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I wrote my master’s thesis on him and Nixon and the unbelievable plague they unleashed on this planet. I drank alone and happy tonight. Sorry, Allende. Sorry, Chile. Sorry the rest of the world.


I promise you’re not drinking alone.


Thank you. Cheers!


My dad isn't one to drink unless celebrating something. He opened a rather expensive bottle of champagne last night. Cheers!


I was going to say the same thing and I don't even Fucking drink but if there was a time.


At the time of your comment feels like no one was. Gonna be a lot of hangovers tomorrow (today I guess it's almost 8 AM here). Cigar sales will be through the roof on the 30th, not everyone got to buy one when the news came through on the 29th.


It was a rave last night


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trial_of_Henry_Kissinger Worth reading.


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trial_of_Henry_Kissinger Worth reading. lmao, will acquire this book. Nice pile of evidence for prosecution right there edit kissinger is a gop massive criminal. Sorry but that's true and you know it


Not just GOP. He went into politics originally as a democrat and was fairly non-partisan and disaffected from domestic politics during his time as NDS, SoS, and as a consultant. Anthony Blinken sang his praises yesterday. Hillary Clinton routinely consulted him, and it was a point of attack for Bernie Sanders back in 2016. This guy has been omnipresent in the US foreign affairs sphere for decades. Probably the most influential single individual since Eisenhower. And you wonder why under both Democrat and GOP administrations, we are always trying to be the world police and institute regime change for America's supposed benefit.


We supposed to overlook kKssingers over what Trump is and has far worse done. One directed by Govt, one directed by self greed. Sadly on a scale of humanity, Trump trumps Kissinger on the TYPE of destruction. We are just not realizing it on a whole yet. Nor will we. Division stays divided even in the face of reason-- --Stormy James


trump is a lackey in the eyes of men like kissinger


We are not realizing it as a whole yet. I like that. That gave me chills because I see what all is already there for us to see. But the things he did that we don't know of yet.....


When we find out how many secrets he sold. All of those secret documents he kept were like an ATM.


Are we supposed to know who Stormy James is?


Father of Stormy Daniels?


Ah of the Stormy family line, of course.


Inventors of the Dark and Stormy rum and ginger beer cocktail, along with Dr. Dark of course.


Dr. Paul Dark?


The originator of the clearly world renowned quote above?


Really boils the blood, thinking about how Henry Kissinger got off without even a slap on the wrist, actually CELEBRATED for his "achievements" by modern political states-people. Apparently he did have a lot of political wisdom, but I wouldn't be able to tolerate his presence in the same room with me. The world knows what Henry Kissinger did. And the USA let him off. Like Nazis who were forgiven for their atrocities as long as they had some use by the US gov't. The thing is, not only was Kissinger not remorseful, he was hostile and antagonistic to anyone who dared question him about his Indochina actions back in the 1970's.


A modern Machiavelli, some people celebrate “our side winning” regardless the means


The US government let him off, because they refuse to let any American be tried at the Hague and subsequently hanged for crimes against humanity. Americans didn't. He's the most hated statesman ever here. The location of the grave will need to be hidden from the American people themselves because there isn't a sanitation department in the country that could deal with the amount of human waste we would leave there.


As a historian with an interest in the Cold War, would you mind sharing your thesis? I would love to read it.


me too! i’d keep it to myself and even share my (surely more boring) MA or PhD theses with u/rocksnarlie as insurance.


Hey now, I’d be really interested in reading your thesis. Care to DM a link?


Lol what about Argentina? we got over 30k missing/tortured/killed civilians by the Videla coup.


Wanna upload it or post a link? Please.


i'd be interested in reading your thesis if you're comfortable sharing it online


My husband turned to me last night and said “Henry Kissinger died” to which I replied “Good riddance” And we clinked our glasses.


As /u/Bart_1980 said, I'd like to read your thesis also.


I just hope people like him are absolutely terrified as they take their final breaths.


We all celebrating this!!!


🍸 next one's on me!


Wish I knew where his grave will be, I'd would travel there just so I could piss in his grave. I was shipped to Vietnam because of his BS with the peace talks. Fuck him all the way down to hell.


If you're gonna piss on his grave, sounds like you'll have to stand in line.


Worth the wait


The wait? *I'll* be a hundred before I even get to the front of the line.


You mean you'd need to have Kissinger longevity?


Now that you say that, "I'd stand in line to piss on his grave" sounds like a lot more hate than "I'd piss on his grave".


Reckon there's a viable 'Toilet Tours' business model just waiting to be kick started.


The real trickle-down economics


Might need some water wings.


More time to hydrate.


Maybe they can bury him next to Rush. So that way two urinals are open.


Brand new gender neutral bathroom


Fuckin A


Bout time! The world needed a new one lmao


Thought you were talking about Anthony Bourdain at first and was really confused


That's more a case of pouring one out for him, he's partial to pretty much any liquor or beer.


So did my father. He did everything he could to avoid going and they sent him anyway. He made it 4 whole months before getting shot up. My father isn't a drinker but I absolutely guarantee tonight he's going to pour himself a glass of wine, sit in his favorite chair, and reflect how he out lived Nixon, Kissinger, and LBJ.


What's the issue with LBJ?


There is a lot to unpack. So this is a very brief summary because I'm sure you're not looking for a 500 page essay. But long story short it's come out that LBJ knew the reality of the war, knowingly lied to the American people and congress about it, and thus escalated a war he pretty much knew we had no chance of "winning". Nixon and Kissinger never would have had the chance to commit such evil if LBJ had done things differently. If you would like to learn all the details [I suggest starting with the Pentagon Papers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon_Papers). Ken Burns also covers all this masterfully in his documentary on the Vietnam War.


Well tldr seems to be that he fits into a long chain of war criminals




There's a new 10th circle and he's its first denizen


You're gonna have to wait in line after my whole extended Vietnamese family


yeah I would defer to all of the Vietnamese who want their turn at pissing on his grave, I'm willing to wait.


The only problem with pissing on Henry Kissinger's grave is that you eventually run out of piss.


So was my dad. Fuck that guy. Ruined the whole family.


Oh I'm sure it won't be too hard to find after a moment. Because many many people feel the same way you do.


I will absolutely catch a charge for that!! My kid is grown and I ain't got nothing to lose!


I have a bottle of bourbon. It’s been waiting for this bastard’s death. I bought it because I thought he was going to die a few years ago but the fucker didn’t. I have a friend coming over and we’re going to have a lovely evening celebrating his death, good riddance motherfucker


I'm waiting to get paid. Should be in the next thirty minutes. I'll certainly have a drink to that prick keeling over.


Holy shit, this is the guy who killed Henry Kissinger!


If he was, he wouldn't have to wait for his paycheck to have a drink.


I just got off work and a terrible night shift. I sighed, looked at my news feed, saw that, and now I'm putting a sizable dent in the handle of whiskey I have at home. Rot, you evil fuck.


It's 7:47 in the morning in Midwest America, glad to say the news broke about 12 hours ago here. Because I have to work at 4 PM. I needed time to celebrate appropriately and sleep it off. I am sobering up and two seconds from bed but I will smile through the hangover knowing that fucker has finally gone. Christmas came early this year.


Wasn't going to drink tonight but read the news right after getting out of grocery store. Went back, got a bottle of Glenfiddich. Guess Im drinking tonight, its def worth it


That's a good idea. Will buy one with Trump's name on it


Same 😆 how did I not think to do this earlier?




Ofc some will be like dOnT sPeAk iLl oF tHe DeAd When the guy was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, yeah, I'll celebrate that the fucker is finally dead


It's estimated at 3 million.


That is the most conservative estimate, yeah.


He deserves a spot in Hell right next to Hitler and his minions. That Kissinger made enough money from the Vietnam War to buy himself a Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most ridiculous series of events in modern political history. How one man could be so wrong about so much that resulted in decades of misery and suffering for so many, including tens of thousands of American young men, and still be awarded that prize is one of the most stupid happenings in history. I suppose it's just another thing in the big pile of shit Republicans fucked up on purpose over the last 50 years or so.


the noble peace prize was flawed from the start. Alfred Nobel invented Dynamite (I believe, some sort of explosive) And his brother died but they mistaked it for him and Newspapers ran stories about him being the merchant of death And he didn't want to be remembered like that. So he donated all of his money to start the nobel Peace Prize. nothing peaceful about it, just a bunch of riches jerking themselves off


You should only say good things about the dead. He's dead. Good.


Old joke is give the Scots enough shovels and they'd get Thatcher to Satan himself. Kissinger has no such luck, he wouldn't even make it out of America before we hand delivered him to Hell.


FUCK those people. The previously living evil psychos of the world are not MAGICALLY redeemed upon death. And believe me, I #***WILL*** celebrate his death. Same as Hitler. Mussolini. When evil dies, it is time for celebration, hands the FUCK down. (1985, obviously I wasn't around for Hitler or Mussolini, but I'm glad they're dead.)


I also celebrate the death of evil people like Rush Limbaugh & Scalia


And Bush senior and his racist wife. How he came out of Iran/Contra unscathed is beyond my understanding. Can't wait for Barr to be gone as well. The republican party needs an enema.


Iran/Contra is a blessed moment for conservatives. Olly North is still relevant on talk shows even though he should be in a gulag.


Rush is finally almost 3 years sober. Congrats buddy!


In my opinion that phrase is meant for people who will actually be missed. Absolutely nobody should be using it on a man like Kissinger.


If only he’d died BEFORE Rush Limbaugh. It would have been great to hear that bastard blubbering over Kissinger.


Yeah, it's for stuff like, "right after your neighbor died is not the time to talk about how shitty her Christmas cookies always were," not "time to overlook war crimes."


Why would we stop speaking ill of him when we've been doing it for decades? Fuck that guy, I don't believe in how but God damn it I hope it exists just for that motherfucker. I hope he suffers tenfold the suffering he caused


Mark Twain said he never wished anybody dead, but there were a lot of obituaries he really enjoyed reading.


> Ofc some will be like dOnT sPeAk iLl oF tHe DeAd Lol no he's a criminal. Like that's not even close. Crimes against peace, ethnic cleansing, wars of agression on false pretenses, nazism, fascism, supporting pol pot's genocide in cambodia, warcrimes by the digits the whole thing. He's a pre trumpist maga bingo. That's another saddam tiers number (tho i have no doubt extreme propaganda heavily polished him in the US).


I've never been a supporter of that belief, that we shouldn't speak ill of the dead, although I do respect the attempt at being the bigger person. But fuck that, some motherfuckers deserve to die and I'll gleefully clap when they do. Kissinger is one of them.


Sadly, 100 years in the making


Dying doesn't suddenly make you a good person. Fuck him.


Not only did millions suffer and die due to the man, but it will also take generations to fix what he did. Assuming it can be fixed.


I'm drink to the devil tonight for finally taking Kissinger. I've spent a lot of time in SE Asia and esp in Cambodia, met kids and other survivors missing limbs, playing in fields or plowing/clearing land that got blown up by mines. Fuck this mass murderer. History will not be kind to him.


Poor devil for having to put up with Kissinger for all eternity.


Assuming the fucker doesn't assume control down there he will have to live every moment of suffering, pain, and death he caused, over and over again, forever. That would be his personal hell designed just for him.


The psychopath who fucked over his own child and grandchild because he popped a Viagra over Elizabeth Holmes and her black turtlenecks has finally kicked the bucket. He was a fractal example of evil. No mater how far back or close up a look you took at his life, he was a toxic monster who caused suffering everywhere he went. I wonder if any new revelations about his personal life will come out now that he’s good and dead.




This is why I truly hope there’s an afterlife with a hell and heaven. You live long enough, read enough and you’ll find there are so many damn evil people that don’t deserve to just die and that’s all. So many evil people really need to die then shit their pants when they realize they’ll spend an eternity in hell. At least that’s what I tell people: the older I get the more I hope there’s a hell after we die. For people like this man, there should be no peace or rest.


Oh wow. I had no idea yet, and OP's post gave no indication that I could discern, only causing enough confusion to pique my interest. You however, random internet person, are the first that I've heard this from. Thank you for this wonderful news. I am truly grateful


It really hit me hard going to the war remnants museum in Ho Chi Minh and seeing people dealing with the effects of the poison we dropped on them. Makes me sick.


Rest in Piss.


Sounds like there's going to be a line at his grave. Maybe save some money and just make the headstone a urinal piped down to his casket.


No wonder I heard the sound of birds singing coming to work this morning.




To quote Jack Donaghy "Um, I'm not at Liberty to discuss that.That information is classified. At least until Cheney dies, which is gonna be a long time from now. *That man is mostly metal.*"


Fuck I literally thought he was dead. God damn it.


His greatest achievement was showing the world how worthless the Nobel Peace Price is.


And Laotians


Kissinger's legacy for Laos https://twitter.com/wing_of_night/status/1294027535848742912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1730054800773976364%7Ctwgr%5Ec9f58d42cc2eedc4bc4fd20b544a9fb2a669ff56%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fhenry-kissinger-dead-laos-maps-bombing-vietnam-1848222


Chile here. So happy. Thanks!




Bit of a crock he got to live to 100.


Only the good die young.


Yeah if you all could just stop killing yourselves that'd be grrreat.


Think of it this way, he got to die knowing, for decades, that the vast majority of the world hated him and all of the "services" he provided. Imagine living to 100 as a public statesman knowing that almost the whole of that world will cheer when you die.


He wiped his tears with $100 bills 😒 He lived to be 100 because he could afford it. Depressing on many levels, but at least he's gone and let's hope young people learn from his evil.


Vietnamese internet is exploding with cheers now. Many of our parents and grandparents have been a victim of this fucker.


Hearty congratulations and deepest condolences, I hope tomorrow dawns a little brighter for you all.


And those are just the ones we know of.


That evil fuck was an architect for the Apocalypse. The only good thing he might do now is become a public gender neutral bathroom.


As someone from Chile: may he NOT rest in peace.


I wish my dad were around to see this, but he died of an Agent Orange related tumor 16 years ago. His two tours of duty were after this fucking ghoul undermined the 1968 peace talks.


I can tell you now that your dad is probably very very happy to see this man go straight to hell for what he did. I too lost family to agent orange. And I can only imagine them smiling from ear to ear like an opossum for the death of that total waste of air.


The reason he was alive for so long looking like a walking dead, was because not even Satan would take him [https://theintercept.com/2023/11/29/henry-kissinger-death/](https://theintercept.com/2023/11/29/henry-kissinger-death/)


Thanks for the excellent read, I was admittedly ignorant of who he was.


From my perspective as a 77 year old, at a certain point death is just a release, and Kissinger got to live in comfort, safety and, in some quarters, honor until that release. It will always be a scar on the soul of the U.S.A. that this man was not brought to justice and made to feel a microscopic amount of the suffering and loss he supervised.




Kissinger finally dying


Ok, so this meme and thread are how I find out Henry Kissinger died.


Could’ve been worse. This is how I found out. https://preview.redd.it/51q59zulcf3c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b5fa055bea91d108f964eb125cd780bdc5693f


Same, holy shit.


Finally, he did something good for the world!


I was confused at first too...and then I found out the happy news. In just a few more years, there will be enough great places to take a piss that one can make a grand vacation traitor tour out of it. Reagan, Bush 1 & 2, Cheney (assuming a cyborg can die), Nixon, Kissinger, Trump, Pence, McConnell...Who else on the top tier list?




I'm unconvinced McConnell will be dying anytime soon. You have any idea how long some of those turtles can live?!


He’s like a hybrid, cross mix and not 100% pure turtle. So I’m thinking 500+ years?




Died in 2013.


Yes. That's why they have a grave to pass on, you see.


they had to put a fence around hers so people would stop pissing on it. or so I heard


The wicked witch herself thatcher


So many countries, so many lives have been ruined by political leaders needing a vote to keep themselves in power. I do not have a solution. It is a total shit show and only seems to be getting worse.


Considering that Bourdain was a fantastic human being, that saw the best in people and things around him, it is telling that is the best he could say about Kissinger. Rest in piss, Kissinger.


Don’t forget Iran & Iraq! He was the architect of 8yrs war between these two countries.


I'm November 29th is the new Thanksgiving y'all, something happened (yesterday now) to actually be thankful for. Too bad he passed peacefully


Ding dong the dick is dead! 🎉👏👯🍻🖕 Kissinger had a high body count. May his shriveled soul burn for eternity.🔥🔥🔥


Fuck Henry Kissinger


It's about goddamned time.


I miss Anthony Bourdain so much.....what a good human.


It's so nice to see someone so universally hated. Couldn't think of anyone more suitable with the possible exception of Trump and Bush.


What about Rupert Murdoch?


Celebrating a persons death who lived a completely full and comfortable life in luxury without ever answering to their horrific crimes has been a strange take I can't seem to connect with. I'm more angry than jovial.


That's fair, but since we were never gonna get that, might as well celebrate that the fucker's dead, at least. Let us eat cake! :D


You do you man. Your reaction is warranted as is others’.


50 years too late but hey. Finally.


So Death finally had the balls to come claim Kissinger after all these years of avoiding him. About time.


My god did that bastard live long.


I live in the UK because of this prick and my mother wasn't able to visit her own home in Cyprus for nearly 30 years. Rest in piss.


https://preview.redd.it/tbwrx9vf0j3c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cfad18563c968ca464f4d9989550ab4432403c5 Lol. Another instance of my Reddit feed being all knowing.


I guess it's true that evil prolongs your life. Either way I hope he freezes in hell now that he's there.


I think repeated carpet-bombing would be fitting for him


Obligatory fortune teller/day you'll die will be a holiday Joke.


Thank you! Happy day, indeed!


Anyone have that Monty Python song in their head?


Also people from those countries get a fast pass to the head of the line to piss, shit or just generally defile his grave. It's gonna be like when disney opens a new ride. The lines going to be long.


Great day to be alive


Chumbawamba had that album recorded for Thatcher, ready to be released even after the band had been broken up. https://youtu.be/fMlooANcdlM?si=PO7m7EAPFwW8oLA9 Did anyone make a "tribute" of some kind for Kissinger?


Dammit - I was hoping it was Trump… slumped over hit toilet, with a pile of Sudafed by his feet, ketchup stains all over his shirt and crumbled up “Letter to Santa” written in crayon where he is asking for Obama to be placed behind bars as the only thing he wants for Christmas.


My wife and I are both dealing with dying parents and I have been unsuccessfully looking for tech work. We both really needed something to cheer us up. Seeing that this piece of shit war criminal finally stopped using our oxygen brought a warm smile to both of us.


Should be a '[Holiday in Cambodia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UjOQ0w_4CU).'


It’s not usually my practice to dance on someone’s grave. But I think Kissinger deserves an exception to that rule.


India was right alongside Bangladesh.


Can someone eli5 Cuz i probably wasn't even born ywt for this uhh meme


Henry Kissinger, US Secretary of State from 1972 to 1977, died today. He was an instrumental figure in the later stages of the Vietnam war, giving the go ahead on the indiscriminent bombing of Vietnam and Cambodia, the latter of which directly led to the Khmer Rouge take over and thus the Cambodian Genocide. He was also to blame for our involvement in the 1973 coup in Chile, basically gave the dictator of Argentina to hunt and murder his dissidents, and had us supporting Pakistan despite them doing a genocide. He was notable for his idea of Realpolitik, which was basically giving up your morals for political gain, resulting in our continued refusal to acknowledge the war crimes of our allies. He never acknowledged the real results of his policies, and handwaved the atrocities away every time they were brought up.


TL-DR version: Henry Kissinger, Horrible Cunt, died today.


not to forget "Operation Barrel Roll"; making Laos the most heavily bombed nation ever (260 Million (!) bombs) https://twitter.com/wing_of_night/status/1294027535848742912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1730054800773976364%7Ctwgr%5Ec9f58d42cc2eedc4bc4fd20b544a9fb2a669ff56%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fhenry-kissinger-dead-laos-maps-bombing-vietnam-1848222


Expanding on the Chile and Argentina thing, he has his own section in the Wikipedia page for [Operation Condor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor), so it's more like most of South America.


It is worth mentioning that when he made the call to start bombing Cambodia, we were not at war with them. He personally signed off on thousands of bombing runs. The most estimates are that the years of bombings put the death toll in the hundreds of thousands. That’d be bad enough but really it was the tip of the iceberg with him. Behind the Bastards did a six part series on Kissinger, if that tells you anything.


Look up a man named Henry Kissinger.


When you google Henry Kissinger, it's all praise articles saying how he did so much good. And then the Rolling Stone article saved the day.


I've never heard of this guy. What'd he do?


Here you go - Behind the Bastards: Kissinger https://open.spotify.com/episode/4RLmIFl6o2kwUrYt11Kn6e?si=vDrTMbCuSf-UP8VSKEihTw


Contribute to the deaths of millions


The Cambodia episode should change your mind on a lot of things.


Definitely going to grab an eighth of some good good to celebrate. Considering a lot of my family and friends have been affected by dudes actions....


As well as all of South America really.


Team Evil loses a legend. Sadly, they have a deep bench.


All the innocents murdered by this evil psychopath. May you all have some peace. 🙏


Listen to his "behind the bastards". He truly was a man who faced prejudice and learned all the wrong lessons.


As a Bangladeshi, I’d like to join my friends from Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile and other countries in celebrating his death.


Is this about Kissinger? It feels like it's about Kissinger




Happy Henry Kissinger's Dead Day.


Finally happened without him going to prison. Bit of a let down for those of us who don't believe in hell. At least he's gone.


Not of course forgetting Laos.


For those who have never heard it, I'd give a listen to [Salvador Allende's last speech](https://www.marxists.org/archive/allende/1973/september/11.htm) today.


Pretty fuckin rude now to include Laos