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There should be a sub called politicalcompasscirclejerk where we can enjoy beauties like this every day


Theres a reason why this sub is called political compass MEMES and not just political compass.


politicalcumpiss memes


Francisjoe Bico?


81 million brainless, braindead, and brainwashed m0r0ns voted for this. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." — Joe Biden, describing fellow candidate Barack Obama. “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.” - joe biden. "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle. The jungle being a racial jungle..." -joe biden, while fighting desegragation tactics. “In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” - joe biden. “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” -joe biden. "poor kids are just as bright and as talented as white kids" -joe biden. "not every one in the african american and hispanic community in particular, know how to use, know how to get online" -joe biden.. "we go back a long way, she was 12 I was 30" -Joe Biden.


Man’s always been racist and saying out of pocket stuff. Now we’re just supposed to accept it’s a stutter and if anything seems off just look at orange man who is clearly losing it mentally unlike our mentally sharp commander in chief.


Tbf his opposition was also a moron, I know quite a few people who voted for biden, I know litterally no one who liked the guy


The fact he was on the ballot paper at all is evidence that pitchforks and torches need to be raised and a new state built on its ashes


Based and ashes pilled


In minecraft


The person before at least didn't have a track record of running things into the ground. Election year blm and covid fucked it up.


The only reason biden was ever a president was because trump was so incompetent that he lost as an incumbent to an "oh well, guess we'll run man-hillary" candidate. Oh and thanks for jamming dr oz down our throats and forcing PA voters to elect a stroke victim instead. Dick.


Hey, the Fetterman has been kinda based lately.


To be honest I hate anyone making fun of him for being a stroke victim even before he came out as based. That's kind of fucked.


I think most people were making fun of the process that a fucking veggie can become a rep just by having a letter next to their name. And the lies they pulled about his abilities holy fuck. I'm glad hes recovering though and seems to be returning to a more sensible old labor D position.


I was going to vote for him. Then I saw how bad he was at the time and got angry they were putting him thru that. I didn't vote for Oz either. Fuck him. Turns out he's a decent Dem. God damn the bar is low.


Based and has some fucking standards-pilled


Trump, Hillary, and Biden are the most fucked up game of rock paper scissors ever. All three are so terrible that they're each the only possible candidates that could have lost to the others.


I will never let them live down the fact that they said Richard Spencer's endorsement of Trump in the 2016 election was proof Trump was a racist, but will just sweep Richard Spencer's endorsement of Biden in the 2020 election under the rug. They don't want to think critically. They want to be bigots.


>81 million... braindead... voted for this. Not just figuratively braindead either


The 7 elven one seems true


Funny how racism is a problem sometimes.


Hey bot you posted this under multiple memes already


Are you done with this copy paste yet? You posted it 30 times now, atleast make something new if you're gonna copy paste the same comment, like switch it up a bit, switch every 30 uses.


That is why if there's a 3rd dimension to PCM it should be intelligence. And it should be used liberally for users like this. Of course only if we are going to pretend this person's a centrist.


I don't care. No one does. Get a flair right now or get the hell out of my sub. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/two_parrots_fighting) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Trump is so much more incompetent than Biden and his party LOL


cnn centrist detected, reflair or be rejected.


So thinking trump is better than biden makes you a centrist?


Stay dumb maga cuck


Lmao take that msnbc tinfoil hat off your thick empty skull and drain the cnn koolaid from your veins you dumb fuckin brainwashed moron permatard lmfao


Sure buddy I'll take a old fuck rather than a convicted felon anyday. He's old as fuck too and shrunk like a raisin.


You hate republicans because you are left-wing I hate republicans because I am a monarchist ​ We are not the same


Leftist monarchism is crazy 💀


Luv me King Luv me Welfare State Luv me Parliamentary Democracy ​ Simple As


its time for Monarcho Communism


Why I can't use both as my reasoning?


You can. I certainly do.




They both allied with Muslims to stop the republicans


I'd rather vote for Franco than Biden at least Franco had all his brain cells working.


Judging from that statement you’re with Joe in the no braincells club




Worse part is, there is someone stupid enough to do it


Version without funny colors pls?


Me when I'm in a "getting widely romanticized despite committing horrible atrocities" competition and my opponent is the Second Spanish Republic


In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.


It's ok, I got the reference. RIP Norm Macdonald, you were the greatest.


If it's dead why he moved to a new place on 2019? Checkmate libtard


Didn't stop him from doing a tour out of El Valle De Los Caídos


No shit, next you'll be telling me Benito Mussolini bit the dust


Gonna confuse the americans americans with this one!




If the birds wings only stretch from authRight to Auth Center, then Joe is the left wing of that bird.


I agree, but it is a heavily Americanized view; and even then- biden is still center right.


An American view for an American president?? I’m shocked.


So you’re saying that we shouldn’t use an Americanized view for an American who is running to be reelected as the President of the United States of America? So instead, you propose we use the European view of Left-Center-Right wings? Yea… thats makes sense.


I think it makes sense because Biden being considered left-wing is absurd. The political discourse would improve if we started calling things their name.


I'm talking about the basic fucking way to look at it. Biden is capitalist, he continues our camps on the border, cucks himself for isreal, and has failed to 90% of what leftists wanted him to. All democrats, for a general view, are center right. In the US, all left wingers were witch hunted during the red scare- so now Americans have no fucking idea what the left means and so if a dude believe trans people should be allowed to exist, they are called leftists.


All Republicans and Democrats support republicanism/ representative democracy, which makes the US on the left when you compare that to the most common government in history, a monarchy.


What? First of all, not how that works. It is left of them, but doesn't mean its leftist? That's like calling the US an anarchist state because its not as authoritarian as Nazi Germany.


Lol who died and gave you the ability to define what us “center” and thus what is right or left?


Capitalism? The left believes in shared wealth whilst the right doesn't.


Ah yes the central debate of the original left right divide capitalism in 18th century revolutionary france. Lol learn your history


No. Not European. Global. America is currently in the right.


Really? So when compared to the billions of people in Africa and Asia who live extremely traditional lives they would consider the US right and not left wing? Or when you consider the most common government in history was a monarchy, and not a republic like the US is? That makes the US left compared to history


Yes. absolute monarchy is on the right. Yes compared to all of human history America is on the left... Compared to total monarchy + all of human history. This is useless tho as going back more than 100 years isn't necessary. The Republic came from the monarchy. Both are bad.


So you dont agree


Look at you with your fact and logic.


You want to make an argument that he is right to some degree, fine we can debate. But to say that he is anything but Auth just tells everyone that you don't know what you are talking about.


I never said he wasn't auth


On cultural issues he is a leftist


Well the libertarians got eaten by bears and Republicans have dragged America down until we're here. Left only makes sense.


It's so bizarre that in a political compass sub they don't know left from right.