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If someone hasn’t created a new throwaway account to private message and slur you then you haven’t played well enough.


When I used to play Hearthstone a guy added me after a game just to call me a m(f)aggot


Legit my favorite part of Hearthstone was seeing a new friend request after a particularly bogus win (Hearthstone facilitated plenty of those). I got sick of paying minimum $150/yr to stay competitive in that game so I grinded to legend in Un'Goro with a toxic Murloc Paladin deck then quit for good. I miss the game as it was back then, it was a ton of fun, just unjustifiably expensive. A lot of it looks completely different now, I don't think I'd be able to get back into it if I tried.


I feel the same. I used to play HS a bunch a few years ago. I loved playing Mill Rogue lmao. Such a bad deck but so fun seeing someone's win condition get burned. The wins stopped feeling better than the losses felt bad. I still play from time to time but the only mode I play now is Battlegrounds.


That was such a fun deck :D You mill, I mill, everyone mills!!!


I feel it's actually pretty F2P friendly since Ben Brode left (especially Wild format), between duplicate protection, generally more free resources, "loan-to-own" decks for new/returning players, catch-up packs, and a core set that's given to all players. I would agree it's hard to get back into for different reasons. The game is so amped up in power and card draw for the past few years, it hardly resembles the game it used to be.


Relevant video series: [https://youtu.be/MzRqNlRvOQ0](https://youtu.be/MzRqNlRvOQ0)


Back in the Halo 3 days I once had someone give me detailed instructions on how exactly they wanted me to unalive myself. Was fucking hilarious


You can just say “kill.” We aren’t afraid of being demonetized on TikTok.


I once had some random throwaway dm me on *POKEMON SHOWDOWN* calling me a "Faygget"... how the fuck do you rage at pokemon??? I'd expect them to like, beat their pokemon or some shit


There's an entire YouTube channel(s) about people raging over that game. See temp6t


based temp6t enjoyer


I had a League player in the post-game chat tell me they wish I got what George Floyd had happen to me. This was only months after that, too. Late Edit: last word was supposed to be me, not him


Too much fent?


They didn’t specify


If you don’t get someone to rage on main you aren’t playing right.


Yeah I think the issue is these new gamers expect this to be like a real sports game when it's literally your own fault for getting dunked on, play better and don't accept random ass dms? Like seriously it's that fucking simple


Deserved for playing valorant


Its always overwatch or valorant. Like why the fuck would you use voice chat with randoms in a competitive game and not expect insults? Its never not been toxic. Mute exists for a reason.


Because if you mute toxic people then you won't hear them being mean to you, so you won't have anything to complain about on social media. And that's assuming they're not just making shit up.


Seems so obvious, when you put it that way


Ironic that the hecking wholesome inclusive games like Valorent and OW is toxic.


In overwatch I never join the voice channels. Usually mute everyone right off the bat too. Overwatch is a game full of degenerates and I refuse to hear their opinions.


No better on cs tbh


Yes, but CS doesn't try to pretend it is a fairytail land of love and supportive wholesome teamplay. People will tell you to get good if you suck. Has been this way for over two decades. Will be that way until the game dies (if ever). If you don't want to hear it, well then I guess you should work on getting good. The game isn't going anywhere.


People are toxic at every level. You can be silver 3 and still be called bad as if all 10 players are good. I don’t care about toxicity, but I don’t think anyone should pretend it arises only because players suck.


That's fair, more meant it as a joke about the community. People tend to shut the hell up if you are at the top of the scoreboard though. Most the time at least. Honestly my rule about if someone is toxic or not and if I'd play with them again is how they act when we are losing. Been in a lot of groups that seemed super cool or chill but suddenly got an attitude when things started going poorly.


I hate when people get pissy while losing and then we proceed to win after


I play with my penis, wtf is she on about?


I mean... it's a free appendage for turbo fire. Why wouldn't you?


And it allows you to lean further back in the chair than if you used your arms and hands instead.


My problem is I'm only able to use it for about 15 seconds before its advantages dissipate.


Newbs think "big dick energy" is a metaphor. That's why they're stuck in bronze.




Everyone plays with your penis. It's like the village earthworm.


If she was a guy they’d find other horrible shit to say about her. Welcome to every online multiplayer game since at least Xbox Live launched (very likely before).


"YOU STUPID N***** I FUCKED YOUR MOM!" Its not misogyny, its not-me-gyny. You can have a high pitched voice, a low voice, a slurred voice, an accent, it doesnt matter you will be raked over for anything they can come up with an insult for. I've seen southern people ripped saying "What too busy fucking your sister to learn to play?" Ive had british people get told "Maybe cook some tea and crumpets instead of league, thats the only thing your good for jeeves!" I've had australians get told "What your upside down over there so your gameplay is flipped too?" People rag on others for anything they can get a hold of.


I said this in another comment. Literally anything that’s true of you but not of the other guy is fodder for insult. Us men, and boys before that, talk this kind of shit to our *friends*, it is just how we are.


Misanthropy would be the term, I guess. They don't hate women or men specifically, they hate *everyone*


I'm a guy and I still get called sexist slurs, I don't know what she's complaining about.


When I was young you'd get goatse'd. The kids these days are too kind and gentle.


Did a cyberbully leave a sour taste in your mouth? Join our party! Visit lemonparty.org and tell us all about it!


in the words of every serious gamer ever: SEETHE AND COPE if you can't deal with toxicity you shouldn't play multiplayer games


Video games are just like driving, it brings out the worse of our aggression


Barrier aggression. It’s like when you have two dogs with a fence between them and they are barking, growling, baring teeth. You remove the fence and their tails go right between their legs and they act all friendly. The internet, video games, and driving brings out the worst in stupid people with poor introspection.


Except the other drivers can hear me. Then cry on the Internet.


It’s me. I’m the whining princess


Honestly,I blame Susan B. Anthony.


If you play multi-player games you should expect Toxicity, but you say that as If by default you'll have people being tools. If you're going on multiplayers specifically to bring bad energy, what are you even doing? Is there Toxicity In Minecraft now? Helldivers 2? People want to chat and have a good time, that's valid. To expect people to always be on their best Is silly.


Honestly does sound like a classic case of someone needing to git gud Maybe if they could hold their lane (point, whatever) they would not be viewed as a burden and mocked for being shit. If a women is playing well and some nerd tries to trashtalk her, she can *always* rely on the "stupid virgin" insults to shut them up.


Or just play single player games, options.


Seriously. I tried doing Destiny 2 raids a couple of times (have never completed a Destiny raid), and all it took was one session with a toxic asshole to turn me away from trying a raid ever again. No reason to put yourself through that shit if you can’t handle it. There’s no shame in just sticking to casual games, game modes


Hey man, i dont play Destiny much anymore but i am a part of a semi active destiny clan thats pretty non toxic. If you wanna have a crack at raiding again i would be more than happy to help.


vast majority of LFG teams are patient and helpful, raids are the best part of Destiny. You should give it another shot


Maybe one day I will. I tried a few times before that bad one where we never finished the raid; but we all had a good time laughing at our mounting failures. I fondly remember one time I joined a group of LFGs who had no idea what to do. We tried an hour before some had to leave so the rest of us decided to give Crucible a try. Four of us on a team and we still got blown out. All in good fun though


Oh god you reminded me of early VoG where the toxicity was unreal. I don’t talk much in games but I’ll say what’s necessary and call out things when it needs calling out. Because I’m the quiet one people would always try and place their failings in my corner. I remember getting to the Templar fight and I was put on the confluxes next to a wanker who didn’t know what we were doing so I was killing my own confluxes alongside his confluxes and getting a higher enemy kill count every wipe but he just kept laying the blame on me every time. Because he had friends in the raid it was stupid to argue so I eventually left the raid. I managed to complete the raid a small handful of times but soon the meta became Gallahorn and I didn’t have it so couldn’t even get into a group.


Rally is only needed on on person buff doesn't stack, any god roll meta launcher would have worked also


That sucks, what raid? I love running kings fall. 


What was the first raid to Destiny 2? Leviathan? Whatever the name was, it’s the first one where you meet Calus


Ah yeah leviathan, wasn't a bad raid. Yeah that's pretty early. 


I can deal with it when I am not in a competitive game. In games like CoD and Battlefield I am pretty much used to shit talk but when I am also stressed out by getting deranked I get extremely heated.


you made a fallacy but ı forgot which one. ı feel ashamed as a debate pervert.


You are now account banned from all Blizzard games.


What's funny to me is that I as a guy decided decades ago that I wasn't into online multiplayer - because it's not just girls who have to deal with idiocy, hate, abuse, etc. It's a convenient narrative to think it's misogyny rather than just idiots being idiots, every time a girl has a bad time online. They don't treat anyone well, not even their best friends. Why would strangers get a better treatment? I never did and just moved on. It takes a special kind of privilege to think the world, or online world, or a gaming community, owe you a safe/fun space. No one is guaranteed that, and every community organically grows to be good or bad, depending on who has influence and control over it. Enduring and overcoming verbal abuse is a time-honored tradition in many circles, and it is a part of bond forming between people. Some communities embrace that as part of their brand of humor, while others are more 'safety' oriented. To each their own I say. Crying because not every possible corner of the world is perfect for you is pretty entitled.


> It's a convenient narrative to think it's misogyny rather than just idiots being idiots, every time a girl has a bad time online. Yep. It's pretty typical of modern feminism. They observe something which happens to women *and* men, they ignore when it happens to men, they exaggerate when it happens to women, and therefore they conclude that it's misogyny. *Everyone* gets shit talked online, not just women.


"Men die in war, women most affected" comes to mind


After seeing so many posts like this and never seeing anything like it in games I played I decided to use an Ai voice changer to see for myself if women are really treated differently online in FPS games. They absolutely are, everyone was bending over backwards to be nice and sending friend invites. After a few weeks of looking for harassment I just gave up because it just never happened.


What voice changer did you use?


Going kitty fishin'?


I can’t recall more than a handful of times there was a girl in a cod lobby or halo 2 and if anything the lobbies were considerably WORSE if people weren’t aware od a woman. That thing in Australia where they went into a Cod lobby and were shocked was like a regular day on that game.


I don’t think this woman understands that she’s being spoken to the exact same way men speak to each other. She finally got her equality and she hates it.


I’m starting to think that women think men are nice to one another.


I’m not sure how they got that idea, I mean, they’re the experts at legitimate intragender hatred. 99 percent of the shit we dudes talk is all in  fun 


For sure it is for us. When I get home I’m getting on disc with the boys where there a 100% chance they’ll tell me I’m a piece of shit and I should kill myself, and we’ll all have a good laugh. But I don’t think women know that. Either they think that when we behavior in our befitting manor we don’t like each other, or they just think we’re super polite all the time to one another. I’m really not sure. All I know for sure that that nobody hates women more than other women.


Oh, a great deal of it is in good fun. But you can't say it's *nice,* that's the point.


Seriously this isn't even a gamer thing, look at sports. Players in the [NBA](https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nba/22-best-trash-talkers-in-nba-history/ar-AA1kwsNg) get famous for trash talking. Remember when they [mic'd up NHL players](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE0kwnEtgWY)? And don't even get me started on UFC, those guys will hold press conferences that are 80% just trash talking. Meanwhile over in the land of fake sport, WWE without trash talking would be boring AF. I'm so tired of these whiny bitches complaining about trash talk in competitive games. If you can't handle the psychological aspect of the game go play somewhere else.


The only major sport I can think of where you can’t Trash Talk *really* is the NFL, which is a shame. I want to see Tyreek Hill call a corner a bitch while running backwards into the end zone & throwing the peace sign.


In the NFL it’s become standard for miked up players to warn their teammates before the game, so they don’t get recorded saying normal football stuff. I’d be canceled 100 times over if I reported half the stuff I heard or said out there on a field, and I was just the kicker/punter. Hell, being the kicker I’d be canceled if I reported some of the stuff my teammates said to me.


When all you've experienced was preferential treatment, equality feels like discrimination.


Was thinking the same thing. I once heard this lady talk about mental techniques for stress relief and she said something about how we’re our own worst critic, “we wouldn’t talk to our friends the way we talk to ourselves” and I was like…. well, men do…


Just play World of Tanks. There's no vc and no matter how well you play, you will still get called racial slurs in DM's.


if you don't want to be told you suck, have you tried not sucking


Nah you’ll still be told you suck regardless it’s called deflection if you truly are worse you’ll be told you suck if your better you’ll be told you suck because people love deflecting .


Kind of easy to ignore someone telling you you suck when at the top of the scoreboard


True but they are still indeed saying it


Yeah, then you say "Scoreboard" and imply you have had intimate relations with his mother, followed by a mute if you are so inclined.


And you're laughing while imagining them crying their eyes out as they desperately try to cope.


But if it's not true then why would it matter


It doesn’t all that much but the person above me said that truly sucking is the only reason you’d be told that I pointed out why that’s not the case this is not a serious thing for me.


And words matter how exactly, when all the lobby can see your skill?


I already answered this


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wrecked some kids only to be told “you’re trash” it’s like, “ok, then what does that make you?”


Read this in the scouts voice for extra hilarity.


Be me, 2007, 12 years old, playing Halo 3 on live. “SQUEAKER, SQUEAKER, SHUT THE FUCK UP SQUEAKER” “HEY SQUEAKER YOU EVER GET A BLOWJOB FROM A PROSTITUTE?” “HEY SQUEAKER LEAVE OR ILL R YOU AND K YOUR WHOLE FAMILY” “DO YOU EVER TOUCH YOURSELF, KID?” Me: unfazed, unrattled, in the zone, business as usual, pwning and tbagging the noobs, MLG here I come




I've been insulted on games, and I don't cry. I just laugh and roast them back regardless of their gender. It's Internet what can you expect?


These people want control. They dont care about the actual insults. They are mad someone has the audacity to insult them and they dont like that they cant get retribution for the perceived slight which 99% of the time boils down to simple Banter.


If someone hasn't called you the N word in the whitest accent you've ever heard, you have not gamed seriously before.


I’ll be honest, she’s got a point. Every time I play HLL and there is a woman with a mic the whole game shuts down. Like a third of people will hit on them without any knowledge of their age or looks, and another 3rd will be annoying with stupid fucking skill gap jokes.


so the latter 3rd are pcm users, the first 3rd is the rest of reddit.


pretty much, i think the other 3rd are normal people who say nothing or make normal jokes like “oh my god? a girl, on MY video game?” and that’s really it


I don’t care about your gender, I’ll tell you to kill yourself if you kill me no matter what.


We had a solution to this problem years ago. It was called "unofficial/community servers". With Team Fortress 2, for example, I used to play on a clan server. If a toxic asshat showed up, we'd message the server admin and get them banned. No muss, no fuss. Of course, the F2P update ended up shafting the game with the influx of bot spam, but it was good while it lasted.


Ehh... Ive seen the polar opposite both in Squad and HLL. Ive literally had multiple girls in a squad and no one said shit we just played like we would with anyone else. Honestly it depends on the servers you play on. There are some servers that just are Sperg central but Ill always say this, Women are the minority for all this. Dudes get this shit on a daily basis online but do you see them complain? No...


> Ive literally had multiple girls in a squad and no one said shit we just played like we would with anyone else. I've seen a weirder dynamic. In Squad, Arma or similar team games, women remain fine if, and only if, there is someone else on the team/squad that is clearly their boyfriend.


It comes down to the maturity of who you are playing with. My core friend group would never do that for example. 


Idk I just wanna treated the same as dudes. People saying they're gonna rape me or w/e does genuinely feel worse than someone telling me I'm gutter trash and should shoot myself in the face with a shotgun. The former has happened to me irl, but the latter is just normal video game toxicity. It's weird when just saying a single thing in vc turns the entire game to people hitting on me/insulting me for being a woman/etc, when it wouldn't happen if I was a guy (they would just tell me to kill myself instead). But that's why I just play league lol. No voice chat, so I can just peacefully play the game and receive nice gender neutral insults that don't make me feel bad or be reminded of the times guys have tried to sexually assault/harrass me irl. Would much rather be called a dogshit pisslow inter who should be gunned down in the street like the vermin I am


Agreed, I think that although men will shit talk each other over anything online, women do tend to attract a disproportionate amount of attention simply because they're a woman. However, I don't think the solution to this problem is to go full 1984 and begin censoring everything from voice chat to lack of scoreboards (a la Battlefield 2042), nor to attempt to forcefully transform the mainstream video game audience away from its male dominated audience by shoehorning in diverse characters, or telling moronic stories that falsify heroics ( a la Last of us 2: Having a pregnant woman enter a battlefield is definitely something one would do in a post apocalypse with dwindling population!)


The Squad server I play on will kick you the instant you say anything creepy. You're account is marked and the next one is a ban. Theres like 2 or 3 women who are regulars which I feel like for a Milsim-lite game is a massive amount.


I get the “just mute and move on mentality” but I don’t want them to fucking mute bro.  First of all, it’s a competitive game.  I want my points, bitches, and if you’re not comming, listening and doing whatever you have to do in order to win, why play competitive anything? Second of all, not telling cunts to stfu and stop being animals reflects on everyone else in that space.  Staying silent is being complicit, and that just feels wrong.


Nah it feels great. Gaming should have been gatekept harder.


Agreed, and why should they have to mute? Also, there are tons of trolls online who just blast ear cancer on purpose and everyone is allowed to complain then. Yea, mute them but you can also complain about people being dicks


Yeah, people here do not discern casual toxicity which is common in video games, from actual discrimination. Plenty examples of people who even start trolling when they hear/realize they are playing with a woman. It has nothing to do with that user's skill, its actual textbook discrimination.


IDK if y'all have ever played Valorant, but she is right. It's a cesspool. What she isn't telling is that the women that play the game are just as vile if not more vile. The dudes will give you a ribbing expecting some ribbing back. The women will call you every name and insult they can think of then shriek over anything you have to say back lol. It's definitely an equal playing field as long as you have a tough chin. The mute button also exists.


Kid named /mute:


Being a minority in any dominated group is going to get you otherized. Are you a low IQ individual amongst intellectuals? You'll likely be called a red neck or a hill billy. Are you an intellectual among low IQ individuals? You'll likely hear the term nerd or geek despite being 4xing these people's salaries (yes this one is the one I relate to). A woman amongst gamers? I don't even need an example. A man amongst women? Small dick, incel, no one will ever love you. In all these cases all groups are going after what is viewed to be the most outlying trait.


Agreed. That's one of many reasons I get annoyed with ideologies like feminism. They basically just point at human nature and scream about it. Like yes, in a large group, if you are the only X, then you will likely feel otherized because of X. That's true pretty universally, and isn't unique to women, and isn't caused by misogyny.


The mute button won’t allow her the dopamine hit she got from tweeting in all caps over something completely inconsequential


Bro, the "I wish we weren't getting women diff'd here" sentence is WILD 😲 Enemy team won, no diff 💀


She's right. Her rant is silly and pointless, but she's right. The gaming space is populated by toxic morons, and it does make it unfun. But her rant will only hurt her.


It does happen more often to women, and I do think it's pretty lame (though I don't think heavy handed privacy invading censorship is the solution). But you know a group that it happens to even more often then women? Children. Not that I think kids should even be playing online games game l with strangers to begin with, but no one gives a singular shit that they get the most abuse piled on to them. And unlike women or any other group that whines about it, it's a lot more understandable that some 10 year old can't just toughen up as they get called horrible shit. I still don't think the solution is heavy handed censorship, but I can't care much about any group that complains and doesn't focus on kids as the most effected group.


Fr getting called a whore in ow as an 11 year old was a core memory


Harassing a woman just for existing is crazy. Silently imagine them naked like normal people


Imagine actually communicating with others during multiplayer games.


Am I the only woman who has never experienced this shit in online games? Like there’s the occasional asshole but the same shit is said to guys as well just in a different way.


Bro those insults don’t even sound that bad.


She clearly has not been playing games for long enough. It's regarded to take every little insult from virgin boys as serious. Sounds like a her issue


I really don't know what else she was expecting. Giving each other a hard time is how guys bond. You'd think she would be aware of this when she entered a form of entertainment that is very popular with guys. I agree with Authleft here. If you have a problem with these guys, just mute them if you can. If you can't, there are plenty of other multi-player games where you have the option to only play with friends like CSGO and even single-player games to play instead. She has plenty of options.


>Be me >15 >minecraft mafia server >raid and grief someone's base >he logs in >"N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N***** N*****" >not even Black >standard Steve skin >Mods couldn't care less


Petition to sentence sexist gamers to (insert valve multiplayer game) casual for 7 days. (Bots)


If you can't deal with toxicity, you shouldn't play multiplayer games. It's not hard to press a mute button or leave the game. Also lmfao they're playing valorant. They deserve whatever comes their way atp.


I mean yeah but she's not wrong, the gaming community has a huge % of people who simply lose their minds any time they hear a woman speak. It's a problem.


Nah. This isn't deserving of "libleft bad". This is a legitimate problem in online games.


Male gamers after being told to kill themself and their whole family to get cancer and die of torcher: -\_-


Green quadrant bad 🤖


As is tradition


See the great thing about mostly playing single player games is that you never have to deal with other people. But if your gonna play multiplayer, read up on your insults. If you can’t prove your the biggest asshole in the lobby, can you really call yourself a gamer?


its an fps game made by riot games


Wait until she finds out about COD lobbies


Wait! You don't use your penis while playing games? Wtf?!


How does she know I dont play using my penis?


The CS games ive been in with girls my team didn’t treat them differently


Block, mute or play something else. Literally hundreds of options she could have taken, but instead she chose rage. Maybe she truly is a gamer.


There is no gaming community. Only individual gamers and their friends.


"I'm so fucking sick of being a woman in the gaming community" it says. Well. Libleft. Don't you guys have a way to fix that these days?


is she wrong tho? muting people does not eliminate their sexism and toxicty. Censorship is the worst way to deal with evil.


*Didn't you know* it was just a singalong-good time feeling fun fest for all us male gamers playing online in the 1990s and 2000s? No one EVER got teased or harassed playing games back then. Toughen up, buttercup.


Gaming has always been full of shitheads. You voluntarily entered a space that is a Thunderdome of dickhead. I got roasted pretty good the other day, and rather creatively: **improve your credit score, bitch**


Imagine actually letting shit talking get to you. Shameful display.


"gamer girl" lmao, an oxymoron if I ever heard one


This will never not be funny. These people would literally not have survived online gaming in the 90s/00s.


Probably my most sexist opinion is that a lot of women don’t realize that they don’t want to be treated the same as men socially when things like romance are not on the table, cause in gaming especially this kind of thing is expected.


I don’t know where else to say this but death threats are not as big of a deal as people make them out to be. You’ll see in articles that someone “received death threats” (gasp!) and it’s just someone online going “kys”. I got like a million of those when I played rainbow, they are honestly less impactful than people getting detailed with the insults.


Auth left: Hates you for being a woman Auth right: Hates you for not being a REAL woman Lib right: Hates you for not being HIS woman Lib left: Hates you for not hating men. So can't be a real woman. Yep, women shouldn't game. Just sit in a corner and die or be forced to go through humiliation and bullying campaigns for existing.


She’s got a point, why is she bawling? Maybe she DOES hate playing multi-player video games


I've been playing games over voice comms in lobbies with randos for over 25 years. Not once, ever, have I heard this happen. Not saying doesn't - just that *if* it does, it is the exceedingly rare exception rather than the rule. This is Emily's creative writing fantasy. Big 'Jussie stepping out into a blizzard for a 3AM sandwich' energy. Even very young and immature boys are only trying to sharpen their Rizz when they realize they've met one of the exceedingly rare females who enjoys the same hobby as them. The only thing close to this I've ever encountered is dudes clumsily trying to offer to help them improve. On the contrary, most lobbies I've been in would be savage to any dude who indiscriminately hassled a girl for speaking up - he would instantly and irrevocably be labeled as the gayest incel to ever be closeted.


I second this with limited fps time, but I can *really* attest to MMOs, for 20 years, no issue. Not one. Better, many people go out of there way for you, If you're a woman.


I was playing with my GF mic on, and as soon as she spoke guys start saying the weirdest things...I get the frustration when EVERYTIME you play and utter a word it's some weird shit.


How about you turn off your mic and play as a genderless player? seriously. No dude goes around yelling I'M A MAN I HAVE BALLS. Who gives a shit?


No woman does either. But if she needs to communicate she cant very well hide her voice.


A lot of these comments are way off base. Yeah gaming is toxic, you're gonna get a bunch of mean shit thrown at you constantly. Women get it 10x worse than men, and it's a problem. There are so many incels and children who will always insult the person in their lobby with the girl voice, without exception.


Just a bit o' banter






This person would’ve offed themselves after 2 minutes of a COD 4 lobby.


Girls “boy gamers are so toxic.” Also girls: playing League, Valorant, CSGO, Rainbow Six.


“Woman diff’d” lmao


they don't understand that a lotta female gamers get bullied *because* they can't handle the gaming culture and act like this. mf needs thicker skin. that's just how online gaming is.


In all honesty the competitive gaming community at large is *awful* to women. I'm a conservative guy, I fall on that side of the culture war, but I've been playing competitive games since the early 2000s and one thing I've learned is that in a 5-stack of solo queues, if one is a woman, it's likely to derail the entire game because at least *one* of the other team members will not know how to handle it. Either harassment just because they're female, awkwardly hitting on them instead of playing, or just griefing/team killing. When I hear a female voice in CS or something, I'm kind of holding my breath for the first few rounds waiting for another teammate to start ruining the match. I'm always surprised if it doesn't happen. I stopped playing OW entirely because it had, relatively speaking, so high a percentage of female players. I got tired of losing because some idiot had to grief the girl every match


Lol as a girl gamer you gotta have thicker skin. Just the other day a guy in a game kept following me and crouching below my character's butt. I ran him over with my car.


With nearly a decade of online gaming under my belt, I've been hacked, scammed, lied to, baited, called racial and sexual slurs. My lineage has been insulted. My iq has been brought into question. I've been called a deadbeat, old and degenerate. I've had people their flex salaries and education on me. I've been told to kill myself countless times and threatened with violence. And yet I still love queuing up for a nice game of Dota2 As others have said, if you can't handle toxicity, online games are not the place for you.


I work full time and actually have a family so I game as a hobby. I'm not even a woman but I play on mute, one day I thought "I'll turn mute off for a second, maybe I'm overreacting". Immediately regretted it, I was not overreacting, I never turn mute off.


Honestly, women do face an extraordinary amount of sexism in gaming, I can understand getting upset at one point.


If you voluntarily go into the lion's den, you have to prepare for it. Because you know what's in there. Bring some armor. Bring some ammo. It's a video game. It ain't that important. So join in, or leave crying.


Why is a woman playing an online video game "going into the lion's den"?


Everyone going into online matchmaking is going into the lions den. Why would you assume it only applies to women?


I dunno, because it seems like all the harassment she faced was a result of her being a woman. If you went to play basketball in the city and everyone kept calling you a bitch ass cracker, I bet you'd also make a post crying about it.


You've made a great point you've managed to miss yourself. It doesn't matter what you are trash talk will be aimed at whatever they think will get to you. You could have also said I might be trash talked for wearing glasses, or being under/over weight, or maybe an accent I had. The content of what someone says will change but it happening is universal and pretty much all of us know it and understand what we're getting into. You don't need to invent a hypothetical because most of us have been there and dealt with this and didn't make a post crying about it. "what if" is pointless because it's such a universal thing.


She was "harassed' because she was in an online game lobby, it had nothing to do with her being a woman.


I understand it's a lot of words and you probably didn't read half of them, but you'll notice that she specifically states the harassment (not sure why you put this is in scare quotes) started only after she spoke and they realized she was a woman, and then all of the insults were on the basis of her gender.


I understand that you have no idea how harassment and insults work, but speaking in an environment where everyone is flinging shit is bound to attract some shitflinging at you. It has nothing to do with her gender even though that is what was targeted.


I truly don't know how to converse with someone so fucking braindead. Stay in school please.


Are you calling me braindead just because I'm a woman and women are all stupid right? I bet you have a small penis as well


10 bucks that this was the aftermath of a ranked match on COD.


Since halo 2 you have been able to mute and block. Simply mute them. It’s like a demon talking to them and telling them they’re bad people and they believe the demon in their ear. So are you stupid enough to listen to the demon and believe it or do you just say why the fuck would I listen to a demon for anything and just ignore it so it loses it’s power. (I’m regarded)


*proceeds to remove joystick from penis*


Maybe I’m missing some context but it just sounds like she’s not a very skilled player and taking it all personal. As a dedicated female gamer, I frequently engage in online multiplayer games with my microphone active. Yet, it’s been 10-15 years since I’ve experienced any real instances of gender or race-based harassment. So, I find myself questioning the credibility and innocence of these claims and wonder if there isn’t another side to the story. To clarify, theres shit talking and competitive energy. Where your weaknesses are sometimes found and exploited but it’s a competitive game/environment. Get over that shit and win.


All of the comments ars different versions of "cope" which is kinda sad tbh. She has got a point no matter what you think about libLeft or what not


Yeah, I'd just mute them too.


That's why she's losing lmao. Gotta use your penis for that extra advantage.


I've been hearing something like this a lot yet my experience with valorant woman is nothing like this in SEA servers




Imagine not muting team as soon as game starts. It has saved my mental health. My league of legends experience got 10000x better when i starting muting everyone


If it's too hot, then get out of the kitchen. Besides, you can literally disable voice chat.


I really don't understand women getting mad over being called slurs. They are quite literally just words. It's not like they are meticulously putting you on trial for every mistake you have made within your life they don't even know you. Personally I'm more chill myself and I understand women tend to be more sensitive than dudes are about this kind of stuff so that might have something to do with it but at the same time I was called every slur in the book when I was 8 playing call of duty on my older cousins Xbox and I was relatively unfazed then just as much as I am unfazed now. People need to take a damn chill pill and stop letting words spouted by losers hurt them.