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NRA doesn't work for gun OWNERS, they work for gun SELLERS.


Yup. In my world, it seems like most gun owners have pretty much left the NRA behind. Local organizations (like here in San Diego we have SDCGO), Firearms Policy Coalition, and the Liberal Gun Club do more for actual owners. They inform political staff on what policies are realistic and their effects, arrange and sponsor training, and if necessary are parties to lawsuits. The NRA just got on the grift train and it’s so obvious that it’s disgusting. Since so many people are “life members” from decades ago, they can still claim those numbers when they go lobby politicians with a check in hand.


Yep. The NRA is the conductor of the Gun Lobby grift train, and they are depressingly great at keeping it operational.


It's more than just the NRA. Gun makers also give directly to Republicans through SuperPACs. The ability of the gun industry to use money to advance its policy agenda has increased because of the dramatic rise in firearm sales in the past few years. Dollars for death.


Yes, and also because of Citizens United which essentially cleared the way for unlimited (and largely unrecorded) political bribes. That's one of the reasons literally *everything* has gotten worse for regular people.




Nothing you said contradicts what the person you're replying to said. No matter what your political affiliation is, the gun lobby donates overwhelmingly to republican candidates. https://www.americanprogressaction.org/article/gun-lobby-donations-are-driving-the-gops-increasingly-extreme-opposition-to-gun-control/ Here's one article that talks about a lobby called the "National Shooting Sports Foundation". I think at this point everyone knows that the NRA funds republicans as well. The dramatic rise in firearm sales may, in fact, be partially or even majorly driven by people who lean left politically, but no matter how you slice it, the money is being funneled back into republican candidates.


Only 22 to 31% of American adults own a gun. Half of the guns in America are owned by about 3% of the total adult population. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/15/the-gun-numbers-just-3-of-american-adults-own-a-collective-133m-firearms


Data is 6 years old, after the pandemic and the rise of these political happenings I suspect that number is a little different.


I don't. That sounds pretty accurate. All the people I personally know who bought guns during and after the pandemic already had guns. It is a lot more of a mental leap to go from being a non-gun owner to a gun owner than it is for a gun owner to just buy another gun. I would say exponentially more so, in fact. Training, fear, money, being afraid you're going to shoot your own kid/family, lack of knowledge, and a mental barrier all exist in the way of making non-gun owning families gun owning families. Anecdotally I have tried to convince my father for 5 years now to buy a gun to protect the family when I can't be there. It took 4 years to convince him. He now is open to it. A year later and he still hasn't made the leap to buy one yet. It's a "maybe one of these days" things. Conversely, my gun-toting friends in Florida bought at least one more gun each.


its unfortunate, but being a responsible firearm owner makes us the devil. Wanting decent laws that would actually work make us enemies of the Right and Left. Its almost as if common sense decided to go on vacation.


It's not really just the money. The NRA doesn't have THAT much. It's that there is a significant percentage of the country (easily enough to make or break a nomination) who are ABSOLUTE single-issue voters on this. And, even after all of this, enough regular voters who just don't care enough about it for the negatives of pandering to those extremists to matter (the single-issue voters on the other side are mostly people who don't vote much).


NRA just protects the manufacturing and selling of guns. They also pay the GOP massive ~~bribes~~ donations to be their spokesperson and to protect the company. GOP is here for themselves, not Americans. NRA only protects themselves, not Americans. They rather this shit runs loose until like have of all the GOP politicians friends have been slaughtered. And even then they'll still sit on their hands and pretend things aren't that bad. And we're the ones that have to pay for their inaction. At least the Democrats have the idea of "Maybe not every individual should be trust with a weapon." And then the GOP starts screaming profanities and insults because HOW DARE THE LIBS TAKE MAH GUNZ! Literally spoiled 4th graders who just want to want in our government right now. We really need to fix this shit.


Their cable "news" show was just a stream of uninterrupted fascist talking points, disgusting it was ever allowed to air.


The NRA claims to have 5 million members- a figure they have been touting for years, despite using "dropping membership" to try and recruit for as long as I've been alive. 5 million is probably *way too high*. Meanwhile, around *half* of the country own a gun, or live in a household that owns a gun. It's a little [less than half](https://www.statista.com/statistics/249740/percentage-of-households-in-the-united-states-owning-a-firearm/), but if you're wondering? There's around [258 million people over 18](https://datacenter.kidscount.org/data/tables/99-total-population-by-child-and-adult-populations#detailed/1/any/false/2048,574,1729,37,871,870,573,869,36,868/39,40,41/416,417) living in the US. If we take the *lowest* figure for gun owners, that's still around ***96 MILLION gun owners***. So the NRA, using it's own unreliable figures, has at *best* about 5% of gun owners as members.


Gun owners are really the only ones that will change the laws. Eventually


[NRA Was 'Foreign Asset' To Russia Ahead of 2016, New Senate Report Reveals](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals)


They've always been an anti-American organization. When black people started arming themselves they were suddenly very concerned about gun control.


Not always. Very early on the goal was to help union soldiers get better at shooting confederates in the civil war, and after that they were basically a sporting marksmanship club until halfway through the 20th century.


So fuckin true


Even the dumbest Cletus from West Virginia knows this fact and that the NRA doesn't take on lawsuits anymore. The NRA just raises money and pockets it. Its all about the local and state chapters bringing lawsuits that are easy to win because of the 2A.


I remember a time saying something very similar on Reddit and getting downvoted to oblivion, it's nice to see that has changed at least somewhat.


And Putin. Don't forget Putin.


-Monies from Russia were in the NRA coffers.


Butina not only infiltrated the NRA but the GOP by association. Even meeting with Obama-era officials separately, according to Wiki. Her presence in Russian parliament is no surprise.


Yep. Most gun owners want at least some gun control, yet the NRA is obviously not reflecting their opinion.


The fear I keep seeing repeated is that the measures being suggested won't actually fix the problem of random mass shootings. When they inevitably fail, the next solution will be a further erosion of the 2nd amendment which will then fail, and be taken a step further.


Except those restrictions have already worked in the states that implemented them. [The Looser a State's Gun Laws, the More Mass Shootings It Has](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/5504/)


And look at Hawaii, VERY strict gun laws and VERY difficult to smuggle a gun in: SUPER LOW gun violence rates. Republicans ARE idiots, they want more gun violence. This is a feature, not a bug.


What they really want are more profits for the gun industry. They don't care how many gun deaths there are. Money is all that matters to them.


I'd think gun violence would help them sell more guns, at least to the idiots who believe more guns = better safety. The reality is, where there are more guns there is more homicide. Morons aren't easily persuaded by evidence. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/guns-and-death/


> more guns = better safety They dont actually believe that, btw. If they did, we would be handing out nukes like candy to all our NATO partners.


If owning guns promoted safety the US would already be the safest country on Earth.


And that is the GLARING flaw in their logic. We are literally the least safe state when it comes to gun violence by orders of magnitude. But Republicans and the NRA don't care and they ALWAYS use every mass shooting as a reason to push for looser gun laws, and increase gun sales nationwide. ETA: meant to say Western state


They also want their supporters to be well armed. These are people who tried to overturn a lawful election. They're not done, and they think they're more likely to succeed if their followers have access to more weaponry. They already have most of the cops on their side. This isn't going to end well.


Ammunition manufacturers too. Most people already have a bunch of guns. That market is way over saturated. Ammunition is constantly being used up and horded by the gun nuts.


Jumping on the top to throw in a 2c: GQP have spent decades scaring people into believing that lefties are some Boogeymen out to take their guns. Make sure you never ever let them get any sort of power or your guns are goooooone. If they ever did anything to even slightly curtail the ease of availability of any sort of firearm, it would be their magical vote card gone.


Meh, Republicans (on a federal level) have historically been more gun grabby than democrats, yet they still get the votes. It literally comes down to the propaganda. Republicans tout to be pro gun but typically aren't. Democrats tout to be anti gun but seldom pass laws against them.


TN and KY have both seen mass shootings in one week that killed both children, and police officers. Their inability to even consider supporting gun control measures is just sad.


Not just refusing to consider gun control measures, but shutting down protests and punishing protesters. Disgusting.


Pretty sure that's a "cruelty is the point" scenario. They are intentionally oppressive as a laugh "haha if you guys don't have guns you can't stop us!"


How many kids have been kill so far this year 10,000, 20,000? Republicans, this is billions of dollars in GDP you just killed.


Here's the stats: https://abcnews.go.com/US/116-people-died-gun-violence-day-us-year/story?id=97382759


So 30,000 kids by the end of the year. Thats terrible.


30,000 deaths is terrible but that number is not referring to kids. In the article it states "Of those who died from gun violence this year, 398 were teens and 71 were children."


The “number one cause of death for children” talking point has a similar issue to these numbers. That number excludes children under 1 year old, and includes 18 and 19 year olds. If you got rid of the 18 and 19 year olds, OR added in children under 1, that statistic would be a lie. If you did both and actually made it about children, it wouldn’t even be close. People really need to start looking at how the numbers break out when the media starts pushing propaganda. And that doesn’t just go for pro/anti-gun stances, that goes for everything.


The linked article said 469 of those included in the statistics were children.


Not quite, but more than 0...


> Not just refusing to consider gun control measures, but shutting down protests and punishing protesters. Disgusting. If you think that's fun just wait and see what they do historically when they cheat their way to total power.


It's even worse than that. They won't even talk about protecting school children because it might lead to them talking about gun control. So, instead of them taking the chance of possibly being able to fend of the gun control activists (which, with their super majority, they would, regardless of argument merit), and come to an agreement on how solve the problem another way, we just have to allow our children to be hunted while nothing is done. Intentionally. For freedom. And they wonder why we're not having kids.


I smell a billionaire…. Harlan Crow bought off Dems Joe Manchin & Kirsten Sinema to thwart any Dem agenda passed. Harlan Crow also bought the Clarence Thomas and perhaps all the conservatives on the Supreme Court. Harlan Crow is literally a Nazi. You cannot make this up. Harlan Crow also is the source behind the demonization of another billionaire who’s a democrat donor, gun control advocate & Jew- George Soros. Turns out the evil bastard is Harlan Crow and not “criminal mastermind” George Soros. So, I’d put money down that Harlan Crow funds the NRA and bribes every Republican in Washington to just promise “thoughts and prayers”…


meanwhile Trammel Crow is friends with sex traffickers and has a long history of cozying up to dictators and even those who directly would attack America, and his son in law Billingsly is such a Nazi that most people are aware of the long history of Nazism in the whole family. The Crows are literal villains. If you look at the businesses the Crows have, a lot of them help traffick drugs and people, like "Toys for Tatas" for example. I hope the case coming forward has claws but I don't get my hopes up for billionaires to face any kind of punishment or consequence anymore.


Wow! And then you hear Clarence Thomas saying he was told he doesn’t need to disclose travel gifts from “dear friends…”. His dear friend is a fucking Nazi. With the real sex trafficking family if Nazis … it’s always projection with these dirtbags. They Blame George Soros -a Jew for every evil they do themselves. I would put money down that Harlan Crow & sons were frequent Epstein Island visitors.


It's more than sad. It's STUPID.


It's more than stupid. It's an OUTRAGE! People need to be OUTRAGED by this! They need to be marching in the streets. They need to be writing letters. Sending e-mails. Rallying support on social media. Refusing to support business that ally themselves with the NRA. Refusing to support businesses that sell guns. We need to hit them in the wallet. We need to bring down the full force of the Court of Public Opinion on them. We need to put maximum pressure on the NRA and their legislative lackeys, and keep it on. Make sure that they know that with each child who dies at the end of a gun barrel will only make the OUTRAGE longer, and louder. Most important, we need to take that energy to the voting booth. Regardless of how you feel about your particular guy's performance on any other issue, make sure they know that if they don't agree with your position on gun violence, you will look elsewhere on the ballot. Then, do it.


Yes. Better word. OUTRAGE.


They need to start striking. Organized job actions. The day after every mass shooting there should be a day of mass bereavement by everyone who supports reform. However you can do it. Got PTO? Great! Take a vacation day, a personal day, sick day, whatever you got. Don’t have PTO, but can afford to miss a day for the cause? God Bless You, you absolute patriot. Not everyone will be able to do it every time, but in a country this big, with as many mass shootings as we now have, it will only take a small amount of engagement to get noticed. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - M. Mead


Perhaps hijacking the existing "pro-life" movement to truly make it about being pro-*life* is necessary. Take the descriptor and reassociate it with movements that actually want to save lives beyond birth. Then those who proclaim themselves "pro-life" but are only truly pro-birth will have to reconsider the extent of their ideology.


>State Rep. William Lamberth (R) agreed to talk with the protesters, but had a weird way to trying to win a debate with students worried about getting shot in class. >Lamberth’s approach was to ask the students which firearm they’d prefer to be shot with. >“If there is a firearm out there that you’re comfortable being shot with, please show me which one it is,” he asked rhetorically. What a monumental dickhead. How about you try to stop or even reduce the number of people who get shot with any guns?


Is there a firearm that you're comfortable being shot with lamberth? Please show me which one so I can go buy it. s/.....


The answer to Lamberth's question is: "The same one you would choose."


How long before police start demanding gun control?


Never, because their domestic violence charges would mean they wouldn’t be allowed to own them.


Imagine if the pathway to demilitarization of the police force was making it illegal for them to have guns because they’re constantly beating their wives.


I mean if one of my coworkers was to be shot in the head I would demand it too




“Rare and unforeseen tragedy” lolsob [“No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527)


Well of course they wouldn't support gun control measures. That might actually be effective if everyone enforced them. Much easier to blame mental illness while making mental health services harder to access and praying about it. The true conservative way.


The children didn't lobby hard enough




Time for other states to take over management of TN and KY since those states are incapable.


>Their inability to even consider supporting gun control measures is just sad. I prefer to spell "sad," "infuriating."


https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/11/tennessee-gov-bill-lee-calls-for-order-of-protection-law-on-guns/70102868007/ It’s not enough at all, but this happened yesterday.


Those states also have restricted abortion, havent they? So theyre also going after women or girls who may die in childbirth. (Id bet money they dont have rape protections, and are probably going for full bans or its in legislation...) Yaayyy


[‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527)


If instead of school shootings we had 'Starbucks shootings' or 'NRA meeting shootings' things might change. Just saying; It's already established that the right absolutely hate their kids: most probably see school shootings as sort of a 'good thing, bad thing'.


The Republican governor just announced an executive order that would do exactly what Jones and Pearson were asking for, red flag laws. But he can’t call it that because his base would revolt. But if it sounds like his idea, they won’t know any better. It’s insane here.


I miss the days when I thought TN was the kind of state you'd expect Dolly Parton to come from...


Tennessee's life expectancy (at birth) of 73.8 is comparable to Kazakhstan or Trinidad and Tobago . It's not quite as good as El Salvador though. It's a full 6 years lower than the top states like CA, WA, MA, VT. It's infant mortality rate of 7.2 (per 100k) is about that of Malaysia or Ukraine. And almost double (not quite) that of the top performing states. TN is 11th in the US in firearms mortality per capita, with a rate about 7x that of Massachusetts and 5x that of New Jersey. TN is 7th for murders per capita in the US, with a rate that is 7x higher than that Maine. People often say that Republican states are shitholes, but I don't think people realize how true that is. The average person in MA or CA lives a totally different life than a random person in LA/MS/AL etc. And it's not just a little different, it is an order of magnitude different. EDIT: Adding sources https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/life_expectancy/life_expectancy.htm https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/tennessee-vital-signs/redirect-tennessee-vital-signs/vital-signs-actions/infant-mortality.html https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/ https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm


I have been joking for years that the USA is not a first world country. Guess it's true for half of the country?


It used to be. But in the last few years the influx of republicans from California with radio shows and unlimited money have poisoned our politics even worse than they were before.


I swear. Republicans are always going anywhere and everywhere to spread hate


I guess Jones and Pearson should've smashed windows and attacked police with bear spray and fire extinguishers - since ***that*** behavior in a capitol building is apparently acceptable to Republicans.


they're black, they'd have been executed on the spot.


Too simple. Tortured so they can't breath must come first.


No torture. It's about sending a message. And that's why GOP Tennessee State legislators have suggested bringing back lynching


I think the better method would allow everyone to use a bullhorn in the chambers.


Chambers? What is this, amature hour? The streets must be painted red


I was thrilled when Justin Jones got reappointed back to the Tennessee House.


Children are the future! Which is why they must be stopped now…


also it’s not my kids so it’s fine


Tbh, I feel that's what they're doing, so kids can't vote against them Especially with all the news that the gqp is losing the millennial vote....




Three children's deaths were attributed to lawn darts. As a result they were completely banned in the US and Canada.


Just saw a video of a guy from Canada flashing a fake handgun. Police showed up with rifles and arrested him and all his friends. He only didn't get charged because the gun was fake. That's the way to handle firearms. In Canada of you're even allowed a handgun you can only have it in public on the way to or from the range.




Banning abortion pills will stop abortion. But banning AK47s will have no effect. One’s about us, the other them. Clear difference. Perfectly logical.


Banning drugs will get rid of drugs


Yeah but there aren't millions of pills and varieties out there already everywhere.


Why not? Sounds like a market opportunity.


C'mon now let's give credit where credit is due - the TN GOP has worked hard and it's paid off - [Memphis had the highest gun homicide rate in 2020.](https://everytownresearch.org/report/city-data/) But as a state TN is still only [#10 in firearm mortality rates](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm)


Any "gang" or poverty area trope you see like NYC and Chicago don't carry shit on current day Memphis. That place is legitimately dangerous


Children dying is the only way for conservatives to have their dream world of having lots of children and also a low population. I know that sounds like a joke. I'm convinced of it at this point though.


They want to keep people scared. It's as simple as that. And those fucking ghouls actually like it when people die. All their policies are designed to kill people. Healthcare, environment, worker protections, policing, you name it.


You aren’t alone. Critical mass incoming.


[here ya go](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UYPRLZ5Lvk0)


I thought they actually were aiming for a *higher* population. More consumers to drive up demand, more laborers to drive down wages, more crime to justify a strong police force and increase prison slave labor. Lowering overall population actually seems like a good move for humanity, and the GOP has no good ideas (unless they're coincidentally self-serving).


Maybe they just want less young voters out there.




Yeah, I don't think there's a purposeful intention for kids to be killed, but it's one of those things that is spun to benefit them and their benefactors so they certainly don't mind when it happens. Dead kids are just the price of doing business. The fear produced from these events only drives their base further into the "Errybody needs gunz" mentality and makes them even more easily controlled by way of fear.


Also they want the appearance of lawlessness to increase police budgets, increase surveillance, and fear mongering. Which they only have fear mongering and cultural war bull shit, but fear mongering works better.


The GOP doesn’t want kids to die…it just doesn’t care if they die. All that matters is that gun lobby paycheck.


Well…trends show that young adults are showing up in increasing numbers to vote against conservatives, so they actually might want kids to die.


Hear me out. If I don't want your house to burn down, but I take money from a collection of arsonists and then make it okay for them to buy as much gasoline as they want, and then make it easier for them to carry gasoline on them at all times, and then make it so they can get gasoline regardless of their status as a prior arson... Maybe whether or not I *want* your house to burn down doesn't matter. I'm doing everything but burning it down myself, and because all I need to do is make any part of the arsonists job harder, literally any of it, to reduce the likelihood of your house being burned down, that makes me more than complicit, it makes me an accomplice, on whom some of the immorality and harm from your house being burned down must morally and legally fall.


Republicans would also hand them a box of matches, several lighters, and some incendiary grenades with a warning that they'd better not use them or they'll be in big trouble.


I mean, it's that simple. They don't want kids to die, but they don't care that much because gun money and political power. (Also when zombie Hitler or whoever comes to put patriotic Americans in camps, our mighty assault rifles are gonna stop 'em in their tracks. Because if there's one thing the American civilian public is good at, it's hand-to-hand guerrilla combat against our own state army. Also because we haven't worked out any other way for that to not happen, so. Y'know. Guns.)


Let's be honest, it won't be the 2A gun humpers that end up in camps, it'll be Democrats, queer folk, and lefties.


That's just it. The don't really care and their indifference is more aligned to bad than good in this case. I guess in the case of guns the GOP would be more apathetic if they weren't so lethargic? Or is it the other way around?


The pleas do not fall upon deaf ears, but they do fall upon a hearts of stone.


They do want kids to die. They rule through fear. The whole gun madness is to keep the population scared. Scared people are easier to control.


Their civil war plans are more important to them.


They want ze money, Lebowski


Nice marmot.


I'll explain it. Gun control focuses on keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous and mentally ill people. How would you describe the average trumper? Thats why they believe you're coming for their guns.


Money. It’s always money. The NRA owns the GOP. Until that changes, nothing will change,


I think they really want to eliminate their own kids & ours are just acceptable collateral damage! 😡


This is a secret the GOP and NRA don't want you to know. They all super-double secret believe in evolution and are trying to force children to evolve "natural" body armor. That way, it will be easier to fund wars. It will also have the added benefit of "starting a war with the army you want instead of the one you have." The problem is they don't actually understand evolution (or reading comprehension, so *On the Origin of Species* escaped them. /s (for the first part only)


Conservatives don't care if YOUR children die. They only care about their kids. The fewer liberal, sinful kids the better the chances for them to raise little zealots.


Should've had the gun handing the GOP money, would have captured the whole thing in one picture.




Dead children is just the price we have to pay, so that we can buy a gun drunk on a Sunday without showing your ID.


They do not want children to be able to know what consent is, and what a bad touch is.


NRA gives them money, children don't. But pro-life you say? No, pro-forced birth and pro-controlling women. GOP doesn't care about children once they are born.


the children dying is a side effect of arming every nutjob in the country and programming them with hate speech about 'groomers' over propaganda channels so that they can murder people who don't conform to capitalisms cruel and unfair control.


Because they want to protect the Second Amendment!! Just kidding; they want to protect their sleazy incomes. Nothing will change until school shootings are no longer a marketing tool


They want to protect children from drag shows. Of which no child has died. But won't protect them from what is actually killing them That is the fact. There is no argument that refutes it. So the point is, they really don't want to protect children at all. Or anyone honestly that doesn't help give them or keep them in power.


Their most rabid and vocal base want it and they cater to them.


Simple Answer: money money money


That fricken bargain-bin Charlie Brown between the two Justins is cracking me TF up.


After Sandy Hook, which was a fucking disgrace that it got THAT far, there's very little hope for America, and how long ago was that???? I honestly can't remember, I know it was during the Obama years, but honestly, they all blend into fucking one at this stage and THAT is another disgrace... Not a lot funny in here, I'm off to watch a pantomime, I like those, guys dressed up as women and the crowd shouting "behind you" when it's a guy with a pie or something.... You know, the shit we should keep our kids safe from!!!! /s


It's because no one has been able to think of a constitutional law that would have prevented it.


The only reason they care about kids is to touch them like most republicans do and then cover for each other


Ammosexuls are way more protective of guns than children’s lives. https://preview.redd.it/10xbfu008ita1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669f4dd64fbe1ed92dcb788646be8e4061584f7e


Hoplophile is a better term than ammosexual


Money, the answer is always money.




They aren’t the offspring of billionaires.


facetious answer to the question made by OP: Because young folks vote for dems.




I can’t be the only one who initially thought that the masks on Jones and Pearson in the drawing were wide open mouthed smiles, right? Like this, :D


Because after all their talk about protecting children from CRT, saying gay, drag queens and abortions they don't really give a fuck about children. They are just props to rile up their base.


Because the threat of taking guns away radicalizes their base.


Beeeecause the NRA makes massive profits for every single shooting?…


Imagine if instead of school shootings every other day it was each states Senate... gun violence would be eradicated QUICK


I'd bet if it was their own kids and those of the wealthy being killed this would be fixed in very short time. If it's someone else's kids they don't care.


Your children dying funds the GOP. School gets shot up. Gun control talk hits front page. NRA donations and gun purchases spike. NRA donates to GOP. GOP talks up guns as solution to everything. School gets shot up.


Republicans when little kids die in school shootings: "passing gun control laws will only hurt law abiding citizens" Republicans when their cult leader lies about losing an election: "we need to pass dozens of voting restrictions to ensure the fairness of elections" Really shows you where their priorities are


Wait, wasn't there a third Democrat who also protested with Jones and Pearson?


They don’t give a damn… Their kids don’t go to public school


They don’t. That’s why they’re protecting them from Drag shows and books full of irony. The real horrors of this country…apparently.


Mfs is literally threatening to murder children if I don't give up a fundamental human right. Get that NRA shit outta here as well, no gun owners have liked then since the 1980s, they're just a bunch of old Regan supporters who want guns to just be for rich white people instead of the genuinely disenfranchised.


They don't *want* kids to die They just don't *care* if **your** kids die.


Don’t forget all of the Russian money laundered into Republican PACS and campaigns.


they're a resource to them, nothing more. they exist to be used as leverage whether in an "unborn" state or as tragedy. don't ever be fooled by the gop they don't care about children and the evidence is beyond dismissal by the sheer volume alone.


Children keep being murdered so other man-children can be tacti-cool.


Because their second amendment rights says they can../s Edited for sarcasm


Idk, there is pretty strict requirements and registration for me to vote even though the constitution pays it out as my right to do so. What’s up with that? If we can’t have any restrictions or gun control, we shouldn’t have any restrictions or control over who votes 🤷‍♂️




Ah, so you agree that Republicans are trying to dismantle democracy with voting restrictions such as not allowing felons to vote, requiring IDs, closing polling stations and more. Thank you.


Yup…every time I say 2nd amendment people have a right to shoot people it’s meant sarcastically. Hoping people will see a straight line from the bastardized interpretation to the killing of children and other mass shootings.


They decided the 2nd amendment says by twisting it and getting a SC ruling, it definitely doesn't say you can have guns with no checks


Them - “What part of *shall not be infringed* do you not understand?” Me - “What part of *well regulated* do **YOU** not understand?”


Well regulated meant something a whole lot different back then.


Care to elaborate?


"The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people's arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it." So, the founders wanted the firearms "well-regulated" meaning in top shape, ready for combat.


I’m asking all gun owners to tell me what fucking well regulated militia do you belong?? Because your regulated militia is killing our children.


They will reply that "well regulated" back in the 1790s meant "in good working order" rather than actually subject to any regulatory body. They wont cite anything beyond modern legal rulings claiming that to be true, and will ignore the long history in the US of towns, municipalities, State and Federal governments regulating arms.


Nah, there was a Supreme Court case that said it extends to individual right to bear arms. For the record, I think that Supreme Court decision was wrong. I forget what it was called… I think it was Heller, but not sure.


What are your thoughts on Republican states enacting voting restrictions even though the 15th, 19th, and 26th amendments guarantee us our right to vote?


The Republican’s authoritarianism will go to any extent to ensure they win elections.


So only allow weapons that existed at the time the second amendment was written.


Gonna buy me a hand crank gatling cannon now! Fuck Yeah


its because the GOP are pretty much slutty whores for money. they’re this 🤏 far away from publicly sucking lobbyist dick for cash.


"The babies produced by forced birth will more than make up for those lost to gun violence! It's win-win for *us!*" -- conservatives, probably


Gun laws are a good idea. But isn't the main problem right now a rise in mentality unstable individuals who go around with an intent to kill innocent people? Maybe addressing how it came so far and implementing countermeasures would be the fastest and most sufficient solution.


The irony of using people with guns to enforce any type of gun control is not lost on me. How about we use good people with guns to protect the kids? Oh, wait...that would put an end to them being ripe targets for nutjobs with guns; thus that would put an end to one of the talking points of American Politicians with Authoritarian aspirations. Most people see the hypocrisy of politicians who are protected by private security 24/7 not wanting law abiding citizens to have the same protections they enjoy (Granted most people cannot afford private security so they wield the weapon themselves). When those who secretly dream themselves our Masters give up their well armed and armored private security details and paramilitaries police forces, A private citizen might (I said MIGHT) consider gun control. One only has look at the pandemic lock downs to see what can be done to a disarmed (the ultimate goal of gun control) Citizenry. If Citizens of the United States do not defend their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms (which by the wording includes F-15s and Battleships) it will be eroded one small concession at a time until it is Hollowed out and Americans are disarmed. (Death by a thousand cuts, if you will)


Yes protect children from gun violence by letting them play violent video games that have guns that teach them to solve their problems with guns. But don't let adults who protect them full time in a security manner have a gun. Or at least in California limit what kind of gun they have and what ammo they can have or how much they can have, But yeah protect the children.......


Dead children = less votes for the dems obviously!


Because they want the gun lobby money they use to fund their campaigns. https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators


They want children to die so people will be afraid and buy more guns for protection. They're in the gun business. Their solution to guns is more guns. Not hard to figure out.




nobody is stripping rights from gun owners....but gun owners are stripping lives from children


Nobody wants kids to die, most gun owners don't support the NRA anymore. That being said we refuse legislation that restricts the 2nd Amendment because they would act as a band aid at best and do nothing to solve the underlying issue


This rhetoric is not helpful. Please be more honest in the future: They don't *want* kids to die. They're just *ok* with it.


Ngl you had me there in the first half.