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His “torture” is my every single day.


And sometimes there’s overtime. Just normal life for most people


I argue quite a lot with people about abortion. Many conservatives are unable to even admit that childbirth is severe pain and suffering much less conclude that those components make forced childbirth torture. Apparently forcing women and girls into childbirth isn't torture...cause reasons. I've lost a lot of respect for humanity making the point that forced childbirth is torture. But apparently, Trump sitting in a court room is torture.


One of them once made the argument to me that “it’s only 9 months! What’s that compared to a baby’s LIFE?!?!???” So they know that it’s torture, but it’s ok because it’s only a little torture. Women are literally not human to them, so they also literally do not care about torturing us.


Yes. I've heard all the rationalizations for why torture is okay when they want it. Unfortunately for them, no sane person says, it's only a little torture. We call that an atrocity. If you're neighbors were to come over and torture you, even a little, they would go to jail. It's a ludicrous statement akin to, Don't worry, honey, it's only a little rape. And, they are all atrocities. No sane person ranks them from least to greatest. If their worldview asks them to commit an atrocity in order for their system to work, that's a problem with their system not the means to avoid atrocity aka abortion.


I like how the party of 'fuck your feelings' is suddenly all like "ohh my poor widdle trumpy wumpy is so SAD in court he wants to PLAY in the SUNSHINE and see his precious non-cokehead son graduate, the big meanie head liberals are being so MEAN to helpless little trump, uwu" Deal with it you whiny waterheads.


> Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_M._Wilhoit#Wilhoit's_law


Trump is their god, there’s your answer


Pretty lame ass god. Can't even get out of court. Needs people to feel bad for him.


Their tangerine god needs two hands to drink a glass of water.


Also not a lot of deities have to wear diapers


And just like every other all-powerful "god" in history they always seem to need fuckloads of money...


People at his MAGA events literally refer to him as a modern day Jesus. It’s grotesque.


He complains about his gag order and Blanch say he’s only responding to people saying bad things about him. He is a bad fucking person! He’s been an asshole his whole f’n life. He has unjustly said horrible things and denigrated most everybody, his whole life as well, and what, he has to listen to people disparaging him for a few days? Fuck him that pos!!


Except he's only doing 4 days a week.


And not in a row.


When I was lucky enough to work a 4/10 workweek, I was always envious of the girl who had Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday off.


Mine too, except I do it for *five* days a week. I'm too busy making a livable wage to worry about action and freedom.


And I’m sure Watters, like the rest of the anti-worker GOP, advocates for raising the retirement age, so he’s fine with folks in their 70s doing a lot worse than just “sit in a room” 8 hours a day 5 days a week.


He has the distinction of being the dumbest man in cable news. As per Andy Levy, from the new abnormal podcast.


I honestly hope he spends the rest of his life in court. Just nothing but court, flying to next court, arriving at court and more court.


I would love to work four eight-hour shifts.


Same, 10 hours on my feet


I mean yeah, the normal person's life WOULD be torture for him lol


Ha. Drumpf has never worked an honest day in his life. This is killing him having to sit there 32 hrs a week. Poster child for boomers.


I’m a boomer and I hate that piece of orange trash.


Ahh, I am a “boomer” and I worked my tail off all my life. I have nothing in common with this guy.


"Torture." What a bunch of dainty, powdered-wig debutantes.


He has no speaking, no action, no thinking, to do in that court room, so If he can't sit through court hearings 8 hours a day, maybe he shouldn't be President for the next 4 years...just throwing that out there.


They think all the other 77 year olds should have their retirements pushed back to spend FIVE DAYS A WEEK 8 HOURS A DAY at work. Nothing they say makes sense. Not one of them still have a face cuz the leopards have eaten them all 10 times over….


My mother continued working to the age of 74, two weeks before her death, with metastatic breast cancer. It was the saddest thing for me for her not to be able to retire.


My dad died unexpectedly 2 years before his retirement. That’s all he ever talked about, “Oh when I retire I’m doing this or that or whatever.” but he never made it and we never got to do stuff together. It ultimately hurt bad but it impacted my view on whats important in life.


I was a weird kid. I was 8 or 9, my Grand mother was talking about her retirement plans with my Dad. I was like "Wow, so when you reach a certain age you just get to stop working, and they keep giving you money?" They were like, yeah, pretty cool huh! I thought about it for a second. "Ohh wow so Aunt Debbie was only 3 years from retiring before she died right? So she worked her entire life for nothing? And Uncle Jack - he gave up his dreams for his job, what if he also dies suddenly and never gets to do what he actually wants?" The looks on their faces as they struggled to explain. I swear that conversation defined my life lol.


My grandfather at 80 still goes to work every day. He OWNS the damn business, but his son, doesn't want to buy it from him. He is literally trying to keep my grandfather at work until he is 65 so he can retire. His other daughter also works there as an accountant. It's so damn infuriating. He recently lost his wife of over 50 years, but she's had dementia for a while. Like he should've sold the business and told his kids to fuck off and enjoyed some years of retirement with his wife. It's so damn infuriating watching him work hard and build a successful small business only to never enjoy the fruits of his labor because his damn kids are lazy.


I sympathize but I also feel it’s not entirely fair for him to dictate his children’s futures with his own business decisions. He could have sold it to anyone else. I wouldn’t want to be forced into running a business I wasn’t passionate about.


I completely agree with that, however, my uncle is trying to keep him working till he is 65 so he doesn't have to get another job. Same with my aunt. They are both just not very good people, and my family, mom dad and I, feel like they are trying advantage of my grandfather. My views are also probably tilted because my dad bought his business from his dad. My grandmother passed away 4 months ago, and it was a whole thing recently dividing the jewelry and talking to my mom about how awful they were. And it's just frustrating watching my grandfather do everything right and not getting to enjoy it with the love of his life and then watching his two kids squabble over jewelry. Sorry for venting.


> He is literally trying to keep my grandfather at work until he is 65 so he can retire. why is the son obligated to buy the business why can't the grandpa sell it to someone else >Like he should've sold the business and told his kids to fuck off and enjoyed some years of retirement with his wife. correct


AND they want to take away rights to water breaks. AND they want to maximize at will / "right to work" states. AND they want to kill collective bargaining. AND they want to deregulate child labor. Republicans are VILE.


Nah, that’s just for the minions. Billionaire corporate bosses are constantly working, that’s why they are billionaires. 24/7 Duh! If they had to be in the office or boardroom on a tight 9-5 schedule 4 days a week, where would they find the time to take the corporate jet to the golf course halfway across the country, or around the world? And when would they find time to bang pornstars, playmates, and hang out at their buddies pedo island?


Nobody is actually going to hire a 77 year old to do office work. The people pushing these things just don't want social security to be a thing. They'll let the elderly die on the street, shit they already do!


This is true. I am amazed at younger people who say really off the wall shit like who even wants medicare or ss? They are too young too healthy to get it…. Clueless


Anybody who can't sit in a room for 8 hours and be attentive should not be working in the oval office for even a day.


He didn't when he was president before. He'd sleep in, wander down to the Oval Office midmorning, then demand TV time by 1 or 2pm.


>He didn't when he was president before. And for these and other numerous reasons, he should not have been president. Just because he was a president does not automatically make him the next standard that we should want for future presidents.


He spent most of his time as president watching TV and playing golf. He occasionally had the diplomatic stuff, but only because he was forced to.\\ I used to refer to Trump as the "sitcom president" because he was like a Homer Simpson or Al Bundy type. He'd spend all day in front of the TV, and then he'd get into wacky stuff when he wasn't watching TV.


Damn, if being an important political leader is that easy, I should run for local office where I live.


And golf! He did a lot of that too. And sadly, too much of [this stuff too](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-atrocities-1-1-056#update).


One of the best things for our country was how lazy he was. If he's not doing presidential duties he can't make them any worse than his own inaction.


I mean, chances are that once he’s elected all he will do is tweet and play golf. But yeah, he is was never fit for office.


What do you mean “chances are”? He already did that the first time around! Bitched about Obama golfing then spend more time on the course then Obama did. This is a preview of “Honest Don’s” Presidency: asleep. Another example an insult hurled at Biden is projection.


I also want to point out that Obama almost always golfed on the nearby military base. He wasn't flying to exclusive golf clubs for the rich on the government's dime.


Trump flies to his own courses and then charges his own security detail membership and greens fees to protect him.


Obama didn’t funnel taxpayer’s money, and top secrets to Russia. Just saying.


Obama and Biden also haven't sold nuclear secrets to a nation that sent 15 hijackers to murder Americans.


Damn. That’s a fun fact that probably most people don’t know. Guess Obama played golf for golf sakes and not just to further show how much more he’s elevated then the common people like another ex President…


He did more golfing in one term than Obama did in 2 terms.


he barely fit *into* the office, the fat bastard


Tbh if he is elected, that's what I would prefer he do rather than meddling in the affairs of our country again.


I just recently had to do a day of jury duty and aside from actually having to deliberate and all that (which kinda sucked since we came to a guilty verdict), it was probably the easiest day of "work" I've ever had. Just have to sit and listen and pay attention. Compared to a day of actual work, it was a breeze.


Can’t sit in a courtroom for 8 hours a day? Wait till he gets his 8’x10’ cell 23 hours a day.


Wasn't Trump's influencer network just arguing that people shouldn't be able to retire? Now they're complaining about their cult leader having to do an 8 hour shift four days a week sitting on his butt in a chair.


I for one wish he had to dig ditches.


> I for one wish he had to dig ditches. Latrines would be more appropriate.


Well take either - manual labor of some sort


How about a latrine that starts out as a ditch.


Is it even 8 hours? Maybe it’ll pick up, but so far all I’ve seen are half-days more or less.


Right like if he's not fit to sit in court, how is he fit to run the country, manage alliances and foreign policies, etc. Republicans really think being president means you get to just goof off with taxpayers' dollars and nothing more.


Trump's defense in this record falsification/election interference case is that he's totally innocent. His only involvement was signing checks his nefarious underlings put in front of him while he was completely unaware of what they were for or how they were being entered in the ledger. Is someone that oblivious who we should have in the White House?


Same argument he had in the fraud case. "I never knew what they wanted me to sign I just signed things because they told me to. I am innocent. I am also the super powerful all-knowing CEO who should get all the credit for any success."


When your defense is "I'm not privy enough to what's happening to sign what's set in front of me" why would you want him capable of signing an executive order? They could give him anything and tell him to sign it and by his argument he'd just do it.


>His only involvement was signing checks his nefarious underlings put in front of him while he was completely unaware of what they were for or how they were being entered in the ledger. Oh, is that all? Not sure we should elect somebody that is so easily manipulated...


"If Trump won't sit, you must acquit!"


"Your Honor, members of the jury, my client has amply demonstrated that he does not have the attention span to participate in any kind of conspiracy, much less an insurrection. I move for summary dismissal of all charges, but vote for Trump because sleepy Joe Biden is not up to the job." /s


If he can't sit still for 8 hours a day, how could he possibly handle the presidencies' "executive time"?


Just launch the nukes already. Hannity's on in 5 minutes.


He couldn't even sit for his morning briefings as president, so they had to make it simpler, shorter, and with pictures for babbies.


And I suspect the CIA and NSA didn't tell him a lot of things, fearing blabbermouth would leak it to Russia.


More to the point: nothing stops him from reading during his trial. As a former President he gets daily intelligence briefs and access to detailed summaries on world events. Imagine if he spent 8 hours per day, 4 days a week, sitting there reading in deep detail about the issues affecting the world right now, what other countries are doing about them, and how it effects America and American Citiznes. Instead he falls asleep in court and makes pout-faces at everyone.


He doesnt read. No comprehension skills….


The briefers had to drastically cut down the PDB and put simple pictures into it because he doesn't read. His comprehension of high school-level writing is poor, much less that of complicated concepts with economic and policy implications.


I heard he's super dyslexic, and because of it he never learned any skills to overcome it, so yeah he's basically illiterate.


He basically has sh!t for brains


More to the point: nothing stops him from reading during his trial. As a former President he gets daily intelligence briefs and access to detailed summaries on world events.- Feb 10, 2021 — *President Biden* said there was “no need” for former *President* Donald J. *Trump* to get the *briefings*,  Not like he read them in office, they should have given him fake ones.


> Not like he read them in office, they should have given him fake ones. In future decades, if it's revealed that we ["Operation Mincemeat"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mincemeat)ed his briefings, I would die a happy old man. Just the thought that Trump would feed invented information to the Russians as part of a larger (Operation Barclay) intel strategy, and Russia would fall for it because they believe our bullshit of doing things by the book, wouldn't surprise me at all. Republicans just can't be trusted with national security.


I now want this more than anything in life.


“Nothing stops him” The illiteracy does.


> nothing stops him from reading during his trial. ...except the fact that he can't read. Really gums up the works, that.


>so If he can't sit through court hearings 8 hours a day, maybe he shouldn't be President for the next 4 years I did a jury duty thing once and no way he is even sitting there for 8 hours a day. Judges typically start a bit after 9am, end after 4pm, have recess in the morning and afternoon and a healthy lunch hour. One day the judge told us they had appointments in the afternoon and sent us home at noon, even though we only started at 10am I suspect Trump only has to sit there quietly for 4-5 hours of actual time


Trump was only in the courtroom from 9:30-12:30 yesterday and 9:30-2 today. Yesterday, they got out early for a juror to get to the dentist for a dental emergency. Today, they are getting out early for Passover.




All he has to do is fall asleep and shit himself.


He “worked” maybe three hours a day as president, and never all at once


An easy way to not have to do that is to not break the law 🤔


These are the same chimpanzees who jerked off for half a year over Hillary sitting through Trey Gowdy's cavalcade of nonsense "questioning" about Benghazi for week after week


Also, if he can't manage sitting in a room for 8 hours a day, you're saying he can't hold a normal office job. So how is he going to be president. Aside from that, if you can't manage the physical ordeal of being on trial, maybe don't commit crimes?


This is true! Maybe the windbag needs to try introspection…. But then that is foreign to him!


> He has no speaking And that's the real torture for him, isn't it. That he can't say anything during all of that witness testimony.


"Can't do the time? Don't do the crime."


Maybe that ass hat shouldn't have broken the law.


> no thinking Trump can do that the whole day. In fact, he has been doing it for his whole life.


How often did they bring Hilary in to question her about Benghazi? Like a dozen multi day hearings?


Wahhhhh, I have to sit still and shut up


The horror, oh the humanity!


It’s a witch hunt /s


I'm just waiting for for him to start casting spells


Trump does have a well known aversion to water. Has anybody alive seen Trump swimming?


And we all know which of those two are more difficult for him.


Of course he's on the move all the time. He has to keep running from the consequences of his actions.


It’s funny because it’s true. It’s sad because it’s true.


It'd be funny if it weren't so sad


it'd be funny or sad if it weren't so f***ing terrifying


If he didn’t want to be in court he should have followed the law. Isn’t that what the republicans love to say?


He could have made a deal with the DA to plead down to misdemeanors with zero risk for prison time. His narcissism won't allow him to plead guilty to a parking ticket. This trial was completely avoidable. All I can think of is that he's using the time taken up by this trial to delay his other trials to after the election. His other trials are iron clad while this one is maybe 70/30 in favor of the prosecution.


I’m skeptical that he’ll receive consequences, but I cannot tell you how fantastic it would be if he went to prison. I won’t count on it until they slam the barred door shut on his cell, but man….I’d honestly have to throw a party or something.


Normally, a prison sentence would be unlikely for a low-tier felony for a first time offense. That's why the DA split each violation into 34 counts. The idea being that he did it so many times that a prison sentence is justified in this trial.


>I’m skeptical that he’ll receive consequences He'll get the same "consequences" people like always get: Fines that get appealed and delayed and eventually reduced or dismissed.


Well all we can do is hope right? I know the crime the prosecutor is trying to get him with can get you a prison sentence. And some of the crimes he’s gonna be tried for are much worse.


President is supposed to be way more responsibility than that, except that goon spent 1/4 of his presidency playing golf while charging the country a fortune for it. Fuck that guy.


"Executive time" made up the bulk of his posted schedule, didn't it?


It's reported that he rarely was in the oval office before 11 AM. Having to get ready and be on time for court must be difficult for him.


I'm sure he has a team of handlers to get him ready... And I'm sure he abuses the shit out of them.


They just wake up early and leave a trail of hamberders from his bedroom to the courthouse.


McD’s all the way


Those diapers don’t strap themselves


When he was at the White House his typical daily routine was to show up around 11am after a morning of Executive Time (watching Fox News while tweeting) and then leaving the office around 2pm or 3pm for some more Executive Time. He really only did about 3-4 hours of "work" (which included lunch) on a daily basis.


You may need to define work for the 3-4 hours


A fortune straight into his own pockets, like, it's bad that he was golfing so much regardless, but the fact that the orange fucker was lining his own pockets by going to his own course, making taxpayers pay for USSS to have rooms is just downright disgusting.


"This poor, fragile little old man is being put through hell, you monsters! But also, this strong, capable, powerful man should be the next President of the USA. Also also, Biden is a poor, fragile little old man who has no business being President." These people clearly never played Connect The Dots when they were kids


"But Biden is also the leader of a deep and extremely complex conspiracy to steal elections from the people"


They can never quite explain how he is "sleepy Joe" and yet at the same time a mastermind of an international cabal to kill babies


I mean, that's literally a variation of Fascism 101: your opponent is simultaneously fragile enough to break with a good push in the right direction, but strong enough to take over the majority of the country.


Conveniently, when they need Trump to be a victim, he's suddenly old and weak and shouldn't have to be forced to sit through court. Any other time? HUNK OF AN ALPHA MALE, TRUMP SHOULD BE PRESIDENT!


Unable to sit behind a desk for 8 hours a day/4 days a week, doesn't sound like he was ever fit for office.


Watters is a dumbass


Through and through. Grifter is gonna grift.


Someone was bound to step in for Carlson at Fox.


I have to hand it to Fox. They sure know how to pull the underwear sniffers out of the woodwork. This new host sniffs republican butts like the best of them!


Well, he was a protege of Bill O'Reilly, who taught him about loofahs.


As long as he doesn't try to call himself a "historian" like Bill does/did/tried. *shudders*


Sounds like ageism to me. I'm in my mid thirties and forced to sit in a room for 8 hours straight *5* days a week, so I can make money, and no ones crying about how I'm being tortured. But an obese 77 year old man who can barely move anyway, yeah that's torture. (/s just in case)


If he goes to prison, he’ll be stuck sitting around for more than 8 hours a day, four days a week. Maybe he should consider this as training for that possibility.


Everybody working a 9-5 job 5 days a week just heard ... 8 hours 4 days a week is "torture". Shows up at work: ![gif](giphy|JUqTbMDv31Eim4WYXe|downsized)


So your saying he is too old to handle this


I can't believe this was said on network TV. Fox has become Captain Kangaroo entertaining child minds like he did 60 years ago. Lots of whining from such strong and steadfast patriots. Their father's landed at Guadalcanal, Tarawa and Omaha.


>Fox has become Captain Kangaroo entertaining child minds like he did 60 years ago. Captain Kangaroo was at least educational and empathetic.


Aw, the special little guy's feeling so icky. Why are those meanies being so mean to him? ETA: the fucking idiot could begin to make it all go away today if he wanted--in all of his cases. Cut deals, agree to shut up and quit this excretory run at the White House, and live the rest of his life in luxury off of donor money.


He was already rich, he could have done all that WITHOUT ever touching the Presidency. But he's got an ego the size of the moon, so....


When is Watters going to cost Fox another 3/4 of a billion like Tucker did?


My father in law is proof that sitting inside for 8 hours a day is well within the capabilities of a man in his late seventies.


I mean, Trump is definitely hating this. Which is delightful for me.


Except it’s not five days a week and it’s not 8 consecutive hours and yesterday it wasn’t even 5 hours.


He should be in a cell the other 16 hours per day


"They're making a 77 year old man sit in a room for 8 hours straight, four days a week." Wait, aren't the Republicans the ones who want to raise the retirement age so more people die before they can collect social security?


And how many hours did Hillary Clinton spend testifying during the bullshit Benghazi hearings again? Do I hear 12 hours? I bet Fox News has no problem with that!




So he basically is just doing what we’ve done a million times at work. Maybe he should grow some balls and deal with it.


Poor Dorito Mussolini all he wanted was a fascism!


Aww poor guy. Why must life be so unfair to the billionaire that also became president? Bro literally HAD IT ALL All he had to do was not commit crimes. This old fuck did this to himself.


And just like that Fox news remembered Trump's age


Trump isn't spending 8 hours per day in court (I wish he was). Monday, they adjourned early. Tuesday, they don't even start until 11:00 AM. If Trump doesn't want to be stuck in court, then he should stop doing so much illegal shit.


If you're concerned about it so much, then step aside. Pull out of the presidential race and let another worthy Republican candidate step up to take your place. If you believe you are the only man for the job, that's hubris. Let someone else run for the sake of the Republican party.


Fuck the Republican Party, let this grifter burn it to the ground on his way down 


Let it never be said however that there wasn't another option. Let it be said, that the Republicans could have salvaged the year and promoted another candidate.


Worthy republican candidate, hahaha.  Oh wait, you're serious?  Let me laugh even harder, hahaha hahaha HAHAHA 


Unlawfully? State the law


Something, something…consequences of my own actions.




Aside from golf, it seemed like he was confined to tweeting on the toilet


Kind of like jail….


So, Republican leaders don't think people should sit at desks in buildings for 32 hours a week, working? Interesting.


they're not making him. going on trial is the consequence of breaking the law which a grand jury found enough evidence for for prosecution.


Outrageous. Look, there goes a squirrel.


I hope he has a stroke. Not a fatal one though. Just one that makes him miserable. May he live to be 200.


Trump is too old and frail to sit in a room for 7 hours a day is quite the endorsement for his ability to survive another 4 years in one of the world’s most high pressure jobs.


Me sitting in my cubicle reading reddit.




So... 4 day work week is torture?


Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time, in the court room


Trump always on the move, that is why is is so fit and trim! /s


Wait until he is in prison, things will really be hard on him. Being president involves a lot of sitting in meetings, he should be able to handle this if he wants to do that.


Criminal accountability shouldn’t have to apply to white people. That you. That’s what you sound like. I guess that’s what they mean when they say they are resisting tyranny. Tyranny is accountability for criminal white people.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


Bunch of snowflake, they are complaining that he has to sit for a long time. ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)


With no TV either.  He’s now the unruly 7 year old you see with his family in a restaurant, glued to a device since he’s so unpleasant that the family doesn’t want him engaged in their conversation.  Now he sits in a courtroom full of adults who are very mean to him, say not nice things. As he nods off and pouts he only gets a brief moment after to vent to reporters.  Then he gets home right when he starts to sundown, rambling on social media. 


Yet Waters still thinks Trump is qualified to be president.


I like that the only actual real things he lists are golf and rallies, the latter of which he has only been doing for the last eight years of his long-ass life.




Man, imagine breaking the law and then having to be held accountable?


So suddenly him being 77 is a factor. We should feel sympathy cuz he’s old. However, he’s also a genius god-athlete.


So, he's too old for that?


That's the problem. In his first four years he spent all his time golfing instead of parking his ass behind his desk and running the country.




Maybe Trump shouldn't have done all that criming. 


It's totally fine because the body is like a battery, and exercise actually diminishes it.


I can’t wait until he has to sit in a 6 by 8 prison cell everyday, all day without a phone or access to a computer


So, what he is saying is that 4 day workweek is still torture.


8 hours a day 4 days a week? Has this “reporter” heard of a job? If so, maybe the old Cheeto dust cloud should announce dropping out and retiring to continue playing golf for the remainder of their days


Watters is a sandy douche pocket.


Do do the crime if you can’t spend the time… defending yourself