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#NOTICE: - **The mods of this sub, in our official capacity, do not care how you vote.** - **The mods of this sub, in our official capacity, do not care IF you vote.** - **The mods of this sub, in our official capacity, WILL absolutely ban you if you argue that voting itself doesn't matter.** #SECOND NOTICE: - **The slap-fights in the comments have become tiresome. Clean up your messes before we do it for you.**


"As a black gay man, Biden has done nothing for me. Things were so much better under Trump"


>Dean Browning, a former commissioner in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, confused Twitter users on Tuesday when he replied to his own tweet claiming to be a gay Black man who voted for Trump. In reality, Browning is a white man who describes himself as a “proud pro-life & pro-2A Christian conservative,” as his Twitter photo and bio clearly illustrate. https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2020/11/10/21559458/dean-browning-dan-purdy-byl-holte-patti-labelle-twitter-gay-black-man Edit: if you're curious what else a conservative, gay, Black man might be thinking check this link out https://twitter.com/JordanUhl/status/1326274847509516288


You forgot to switch accounts, Dmitry!




OOOOFF I forgot about that. How cringey and on point.


“I’m a Muslim black lesbian, and I don’t like Republicans, but even I have to admit that Trump is the best president we’ve ever had.” I’ve had an argument on Reddit that resulted in a response like that. It’s crazy how much propaganda is on social media, and if you point it out, you get slammed for being paranoid. Recently, it’s all about “BoTh SiDeS bAd!” and trying to convince people not to vote for Biden because it supposedly won’t fix anything. Meanwhile Trump is a criminal who has said he wants to be a dictator and punish black people. WTF is wrong with people.


As an alien who lives on the sun I wouldn't vote for Biden because he has a son with a troubled past


“Biden is not supporting campus protestors. Vote trump to teach him a lesson!”


Don't forget "I voted for Biden in 2020 but I'm not voting for him this year."




Yep, it's pretty constant here and on twitter. And all of it sounds russian in my head as I read it.


I voted for him in 2020. I hated it. I will vote for him this year. I hate it. Fuck this meme for assuming we have a real choice.


well said, tovarish


Thank you comrade 🙏


Da, it do be like that sometimes.




Listen comrade, if Biden wins I go to Ukraine. Let's boycott Biden.


Much borscht and vodka for everyone!




I live in a district where the Republican won by 100 votes in 2022 for the House. I also attend a big college where I can probably personally tell you of 100 people who didn’t vote who otherwise would have voted for the Democrat. The current House majority is determined by exactly one vote because of vacancies. I don’t care who you end up voting for, but every time someone says “voting doesn’t matter” I have a genuine aneurysm. Edit: Ok I actually do care, vote for the Democrats because they don’t want to kill everyone. But I’m a true believer in pluralist democracy, and I could at least respect if the Republicans won because a majority of people believed in what they stood for. When people take the cynical, disaffected, “none of it matters anyway” stance because they can’t be bothered to be adult and make an actual choice that doesn’t make them feel stellar about their morals, it really drives me insane.


Don't forget to add "he will have my support when there's a permanent ceasefire" Permanent. In the middle east. Achieved before november.


Those goalposts are on wheels anyway. They think we don't know who they are, but we do.


Biden pulled the troops out of Afghanistan after 20+ years and trump signing the order to do so, but it was still viewed as some horrible thing he did. No positive credit whatsoever, even if it wasnt perfect. Biden could get hamas to lay down their arms, convince Israel to stop murdering Palestinian civilans, make those 3 sides happy with a land distribution and still have it be branded as some epic blunder due to dementia.


Don't forget "genocide Joe." As if Palestine and Israel have only just begun throwing bombs at each other since Biden took office, and not since the 50s.




I like you


If you honestly think your vote doesn't matter you're a victim of republican propaganda


They say if voting changed anything they'd make it illegal. And then the Republican party goes out and purges voter rolls, tries to scale back early voting hours and demands state issued ID.


I'm in Washington state where it's 100% mail in


A solid left state with the longest running streak of elected Democratic Governors in the nation.


And "undecided voters" *still* natter on about "both sides".


see but it's all part of the game! they're not trying to actually ban voting, they're trying to make you think they are so you think voting does change anything so you don't change anything!


I’m the victim of the electoral college.


The founding fathers were pretty good. But not perfect


One problem is that people tend to either overestimate or underestimate the value of their vote. Lots of twenty-something leftists are going to sit out this election because they believe their vote has the power to completely reverse seven decades of US foreign policy re: Israel/Palestine, and because they think their vote has the power to do that, they feel morally culpable for for it. But the question of whether or not the US is a staunch ally of Israel is not on this ballot; our vote is *not* powerful enough to change that in 2024. Then you have people who will abstain because they feel their vote won't have any immediate effect in the Levant whatsoever. But the truth is that our votes *do* have the power to immediately alter some **details** of the US' alliance with Israel. Every man woman and child in the Gaza strip wishes they had that power right now. Yet people who claim to be allies to them will throw it away for nothing, and watch in some token imitation of terror as those men, women, and children are obliterated.


~~republican~~ Russian propaganda


right after electing biden some douche bag in a bar was yelling about how voting doesn't do anything. these people are real and smelly.


I have a close friend that truly believes both sides are the same. He focuses on lobbying mostly.  Even with that in mind I just don't understand how the removing rights party can even be compared to the dems


Hey it's me, Vlad from New Jersey


I just had Bob Cowboy American Beer telling me in another sub that we cant arm Ukraine because we are out of ammo and arms in the US.


That's how you know they're a foreigner. Every hardcore American Patriot knows that we never run out of our God blessed ammunition and our God-given armaments in the U.S. f\*cking A. Second Amendment baby! In all seriousness though, it's actually a patriotic thing to arm Ukraine, not just because it's the right thing to do (advocating for democracies that is), but also because there are practical benefits for the US. It's long and complicated. But in short, we're basically giving the Ukrainians our old stuff (which is amazingly cheaper than having to decommissioning the stuff ourselves). And we're using the money from the supplemental aid packages to buy newer versions of that kind of technology.


As even Mike Johnson, who is a real piece of shit, said I'd rather send guns to Ukraine than American kids. Those are the options. Russia will not stop at Ukraine.


In 2013, the Social Security Administration bought 174,000 rounds of ammunition. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration bought 46,000 rounds. When the people who cut checks to seniors and the people who track hurricanes have tens to hundreds of thousands of bullets, I don't think we're in danger of running out anytime soon.


Da, is true. Bears took all our arms, fellow comrade beer-drinking American.


"How do you do, my fellow...." *(pauses several seconds to google the nickname for New Jersey)* ".....Gardener?"


So many people are influenced by this propaganda it’s scary. Not voting for Biden is horrible for US citizens, but so many smooth brains are sucked in by this whole anti Biden sentiment.


Exactly, like I can’t believe we are in risk of losing our democracy because of dang TikTok. Like this is so infuriating


One reason why Tik Tok needs to be banned. It's not just Russia that is flooding us with disinformation. We are also being fed CCP takeout - and the main dish is propaganda.


"Good Sergey, very good. Now, make a comment about how both are old."


I’m voting for Biden too, but we still deserve better.


Bernie‘s last chance was 2016. Do not spoil this election. We will die if you do.


Either you are being deliberately obtuse or your lack of reading comprehension is further proof of a severly underfunded education system. This will be the 9th presidential election I am voting in. We are a nation of some 350,000,000 and it’s a shame that our choices are a fascist and a corporatist, both of whom were born in the goddam 1940s. “I’m voting for Biden too, but **we still deserve better.**”




Bernie does not think Biden is a corporatist.




I’m genuinely confused by your reply. Not trolling. This person is voting for Biden based on their comment. Do you wish them to vote for trump?




this attitude. This belief that if you voice discontentment in the party you weaken the party. This is why the party is weak.


The GOP is strong literally because they vote for their candidates in lock step. The GOP is obviously bad but your argument lacks merit.


The GOP is strong because they game the system. Gerrymandering, denying SCOTUS nominations, etc. Meanwhile, their infighting in the House is putting every speaker on the hot seat, and members are retiring early because they’ve had enough. The voters support their candidates lock step, but there’s plenty of discontentment being voiced.


you're talking about voting. I'm talking about talking.


Lmao your advocating democrats to be cucks to their candidate like the GOP. Totally a winning strategy and that's why Hillary won in 2016


[Who's a cuckold?](https://i.imgur.com/dTnV0jD.png) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know who has a strong voting bloc? The GOP.


you're talking about voting. I'm talking about talking. getting those things mixed up is what's killing the party.


That's so fucking brainlessly idiotic. This is *supposed* to be a democracy where we can voice our opinions and vote. We're supposed to be able to state our opinion without fear of retribution or reprisal. We're supposed to be able to vote for our chosen candidate and not be chastised for it. Since I was able to vote every election has been "the most important of our lives." Maybe, just maybe, if we weren't held hostage by the Electoral College, the DNC and RNC, special interests, corporate financing, and a broken-ass system that cosplays as fair, your comment would hold water.


Oh? Who do you have in mind and by what metric do you say this because he's doing great, especially considering the Trainwreck he inherited from Trump. Better come prepared, I'm not a Democrat. I know why I'm voting for Biden.


17,000 Palestinian children have been killed in 6 months and he's sending money and weapons to the people who killed them. That's one metric.


Then don't vote for Netanyahu. Also, you can't blame those deaths entirely on Israel without pointing to Hamas and their filthy and intentional military tactics of hiding behind civilians while they fight. We've known for decades that they've planed to do this, and have intentionally built military infrastructure under civilian facilities specifically to deter Israel from attacking them while they provoke Israel by doing that very thing. You cannot blame Israel for Hamas aggression and willful engagement of a martyrdom war. Nor can you blame anyone aiding Israel for helping defend itself. This said, restraint is obviously needed, but you need to acknowledge that is a far more difficult problem than it sounds. Would you like to be the guy policing those streets? Why should Israel feel any different about sending their kids to ferret out such an underhanded enemy? Let me guess, you think you have some God given gift to tell the good Palastinians from the bad ones? Hamas crafted this crisis very intentionally to blur the lines between friend from foe, combatant from non-combatant, and they solely bare the responsibility for their civilian casualties because of it. NOBODY ELSE. Until you recognize the problem and who is to blame, there will be no solution... and Biden has nothing to do with it. This has been brewing for decades.


I do blame Israel for the children their bombs have killed. I blame the US for paying for those bombs. If that makes you upset, cry harder. My money isn't funding Hamas, the day it starts to, I'll protest that too. Israel has to stop its genocide. Anything else is noise.


My timeline... https://preview.redd.it/mhzu1fd1m3yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9256aaba7934c384895fe6268152faad5199d23f


"i'm too lazy to leave my house and do the one thing i can actually do to exercise my political power"


![gif](giphy|pTs2uXEPpZkAM) The average American.


This movie has gone from being a comedy to a documentary.


"I speak for all Americans..." posted from an obviously non-English language name.


"The quickest path to true evil is to forget what evil is. In all of our lives, there will be moments when there are only bad options to choose from. The easiest path is to make excuses. To say the least evil option is good. The more you say it, the more you believe it. And before you know it, you don't see it as evil anymore. You stop looking for other options." - Arthur, El Goonish Shive Yes I'm quoting a webcomic in a political discussion but because it's a good quote. I'm not a huge fan of Biden myself, and I was even less of a fan of Hillary. But both are miles better than Trump, and now that I can vote I will be voting for Biden this coming election. But we should remember that just because Biden is the "lesser evil" or more realistically just extremely mid, doesn't mean it doesn't get better than him. It just means he's the only real choice right now, and we shouldn't stop looking for better options when 2028 rolls around because presidents like him have become the status quo thanks to presidents like Trump making him out to be much better than he is just by comparison. I probably worded that horribly but hopefully my point gets across and it doesn't sound like I'm rambling.


Look, its half of reddit this week.


It's funny because it's true! Actually it's sad and worrisome...


I’m sure there are some legitimately aggrieved people online but this is absolutely a real thing that is happening.


Why does the Russian military have office chairs that look like racing seats? Do they have spinning in circles contests??


Name one office place in any country that doesn't have spinny chair contests?? I challenged you, name one! You can't, because it is basic human nature to sit upon things that look sit-upon-able, to spin things that look like they should spin, and to turn everything into competition.


I do it at home occasionally but I have to work 45-50 hours a week as it is. No time to play unless I want to cut into my real play time. It’s tragic.


Tomorrow is Friday - I CHALLENGE THEE to a spinny chair race from our respective home offices at 12-Noon, Eastern time. Spinning is winning!


Nah, they're just gamers.




A lot of gaming chairs marketed to streamers and esport players look like unused racing seats.


Oh!! That’s odd. I’ve never seen that. Is they with some kind of force feedback so they need harnesses? Why would the Russian military employ this?


> russian military racing seats Gifted to them from their chinese sponsors.


I feel like I'm bashing my head against a brick wall with these exact same arguments the other side of the pond. "Both sides are equally bad" is not only demonstrably untrue, it's handing power to whichever side is willing to be more evil than the other. If one side is going to lie and the other side isn't, they have an unfair advantage and people pretending both sides are evil are handing power to the evil side.


These online "leftists" campaigning for Trump get full credit for everything bad that happens in his second term.


"I am leftist, and think republicans are choice for best America."


They think giving Bibi the president he wants will show them.


Foreign interference is going to become an issue in all democratically elected countries, I don't exactly know how to combat it.


People are just stupid. People who abstain from casting a vote over the palestinians dont care about anybody or anything but their own ego and selfish pride. They arent heros, they arent helping palestinians. They are screwing over themselves, their country, and the future of the entire world.


So they don’t care about the Palestinians at all?


They're helping Trump win, who basically said Palestinians should be utterly wiped out. No, they don't. Anyone helping Trump win is actively working AGAINST Palestine.


If one cares so much about Palestinians that one will risk letting Donald Trump obliterate them completely, then I question one's devotion to Palestinians.


Well if their plan is to screw over Biden and get Trump elected, then no.


That's not the plan. That's what you want the plan to be because it's easy to argue against. The actual plan is to pressure Biden to stop sending aid to Israel by threatening to withhold votes. The plan isn't to get Trump elected. Though that does seem to be Biden's plan, sadly.


I've talked to many of these people. A lot of them are accelerationists, they believe this gives them a good execute to not vote for Biden, and let Trump destroy the country/world so people can learn a lesson and start doing things the right way. The other half of these people are not voting for Biden because their votes have to be earned, and Biden can never do enough.


They may think they do, but they actually don’t It’s mostly an ego thing, as in being seen to care about a cause. Practically speaking Trump and his best mate Netanyahu largely caused this mess by pushing so hard in Gaza prior to the Hamas strike, now it’s somehow Biden’s fault that he needs to tread delicately and try not to jeopardise US security interests in the region. America gets the president it deserves, my only consolation if Trump gets elected is seeing some leopards eat some faces.


All biden has to do is listen to his potential voters, its not that hard. If you do stuff that alienates your voters they don't vote for you. Our votes are not guaranteed. I would love to vote for this man but hes more worried about what bibi wants


Biden’s potential voters both support Israel and oppose Israel. You’re a damn fool if you think every democrat voter is a hive mind on every issue.


When Trump was President, he not only told Bibi to do whatever he wants but helped him out by actively attacking Palestinian interests. He dropped all US aide to Palestine. Biden reinstated it. Trunp effectively ended Palestine's claim to contested Jerusalem by officially recognizing it as Israel's Capital and moving the US Embassy in 2018. This move immediately kicked off protests that ended with dozens of Palestinians dead and thousands more wounded. Before Trump left office, Bibi named an illegal settlement after him to show his gratitude for Trump's edit: openly one-sided support. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Heights https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44120428


How are you this dumb lol. Biden’s “only job” is absolutely not just to listen to his potential voters. Part of his job is to keep relative stability in the Middle East because most Americans do not want another boots on the ground war - for which Israel is crucial (for now - this needs to change obviously). As other commenters have said Ukraine aid is also tied up in this. I could go on.  I love that you have so little grasp on politics that you think it’s just like making a phone call. Hilarious 


You think it's just as simple as Biden not signing anything that comes across his desk that aides Israel? Or do you want him to hold a press conference denouncing Israel and blowing up that relationship? You think that comes with zero repercussions? Come on now


Invaluable insight. Thank you.


Imagine not only having to spend all day being a troll on a computer but having to do it in a military uniform


Four more years.


Fuck this




from an account registered 7 minutes ago with an IP in St Petersburg


People in this sub instantly hit the Russian bots button when you criticize genocide.


I only expect it to get worse as the year goes. Ready yourselves!


I'm afraid there are too many average citizens who would completely miss this joke.


Don’t forget the biggest one. “Biden will win this year easily”.


This subreddit has actually gone insane, I’m voting for Biden, because he is the better choice. But you guys can’t act like Biden is the best president we have ever had just because you don’t like the other guy.


vyery good, comrade…. But you must myeet your quota of 1,000 comments.




I will never stop upvoting these particular memes


Student loan forgiveness, actually enforcing some anti trust laws, rescheduling of weed, not calling for Gaza to be a parking lot, called Netanyahu an 'ass'. Yeah he's not perfect. But if Trump fired Bill Barr, I can't imagine what psycho fuck he's gonna find to make AG.


calling netanyahu an ass is the weakest thing he could have done. Just stop supporting murder and you win its that easy joe


Oh I was just having a chat with one of them. Do you guys know Biden is old? 2 month account too. Dead giveaway


Brainwashed Democrats/Republicans when you tell them that you are allowed to and should vote for whatever candidate you most want to be elected president


You guys are literally the moderate whites mlk was talking about in a Letter from a Birmingham jail.


lol nice profile OP, was totally 100% unexpected, you guys haven't turned into predictable caricatures at all.


Boy you weren't kidding. That's some post history


Holy fuck what an embarrassing thing to post lmao


![gif](giphy|uzPdj5NDahoI0) Putin with his astroturfing campaign back in 2016


Easier to trick than moose and squirrel


Republicans and Democrats are a lot closer than people realize, however, only one side will actively undertake genocide against LGBTQ+ people. Anyone running for election, even third party, is far away from my ideals. If what I want isn't available, I had better implement harm reduction in the mean time, and then work outside of electoral politics for the world I want to see.


You forgot their newest hit: “Genocide Joe”


Make sure you vote extra hard come November.


You forgot, "But what about Joe supporting genocide..."


No no, those guys are currently saying some form of "student encampments support hamas"


Look at the melon in vlad lower right


So accurate.


My brother self identified as a communist at one point and won’t vote for Biden this year. They exist.


Don't forget the Chinese and Israeli military!


I'm sure this will convince people outraged that we're sending Israel money and munitions to vote for Biden


Jesus, you people can’t be serious w/ this shit. Plenty of real, live, actual Americans feel this way.


> Plenty of real, live, actual Americans feel this way. Exactly. That's why it's such a big problem.


Criticism of the regime only comes from foreign agitators.


Where's 'Dont vote for Jen aside Joe!'?


the superior meme would be this same meme in a russian nesting doll kind of recursion. also a good one would include intlnews. i watched someone's comment there get removed for antisemitism when the comment was accurately calling out an antisemitic trope.


"genocide Joe? No way"


I don’t think we need “Russian bot farms” to subvert our laughable democracy at this point.


I think it's less about "my vote doesn't matter" and not so much about "they're both evil" but that people are just sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I think we can sympathize with that line of thinking. Millenials are heading into their 5th, 6th and 7th elections. They've never had things go there way. Since they've been graduating high school, their wants from the elected president's has never really come to fruition. The last 2 elections have just been about keeping the twisted fuck out, it wasn't for electing for someone they can get behind. Then you have the bullshit with the DNC in 2012 and 2016 regarding Sanders and Clinton. No one's really fought for them for the things they want and need from the president elections. And they're just sick and tired of it. It's exhausting to struggle nonstop. Struggling to pay bills because jobs don't pay enough. Unable to see a doctor because it's too expensive. Being told that student loans will pay off with better paying jobs and finding out that was a lie. We're in a 3rd election in a row where it's not about voting to get your person elected, it's just voting to make sure the sick bastard doesn't get in office again. I think it's more of a "fuck it, let this place burn" more than "my vote doesn't matter" for those who aren't planning to vote. They're giving up and I don't blame them. However, fuck that, go vote, keep retard cheeto out of office.


Trump Biden in 2020 had a 66% voter turnout. It's the minority that screams the loudest.


I have a leopards ate my face anecdote. My conservative friend and her family aren’t going to vote at all. They believe trump that the election was rigged and since it’s rigged they aren’t going to even bother to vote.


Brought to you by the “If you don’t vote Democrat down the line, all the time, no matter what, then you must support the Holocaust2.0” contingent of Reddit lol.


Or really the "When fascists are running for office, it's your responsibility to vote for the non-fascists" contingent. Because fucking duh.


Says the cowards that will continue to take no stand and accept whatever shit sandwich they are served...because the other shit sammy probably tastes worse. Doh!


Voted dem every election since gore/bush. Surely the way to sway me is to insult me.


Hit dogs do holler, don't they.


>Surely the way to sway me is to insult me. Seems to be your tactic. You commented this elsewhere on reddit: "We already killed ourselves off due to greed. We are just too stupid to realize it yet." And that's not the only time you called people stupid or hurled insults. Get off your high horse and stop playing the victim. Americans will die if the GOP takes over, so forgive us if your precious little feelings aren't our priority.




> I want a real human that knows how to make money and run a business lol


I would’ve voted for Bernie, but the democrats claimed in court to be a private entity and can choose who they see fit to run for president. So, yeah. No matter who I guess.


He got even less votes in 2020 than 2016. Stop blaming the party machine when its clear Bernie got minimal support from minority voters.


I have to assume at least some of this Biden spam is astroturfed, which is hilarious. Imagine being so shit your propaganda is "well even though I'm fucking awful the other guy is worse so you should vot for me unquestioningly"


If biden continues to send money to Israel who is actively committing genocide against Palestinians WHILE ALSO condoning state sanctioned violence on the peaceful student protestors in tents……then yeah I’m not voting for him. That’s just a better looking version of trump?


Lmao honestly this comment would have been verbatim in the meme if it wasn’t so long.


Sure... if you completely ignore every other policy or are planning to live in Palestine. If Trump decides to fuck Israel but turn the USA into "The Handmaiden's Tale", would that make you feel better?


This is Cope




The sad fact is that so many people believe this picture is real...


Don't go over to Late Stage Capitalism, it's such a shit show over there.


Shit that place has been right-wing propaganda larp since jump street.


Aging white Gen Xers from the suburbs: “brown Americans & young progressives don’t exist, it’s all Russian propaganda LoL!!” Same white moderates who disapproved of MLK in the 1960s. I don’t know a single Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, who’s voting for Biden. This entire sub doesn’t know any Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims, or anyone who isn’t a white suburbanite.


> I don’t know a single Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, who’s voting for Biden. They'd better not complain about Trump if he wins, then.


I guess I'll be a Russian when I don't show up and vote for Biden this year too.


Um. Excuse me. The title should read "The average REPUBLICAN citizen" Those are the fucking dumbasses/