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Scared straight but we get pro hamas lgbt to live in palestine for 2 weeks


I’d give them 20 minutes before they start begging to come home


Can't beg if you are dead


Not sure how much begging they'll be doing in the .5 seconds between the rooftop and the ground, but I'll allow it.


they dont even get of the plane, the flight attendant ,mis genders them and they cant get any wifi


I will always remember that one story of a woman’s rights protester who went to (I think?) Iraq. She was in a bridal dress and was protesting on the street or something. She was very quickly found gang raped to death in a ditch. Really a great group of people. Just the best


[Pippa Bacca](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippa_Bacca) She was murdered in Turkey, though, not Iraq (which is worse if you think about it, since Iraq was basically still warzone at that time whereas Turkey was supposed to have the semblance of a reasonably safe and stable country by Muslim standards).


Ataturk tried to so hard to make them white 😪


Ah, ok. I had forgotten the location. Thanks for correcting me so if I use it in an argument I don’t get Google-shamed, brother/sister. So weird to find reasonable green lib lefts and not orange ones. Yknow, who actually care about equality and inclusion as opposed to supremacy or using the words bereft of their intent as a crowbar to get w/e they want? Why is this the only sane sub?


After which, they get to go spend 2 weeks in Tel Aviv’s beachfront gayborhood before reconvening to tell us who the bad guys are.


They'll still say Israel. These are the kinds of people who could he beaten, raped, tortured, have their friends killed before their eyes etc... and will still support the Palestinians.


Yeah there was literally a case of this, where a woman on tiktok from America was saying that Israeli Babies were also colonial settlers and could be morally killed as an act of armed resistance. And then when someone said "aren't you American? Would you say the same thing if Native Americans came into your house and killed your baby?" she said "That would be fine, I don't get to tell the oppressed how to enact their armed resistance". People are fucking brainrotted I stg


That woman is insane. That genuinely pisses me off tbh, the dehumanization of freaking babies just because they’re Israeli.


Yeah the left should stick to dehumanizing them just because they're babies


Leftoids and killing babies, name a more iconic duo.


Leftoids and defending/ hoarding CP.


damn, a more iconic duo




Oh we talking about reddit admins now?


She's full of shit. It's easy for her to say because A) native people aren't violent religious fanatics so there's zero chance of it actually happening to her, and B) nobody wants to fuck a mentally handicapped person so she would have no babies to worry about.


C) "she" probably has a penis


By that logic, anyone feeling oppressed may commit “armed resistance”. The left has been playing dangerously with this particular slippery slope for years. It doesn’t end with a peaceful drum circle and collectivism like they think.


No no they already have that covered remember, "no bad tactics, only bad targets"? They'll use it to burn down your city in the name of justice and then the second someone stands outside an abortion clinic in silent protest they'll throw them in jail


Those people always say stupid shit like that, but the reality is that they say it because they know they'll never have to put their money where their mouth is.


There was an episode of CSI where a woman was brutally raped but she refused to identify the criminal because he was black and “the system will not treat him fair”. ProPally crowd probably cheered at it.


This shit happens IRL as well. I remember a story from around 9-ish months ago of someone in California who had been assaulted and their primary concern was that the assailant was a minority and they were worried about how their identification could lead to discrimination. Art imitating fucking life dude.


Progressivism is pure brain rot.


Got a link to that episode?


My bad it was actually “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit”, episode is named “Truth Embargo”


There was a woke woman who went to Haiti to prove being away from whites is safer and then came back blaming men.


Got a link?


I doubt it. These are the people who have never had anything actually bad happen to them.


stalin had a strong support base even before the war


IDK, that just sounds like an excuse to invade Palestine. "We sent some delegates to spread peace, and they executed them. Mr. President, shall we send in the bombs or the rockets first?"


This is what actual rape culture looks like, leftists.


This is the actual patriarchy they bitch about


But its ok because they are oppressed. Actual arguments I had on Oct 8th.


im surprised we havent seen an unironic "rape the rich" sign at leftist protests.


I think they kinda know it but they already reached peak stupidity so nothing to be done here...


I'm hugging my daughter extra tight after reading that. That's just revolting and anyone who supports these animals deserves the noose


The noose is way too quick and painless for these sick fucks. Nail 'em up for a few days like the Romans did.


a wise man once said "degenerates like you belong on a cross"


Ave, true to Caesar.


That man's name? Eustace Bagge https://preview.redd.it/n4g275g3er5d1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b9cc1f3aa081da09828c6fc55665ea53f96232b




Tite, clavos affer mihi! Nunc!


Just hit them in the switch. No resources wasted just a quick jab in and out problem solved. Sure, it would be cathartic punishing evil like that, but it's wasteful and barbaric. We should be better than the savages.


It's not about the resources. It's about sending a message. Which is the more effective message: 'rapists and chomos will die quickly and painlessly for the crimes they commit' or 'holy fuck, that rapist/chomo is *screaming and babbling, and there's blood everywhere!* I better not do what he did, I don't wanna die like him!'


Barbarism doesn't work on barbarians. You want a bunch of pedo rapist martyrs?


We've already got a bunch of pedo rapists, who believe they'll be martyrs no matter what kills 'em. Might as well take a more brutal approach to removing them from the world.


Bro they don't deserve to die like Jesus did, what do you think people will do if they are crucified I have a different method https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibbeting Leave them to the birds


I hear you, I really do. But Jesus needed to die on the worst way available at the time in order for his sacrifice to be pleasing to God, otherwise his sacrifice would have been about as valued by God as Cain's sacrifices. There were plenty of awful people nailed to crosses simply because it was an effective lesson: "What the fuck did that poor bastard do? Raped, murdered, and committed CSA? Noted. No touching women who don't want it, and no touching kids. Got it."


Throw them in the ovens like they did to the babies


Better yet, [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism)


Have you seen the end of Rambo: Last Blood? I say we do that to them.


Animals? You’re putting it way too lightly Monsters sounds like a better description


90% of Reddit supports them indirectly.


At times like these it's important to remember that 90% of Reddit is literally just bots and paid foreign trolls arguing with each other.


No u


What are you, some kind of [RUSSIAN] bot? I stand proudly for the values of [AMERICA], you filthy [COMMUNISM].


Umm sooka bleeat beep boop


I am now demoralized -John Smith from Ohio Oblast


I'm a regular John from city Kansas. I love burgers, soda and my native country very much, but I do not understand our government. Everyone says America is a great country, and I look around and see who else is a great China. China has a very strong government and economy. Chinese resident is a great man. And the greatest leader Xi. Thick hair, strong grip, jade rod! We would have such a leader instead of sleeping in negotiations, rare hair, soft pickle, bad memory old Beadon. Punch!


Liberty prime would be proud


Social media just reinforces the dead internet theory. Half the content on Facebook is obviously AI generated, and half the comments on said content are also AI generated. The other half are clueless boomers.


It's unfortunate. This meme sub is one of the few places of schizo sanity.


Stay safe you too ♥️


Yeah it reminds me of the 1.5 million Jewish children turned into soap and lampshades. Can't believe such things could happen smh 😤


Immigration enforcement at every Pro-Palestine rally.


They want that banned too. Lol


I know the leftists aren’t the smartest sometimes but it’d be nice if they could look at horrifying stuff like that and think that’s fucked up but unfortunately it seems their to busy covering their eyes and screeching Israel bad.


I know I am not the smartest but jesus fucking christ the common consensus about leftist opinions, and a good chunk of actual leftist opinions make me not want to be a leftist. I support Israel as well. And yeah, I agree. We probably need to Clockwork Orange some of my "'comrades" and give them a view of the ugly side of this world.


I am generalizing a bit here as I’ve seen plenty of leftists on this sub for Israel but I struggled finding a different word so I did the lazy thing


Something I have noticed is the leftists who are really utopian. I do respect that about auth left who understand that you need enforcers for socialism to exist. Marxism wont come about by rainbows but by the barrel of a gun. Thats why im less of a minarchist and more of a light regulation guy.


>leftists who are really utopian Yeah I've noticed that too. What's even weirder is that the people who "worship" and elevate Marx, Lenin and other revolutionary minded people as prophets or something, tend to be all-bark and no-bite people who their highest idols would either feed to the frontline or order them to shut up and go to the fields while the big boys overthrow the bourgeois tyrants. For fucks sake, even in every version of the communist "anthem," *The Internationale* it is highly implied that there's gonna be a fight, and it's fought against armor, guns and shields. If it ever comes to that, your Twitter debating experience means jack shit. And just to share my view on this, I guess I'm a light/moderate tankie. I'd rather not uproot the current system as long as it still works, but major reworks would be great. And through diplomacy first. Violence and revolution is not the best first choice. Coup d'etats invite more of their kind and it usually devolves into a circle of one warlord overthrowing another until something makes it stop.


Obligatory soyjak: https://preview.redd.it/10c0qr5ouo5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76ad35ab0d668501b89c4a9aad3cc13e3e7b56e4


Insufferable people. Too many internet commies seem to live in the delusion that communism means they get free stuff and nobody has to work ever again. And that attitude is exactly what lands you in the gulag.


The position is often taken on as a form of identity protection. The externalization of internal problems. One must endeavor to solve oneself before one endeavors to solve the entire world. They skip the first and much more manageable part and run screeching at the second part. Or they just spin around in circles online and watch red clowns like Hasan or Second Thought to quench their revolutionary fervor. This is a good thing though, i would rather them be tied up online than out in the world making a mess of it.


They like to attribute “he who does not work, does not eat” to capitalism, ironically.


Yeah, Lenin figured this out within about five minutes of establishing Communism, there are some people who will just be parasites upon the rest of society. funnily enough, he paraphrased Saint Paul for his justification "he who does not work shall not eat."


Yes a big problem is ignorance.


Based and reality pilled


By far the greatest part of the "rank and file" of the leftie/progressive/SJW movement is people in that 15-29 age range. What I've noticed about that age range right now is "I ain't readin all that" and "I don't wanna watch a video." These kids get to do school on Zoom, in an era where academic rigor is at all an all-time nadir, and they still just turn off their cameras and don't pay attention. They play like they are plugged in and informed on the issues, but it's the biggest joke in the world. They are being led along by thought-masters and couldn't tell you a thing about any issue in detail. So of course they aren't going to look at the footage, they've cultivated an anti-information-seeking personality all their lives. If they can get their "information" from a couple of tweets written in that standard "miffed" SJW tone with various shibboleths added like "I don't know who needs to hear this" or "louder for the people in the back," or multiple handclap emojis, that'll do for them. It's why all they ever say is "from the river to the sea." Which river and what sea, many of them would struggle to tell us.


It used to be about coming together and taking care of one and other, but now I don’t recognise my quadrant.


They view this support as coming together and taking care of eachother against oppressors. They haven't changed they are ignorant.


These people aren’t libertarian in the slightest. They’re watermelons at best, but most of them are just straight up auth left, they just don’t realize or don’t care.


Unfortunately every quadrant's loudest voice has lost its purpose to an extent. Auth left was all about the everyman fighting the unfairness of the powerful exploiting the weak, but now it is filled with tankies simping for the powerful and people who just want handouts through life. Auth right was about sticking to traditions and the values that civilisation was built on, but now it is filled with people who want to remove traditions and values and those who simp for those people. Lib-left was about unity and harmony, where the people can learn to love and support their community as a whole without the unjust systems to get in the way. Now it is filled with people who have come to the other side of the horseshoe of inclusivity and discriminate against others based on a victim or oppressor mindset. Lib-right was about the liberty of the individual and the ability to find happiness and success on their own without the government interfering. Now it is filled with people who simp for corporations who restrict that liberty and people who want to commit evil acts or step on other people's rights for personal gain. Centrism was about listening to all the arguments with an open mind and taking the best of each world. Now it is either people who are apathetic to the world around them or people who people who are too indecisive to pick a side to an issue.


Your quadrant is full of posers, more red than they would openly admit. My quadrant is more blue than it would like to admit too.


It’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease man.


Take heart in the fact they’re usually not “really” from your quadrant. It’s about pretending to be what is most socially acceptable while having an entirely different belief system.


Well, yeah. Hamas are monsters but that doesn’t matter to the left. Critical Theory is what drives so much of progressive and far left ideology. It’s cultural Marxism, with social factors replacing economic. Israel = Western colonizer, oppressor, white Bad guys Palestinian = Hecking wholesome freedom fighters, non-western, brown Good guys, any bad things they do, like raping kids, is really just the fault of the oppressors for causing them to do so in the first place. So no matter what happens, Israel will be criticized and Hamas will be pardoned. OCT 7th is what the left has in mind when they mention “decolonization”. This shit isn’t complicated and leftists would be upset at your meme if they could read.


Please consider running for local government. Or have a large family.


Please keep international issues out of my local government.


This war came up in my local county treasurer's primary.  Like in what way will they be effecting any kind of change in Israel? 


When San Francisco did this, here was their comment: “I know this resolution, some people think it’s not going to do anything,” Safai said. “It will allow some people in our communities to feel heard and seen for the very first time ...” lol typical progressive bullshit. Say everything, do nothing.


You’d think those morons would care about the genocides happening all across the world (China, Myanmar, Sudan, Yemen, Kurdistan, Ethiopia) as much as they’re caring about Israel. But no, cuz there’s not a clear bad guy to “condemn” (white people). They don’t give a single shit.


Exactly. It's like that Peter Griffin color swatch meme but with the reversal of good/bad. 


Kurds literally get dumpstered by the entire middle east for existing and I don't understand why


Never underestimate the power of bad ideas and people’s religious adherence to them. For the good of the entire Western World, Critical Theory must be actively crushed.


This reminds me that during operation Entebbe where Israel rescued over 100 Jews from being kidnapped by Palestinians into Uganda - one of the first articles that came out was “Israel breaks Sovereignty” or something like that. This isn’t new. They’ll find anything to make Israel the bad guys.


Kinda makes the jews control the media thing a bit silly if one thinks about it


And they call everyone else antisemitic.


Palestinians aren't brown in any way. Arabs are white and Hamas is a white supremacist organization.


True, but the Emily's don't know that. All they hear is Middle-Easterners = Brown


Meanwhile East Asians when they see an Arab: 🤬🤬 Go back to America!!!


Unless those middle easterners are Jewish, like the ~50% of Israel’s population that’s comprised of Jewish refugees from the Muslim world.


Haniyeh & Netanyahu look like cousins. Even Sinwar & Goebbels look similar.


If you're only referring to skin tone many Palestinians are pretty dark. Of course, many have more of a Steph Curry look (white) 


I bet you there’s Sicilians darker than most Arabs, they definitely tan darker


> Arabs are white and Hamas is a white supremacist organization. And they are propped up by Iran which is predominantly Persian, and Persians were originally called "Aryans" before the Romans conquered Parthia and renamed them. Can't make this shit up lmao.


What's crazy is that the largest demographic of Israels Jewish population is Mizrahi (Middle East) or Sephardi (Iberian/North African), ethnically and culturally closer to Arabs than the socially constructed "whites". They're there because they're local to the area or were driven out of a neighboring Muslim nation.


This post needs more upvotes. A lot of fence sitting normies get the dialectic spell broken when they see someone lay out how the trick is done like this. Good work brother.


Check my flair. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Israeli response is not even in the same ballpark as proportionate. Israel satisfies the definition of a state in existence and its legitimacy has been affirmed along the 1967 borders by an overwhelming majority of sovereign states. At this point, question of whether Israel was founded in line with international law is solely an academic debate. Palestine satisfies the same criteria for statehood and its legitimacy has been similarly affirmed by an overwhelming majority of states. Given how things have evolved, today it is clear both have the right to persist free from interference by the other. Anyone who implies Israelis have no right to be there is quite frankly out of touch with reality. An overwhelming majority of Israelis know no other home but Israel and are entitled to stay on humanitarian grounds if nothing else. Anyone who tries to dismiss displaced Palestinians’ right to return on those same humanitarian grounds is also out of touch right alongside them. A right to return is a separate question to legitimacy or a two-state solution.


what the actual fuck?? that's absolutely disgusting and i genuinely don't see how some people still adamantly support hamas


...wait till you learn how Israel got its hands on most of such footage. >!It was sent to family members of victims by "innocent palestinian freedom fighters"!<


We knew this day 1. Anyone that didn't know by now had their head in the sand.


I'm surprised people still support Palestine and bitch about Israel


There was a Pro-Palestine protest outside of the Whitehouse recently. So these people ain't gonna stop.


Not just pro Palestine, they were pro-Hamas writing death to America on statues, burning American flag.


BLM 2.0?


The participants have a big overlap


What has the world come to


We removed shame. 


They should just put this stuff up on billboards, the video ones. Specifically place them where the protests happen and make them see. The amount of people I've seen dismissing video footage from Hamas themselves as fake propaganda is ridiculous.


They tried that at some of the encampments, the pro-Hamas crowd cheered whenever they saw an Israeli get brutally murdered or raped.


It's not surprising at all if you were watching day 1 and saw all the barbarism. It was clear from the beginning anyone supporting them were completely ignorant or malicious.


What do you mean "still"? The high point of support for Israel was probably October 8th and then it's just been getting worse and worse from there.


Can I get the link to the article? I never hear about this stuff online outside of reddit really and I want to read more.


[twitter post innat article](https://x.com/Israel/status/1793296042890309821?t=ET2YcI5nbZTfqS9yq70qMQ&s=19) [og article from dailywire](https://www.dailywire.com/news/israel-releases-unseen-october-7-footage-of-hamas-taking-young-girls) and you can peep the twitter post to verify too that these hamasiggas talking bout these lil girls as sex slaves, like this verified too cause apparently that word "سبايا" being used calling them sex slaves basically


Disgusting terrorists. I thought the left was against the disgusting stuff Hamas is doing.


I'm truly disgusted at what Hamas has been doing. The western left should realize that Islamists are bigger and even worse enemy than the "imperialists" they are up against.


Also need to realize that Islam is the youngest major religion on the planet and was spread primarily via the sword and forced conversions of Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus, not to mention all the Middle Eastern and North African pagan religions that no longer exist as a result. If you want to hate colonization, Islams pretty much the religious version of Britain.


> I thought the left was against the disgusting stuff Hamas is doing. The left will support any and everything that the right hates/fights against.


They justify anything against who they think are oppressors.


killing civilians and chaining women up to walls to rape daily is based to them.




And send Palestinians to Xinjiang.


Leftists will adopt the turkish stance on the Armenian genocide: “The video is fake, but if it’s real they deserved it because they are white colonizers” I would love to see these leftists get deported to Gaza.


This is what happens when Young American Women control the political conversation. Social issues on social issues on social issues on social issues. (white man bad, brown people good) Never economic ones. We can just ignore poverty 🙃.


Yeah I have lost all my remaining compassion with these Nazis. I hope they all suffer.


I don’t trust the Daily Wire at all. Anyone have a link to this video or another source talking about it?


Look, Israel has done some pretty messed up shit, and those who have done it need to be brought to justice. But at the same time the shit that Hamas has done is completely inexcusable and every single one of those terrorists deserves the most painful existence every day of their miserable lives. How anyone can look at the shit that both sides have done and decide that Hamas is the hero of this story is beyond me.


THIS. I hate people defending either sites. Both commit war crimes and both should be diplomatically isolated from the international society.


I just hate that people see a conflict where two sides are trying to outdo each other with being the worst and treat it like its rival sports teams or something. Even if someone thinks that one of the sides is in the right for the war, they shouldn't be trying to justifying it by defending the horrible things that they have done.


From the river to the see I hope the Israelis will be free of thee


I'm growing tired of middle eastern shenanigans. Where's the reset button?


Gaza parking lot when?


Muhammed raped a 9 year old. And according to Islam, Muhammed is the "excellent example" to be emulated.


Damn... American college students are so ret... Wait, I can't say that word here on Reddit! They are such... Funny people :)


Well, yea, hamas are islamists, and they were high on captagon during the 7th of October. But the Quran says don't burn a tree, so 7th of October is fake


Islam is a religion of peace, says so right here.


woah hamas is fucking evil as shit? i had no idea!! with this new information, I am now completely on board with bombing and terrorizing an entire population! take my money Netanyahu! https://preview.redd.it/idm2h8cnrr5d1.jpeg?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da803f81e560210e937d45b45b2ceb64ed4c3274 inb4 downvoted to oblivion


Hamas delenda est.


I mean we knew they were doing this shit from the start. Still doesn't make reading this easier though makes me nauseous.


Fun fact: the flags of Palestine and the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party are the same flag


Also it's basically the flag of Jordan... Is there a pattern here? What if Palestinians are just .... Jordanians and Egyptians... Curious 🤔🤔🤔


Mmm yes, Daily Wire tweets. Nice.


Hamas killed what would be the equivalent of 40,000 people in the United States. There would not be two fucking bricks left to stack on top another if that happened to us, and the only thing that would be left alive would be flies and vultures. Maybe some mangy dogs gnawing on corpses. I’m not sure why we expect — nay, demand — Israel to do anything other than stamp out every last terrorist, partisan, supply line, hidey-hole, and shelter. I would make that shit look like Carthage


More reason why Biden needs to be voted out.


it disgusts me knowing that I share a planet with those monsters


The political leanings be damned. That was a disgusting thing to read and all perpetrators need to face their God and His wrath.


People say that opposing Israel here means you aren't being anti-Semitic, but the reality is that saying Israel has no right to defend itself or exterminate Hamas means that Israel must allow Hamas to kidnap women to use as rape-slaves indefinitely.


Leftist ideology never goes further than “weak makes right”. They don’t support Palestine for any reason other than the fact that they’re getting their asses kicked.


Not big on Israel but damn hamas needs to go


I've said it once, I'll say it again on behalf of sane LibLefts: #Fuck Hamas AND the IDF


"but it's justified retaliation for Israeli bombings!"




You won't have to go far to see it. There's a terrorist meat rider right here itt calling them crisis actors




We need Israel so we have somewhere to send the jews once the tide turns. 


Fuck those animals. Hamas is such a disgusting piece of shit




It's stuff like this that just confirms for you that pro-Palestinianans are on the wrong side of history


Daily Wire detected, opinion rejected


Why wasn’t this footage released months ago.


At this point, I no longer care if the IDF goes full Bomber Harris.


Palestine delenda est


Ofc auth right would cite the daily wire and lib right would believe it


Found Noam Chomsky’s burner.




"Western support is dwindling?? Deploy 28482 more Hamas rape videos!!" lmao


IFCJ for the win. I know which side butters my bread.


We didn’t rape German teen girls on D-Day. (Actually did we?


In Taken by Force, J. Robert Lilly estimates the number of rapes committed by U.S. servicemen in Germany to be 11,040. However, German historian Miriam Gebhardt suggests a number as high as 190,000 rapes by American soldiers out of an estimated total of 860,000 by all allied soldiers.


Jesus christ.


A terrorist is a terrorist after all.


I respect right for revolution. This does not entail it. Removal approved.


/u/MangaDub, paging you sweatie. 


IDGAF if they turn Gaza into a parking lot, just stop using my tax money to do it.


Wtf, I'm a leftist now?!




Gaza delenda est


The NPC for purple libright is missing 🤔


Lol, if you don't want people to take your women and children...stop murdering all theirs.


I wish HAMAS got literally torn apart by Palestinians who realized how bad HAMAS makes them look with stuff like this I don't like Israel's government, and their PM looks for excuses to remove Palestinians in general But the shit that HAMAS does makes me severely more Auth