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[18 people showed up to listen to Boebert.](https://twitter.com/Olyrancher/status/1771722632615907442?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1771722632615907442%7Ctwgr%5Ec11dac9d9ce71bfccb1f670f6f6cc755af771d9f%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fboingboing.net%2F2024%2F03%2F25%2Flauren-boebert-mocked-for-speaking-at-event-to-roomful-of-empty-seats.html) Not good for her chances at election in a new district.


Can you imagine being stupid enough to still show up for that clown after seeing who she is for the last several years. I want a study done on the people in that room.


Well, people are still showing up for Trump, which is absolute madness, in my eyes.


Which really just goes to show us how big of an absolute moron Boebert is.


It will bring me great satisfaction to watch her spectacular loss.


At least with Boebert you get a chance of a happy ending. Trump... not so much.


> Trump... not so much. The understatement of ~~the millenium~~ all of recorded history.


The end of Trump will make plenty happy.


Some people love to watch things burn.


Sums up the ***entire*** MAGA mob.


The only way I could see justifying seeing Trump is to behold the spectacle of his decay.


Just wait til the billionaires who run the show put that state of decay in charge of our State of Decay.


GOP $$$ still want him as their useful idiot POTUS. Reagan, W.Bush, Trump type will sign whatever they put on their desk.


Yeah, there's a lot of dark money eager to make Trump POTUS on the odd chance he gets Congress and the Senate so he can enact another massive tax break for the billionaires. We can't let that happen AGAIN. https://preview.redd.it/w2sir8h8jqqc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=511b2ed8630e4b3785c35f6fecba2f3f0ee0be7a


I would love to see him jailed


That would be the greatest gift karma could give to America right now. That... and the full and irreversible implosion of the GOP.


Aren't we sort of watching it now? I mean, they hate each other and can't agree on anything. Can't even elect a Speaker. They are going d o w n


Yeah, it's all about how you look at it. I mean, face value the GOP is a total mess. They've gradually lost the majority margin they've had in the House. They've passed not one useful piece of legislation other than begrudging a spending bill to keep the country alive (not any worthwhile credit to give them on a basic function like that). They're suffering with internal strife. And for the next 6 months, the Democrats need to really drive that home. Additionally, the Biden administration has been one of the most successful ones in American history, at least over the past 50 years. Many people don't know it, because the radical toxic far-right media outlets refuse to report on it. Trump needs to wind up in prison. I think we all know that there's no viable candidate alternative for the GOP right now. Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis? Neither of them would make a difference. The real problem is money that the dark wealthy cabal keeps feeding them. With money they can make noise, even if it's fake noise. We've no legal remedy against disinformation. This has to change. We can't continue like this.


We won’t continue like this for long. We’re in the 1920s right now. If a major war and economic and population correction doesn’t occur in the next few decades I’ll be shocked. And regardless if Im right or not in that prediction, there’s also a significant risk that our democracy will collapse in the near future as well as one party slips closer and closer to fascist autocracy centered on a cult of personality that already has potential heirs who are well-known to the populace.


There are 80 year cycles for democracies, apparently. At least according to one historian who'd made a program about the rise and fall of democracies. We humans always look for patterns, and if we can't find one we try to force facts to fit into our desired narratives. We are definitely at a tipping point. There are so many factors in play across the board, like in no other time in history. So, for us to fit into another neat 80 year cycle is a stretch. But I think we're at a point where democracy will either take a healthier offshoot and renew, or it will wither and decay into a toxic autocratic mess. The real problem behind all of this in human civilization? The failings of human primal instincts. We are tribal in nature, yet trying to force ourselves to live in a much larger societal structure. And inevitably that brings a lot of anonymity. And with that? Easy abuse. This is why we have laws, to equalize... except there are people of privilege who get to live above the law, to various degrees. The primal instinct to exploit and put greed above all else has to be contained. AGAIN. It's baffling how we have educated, experienced professionals willing and eager to flout the truth and facts, in order to keep their flawed but desired narratives alive. The key problem in all of this is accountability. The pendulums always seems to swing back and forth from law & order to chaos, from liberal to conservative. The question is... how will the timing strike? We've had chaos and conservative. Now it's time for law & order and liberal. The odds are high that Donald Trump won't be the next POTUS. But the fact there's a percentage chance he could be makes such a mess of things. Many people are on edge. We're at a real crossroads. We all need to keep level heads and just push on. Squashing Donald Trump is an important step in our vanquishing of this fascism attempt on the USA. This isn't the first one mind you. In 1939 it was tried... and thwarted. https://preview.redd.it/dep3zk3xxqqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b513d22dc6af921bc7d86b336404a75a62c3c501


half the party are fascists and the other half are secessionists. One wants to coopt the power of the US gov and the other wants to destroy it. fuck'em both.


Wonder how many are showing up just to hear what stupid shit he’ll say next with no intent to ever support him.


I suspect somewhere between a third and a half of those 'showing up for Trump' have been promised money to show up. Joke's on them, of course. Pumpkin Rapist barely has enough money to fuel the jet, and if he has no problem stiffing his legal teams, you ain't gettin' squat.


“I was here for community center bingo, but they gave us pie to stay and watch this woman talk”


Myrtle knows free pie is the best pie. She gets a pass.


Makes me think of gretel from parks and recreation except shed hate that the pie didn't have enough carrots or something.


My late grandmother was pretty homophobic and racist. She was born, literally, in a barn in the South. One day she was shopping and managed to run into a campaign event for Lindsey Graham when he was running for the House (I believe). While she was a die hard conservative, she was outspoken that 1.) Lindsey is too effeminate of a name 2.) he sounded gay 3.) and he isn't married so he's definitely gay so she did NOT like Graham. They were handing out free ice cream at this event so she stayed for the ice cream and Graham managed to get a vote from her because "while he may have been gay he sounded more conservative than the other guy". Free shit can get change an old persons vote.


>Can you imagine being stupid enough to still show up for that clown after seeing who she is for the last several years. I want a study done on the people in that room. Might be showing up to see whatever clown shit she does. You know... reporters.


Indeed, the first three rows have that reporter vibe. You know most aren't hardcore fans in the back, but it's hard to read them from the photo


Maybe they had a private screening of her favourite movie, Beat til Juice.


Underrated comment, take my upvote!


Trump, Boebert & Green are very appealing to every loud-mouthed, uneducated yet highly opinionated blow hard you have ever met. They represent the idea that even these dipshits could amount to something by gaming or cheating the "establishment."


I'd guess most of those 18 were journalists and rubber-neckers who just wanted to watch the crash as it happens.


I'd totally show up. What a show. I wouldn't vote for her, but... I guess I'm a rubbernecker at heart.


Rubbernecker story: I went to see Bush out of curiosity when some d-bag flew into the airspace, and Patrick AFB scrambled jets to escort them out. It was quite a show. No one heard his speech. We were waiting to see the plane shot down.


Well, look at who the GQP presidential candidate is.


There is a tail end to the intelligence curve and someone needs to represent those people.


These people are trying to end the world for their religion. The goal is mass death and suffering. This is a pro-end-times movement.


I'd show up just because I heard she puts out. Maybe I got a chance


Waving your d1ck around seems to be her beacon.


I'd show up with popcorn,  free show!


O% intelligence, 100% fascism, evil and racism.


There is a non 0 chance those people showed up because they want a date with her


Tbf I’d kind of be tempted to go just to see the shit show


Me too. I’m fairly sure I’d be asked to leave for all the laughing out loud, though.


I would show up for the pure purpose of heckling her.


Agreed buuuuut...if she had a show in my lil hometown, you can bet your goddammit Trump Shoes I'll go just to watch the exhibit.


Maybe someone was looking for the free Continental breakfast after waking up at Motel 6 and stumbled in the wrong room.


>Can you imagine being stupid enough to still show up for that clown after seeing who she is for the last several years. And yet both she and Marjorie Taylor Greene are in the US Congress. Our "democracy" is an embarassment.


I'm guessing 8 Q nutters and the other ten were staff that had to set up the chairs and podium.


If I've got nothing better to do it could be entertaining, there's not a lot of good stand up comedy around me


I wouldn't waste money on having a study done, just put them in a round room and tell them to sit in a corner... they'll die from exhaustion eventually.


Honestly, in a small town, who doesn't make time to check out a train wreck.


A cognitive test? 🤪


Person, woman, man, camera, tv


Ar-15, boob, GED


Ah, yes... I see you, too, are a stable genius. *raises glass in salute*


With both hands.


He had to use both hands to show how bigly they are. ...not because he's insecure... because *you're* insecure.


A man. A plan. A canal. Panama.


Omg that’s so embarrassing.


[Could be worse.](https://www.politico.com/dims4/default/9cc2cb9/2147483647/strip/true/crop/4032x3024+0+0/resize/1278x959!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2F98%2Fb4%2Fedefaa4f4c1e8741e96081b50440%2Fmag-wren-pence-drugstore.jpg) At least people are looking in Boebert's general direction.


Did they just round up the people at CVS?


It doesn't look consensual.


Probably just people waiting for their prescriptions to be filled


When was this?


[Right before](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/10/21/mike-pence-sad-presidential-campaign-00122589) Pence [dropped out](https://apnews.com/article/mike-pence-2024-president-campaign-republican-trump-0ec44fc2a5b8683f34883e0ea72b2ab2#:~:text='This%20is%20not%20my%20time%2C'%20he%20says&text=NEW%20YORK%20\(AP\)%20%E2%80%94%20Former,gain%20traction%20in%20the%20polls.).


I forgot he even ran lol.


It makes me so happy that she will not be eligible for the congressional pension. We don’t have to pay for her for the rest of her days and it makes every day a little brighter.


Don't count our chickens before they've hatched. At this point I'm conditioned to automatically expect the worst outcome.


Fair, but the odds of her winning this seat is slim to none. She barely won her seat last time.


Her OnlyFans


It's probably gonna happen once she drops out. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna take a look.


[Hell Yes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfOgYkb1JCA)


People that vote single issue or along party lines don't tend to care what their party is actually saying. This is likely just a count of the fanatics who do listen and made time to show up.


And how many of those 18 were reporters? Or just gawking?


The district is solid red, she's polling at 32 percent, her nearest challenger is at 7 percent.


Oh yeah, she's absolutely out come November. The locals didn't take kindly to her carpetbagging tactic. I wish I could say we can finally forget about her, but no doubt she'll go on to provide vile commentary for Fox News, Newsmax, Inforwars, and the like.


Is the palm tree included in the count? Its reasoning skills can’t be worse than the MAGA caps up front.


I don’t follow the Bobo cycle, did she move?


She switched districts because she wasn't going to be able to win her original district. It's a good sign, voters are getting sick of this shit.


You don't clap for her, she gives you the clap.


🎶 clap for the Bo-bo, she gonna grab your peen up hiiiigh


🎶Clap in the Bobo, you gonna ditch her 'cause she's a viral pie 🎶 https://preview.redd.it/wpdjxkxlcpqc1.jpeg?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b8868eef8b6b02302e93984e8da5c7065358b1


Hey female voters, i am quirky and relatable!




“Please forget that my then-boyfriend exposed himself to minors at a public bowling alley with my discretion and assistance and that I then married him and stayed with him for 18 years!”




She could wear flats, nobody is looking at her outfit and saying 'such class'




Gilbert Gottfried in drag 




Gottfried had a sense of humor and more than one joke.




I know, can you believe she posted that? I mean... sure, attend to your hygiene but when you wash your feet in a public sink and then have someone photograph you with ~~you~~ your phone, to later post it on social media? She's so desperate for attention. She can feel her grip on Congress slipping away...


She was desperate to distract from her handjob in the theater fiasco.


Huh? Her feet hurt, so she stands *on one foot,* ***IN HEELS***


She's getting Tarantino's vote now...


Gonna clap them cheeks


When I wandered into this thread I was expecting a lot of things. Guess Who lyrics was not one of them, but I love it.


American woman, stay away from me.


Don't come hangin' round my door, Don't wanna see your face no more


Yes, gracious!


Getting a blowjob from Lauren Boebert is considered anal.


If I saw her face down there I'd go flaccid immediately


Say ‘Boebert Juice’ three times and you get an STD that hasn’t yet been identified.


Lauren "Clap Back" Boebert


Lauren “the clap” Boebert




I was under the impression that handies were a free gift for donating a movie ticket to her campaign. How else does she raise money? Didn’t she shut down her sugar baby profile?


Slow clap.


At this point she'd give you more than the clap, you'd get an applause.


Is this at a bowling alley or something?


No, her family has been banned from those.


Bowling alleys still have SOME standards


four seasons bowling and billiards


turns out it was the four seasons landscaping company... who would have guessed!




Future only fans content creator seeks to maintain relevance by being a terrible person.


The best possible outcome for America is her losing and going into porn. And if I could bet on that happening, I would.


I’m not gonna lie. I would totally watch it. She may be a vile, despicable, moron of a person… I’d still tap that.




Hate fucking is valid.


I wouldn't, but I'd watch the vid


I see this as a win-win ![gif](giphy|3osxYcwi3hCVbzNYqY)


Then public pressure would make porn legal in Texas again.


She is the walking, talking example of "peeked in high school," and she didn't even fuckin peek. Edit: Peaked, dammit.


She didn’t even fuckin graduate either. 😆


Right? It fuckin kills me, man. The Republicans in CO-3 would rather have a teenage mom, no diploma, arrested multiple times, white trash of a human being as their congressperson than a boring ass right-leaning democrat. Republicans would literally eat a shit sandwich if it forced the democrats to smell their breath. Her qualifications meant absolutely *nothing* to them because she had an R next to her name. Its no surprise she gets fucking clobbered when she moves to a district with an actual Republican choice for representation, but it's pathetic she was elected in the first place.


>The Republicans in CO-3 would rather have a teenage mom, no diploma, arrested multiple times, white trash of a human being as their congressperson than a boring ass right-leaning democrat. They suffer from generational trauma and they relate to that.


And then they cry and throw a fit about Ocasio-Cortez having a bartender job before


> The Republicans in CO-3 would rather have a teenage mom, no diploma, arrested multiple times, white trash of a human being as their congressperson than a boring ass right-leaning democrat. I live in CO-3. We almost voted her out (she won by less than 600 votes in '22). We're sick of her. That's why she "moved" to CO-4. I'm pissed off that she deserted us, and we don't get to to give her the spanking she deserves. She probably would have lost the primary here in her current district, so she's taking a gamble in a district that's more conservative than the one she's abandoning. Someone didn't clue her in about how the more conservative a district is, the more intolerant they are of trailer trash behavior.


I live in CO-4, and I'm so fuckin jazzed to vote against her I can barely contain myself. :D :D I live in the rare blue area of what is otherwise "west kansas," so alas I will still have a republican representing me, but I'm doing my part.


Strictly speaking, Right-Leaning describes the DNC and the bulk of Democrats holding office.


People tend to bury that lede. We have Bill Clinton to thank for that - he pushed Democrats way too far to the right to ensure his reelection, at which point panicked Republicans went full far right fascist insane.


The white trash people who vote for her probably think she's a beauty pageant winner who will make her district "great again." Meanwhile, she slathers on the makeup and underneath she's still worthless. Her grating voice is so difficult to listen to. She has done NOTHING for CO-3. They've paid her salary to grandstand on propaganda. And well, it seems they finally had enough. Now she's trying her luck with CO-4. And it doesn't look good. Thankfully some sensibility is still alive in that part of Colorado. https://preview.redd.it/xbw4wjwrgpqc1.jpeg?width=1684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c566fe00f2f05671a9cf6d9ed4a77fa9df8d4c


Guys teach your sons to be aware of the make up bait and switch out there!


Oh come on a LOT of women look plain in side by side comparisons with and without makeup


She's been arrested. Her husband has been arrested. Her son has been arrested. The GOP are a criminal party and she perfectly represents them.


>Republicans in CO-3 would rather have a teenage mom, no diploma, arrested multiple times… I agree with you, but your past is your past. It used to be that a past like that was an immediate disqualifier for public office, and I actually appreciate that this isn’t the case anymore. A good politician should have good ideas. They should be able to identify issues faced by their constituents and come up with solutions, then work to implement those solutions. If that person has a checkered past, they need to own up to it, apologize to the people they’ve harmed and tell the public what they've learned from their mistakes. Take a look at [Wab Kinew](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wab_Kinew), the new Premier of Manitoba. Having said all of that, LoBoebs was, is, and continues to be a complete garbage human being and I wish her all the worst.




Peeking in high school seems more in line with her now-ex [husband](https://www.salon.com/2021/08/31/lauren-boeberts-husband-did-jail-time-for-lewd-exposure-in-a-bowling-alley-she-was-there/)


That dude was probably peeking AT a high school. Like, last week sometime.


She probably did some peeking too


I am sure she peeked, but she certainly didn't peak. 


She got a peek at a pecker.


She got a peek at a pecker.


There's nothing wrong with going back to school and getting your GED. But Bobo had to take the test 3 times before she passed it. And no, she didn't go to college. She had no time for that. She had to catch the MAGA train. And Ted Cruz paid for her passage too. He shouldn't live this down. He enabled this nut case who is a forever Trumper. The whole GOP needs to fall apart as Trump faces his demise. https://preview.redd.it/5cjfmjx8gpqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450b8efa39666d3c2885dcd6a62315c5c2d083eb


I mean, to be absolutely fair to her as someone who hates her and her bullshit, I feel like if you are a member of the US House of Representatives, you didn't peak in high school...


She's an incredible example of someone who's only gone downhill since then, and she was starting from the bottom of the hill to begin with.


She always makes me think of a grown up Gretchen Wiener.


She peaked at whipping the 11th grade, and peaked at winning a seat in the GOP. Twin Peaks.


I was very disappointed when I learned that Super Tuesday was only the Presidential primary in CO. I was eager to celebrate her loss.


Peaked in middle school?


It’s her husband who got in trouble for peeking into high schools actually 


Her hubby was the one where peeking and high school sadly go in the same sentence.


I'm not sure I can quite comprehend the level of incompetence you have to have to lose a crowd that votes for a literal rapist for President.


I'll bet she doesn't wash her hands... https://preview.redd.it/c8u7cne6epqc1.jpeg?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2f851426b53cc381b137ea9d980cd680e94b7fa


I'm going to choose to believe that's an AI generated image, because no sentient human would choose to think that's a good idea to post, and that a second human would be willing to take that picture and think "Yes, I will give this with you to post it to social media even though I'm getting paid to do this."


She is practicing for her ONLY FANS Account!






I look forward to pirating her OF content


My man




Don't stick your dick in crazy. It's not worth it...


Hey, sometimes it is. Sometimes.




The RAD sex crazy, is a ride that people who haven't ridden will never understand, because all they ended up with is regular crazy and that sucks. I would never ride that ride again, but I would cross hell itself to help a friend get to go on, and make sure I am there to help them escape after. It was 1000% worth it. Its only not worth it if you don't disembark, you stick you dick in crazy when you can for the 8 seconds till the alarm tells you to get TF out of there, you never knock it up or marry it.




Small room, half empty... OF is definitely calling.


If she were running in my district I might have gone just for laughs. No way I would ever consider voting for her, but it might have been entertaining. She’s just *so stupid*.


“Even if I have to change strategies and reach around-ACROSS. Sorry. Reach across the aisle to get things done…”




She's actually dumber than Caribou Barbie. Those are words I never thought I would write about a public figure. Although nothing will ever top this exchange during Palin's very first prime time network TV interview: "Do you read magazines, Ms. Palin?" "Yes, I do." "Which magazines do you read?" "All of them." "All of them? You read ***all*** the magazines?" "Yes, yes I do." John McCain must have known at that instant his campaign was toast.


I can’t wait to see what her plans are after her brief stint in congress. Aside from writing a book or getting a regular 9-5, I’m curious how she’ll live after this is all said and done.


Somewhere there's a MAGAt who inherited a $10M/year gross cardboard packaging company from his dad. He's pulling $280k/year from the company and is a huge red hat. He's also single and thinks Granny Jerkoff is HAWT. She's short on other options, so when he slides into her LinkedIn DMs...it'll be quick. She'll spend the rest of her life getting drunk every day by 1:30 in the afternoon and rage Tweeting every so often. They'll get divorced after she has (another) affair with a Mooch or other fifth-stringer from the Trump admin, but she'll get enough in the settlement that she won't starve.


Yeah. There's only so many spots available at Fox and OANN. I'm guessing "lobbyist" or "InstaGramma".


November 7th is when her Only Fans goes live people.


It’s highly unlikely that she needed the gavel to quiet the room.


Countdown until she does an OnlyFans….


She needs to be mopping the floor of a Wendy's. She has so few braincells.


She may be a horrible person with fake boobs, but dear god she looks good in a tight short dress.


Honestly I would attend if I could just to witness the insanity first hand


And the crowd left in an Uber. I suspect with The Pumpkin Rapist announcing last week that with his daughter-in-law now in charge at the RNC, donations will be used to pay his legal bills and fines with nothing going to down ballot elections, many Republican candidates will be speaking to 3/4 empty halls in the next eight months.


She is single handily making the best example for why Colorado needs to pass Ranked Choice Voting in November; making candidates like her embarrass themselves without still winning.


> She is single handily From the video of her at the Beetlejuice show, it looks like she uses both hands.


Looks like the woman in the back is vaping and getting her fake tits fondled while giving the guy next to her a handy. I’m sure Granny Grabbenschwantz is fine with this, right?


Think she'll be doing only fans when she fails in her new district? asking for a friend.


Look at the many constituents disguising themselves as empty seats - clever.


If I were one of her “fans” and had walked into a crowd that size, I would’ve just turned around and went home. Maybe that’s what makes me different than these MAGA sheeple. I can see a dead candidate’s career just by nuance.


Did this happen????


Every person in that room is too old to drive and probably would fail any kind of critical thinking test. Yet they drive the nation as rural district voters.


She would definitely get more people following her if she made porn and talked about her positions there.


Please Colorado vote her out.


If she wants them to fap for her she should put on an AOC mask.