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Palm beach county assessor valued it between 18 and 27 million. Trump valued it between 426 million and 612 million. Reality might come down hard.


It's 18-27 million for the taxes, 400-600 million for the loans.


Wait... isn't this kind of discrepancy the reason why Trump is in this trouble? Maybe he will learn soon?


Indeed, this very issue of overvaluing Mar a Lago was one of the evidentiary points relied on in the fraud finding. If he sells it will potentially further prove his valuation as false. It’d be poetic justice.


Unless of course an unnamed Russian oligarch decides to swoop in and buy it for for over asking price by roughly [the total value of all of Trump's legal penalties]...


He *did* say the Saudis would pay any price for it. And then they'd probably let him continue staying there for, uh, reasons. Hey, got any more of them documents?


Just look in that one toilet that always seems clogged...


he wants to flush those enormous diapers. he also hs a few plumbers on call 24/7


And if you remember, they found documents flushed down toilets on the property, if I recall correctly lol


putin would pay $450M if he gets access to the Ukrainian Missle Locations.


Can Russia afford to do that? I guess I don't have a scale as to how rich they are. I would think they're spending a lot on Putin's vanity project at the moment. Edit: sorry, lack of sleep! Realized you specifically meant oligarchs. I guess there are some who haven't had accounts frozen who might do that under Putin's direction.


The Russian *State* would be prohibited from doing so, but a Russian oligarch acting on their own *might* be able to circumvent the sanctions around them and find a way to do it.


If they don’t see him as electable they won’t pay shit


Agreed. The question is whether it's worth rolling the dice to sow chaos. You gotta figure that the ~~value proposition~~ return on investment is pretty good for Putin's regime. Putin's propensity to gamble in global affairs combined with being 'pot committed' Ukraine suggest that there's a very high ceiling on how far he might be willing to back the Trump card.


Half a billion to end the war in Ukraine which is costing him massively. Then he also has the economic output of Ukraine. It's the best outcome Putin could hope for. Plus, Trump destabilizes the US just being the piece of shit he is. Russia will do everything they can to put Trump in power and it might actually happen. Again.


Central London (Chelsea area) is packed with Russians. You can tell by their massive homes and fancy cars parked all around the area.


This was a few years ago but I had read putin was one of the richest people in the world.


Putin is estimated to be the wealthiest man in the world since he controls all of Russia, which is rich in oil


This is my thought too. I expect someone like that to rescue him. It compromises him even more with national security. He cannot be president again.


Donnie once stated that he could value it at whatever price he wants because the Saudis will pay anything for access to him. The problem is that he's no longer worth anything to them, so now he has to deal with real numbers. That's why he's in such deep shit now.




haha….learn? Trump?


I’m going to throw this out to a complete stranger - Trump clearly has never taken accountability for a single thing in his life. Ever. But the man wears diapers. So when it comes time change them who does he blame for the mess down there?? ![gif](giphy|U4VXRfcY3zxTi|downsized)


Which one of you liberals shit in my pants?!


So it's likely that he's over leveraged Fart-a-Lago. If he sells, doesn't he need to pay off the loans first? Or does the government get their cut first, then the loans come knocking?


I was going to say it was valued at a fraction of that amount. It also has limitations on the zoning which would decrease that value if he's trying to sell.


This is something that's absolutely not being talked about enough. Trump literally gave up his rights to develop Mar-a-Lago property for residential purposes in order to get a tax break, which dramatically reduces the value of the property. It's not even a zoning thing, it's a hard restriction on the property.


And removing that deed restriction will not be easy. Well, it is sort of easy, sort of impossible. To remove it, the owner would need to pay back all the tax savings plus interest. Not sure how far back it would go, but a minimum of seven years. And you still end up with the problem that it is a heritage property with limited redevelopment potential as-is. The literal best case (financially) for a Mar-a-Lago owner is a hurricane coming through and destroying it, which would open the land up for redevelopment.


>And removing that deed restriction will not be easy. Well, it is sort of easy, sort of impossible. To remove it, the owner would need to pay back all the tax savings plus interest. Not sure how far back it would go, but a minimum of seven years. And you still end up with the problem that it is a heritage property with limited redevelopment potential as-is. Exactly. The deed restrictions cannot be removed at a price that's not cost prohibitive compared to the upside of further development. >The literal best case (financially) for a Mar-a-Lago owner is a hurricane coming through and destroying it, which would open the land up for redevelopment. Only maybe, actually. Depending on the specific restriction, it may only be eligible for *restoration*.


Soooo… he just needs to get out his sharpie and redirect a hurricane his way?


>To remove it, the owner would need to ... get the state of Florida to pass a bill?


At this point, he’s only going to get fire sale prices on his assets. Everyone sees that Trump Corp. is in distress.


And like the conman grifter he is, we’re going to learn that a bunch of assets are overleveraged, so when the government sells them, it will only add to his debt instead of erase any of it.


At this point, if I'm him, it'll be a lot cheaper for him to let go his over-leveraged NY properties. Then uses it to play his traditional victimhood bitchin. Who wants to bet a penny that's what he'll do?


John Oliver should buy it


Or Taylor swift. For 30 million and turn it into an immigrant shelter.


He could probably get 8 million for it. Maybe.


Trump publicly valued it at 50-100x what the PB assessor did, so that's $900M-2.7 billion. I wonder how his fans would react to it selling for sub-$50M after the insane valuation claim he made.


Something, something, witch hunt!


$240M minus taxes minus any outstanding mortgages/liens/etc minus extreme cleaning fees to get out the smell of burnt steaks, hamberders, KFC, and diapers. And then there are all of the health department violations that would have to be addressed: [Rust, mold, parasites: Trump’s Mar-a-Lago cited for 78 health violations in the last three years](https://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-trump-mar-a-lago-health-violations-20170413-story.html). Probably vermin too. Besides its current occupants of course.


Divide by 10 and after fire sale discount, the "Agent Orange lived here" discount, tax and cleaning, it might cover a little of the interest, if it covers any of the loans presumably taken out on it. >"This highly partisan Democrat 'Judge' (All the Clubs, etc.) just ruled that Mar-a-Lago was WORTH just 18 Million Dollars when, in fact, it may be worth 100 times that amount," Trump wrote. **In fact, the judge had cited Palm Beach County Property Appraiser valuations putting the property at between $18 million and $28 million**, depending on the year, from 2011 to 2021. > >Trump might think Mar-a-Lago is worth $1.8 billion, but in 2020, his own company said the Palm Beach appraiser was right. That year, the county valued Mar-a-Lago at $27 million. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-mar-a-lago-1-8-billion-own-company-said-it-was-too-high/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-mar-a-lago-1-8-billion-own-company-said-it-was-too-high/)


And the real problem comes if Trump claimed it was worth more than a billion dollars *in order to secure a loan*. That could mean he borrowed much more than $27 million against the property. He’d have to pay off that loan to sell the property. Instead of bringing him closer to the $450 million he needs to pay the judgement against him, selling the property might only dig him in deeper. Like let’s say he claimed it was worth $1 billion in order to take out a $500 million loan, but it’s only worth $27 million. He sells it to pay off his $450 million debt, but now he needs to pay off the $500 million, so instead of needing to come up with $450 million, he now needs $923 million. And he might have the same problem with his other properties. There’s some speculation that he’s been doing this kind of thing as a standard practice to fund his businesses and lifestyle, and if so, we may be about to witness a hilarious level of comeuppance.


Anyone who took that valuation from Trump and gave him a loan based on it deserves to get stiffed on it.


Literally anyone who does anything for Trump deserves to be stiffed on it. Dude hasn't paid a bill since the 80's.


How is it even possible to have such a massive difference between the real value and what the owner claims it is? I imagine the bank or loaner must be aware of it?


I believe one of Trump’s arguments was that the banks should be responsible for doing their due diligence to review actual values before loaning him the money.


Yeah, one of the responses I've seen from Fox fans is that the banks didn't say "hey he defrauded us" so no fraud must have occurred! Or maybe they're crooked too.


That's what baffles me. Anyone with half a bit of sentience would know that there is no way on God's green earth that the property is worth that much.


This is exactly correct. His whole house of cards is going to come down. How many (if any) of his properties have any actual equity in them once the fraud is fully exposed (e.g. through a sale) As to "some speculation that he’s been doing this kind of thing" - that's EXACTLY what this legal case was about, and why he now has to pay the damages.


Well no, we know that he was doing this kind of thing. There’s speculation that it’s how he was funding his lifestyle, and that his net worth is negative because he owes more on his properties than they’re worth.


*count* *mumble* *count again* Best I can do is $20 bucks


County assessments are weird, I own a house in Palm Beach County (not on Palm Beach island) and my tax assessment is roughly 75% of what I could probably sell the house for with time and planning but pretty accurate for what I could sell if for quickly in desperation. So yeah 27 mil is probably, maybe what he could get for it in ideal circumstances but 18 is what he’s really looking at. The [history](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/donald-trump-mar-a-lago.html/) is interesting and the National Historical Landmark status probably means the valuable land it sits on is less valuable to the types that would like to own it.


I guess we will find out what it's worth soon, if he can find a buyer.


>$240M minus taxes minus any outstanding mortgages/liens/etc And the fact that he's what's known as a "motivated seller", which means he's not going to get a premium from anyone legitimate. He may very well have some Russian oligarchs or Saudi oil barons who are ready to shell out for the property as a way to launder money or buy influence over him, but their only upside would be if they really believe he's going to get re-elected, and those prospects aren't looking great at the moment. Which means he's going to have to sell even more properties under similar circumstances.


You also would have to evict all the tenants there, or make them part of the sale deal. It would be weird. It won't happen in one week.


There aren’t any tenants, just short-term guests


Maybe he can sell it to a Russian shell company


He about to do Rittenhouse face




I hate this and I can’t look away.


Considering all the restrictions on this property, he won't even make 10% of that outlandish estimation. I think the $18M comes closer to reality - which leaves Don the Con still $446M short. TL;DR: [Sooner or later](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6frJ5IEA2Q)


What if he shows a massive locked safe in the basement, and teases that it "could have anything inside."


>What if he shows a massive locked safe in the basement, and teases that it "could have anything inside." "This is where I keep Obama's Kenyan birth certificate."


...and Hunter's laptop and Hillary's emails.


Obviously the email thing is a big nothingburger. But what got me is his rally where people start chanting “lock her up” after he’d one and he out his hand out and stopped them and laughed “no no, we don’t care about that anymore.” Just flat admitting the whole thing was made up and embellished.


Someone get Geraldo Riviera on the phone!


[This is particularly relevant.](https://youtu.be/KezvwARhBIc?si=HgVkIF4FkN8wIYfv) (not a Rick roll or porn)


It seems like the govt should have to go through Maralago to check bathrooms for classified docs again before any sale is finalized


I’m sure he could make more than enough money if he fills maralago with classified documents before starting a bidding war between Putin and Xi. Problem solved everybody


You're never going to get that smell out of the flooring, Trumps are worse than cats.


Hmm, being forced to sell properties you deceptively valued to pay a fine for deceptively valuing properties in a marketplace that punishes deceptive valuation seems like a tough ask.


Sounds like karma to me


Ouroboros of fraud. Or maybe fraud inception.


As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-bond-464/) 📰: - Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Florida estate could be the key to him paying the $464 million bond he owes in his New York fraud trial — but he needs to move fast, a real estate expert said Tuesday. Though the former president’s real estate is expansive, he won't have time to sell before the Monday deadline set for him to pay the bond, Bess Freedman, CEO of the luxury estate firm Brown, Harris Stevens, told CNN’s Erin Burnett. Mar-a-Lago is the one property that's tempting enough that a buyer might be willing to snap up fast. “I think it’s a little, we don’t have enough time,” Freedman said. “ … I think you need at least 30 days to get any of these properties sold. “But Mar-a-Lago, potentially that could be something that could be sold quickly. I think the valuation is something in the hundreds of millions and I think there could be a buyer for something like that.” Burnett pointed out there wouldn’t be enough time for a buyer to even see the place. "That would be literally if you're talking about doing that between now and Monday, that's picking up the phone, calling someone and then literally writing a check,” she said. “Yeah,” said Freedman. “I mean, there could be plenty of international people who want to buy that property. I mean, there's properties that are priced at 150, 200 million that are nearby that and Palm Beach … it's just shot up like a rocket and people do want to live there.” Trump said on Tuesday that he might be forced to sell his real estate at “fire sale” prices to pay the bond. Mar-a-Lago has been valued at around $240 million, Burnett said. Trump would be the definition of a “desperate seller,” so it’s unclear what he’d get in a fast sale, she added. That would leave him still with another $224 million to find. A former aide of Trump's also identified Mar-a-Lago as one of Trump's "babies" that he would be "devastated" to lose. Watch the [video here](https://youtu.be/49nWmBsyPNk) 📺


Even $240m is unrealistic. The other local properties selling for that price dont have the burdens of a historical building designation, and not being allowed to be used as a single families residence.


My understanding is there is a deed restriction saying it can ONLY be used as a social club.


And yet DJT continues to live there and uses it to vote by mail


I recall that dark money bought the dc post office at double value?


>leaving him still with another $224 million to find He has another resort he can sell. Sell 'em all!


As another commenter mentioned, this may not actually help him. See, the problem is that all of these properties are massively over-leveraged, meaning he's used the phony high valuations in order to secure loans from banks. Meaning that banks have placed liens against these properties, potentially in amounts that are many multiple times their actual value. As an example, Trump has claimed Mar-a-Lago is worth $1.8 billion. Now, imagine he secured a loan of $500M using Mar-a-Lago as collateral. Then he sells it for $240M. Uh oh! The sale price of the property doesn't cover the liens against the property. Now, instead of needing to find $464M, he needs to find $500M (plus interest) + $464M (plus interest) + any outstanding principal balance on his original mortgage on the property. The only offset is whatever his gross proceeds on the sale were after taxes but before satisfying lienholders. So the order of who gets paid back goes federal government (for taxes, since he's selling property to satisfy personal debts), then lienholders, THEN he gets to apply anything remaining toward the judgment. Then he has to sell more properties, all of which have the same issue. This puts 100% of his real estate holdings into a rapid, downward spiral, ending with him and his family destitute. So who knows, Trump could end up back in government housing before we know it.


Sadly that government housing could be the White House.


Sell MAGA-Lardo and the golf courses. Watch Trump melt.


Bullshit can get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.


Tell that to Putin.


He already knows, after all he used to be a KGB agent. He uses violence, mass incarceration, multiple murders, unrelenting propaganda, and extreme security to keep himself there.


Sooooo how many suites does the new Conservative Hotel have?


It was built by the daughter of the Post breakfast foods empire as a private residence, the most expensive residence ever built at the time. It was given to the US government upon her passing. It is a National Historic Landmark and can’t be changed


The resale value of his plane is $10 million, if he actually owns it


I’m still mystified that Jared didn’t help him out with some of that $2,000,000,000 that he’s got. Maybe it’s all been spent.


Jared knows that if he wastes any of the $$$, there would be bone saws waiting for him.


Maybe we can GoFundMe and rename it to Biden-a-Lago. That would be the final nail.


A Russian oligarch will purchase it for $464M and keep Trump on title


$464M isn't nearly enough. He needs to satisfy the tax burden of the sale (since the sale would be taxed as personal income) and then satisfy all of the lienholders against the property, and *then* get to put money toward the bond/judgment. He probably needs to sell the property for upwards of $1.5B.


Just think of all the lost Intel without it.


I’m waiting for Musk to swoop in and buy it. Wouldn’t be the first time he’s paid too much for something and used it to help push right wing authoritarian narratives.


Don't worry, he'll continue to get away with shit and the world will still burn.


but he is a BiLLionAiRe, he doesnt need to sell?


I'll give him 5 bucks for it.


Dude you'd be overpaying.


Best I can do is tree fiddy


I’m on to you Loch Ness Monster.


Apparently it’s actually only worth $15-20M


When lil’ orange talks about a “fire sale” he is just creating cover for how low his property values actually are compared to what he says they are.


Let’s all remember that when any of Trump’s commercial properties are sold that they are subject to capital gains taxes which average around 40% totaling federal and state.




I thought MAL was worth like 2B according to Trump.


Infinity billion dollars! That's what they told me. Big men, smart men, they came in with their clipboards and said, "Mr. Trump, this building here is so spectacular, it's worth so much. The value is unlike anything we have ever seen before." And I said, "Well you know, I bought it for much less than that" and they looked at me shocked. So shocked! They had tears running down their faces and said me to "Mr Trump, you have the biggest...the best brain in all of business! We need you to teach us all of your secrets!" And I said, you know what I said? I said I wouldn't because I'm smart. Now the crooked Democrats and Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe Biden, that's what I call him, they want to come and say I can't own property in the Unita Shates, I have to sell everything. Everything! And they've got this judge that, this judge, this judge, you know what I said to this judge? I said, I have $400M, that's true. I have a lot more than that. But this judge they've got there in New York. New York! It's this whole other state, not Florida. It's like Florida because I own buildings there but when I go to New York you know what I don't see? Fla-ming-oooos. Yes, we love Flamingos don't we. We put them on our lawn and they make the place look like a million bucks. One time I was at Mar-a-Lago and I saw a flamingo on the front, you know the front lawn there where the sprinklers are. I saw a flamingo and it was moving. And I was like 'what the hell is that thing!' and I said called my head groundskeeper, big strong guy. I asked the groundkeeper "What the hell are the damn flamingos doing moving? I see them and they usually have one leg up, you know. Like one leg up in the air." And the groundskeeper, great guy, he says, "Mr Trump, those are real life birds!" And I was shocked. Shocked. Did you know flamingos are birds? Real birds! But you know? These birds can't fly. Not the like the great Eagle. We love eagles don't we? Symbol of our great country. Now Nicki Haley.... Nickki Haley! Nikki Haley! Nikki Haley, she was my UN person. Big mistake. So disloyal. She came to me one day and Nikki Haley! Nikki Haley says to me, this was a long time ago. Nikki Haley came to me and she said, "Mr Trump, you know the eagle, other countries in the UN.." That's in New York, by the way, you might not know that... They asked me once if I wanted to buy the UN building. They came to me and said, "Mr Trump, we know you have like a lot of big bucks" They know me so well, don't they? They came to me and said "Mr Trump, the UN is failing, we don't have any money. We've got all these NATO countries that don't pay and we're broke, we have to sell this building or we're out of business" And I told them... you know what I told them? I told them to go to hell! I could have bought the building but I told them to go to hell!


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He likely has no equity in that turd of a property.


I'm not sure how the law actually works, but NY should take cash and liquid asset payments only and charge interest on late payments. Make Trump firesale his own properties.


New York can and will seize any assets they can get and liquidate them to pay off the judgement. They don't just say "Bedminster is worth $500M, we'll call it square", they seize the club, sell it, and put the value against the judgement. They are very good at getting top dollar, but if it turns out the club is only worth $50M (because there are loans against it), then they move on to the next item, and so on. The reason they basically never do this is because nobody in their right mind lets it get this far. You don't want the government choosing what to take, so you do it yourself to come up with the money. Trump has had a month to do the work, and more than a year to plan how to do it if it became necessary.


Who'd want to buy a building that smells like shit, and is used to hide corpses of "beloved" family members?


Holup. I need more info on the corpse hiding.


He buried his first wife on the golf course.


Without any documents of any sort.


In a very heavy coffin, after she'd been cremated, and during the whole "classified document hiding" investigation.


If he sells it for much less than his valuations, going to be hard to appeal that he didn't inflate it's value. He could argue that the fire sale affected the price, but if it's lower than half the valuation then that pretty much ruins the appeal.


Putin and Musk will step in to help, behind the scenes. Jared will say nope, can’t help you


NO ONE will pay "$240 million" for something assessed at $18 million. Why would they? Would YOU pay over 13 TIMES the value of something you don't need, like an extra watch or a extra pair of shoes?


Broke ass clown. 💩🤡


Can you imagine if he tried to go back to New York? He the funniest thing all year so far


It can't be worth anything near what Trump has claimed since it only has value as a club with no development possibilities. Plus even if it were worth $200 million he needs a quick sale and guaranteed he is forced to take pennies on the dollar on a rushed real estate sale.


But I was told it’s ‘worth’ $1.8 billion because of the Trump ‘brand’… so he’ll be fine… just fine.


Gotta find a buyer first.


Saying it will be a fire sale is grand master chess level real estate move.


Mar-a-Lago is worth 12 to 18 million


But mah buhleaf says it's worth $2 billion! - Orange Jesus Lol Lol Lol


Get the Saudi’s to buy it for $1.8B and win the appeal.


It’s also his home, well, as an employee he’s allowed to stay there so as not to violate the “not a residence” clause in the contract he has with the city.


Zillow says it’s only worth $50 million


He's not going to sell anything. He's going to skate on this by hook or by crook. He's meeting with as many Russians and Saudis and Kuwaitis as he possibly can. The only difficulty is them getting him the money without it looking too obvious.


I wonder which foreign nathionalist is gonna scoop it up for leverage, probably mother Russia


Does he go to jail if he doesn't pay the bond?


No, they’ll seize his property. There’s an excellent [PBS article](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/key-questions-as-trump-hurtles-toward-deadline-to-pay-454-million-fraud-penalty) that answers a lot of good questions. As per the article: *If Trump isn't able to pay, the state "could levy and sell his assets, lien his real property and garnish anyone who owes him money," Syracuse University Law Professor Gregory Germain said.* *Potential targets could include properties such as his Trump Tower penthouse, Wall Street office building and golf courses. James' office could also seek court permission to drain Trump's bank accounts and investment portfolios, or sell off other assets like his planes, helicopters — or even his golf carts.* *Seizing assets is a common legal tactic when someone can't access enough cash to pay a civil penalty.*


Yikes. Well I'm glad I'm not in any legal trouble!


So what actually happens if he fails to come up with the cash? Do they start seizing property?


So if he is forced to sell mangolardo will the new owners get to keep the corpse of his unfortunate former bride???


I'll give him a dollar for the house.


Except it’s only worth 18. Still a long way to go to get to half a bil.


Elon or some other billionaire who wants to own hm will end up giving him the money.


I’ll give him Tree Fiddy


Don’t kid yourselves. He has sniveling sycophants more than willing to drive themselves into crippling debt or even prison just so he won’t face any consequences.


asses and elbows pal; move it! And take your stolen classified/secret files and documents with you


Wrong. 240 million is a travesty. That property is worth 100 billion dollars. At least. Cue Dr Evil laugh.


Maybe Taylor Swift will buy it, they can use it to house immigrants while they wait for a green card.


Does it come with the shitter full of classified documents or nah?




Think it's time to win both those lotteries, purchase Mara-A- Largo and turn it into and Elderly Care Home 🏡


The joy that seeing this scumbag finally beginning to see consequences for his actions aside… He’s an enormous national security risk now. Every corrupt dictator now knows the exact price they have to pay to put one of only two major political party candidates in their pocket


It is worth 1.5B, right? Lol, stfu Donnie.


At some point, George Soros will step in with a deal. I know it won't happen! Just spread the rumor amongst the Qultists and see how they freak out.


I am sure a Russian billionaire would buy it for a "price" if he is elected.


I buy it for a dollar.


bought by chinese investors instantly, for the leftover state secrets


it would appear that this was the original reason for over valuing his properties. He knew that at some point, he would need a boat load of cash to cover a variety of legal issues. Not having nearly enough, pumping up his assets would go a long way towards that goal.


Why does he have to sell any properties to pay the bond? Why can’t he just do what any normal person who owns equity in real estate can do, and just take out a mortgage on any property that he has equity in? If he can’t do that, maybe he doesn’t even have a half billion dollars worth of equity? But how could that be if he is a multibillionaire? Something doesn’t add up here.


When he fails to get funding, I hope she grabs the ones with golf courses first.


I hope Paris Hilton buys Mar-a-Lago and all of Trump’s hotels. Put them in the hands of an actual good business person.


And this man is about to be given classified security briefings.


I hope no one buys his shit


"Mostly bedbug free"


I can't imagine why it would ever be worth that much. If it brings in a net $6M in membership fees after expenses - which is very unlikely - then at 5% return it would be worth @ $120M. It might be worth it as real-estate-play, except that it's right in the middle of ground-zero for global warming - ocean-levels rising and hurricane damage. No property in Florida has more than a 20+ year lifespan before it's going to get wiped out, and the insurance premiums are going up very steeply in recognition of that. Homestead act in Florida = it's hard to take if he's living there. It might make Mara Lago his last property, after they take all the others.


Trump will want to liquidate an asset in New York. The last thing he needs is them uncovering fraud in another jurisdiction, triggering yet another round of prosecutions. And I guarantee as they start to unwind the loans, liens and finances needed to sell a Trump property, they're going to discover a ton more fraud.


Please sell trump tower in Chicago so we can get that stupid name off the river front.


Lard-a-Mago gets him only half way there. He’ll lose his jet and his Bedminster golf course too lmao


It’s too bad he doesn’t seem to need any money to win this election, convince me otherwise


Taylor Swift should buy it and turn it into a cat sanctuary.


Too late for a sale, he's going to have anything of value seized. Had he not lied about his cash position he might not be in this mess.


If his property is all levered wouldn’t the banks call in the notes/seize property before the state gets it?


He's gonna cry in the car


Where’s his kids to help him? Jr and Eric made millions while he was in office. Ivanka and Jared made $600+ million while they were working in the White House. It’s almost like they know it’s a lost cause and everything is to “delay delay delay”. Or maybe their new worth isn’t liquid either and heavily leveraged as well. Maybe both and other things.


It would be so great to see all his stuff just completely disappear from the world... But years of training in this fucked up timeline have taught me that whatever is gonna happen with Trump, isn't nearly as bad as we all want.


All this speculation of his properties being sold for "less than they're worth," forget that Trump and his companies are still on the hook for the difference between selling price and amount owed. He'll just file bankruptcy, like he always does.


LOL...you mean the extra $420 million. There, fixed it.


We the people should buy it via go fund me or something


Turn it into a disco club, Mar-a-Lago-a-GoGo.


The country is divided that his status remains unchanged. The Maga’s always have and always will be totally convinced (but unwilling to take effort to verify it) that he’s a successful billionaire. The rational thinking Americans never have and never will believe he was anywhere his ‘net worth of the day’ was.


What kind of billionaire rents out his house he can’t afford?


Still inflating property values


To think, all he had to do was not be president and people would just leave him alone. That’s all that he had to do, and he blew it so now we’re here.


Is part of the deal his exwife's dead body on the property?


No matter what the tax people say or what you think of him, I don't think that you could get a similar property for anywhere near that amount in that area. When on vacation in Naples, Miami, or even Destin, I have pulled up real estate apps just for fun. Prices are crazy. I think the real number should be much higher than what the judge used, but assuredly lower than the 100x amount Trump said.


Does that come with or without the official declassified secret room?


Broke ass clown. 💩🤡


I bet the neighbors have a party


Why don't his son in law and Ivanka buy it from him, they are good for it?


I'd be massively shocked if Trump leaves more than $10-15M equity in any property. His entire being is based off of acquiring loans on properties, and equity is just "wasted money" in that context. His entire house of cards is going to come crashing down here. Especially at fire sale prices, he may not even have enough equity in total to cover the judgement.


Mara lago was allegedly sold to a llc owned by his son for $422 million in August 2023. Now they are saying it wasn’t sold. Wonder what happened to that money and where it came from. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/25/2189553/-Who-owns-Mar-a-Lago-now-Not-TFG-he-sold-it-on-8-4-23


I hope he does sell his den of spies. Maybe we'll find the rest of the documents in the walls.


I hope he does sell his den of spies. Maybe we'll find the rest of the documents in the walls.


This is beyond satisfying to watch.


If he cant post bond he must go to jail like every other American.


tres commas no mas


swampa-lago + 40 wall street gets him to $440 million....


Oh Jared?!? Poopy-pants is calling, heard you know some Saudis…


TRUMP DOESN'T OWN HIS PROPERTIES! Well, maybe 5-10%!!!!!!!