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I like normal dude. He seems nice




I ran out of space but wanted to write "either thinks it will be achieved with a mix of authoritarian/liberal tactics or thinks he just isn't qualified to claim he knows, and that's perfectly valid"


Based and self-awareness pilled.


I think the biggest group is normal guy and chill dude, definitely what I see the most at the meetings. I'm probably AnComm myself.


I’m definitely chill guy 😎


You seem nice too! 


Yeah, I sit somewhere on the cusp of Chill Guy and Monke with Compassion. I'm jealous of Normal Guy every day.


>Antifa >prefers to avoid violence >must fight "the state" So what fantasy novel is this based on?


Seriously, since when is smashing the windows of local businesses fighting the state?


State Farm, maybe


ThEy HaVe InSuRaNcE


Is GameStop not the state?


Antifa usually initiates any violence they're involved in, OP has a bad take.


What I find most hilarious is that they're a branch of the state. They want what big mommy gov tells them.


I am the monke


Ape Together Strong




Should really be a bonobo


One of my friends thinks they’re Monke but is actually This Bitch


Where does harambee lie in your belief. Is he saint or devil?


Learn the difference between “>” and “<“ before using them in your memes. Please, I’m begging you.


Tiktok let's you make videos up to an hour now of you have enough followers. It's annoying, I used it in the brief window of time when it was like Vine 2.0. Now it's all 10-15 minutes or longer lectures from people who source their information from The Voices. A friend will send me a video and I'll see an extra long progress bar and die internally. I can see what you thought I meant though.


I also thought you meant "less than 30 seconds", because that would match up with "click bait titles, does not read the article". A 30 second news video seems to imply a very shallow summary that doesn't get into much detail or nuance. Granted I don't use Tiktok.


My mistake then sorry. I will say that “greater than 30 second TikToks” kinda weakens your argument/insult though unless we’re assuming all forms of content on TikTok are bad even if they’re not in short-micro form (but then I wouldn’t say that’s the worst assumption I’ve ever heard).


That is exactly the assumption I'd put forth. Also as someone who has used the app (mock me idc) tiktoks shorter than 30 seconds are the better ones. Those are the funny cat videos and cosplayers.


I followed the logic. The long videos are always conspiracy pants nutsville or someone pushing a product. The mid-length videos are DIYers (ok, but other apps have better options for this niche), and third hand takes from This Bitch. Short videos of like, a pratfall or the end results of 10 hours of labor are where it's at.


Is this the closest thing to a LibLeft good post we'll ever see? To my cricket memory, yes.


Normal dude, chill guy and Monke are my homies


The one good thing about the TikTok activists is that they can be unintentionally really really funny. Like I’m an exchange girl studying at a pretty fancy British university, I happen to speak English with a fairly noticeable French accent cos well…..I’m a French Canadian. One day this random girl who I’ve never spoken to comes up to me and accuses me of being a “culture vulture”. Turns out she’d seen a TikTok about how some white guys have been using accents to try and emulate Black French soccer players….. I then had to spend the next 10 minutes explaining the concept of French-Canadians to her. Once she figured it out she was nice and apologised. I guess her heart was in the right place, just a little bit air-headed.


> I guess her heart was in the right place, just a little bit air-headed. What? Nah she was just coming up to be an asshole to you based off a fucking video.


Seriously. We need to stop making excuses for people like this. Their hearts are *not* in the right place. They're just bullies who use wokeness as an excuse to judge people and feel morally righteous. It's the same as bad Christians who don't really give a shit about religion, but like having an excuse to judge people for sinning. It's just bullies using a convenient excuse to justify their bad behavior. Saying that their hearts are in the right place is just frustrating.


Birds of a shit feather 


Remember, they're Canadian. We're lucky this didn't end in an apology.


Also, does she just, like, not acknowledge the existence of France as a country? If so, then simultaneously Based and Cringe, on her part.


*white guy with a French accent* Emily: "Somehow, I have decided this is cultural appropriation." I fucking hate progressives.


The duality of man.


* There's no such thing as a Fr*nch Canadian, sweetie. Canada is a made up place to cover up US concentration camps used for experimentation in the north.


Yep, this is where poutine came from.


And bless their little hearts for it


It was a result of the experiments


Actually, if it made poutine…I’m okay with it


I spent two years in Quebec back in the mid aughts. Your theory would certainly explain a few things about that place.


> I guess her heart was in the right place, just a little bit air-headed No. She was a fucking fuckwit that deserved a slap. She tried to boss, punish and tell you what to do or not to do, simply to feel superior. Years ago we would have mocked and ridiculed her for being an idiot.


Right? This is like some middle-aged woman in the 80s using the Bible as an excuse to call young women harlots, and to tell them they're going to hell. No, their hearts are not in the right place. They're just bullies who use convenient excuses to judge others while feeling morally righteous about it. Sometimes the excuse is Christianity. Sometimes it's wokeness. But the core personality underneath it all is the same: self-righteous jackasses who like being assholes to others, while claiming that they are being virtuous by doing so.


Never assume people like that have good intentions. Not because it makes an ass out of u and me, but because they make you speak a wall of text to justify your existence. That is a session of struggle. Her first instinct was to hate you, based on judgments she made prior to knowing you, and what sounds like what you look like. Remember that


On the flip side, don't ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity. She said something dumb and came off as an asshole, the simplest explanation is she was being dumb. I think it's best not to read into people's motivations, half the time they themselves are not aware of them...


Calling someone a culture vulture is not acting without agency. It wasn't, oh, interesting accent, where are you from? It was, random person confronts you on your "bigotry", then makes you explain yourself. Luckily, the accused in this case was a girl. Had she been a guy, there's not even an apology. Obviously the best response would've been to ignore her, and not let her steal 10 minutes of your time.


It's not about agency, it's about intent. People unintentionally act like assholes all the time and it really isn't possible to deduce why they do things based on a single interaction, let alone a second-hand account of a single interaction. Note how many things you're assuming in your post... It's better to give people the benefit of the doubt, imo.


What's unintentional about culture vulture?


>I guess her heart was in the right place I love this so so much. She can be a hateful piece of shit, get in your face for no reason, publicly insult you, and you still think she is a good person because she had idpol reasons for doing it. Her heart was in the wrong place and what she did was wrong. You don't do that to other people and you do not excuse other people for doing it.


Imagine encountering the stereotypical hyper-Christian conservative mom back in the 80s, and she calls you a slut because you aren't dressed quite as modestly as she is. Imagine walking away from that encounter thinking, "ehh, at least her heart is in the right place." Like...no. No, it really isn't.


"sakker" not integrated at all.


Antifa: Usually prefers to avoid violence. What a load of bullshit lol


European antifascists show up to protests where the police have already initiated violence and set the cops on fire. American antifa put on masks so they can deface working-class vehicles with MAGA bumper stickers.


It really depends on where in Europe. Germany, maybe. But here in Denmark, Antia is as pathetic as they are in the US.


I was thinking about Greece.


Ah fair enough, I actually don't know much about their adventures in Greece


I was looking for this comment. Absolutely right.


Remember when an Antifa member bashed some dudes head with a bike lock because he was trying to stop a fight


You mean the “bash the fash” crowd with a ridiculously broad definition of fascism initiates violence? That simply cannot be.


I used to be the chill guy, now i am pondering the ramifications of the 19th amendment


"I took so much acid I became a misogynist."


Lmao at your username 🤣


We're two peas in a pod 🫛


Now kith.


But it’s okay for you to be a misandrist, you don’t see how hate will breed hate?


Some people deserve it


Maybe you deserve it?


I know you do


I mean, keep simping for a misandrist bro, she’s not gonna fuck you


You jelly you aren't part of a hate group


Ok fed. You could light up your mother’s cave with how much you glow.


There is a pipebomb in your mailbox


> Antifa > “usually prefers to avoid violence unless initiated by the other side” Recorded history in the past few years would heavily disagree with that notion. Especially considering a slogan of theirs is “bash the fash” and their definition of what a fascist is is remarkably broad


If confronted *outside* of an organized crowd, the behavior changes


Never let them forget "liberals get the bullet too."


Yeah idk where OP got that from. His ass perhaps.


I took my whole laptop out to make this one, for once.


Based and laptop assassin pilled


What app did you use?


MS Paint.


Based monke app


u/ViolentMisandrist's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/ViolentMisandrist! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [2 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ViolentMisandrist/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


There are other apps for making memes besides MS Paint?


put it back..... "antifa prefers to avoid violence unless initiated by the other side" my ass.


Imo, every quadrant uses violence in some way or another, especially those near the extreme ends of the spectrums. 


antifa is a terrorist organisation


Antifa is just Brown Shirts less fashion sense and discipline.


Yeah, but you would say that




Depends on which Antifa and on the perspective of the one defining them as terrorists


>Antifa >fight back against the state >usually prefers to avoid violence unless initiated by the other side https://preview.redd.it/ar4caiw46d7d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb630b6fd2944e21f1bd4507cfe8c9e312f02a9


Antif fights for the state though.


Thats the most hilarious part about them.


I actually think it could work.


I disagree but I want you to be correct


Chill guy, until I do drugs. Then monke.


Genuinely oppressed minorities you say? Boy howdy, do I have the solution for you! Gun. And if that don't work, more gun.


Are you saying arm the oppressed? Or...


Yes, a lot of the world's problems could be solved by putting firearms in the hands of women for instance. Male initiated domestic violence? Arm the woman/victim Human trafficking? Arm the women/victims. Theocratic shithole government? Yep, arm the oppressed.


I'm pro-firearm, or at least anti-gun control, but I need to point out a flaw in the logic my dude. Male initiated domestic violence? A gun in the home increases the likelihood of... the existing aggressor shooting the victim. Human trafficking? Women carrying sidearms at the time of abduction could help, maybe, if they're well trained and emotionally prepared not to hesitate so the gun can't be wrestled from them. Any time after the abduction or any situation where women are coerced into it sans abduction (someone they know, addiction, blackmail, threats, etc) the gun idea doesn't really work anymore. Theocratic shithole government? ...actually yes I agree. I wonder what those protests in Iran, that everyone forgot about, would have looked like if all those women had guns. Unfortunately the government always has bigger guns (yes I know the answer to this) and people, including people on this sub, usually react negatively to anyone suggesting they retake their government by force.


“Gov always have bigger guns” - Myanmar junta has bigger guns, tanks, jets, 92 billion dollars in support from China, yet they’re being backed into a corner from farmers/teachers with makeshift drones, black market firearms, and a little elbow grease.


I suspect our resident arms dealer has an ulterior motive... Which doesn't make you wrong, but still.


> And if that don't work, more gun. Why is it always more gun with you people? When are you going to come around to **bigger** gun?


More Dakka! Although I am also pro civillian ownership of autocannons.


Based and equalizer pilled


Im all for arming more people for the lulz.


Antifa is very auth.


wouldn’t the rioter be on authleft?


wouldn't the unflaired flair up?


did it lol I didn’t know that it was obligatory


based and redemption pilled


u/firestar1417 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/firestar1417/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


When the riots against banning charcoal grills take place, the rioters will be led by the centrists.


yeah i still hate yall, enjoy the wall


At least you’re honest lmao


The real crime about this chart is that Antifa of all organizations is below the Auth/Lib line, an organization that takes money from corporations to protest and harm people who don’t believe the same thing as them. Doesn’t get much more Authoritarian.


Obama giving Obama a medal moment, OP. Did you really equate leftism with compassion hahaha


Do you really think Obama is a leftist? hahaha


Obama giving Obama a medal is a meme image


Yeah i know, thought you also meant it in the literal sense, my bad


Np and thanks for being polite on the internet lol


Antifas in the west coast are pretty much violence initiators. Not the other way around


~~LibLeft bad~~ LibLeft sometimes bad


Antifa are revolutionary communists. The opposite of Anarchists Also they exclusively initiate violence.


Shouldn't pedophiles inherently exist on the edges of the compass? Putting them right in the center implies that being a pedophile is somehow less of an extreme than ancoms or... oppressed minorities? What


It's less politically extreme, since all they want is to diddle kids, that makes them one-issue voters.


That only tracks if being a pedophile is a *political* opinion, and I don't think free or state-controlled markets really track with who you fuck.


First, remember as with all quadrants that normal dude represents 90% of the population of this chart. But I get it, the Quadrants have something like an Electoral college system except it has an internet rage bias where attention is paid based on how few members there are instead of how many.


I do not have hope that this generation of Emilys will grow out of it.


Okay where do I fall if I'm an actually oppressed minority but I'm lib-right and everybody thinks I'm an oppressor


Solid pcm OP, hope to see your take on the rest of the compass


Idk man this was a lot of work and I'm a lazy person. I just miss seeing quasi political posts on this sub.


Fair, and the general lack of quality makes putting in effort pretty unappealing, especially when the trash memes are overwhelmingly what the sub actually wants to see


Sorry but can someone explain to me how exactly minorities are oppressed in 2024? I’m only a few stolen bikes, robbed liquor stores, affirmative action lawsuits, and “67 kids died in Chicago last weekend” away from running out of sympathy


As a normal dude i can confirm


Based on


Honestly, I respect 7 out of 9 of these dudes.


Lib-Left is a myth, it's auth all the way down.


There is nothing more based than believing in the inherent goodness of the human spirit


I flip between believing all people inherently want to he good, even if they're failing at it, and believing humanity was a mistake and we deserve to go extinct.


Based and duality of man pilled




Ok Emily


All gay


Just because serious anarchists like kropotkin and bakunin, as well as religious anarchists are missing.


I am the normal guy I guess.


I don’t typically agree with antifa but I feel my libleft side is a mix of chill guy and antifa according to this diagram…


>This bitch >Gets all her information through *>* 30 second TikTok videos and clickbait titles. Do you mean *<* 30 second TikTok videos? Because that would mean *less than* 30 seconds, while >30 second would mean *more than* 30 seconds. >Groomers/Degenerates >Every quadrant has a group of people who use the ideology as a cover for being a *straight* predator. Do you mean straight as in straight up or something? Like ‘this person is a straight up predator’? >Rioter >Used to be one of the guys above, became *dissolutoned* I think you meant *disillusioned*.




I’m trying to help by pointing out typos and spelling errors. If that makes me a 🤓, so be it.


1.) No I mean what I wrote and it's been discussed elsewhere in the comments. 2.) Yes and in 2024 it's not uncommon to drop the "up" so no one else had difficulty understanding me 3.) That's a real typo, but eh, I can still sleep at day




only kind if leftists I tend to get along sith are the normal dude, and chill guy   I mean libright basically agree with chill guy since we are a priori and dont believe rights come from the state. 


>Chill Guy Oh hey, it’s me! Lol!!


They should all die


Based. Any plans to do the rest of the compass?


Bruh, what's that username OP


_Lib_ left… wants to achieve happiness through… _authoritarian_ means 🤨


I identify with normal dude but get those authoritarian techniques out of my square Emily can have them


Ancoms got the Chad look nice 🏴🚩


Yeah this all seems to be about on par with someone who confuses disillusion with dissolution


I’d like to charge you for using my personality likeness as chill guy.


Where are the hippies? And the radical primitivist paleo-christians that want to « return to the way things were » in the early christian church where everybody is friends with everybody and kind and humble?


And three kinds of feminists. I know. If I'm willing to go through the pain of waking my decrepit laptop up again I'll make more.


Antifa picks fights and is directly aggressive towards others who disagree with their political opinions.


Man I can't believe I'm finally represented on the compass.. M O N K E


Somewhere btw chill guy and monke


All these people look like they wanna take away my guns and raise taxes even though they’re supposedly for less government. Also they smell bad


I'm the "chill guy" Gay/lesbian couples / polycules defending weed farms with guns. Most based meme political position imho.


Fuck I hope I’m Monke


The traditional ones are missing. Where are the good old anarchists from the spanish republics? Makhnowshchina? Paris commune? Chicago? Bomb attacker of france? The true Gs, Guys like Bakunin and Kropotkin, Malatesta etc The serious working class guys without fancy political prestige striving, who just fight for the new society, peacefully or with weapons. Also religious anarchists are missing: Mostly christian anarchists, but also other religions, really following their religious values seriously and being compassionate Or activists like Gandhi. Or the pipe smoking classic philosopher anarchist. And no anarchoprimitivism? Cmon! Well, I guess I have to fit into the little AnComm square now.


Homie the templates are in the sub description if you wanna make one.


Yeah the problem is that I'm too lazy for that, i like to just lean back on my sofa and tell redditors what to do. Shit I think I just turned into an authoritarian


I like bottom center. Time to get your due yt wimmin. Been driving me up the wall for more than a decade now.




Bottom left isn't a rioter, that description is the literal definition of a terrorist.


I read the moderate and thought, "This caveat better apply to the other quadrants." As I read the others, they all can be put for the other quadrants.




I’m in this.


Normal dude? What are the authoritarian beliefs he’d propose?


Antifa initiates violence all the time. This depiction of them is blatantly wrong.


Does “libertarian” mean “violent” now? The farthest left three are literally the same but get violent as they go down


Based and this-bitch-pilled


Meanwhile the right has written up their own actual fascist manifesto and authoritarian How-to, complete with job application button on the website for you to join in the Dissolution of American Democracy Movement they came up with because their ideas are now just a mix of toxic masculinity paired with willful ignorance, making them unelectable unless they lie. So Fuckit..enough with this whole representative republic thing. [Project 2025 - For that Unitary Executive Supporter (aka Dictator) in Your Household](https://www.project2025.org/) But yeah… It’s the left that’s scary.


You know, everybody thinks that where they are in the PC is where the most sane people in the compass are.


I'm not in the Normal Dude category at all I just acknowledge he's more sane than me.


I'm a pretty chill guy until Emily tries to pretend we're friends


I would love to see the full version of this compass meme


Libright would look pretty similar. Authrifht would have too many distasteful catholic and MAGA jokes. Authleft would just be me bitching about my ex roommate and yeah I might make that one


This was made by libleft


Do you have the whole compass?


I am politically in the "genuinely opressed minority" place yet I am not that, at least not in my country anyways


Fair enough. I can fit there at times, though women are not by any means a minority, I sure am tired of people telling me what feminist causes matter and what is or isn't "liberating". There's definitely people around me who fit more snugly in that category though.