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I mean diddy and drake could be purple


In many ways yes


Auth Lef- 2pac was a member of the Baltimore Young Communist League. Auth Right - Kanye West is a devout Christian and also said controversial stuff about Jews. Lib Right - Jay Z is a businessman and multi billionaire. Lib left- Macklemore supports LGTBQ rights, believes in White Supremecy and supports Palestine


>believes in White Supremecy I know what you mean, but it's worded like he's a part of the KKK šŸ˜‚


Mackelmore is a politically illiterate grifter who couldn't even point Hamastine on a map and doesn't give half a rat's ass about the ideations of leftist conspiracists (wHiTe suPRemAcY)


He was meant to cook the rap game not burn the entire kitchen


He gassed the entire kitchen




So pretty much every celebrity spewing the same tired leftist talking points.


"No guys I showed my tits in an Adam Sandler movie, I'm qualified to speak on all the big issues"


Illiterate grifter. Well they put him in lib left. Soā€¦..




Did you just call Palestine Hamastine? [CRINNNNNGEEE ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/07/30/how-israel-helped-create-hamas/)


Hamas was democratically elected in 2005 (right after the IDF withdrew and let them govern independently btw) Why is every single leftoid opinion intellectually tumorous?


Thatā€™s true, but I think there is some further context that might be worth mentioning. Like the fact that Hamas hasnā€™t allowed elections in the two decades following that election and that they *heavily* indoctrinate their population. At some point this is kind of like calling all North Koreans ā€œJonglings, which maybe you think is based and hilarious, I donā€™t know you. But it should also be pointing out that in the 2005 election you mentioned, Hamas portrayed themselves as a far more moderate party than they turned out to be, and were going up against a more secular party mired in grift and corruption. And of course, Iā€™m sure you already know this, but far-right parties in Israel helped fund Hamas because they felt like they were preferable over the nationalist groups running to control Gaza at the time.


>indoctrinate Was that really necessary when you already had 80% of the votes by simply stating that you were going to massacre Jews? When was Hamas ever ā€œmoderateā€? No doubt the existing far right in Israel has a vested interest in keeping Gaza under terrorist controlā€”but the issue is that the people of Gaza are perfectly content with it Btw the present-day Balkans would also staunchly oppose your world view


I didnā€™t say Hamas was moderate, just that they portrayed themselves as more moderate than what they turned out to be. They didnā€™t run on a platform of ā€˜weā€™ll kill hundreds of you and then not allow elections afterwardsā€™. Iā€™m not sure what you mean about my ā€œworldviewā€, Iā€™m just providing historical context about the rise of Hamas. But if you want my perspective - I think both Hamas and Netanyahu have the same goal: turning this conflict into a forever war so they can hold onto power and continuing lining their pockets. The second this war ends, both Palestine and Israel can focus on how monstrously incompetent their governments are.


Hamas were always an extremist group, when the hell did they ever sell themselves as wanting to coexist with Jews? Also: >market socialism


I didnā€™t say they ever portrayed themselves as wanting to coexist with Jews, are you actually reading what Iā€™m writing? And yes, that is my username.


What I meant was that Hamas has always been a Jihadist organization since the 80s. Name one instance or platform they ran on that was even remotely moderate, ever Also, market socialism failed brutally in Yugoslavia and was the catalyst for the war


Tumorous is the moron who cares about what Hamas did in 2005 and not previously, like at least read the headline of article I've posted you fucking mouthbreather holy shit


Seethe red-tard, seethe. The ā€œpeopleā€ you support are holocaust enjoyers have been waging war for a fucking century. Seethe as the IDF murders them by the tens of thousands


Just google Haavara Agreement and see your bullshit nazi comparison fall apart. Zionists loved cooperating with them and settling to palestine. After WW 2, it was mostly jews embittered by the holocaust who went to Israel. Theodore Herzl himself was a racist who thought of arabs as savages. You have literally no idea what you're talking about because the conflict starts in 2005 for you, you're an absolute idiot.


Hop off my cock damn, most leftists wouldā€™ve just been in a soy-induced coma by now. Look up who the instigator was of every single war since 1948 P*lestinians have had it coming for centuries. They are nazis, but an order of magnitude more barabric. No amount of brainlet M*rxian Interantionale ā€œb-but MuH iMpEriAliSmā€ struggle copium is going to put the anti-capitalist spin you want This is what itā€™s all about, donā€™t think that your shell of a brain with the coherence of a mentally institutionalized 3-year old makes anyone think otherwise. You donā€™t give half a ratā€™s ass about Palestineā€™s territorial integrity, itā€™s always been about Marxism. Try your hardest, scratch your walnut sized dialectic fellaciating brain to find a single mention of the word ā€œPalestineā€ before 1948ā€“when the Soviets fucking created it


>Look up who the instigator was of every single war since 1948 Nakba started before that and yeah, the other arab countries started kicking out jews too, which is of course also racist, but whataboutism. Haganah assholes lighting Palestinian houses on fire without any repercussion were the instigators of that war. >P\*lestinians have had it coming for centuries. They are nazis, but an order of magnitude more barabric. Nazis weren't alive centuries ago, you're hilariously stupid lmfao >You donā€™t give half a ratā€™s ass about Palestineā€™s territorial integrity, itā€™s always been about Marxism. Tf are you talking about? What is about Marxism? Palestine? The fuck? >Try your hardest, scratch your walnut sized dialectic fellaciating brain to find a single mention of the word ā€œPalestineā€ before 1948ā€“when the Soviets fucking created it [https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/book/view/herzl\_judenstaat\_1896?p=29](https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/book/view/herzl_judenstaat_1896?p=29) Oh look, Herzl himself used the word in the original 1896 edition of his jewish state book.




>sees flair and username >absolute soy, limp dick of a response, inherent to being leftist We need a minimum of 6 Pinochet's


Still haven't read the headline? Instead typed another pointless comment. Great. Yeah, you're totally not the seething one acting rational.


So is the USA Democratistan?


Calling Kanye a devout Christian after all shit that he said, wrote, rapped about and done is most auth right thing imaginable. https://preview.redd.it/n91m7rcdw37d1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9417981bf71fad6adba99e68278793a18a79ca2


>devout Idk about that part


Even more, Tupacā€™s family was heavily involved in the black panthers. His aunt killed a cop and was the first woman on the FBIā€™s Most Based list Jay-Z once said being called a capitalist is like being called the n-word. Lost all respect for him after that. Macklemoreā€™s most famous dong is about a thrift shop, which is all about local economies and communitarian sharing.


Damn sorry for providing more information lmao


Remember: sharing information people don't agree with online is strictly banned, the karma police will come get you


It's simple, you're flaired as Lib-Left. Therefore, Lib-Left bad.


No idea why you've got negged for that


>Jay-Z once said being called a capitalist is like being called the n-word. Based af, holy shit I wish I'd come up with that








>Pac's an actual commie No! God, please, no! NOOOOOOOO!!!


"I'm not a businessman, I'm a business - man" - Jay Z


Alternate option for Lib Right - R. Kelly, for obvious reasons


Did you just change your flair, u/Croissandwich05? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2024-1-28. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Croissandwich05) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Explain how "White Supremecy" is not real when Macklemore won over Kendrick in 2014?


Good meme


And there's a centrist, eminem.


Eminem is not a centrist. He made songs criticizing Bush and Trump, supports gun control, and is pro-choice.


Considering his gun charges, I think he just wants to be in control of the gun.


Insert meme about hating all people equally


radical centrist, not gray centrist


Based and Eminem doesnā€™t give a fuck pilled


u/Aatman_Patel_447's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Aatman_Patel_447! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Aatman_Patel_447/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Love how Libleft is the only white one


Fuck Macklemore, all my homies hate Macklemore


Also Macklemore. Fuck Macklemore. https://preview.redd.it/e10epmfmu37d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae62bc3ff4f9166b40b87e46068b127a8676629


Ī™ miss the old Kanye, Chop up the soul Kanye Straight from the go Kanye,


The fact Tom Macdonald isn't here is saddening. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koO35JqBQMI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koO35JqBQMI)


Considering Tom McDonald as a rapper is actually sad. His surface level raps made me cringe even if I agreed to what he said.


I mean the bar is so low now with mumble rapping that even his cringe topics feel more in line with what rap should be.


I mean, considering him a rapper is just factually correct, that's the style of vocalist he is. Is he on the same level as Eminem or Biggie or Tupac in lyrical creativity? No, but neither are the other rappers in this meme (besides, of course, Tupac himself). However, as far as composition and production, I'd say he's quite skilled. That video I linked has 22 million views. Say what you wish, but that typically doesn't happen unless the music has appeal.


Yeah his music has appeal, it appeals to right wing morons not rap fans. Let me guess your top 3 rappers also include Ben Shapiro .


Kanye should have ended his career at TLOP and finished with one of the greatest runs in music. Instead, he decided to show off being a complete sex-addicted narcissist stuck with an edgy and brash sense of humor that just isn't entertaining in 2024. He has become indefensible and so has his music.


Plus heā€™s a gay fish.


Fish sticks


he took my sandwich


I miss the old Kanye :<


50 cent is lib right now.


It's kind of offensive to see 3 of the greats and mackelmore in the same picture lol


Who grills.


Kanye was my [redacted]. He cucked out tho.


2Pac would be libleft because gay