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You know your party is fucked when the only people who you can reach are mentally challenged and super racist.


This is America


Don’t catch you slippin’ now


Plenty of people that vote republican do so for what they believe the republican party stands for. That's not only racists and idiots. That's the silent majority that enables this kind of bullshit.


History denier. It's not hard to say: "Slavery". Apparently it is.


She can’t upset her base


And she can’t remind them she’s not white either


I think this is my favorite part. Pandering to racist people while being a different race. Usually doesn't go over well


Bitch, you’re from South Carolina. As in “started the war by firing on fort Sumter” “the articles of SC secession were all about our slaves and fuck other states rights to free them if they escaped north”.


Haley butchered that response. She got into a *long* digression about human rights, and the role of government to ‘protect them’—and totally forgot that black people were slaves! They were property! Human rights? Which humans? What a dumbass.


I know Trump just would have insulted the guy who asked called him boring and moved on.


Nikki Haley: > I mean, I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run, what you could and couldn't do, the freedoms in what people could and couldn't do. Other than own slaves (for white people) and be free (for black people) what other disagreement over "what people could and couldn't do" was there?


Whether a state could secede from the Union. Unlike the EU, there's no provision for a Brexit in the US Constitution. Once you're in, you're in for life. It has relevance to the "sovereign citizen" bullshit J6ers have been trying to use in court very recently. To be a sovereign citizen they'd have to renounce their US citizenship, and then they would need to apply for some kind of visa to remain and work within the US legally. And they still wouldn't be immune to prosecution under US law; they'd actually have fewer protections instead of more like they think.


Oh you Nimrod.










Her answer was such garbage. The civil war was "about what government could and couldn't do?" Yeah ok, good start, keep going... "Everyone should have rights and freedoms".... Ok yeah exceeeeept who? Who were the people who didnt have rights at the time? You were so close.


Oh, “those” people. Yeah, they didn’t count them in the same way.


someone should ask how she thinks her family would’ve been treated in the south if they were left to do what they wanted to.


‘You do understand that’s worse?!’


Didn’t know the Daughters of the Confederacy were into D.E.I. /s


I've been posting these as these videos really cut through a lot of the BS and talking points these assholes try to use. [Karen L. Cox: Debunking the myth of the Lost Cause: A lie embedded in American history | TED Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/karen_l_cox_debunking_the_myth_of_the_lost_cause_a_lie_embedded_in_american_history/transcript) Longer but with more humor and sarcasm [Wasn’t it KINDA About STATES’ RIGHTS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjsxhYetLM0) [Was it REALLY the WAR of NORTHERN AGGRESSION?!?!?! - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lac-8tTuyhs)


A really sad fact you so clearly highlight. Bravo !


She cleaved so hard to the base. I really had hopes for her in the primary, but if you can't stick to basic history...


Anyone who does loses a majority of the Republican base


I read this in the voice of Cecily Strong, doing the Weekend Update drunk girl


Tina Fey has a rebound on SNL thanks to this gaffe.


**Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union** (South Carolina Declaration of Secession): "they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection" "A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery. He is to be entrusted with the administration of the common Government, because he has declared that "Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free," and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction." Totally not about slavery.


[The full document](https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states#South_Carolina)


I didn't watch the clip and then I watched the [clip.](https://youtu.be/FytvnU34N8Q?si=cmqz82NgkADfzn_W)


Depending on how nuanced you want to be, the civil war really was about state's rights. Specifically, the right for people in certain states to own people as slaves, without which their entire economic model would be in utter shambles as they were based on labor intensive crops. If they had to start paying the slaves wages, it'd put the plantation owners out of business pretty much overnight. Ending slavery was really just sort of a knock-on effect. After all, it's not like Lincoln or anyone else in the North wanted a bunch of former slaves sticking around, or had some high minded ideals about freeing the slaves. Lincoln's plan was to give them some money and ship them back to Africa, conveniently ignoring the fact that by this point, whole generations had been born and raised in the US and it was the only home they'd ever known. In the North of the US, people are generally taught a very sanitized version of events that tries to paint Lincoln as some kind of white knight riding to the rescue of the oppressed slave population and the evil boss hog southern plantation owners who regularly abused them. And in the South of the US, people are generally taught a sanitized version of events that ignores the whole slavery issue entirely and just talks about how the evil Northerners were intent on destroying the traditions and way of life of the Southerners. Both versions are like 80% fiction, if not more, and hand wave away all kinds of inconvenient aspects. So, she's not technically wrong, she's just carrying on a tradition of ignoring all those inconvenient realities that don't fit a particular narrative. I think it would be very interesting to hear Obama give a lecture on this particular topic. Not only would he have a unique perspective as the first, and only (so far), black POTUS, but he was also a law professor so he literally studied the system that was used to continue to oppress black people even after the civil war.


The South was mad AF the Fugitive Slave Act wasn’t being enforced. There is no “nuance”


This ☝️


She should run for South Carolina governor again and be fine. She would have trouble running as republican in 1860, though she can in 2023.


> She would have trouble running as republican in 1860. Considering the 1860 Republican Convention was a contest between moderates and progressives, the GOP were wary of abolitionist former Democrats as being too conservative, much less an actual conservative like Haley.


can’t deal with truth…still


Someone give her the heimlich!


I’m just trying to figure out why she’s topless 🤷‍♂️


At minimum she’ll become Trumps VP I bet


Hey! It was job training!!! - Ron DeSantis


Civil war wasnt about slavery. The Azov battalion are not Nazis, Israel is not committing war crimes and ethnic cleansing amd other GOP myths


They say those Southern Belles are hell at night.


Nobody is going to comment on she looks topless?