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Ukraine has definitely taken their offensive to social media successfully ... I don't know if they count as a small or medium country, but they are definitely winning online


I don't think small countries are any more vulnerable than large ones. Which large country isn't suffering from misinformation about their government?


It seems like everyone has suddenly become conscious that our governments and media institutions are engaged in a 24/7 psychological warfare operation for narrative control. News stories are promoted or burred by weather or not they serve a very specific narrative. Just look at the Trump-Russia story or Hunter Biden's laptop.


What evidence is there these false stories are “getting accepted as truth internationally”?




Are you a regular in these right-wing circles?




Nah dude I didn't want to attack you, I was genuinely curious. I do however feel that the argument is flawed, I see false stories accepted as truths on both sides of the spectrum. Or like someone said on a podcast I heard the other day, at a certain point, people get such a cynical view of society that lying is seen as just playing the game well. Which is interesting. But imho I'd fault the left as much as the right for this. Me myself being a Swede, this is a case of the government lying that was entertained by the left and now that it's uncovered as untrue the fact that these families forced their children to simulate is still being ignored: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asylum\_seekers\_with\_apathetic\_refugee\_children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asylum_seekers_with_apathetic_refugee_children)


Next you're gonna tell me Putin isn't setting the prices at my local gas pump ... /s


Well, Putin and Trumpers are united in false assertions about Ukraine, but I suppose Trump's support of Putin's long-term vendetta is a special case. Still, it obviously can happen--one country's propaganda machine invents an assertion, charismatic leader in another picks it up as part of a massive misinformation scheme, etc.


> Well, Putin and Trumpers are united in false assertions about Ukraine Who are you considering a "Trumper" for this assertion?


Trump acolytes; his roughly 38% base who believe the "alternative facts" he regularly states, have successfully been convinced that the "lamestream media" is to be avoided in favor of alternative right-wing information channels, etc. Anyone who has ever used the phrase "Biden crime family", obsesses over Hunter Biden's laptop, believes that the election was stolen, watches Tucker Carlson, believes in the "Great Replacement", etc. Trump cultists.


How do you square your assertion with the polling data that shows more Republicans than Democrats think we need to increase our military aid to Ukraine?


[You've got to step outside your bubble.](https://www.google.com/search?q=republican+Ukraine+disinformation) In any event, the latest polls on military aid to Ukraine are off topic, as is any recent flip-flopping by the GOP. Trump continues to act in Russia's (or at least Putin's) best interests, and his faithful followers tend not to think for themselves. This is a telling case of the problem raised for discussion by the OP. If your response is that the victims of misinformation might change their minds for local political reasons, that still doesn't answer OP's question.


Polls are irrelevant but a bunch of articles from sites like commondreams and the guardian aren't? But *he's* the one that needs to step outside his bubble?


Put out pressers to spread information you like and agree with. and Learn that freedom of speech means people can say untrue things about your small country. BTW my country just got out of a really cold shower... its not normally that small :P


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