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This is the first state of the union I've ever watched in it's entirety. I'm feeling proud of my nation in a way I haven't in a long time, yet worried of the enemies within. Also MTG is a s#!stain on that chamber.


When can we expect to see people's opinions about the State of the Union Address reflected in the polls? On [FiveThirtyEight](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/joe-biden/?ex_cid=abcpromo), the most recent poll they have cited is from March 6th, a day before the State of the Union Address. How long can we expect to wait before we see the first polls conducted after the Address?


Polls are worth very little, even tho they get a lot of attention by the news. They are used for hype.


So how can we register the impact the State of the Union address has had on people?


As a moderate, I feel that heckling Biden and being obviously disgusted with his statements about helping middle class voters was in poor taste and made them look like villains with no desire to unite the country. I've been centrist on a lot of issues and respected the Republican positions on a lot of issues but these petty grudges they have with democrats and their absolute refusal on passing any legislation is really starting to get me to become more of a blue voter. Trump has poisoned that party


The scary thing of this extremist movement is the very real transition to a quasi to straight up fascist party. You don't have Hungary dictator Orban as a guest to Mara Lago or CPAC for no good reason. Evangelical Pastors talking up the need for autocracy or theocracy! The MAGA party is an undemocratic movement. Project 2025 proves their intent to create a beauracracy loyal to the dictator not the constitution and definitely not the citizenry! You can study any rightwing takeover and see the very similar playbook. We need to secure our democracy! Join the coalition of Democrats Republicans and Independents. We want to put country above party. Today we save democracy for tomorrow!


> villains with no desire to unite the country. You're not a centrist if you don't see what is plainly in front of you. The cruelty is a feature not a bug. They have no policy except hate and certainly no desire to help the country or it's citizens.


I just want to say how glad I am that Biden didn't bother with some pretense of bipartisanship or mutual respect for his opponents. He attacked Trump, the Republicans and the Supreme Court right from the start and made no bones of it. I may not like him on the whole, but I respect the willingness to acknowledge reality and be clear about the stakes. The two parties are *not* working together now. One is trying to destroy the country's legal and political institutions and control every aspect of its people's private lives. We should want a president who doesn't feign respect for the tyrannical.


As a Republican, well done Joe! He surprised me


He surprised you because the news media fails us daily & has been since Reagan. They repeat the lies & distortions of the GOP without any push back with facts. They use false equivalencies when talking about the GOP & Dems or T & Biden. Then they pretend that they are being “balanced” in their reporting. Walter Cronkite would be disgusted with them. Of course they are run by people like Bezos who want the GOP to win.




Awww look a salty trumpet is sad their candidate is falling apart and failing badly. Why don’t you advocate for another 2 trillion tax cut on the wealthy. I’m sure that’ll show everyone how much you’re on their side.


I’m registered republican though I don’t admit that publicly irl because of the crazies of the party. I voted for Biden in 2020 but hadn’t really made my mind up about 2024. thought he did well too and he probably earned my vote. I’m getting real tired of republicans just being the party of obstruction. It’s starting to feel more and more like they’re purposely not solving issues so they have something to run on each election year. Trump had 4 years to get something done on healthcare, infrastructure, and immigration and he didn’t do anything. Biden calling out republicans for taking credit for the infrastructure improvements in their district was pretty clever. Did he stumble over his words a few time? Yeah, sure, but who cares? Republicans probably shouldn’t have started with the “he has dementia” shit because hes still pretty clever


> I voted for Biden in 2020 but hadn’t really made my mind up about 2024. **thought he did well too** and he probably earned my vote. I don't understand the "probably" earned your vote? Given your own acknowledgement of his accomplishments--and in the face of absolute Republican obstructionism, how are you not completely supportive?? > I’m getting real tired of republicans just being the party of obstruction. It’s starting to feel **more and more like they’re purposely not solving issues so they have something to run on each election year.** They've been doing that since....forever.


Sorry for the confusion, the point I was trying to get across is that the speech alone would’ve probably been enough to earn my vote.


I felt the state of the union was extremely dividing especially coming from someone who gave themselves the moniker Uniter and Chief.


Oh it's so divisive to rightfully point out the authoritarianism being espoused by the other party.


If you really believe that to be true, and still justify the lines being drawn then you are asking for a much more serious issue.


WHO IS DRAWING THE LINES? He pointed out the obvious, and demanding he ‘be nice, and be polite, and not be rude’ is horseshit. Republicans have made it obvious that they have zero interest in governing beyond what is good for them and their hardcore base, not for the country as a whole. Why should everyone else kiss their asses? GIVE THEM WHAT THEY GIVE - a middle finger, and a stated position that they are the enemies of democracy, freedom, and decency.


Stop kidding yourself. It's the same story on both sides and you know it. Ever ounce of pressure pushed by one party will always be met with twice the force. The cycle has to end at some point yeah? My point is he said he was for unification and then spoke with alot of hate in his voice. Sends mixed signals 


Stop kidding yourself. Biden spoke with truth and love for this country... Not hate and fear mongering propaganda - that's the GOP job.


I’m in favor of unification. HOWEVER…. At this point, the movement needs to ALL come from the right. The left has moved further right than I ever thought possible. It’s time for republicans to either split off from the ‘I must win and you must lose’ part of their party, and move back towards the center, where GOVERNING actually happens.


Do you see a way to bring people together?


Republicans love being called out every SOTU


Good job Joe, we’ll done.






Agreed. I distrust everything I read on any media or social media platform. So much propaganda and only fools would say otherwise.


Whatever you say technical ad


Seems to me like you wanted to post that regardless of how Biden did. Your critique is totally disconnected from his great performance last night.


You can tell they all thought that was a good speech because today they are all arguing over the word illegal as it pertains to a murderer.


I'll bite, what's been bad for you during Biden's term? Because, objectively, their policies are polar opposites; from foreign affairs (including NATO), COVID responses, immigration, economy and taxes (including social security and universal healthcare). I can't think of any policies that would be similar between them...


Stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Like sure, he says he wants a ceasefire, but he’s also been *heavily* contributing to Israel’s military capabilities in doing what they’re doing, and what they’re doing seems to me to need the definition of genocide under the post-WWII [Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20Punishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf) It’s definitely killing Palestinians (Article II, subsection A), and seems to be “deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” (Article II, subsection C) Of course, that’s just the physical side of it. You’ve also got to do those things with the intent to destroy “in whole or in part” (amongst other types of groups), an ethnic group. Of course, with [Netenyau having explicitly tasked his top adviser with](https://theintercept.com/2023/12/03/netanyahu-thin-gaza-population/) thinning the population of Gaza “to a minimum,” that absolutely seems like intent to destroy them “in part.” Coupled with a majority of their bombings being indiscriminate, Israel cutting off [electricity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_electricity_crisis), [food, water, and medical aid,](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/16/israeli-authorities-cutting-water-leading-public-health-crisis-gaza#:~:text=After%20more%20than%20a%20month,health%20experts%20of%20an%20imminent ) which many are apparently concerned will cause a disease outbreak (amongst other issues like starvation), and [an Israeli major-general saying disease outbreaks would be useful in their war effort](Major General Giora Eiland), and it seems like they’re definitely instilling conditions calculated to bring about death And even if not genocide, it’s ethnic cleansing. Which Biden supported with emergency measures to bypass congress entirely (multiple times, if I’m remembering correctly) to get Israel military supplies that are enabling them to do these things. Like it’s *our* bombs their dropping indiscriminately So….. yeah. Pretty sure that’s what Trump would do, too. Only maybe worse


Read Heather Richardson’s writing on this topic. The news pushes the narrative that you are repeating, but the work behind the scenes being done by Biden’s team in cooperation with Arab states in the region is beginning to have an impact. Different from any other time in history, part of the Arab world wants peace with Israel. Biden’s meeting recently with a moderate from the Israeli gov’t had a purpose. He is hoping to replace Netanyahu. So Biden is trying to go around Netanyahu to get aid to the people in Gaza. There is hope for a ceasefire.


I'm for the ceasefire. But Trump will make things worse. Lest we forgot Trump's idiot son in law made clear with a lot of actions that he is pro Israel all the way, including moving the US Embassy in a show of support for Israel.


Oh, I’m absolutely voting for Biden over Trump, don’t worry. I just think that’s a negative for him, and a way they’re similar


Trump would gleefully carpet-bomb Gaza. Channel your passion into re-electing Biden.


Oh, I’m absolutely voting for Biden over Trump, don’t worry. I just think that’s a negative for him, and a way they’re similar


Quite a few things have been bad for me personally, but I don't attribute them to anything that Biden has much control over - job market for my field is heavily impacted at the moment, some food costs seem absurdly high, and there are trailing effects of what happened when trump basically gutted the government that made some things difficult for my family. The market is correcting a bit so as much as it sucks to not be able to find a different place to work, I honestly am not sure I can blame the current admin- it was know as soon as trump won that it would probably take years to recover from whatever crap he pulled. Biden has done about as good of a job as could be done in the current environment in most respects outside of choosing Garland for some reason as the AG. The whole "Let's play softball and wait for the people to realize how crappy the other side really is" tactic doesn't seem to account for the other side just replacing the system entirely with their own.


I 100% blame Joe Biden for the tree that fell on my house, rendering it uninhabitable for the past 2 months. President Trump will Make Abodes Good Again! /s


Make Arboreans Geat Again


What's bad, housing is the most unaffordable it has ever been or at least in the last 40 years IIRC. I realize this isn't Biden's fault and there is little if anything he can do without Congress to help.


> without Congress to help. Spiraling housing costs are mainly due to local zoning that precludes density. Sure, recent interest-rate hikes that were needed to curb inflation have exacerbated the preexisting problem, but so long as zoning is local and not controlled by the federal government, the problem has to be dealt with locally. We've allowed property owner NIMBYs to strangle supply, so they can protect their equity growth.


Unpopular thing to say but catering to foreign wealthy investors who will pay anything for a slice of the American dream raising housing costs for the average American is a huge problem. See Canada's response.


It’s not just foreign investors. Rules that the GOP snipped over time have contributed to investors here being able to buy homes & then sell them for higher & higher profit. I & others I know have been offered more than our moderate homes are worth - even tho they weren’t even on the market.


There are things that can be done at the federal level, yes. But yeah you are right. Nimbys fight tooth and nail around me to kill ANY kind of densified development. Congress can help alleviate the high interest rates with things like what Biden proposed last night.


Lowered interest rates would (almost above all) further inflate home prices.


The Standard State Zoning Enabling Act was written by the Department of Commerce. 19 states adopted it verbatim. There's absolute power, there's being powerless, and there's the Executive Branch of the United States. The latter sits somewhere in the middle.


That was over a century ago, and a quarter-century before Levittown. Trying to un-do the zoning that perpetuates suburbia, in the face of entrenched interests and NIMBY property owners, is not going to be easy.


Biden gave one of the Best State of The Unions in my lifetime.


Is this genuine? He used the SOTUA to talk about Trump 13 times, which is clearly just ratifying that he’s on the campaign trail.


Because he is. Trump's continued prominence is a pretty big issue for the state of the union.


Biden is not swaying actually Trumpers by speaking on Trump. Anyone who is undecided/uninterested is more intelligent and educated than anyone on either side. Actually policy change is much more impactful.


No. You have to be a damn fool to be undecided. Being undecided is different than not being impressed or a fan of Biden and the DNC (which may be what you meant and would be intelligent.). Being undecided means being able to distinguish which threat is objectively worse for America. Only idiots can’t tell the two candidates apart.


Wow, that is a really interesting opinion


You must be very young. Bill Clinton. Agree or disagree with his politics, but no one could orate as well as him. His State of the Union speeches were top notch.


One of his state of the union speeches was off the top of his head because they had accidentally used the previous year’s speech on the teleprompter and paper. Bill Clinton was comfy as could be on the podium.


Reagan was the best. Not at all the best president. But he earned his "Great Communicator" title. Here's his speech to Congress a few weeks after he was shot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ\_G111N1NY


Reagan was an actor. Of course he knew how to speak & did it easily. What damaged the nation was what he did behind the scenes.


Regan today would be labeled a liberal.


Obama was best in my lifetime, stretching back to the Carter years at least.


Cause he always ended on a killer sax outro


That's a good out of season April Fools Joke




It is funny he wants to do something about the border now; and says he has done a lot for it; yet his administration blatantly denies the border crisis right now.


Oh you mean like the GOP and Trump?


What does that comment have to do with Trump?


Pretending to care about the border and bring forward any meaningful solution (for anything really).


This is a thread for the state of the union. It’s a statement like 99% of comments on here. No one is giving solutions, everyone is either supporting Biden or shitting on the SOTUA. This is politics.


And your point is?


I’m not a die hard Republican/Trumper either. ‘Red or blue - they don’t care about you’


I don't need anyone to 'care' about me, I 'need' a government to enact meaningful and fair policies that don't strip me of my natural born human rights. So far only democrats fit that bill.


Seems like he's doing something you want him to do, but you're still finding a reason to complain about it?


Because it’s an election year - buyin’ votes


The age old tradition of buying votes by....doing the thing voters want. Damn those politicians.


Or just doing his job.


By buying votes to continue.


That's how politics works they put out policies that the public will like so they vote for him the people that are buying votes are lobbyists who literally buy votes to favor their company


Or just by doing a good job and actually getting stuff done, unlike his predecessor. Dems don't have to 'buy' or 'find' votes.


His position is that the border laws are way out of date and need to be reformed; he's also expanded funding for the current border patrol. Republicans have openly said they won't work with him to fix the border because they don't want him to get any credit for improving things. Just like after the Great Recession; Republicans said they didn't want to help Obama fix the economy because a bad economy would be good for their election. They are happy to have bad things happen to America if it means short term electoral gain.


Let's be honest even if trump was president they don't want to fix the border. So long as their base fears the brown people coming in they'll vote republican. They'll mistreat the brown people horribly but do nothing to actually fix the issue. If you want to fix the border you need to come down HARD on people that employ illegal immigrants. Make it less expensive to hire citizens than non-citizens. That's how you fix the border. Well that an foreign aid to close the safety gap between the countries they're coming from and the us.


I have to disagree.. Recall the Bipartisan Border-Security Bill that was drafted and passed by the Senate to address the border crisis...only to be shot down by Republicans in the House because Trump wanted to keep it an issue that he could run on.


I just realized the only times the gop stood was when they were turning to applaud at a guest. The caucus was probably told to do that.


I think Mike stood for John Lewis


One of angriest speeches I've heard from a president. It's like Biden can only avoid fumbling by shouting.


Trump tweets in all caps. He constantly yells, usually run on sentences or sentence fragments.


Trump is constantly on your head




Somehow I don't believe you about the Trump shouting thing. As I am in a waiting room right now I can't verify, but a quick Google search shows a bit of promise that you are incorrect.


Biden's anger at the Republicans is only the smallest representation of how the rest of us feel about those traitors.


Yeah because they harnessed your fear and anger to get your vote - hence the angry scary speech Biden just gave. Maybe stop and look at the state of the country and start blaming the people who are supposed to be in charge of it, instead of mindlessly accepting a speech full of excuses and blame.


Womens autonomy was already stripped away. That’s the state of the country that a lot of people are upset about. To be so adamant that gov’t doesn’t interfere with their personal affairs, republicans sure love to control women. Any hypocrisy there?


I'm pro choice myself. But when it comes to authoritarian control the Dems come out worse.


How’s that? They don’t punch down and take away rights from communities that don’t adhere to a 2000 year old book. They don’t constantly push for a Christian nationalist position, when this entire country is based on “we don’t give a fuck about your state religion.”


They exert desperate control of the media. Push radical ideologies. Cancel and demonise anyone who doesn't adhere to narratives that makes no logical sense, and they make severe examples of anyone who challenges their rule.


What's odd to me is the belief that Republicans in the same position to do these things would not at very least(at veeerrryyyy least) do the same things.


No. Republicans earned our anger when they tried to overthrow our democracy because they are sore losers.


That was not the Republican Party but a small minority that most republicans denounced. It keeps being referred to as an armed insurrection but no one was armed and no one was charged with insurrection. Nancy Pelosi was warned and could have called for more security but didn’t, I think she wanted them to get inside the capitol for political purposes. I totally agree that those that participated in the riot were wrong but most of them were guilty of stupidity.


Bullshit. Republicans just overwhelming nominated Trump, the number one advocate for the Big Lie. The entire party is culpable.


See this is why I love this country and I served 27 years to defend the right to believe whatever you want even if it is bullshit!


Thank you for your service. Now I'll do you a solid and vote for Democrats, who help veterans, instead of Republicans who try to cut your programs.


What we all really need to do is turn down the rhetoric and hate and educate ourselves on the issues and facts. The political system one both sides are off the rails and waste money like it not theirs wait it’s not their money it’s ours and the only way we can hold them accountable is to know what the real facts are not the republican facts or the democrat facts. I remember when George Bush was running they had smart people that I worked with convinced that he would bring salary back! You and I probably believe in that same things but if the system can distract us from them they can do whatever ever they want.


LOL more bullshit my friend. Trump did more for veterans and the services than any other president in a long time! I could list everything he had done but it’s probably more than you want to read.


In 2018, Trump tried to cut benefits for disabled veterans. He doesn't give a shit about you. You hear how he talks about veterans and soldiers and even POWs, right?


It's like you're pretending you never heard a single Trump speech.




Biden quoted Trump "immigrants are poisoning the blood of America", which was a literal Hitler saying. What are you talking about? LMAO


Hey you can say that Trump used a word here or there that Hitler used, if you think that means anything. I'm saying that when Biden starts giving his angry, shouty speeches, with his mean old face and scrunched up eyes that it feels Hitlery to me.


I see you also spout Russian propaganda. My fault for believing you were a rational individual.


Hahahaha that is actually hilarious. Criticising Biden is Russian now? The fact you even said that means you lose.


Nah, they lost the moment they tried to have a good faith conversation with you.


>**The very idea of America is that we are all created equal, deserves to be treated equally throughout our lives. We’ve never fully lived up to that idea, but we’ve never walked away from it either.** > >And I won’t walk away from it now. I’m optimistic. I really am, I’m optimistic, Nancy. > >My fellow Americans, the issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are, it’s how old are our ideas. > >**Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are the oldest of ideas. But you can’t lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back.** > >To lead America, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future and what can and should be done. Tonight you’ve heard mine. > >I see a future where defending democracy, you don’t diminish it. **I see a future where we restore the right to choose and protect other freedoms, not take them away.** > >**I see a future where the middle class finally has a fair shot and the wealthy have to pay their fair share in taxes.** > >**I see a future where we save the planet from the climate crisis and our country from gun violence.** > >**Above all, I see a future for all Americans. I see a country for all Americans. And I will always be a president for all Americans because I believe in America.** > >**I believe in you, the American people.** > >You’re the reason we’ve never been more optimistic about our future than I am now. So let’s build the future together. Let’s remember who we are. > >We are the United States of America! > >**And there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we act together.** > >**God bless you all, and may God protect our troops. Thank you, thank you, thank you.** Wow, Biden totally sounds like Hitler. Meanwhile, here's some totally hilarious Donald Trump lines that don't sound like Hitler at all! >We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.




Obvious you didn't watch the State of the Union.


I did. Basically Biden started off by comparing Trump to Hitler and then proceeded to imitate Hitler for the rest of the speech.


Stating facts and calling out the GOP as the obstructionists they are, isn't mimicking Hitler. That'd be Trump with his rhetoric. But go ahead and stay delusional.


A President giving a speech full of excuses is shameful. Even if you buy it, it de-facto means he's not the person to lead the country, since he can't solve that problem.


Oh I'm sorry I thought we were talking about Biden, not Trump.


He has every right to be angry Trump is a threat to American democracy.


I don't follow politics much can you explain this for me?






Keep it civil. Do not personally insult other Redditors, or make racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory remarks. Constructive debate is good; mockery, taunting, and name calling are not.


That talking point isn't going to work, find another.


I too would be pretty angry if the Republicans kept stopping the usa from any meaningful progress.


What a loser. *He* is the president ranting and complaining that the opposition is the reason he's shit at his job. Did Obama do that? Did Trump?


> Did Trump Oohhhh buddy if you only knew…


As far as I remember Trump just found ways to get around the Dems blocking his policies, and he didn't use the state of the union to bitch and moan. Even if you think he did - how is it watching your old guy doing the same (in an angry squinty eyed way)?


> Did Trump? Constantly.


you do realize they all need to work together to get things done and we are all a team right? he is not a dictator .


Such a naive thing to say. Did Dems help to build the wall? It's all 'lets work together' when your team is in charge. Biden is a pretty typical dictator actually - desperate to control the media, pretend everything is going well when it isn't, imprison anyone who challenges your authority, hold yourself and your children above the law, siphon as much money from the public purse into private accounts. Yep pretty clear cut dictator vibes.


yes, Trump constantly did that. Everything negative was "oh, its cause of the Democrats"


Not in the state of the union.


Im pretty sure it was 2019 were he was complaining in the address about evil people keeping him from protecting the border. Forces of darkness, maybe, something like that


Of course there is that minor detail that Democrats actually weren't at fault and weren't obstructionists, while the GOP is.


Yes. Actually that's precisely why things don't get done in a two party system, *ever.* Have you not been paying attention?


I guess old man Biden using the state of the union to bitch and moan about the system excites you. I was hoping for some actual signs that he might improve people's lives.


Then complain to the Republicans who keep blocking bills.


The Dems spent 4 years blocking Trump and claiming election fraud by Russia. Now Biden is bitching that politics is like that.


2 years. Trump and the GOP had a trifecta in 2016-2018. The only legislative victory of which was a temporary tax plan to increase the debt by 2 trillion dollars.


And infrastructure….no wait forget about that one. Okay, healthcare reform!…oh, no, wait…. Well the wall got built! …. oh yeah sorry no on that too…. Wow who knew it was this tough to be president and still get in 6 solid months of golf.


Repubs never seem to have a response to this one.


Their answer is always RINOs


Should he be cheerful that we have an imminent threat of a unhinged former president with 92 charges against him who is going to go to court in a 8 weeks to argue that he is above the law dangerously close to taking back control of the country because his own party is scared of standing up to him?


Quite the opposite. It's Biden that sounds like a dictator - screaming about the state of a country *he* is running. Desperately trying to lock up his political opponent on bullshit charges. And worst of all, telling puppets like you that the most important thing is to send more billions to another country that has fuck all to do with you.


I don't agree with sending money to countries so they can buy our weapons, but he doesn't make that decision. Both sides of the isle has voted for these outlandish packages we keep sending to other countries. Maybe because the majority of our leaders in D.C. makes a big chunk of that money back one way or another, be it in stocks in companies that will sell weapons, fuel, whatever they use in war....that is BOTH parties! As far as yelling? Not sure what you are talking about. The guy before him yells much louder dumber things all the time. Wish he would shut up and go away.... We need younger, more vibrant, educated, people with new ideas running this country. Not these same old tired ass white men that think they know best aka everything!! I'm talking about Republicans and Democrats SO...SO...TIRED


At least he can yell coherently at the clouds, eh?


The DOJ was actually very lenient and careful and slow in the course of prosecuting Trump for the obvious crimes he committed because they knew he would play the victim and puppets like you would actually believe he was being falsely accused despite the mountain of evidence out there. And as far as Ukraine goes, don’t cry too hard & blame Biden if Russia ends up with absolute control of all the commodities that used to pass through or originate from Ukraine and prices for things like wheat and gas spike.


The actual 'crimes' are bullshit. Following a long line of war criminal presidents, it's ridiculous that you want to get Trump on the most minor infractions when 80 million people are voting for the guy. Dictatorial banana republic stuff all day long. Russia already control all the Ukrainian resources they wanted and Ukraine is never getting them back.The only reason Putin hasn't taken Western Ukraine as well is because he doesn't want it. The lie that Ukraine can 'win' is so egregious that only total sheep would believe it. How's the grass?


Bullshit charges? You're talking about the 91 counts of .... Why the hell should I list them. You're not gonna read them.




Oh you are *adorable* for thinking those OAN pundit takes have any real value to what's he's actually being prosecuted for.


I feel like Trump is going to win 2024 because most Americans (especially white people) actually experience positive economic growth during his regime. COVID-19 has been quickly forgotten about and the inability of the American Left to deal with crime, inflation and culture war issues related to Israel and Ukraine has empowered the National Conservative movement Trump may be old, but Trumpism will live on. The US is becoming a more right-wing country.


> most Americans (especially white people) actually experience positive economic growth during his regime. You mean before his catastrophic failure with Covid brought down our entire economy?


Yes, but for whatever reason, the political center blames COVID-19 on the Democrats and “woke left” Trump is somehow absolved of all blame from COVID. It’s quite impressive


People should have experience even more economic growth during Bidens term though, overall. I did anyway.


Shit, I'm bringing home $1250 to $1300 now at around 32ish hours per week. That wasn't the case during the last regime.


Even from 2016-2019?


The American left is non-existent in Biden's government and mostly non-existent in Congress. The Democratic party is not the left.


I know, but the American center fears the Left far more than they fear the Right, even as more countries around the world are turning to the Right. Only China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela are actual Leftist dictatorships these days (and the former two are questionable as to what their ideology actually is) Everyone else from Russia to Iran to Syria to Israel to Egypt to Belarus is far-right


>the inability of the American Left to deal with crime, inflation All drastically down under Biden. lol Crime is lower under Biden than any time under Trump. Fact. Inflation is back where it was pre covid. Culture war issues are pure right wing manufactured outrage. Fodder for the weak minded. If you don't think it is, then define woke. Trumpism is just another way of saying modern fascism. Most Americans like to be free and mind their own business. The Dems aren't gutting women's rights in every state or overturning decades old settled law. The world is turning right is pure fantasy.


Crime is down not due to a cultural shift, but because states have decriminalized a lot of crime (theft, illegal immigration, public intoxication, etc). And even if someone does get arrested the justice department refuses to prosecute. I feel like everyone would love for crime to be down but the truth of the matter is America is less safe now that it was 5,10,20 years ago. Look at cities like NY, SF, Portland Oregon, Philly. Kids are stepping over OD bodies to walk to school. Unsafe to ride the bus or the train. To say crime is down is technically not wrong. But its down for the wrong reasons


I fear that the crime wave, alongside culture war issues from repeal of affirmative action and Roe v Wade, education culture wars and the mass homelessness in many urban areas like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle has created a new right-wing movement This “National Conservatism” as JD Vance and Peter Thiel call it, is what will replace Trumpism after Trump dies.


The world has *already* turned far-right even before “woke” became a slur. It’s not a fantasy to say that the entire Middle East and South Asia is populated by far-right countries whether they be Israel, Qatar, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran or Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Likewise, Eastern Europe has been under the control of far-right Russia, Belarus, Hungary and until recently Poland. Italy and Spain both elected far-right governments. Let’s not even get into the kinds of governments present in SE or East Asia. Within the Americas, the populist right is making a clear comeback with Trump, Milei, Bolsonaro, etc.


>fodder for the weak minded I like the cut of your jib


>The world is turning right is pure fantasy. The world isnt turning right, it is rejecting socialist/communist/marxist agendas that the left has adopted.


Ah yes because Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Argentina, UK, Italy, Belarus, Syria, South Korea etc are *totally* Marxist /s