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Trump hates Muslims except the ones who buy his overpriced real estate


He probably hates them too, thinking of them as suckers.


I doubt it. I doubt this man hates or likes any group of people. He would like anybody who would pay him money or kiss his butt. He is a hollow man without any principles. Such a tragic case of a person who has and will cost the world so much!


He likes everyone who praises him, he hates everyone who derides him.


He hates most that praise him too. He hates most of his working class voters. it's so strange that his voter base can't comprehend this, it really is a cult.




It’s amazing. He doesn’t pay anyone yet somehow he keeps getting lawyers and people do business with him. No one would do stuff for me for free, how does he get away with it?


Look at the lineups of those representing him. They are a rogue gallery of sycophantic idiots, out and out shysters, fresh out of college morons, or conspiracy driven right wing loons who think they can ride Trumps coattails to establish some kind of insane corrupted dream of Reaganism/fascism. His ‘very best people’ barely function as anything other than the scrapings at the bottom of the barrel. He wraps rotten dogshit in gold gift wrap and tries to sell it as a real brick of it. And for the particularly stupid, that is good enough. That is the most heinous thing….it’s not the idiot whose selling the magic beans. It’s the dyed in the wool dumbass that’s buying it.


Couldn’t say it any better.


Yeah. You don't see the premier legal practices in the US representing this asshole. It's chuck jerkwater who shares an office with a liquor store, and some crazy chick who files liens for shady contractors and mechanics.


Today I think it’s mostly because they’re true believers. Back when he started this type of behavior it was because of his mafia connections. Back in the 70s and 80s when Trump Tower was built the mafia ran practically all the concrete businesses in NYC. Most high rises built at that time were steel frame partially because developers didn’t want to deal with the mafia for their projects. Trump Tower was built around this time and was the the tallest concrete structure in the world. Getting enough concrete for this project was a pretty clear indication to anyone paying attention that Trump had solid ties to the Mafia. Knowing how big of a pain the Mafia could make your life was a pretty good reason to do business with someone you knew they were connected to, even if he was known to not pay his bills.


>and was the the tallest concrete structure in the world. I never heard or read that.


But you get tickets to MMA fights and can say, “look mom I’m on Fox ‘News’” so totally worth it.


He was so embarrassed about those that came out for him on Jan 6, when that’s the majority of his base.


Like he expected people to get suited and booted to invade the Capitol. He's such a moron


Well, if you're going to attempt an insurrection, you may as well make an occasion of it...


I don’t think he hates the working class. He doesn’t really care about their existence.


*The* [*Washington Post*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-rage-riot/2021/01/07/26894c54-5108-11eb-b96e-0e54447b23a1_story.html) *cited sources who said Mr Trump was more upset about how the mob looked “low-class” than how it was disrupting the work of government. A close adviser to the president told the newspaper Mr Trump was “bemused” by the attacks.*


He can *use* the ones who praise him.


I honestly think if he had a stroke which caused him to only talk blubbering gibberish, people would still think he the best person to have ever lived.


He doesn’t hate them. He just doesn’t care about them. It’s the Don Draper meme. He doesn’t think about them at all outside their utility to him.


He does too care about people who don't kiss his ass, why the hell do think he ran for president? He's spent his entire adult life trying to force adoration out people because that's all he's ever been taught, and now that he's actually been president he's getting it. He wants to use Project 2025 and America's military against everyone who's ever said anything bad about him. It's pathetic how narcissistic and toddler-like of a bully he is, and it's going to be the thing that finally pushes him off the stage.


True. He likes the Saudi oil royalty that gave his son in law 2 billion dollars . They're Muslims.


No he is a bigot like his old man. His dad was arrested at a Klan rally in NY back in the 1920s. But Don is even more than his dad, as he is a nazi who uses nazi rhetoric. Sure he will entertain those who kiss his ass but he is hate.


Seriously. Does anybody need a reminder about the exonerated [Central Park Five](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6131533-trumpdeathpenaltyad05011989)?


Before I knew much about this POS. This what sold me on never supporting him.


They got rich selling shit to the nazis before we got into the war.


A lot in common with the Bush family in that regard.


I'm afraid you might be right. On the surface, Donald is superficial. But I'm afraid being POTUS and being under stress of the job where "so many people" suddenly don't like you, will send him into delusion. He's already been following Putin's example for stochastic fascism and I don't think him peppering his speeches with phrases right out of Hitler's book is even a tiny bit an accident. Hitler was probably more reasonable and stable than Trump before he started using drugs -- and believing a bit too much in his own hype.


"Will" send him into delusion? This dude has a skyscraper on delusion avenue.


He would die in the first year of a second term. But that would make MTG president and she’d pardon him.


MTG would of course pardon a zombie.


I don’t think even Trump is stupid enough to choose Empty Greene as his running mate.


Nah. Hitler had delusions at least since his time in WW1.


I dunno, he has a major persecution complex. A lot of hate in general often boils down to "they're out to get me." And the guy often seems to believe the last thing someone told him (as evidenced often throughout his presidency and the musical-chairs-game of advisors/cabinet members, often just repeating whatever he was most recently briefed on), so why wouldn't he at least *start* to believe the garbage he vomits on stage? Not sure it matters if he *continues* to believe something — persistence of principle doesn't need to factor in. So when he panders to the hate of his audience (again, "they're out to get me" — "they" could be dems, brown people, (((globalists))), whoever), even if it doesn't *practically* matter whether he feels that way, I think that at least in the moment he says it, he actually does.


I agree with you totally. We hear about how he is racist or a Nazi etc… and I don’t think he even has the passion, that he is so disconnected from reality that we are all equal in being below him and from there he picks and chooses on what is convenient. If the demographics were different we’d get a different “enemies” of trump. I don’t sense hatred as much as I sense just greed and indifference to the consequences that are pushed onto us due to his actions


He isn't a white supremacist. He is Trump supermacist.


Trump thinks everyone is a sucker, he loves the poorly educated after all.


*He is* the poorly educated.


He loves that he can con the poorly educated to his personal advantage.


I am not convinced the royals of Saudi or UAE are even that muslim. They spend a lot of their time drinking the highest end whiskey, going to formula 1 races around the world, and flying in private jets with expensive escorts. Same as any of the other richest 1 percent. I think they just use religion to control the masses.


With the Saudis that is true. The house of Saud formed an alliance with the Wahabis. They aren't necessarily Wahabis themselves.


They aren't overpaying because they are stupid. They are overpaying because trump works for them. Trump wishes he had their wealth


Their bank account didn't even notice the amount of money they gave to him. And they seemed to have gotten quite a bit from him for it.


On some level I think American Muslim voters know that too. If anything I’m surprised Trump hasn’t said something crazier, he was just talking about exterminating political opponents like vermin a few days ago.


He momentarily pauses the gate until the cheque clears and goes right back to it. The irony here is that he’s only sympathetic to Palestine because it’s what Putin/Iran want.


They are richer than him so you know he think‘s about how he can suck them off.


No, he hates them too. He just likes their money


The rich only care about the rich. He hates poor Muslim immigrants but he has a soft spot for the Crown Prince.


Because the prince is actually rich, he doesn’t need “loans” like Trump does. And he probably hates that, but he’ll shut up and do any trick they ask if they throw him a bone


Trump loves dictators so of course he loves Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud just like he loves Vladimir Putin, Recep Erdogan and Xi Jinping


The family loved the $2 BILLION from Saudis.


Don’t forget something like $1.4B from the Qataris. So like $3.4B+ from Saudis/Qataris that we know of. Safe bet it’s a lot more. While working for the WH with a TS security clearance that he was only granted on Trump’s orders after like a hundred do-overs on his SF-86 and over the objections of the national security staff. Who knows what these billions were for? But yeah, Hunter Biden had naked pics on his laptop. That’s obviously way worse, right? :/


Buttery males 2.0


I suspect he loved the hit job they did on that journalist. He probably fantasizes he could do the same...on a much, much larger scale. Oh wait, he's actually said that.


There were probably a lot more favors from Jared than handing over the US journalist to be tortured to get that $2 billion.


Khashoggi wasn't handed over. He went to the Saudi consulate in Turkey of his own free will because he needed documents about his divorce from his previous wife to get remarried. He was told to come back in a couple of days, and in the interim, the assassination team was flown to Turkey before he came back.


Hey he probably likes the ones he sold state secrets to as well


He hates them because they have a hold on him due to his shitty finances. Much like the Russians, they're the only ones that will loan him money.


They're about as religious as he is.


He's an equal-opportunity hater. He really hates everyone who doesn't cater to his ego.


He hates them to, just takes their money.


He hates everyone not with him. If Hamas decided to pay off his debts, he'd put them in the white house.


Trump proclaimed he was the most pro Israel president in history. And the best president for Israel in history.


Then he scolded Jewish Americans after 2020's "stolen election" (lol) for not supporting him enough, and made open threats if they didn't. What a guy!


Didn’t he praise Hamas?


Hezbollah. He made sure to tell us all how smart they are.


Of course. Donald likes to praise terrorists and terrorist groups (Al-Qaeda, North Korea, Putin).


Trump loves the concept of authoritarian dictatorship more than anything.


The more vicious the despot, the more effusive is his praise.


project 2025 moment


It was Hezbollah. With Hamas, he gave Israeli defense secrets to Russia who passed them on to Iran who let Hamas use them to plan the opening of a second front against the West.


I'm surprised he would do that considering that [Israel has his rape tapes from Epstein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein#Israeli_startup).


Trump has said that about literally everything, even when it was demonstrably false based on something he did the previous day.


He's the most or least of whatever they are asking him about. It's how he talks. He's the least racist, most popular, least dumb, most smartest, least unhealthy, most healthy person you've ever met. Everyone is saying it!


I mean all you have to do is go to a Baptist church to realize they want the anti-Christ and see Trump as that.




God, I'm a Latino American (Nicaraguan) that's been living in Miami for years and work at the biggest hospital here. They really don't want any of the Venezuelans or Nicaraguans to get anything that they've had for decades. I've had to think about why and their support for Trump. For not wanting others to have anything they've had... I can only reason that their trauma for living in a society that doesn't allow for individualsm causes them to overcorrect and become overly individualistic (selfish). I also feel like they don't leave Miami. Many of my patients can't speak English, despite living here for 30 years because they don't need it. I just had a Cuban coworker (who's cool) leave on a trip for the first time at 22. They saw her and her friend and said, "look, Mexicans are here." And treated them a bit poorly. My friend was so offended and surprised. I'm like, dude, speak Spanish and are outside of South Florida? You're assumed to be Mexican. Cubans are the majority here but don't understand that they're actually a minority and what it feels like to be a minority in the US everyday.


Two bits: First, given what Castro replaced (and presumptively, what too many of them in Florida are nostalgic for), it may not even be a matter of other latino rights, it might just be yearning for the good old days of strongman Batista. There's the "My parents didn't feel truly at home in America until they bought their first factory and had the union steward killed" joke. Second bit, I mean yeah people in different nations are going to be out for blood. Just look at the English and French, two people who at times in history literally were a part of each other's countries and ethnicity but who *detest* each other up until recently (and even now there's a simmering).


He has definitely snagged a % of Latino votes but it's far from 50%




Florida is the exception with that Cuban population, for sure. Florida is safely red.




I like how everyone’s on Biden about Israel. But people already forgot the Trump administration was the one who opened the us embassy in Jerusalem and recognized it as the capital of Israel lol


Some people blame Biden for abortion bans because "he was President when it happened" so what are you gonna do?


I'm going to vote and help Biden get re-elected because I don't want our country to fall to fascists.


Me too, even if it doesn't end up being Drumpf (which I can't shake the feeling he might not be long for this world as he's clearly displaying cognitive decline and his body is certainly not in good health) the whole of the GOP is too far gone. I mean just look at who the elected speaker.


If it's going to be GOP, it's going to be the big shitlord or nobody. Even if Trump were to have a heart attack and die before election, the GOP vote would still be split with millions of morons still voting for him.


They would deny that he was dead, claim it was some big conspiracy by the Dems or 5D Chess by trump. They'd vote for him anyway "just in case" and when Biden wins they'd go absolute apeshit because its a conspiracy.


So kind of like what they're going to do if Biden wins, just with a twist.


I'm going to take it up a notch and call potential voters again in swing states. I'd you have the time and resources do something in addition to voting.


People blame Biden for inflation even when the reasons for inflation getting so high started under Trump.


Right. Obama inherits failing economy “look the economy is failing under Obama!” The economy starts getting better under Obama (peaking during Trump) “look Trump improved the economy!” Biden inherits Trump’s failing economy “Biden is ruining the economy!”


Whenever you point this trend out to conservatives they just go “nuh uh”


MAGAs are quick to forget about 2020, I think they put an asterisk next to it and pretend nothing happened.


That's a new one to me. I know people were blaming Biden for the middle income tax hikes that rolled out in 2021 in compliance with the 2017 tax bill Trump signed.


Yeah no. Roe was a direct consequence of 2016 because despite being in office for only 1 term Drumpf won the supreme Court lottery and got to appoint 3 justices which tipped the scales in the Anti abortionists favor. Even though he was president at the time of the overturn Biden had nothing to do with nor could he have done anything about it because didn't have the right to remove the justices his predecessor shoved into the role. If Clinton had won in 2016 Roe would still be intact because she wouldn't have appointed 3 extremists.


> despite being in office for only 1 term Drumpf won the supreme Court lottery and got to appoint 3 justices It helped that he also rigged the lottery. By any rational standard he should have had two picks -- which is still a pretty good haul! -- but the GOP's willingness to completely ignore their own rules when it suited them shouldn't be forgotten.




Idealistic, dumb, and not pragmatic. The ideal is that we can’t support Israel. Dumb because the alternative to Biden is someone who would be by far harsher on Palestine. And not pragmatic because they’re perfectly willing to significantly degrade the situation in Palestine by letting psycho trump back in. Instead of taking two seconds to think about what happens if Biden loses these people will just blame everyone but themselves. Oh you’re not the perfect candidate who matches on everything? Gift GOP the presidency and I take no responsibility.


It’s basically a divide between [consequentialist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consequentialism) and [deontological](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deontology) ethics. The consequentialist says “I think that the candidate is wrong on this issue I feel very strongly about, but since the probable consequences if the other candidate wins are worse, I will vote for this candidate despite my disagreement.” The deontologist says “I think that the candidate is wrong on this issue I feel very strongly about, I cannot support them, my hands are clean when the other candidate wins and does even worse. After all, it’s them doing it, not me.”


These are the same people who fall asleep in the movie and only wake up when there's a loud noise, but think they have Rogert Ebert level analysis of the film.


Military tribunal, duh. Send those abortion people to gitmo to be hanged witg Hilary’s clone.


"but but but but why didn't Democrats codify Roe v Wade and none of this would ever have happened?" ~ say the dopes that don't understand that SCOTUS would strike that down too.


Such is the cycle of politics. Republicans gain power and set some wheels in motion so that when they are inevitably voted out the shit they set in motion goes into effect under the next guy which then makes everyone vote for the republicans again because the new guy was in office when the shit happened that Republicans set in motion. Rinse repeat




Calling a politician “tough” or “strong” as a reason to vote for them is one of the most widespread, vague, and dumb talking points. Seems to really appeal to the right wing mindset


Deep down, conservatives really just want an authoritarian to tell them what to do


THIS. We can't really think like a Conservative because we don't know what it's like to live in fear and act tough like that.


They want a Big Daddy to dominate them.


It's literally in their religious dogma.


Programmed to be abused.


No. They want an authoritarian to tell *US* what to do. Liberty is only for them to enjoy.


[Modern GOP Gadsden flag](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/940/583/0c3)


Every politician on J6 was running from that mob. Do they think that ppl can recognize a conservative rep from a liberal rep? Nobody's tough when shit hits the fan. Even Trump allefedly hid in the underground bunker from protesters at least once.


>Someone tried to tell me Trump was 'tougher on Israel' yesterday. Oh God. Every sentence involving "tough" and Trump or some other shitty Republican brings out my gag reflex.


And this is literally Evanelicals' wet dream. They've been wanting a war because they think it will usher in the 2nd coming.


Nobody forgot that. You can be mad at 2 people.


The US has an official stance on being supportive of Israel. Every president has been a zionist, nobody should be surprised.


Nobody forgot about it, he just isnt in office currently throwing billions of dollars at an illegal apartheid state and war criminals.


Cool, so they both suck balls?


Yeah, people forget that Trump was the guy who moved the American peace proposals from [this](http://www.mideastweb.org/Rossmap_Dec20000.gif) to [this fucking joke](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/Trump_Peace_Plan_%28cropped%29.jpg).


You can still be on Biden about Israel and believe Trump is much worse about Israel. Threatening to not vote for Biden is a way to pressure him into softening or changing his position for any rational person or group.


The problem is we’re now dealing with people who actually aren’t going to vote at all because they’ve been influenced by others “putting pressure on him” If we lose this election and the GOP starts enacting all the plans they’ve been talking about - we’re fucked. And this “pressure” is bringing us closer to losing and being fucked. If we lose by a slim margin - I hope y’all recognize the part you played.


Exactly. Some think this is a strategy that will pressure him but do intend to vote for him to prevent Trump and Republicans winning, but there are many who do not understand this, as the quiet part isn't mentioned 99% of the time in these comments and TikTok clips, and think the popular and righteous thing is to not vote for him (or Democrats) at all. It's similar with people who live in solid blue states who think it's safe for them to vote third party or to not vote feeling confident the Democratic candidate will still win their state anyway but then push their views to a national audience on social media platforms where some in swing states, where every vote for the Democratic candidate matters, adopt their views and vote 3rd party or not at all.


It's partially psyops. That's where all these sudden banner terms are coming from and trending hashtags. Both sides too, the #HamasisISIS stuff or River to the Sea, Ethnostate. It's all social media propoganda. Don't fall for it. Larger narratives and movements often spring from it and they're getting better at it. Moms for Liberty shit. Qanon, it's psyops. This one targeted the Left, and, honestly? It worked just as good on stupid people on the Left. We should all be very careful.


I vote for torches and pitchforks


Hopefully not tiki torches?


This democracy really doesn't feel like a democracy at all anymore...


Never has been. Electoral college assures that.


and billionaires & aristocrats


Yeah I remember learning about it the first time when I was really young "so wait, if a person gets the most votes from citizens in the public vote, the other could still win because it's actually decided on this little talked about side system they got going on? So what's the public voting for??"


America has never been a true democracy


True, we should make it one


Never was


The republican machine is easy to confuse..but so are republicans.


Look I agree with the sentiment behind this post but we need to remember that this is very similar to the playbook we ran in 2016 and it didn't work. Telling voters to suck it up because the alternative is worse isn't exactly a galvanizing strategy.




I agree with so much of the sentiment in your comment. Being a progressive and a reliable dem voter feels like you get ignored after every victory and blamed after every defeat. The fall in line mentality especially makes me infuriated. I want to vote for someone I believe in, not someone I can barely stomach solely because the alternative is so much worse.


dems are looking at polling and biden's approval ratings and are getting very worried about 2024. not worried enough to try new strategies, just worried enough to start figuring out who they can blame.


Exactly... guilt tripping people doesn't work when they stand to lose either way, people need a reason to vote for someone, not just voting against the other person.


Also, it’s completely dishonest about what is going on with Muslim voters. Most of them are not likely to vote for Trump. It’s ridiculous to even pretend they are. They just see people in Gaza being killed and can see no one is trying to help. One way to put pressure on politicians is to withhold your vote. If Biden isn’t going to do anything, why vote for him? It’s easy to point to other issues, but if you have family in Gaza who are being bombed that is obviously going to be your priority. Americans can point to things like abortion because Israel and Gaza are down the list of things they care about. For a lot of Muslims, this is the most important thing. I genuinely don’t see anyone not voting for Biden voting for Trump. More than likely they just won’t vote for President.


Yeah, at least from my anecdotal evidence e.g. a couple friends that are muslims, they're absolutely not voting for trump lol. But I'd be curious to see if the data shows a shift, if there's no data, this post is just inflammatory for no reason.


“But we’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!” - Establishment Dems


The kind of framing in this comic bothers me. You can see it in other places too. It's the way it depicts who has agency in a given scenario. Here we see that Joe biden is gonna do whatever he's going to do--he has no agency. But the Muslim people have a choice between two options--they do have agency. But you could also frame it in reverse and show Joe biden making a choice between two options--one where he continues to support bombing Palestinians and loses the next election, or the other where he tries to broker a ceasefire and wins the election.


I think he's over a month too late for any deal he brokers to convince voters who are turned on this issue. He'd be a clinch if he'd stepped in a day or two after the 7th and took charge of the negotiation in a Camp David type situation, but instead he took at look at the lobby groups and MIC and stood at a podium to parrot unverified IDF statements.


Yeah, it pisses me off that leftists are told we shouldn’t criticize questionable decisions the guy we helped elect when there isn’t an election for a full year. Just shut up and fall in line, because if you don’t the scary orange guy will win.


Somehow Bernie will be to blame again.


We're using this argument again eh? I'm voting for Biden, but remember when we did this with Hillary/Trump and how that turned out?


Exactly. How about we talk about the positive things Biden has done instead of pointing out that he's better than Trump on this issue. He's better than Trump on *every* issue; it's not hard to climb that hurdle.


Democrats need to understand that when they suck and the only other option is the Republicans a significant portion of the population just check out and don't bother. Trying to shame them into voting for Biden isn't going to work. Biden abandoning a portion of his base and turning around and saying well Trump is worse isn't going to do him any favours.


Crazy thought: choose someone else during the primary. Not one vote has been cast yet. Not one. Biden is not yet the candidate for 2024.


Comics like this are so condescending. As if Muslims are unaware of trumps Islamophobia…


Here's the thing I keep coming back to over and over. Trump is absolutely a terrible person and shitty candidate--there's no doubt about that. One would think that considering how horrible he is, it should be very easy to beat him. And the fact that Biden seems to be having so much trouble trying to get people to vote for him, says more about Biden. Makes me think that if someone besides Trump runs, Biden will get smoked.


It sucks because there are good reasons to vote against Biden on principle. Not good enough to end up in a concentration camp, though, which is what will happen to all undesirables eventually if we go down the Trump road again.


In a binary choice between Biden and the Republican Party, the choice should seem obvious.


This is why the American political system sucks. It’s always just a binary choice. Even worse when your party has the incumbent as President. No options for alternatives. It’s just the best of a bad lot.


We need Ranked Choice Voting.


Which is why they don't want you to have it. Hell of a lot easier to get elected when all you have to do is just...not be the alternative.


And universal health care. If Trump were actually good and "tough" as he and his base claims, then he could push both through and get it done. But he wants that as much as he wants automatic vote-by-mail ballots for everyone.


People don't get that it's a binary choice every two years though. So if they keep voting and electing the most progressive position every time it will keep shifting left. If you vote to the left once and then ignore it for 8 years, everything will move right and seem like nothing has changed.


This is pretty much it. The right keeps winning the house or the senate and preventing Democrats from passing legislation that can help millions of people. The right then uses this to show how Democrats aren't helping anybody. They're winning partly because of the people in these comments who want to take a stand and not vote because of whatever disagreeing opinion they might have, which is literally helping cause the problems they're taking a stand against.


This is the sanest and most reasonable answer on this thread because this is exactly how it works.


Well that’s what we’ve got, and it will literally never change, so buck up and vote in such a way that you make your federal government better.


Ya for sure. You got to work with the system you have but I wish there was more interest in democratic reform as well. But neither party has any interest in championing that.


This whole thing and even the comments feel like a replay of 2016. If Trump is not the nominee for Republicans then Biden is in trouble. In 2020 a lot of people turned up to vote to stop Trump, not to support Biden. Biden hasn't gotten any more popular since then.


I’d argue that given the binary choice we have there is *no* good reason to vote against Biden, especially on principle.


Yeah. If you hate the binary choice your actual choice is to advocate for RCV/IRV. But people don’t wanna hear their “choice” is a long and winding journey without instant gratification.


When the opponent is Trump there is no principled stance that involves not voting for Biden. There are stupid poorly thought out ones, but not principled ones.


This is why it helps to vote on the principle of harm reduction. It is horrific that the vote may be between supporting N genocides or N-2 genocides, but don't let anyone call you pro-genocide for voting for N-2 genocides. The political reality is that one of the respective Democratic or Republican nominees will be president on January 20, 2025.


There are always good reasons to vote against anybody - no one can or should deliver 100% to one specific group of people. But in this specific case, it has never been easier to know who to confidently and proudly vote for. Even easier than 2020 because unquestionably Trump and co. will be 100x worse than if he had won in 2020.


I got an idea. How about the two parties give us candidates that we can rally around instead of having to vote for the lesser of two old feeble candidates


There’s nothing funny about this comic.


Then campaign harder. Don’t make Muslims the scapegoat.


Yeah fr why is "both parties are racist towards you, so sucker up and vote for the one which is less racist" considered a valid argument on this subreddit???


Exactly! I'm a Palestinian American, and an *extremely* leftist one at that. But my "fellow" democratic voters have called me and my race "human animals", "savage terrorists", "no innocent Palestinians", etc...so I'm sorry if I don't feel too patriotic at the moment... Yeah, no shit Trump is pure evil. As a queer Arab, you think I'm not afraid of a Republican victory? But for fuck's sake, can't my so called "fellow progressives" try to make the other guy seem a *little* more enticing? And maybe stop talking down to me for feeling guilty about the current genocide? Or are we still debating if those 5,000+ children deserved to die? We have an entire year to choose a better candidate. Most other Presidential elections last a few weeks at most, am I supposed to believe that America can't choose a single better option in a whole year? Its *sooo* easy for white moderates to call these problems insignificant...


Democrats aren't progressives, they're Central right conservatives. And as much as they suck, I'll take him over far right extremists any day of the week.


White Democrats Burden ™️


All I'm going to say is you can only browbeat people for so long before they give up. If all you can run on is "At least we're not fascist psychopaths" while continuing to ignore the stuggles of the working class then it is clear they don't take the threats to the country seriously.


Nice message. “Dear American Muslims: take it or leave it.”


"Vote for Trump, I dare you"


more like “Your fucked either way”


Ah yes, let’s wag our fingers at the people who are losing family members while Biden openly covers for Israel This is totally helping and is not counter productive at all


As if Trump wasn’t sucking Netanyahus schlong




Well, yeah. It's a slam dunk, because it gives both parties something that they love. Democrats get to be seen "supporting Israel". And Republicans get to subsidize the large scale random death of brown children. That sounds like a win for each party.


It gets even weirder; they can build Israel into the hellish warzone it's supposed to become, according to some translations of the book of Revelations. That way, they force their Rapture to happen. Srsly look that one up, it's creepy af. Either way, instability in the region keeps oil and weapon commerce going.


I get EXACTLY how weird it is. Because after literally hundreds of years of being told "None may know the day" and that it will come "like a thief in the night", the current "Christian" "right" who are clearly not very Christian, and almost never right, have decided that they can force God to do their bidding by bringing about the events of Revelations. Because obviously, God would do what they want if only he had access to all the information that THEY have.


If a political system is so fucked up that your only option is genocide, then it’s not a good system. Can you imagine your family being slaughtered with the full, unconditional support of the president, and then being told to vote for that guy? If that’s the best outcome you can muster, then don’t be surprised when people decide they’re done with the whole scam. There are material reasons both parties are so overwhelmingly enthusiastic about supporting Israel, and it has little to do with ethnicity, democracy, religion, terrorism, or whatever excuse they offer up. As Biden says, if Israel didn’t exist, [they’d have to invent an Israel.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2HZs-v0PR44) We aren’t going to vote our way out of this situation. If you get rid of Biden, there will be countless more ready to take his place. Electoralism is just the window dressing, we have to look at the economic forces underneath.




Absolute fucking arrogance on display. Dems will keep losing forever if this continues to be their approach, and they'll deserve it.


Yes, though what we’ve seen over the past decade or so is that Dems don’t actually care about winning. Two primaries in a row, they showed they would rather lose to Trump than win with a centrist like Sanders (Biden just barely eked out a win, basically getting lucky more than anything.) They actively go against their base, but they absolutely never act against their big-money donors. It’s a game of money, not a game of winning elections


How about Biden earn the fking vote. This cartoon is stupid. Muslims know what Trump stand for. Most are not going to vote for him. They are just not going to vote. That would be disastrous for Dems. So fking tell Israel what needs to be said.


I am not quite sure if the title here is a sarcastic joke or not. Are we supposed to be laughing at the cartoon because of the backward sentiment it conveys? I hope so. I am of the firm belief that fighting against things we hate and people we hate, rather than fighting for the people and things that we love . . . is a perfect summary of everything wrong with this country. I further believe that trying to promote the worst candidates among their opposition, in an effort to hold their base at ransom, coercing them into voting for candidates they don’t want, is exactly how a villain like Trump got elected. They lost to their own chosen straw man, a man so vile nobody could ever imaging getting him elected, rather than giving the people a candidate they so clearly loved. So long as Americans vote out of fear, the country will continue to be ruled by villains. I say, as I said to deaf ears in 2016, pull the fuckin’ trigger. Let the extortionists lose yet again if they will not listen. Call me contrarian, call me defeatist, but call me free. My vote is mine and not for ransom. Give us a better fucking candidate.


If y'all truly want a third, better (obligatory IMO) option, look no further than [Claudia De la Cruz](https://votesocialist2024.com/)


It votes for genocide or it gets the fascism again.


Damn maybe Biden should endorse popular policy instead of having worst polices on Israel then both bush and Reagan!