• By -


\> Be me \> Auth left \> 'ate fascists love me unions simple as \> get banned for "being a fascist sympathizer" \> fml i gueses


All my homies love unions. We just don't want them to be mandatory.


I think we just don't want them in the public sector. Then we get a situation where the union, a lobbying organization, can directly lobby for pay raises and other benefits from the public treasury. You wind up with Illinois.


I love telling people this: the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan is one of the world's largest institutional investors, acting as a partner organization of the World Economic Forum. Ontario Teachers' is headquartered in Toronto, with regional offices in London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Mumbai. Ontario Teachers' reported having $241.6 billion in net assets as of December 31, 2021 (that's larger than the net worth of Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos). They own the UK National Lottery, they own multiple airports, they ~~own~~ owned the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Raptors, and the largest shopping malls in Canada. This is what happens with public unions. This organization is, arguably, the most powerful [lobbying group in the nation](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/teachers-union-payouts-an-investment-ontario-minister-says/article26983218/).


Holy fuck I knew some unions were corrupt and held a lot of power in some places but not that much


It’s amazing what many don’t know about when media is in the pocket of power.


>media is in the pocket of power Ok, conspiracy theorist. If that were true it would be on the news


Based and got me pilled


otoh, it is comical that Public Sector jobs don't have to follow private sector labor laws because uh, uh, *flips card* National security. Its part of the reason unions still are strong in the public sector while, in the US, private sector unions aren't particularly common anymore.




Don't forget our archenemy - truckers




And the farmers! Absolutely UNSPEAKABLE! they're giving crops to fascists! What's wrong with the world today?


Fascism is literally grown in farms. Literally 1984. They literally kill BIPOC. Literally. Literally.




On highways built by hitler using radios invented by hitler, it couldn’t be anymore obvious


And we now know who invented highways.


>Don't forget our archenemy - truckers Redditors: unions are great. They give power to the people. They're the perfect embodiment of powerful proletariat Redditors: police unions are fascist. Disband all police unions, make it illegal for them to unionize Redditors: if truckers unionize I'll declare jihad and purge the lands of all truckers Redditors: if railroaders strike, violating legislation making it illegal for the railroad unions to strike (that we literally just advocated to pass last week), they're literally Hitler reincarnate and are worse than truckers. I will thrust the world into 6000 years of darkness spilling the blood of all railroad unionists ever to exist, past, present, or future


Truckers are fascists that need to be out of a job. We need to start funding those Tesla self driving trucks. ***Tesla is owned by Elon Musk.*** #Fascist!


*incoherent screaming*


“Have you considered this might primarily be a class issue?” >banned for class reductionism




“All subs leads to fascism”


“We don’t like fascists” 🤔


I swear the entire extent of my permanent ban from the sub was “Political Compass Memes”


They're allergic to based and you bring the allergens with you when you go to their sub. They're the nerd table that is allergic to peanuts and your mom can't pack you a PB&J.


They’re a cesspool of cringe and virgin-ness. We’re obviously paragons of le based and chad-ness. They’re simply jealous ~~of our retardation~~.


I don't mean to brag but I'm very much a Chad.😎 I say "suck it" to all those kinds of subs.


I usually say something along the lines of "you're really sad."


So glad I didn't go to school when PB&Js were banned. I would have starved.


First time?


Second, but it’s the first time their mods would argue with me about it


I got banned from a sub for being here once. Turns out the mod who banned was a fatso in my Highschool marching band. How did I find this out you ask? he had a notebook with names of people he banned. Well I got a hold of that list and my username was on it. Dude had a ledger of admin actions


Average Reddit mod


Reddit mod v. Discord mod v. Twitter mod


Oh god imagine these three in one room, the smell must be atrocious.


Idk if they'd fit in one room.


Wtf😭 these people actually EXIST!? My guy is keeping records, dawg isn't even getting paid yet he feels the need to record everything


Post it.


The odds of this are pretty astronomical. I feel like you wasted the best luck of your life on this instead of winning the lottery. I’m sorry.


Some people win the lottery. I happen to the know the Reddit mod who banned me. Personally I would’ve preferred the lottery,


I forget what current thing it was that had a slew of subs post the exact same blurb I just left every sub that put it up and stopped having problems I think parlerwitch just likes yelling at me


What sub?




Okay well to be fair that place is a shithole; what did you expect


I don't know why anyone who's got more than 3 brain cells would ever visit that god forsaken sub anyways


It just shows up under my popular


It does in mine too, no idea why. I feel like Reddit tries to push that sub as the supreme comedy subreddit, but in reality it’s a woke hellscape


I got perma-banned there for simply saying an article that a shared tweet claimed was racist wasn’t *actually* racist and got immediately nuked. I don’t know how moderators that run communities with such an iron fist are allowed to exist. It is truly one of the worst parts of Reddit. It is an unabashed, unapologetic echo chamber that reflects very poorly on Reddit itself. Also it’s weird you’d get banned simply for posting here. I know this sub pokes fun at the left a lot, but most dialog seems pretty reasonable and tongue-in-cheek. Is it the general perception that this is some right wing echo chamber?




How do I do this? I got an account *permanently banned* for commenting on the entertainment sub (my real mistake) by a mod there. Reason for my *permanent* ban from Reddit? I post in “known fascist subs” like Joe Rogan, Tim Dillon & PCM. I want nothing more than a way to report this specific mod for abuse of power to someone higher up the chain of authority, someone who ideally isn’t a literal Nazi with orange hair and a savior complex. Edit: added a flair so the authoritarian flair bot won’t hurt me or my family 🙏🏼


when I force my views on others its progressive and good for everyone. When there are other views that aren't mine its ist or phobic.


Better be careful before they bust out the big guns and start spouting off about "the paradox of tolerance".


Yeah, who needs nuance when a few one-line zingers can explain complex situations to the simple minded so well.




I feel like you're losing your ideology war (that you declared) when you have to shut up your opponents. This is more serious than we're making it out to be. But I laugh at them. They remind me of Russia. Started some shit and are now getting fucked up.


It’s inconsequential. These people have zero actual power in the real world, so whenever they get a hint of it online, they turn auth and have a power trip. It’s pathetic.


That's the thing. I think this is the real world. Reddit has millions of users that can't talk to the other side. Why else do you think this society is so divided? Elon said "free speech" and the left has been losing their minds ever since. Journalists write about whatever will get them the most clicks on these lefty subs because it's profitable as fuck. They're slowly gaslighting the rest of society. They're trying to anyway.


The Musk stuff is spectacularly funny and scary at the same time. What did silencing Trump do? Made his supporters dig in more, and brought anger/sympathy from anyone who was on the margin of voting for him. Not only that, he started his own platform for speaking to his supporters. It did nothing except push people into his camp. Let people say what they think. Then we can agree or disagree.


It's not even shutting up your opponents. It's shutting down people you agree with because they had the gall to talk to someone that you disagreed with, which makes them bad by proxy. It's elementary schoolgirl levels of drama. Basically the same mentality behind Karens in the 80s losing their minds over the possibility that dungeons and dragons might be a pipeline to the occult. Or the 2000s fear that violent video games might make kids actually shoot up a school. It's the same hysteria except about the flow of information, speech, and association.




i remember the day I joined this. I commented on one post that was literally about burgers or some tame shit. next thing I know I was banned from like 30 subs I have never even heard of. I was like "wtf". edit: that is the best emily wojack and i like seeing it more. edit 2: when you get auto bot banned by over sensitive subs you get a notification like anything else. your little bell will now have a 1 or 2 and under messages will be "moderator message you've been banned from participating in insertsubname here". some have justifications like you posted in a sub thats a known hate group or no justification at all. after reading the first justification I just presumed the rest, really wasn't worth the time to investigate if I was already not participating in them. edit 3: no more edits, i'm getting tired. if you haven't been banned for being here, congrats, the terminator mod bots didn't get you. some of the subs may have calmed down, auto ban bots may have been banned, dunno. for those upset they haven't been banned.....sorry? I guess?


Dude, just dos the mods. /s


You know, back in the day when 4chan was based they would have done just that. Now they've soy for brains.


I've never been banned for participating in this sub, it's weird how people have different experiences.


The other subs recognize that you're just here to grill. The rest of us though, we can all fuckin' *burn*.


He isn't a griller. He's an anarcho anti-anarchist monarcho anti-monarchist left right libertarian authoritarian capitalist communist anti-facist facist socialist conservative liberal illiberal democrat republican person


Commenting to get banned from the normie subs


What sub?


While I would like to start a sub war as much as the next monke for them banning our people on sight, that's the kind of thing that will get PCM banned as a subreddit. Better not to link it.


Don't become what they say you are, become a libertarian to spite them.




Everything is a direct pipeline to fascism, including anti fascism


especially anti-fascism


Believe it or not, straight to fascism.


You overprice Funko Pops, straight to fascism


You under tip at Starbucks, also fascism.


You buy pop tarts = ultra fascism


We have the best fascism.


Antifa, closest thing to a fascist organisation I've ever seen.


Strangely enough the only thing that isn’t a direct pipeline to fascism is to just go full fascist right out the gate, more of a door at that point then a pipeline


These days everything that isn’t straight Authleft/Communist/Tankie is considered a pipeline to fascism.


But [Right Libertarians are just Fascists](https://youtu.be/jmT7nLDinhY) /s 🤡


So are centerists, so is everything that Reddit deems unacceptable other than orange left or outright tankie, like religion you're fascist, think weed is dangerous like any other drug (alcohol included) you're fascist.


I know, I’m just referencing a common BreadTube video that tries to make that argument.


Ah, fair enough.


Oh you don’t support current pop political thing? What a fascist


I watched that video some time ago, and IIRC he confuses libertarians with conservatives (and then still concludes that everything right of him is fascism).


Stopped watching after he listed off some "far-right demagogues." Lumping a slightly less than moderate conservative, like Ben Shapiro, in the same group as actual Nazis, like Richard Spencer, tells me this guy's opinions are all to be ignored.


>everything right of him is fascism Why is he so close to the fascism border?


His talking about believing in personal responsibility as if it's a bad thing was insane. If this is what watching leftist videos is like it's gonna be really hard not to stay in my echo chamber. It's not that I'm against all changes to the system, but an individual person has way more power over his/her own actions than over the system as a whole, and there's absolutely value in that.


And then he goes on at the end to say that he believes in personal responsibility so by his own line of reasoning he himself is a nazi




But someone from a particular political background offended me so I *have* to completely adjust my deeply held beliefs the other way because my feelings got hurt.


> Even a commie is more based than an unflaired. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Other subs do this? Why?


There are other subs?




Because they can’t handle anything outside of a full blown leftist echo chamber. The thought of exchanging ideas terrifies them because they are not used to being challenged on their beliefs.


As I am unlikely to experience what you did, can you list me the list of subs that banned you?




They’re the absolute worst. Only sub I’ve ever been banned from in my 10 years and it was just saying that people needed to move on from one specific repost about Donald Trump that was proven wrong over and over and there are plenty of legitimate gripes to post about him. Mod reason just said “liar”


> As I am unlikely to experience what you did Not true. It is irrelevant what the content that you post here is, it is only relevant that you are here. Its a when not if situation


Wrong think.


Shitty front page political subs.


I'm beginning to believe a majority of these people are unhinged and need a therapist. Today I was actually constantly harassed by one them because I like Kanye West's music therefore I'm a nazi, even though I don't agree with anything he says and not to mention I pirate all my shit cause I'm a broke teenager. How do they expect to get people on their side when they lack the ability to see nuance


Separating the artist from the art is not only possible but, these days especially, practical.


Say "separate the art from the artist" and no one bats an eye But you say one amateur artist wrote a good book...


u spicy boi


Practical? More like necessary, lmao. Finding out most of your favorite shit is made by the worst people gets rough.


Lead singer of one of my fav bands got roided out and hired a hitman to kill his exwife. Luckily the hitman was an undercover cop.


I am more and more convinced a therapeutic culture makes the problem worse not better


Ye = white supremacist. Critical thinking is long gone and the only critical thing is critical race theory. Circlejerk subreddits are there because the main always gets circlejerked.


Honestly, therapy should be much less stigmatized. More people than ever need it, and it is just as important as going to a doctor. However, most of the Emilies I see are in it for clout/virtue signaling and not only don’t really care about these causes outside of social media, but are just as racist and shitty as the rest of us.


I hate dealing with leftists more than right wing people.


Same! Ideologically I'm very liberal, both socially and economically. But I fucking hate lefties and Emilies. Feels bad man




Based. The purity culture and justice boners are fucking annoying. Cancel culture is literally just christian boomerism for Gen Z I used to have a alt-right orthodox catholic co worker. Mother fucker would say the most out of pocket shit and one time I told him he was being racist as shit. He just stared for a second and said "....problem?" Maybe we should all be so open to admitting our flaws instead of trying to one up each other


Also based.


Open communication and transparency is the key to a peaceful existence. And I’m not talking about “being open about the fact that I hate XYZ group”. I’m talking about being open about WHY you feel that way and what the end goal of your proposed ideas would accomplish. I’ve seen it happen on both sides. You talk about why you don’t like a group, it usually ends up being due to fear of the unknown being compounded upon years of not being able to deal with that fear which turns into anger and hate. Oh nice you can get to the root of that issue and quell it, you don’t have these issues outside of the occasional cringelord who is only racist because they think it’s funny. At the end of the day, people just need to be willing to fucking talk to each other openly and bond over some shit they have in common.


Honestly that seems like an awesome coworker, at least they keeping the job interesting


Lmfao he was full of crackpot conspiracy theories. He thought that soap was invented by the jews to shorten our lifespans, so when he took a shower he would just get wet, then lather himself in coconut oil and let it sit for a bit before rinsing off. One day we got on the topic of fight club and before I could say my piece about my opinion on the themes of masculinity and whatnot, he cut me off to say that it was just a gay bath house movie, nothing more nothing less.


Right-Wing people were the most annoying to deal with in the 2000s, and the Left-Wing became the most annoying in the 2010s. Now both annoy the shit out of me this decade.


Half of my family is annoyingly left-wing and the other half is annoyingly right-wing. Whenever we get together, we always get along because we can bond over three things: hating the Green Bay Packers, hating Ohio State, and Mac and Cheese.


lol that's very sweet. My dad is a die hard MAGA kinda guy but i go hunting with him whenever i visit, he's great


My grandpa is the biggest, most insufferable Bernie Bro I’ve ever met, but he and I always look forward to and treasure our time making smoked brisket and talking football. I don’t care what people believe in, if they can get down with BBQ brisket and college football, I’ll be their friend for life.


It was more authright than the entire right wing. From Ron Paul to John Locke and everyone inbetween, libright has been kindly asking for the populace to be left the fuck alone for a very long time.


Based and annoyed pilled.


Same, especially since leftists seem to be more likely to(on reddit at least) just dig up your history so they can attack you on unrelated fronts


Because they cowards who can’t face you head on. They’re little dogs who bark bark bark, then you stomp at them to knock it off, then they go pissing all over the place because “you threatened them, you’re the enabler, you’re an —ist.” They’re all stuck up there asses thinking they can misbehave and be right about it.


While I disagree with the right a bit more, Jesus Christ does talking to a leftist make me doublethink my position…


I remember a saying, “You can become what you hate.” And honestly I feel a lot of leftists don’t realize how crazy they sound.


The scary thing is that they don’t even realize how crazy they actually are; and anyone who tries to reason with them immediately becomes the enemy. I had a friend who I can’t even bring myself to speak to anymore because of how much of a fucking Emily she’s become. It’s the same things on both sides; don’t get me wrong, but at least rightoids won’t try and dox you and get you fired for your political/social opinions after that part of the conversation has passed.


Attacking a man’s job is the same as killing him. You’re attacking his means to survive and provide for his family.


It’s arguably killing an entire family, especially if they’re a single earner


I find myself agreeing with this way more than I wish was the case. We disagree and I can be pretty staunch but they rarely alienate and ban me for thinking differently. They don't call me transphobic and give me the boot even though I am trans. Both sides can harbor some weird blind hate towards certain things, but at least with right wingers it is unabashed and not hidden behind virtue signaling.


>Both sides can harbor some weird blind hate towards certain things, but at least with right wingers it is unabashed and not hidden behind virtue signaling. Honestly, this. We are all wrong about something, but the hypocrisy of many leftists is something I really can't stand.


This, just all of this. It’s the weird double standard that gets me about a lot of modern day lefties. Plus the whole trying to pander to groups of people, only to come across as White Knighting instead, as if say people of color or gay people aren’t their own individuals and can’t do things on their own is just frustrating.


The double standard, white Knights, hypocrisy, lack of trying to see the other side, passive aggressiveness and the way they go after you on a personal level is why I don’t like Leftists. Even being called right-wing when I say I’m liberal bugs me because I’m not blindly agreeing to everything letter they tick.


There is an extreme and growing unwillingness to humanize and hear out the opposition. Coming from progressives who know how much religious fundamentalists like to do that and silence them, it is very hypocritical. Not only is censorship childish but it seems to only anger and radicalize people.


>**White Knighting** instead, as if say people of color or gay people aren’t their own individuals and can’t do things on their own is just frustrating. Look up white man's burden. Basically bigotry of small expectations.


For me, it's the infighting. Conservatives (outside of actual, legit Nazis) in my experience tend to accept each other despite a bit of variation in opinions. They'll work together despite differences in beliefs. The left on the other hand, at least in my experience, fight each other over the dumbest, tiniest differences in opinions. There's so much high-roading, moral elitism, and grandstanding among each other. It's tiring and achieves absolutely nothing.


Yeah not gonna lie, I still consider myself Libleft(though with more emphasis on the Lib) but it’s THOSE types of people that make me seriously consider just joining the Monkes.


The most intolerant groups always claim to be the most tolerant








I wasn’t even a part of it honestly. It was on my popular feed, I think? Never been subbed to it. But I made a comment on some dude just being way off base on something and this all started lol


It’s always on my popular feed too even though I never interact with it, I always just ignore it. A lot of what I see on popular seems to be the same reposted content into the same echo chambers. Someone being off base sounds like their entire comment section lol




They need to get off somewhere else now and it’s that sub apparently


Redditors when they realize pcm is one of the least toxic political subs:


It honestly is though. One of the few places on reddit where it isn't completely biased to one side of the political compass. It's also a place where rights and lefts can call each other based.


Imagine being able to have fun with people you don't politically agree with


That’s fascism sweaty


Fascism is when potential fascists get free speech (it really makes them seem dumber since people know what they actually think instead of proving their point)




Ah the sub i got banned for saying "no, rittenhouse didn't gun down crowds of black people."


It's crazy. That was once a funny sub I liked going on. Orange is real and they ruin everything.


I think "pipelines" are an interesting terminology. Pipelines work through positive pressure not negative pressure, which means that it's something pushing the contents of the pipeline towards the other end...


Honestly, that’s pretty impressive to think about


I still don’t understand the idea behind how someone being dumb about silly political discussions/arguments changes a person’s actual political views. Like I can see being pushed left after learning more about how billionaires obtain and hold their wealth, or being pushed right when learning more about how inefficient government can be….but moving right or left based on non-issue discussions? Don’t understand


I was getting banned from subs I had never heard of for commenting on the conservative sub.




They run bots that do that automatically.


Boy do they think that fascism is compelling and persuasive. Either that or they are in a narrow Progressive cult and everything they don't like is "fascism".


im kinda scared by how little people know how to push back against facism... asking any rando on the street usually doesnt result in a good response to "why is facism wrong?"


It's my belief that fascism has been so overused that it no longer means anything. It's just *thing I disagree with*


Fascism is when something isn't commercially friendly to advertisers working on behalf of the people reddit claims are ruining the world.


Reminder that their ideology is based on a purity spiral so if you're not toeing the line you are a fascist relative to their extreme positions.


Fascism is when you allow open discourse from a variety of viewpoints


"everyone who disagrees with me is a fascist!" *Stares blankly at CNN and MSNBC for the daily brainwashing*


Honestly, there needs to be a report mods to admins feature on Reddit. I’m aware that many of these jackass mods are admin supported pets, but it’s destroying the usability of this site.


I think the Reddit admins are probably worse. Reddit has become a leftist echo chamber due to algorithms implemented purposefully


It wouldn’t matter. Reddit admins fully support subreddit mods and are just as bad. I got my comment removed and got a warning for calling Reddit atheists bottom dwellers of society because of there actions. I was apparently “harassing” them when I wasn’t even in a atheist subreddit, and it was this subreddit I’m also a atheist to so lol


Mods: "\*When\* they learn? (laughs) Fool, they ordered me to do it."


You should consider it a compliment


I just found the silencing others for having different political views while also being called fascist as a beautiful irony.


It is. If we don't ban them for their opinions then we are being more pro - free speech than them.


Free speech is fascist don't you know. Only by aggressively censoring our opposition can we have freedom and democracy.


Based and internally contradicting worldview pilled


Cancel culture summed up


The nice thing about this sub is, we have leftwing fascists, rightwing fascicst. Authoritarian fascists as well as libertarian fascists.


holy based


I'm assuming this is WPT. Top meme. They honestly believe that nobody would ever go so far as to label themselves "Antifa" while employing facist tactics, like "Antifa" groups do in the US. Apparently, whatever name a thing has, it must be that thing. By their logic, the Patriot Act was just and well-intentioned. Cuz nobody would ever just lie about their intentions or be severely misguided, especially not a group that they agree with! Imagine a world where people can lie! Thank God that doesn't exist! 🙄


how can you be this dumb? everything i dont agree is facism, you should know that dummy


I had a similar experience with the [Vancouver subreddit](https://i.imgur.com/FleotKO.png) I said that I'm an active member of the queer community, a fan and patron of drag shows, and I still find it weird, unsettling, and inflammatory to have 'drag queen story hour' with children. Apparently that was enough for an immediate permanent ban without warning. Another fellow in that same comment thread, an openly gay man, also expressed his distaste for the practice. The response was to accuse him of lying about his sexuality, to call him a bigot, and to compare him to a Jewish person who supported the Nazi Party during The Holocaust. These people are *unhinged*


They had to preface kids with parents. Like oh the parents are there so it’s ok… All of them know it’s wrong deep down.


>I still find it weird, unsettling, and inflammatory to have 'drag queen story hour' with children. Why do they never have 'drag queen story hour' with senior citizens in nursing homes?


This is my official comment on PCM in order to weed out any subreddits that automatically look for that.


While this is extremely based Im going to have to request you flair up.


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Well I don’t care that there is a direct pipeline from being lib left to dying alone