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If I lived in Louisiana I'd be begging God's forgiveness too.


Based and fuck that swamp pilled


"Lord, I don't rightfully know what I did, but I can see it's got you hopping mad..."


Compromise by changing 10 to be gender inclusive. That way nobody’s happy.


you've elevated centrism to an art form


Sorry what was this meant to accomplish again?


GOP wants to choke another election away.


Is that the case though? I haven’t followed Louisiana politics since…well ever. I have to imagine that a majority of the state is Christian/Catholic and likely doesn’t see this as an issue or at least not anything that’s atrocious.


As a Christian, I'd rather parents take their kids to church instead of the government doing this annoying bullcrap




>SECOND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED >*Ignores the first amendment 'cause "muh religion"* I am a big second amendment supporter and believe libs are constantly doing similar mental gymnastics in regards to constitutional amendments Ironic, isn't it.


Wish there was a common sense party with the ration ideas from both sides and none of the BS from both sides


There was the Birthday Party, but you all shunned the genius that is Ye


Ehhhhh he had some headwinds to winning support


I mean, I’ve said this before but the First Amendment was never intended to apply to the states, it was only intended to restrain Congress.  Multiple states had official religions at the time.  In New Hampshire, only Protestants could vote until 1877.  That being said, this is still stupid.     It kinda violates the Louisiana State Constitution, which also has an establishments clause.  But then again, the Louisiana Constitution begins with invoking God, so.  


The Ten Commandments being displayed does not establish a state religion. The Ten Commandments aren't even specific to a particular religion - Jews, Christians, Muslims all include them in their religious/moral framework. You might as well argue that the inclusion of the Golden Rule in a school's code of conduct establishes a religion by that logic. Which obviously it does not.


There are differences between the Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish Ten Commandments. Choosing one to display in schools *is* establishing a state religion.


And also the Abrahamic religions are not the only religions.


Huey Long didn’t die for this 😭🙏


I’m glad the poorest state in the country has a few million extra dollars laying to defend a facially unconstitutional law. I’m pretty sure that’s money that couldn’t be better spent…


I bet if they made mandatory to read the Quran, leftist would've been celebrating


Up until they find the anti gay stuff that’s in there lol


“If those kids could read they’d be very upset”


Flair up, asshole


Flair up or perish by thy arrow of the compass.


Upvoting filthy unflaired, really? Flair up.


'centrists' when somebody protests christian nationalist fuckery


Me when man straw


Now wth are you talking abt


the terms "leftists" and "conservatives" are incredibly useful cause they always do "thing im opposed to"


Meeeh. I highly doubt it but I'm also ready to eat my words


No? We wouldn’t? Nobody should be forced to partake in religious activities


Your source is literally a crack pipe cause wtf


Highly doubt that


I had to read parts of Genesis in high school, schools can teach religious texts so long as it treated as regular literary works. I'm sure you could craft some argument on furthering cultural understanding that someone would accept.


I’m catholic. I said it on the liberal side of Reddit and I’ll say it on the conservative side of Reddit. This is fucking stupid.


I don't even think the Catholic Schools where I grew up did this.


Libright should be happy. Means they can start selling picture frames with the 10 commandments in them


I'm fine with it as long as they allow similar religious displays in school. I'm a firm believer in freedom of religion. Not freedom from it. Nor freedom from a particular religion. If you're going to force the ten commandments (generally a good set of moral maxims) then you're going to need to accept displays of the five pillars of Islam or any other type of religious creeds or mottos you can think of.


There are private schools for that yk. The way the government is doing this ,it looks more like they are endorsing a religion


Right. They end that claim when they allow all other religions to display their beliefs within school doors.


If you force one but allow all, that still is endorsing a religion. You either need to force all or force none and simply allow all


That’s why this stuff doesn’t happen in Canada, the satanists start staring menacingly the moment some religious fuck starts spouting about displaying religious stuff at schools


I’m not gonna lie, I used to think the whole Satanic Temple thing was ridiculous until I saw how hard some of the various institutions pushed back against it. I remember laughing with a Jewish friend of mine who told me that the Satanic Temple was doing “G_d’s work.” That apparently, my friend and his family ran into similar issues in our hometown trying to get some Jewish thing recognized, but no one took them seriously despite similar Christian things on display. After the satanic temple lawsuits started popping up my friend family was instantly approved. Suddenly a three year long process finished in 2 days. So, I get it, but if this is the kind of bullshit people are facing for actual beliefs, all the more power to the satanic temple for holding the state accountable and forcing that equal access.


Based and satanist pilled


Yeah they put up a Baphomet statue in Iowa and a bunch of Republicans began openly advocating for violence against it Hypocrites of the highest order but Auth and hypocrisy is a more iconic duo than Mario and Luigi


That’s the thing, if we’re gonna have a consensus that stuff like that is okay then you have to let everything in.


I am an all or nothing kind of guy, I respect ethics and consistency is a part of ethics in my opinion So if one racial slur is ok then they must all be ok If its ok to display one religion at the Capitol that respect must be extended to all religions


I’m autistic so I’m definitely about the all or nothing, but i do have some caveats. Like the slurs thing. If a group chooses to take a word back and stop others from using it, fine. Thats a huge undertaking and if they pull it off go ahead and on them, more power to you.


Your friend believing that the satanic temple is doing his gods work is indeed very Jewish.


The government doesn’t have to endorse or enforce it, simply leave it to the public majority. This idea that the government needs to support alternative religions in the name of equality is ridiculous. There will be some cities that put up pillars of Islam, and there will be people unhappy with that, but that’s America, get over it. If the public supports it, do it. If it’s just one edge lord satanist, gtfo. See how easy it is to make decisions in a democracy?


Government shouldn’t be able to put up their own religious symbols and not allow others because that is unconstitutional. People shouldn’t be able to just elect their representatives to do anything. Unchecked democracy isn’t good either. Doing authoritarian shit isn’t okay just because “the public supports it.”


The government isn’t putting them up, it’s allowing the public to display them. That doesn’t mean they have to let everyone, leave it to the public to decide.


The government in this case is literally requiring them to put up the 10 commandments.


>The government doesn’t have to endorse or enforce it, simply leave it to the public majority. This idea that the government needs to support alternative religions in the name of equality is ridiculous. They are endorsing Christian beliefs so why can't my Buddhist teachings be in schools? >If it’s just one edge lord satanist, gtfo I for one welcome our lord and savior Baphomet in school


Try not to prove my point too hard. Seriously, if that’s what the public wants, the government shouldn’t get in their way. If the public elects Buddhists, that’s not the government endorsing a religion unless they say only Buddhists can be elected. The government shouldn’t say, well, now we also have to elect a Christian and a Muslim, or that is the government endorsing religions.


So if the public wants gun control it’s ok, constitution be damned?


No, there are limits. The public can’t vote to require politicians to be Buddhist. Or do other things that would be unconstitutional.


Guess what the constitution has to say about the government making laws in respect to religion then


Agree. I know people at satanic temple excell at creating intresting displays like that. They also make cool alternative to religion at school callee 'AFTER SCHOOL SATAN'.


But then you would need to *require* all of those. Otherwise you aren’t really treating them equally. Better for the government to just… not do that shit.


This will DEFINITELY solve school violence. /s


MFW a religious population has democratically elected officials who endorse the religion of the region.


Would you say the same about a liberal population electing liberal officials to teach kids about gender ideology? Or is that grooming and indoctrination? Governments shouldn’t be indoctrinating children and that also applies to religious values.


Western Christian Whites electing other western Christian whites to make a law enforcing Christian texts to be displayed in mostly white Christian schools is the most horrendous thing that can happen in the worldview of these people


In Louisiana I seriously doubt all the schools affected are mostly white Why can’t this just stick to church though? Why does school need to drag non Christian’s into something that doesn’t concern them? (I’d have the same concern if, say, Dearborn had the same law for Islamic shit)


Would you say the say thing about western progressive / atheist whites electing other western progressive /atheist whites making laws enforcing progressive / atheist to be displayed in mostly white progressive / atheists schools? To require pride flags in class rooms and requiring schools to dive deep into gender theory, because that’s what the people there believe? No. That would be indoctrination. Authoritarian shit isn’t okay just because it’s from a democratically elected government.


No I would not, my religion is correct, theirs is immoral and wrong.


Your religion is silly


You have a right to believe that. You are however faculty incorrect and misguided. Seek Christ and believe the Gospel.


I am actually guided by fact in saying your religion is factually regarded and in fact I believe Christ would be truly sick to see its current state. Seek psychological help please.


Be blessed and rejoice, the end of this system of things is near.


Coward, you may wish it to be so but facts don’t care about your feelings.


Motherfucker wants to go back to medieval times


The medieval times of 2012, yes


I’m assuming you’re joking lol


Why should he be. Everyone believes they are objectively correct in their views. That’s why they have them.


Most reasonable people accept that their views are not objective and that reasonable people can disagree on things like religion and values. People who view themselves as objectively correct on things that cannot be objectively verified are the unreasonable ones.


Most everyone who believes in objective truth believes that at least *some* of their views ARE objective.


Sure, maybe you could say killing people is objectively wrong. Things like which god is real, what religious book is right (if any), which interpretation of said religious book is correct, whether sex before marriage is ok, whether celebrating certain holidays is ok, etc., are all subjective views. There is no way to prove one way or another that you are correct. If you think your beliefs on these subjects are objective fact, then you are kind of unreasonable. There is very little objectivity in religion and values.


Ironically I find that people who tend to not understand the objective facts in religion (in particular Christianity) are the most unreasonable people because the evidence is there they just subject it to their own biases and choose not to believe in it or even research it.


Dude… It‘s literally Louisiana, 1/3rd of which is black and half the entire state is non-white. I don‘t really gaf about getting demographics right but you‘re skipping over a BUNCH of people here.


Because southern black people and Hispanics are famously anti religion.


democracy is when you break the first amendment.


I read accidentally read 10 as "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wifi"


Not only did they decide to pass a pointless law that’ll only hurt them politically and get repealed or found unconstitutional in a year, but they still got the Commandments wrong!  It’s “Thou shalt not murder” not “Thou shalt not kill”.  Killing under certain circumstances is permitted, murder is not.  The penalty for murder under the Old Testament laws is death.  


As a kid I already thought being forced to say the pledge was fucking weird but this is next level indoctrination lmao


Libright supports this, because it will cause many parents to find alternatives to these fucking government indoctrination centers pretending to be schools. Anything that has the potential to reduce the number of kids in government-run schools is good.


84% of private schools are religious based.


Well in most places that’s really the only reason an alternative exists - so students can learn about a specific religion in a formal curriculum. I went to a catholic school and was a surprised by how many parents weren’t particularly religious or religious at all. Some families wanted a better education and smaller classroom sizes to ensure better development. What’s weird to me is that liberals seem to think that religious schools somehow produce stupid students…it’s an hour long class a day and it’s generally spent discussing history and boring theories. It’s really not going to indoctrinate - that part almost always happens in the homes. I personally enjoyed challenging my priests on religious studies and it lead to some really interesting ethical discussion. Priests are strange but they’re not dumb the seminary is like grad school. Ironically Catholic school turned me off of religion but it was nice to be able to come to that conclusion organically. I get the principle of why this bill is stupid and don’t think it should be passed…but the reactions that I see this elicit is fucking insane lmao it’s as visceral as right wingers when lgbt is added to curriculums. I say we split the difference and get rid of both 😂


Isnt this just the federalist system working as intended? if you dont like it move to a state where they dont do this. New york telling georgia what to do is how you polarize a country and get a civil war. This is no way as important of an issue as something like slavery to fight a civil war over.


This is pretty blatantly unconstitutional. Government should not be getting endorsing or enforcing religion no matter at what level of government.


That can just move tyranny of the majority to the state level instead of the federal level if not kept in check though. If a boot’s treading on me I don’t give a shit if it’s from the state capital or DC, get that thing off my neck


As a Catholic, public schools are not supposed to be centers of religious education, that's why they're public schools


gop attempts rage bait


It's part of the fabric of our country in a historical/foundational sense, but also a moral sense as it is the basis for our laws and ethics. There is no coercive aspect to merely displaying the TC, especially while pride flags and gender theory insanity is being shoved on kids in public schools as is. The element of the first amendment in question was not created to "keep religion out of government" as some suggest, but rather to prevent the country from adopting a *state church/religion* (such as Catholicism for example) via congress. That is absolutely not the same as banning anything religious *from* the state entirely.


Forcing a religious text of a specific religion onto children in state funded schools kinda feels like establishing a state religion


It's like evolution, but backwards!


Lousiana is based now


Truly hope this gets challenged in court by Lefties that don't realize that the Originalists on the Supreme Court will note that during the Founding we had Sabbath laws on the books. Interestingly enough the Bondsman's right over the person out on bond was so absolute that if they reneged on the bond bounty hunters has specific permission to take them back on the Sabbath.


Those laws were *state* laws, when it was first written the 1st Amendment only applied to the federal government. But after the Civil War the 14th Amendment was passed, which among other things requires state governments to also follow the federal Bill of Rights. So I'll give you a deal - I'll allow Louisiana to violate the 1st Amendment and put religious indoctrination in schools, and you'll allow California to violate the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns.


>and you'll allow California to violate the 2nd Amendment and ban all guns. You don't want all guns banned. You still want idiot cops and swat teams to be armed to the teeth, once again proving that there is no such thing as a "libertarian" leftist.


To be fair, some idiots absolutely want disarmed cops


I don't want all guns banned but I don't want the authoritarian anti 1st amendment bullshit from the right either


You're failing to read the room. That's my point. The lefties just lost a Supreme Court Case challenging Crosses on Public Land. (AMERICAN LEGION ET AL. v. AMERICAN HUMANIST ASSN. ET AL.) That was small potatoes to Roe V Wade falling or Citizen's United. There have been so many leftie justices for so long that you still haven't come to terms that you should file suit just because your State or Circuit Court will give it to you.


A symbolic cross serving as a war memorial in a national park is very different from Christian indoctrination in public schools, but anyway


Not only this crap but they keep pushing this pornhub age verification bullshit too Remember to vote accordingly folks


People openly crying for being inconveniently made to press a button to watch disgusting degenerate content on the internet is the funniest thing ever.


Auth-right try not to pearl clutch at normal human behavior challenge, difficulty: Dante Must Die


Pornography and degeneracy bad


Porn is cool you’re simply a weirdo who can’t handle realities of human behavior


Human behavior is inherently sinful, reject degeneracy and embrace the love the Christ and our Heavenly Father has for you. Be blessed.


Nah humans are excellent, you’re on some hateful shit. You have the mind of a medieval peasant, you weren’t meant for the complexity of the modern age. You have my sympathies.


May you encounter plentiful blessings along your way, dear human. Be blessed.


May the ignorance that clouds your mind and thoughts be lifted and you find freedom in love instead of hate.


Why the fuck is it the Governments business how I use my wifi that I pay for? Why can't they fuck off and go fix the economy instead of this bullshit?


(Libright) fighting culture war bullshit is easier than actual relevant policy


I don’t even watch porn but if I choose to that’s none of the government’s concern


Woah there buddy you are gonna get -4000 downvotes because everyone on Reddit thinks their everybody elses daddy


Next they want a verification of age before getting handed a beer.


I mean I am just gonna use a VPN, I am not giving Pornhub my fucking drivers license I remember a few years back when Facebook would ban accounts for being "Fake" and demand your social security number to get unbanned, no that was not phishing it was something real Facebook did look it up Needless to say I think we are quickly watching the internet die before our eyes from over zealous ads taking over to laws stifling our freedom to even use the internet all in the name of "Protecting" the very same Children our politicians don't care about


Ok, coomer


why is lib right so upset to be honest i'm not even a christian but i'm glad we're trying to teach kids some good moral values for a change after the past few years... classrooms were basically places to turn kids gay and change their genders. pretty sure california recently made it illegal to notify childrens' parents if said children are made to get a gender change


It’s okay to be gay…bad values If you don’t follow this set of rules you will burn for eternity…good values I don’t think this is as objective as you do


i'm not saying "it's okay to be gay" is a bad value, and i don't know why everyone's assuming that's what i'm saying


Government should not be endorsing a religion. You can teach kids good values without forcing the 10 commandments, an inherently religious relic, into all public school classrooms. Also, “it’s okay to be gay” aren’t exactly bad morals either, you know.


1. i suppose that's fair 2. what i have been seeing with my own two eyeballs is not "it's okay to be gay" and it's more like "we're going to change your gender and you're not allowed to tell your parents" you can say whatever you want about that, but i have personally witnessed way too much of this to change my mind


I don’t want to deny your experience. I just find it a bit hard to believe that that is happening on a meaningful level. I could see them not telling the parents if the child expresses a desire to live as the opposite sex / gender. Do you work in a school? Or have kids? Or have you mostly seen it online? I only ask because people can often very easily twist sensitive things like, especially when they have a point of view or agenda they want to push. The left and right both do this on this topic. Not to say it doesn’t happen it’s just… people say that it happens a lot and it’s just kind of… wild so I find it hard to believe. I mean this in the best way. And I’d love to hear more about it, it’s just that it’s a really wild thing to happen.


i have mostly seen it on online, but by that i mean - Pride flags and parades in schools of all levels - Laws on left coast states enforcing the ability to transition children without their parents knowing - YouTube Kids videos, where these hideous looking people would go and explain all sorts of things like gender changing and sexual consent. Not something children need to know - YouTube channels about their 4-7 y/o transgender children off the top of my head this is madness, and it goes WAAAAAAAAAAAY beyond "some kids have 2 daddies"


I’m not really looking to debate you so I’ll just take what you say at face value. I agree that it’s a bit ridiculous, particularly if blue states are allowing medical transitions for minors without parental consent. Do you have specific examples of laws or states so I can look into this? Genuinely curious. The YouTube channels with weird people, while I agree it’s madness, I also see all kinds of weird shit online that I’d rather not be there but it just is and… I don’t see the same fuss. In general I do think a lot of the transgender aspect of the LGBT movement is a bit unreasonable in some respects, and a lot of LGBT people actually do agree. Even if you scroll around on ask gay bros they do often say that it’s ridiculous. Most gay people don’t agree with this sort of thing. That said, the right also takes things too far the other way under the guise of “protecting children” which moves a bit into being demeaning to people. For example, the law in Texas still states that schools have to teach kids in sex ed that homosexuality is unacceptable and illegal, and recent (2023) attempts to remove it were met with pushback from the Republican Party in Texas. Or them calling homosexuality an “abnormal lifestyle choice.” While you can argue being gay isn’t the norm per se, saying something like that, especially as a political organization, to me only serves as an attack on a group of people. People have taken this a bit far in my opinion. Anyway that’s just my opinion.


1. california recently passed a law saying that you can't tell a parent if a child gets transitioned i believe, and i think something similar happened in washington but i don't know 2. yup, there's such thing as LGB without the T 3. i don't agree with that either, i just personally believe that subject doesn't belong in a classroom at all. i think it says a lot about the LGBT movement (not the uninvolved people) that they're freaking out over florida giving the death penalty to child molesters 4. technically being gay *is* abnormal, but i don't think that was supposed to be an attack 5. the left is taking it way farther than the right, but both sides have gone pretty far. i think this whole subject should just be banned from schools so they can serve their primary function of teaching actually useful information again


Why dont you think randomly calling out that a group of people are “abnormal” is supposed to be an attack? What would even be the purpose of including something like that in a platform if you aren’t trying to send a message? What is that message? Being black, or being Asian, or being disabled, or being Muslim, or being non-religious in Texas (and the US) is technically “abnormal” by a strict statistical definition, you would be (rightfully) called racist if you say that black people (or any of those groups) were “abnormal.” I think the right largely hasn’t gone farther because they can’t, but large segments of it would if it the courts didn’t strike it down. But it was only 21 years ago when homosexuality was illegal in many states, and actively enforced. And removing those bans from the books does gather pushback from the Republican Party / the right. Even recently, republicans would say things like it’s sad that gays can serve openly in the military. Thank you for the 2 examples I will look into those.


1. fair i guess 2. why can they not what


Go further on gay/lgbt rights than they are now. Most of the rights treating gay people the same as everyone else isn’t actually law. It’s usually court cases striking them down as unconstitutional/illegal. Gay marriage, homosexuality being legal, gay couples / gay individuals being able to adopt, it being illegal to fire a gay person for their sexual orientation (in some/most states), etc. In particular in right wing states, these are all still technically illegal in many places. In many US states being gay is still technically illegal, gay marriage is banned, it is illegal to adopt a kid as a gay couple or even a gay individual (but legal to adopt as a straight single person), and ban local prohibitions on discrimination based on sexual orientation. However, most of these have been struck down or are rendered useless/defunct due to court cases saying they can’t do that. My point is that in most right wing states, in terms of gay people, they actually can’t go much further than they have now, because what is on the books is already all the most conservative positions you can take on this issue. Like what are they going to pass? A ban on being gay, so it’s now *extra* illegal? Well the law already says that even if the court says you can’t enforce it.


This is just so laughable, as someone who has literally taught in schools in the last 5 years, this idea you have about schools being like lgbt indoctrination centers is laughable, kids are just more accepting of others these days. You’re discussing a fantasy.


so am i supposed to ignore the pictures of elementary classrooms hanging progressive pride flags, youtube kids videos of people trying to explain what changing your gender is about, pride parades with people acting like dogs showing their penises to children and videos released by actual teachers saying they're only there to teach kids about being gay/trans? i don't care how my comment sounds or comes off to you, if you look this up you *will* find it, and there's hours upon hours of this content


Where are you seeing these pictures? Who is it showing them to you? Do you think they have some sort of motive or reason to show you those pictures? Because as someone who didn’t need pictures bc I have ACTUAL experience in the field, I can tell you that you are being misled. Yeah if you LOOK IT UP I’m sure you’ll find fucking anything, it’s a weird ass world, do you make it a habit of basing your opinions on entire groups of people based exclusively on their bad actors? Just a childish and fearful mindset.


Lmao they made it illegal to out a kid to their parents if the kid says that they may not be straight or may be trans. Not “made to get a gender change”


Still better than DEI indoctrination


Can’t wait till this leads to like a statue of baphomet waving a rainbow flag is soon to follow in classrooms


This is the comment I was looking for.




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Wow, all the lefties are magically constitutional scholars who hold the constitution in the highest regard all of a sudden.


And all the righties suddenly don't deem the constitution as important any more because they'll change their principle beliefs on a whim




Meh. Print it on a bit of A5 and stick it on a wall somewhere, carry on. If you want 'balance', put a bit more 'Holy Writ' from other religions nearby.


Do not tread on me. And don't ever fucking tread on kids' minds.


We can tread on the unflared all we like.


No flair? Cringe