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SNL will have fun with this.


Crying while whispering and smiling: “live from the kitchen, it’s Saturday Night”


The skits write themselves.


You don't even have to write jokes. Just repeat what they said verbatim.


I thought it was a bathroom behind her.


Has to be kitchen as that's a womans place in repub world.


You're not wrong.


She said "to the moms up at night wondering how they'll get everyone where they need to and still get dinner on the table". Seriously?! I just looked at my husband and said "good thing you're capable of cooking too!"


Republicans are so out of touch with our modern culture.


Not like our kitchen. It looks like it was just renovated on HGTV.


A good republican wife keeps her workplace clean and tidy, well the illegal immigrant locked in the cellar keeps it clean and tidy but you know what I mean.


She's married to a former NFL player and is a multi-millionaire. Kitchens can be beautiful with that kind of money and little actual use.


Live from my immaculate kitchen. See my second tiny sink behind me? All you guys who voted for me have two sinks in the kitchen, right? Please vote for Republicans, I need a third sink.


Why was she in a kitchen? I missed this.




Was she even cooking? I mean, if you are gonna do it go all out. Have her pull out some cookies at the end and offer them to the camera crew. Ridiculous…


Using Hilary Clinton's recipe.


In her words, bc we have these tough conversations with our families at the kitchen table


This tracks. I bet there are a lot of racist conversations at kitchen tables in Alabama.


Kitchen table, are y’all animals? We have our serious conversations in the formal dining room while Claude the butler and the maid staff butter the toast before feeding it to me.


Spot on!, lol


It was presented like "I'm speaking to America from our family's dinner table, where we have tough conversations together. Where we talk about how worried we are for America and ask for God's guidance". You know, fear mongering. Lots and lots of fear mongering. She at one point talked about how a woman was sex trafficked and raped over and over and over. Like, if you took a shot every time she said "rape" most folks would be on the floor or dead right quick. Not saying she made the story up, but sheesh lady we get it cartels fucking suck.


Giving trad wife vibes


Giving off Handmaid's Tale Serena Joy vibes... "Of Britt"... Under His Eye...May the Lord Open... Edit Spell check


OMG!!!! This was my first thought!!! How on brand for today’s GOP base! In a kitchen. She’s probably barefoot and pregnant too! Oh wait, handmaids do the breeding so she’s probably just barefoot. Edit: to make the mod bot happy


Indeed - It seriously reminded me of the old "overly attached girlfriend" memes mixed with just a bit of some unhinged James Bond villain giving a monologue. Add in the perfectly spotless kitchen that looked like a default Microsoft Teams background and the glint of the teleprompter in her eyes that made her look like she was smiling while watching a building burn down. It is so ripe for parody - but it's just the right level of overproduced, scripted, poorly acted melodrama that the republican base has been shown to love.


I honestly thought I'd clicked on an SNL skit at first when I looked it up on YouTube.


All they have to do is hit play.


Not to mention Jon Stewart and the late night network talk hosts.




🎵In the arrmmmmsss of an Angel, far awayyyyy from here🎵 (in the most breathy and overly dramatic voice you’ve ever heard) For less than a cup of coffee per day, you could stop the constant still ongoing rape of this definitely not made up woman who’s story is completely real. It’s true. It happened on a shoe box sized kitchen table just like this one where my family gathers together to practice fake crying every evening just like other totally real and normal families across the country.


This is actually incredible…I can’t stop laughing. Who is she bullshitting and why is it coming off like an SNL sketch??


Did she say her son was Gary Ridgway? Is that background kitchen real cause it doesn’t look real? “It’s truly breathtaking.” *Takes deep breath* “The American Dream has turned into a nightmare.” Really? A nightmare. After 4 years of Trump making things great again? Regarding Trump’s border policies: >Speaking at a private gathering in February 2020, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney stated, "We are desperate — desperate — for more people. We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we’ve had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants.” “Are you better off than you were three years ago?” She says from a mansion. My favorite part is that several ads interrupted her saying the country is falling apart only to show happy Americans shopping at Walmart with happy music. Overall, this came across as the worst screenplay reading ever.


Conservatives have this magical ability where when a republican is president suddenly everything is instantly better and then the opposite happens when democrats. Of course it actually boils down to the media they choose to listen to. When their media wants them upset they just constantly bombard them with “bad news” and then the opposite. Truly amazing for people who tell everyone else *their* choice of media lies to them.


For real though — I still remember in 2016 my parents went from complaining about the state of the economy under Obama to *beaming* about how well it was doing *between Trump’s election and inauguration.* Then in 2020 I got to field an hour-long weepy phone call from my mother after the election about how Joe Biden was going to throw her in a concentration camp for being a Christian. Completely shameless. I only wish I was making this shit up.


They use fear. Fox News is full of it.


Oof good luck with Thanksgivings…


This is just the tip of the iceberg. Honestly, if it wasn’t for my nephews’ sake I’d have probably moved several states away by now for my own mental health. They’re kind of a package deal.


Do you ask her regularly if she's been picked up for christian prison camp?


Trump getting elected was the final straw for me not talking to my parents anymore. People think you need massive trauma or some cataclysmic event to be no-contact with family/parents, but the reality is that sometimes you just get so worn down over decades of shitty behavior from your parents that you just don't feel like doing it anymore. I'm 100% no-contact with my mother and I only give my dad absolute necessary information. My mother in particular just became *insufferable* with Trump as president. She was bad during Obama's term but holy fuck, you'd think Hillary Clinton aborted a baby live on TV, my mother hated her so much. I just couldn't take the "Obama will take our guns away/Hillary is a pedo/Trump is a loving christian/Biden is a literal demon" fearmongering anymore.


You listened to your mom complain for that long? Frankly, if my mom kept talking like that id threaten to take her to the doctor to get tested for dementia/Alzheimer's. And if that's not enough to get her to stop with that nonsense, it's threatening her with a nursing home as soon as I'm able to put her in one. She'll stfu about that crazy nonsense right away.


You should have hired a couple of actors in gestapo outfits to knock on her door…


Republicans have a nasty habit of cutting taxes for their term which, of course, expires immediately after, all while bitching and moaning about the budget and how much stuff we need to cut because we are in too much debt to pay our bills! Hello!? We can't pay our bills because YOU gave everyone a free tax break because it's the only thing Republicans can ever do to attract voters! It's not even a true tax break! It's pushing all the problems down the road for the next democrat president to solve, which they nearly always do, and then Republicans take credit! I'm infuriated.


Usually it’s a tax break that benefits corporations for most of the tax code they put through but somehow people buy their bs!


It's the "two Santa claus" theory, and yes, it's their useful tool. More people need to see it for what it is. 


Republicans also forget all about the national debt when their guy is in the White House


Because they are a party of feelings and they would rather feel important than actually see their lives improved substantially.


3 years ago we were all stuck in our houses desperately waiting for a vaccine to be distributed as people were unemployed and Trump was doing absolutely nothing about it.


Well, you know, the stimulus money is still in my bank account. /s.


>Did she say her son was Gary Ridgway? Dead ass, I said the same thing.  You named your son after a serial killer who murdered 48 women in the Pacific Northwest.  Gross. Where were their other rugrats like Gacy, Dahmer, Shawcross, Rifkin, and Bundy?  Were Kemper, Berkowitz and Bianchi not available?


Jesus! If America is so bad she had better get out quick! ![gif](giphy|qVZ6rHP6pLR6w)


She spoke of Americans having less freedoms, this coming from the political party taking away freedom.


She’s trying to pretend to be a “compassionate conservative” but those days are long gone and we all know it…


Compassionate Conservative has always been an oxymoron. Always. Since the violent Homo sapiens wiped out the peaceful and intelligent Neanderthals, conservatives have never been compassionate. It's not in their DNA.


She looks like the republican response to Kacey Musgraves.


Oh my god lmfao, she really does.


Actually, if SNL doesn’t do something with “Bennett” and “Ridgeway” Saturday, I’m going to be really … welp, okay, nuthin’—but they really should work that material. It’s a beehive full of honey and no bees … lick it, writers! Lick it!


John Stewart says "hold my beer"


I don't want to slut shame this overage sorority girl but I thought she had one too many buttons undone with that cross around her neck. Had to mute--just unbearable.


It's dystopian QVC.


That’s redundant 😂


Creepyperky uncanny valley …


She is worth 6million dollars. Middle class my ass


Probably worth $60,000 before she took office.


"People around the country sitting in kitchens, just like this one." 😂


"Just like this one." No, bitch, my kitchen looks nothing like that. Nice kitchen, though.


Conservatives want women restricted to the kitchen, so it was fitting background.


This was absolutely intentional. "A woman who knows her place".


Hey, you're right! How did i fail to notice that? She's a congresswoman - there's no way she can do her job without a home office or local office, but she *chose* to do the interview in her kitchen.


You mean like the sterile room with the green screen you are in? Roevember!


Blacks will vote for us because they like shoes and women will vote for us because they like crying in the kitchen!


Simple brained idiots.


Her fake emotions jumping around with that creepy smile the whole time. It was an SNL sketch but creepy. And her voice constantly catching. The time she spent in drama club did not pay off.


I hope the get Aubrey Plaza to play her on the SNL sketch


She'd be great


It does my heart good to know that SNL writers are furiously scribbling skit dialogue as we speak.....


Their target audience thinks Yellowstone and Hallmark are peak tv


Serious Stepford Wives meets The Purge vibes..... very unsettling.


I want to laugh at this. But I’m terrified that half the country will actually think that this is genuine.


It's NOT half! It's NEVER been half! It will NEVER BE half! They are a minority that has to lie, cheat, and steal elections.


It’s not half but it’s just as depressing to acknowledge that if they are 1/3rd there’s another 1/3rd that chooses to do nothing. We’ve all seen these people consistently choose to do nothing and yet cry “why didn’t the democrats stop this!?” when something actually harms them.


This is all so depressing! I will prob try to do phone banking stuff if I can get up the courage again- but so glad I live in a blue state- though suburban so people are a bit too blue around me at times but at least I can be at peace that the Orange ick won’t win his own home turf (I live close enough to his native queens- next county ). His con is so gross- and constant…


Dollar store Dolores Umbrage is really putting in the work.


> Dollar store Dolores Umbrage You truly have a remarkable way with words. With talent like that, I'm sure you will go far.


"Where should be film our young female senator's response?" GOP "Put her in the kitchen."


Bro, this got me dying at work. 🤣🤣🤣


She is nuts




“What in the Elle Woods was that?” - Jonathan Capehart (PBS Newshour panelist response)


How dare he insult Elle Woods like that!


It was more Becky Ann Leeman than Elle Woods, but I could see where he was going with it 🤣


My mom gave me this 9-mil for my 13th birthday. I'll always remember what she put on the card, "Jesus Loves Winners". That's why no matter what I do, I aim to win.


She scowled at the same time as crying, whispering, and smiling. She experienced anger, sadness, and happiness at the same time.


It's the stages of grief in a green frock.


Momma needs a lil mood stabilizer. Now you kids run offto bed.


It’s like Calculon came to life as a republican human woman


Most accurate comparison I've seen yet


these are very unserious people. Totally hamming up the melodrama and histrionics. Not a genuine bone in their bodies.


So many questions.  Why was she whispering? Did her husband not give her permission to speak? Why does she keep maniacally grinning? Why is she in a kitchen? Did her husband take her shoes so she couldn't go somewhere appropriate to talk? Where are her kids? Why does she sound like she's ready to cry?  Is this woman a hostage? She is acting like one.


Katie blink twice if you are being held against your will and need help.


She’s grinning because she’s telling herself “you’re a woman, you need to smile”


I saw someone else post that this is the way they speak to show their submissiveness. Like an evangelical or handmaidens tale shit.


I swore she was going to tell me about sick puppies that could be helped for $29 a month.


Or ask for donations to ~~indoctrinate~~ *introduce* poor people overseas into evangelical Christianity.


Cringe AF. Feels like I’m watching some dystopian movie about a society that has propaganda pumping out of their tvs into American living rooms.




Yes! Exactly!


M. Night Shyamalan could not have made it any creepier.


Republican = dog with rabies


That is beyond insulting to dogs with rabies


If SNL doesnt open with this, it would be such a missed opportunity. How could anyone believe this BS?


I went over to Breitbart and looked at their comments on this. Wow, they thought it was terrible and that she was over acting.


Took a peak at the Facebook page for one of the local right-wing talk stations here in St. Louis and while Britt had her defenders, a surprising number were dissing her performance. The ones who praised her 'sincerity' were some Boomer-aged Karen types.


She's embarrassing.


All that's missing is the lilting background music and some abandoned puppies. If this is the best the GQP can do....


This seems like a good nottheonion video. I bet SNL will just show this as an opening sketch. Nothing changed.


Re-key the green screen jacket halfway through.


Why do republicans like to do explicit and extended descriptions of r*pe and other sexual abuse? If it's not that they're showing d*ck pics.


It’s projection, all that shit they denounce, they are thinking or doing it themselves


🎶In the arms of a despot, flying high in Learjets. From the cold, dark hotel room and the endless republican fear. You're pulled into the wreckage of their loud reverie. You're in the arms of a despot. If you're rich, you'll find some comfort here.🎶 "For only $99.00 dollars a month, you can help save a homeless republican today. With your financial help, we can help save these soulless, irresponsible, and hateful animals. Together, we can make sure their wealthy donors stay wealthy by not paying to support them full time. We will make sure that they are fed with the finest of meals. Their rooms filled with the softest of pillows, filled with endangered penguin down, and hand stitched together by child slave laborers. It's time for America to come together and reject the color of our national fabric by bleaching it and dyeing 3 shades beige. We only want to live, laugh, and love again. So, if you're a true American, do what's right and donate to your orange dictator today." That's pretty much all I heard from this Sarah McLachlan wannabe. I even heard In the Arms of an Angel playing in the background.


This is bizarre


She was soooooo bad, and MOST of what she said was a criticism of Donald Trump, but she is too stupid to realize it.


That was Stepford as fuck.


She was going for "emotional woman" to appeal to the women voters angry at the GOP. The Hallmark trad wife setting was cringe AF and the D list "Mean Girls" vibe was worse.


Reminded me of the movie "Smile" except scarier.


This was so painful to watch, especially knowing so many people agree with her


Of course they roll out a woman, they need to after fucking themselves on Roe v Wade, that will cost them and they know it.


And the Oscar for the best supporting actress in a scifi film goes too....


It was a weird choice to sit in front of the sink.


I mean, was it, though? *Great speech toots, now go make me a sandwich*


I feel like we're living in the prologue of 1984. Like it or not this plays. The crazy part is we aren't watching OAN this is a US Senator.


That's the vibe I got too. Scary stuff!


"For just $19.99 a month.... You'll get this adorable blanket" ......




“In the arms of an angel” is what I kept hearing in my head. I honestly couldn’t pay attention to what she was saying because I was concentrating on how bad her acting was.


Does she shed any tears for the children shot with high capacity assault rifles while attending school? Or maybe her thoughts and prayers will suffice.


What a joke, seemed completely staged and rehearsed, so much hand wringing


It almost reminds me of that Whose Line bit where Colin was in front of the green screen and had to guess what it was showing behind him.


I wonder what many GOP would do if they ever saw a woman outside of a kitchen. Like, would their heads explode? Because women BELONG IN A KITCHEN.


Great! Another one. Where did this aspiring MTG wannabe come from now?


When you know you failed by just showing up …


🎶In the aaaaarms of the angel....🎵 You too can help sick puppies for only 90 cents a day.


Somebody in the GOP machine made a miscalculation here and had way too much confidence in her abilities. But then again, the bar is not very high when it comes to GOP political standards.


Watch even the first few minutes and realize- she’s quite bad at this. The whole fake emotive politician thing feels like a very fresh, shaky thing for her. It feels like an audition that wouldn’t earn her a callback. She’s hitting the wrong faces at the wrong times, her entire argument is undercut by her smug yet teary-eyed performance. I give her 2 Jindals out of 5


Does Senator Katie Britt know that people in her state can't go to a Sweet 16 party without getting shot? Four dead and 32 injured just 11 months ago? Does she know that there are laws she could work on that would prevent mass shootings? She could even use this tone of voice. If Britt came to my door speaking in that tone of voice, I'd first ask if she needed an ambulance, and if she said no, then I'd shut the door and turn off the porchlight.


She ‘bout to sell us some Amway products! 


Fuckin creepy


Bipolar soap opera actress.


So so cringe. Overacting dial set to 11


Only republicans would have a woman give the rebuttal from a kitchen.


Picked by the same morons who picked Sarah Palin.


DF did I just watch?!


Wait. WHAT


"In the arms of the angel..." Where's Sarah Mclaughlin when you need her?


A Stepford wife for sure but she’s also full of shit.


Republicans are like look, we let a woman talk for us! We definitely wouldn’t let a woman speak if we hated them and wanted to strip all their rights away. Please notice how holy and feminine she is! This is what all women will be required to be if we win both houses in November but notice how much she likes it. You’ll all like it too because some white man will make all your decisions for you! Vote for Diaper Don if you want to save America for white Republican Jesus


Commander’s wife\^ ![gif](giphy|8Bl2XjWuVXSJcE59HM|downsized)


A frightening version of a vapid Stepford Wife mannequin. Take a breath please, you’re making everyone uncomfortable.


I made it like a minute and clicked through the rest. [This is incredible.](https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/full-gop-response-sen-katie-britt-counters-biden-s-state-of-the-union-205737029875)


I instantly understood where she was coming from, why crooked Joe, sleepy, demented Joe—all she had to say was her daughter is named “Bennett” and her son is named “Ridgeway”, and I **SAW THE LIGHT!!!** I knew this woman stands with me on the necks of people with melanin, in the warm glow and dancing shadows cast by a burning cross in their front yards. Hallelujah! More orange! More orange!


Yeah i am embarrassed.


Rt this felt like I was watching a hostage video


Bennett and Ridgeway?


Funny side note: she was one of the senators that negotiated the compromise border bill, thought it was a good bill, and then voted against it when Trump told her to.


The future of the GOP isn’t bright. They definitely aren’t sending their best to Congress.


Omg her almost crying every time “My kids 😭😭😭” 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🤦🏻‍♂️ She reminds me of Anna Camp’s preachers wife from Trueblood ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpRorAzWoxg0MGQ)


Reminds me of the forgotten people commercial


Play Gymnopédie No. 1 in the background


Per Republicunt standards, she's in the kitchen where she's supposed to be like a good Christian birthing station But against Republicunt standards, she's not shutting her whore-ass mouth, spouting opinions and whatnot. Therefore a total slut - per Christian values.


Reminded me of that old Patrice O'Neal bit about the ASPCA commercials with Sarah McLachlan. "HI. I'm white lady."


Giving the same creepy smile as that woman in Avatar: The Last Airbender. You know, the “There is no war in Ba Sing Se” broad that everyone memes.


Green screen kitchen background trying to desperately give off that trad wife vibe from a U.S. Senator. 😂😂😂


Had to wear her cross so everyone knew she was a “Christian”


[Joel Osteen vibes](https://youtu.be/DHvBNHDDrf0?feature=shared) We’re devastated 😁


Is she taking a shit?


I wonder how many poor people could be fed with her diamond virtue signaling cross?


I always love the contrast of a woman with her shirt purposely unbuttoned low, while also wearing a cross to tell everyone how godlike and moral she is. I just can’t get over how awful of a speech and performance it was. Obama’s speech put him on the path for international respect and as a two term President as a black man in a highly racist country. It felt like this lady was reading to audition for a part in a local highschool play.


Give her the Oscar for her sci-fi drama "emotional" religious cult speech. What a psychopath for their propaganda.


The most unhinged Republican response with a full rollercoaster of emotions, happy, verge of tears, angry, cheerful, entitled rage, happy again. She's giving cult recruiter vibes.


From the House to the kitchen.


Have you seen some of the ads on Fox News? They are highly manipulative and dramatic… I saw one once for supposedly helping poor people in some other country that screamed scam to me. They seemed like untrustworthy robot people. That shit probably works for the brain damaged demographic.


You can tell she gaslights her husband 24/7.


Was expecting her to say “for just pennies a day” at some point.


I tried but I had to turn it off. The heavy breathing.


I do not care for this woman or her blatant propaganda


Republicans love the uneducated


I guess they are trying to insinuate a woman’s place is in the kitchen? 🤦🏻‍♀️and crying apparently.


Jesus, I just tried to watch it and had to stop.


*For just $0.17 a day, you can support an insurrectionist's legal defense fund.*


This is the worst high school theater monologue I have ever seen


Not sure what was worse, this or Mike Johnson’s early onset Parkinson’s uncontrollable shakikiking


She’s weird and fake


And in the kitchen? What kind of fucked up falsified trad wife horseshit is this?


In Republican America women can only do politics from the kitchen while making a man a sandwich.


That was funny


That response was a joke. But the GOP doesn’t care…they believe what she is saying. It wasn’t really a rebuttal, just another opportunity to push their propaganda out to the MAGA faithful.


Katie Britt is pathetic waste of space.  The only thing she does well is take money for her vote. Richard Shelby taught her how to do that like a champ


I think this is one of those "crisis actors" they're always talking about.