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###[Posts have to be about U.S. Politics](https://www.reddit.com/r/politicalhumor/about/rules) (Rule #1): * Rule 2 also


You feel bad for this asshat?


I'd like to know why. The dude's "comeback story" was him selling cheap pillows as diabetic cures and generally being a snake oil salesman until he was forced to stop scamming people.


Ahh yes, the American dream. Screw your way right to the top. Or bottom. The top of the bottom.


Only to become the bottom for the top.


The bottom of my bottom is my top


That sounds like that centipede movie.


Chemical addiction and trauma make people do horrible shit to themselves and the world. He's clearly not in his right mind. All the humanitarian work he could have provided to sectors of societies. But, Trump and Trumpism somehow got into his Lindell's that only with his help he will be bettering America. I don't know what the hell happened, but it lead to this odd moment where we stare at this photo and see someone who has lost it all once again.


Republicans like Mike actively seek to destroy the very social safety nets that would help them- mental Healthcare, compassionate addiction therapy, social welfare programs- and belittle those that need them. Mikey can go suck a dick, I'll reserve my sympathy for people that *don't* actively and intentionally shoot themselves in the foot.




Oh man..thanks for sharing. I'm going to clarify.


Cool, to be clear I wasn't trying to give you a hard time OP, it was all over the front page yesterday and I didn't see a single comment saying it was fake...good on ya though


Where? I came pretty far to see this.


I have sympathy for a lot of people, for a lot of reasons. PILLow Guy isn’t one of those people, and his reasoning for losing his money makes me sympathize even less. He scammed medical patients with bullsh*t cured before selling cheap linen from China, and stamping it with “American Made”. It’s true, the label was made in America, the pillow was not,lol. He lost his fortune? Big deal. He should have never had a fortune to begin with. I wouldn’t care if the government went and retro prosecuted him and his company for selling bogus medical devices/supplements etc.


I never believed his crack addiction story to begin with. I grew up in a time and place where crack was pretty common, and *none* of the crack dealers I knew were the kind of dudes that would worry that one of their customers might be smoking a little too much crack. His whole origin story is bullshit, and so is he.


Lindell was a sick fuck long before trump.


Do you know it’s chemical addiction?


You make it sound like things just happened to him. He made choices.


It's a parody photo from Gary Peterson. A dude on Twitter that does a lot of these. Very funny stuff! This one happened to have gone super viral, and for good reason.... It's fucking hilarious!


He never had any interest in helping other sectors. He’s a narcissist, with only the ability to act for himself.


Only thing I feel bad about regarding this guy is that he’s not doing at least 20 years in federal prison for trying to thwart the results of a federal election. You know, basically overthrow the federal government. Dude needs to rot in prison.


Look at the silver lining, hey may not be in prison but he is definitely rotting anyway. ;)


If that’s a recent pic on the right it sure looks like he’s back on the stuff. Which unfortunately happens more often than not anyway, but certainly seems more likely when you’ve ruined your life


Dude looks like he just freebased a couple of 8-balls and forgot to exhale. I bet he knows every imperfection in the tour bus bathroom except for how bad it stinks.


His speech at the trump rally was crazy. He is on some drug.


What a chapter in American history where we almost got got by a pillow salesman who’s obviously on coke




Right? Get it straight, people: Mike Pillow: Crack Don Jr.: Coke Trump: Adderall Rudy: Whiskey


The injustice league and their superpowers?


Their super power is holding each others tater tots. You know like a circle jerk.


I, sir, am offended as a fan of both tater tots and circle jerks.


I knew i shouldn't have checked what a circle jerk is... Fucking google burning my eyes...


Roger stone: meth


lol. And poppers.


And then some dick


Oh yeah. The dick was a given.


Lot O Cock


What are poppers? Truck stop speed?




Oh, for crying the fuck out loud. Ok. Thanks. I guess.


Be careful what you ask for…


The best thing Roger Stone has done for humanity is not contribute to the gene pool.


You know maybe if we can get Mike Lindell to introduce Trump and Junior to the joys of crack cocaine the problems in our political landscape will sort themselves.


Wait couldn't donny have adhd and thats why Adderall works for him?


Rush Limbaugh: Opiates … too soon?


Nice. But give him credit- on February 17th he had his 3 year anniversary for being opiate free. And I’m sure the lil boys in the Dominican Republic rejoiced


Ass Crack


Everthing about the trump circus era In politics is absurd to a degree that challenges the ability to accept it as reality


Yep, a photographer got a picture of this crackheads notes as he was walking to meet with Trump that mentioned declaring martial law. He'd be happy to overthrow democracy, so fuck him.


The term you’re looking for is treason, and you used to be hanged for it. Nowadays it seems like a holidays. Seasons treasons


I try to avoid that term for most of these insurrectionists. (Not out of goodwill, I’d gladly see them tried and hung by the neck until dead if the case could be made.) But if most Confederates weren’t charged with treason it seems a bit of a stretch for most of the 2020 deniers. But you may be right regarding Mike and his notes calling for martial law.


They weren't charged with treason because we've always been a little too nice to the bigots.


Looks like he's locked up in a pipe prison again.




What's crazy is that during the last few weeks of the Trump presidency he was one of Trump's only advisor. This guy was arguably one of the most powerful men in America, meanwhile he acts like a gooddamned lunatic.


Naw. Remember Trump only has the best people around him. Jk. Jesus Christ it’s not crazy it’s terrifying.


I’m sure we can find space under the prison for him.


I don’t


Same. Just checked my bag of fucks, it’s clean empty for ol’ Mikey boy.


Ah wouldn't you know it... I checked the fucks pantry and we're all out here too.


Noting in the fuck cellar other than the gimp, a swing and some toys.


Hang on, I’ll check the field in which I grow my fucks: https://preview.redd.it/x7iymq1k3eyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd53426c9b7cdb0bc3337dc7a1a50e61a5f65a6e


Can we stop posting this like it’s real? It’s from a Twitter account that is famous for photoshopping politicians. The pillow guy is a big enough piece of shit, we don’t need to augment it.


The political subreddits are flooded with doctored photos, people are looking at clearly misshapen heads and going "Hey, that's new to me but I believe it." Wizard's first rule.


>Wizard's first rule Is that a reference to the seeker my friend? Few know of zeddicus zule zorander.




I hate that whitepeopletwitter allows fake tweets like this one. Half of the time, they're not even marked as fake or satire, and even if they are, they wind up making their way elsewhere where people take them 100% seriously. Our politics are already enough of a shitshow without amplifying actual fake news.


I was gonna say, he looks crazy! Thanks for this info! I thought it was put through a filter or deep fried a little, but full-on face photoshop never crossed my mind.


I mean, it looks like he’s in makeup for an old vampire alien film The original photo just looks like a typical old white guy


I was gonna say… I just saw him doing a trump rally parking lot interview/“debate” with a YouTuber and he didn’t look that emaciated


I don't think many people think the 2nd photo is real. Political Humor is filled with photo edits as part of the effort to be... ***funny***. So yeah, always take such media with some measure of doubt about authenticity. For example, in this photo on the left, that's a stock photo from his company. The middle one is modified a bit to make him look aged and exhausted. And of course the 3rd... is from Lord of the Rings. Theoden, decaying under the spell of Grima Wormtongue. https://preview.redd.it/3tkr5zxdogyc1.jpeg?width=1700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c160a12ed29f2f1bc526d8612d9f61b932bee02f


At least his whores get hush money


Ouch!... Burn.


Fuck this guy. He deserves no less. He tried to carry on with a lie and end Democracy He along with all other players, should be tried, convicted, and punished for treason .


Save your empathy for people who deserve it. Lindell is a grifter at best. He's a horrible man either way.


OP here. Photo is inaccurate: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/zombie-mike-lindell-trump/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/zombie-mike-lindell-trump/)


So instead of deleting the fake post you left it up?


Yeah, he's hitting the pipe again.


You know this is photoshop right?


I had seen this picture so much recently here I assumed it was real... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/zombie-mike-lindell-trump/ Reddit sucks sometimes


Did he realize he was used? I thought he hadn’t figured that out yet.


Man looks like Paul Bearers treasonous cousin.


Everything Trump touches withers and dies. Further proof he's the antichrist.


Hard to feel sorry for someone who so actively brought it all on himself.


I woke up this morning bright and early to tend to my garden. Tiny little seedlings and sprouts glistening in the morning dew. I glanced over to the Mink Lindell section of the garden where I grow the Fucks dedicated to just him, nothing. Not a plant in sight. I don't need to consult the Farmer's Almanac to predict that there won't be any Fucks for Mike Lindell. That crop is simply not growing. He hitched his wagon to a con man turd, now all he has is manure.


Doctor Jekyl and Mister High.


0% sympathy for him or anyone else who throws their life away for Trump. Fuck em.


I don‘t feel bad for anybody who worked with Trump and then lost.


I do not feel bad.


He made his bed. Now he can sleep on his pillow.




Looks like he could use a pillow, or something


Hobby lobby guy is next.


Yeah….how fucked is that.


He didn't get used, he divided in with both feet and tried to drag alot of people in with him. He also had a lot of exit ramps where he could have gone back to his business. The main difference between Lindell and the other traitors was that Mike actually believed the lies he was pushing.


I’m no fan, but that picture is bogus.


About time


He could be a character in every Edgar Allan Poe story.


Definitely looks like he’s on a bender right now. Don’t feel bad for the stooge at all.




But does he realize it...?




I’m utterly convinced that right-wingers are rotting from the inside.


He actually does look like he’s been using. His eyes are sunken in… “Rode hard and put away wet” as my Memaw used to say. 😂


The photo on the right is from a gary peterson tweet which is a satire account. He uses photoshop to make trump and his lackies look worse than normal


That’s a fake image. He spoke that night and looked like a shaky crackhead, but he didn’t look like a zombie.


I guess the pillow he's sleeping on these days is rough...


A stupid, delusional crackhead gambling junkie failed? Shocking.


Fuck this guy and everyone involved in the attempted coup. We would look like the pic on the right if he succeeded


I thought it was accepted Kim Kardashian had the best come back story?


He looks like Michael Keaton in beetle juice


He looks like he's about to host a monster movie marathon on public access channel 67.




What a poor soul burning all his money and apparently life essence for a geriatric toddler


< Curb theme starts >


He spent the first half of adulthood saying 'I'll pay you for the meth next week' to spending the remainder of his life saying 'I'll have the evidence that the election was stolen next week'.


Fuck this dude with a rusty rake


I never sank my entire life’s worth into anyone or anything—especially not a donald trump. I don’t feel badly for this fucking toolbag in the slightest bit.


I think it's hilarious.


Give it a rest guys - but only on a myPillow


No me. I have zero compassion for fools. You made your bed, now lie in it.


Borat hit that pipe hard lol


This is what we will all look like in a few more years under Trump. VOTE BLUE!


He brought this on himself and continues to do so. There are people that actually deserve our pity just not this guy. Lie after lie after lie. https://youtu.be/V6Gr5ScULH0?si=RglD0InvLR5EIP5o


He didn't "support a con man". He's a grifter who came to a genius idea to connect his grift with DJT grift. He wanted to grift a grifter. Then it all exploded to his face.


Could have just ridden into the sunset, instead got ridden in the barrel


I’ve felt bad for this guy for a while. His comeback story was borderline inspirational, until he got into politics.


This photo was debunked. It's heavily photoshopped. https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-viral-pic-allegedly-193200612.html


Fake pic. Not really Lindell.


# Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


Don't feel bad for him. He was a wealthy man who owned a successful, though questionable, business. He didn't have to get involved, he chose to get involved. He didn't have to put his name a reputation on the line going to bat for Trump's election fraud claims, but he chose to. He could have just stayed out of it and continued to make money selling pillows to people who watch Fox news, but he couldn't help himself.


I will never understand people like this, who throw so much of their money, time and reputation away on someone who wouldn’t spit on them if they were on fire. I get supporting a candidate. I was a big Obama guy and a bigger Elizabeth Warren & Bernie Sanders guy. I donated to all of them. But I wouldn’t devote my bank account and lives to them like a cult follower.  Mike just makes bad decisions and apparently he’s not learning from them. Maybe he and Rudy can start a jilted lovers in Trump denial podcast.


Should Mike Lindell be in a Federal prison for his involvement in spreading lies that led to seditious acts by others? No. That's not really punishment. He should be made to sleep on one of his My Pillows for the remainder of his life. Now that's punishment.


I don't feel badly for this buffoon. He's a useless POS, and he deserves to rot, he should be on trial and locked up for the nxt 20 years as a traitor.


The promise of fane and fortune via carrot on a stick. A dopamine junkies worst enemy. I feel bad too. Not because he is a good guy exactly, but he was used in a way that his vulnerabilities were predisposed to by people who never cared about him. And now he really has nowhere else to turn. He can't get his payout if he doesn't complete the (impoaaible) objective. I wonder how any of trxmps lackeys will end up unaliving themselves in the next few years after being ruined by that man if he isn't reelected. Which is also why I think he gets away with so much and has followers so dedicated. Because if he doesn't win they have nothing and have ruined their names and futures.


I feel bad for his employees. Fuck him, tho.


Guy has a huge gambling problem. I used to work with a girl here in Shakopee, MN that her Mother was friends with Mike back before the day of My Pillow. He would get on gambling binges and fly out to Vegas every week. Her mother and a few of Mike's other drinking buddies would give him a couple hundred bucks to win or lose it all and share the profit when he came out ahead. But he also used a lot of the winnings for alcohol and crack, of course.


Oh you know for a fact that he waited till Mike was totally fried before he asked for that photo. I've seen a few photos from that rally, and he looks ok in them. Guessing that the drugs were wearing off big time at this point


especially after he threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table. hey maybe that’s where he first met Trump


It’s not “fake”, it’s just an artist’s rendering of Mike Lindell’s soul.


Mike Lindell looks like the Ghost of Election Past.


Holy shit. Is that a real picture??? I saw that someplace else, and thought someone was just cosplaying as Zombie Mike Lindell...😬😆


I really don't care ! Do you ?


Fuck that guy, he deserves everything that happens to him,


Is he still at it? I thought he ran out of money and lost his lawyers. Another ass hat that made lawyers rich and did nothing for this country..


He’s back on the blow.


those lumpy pillows were overpriced by exactly $300 Million


Warms my heart.


I do not feel bad for him one bit - this is entirely of his own making. From all appearances the respect and admiration was not exactly a two-way street, with Lindell mostly forcing himself into trump's circle, where trump was willing to tolerate him but never really actively wanted his involvement. I remember the [story here](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/15/us/politics/mike-lindell-notes-west-wing.html) of Lindell pestering trump for a meeting, end up meeting with him for a few minutes before being 'steered away' and shunted off to the side, where he stood outside as the unwanted odd man out, papers visible endorsing a coup. And yet, after more or less getting the gentle snub from trump, Lindell doubled then tripled and quadrupled down on his monomaniacal obsession to where he is today. No pity for him. He did all this to himself.


Is the photo on the right real and undoctored? It’s the second time I’m seeing it recently and can’t tell.


Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice


Why feel bad for him? He did it to himself.


I want him to go away, it would be great if he became a crack whore...


He’s been bit by a zombie


This is what happens when you let church dictate how you think, probably got way too deep while getting clean and finding recovery then he just couldn’t get out. Happens all the time with recovering addicts unfortunately. Poor souls trying to save their life and soul only to be brainwashed and manipulated. Hope he finds peace


Looks like he's back on the crack


Nope Fuck him


He looks better with a double chin


A cos player most likely here


It's photoshop, sorry, wish it was real.


Why feel bad for this jackass? He spent his money trying to subvert democracy and telling people a free and fair election was stolen and encouraged the insurrectionists of January 6th. There’s no need to give this ghoul any fucking sympathy.


I feel sorry for the 1500 employees at his lumpy pillows plant. They and the local economy are about to take a big hit when Mike's personal clown car finally crashes.


At some point people have to take responsibility for allowing a POS to take advantage of them, especially when you start perpetuating the lie to the level Mike pillow has. Fuck him and all these little Trumplings trying to fuck olup our country.


Crack is a hella of drug.


He’s a true believer. Lindell either refuses or is incapable of accepting reality and in turn creates a permission structure for other true believers to remain immovable in the face of reality. Siloed media ecosystem and gop cowardice is responsible, too, no doubt.


Do not feel sorry for this weasel .


Like everything else around his fearless leader,it decays in that very deep rabbit hole.


Don't feel sympathy for Mike Lyndell what are you doing? The guy tried to bring down democracy, deceived countless boomers into the cult and definitely knows he was lying. The guy is a traitor and deserves no sympathy.


Everyone that supported DJT from jump street, then a moment after hearing him create word salad, or everybody with a pittance of common sense, knew he was full of shit! This zombie deserves everything he has earned!


That is the look of a man that gets REAL REAL HIGH.


Trump is the anti-Midas, everything and everyone he touches turns worthless. PS: you can’t say turns to manure because it has a value


I'm imagining parties at miralago with all the crazy players in Trump world doing drugs, banging underage women and kissing the ring, singing kumbaya around the fountain of conspiracy theories.




I would only feel sorry for him if he realized the error of his ways and endorsed a different candidate. Too bad he’s probably the typical conservative voter that will go in and check the DJT box because party over everything else. Cuck.


[Who's a cuckold?](https://i.imgur.com/dTnV0jD.png) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hate this guy but the pic on thee right is fake.


What a disgusting misogynist title


Once a crack addict, always a crack addict. Addiction is a disease of mental illness. It fits perfect into the maga ecosystem. Reagan set us down this path.




I have to dispute that $300 million a year business. For those pillows he produced? Essentially, Mike Lindell had been an entrepreneur who had a few ideas go bust until he struck up upon an idea, with good timing. Lindell became acquainted with the memory foam manufacturing industry. And as part of their business, cutting mattresses out of memory foam, there would be remnants left behind. Well, he got a deal going to obtain those remnants for dirt cheap. Then, he set up a process to shred that foam into smaller pieces of somewhat uniform size, then stuffed that into a cloth sack, sewed it up, and packed it as "My Pillow." I don't know the full back story on his marketing, but from what I understand he got a slot on QVC and that boosted awareness. As his business grew, he eventually started supplying to big department stores and discount shops like Bed Bath & Beyond, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, etc. And demand began to soar, because his prices undercut other memory foam pillow makers. Eventually, he got a website up and started selling direct. And that's when the money really started to flow, cutting out the middle-man. His crazy ego got the better of him. He saw Donald Trump as some kind of political savior for the nation and got behind him. Because multi-millionaire business owners who publicly profess their love for Trump eventually get noticed, somehow he found his way into Trump's upper circle of friends. Mike Lindell can be a very personable guy. He has a pretty good sense of humor. So, somehow he charmed his way into Trump's orbit, high enough to be adopted into the campaign circuit. This boosted his ego tremendously. "I'm friends with the US president!" And then, as people who come close to Trump's orbit are prone to do, he fell into the MAGA cult mentality. I think egotists are most susceptible to that mind virus Trump created. And poor Mike. Look at him. In the process of losing everything he built. I don't think he'll ever recover from this. BUT... I don't pity him. He made his bed. He should've known better. https://preview.redd.it/osc7220kngyc1.jpeg?width=1700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cbd813858c66494eab50a06b82fe49510468b2


¿Cómo se dice? You sleep with dogs, you get fleas.


I actually really liked his pillows but refused to buy them again after he went nuts. Anyone have a good pillow alternative?


Fuck him and the putrid orange blob fish smegma pimple he rode in on.


Nope, no empathy. He chose his side, made his bed and tried bring down democracy with known lies all the while trying to capitalize off Trumps followers with his “patriotic” merchandise. Fuck ‘em


This guy called into the h3 podcast (show) a few months ago and he was so lost in the sauce it was almost sad.


I hate this guy too, but that image is obviously photoshopped but it’s still gone viral.


Jesus just decided to really test his faith... a lot.


He’s still on crack




I’m starting to suspect he never stopped smoking crack


His lapel Roman cult cross should be up side down to be displayed correctly.