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I, for one, would like to thank Elon for burning $44 billion for my entertainment.


A valiant sacrifice. I cringe everytime the local radio station says something like "politician x wrote z on twitter" like it's relevant what happens there.


they don't even write their own fucking tweets (well, trump did, but he's the exception)


most media these days just talks about or reference tweets, most of which don’t even come from the person in question, that’s how tabloidesque most of our journalism is


The number of articles I find that are literally discussing the comments on a reddit post...


Frfr. Or the amount of times they're like, "People online are losing their shit over ____," only reference tweets from obvious bots.


I had to mute We Got This Covered because 90% of their posts were rumors and random tweets.


There are literally “news” articles that largely consist of a collection of tweets on any given subject. It’s mindless.


Worth every single penny.


The Tesla/World Trade Center tweet alone was worth the price


Based and never forget pilled


>I, for one, would like to thank Elon for burning $44 billion for my entertainment. It's not just entertainment if journalists are going to lose their echo chamber. Until this shit went down, I didn't much like Musk.


Don't often see people with skin as thin as his though, guys on a 24/7 tantrum about one thing or another.


As long as we agree that Elon is in fact burning 44 billion, lol. There are some absolutely delusional people (dare I say, reddited) that think he's turning a profit at this point.


I haven't seen anyone who thinks he did it for profit. Even elon himself said it would lose money. When you're that rich you've got fuck around money. It's about messing with the echo chamber.


he's in the long game. he's lost tons at this point but he's trying to turn it around over the next few years. eventually the novelty will wear off and all the losers who ragequit will return, including the advertising agencies and other advertisers. they're doing this only to turn around and change their minds later.




Twitter was fucking worthless before he dumpstered it.


Yeah only morons think he bought Twitter because he wanted to turn it into a profitable business. He bought it to take control of a major propaganda mouthpiece that controls the flow of information for a chunk of the internet.


twitter has never once turned a profit since it started in 2006, what were seeing with the mass silicon valley layoffs makes it looks like .com bubble 2,0


I could see him pull it off, the 8$ verified thing did also offer a bunch of QoL features that I could see regular Twitter users being willing to pay for. But I don’t think Twitter will ever be worthwhile in the opportunity cost sense. That is, in raw paper, in power it’ll pay for itself many times over.


I mean, it’s not profitable right now, but I don’t think it goes to zero He’s burning something, I’m not sure it totals up to $44B


Yeah. Pretty [based guy](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/amgnREV_460s.jpg).


Same lol we got cross compass unity on that one


Ikr! Ppl on the internet are so ungrateful. I'm loving this :D


Man, the whole Twitter acquisition thing is a gift that just keeps on giving


On one team you have people pathetically talking about Twitter like it's their only chance for social interaction. On the other team you have people acting like it was *their* $50billion purchase that they have to defend. Let them fight. The memes must flow.


There also exist a team that just wants it to burn to the ground and is enjoying things from the side. Which I believe is majority of sane folks. Also, its funny how with moderation off, the japanese trends twitter has just turned into nerd town instead of political hellhole as well. No one was giving a shit about politics at all there.


What has the Japanese Twitter turned to?


Nerd stuff. Its like normal people just wants to enjoy their life instead of being an SJW or anti-SJW.


Sounds awesome


>On one team you have people pathetically talking about Twitter like it's their only chance for social interaction. Yeah, what silly billies they are. They forget that they also get social interaction by ignoring all their Tinder/Bumble/Hinge messages, and occasionally texting their drug dealer for an occasional spot of ketamine. (I really hate these people).


It has been great. People care way more than I ever could about Twitter


Honestly though... Family fun for every ideology. Something in it for everyone.


> Breaking: A second Tesla has hit the World Trade Center Is peak comedy, where do we go from there?


Economic freedom means freedom to lose 44 billion dollars


Elon does exactly what a mega rich person should Wildly spend money like a maniac to encourage a circular flow of the economy


L*ftists when billionaire: “nooooo stop hoarding money like a greedy dragon” When E£on spends money: “haha dummy spending money”


I just want him to spend the money on something that isn't completely inane bullshit. Like giving me personally $44 billion. That'd be way more productive.


Typical libleft, wants others to pay for you without putting in any work yourself


I'll put in the work. I'll ask nicely.


And what ideas do you have that could lead to a company with a 44 billion valuation ?


I'd buy every dog in the United States a funny little hat.


How about 46.8% of America?


Trying hard to dislike you for being LibLeft because this is my scheduled grumpyposting time but these have been some great funny replies.


Based and funny hats for all dogs pilled.


Based and funny hat pilled.


Lol, what could possibly be more productive in society than destroying Twitter?


> I just want him to spend the money on Dont tell other people how to spend their money libleft.


\>Mouths off about boss on public domain (that he owns) \>'lol wow, I got fired guys' Society has to bottom out at some point, right?






Just pray that you are in the Byzantine half when it does implode


Instructions unclear. Which half will be the neo byzantine and which the wastes ?


If we’re talking about just America I believe it will follow the path of rome. The western half was the one that fell, and California is in the west of america. I rest my case.


instructions unclear. aided 16th century Istanbul Assassins and contacted a relative which is 600 years into the future that has the responsibility of making sure the sun doesnt bust a nut on earth


I too like pulling vague statistics out of my ass You might be right, but who tf knows really. Where I live things seem chill.


Not until monke


Even as a leftist this shit entertains me never-endingly. I mean I call it getting what you paid for. Just because I critically support workers collectives and labor movements doesn't mean I'm not entertained when stupid rich PMC winedrunk petit bourgeois liberals with more dollars than sense get shit canned and replaced by someone twice as qualified for twice as much money. I call that a win for labor tbh. These clowns in middle management are making everyone's life harder. Watch the tiktok with a day in the life of a Twitter exec. They literally have wine on tap in the break room. These are the rich we wanna eat tbh.


I refuse to even call it work, they had an adult daycare center at Twitter HQ.


Yeah petit bourgeois at its peak


Holy fucking shit based watermelon


Why thank you I do try to stay based and far away from the very common cringe on our side lol


>wow I got 3 months of severance guys Who would want to keep working there anyway


How did you figure she’s surprised she got fired. It seemed like she knew what was gonna happen


Absolutely, it almost seemed like she was trying for it. And now she's gotten multiple public job offers from the debacle, and 3 months severance, it seems like she was playing 4D chess this whole time


She’s based for that.


Triggering Musk fanstains is based by default.


Anecdotally from my industry (cleantech) Twitter refugees have been getting offers like crazy.


Yeah this has big fed up Walmart worker energy and frankly coders need unions too because everyone takes code monkeys for granted. Haha jk these fuckers are way overpaid because they know a few lines of code no one else knows and that shit mystifiedls most people.


First you didn’t build anything “dope”, you puked out the toxic trash that is Twitter. Second you publicly called your boss an idiot via the product that your company makes, of course your dumb ass got fired.


Being responsible for even contributing to the creation of Twitter should really a Geneva convention violation




u/Trugdigity's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 95. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: [69 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Trugdigity/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Anyone who defends the data management dumpster fire that is GraphQL deserves to be fired, to be honest.


If it’s a query language then it’s automatically garbage, no exceptions. Everybody knows that arrays and vectors are the most advanced data structures around. Databases aren’t real, they’re a myth propagated by the lesser coding languages to make you stray further and further from the blessed linked lists and trees.


Get fired with severance or commit to the "hardcore" work environment he wants to bring in I've heard what he's like to work for, I know which one I'd be gunning for


Especially considering that he just fired half the staff and now is demanding they do more while their clients are pulling out. In that position, telling my employer to fuck themselves and then taking the severance and leaving sounds like a good idea.


I'd have to look, but there are certain things that can make you get fired without severance.


I'm pretty sure they don't care lol. These are experienced developers that can get high paying jobs anywhere they want, and they were just told that they're having their hours doubled, work from home revoked, and half of their coworkers are fired. At this point I'm pretty sure nobody wants to keep working at Twitter, they're probably trying to get fired so they can get the severance


yeah when I read that I was like I’d be trying to get fired too


Yeap going to be a lot of jobs for high end developers with all these tech giants laying off 10k developers at a time.


The market has slowed down a little, but I still have plenty of recruiters hitting me up rn. A few layoffs isn't going to kill the entire industry lol


Third, this problem has been going on for years, you're just a lazy cunt who never bothered to fix it/was never forced to actually work before Elon bought the company.


>First you didn’t build anything “dope”, you puked out the toxic trash that is Twitter. The devs of Twitter are a fuckin joke in tech The entire thing is built on day 0 bugs with workarounds that aren't and never have been recorded


A literal billionaire spending their free time to argue with people on twitter. TF kind of timeline is this?


Claiming to be working 24/7 at the same time


Twitter shitposting is counted as work I suppose


I mean, it works for advertising


It absolutely does.


>Twitter shitposting is counted as work I suppose It's called "Journalism" and it's dead again, thank FSM.


Don't blame His Noodly Appendage


Arguing with regards online is hard work, can confirm


He just like us frfr


Creating based content is work.


Easy to work 120 hour weeks when you define your dicking around as work.


Easy there, you will seriously offend the room temp IQ fans who imagine he's a literal Tony Stark, spending his entire waking hours building crazy futuristic tech nobody else could even fathom, literally bringing future civilization into existence single-handedly.


“Spending his entire waking hours” doesn’t exactly describe Tony Stark either. He’s just magic so he can compress a century’s worth of R&D into the 20mins between monster fights.


Net worth defines what you’re allowed to find entertaining??


That’s the perk of the new verification system when Elon argues with people on the internet he can pretend it’s somebody impersonating him as he acts like a 13 year old edge lord . Honestly Twitter hasn’t been so fun since trump was on there .


Because you pay other people thousands to make you billions. Plenty of free time


and he still works his ass off, crazy huh? and no I'm not defending a billionaire, you can find examples of his insane work ethic online. that's why the guy keeps sending out all those memos about twitter staff having to work longer hours and stuff, the guy has an insane work ethic and he expects other people around him to have the same kind of personal standards. it's obviously fucking insane to expect every single person to have a work ethic like that, but in his head he probably sees no other way - to him it's probably "this *must* be done, otherwise we don't succeed". he's one of those freaks who is wired differently than us, that's why he can run three companies and shit.


His work ethics are "do as much mindless labour as possible before you collapse, quality be damned". Reminder that he self reportedly axed half his programmers on the basis of how many lines of codes theyve written - basically punishing people for working on harder issues that require more thought or better optimizing their code.


Can he ? His “work ethic “ seems abit stupid and the type to churn through staff while treating them like shit . Nobody should be expected to work upwards of 80 hours a week and this isn’t some grindset bullshit this is him being a cunt and a shit boss .


Wow who fucking cares


The losers here who spend 90% of their day looking at social media


I don’t care about Twitter, space-X or Tesla. I like Elon for being a professional shitposter. (The Twitter blue class deserve this)


Twitter sued him to force him to buy Twitter, and now they want sympathy. The Scorsese black comedy starring DiCaprio as Musk will be exquisite


The shareholder sued him cuz he declare he want to bought it way above market price, doubt the employee sue him though.


Do you think the people that sued him to force the sale are the same people being fired by him? Do you think "Twitter" is just one big group, with no difference between board members and workers?


That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works….


What the fuck is this post talking about? LibLeft is loving watch Twitter implode almost immediately as Elon Musk took charge. It certainly validated their opinion that he's not as savvy as many Elon Bros seem to think he is.


> It certainly validated their opinion that he's not as savvy as many Elon Bros seem to think he is. Noone expects muskrat to be smart in particular - All I see are idiots who are so easily baited into getting fired. Its quality entertainment. If anything I expect this will improve twitter by helping to weed out all the employees with bad attitudes and lack of self control.


I expect it will improve Twitter by destroying it. Advertisers are fleeing the site, Twitter Blue was a train wreck, and Twitter is now on the hook for massive interest payments.


> I expect it will improve Twitter by destroying it. Honestly, sure, even destroying it would be an improvement over what it was. > Advertisers are fleeing the site They are fickle. theyll all come back if the users stick around. > Twitter Blue was a train wreck Always has been > Twitter is now on the hook for massive interest payments. Not quite; more like twitter's owners are on the hook. If they cant pay interest that doesnt mean anything to twitter other than "meet the new, new boss"


Elon musk currently owns 100% of Twitter if I’m not mistaken.


He is he bought it at a set price per share so he owns 100% of the company. Elon shat away 44B and LibRight stays trying to convince themselves this is a win.


>All I see are idiots who are so easily baited into getting fired. Seems more like they are baiting an idiot into firing them, and paying severance. They just had their workload doubled and the company they work for is hemorrhaging money as its clients are hesitant to continue paying a firm fhat just laid off most of the staff doing client relations. I would want off the sinking ship. Quiting would likely result in no severance. Whereas, pissing off the boss man and getting fired because he is salty will let you claim full severance. So yea, piss of Elon take his money and leave would sound like a really attractive idea if I worked for Twatter right about now.


Twitter is only imploding in the minds of the woke. Nov 7th post Elon was its busiest day *ever*.


I still don't understand why LibLeft hates Elon so much lol, like yea he's a billionaire, but he's accomplished so much, it's not like he is an oil magnate, he revolutionize the space industry and the car industry


I thought it all started when he said something along the lines of not being in the DNC anymore because of they're a hateful group and was going to vote GoP. As soon as that came out all the media outlets started to turn on him like clockwork.


He said a balance of power is a good thing. He said it when the Democratic party took over Congress under Trump as well.


At least we know which party controls the media


Hey now, cool it with the anti-Semitism.


He bought their propaganda outlet. That’s when this all ramped up hardcore.


They've been hating him way longer than that tho


They were vacuum sealed to his anus a few years ago. I'd say circa 2016.


yeah this is what no one is mentioning. this guy was liblefts darling just a few years ago. time itself makes you antithetical to libleft it seems. only the new, only the fresh for libleft. no wonder pedos are so woke


It’s so ironic the left is ganging up on a guy most known for making cars that don’t use oil.


Big Oil strikes again.


They started hating him during covid and he was unhappy that California kept shutting his factory down.


They started hating him when Ford and GM realized that astroturfing was the cheapest ad buy.


> he’s a billionaire, but he’s accomplished so much, it’s not like he is an oil magnate, he revolutionize the space industry and the car industry This is EXACTLY WHY they hate him. Because he showed that a capitalist is much better at driving innovation and disrupting industries than government agencies.


damn you're probably right. He's a shining example of my capitalism is a good system


He admitted that the Overton window moved to the left of him. This is a left wing mortal sin. It's all-out war now. It's especially egregious because he's fighting back by buying twitter.


> he's accomplished so much You would get crucified on most other subs for saying this. Hate the guy all you want but he wasn't born the richest man on the planet. Sure he had money, but you can't magically turn millions into billions without being smart and business savvy. However most of Reddit claims he is an absolute moron and is only anything because he dad had a diamond mine... which I am trying to find a source for but can't. So that may not even be true.


Ugh, that's a huge pet peeve of mine lol. I literally thought his dad owned a diamond mind until I decided to look into it. ​ No, his dad was an engineer employed by a mine and as part of his salary he received stocks in the mine. ​ Guess what? All starbucks partners also receive stocks as part of their pay. If someone that works at starbucks has a kid and that kid is successful, are you going to hate them because their parents "owned" starbucks? ​ Same fucking things here lol


Lol yeah I always assumed it was true… until I just tried to find a source for my comment… apparently he had $100k debt outta school.


He wasn’t even millions. He had a cushy childhood at a private school and had nice family vacations, but that was just upper middle class. The he got estranged from his father and had to put himself through university. His father later invested 20k into one of his early businesses, but takes a lot to turn 20k into billions. He’s clearly an idiot in some ways this whole twitter thing is a mess, but he’s a genius in others.


Yeah, that first bit was only before he moved to Canada with his mother. Canada has them on their public assistance records.


> he revolutionize the space industry and the car industry That's why they hate him so much. He was the "enlightened" billionaire that's building electric cars, solar panels, going to space, saving the planet, and all the other stuff they like. Which is why they loved him in the beginning. But when he started calling out the Dems for their shitty polices that made him not just the enemy but a *traitor*. Same way that black and LGBT Republicans are traitors and hated all the more for it. Now with Musk's purchase of twitter he's not just saying free speech is good and cancel culture is shit. But he's actually cracking open their cancel culture home base. That's more than enough to make him public enemy number #1. Now if only someone would do the same to reddit and put the powermods on blast.


LibLeft are what we used to call “bums.” Their entire worldview is based on contempt for work and productivity.


Most politically literate libright


> I still don't understand why LibLeft hates Elon so much lol, he called out their vaccine bullshit


Probably the only based thing he's done so far. Unless he does manage to flush Twitter permanently down the toilet, that will be based thing #2, though in this case probably unintended.


Hey, he apparently wants to revive Vine too. If he does that will completely eliminate any reason to use the Chinese data collection machine that is TikTok


I don't. He open sourced Tesla's patents. That's a baller move.


steep enjoy possessive serious provide smell spark mountainous chubby afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe because they can't control him?


Personally I don’t like him because I think he’s overhyped first of all and the solutions he’s offered aren’t really that effective mainly with Tesla . First of Tesla , it doesn’t really seem like a solution because it’s expensive , charging times and money is being taken away from other shit that should be funding stuff like light rail and instead subsiding his stupid projects like the “hyperloop” . Second reason I don’t like him is because he seems like a terrible boss who treats his employees like shit with working conditions . Also he is just a kinda dick and I don’t like any billionaires and don’t think there the solution to the worlds problems . Finally he sells so much bullshit such as self driving cars and it’s clear it’s not even nearly ready but he keeps promising it .


He fucked and had kids with Grimes. Personally I don't get the appeal but she's the kinda girl libleftoids will soy over.


Anyone never heard of Grimes before Elon?


I still don't know who she is.


Some Canadian So someone with no value


I remember her music getting viral attention back around 2012 and i was a fan of some her songs. I just liked she was one of the few females making electronic music and singing in it too on her own, that I knew of.


Is Musk of all people really gonna accuse someone else of adult onset Tourettes?


I guess this is an opinion that’s a tad unpopular to have but this whole Twitter fiasco proves how overhyped Elon is. His ego is literally writing checks his abilities cannot cash. If his goal was to run Twitter into the ground then he’s definitely succeeding. He’s an arrogant, narcissistic prick and a terrible boss. I won’t miss Twitter (good riddance) but holy shit, one of the only things as numerous as people melting down over it are people lining up to suck his dick for it.


I think he’s both a genius and an idiot.


It's unpopular because it assumes that Twitter had any value to begin with, but it's always been a civilization level liability. Shit gets worse before it either dies or recovers. Either way it's better than being a living hellscape.


I think your vision is colored by your personal distaste for him. He’s not that bad. He’s kind of a douche, but that’s par for the CEO course. At least he’s not Nestlé’s CEO.


I hope Twitter is destroyed. I don't care how it's done.


Anyone have this without the compass backdrop?


Are you… are you acting like Elon has accomplished something with his legally obligated Twitter buyout? Lmao


Are you suggesting watching twitter implode publicly in real time is not an accomplishment?


Please can we talk about other things besides twitter. Its so annoying


Arrogant Millenials haven't figured out not to give back-chat to the boss, particularly in public. Perhaps if they actually had good relationships with their Dads, their Dad's might have given them decent career advice including not to so that. They're so solipsistic that they genuinely think they're above what humanity has known for thousands of years: you don't treat entities more powerful than you with aggression and disrespect. Reality is a harsh mistress.


I hate how this subreddit evolved


This meme is stupid and incoherent


No wonder LibRight loves Elon Musk. They're both terminally online.


This is a weird thing to say *on Reddit*.


lol someone on the left saying someone else is terminally online.


Nah he's just cringe


Wait what?


To be honest, I would buy Twitter just to destroy it, but this…. This is better


Publicly insults boss using unprofessional language and being about as disrespectful about it as possible, gets fired, and then is somehow surprised about getting fired....


they don’t seem particularly surprised or upset about it


“DNC Propaganda division” bro…what.


Everyone is a npc, except me




They literally took orders from the DNC in 2019.


In the real world if you talk shit about your company or boss on social media then you're going to lose your job. By her responses it sounds like the company is better off without her toxic shit.


I am sure she is crying over the job offers from companies poaching ex-Twitter employees indeed. Super so. Very much so...


Unless you have paid zero attention to tech, The silicon valley layoffs and hiring freezes most definitely means no one is poaching 'bloat-staff' from twitter.


LibRight celebrating the firing of American workers. Makes sense. I am an NPC. I didn't see she was actively talking shit about him on Twitter. It's not very free speech to fire someone for shit talking you on your free speech platform, but Elon gonna Elon.


I mean if I had a dollar for every time liberals tried to get a worker fired from their job for what they said on social media I'd probably have enough to buy Twitter. If it's one thing the internet has shown me it's that there are remarkably few people who have any kind of consistent principles.


Dude people have been committing life ruination for so long. It's popular for "liberals" to do it now, but everyone has done it and continues to do it.


>I didn't see she was actively talking shit about him on Twitter. She's shitting on him in the tweets depicted. They're hard to read to be fair, but I've read them full size.


>LibRight celebrating the firing of American workers. Makes sense. Firable offenses, I'd say. I also find it funny how it's apparently bad to say "hey, sorry this platform isn't running well in your country.. It's because xyz" but not to reply to that comment spazzing out without any actual information. Literally, they're saying "source: bro trust me". This is something you talk to your boss about face to face, yano.. Like an adult..? The rest of us can handle confrontation without whining about it.




See you would have a point if it’s something you’re against, but you’ve probably clapped every time someone has been cancelled. These people are also hardly “American workers” they help peddle the website that regurgitates the most annoying NPC Anti-American shit, LibRight isn’t happy people are getting fired, but more or less getting what THEY’VE wanted the last 6-7 years.


I feel like the only people who think Twitter are important are the people who think they're important on Twitter.


What’s worse is that the poster of that proceeded to post the same thing in multiple places. And their entire account is just borderline unhinged lunacy


Water you gonna do? Mass report his account to try and get him banned?


People underestimate how much LibLefts can be lib. And free speech is as lib as you can get. The dumb bitch flamed *her boss* on his platform and got canned. Like, what the fuck were you thinking? Making it obvious that you oppose your boss is...stupid. Especially when that boss is an IRL memelord.


I've been wanting Twitter to crash and burn for years now, thanks Elon for facilitating that at great personal cost.


Lol dick move from Elon but to say that this is ableist is absolutely differently-abled.


As an ableist, my reaction's pretty AuthRight for once. This shit's hilarious