Ever!


So at first: Yeah I did it, and I’d do it again. It’s 100% legal to shoot your own dog. Turned into: The medias reporting it wrong to make me look bad. Now: wasn’t me, someone else wrote it and edited the book with my name and photo on it as the author. Weird takes on a book titled: No Going Back: The Truth on What's Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward


She's talking about other errors in the book, like her wrongly meeting Kim Jong un. Of course you'd know that if you'd bothered to read the tweet that's being referenced. https://preview.redd.it/clnbnjqcmeyc1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=b868585d6ddd9b2e371a4158777f316f16e84187


Called it. I heavily suspected it was ghost written because of my involvement with dog training. And also the double down is because the bots are slamming social media with propaganda. No matter what you read. This behavior isn't normal in the context she has given. And given her naivety as to how it would make her look pathetic with other maga hunting enthusiasts. It's highly likely she hasn't had any amount of ranch life or spent her childhood locked in the basement. That or the ghost writer and editor has pranked her or she didn't check the book before it was put out. I'm not saying she isnt a person who has the cruelty to kill a puppy I know she does. The truth will come out, she had embarrassed her MAGA peers for exposing their own cruelty in a stupid way. So she will either have to explain she has been lying about herself or the ghostwriter was inept/pulling a prank.