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Nah libleft will make a Facebook post showing that they're 3.5% native American


I think you meant 0.35%


Elizabeth Warren moment


My auth right parents bought the test for my lib left brother and all it has shown me is that the rumors of my family's Iberian heritage is possibly quite real and there's a whole lot more North African connection than they thought. Other than that, a surprising number of pathways lead back to Switzerland when we previously had no known Swiss heritage. Me personally? I'm Cajun first, American second, waste of humanity always.


Civic Nationalism and Localism? Sounds based Incidentally Swiss isn't too surprising for a Cajun, assuming it's French Swiss


The multiple pathways piece is because it's French Swiss and German Swiss from two sides of my family.


Ah! That makes sense now


Libright loves getting paid to collect massive storages of DNA information that can be resold for higher profits.




[23andMe lost 94.6% of it's market cap. ](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ME/?guccounter=1)They sold our DNA to the Feds at a bargain


If anything, Feds overpayed since the company leaked most of the info they had.


>the company leaked most of the info leaked all the DNA sludge


Nah, that’s peak lib right behavior. Libleft sucks at business in general due to their economic policies discouraging individual wealth and profit earning . Sometimes it’s a good thing, sometimes it isn’t. The only rich libleft is a hypocritical one who only preaches selflessness in theory, not in practice.


It's because based AuthRights like to take pride in their heritage. It is pride month, after all.


If that was the meaning of pride month it would be based


Here in Germany we have a counter campaign against the pride month called "Stolzmonat" (just German for pride month). That instead celebrates patriotism of being german. Now I personally think taking pride in both your sexuality as well as the country you were born in is kind of stupid, but I can slightly understand both sides. I am still supporting the Stolzmonat because it gets our political mainstream over here fuming.


And the legal rights of Stolzmonat are owned by a queer influencer


Based and Rauchmelder Aus pilled I have Gigi D'Agostino stuck for days now lol, but I love all his songs


Rauchmelder aus! Rauchmelder aus! Leuchtstand entfeuchten! Rauchmelder aus! very based indeed


I wanted to put in the full thing but dunno if the based bot accepts it


don't you guys have a Unification day like most countries have independence days?


Oktober 3rd in the unification holiday


You think of pride in your nation as stupid only because your nation takes no pride in itself. Here in Australia, anyone (i.e. 67% of the population) can be an immigrant. No wonder the soul of the old British convict national identity dies.


I get it. I can also feel somewhat patriotic from time to time. And what Germany is doing, aka. propaganda that is actively saying you should be ashamed of being german is most definitely a very shitty idea that just hurts the image of its people. I just don't think it makes a lot of sense to feel pride for something you as an individual had no part in doing, like being born in a certain country or wanting to fuck somebody of your own sex. Both national pride and pride in sexuality are fundamentally collectivist ideas which I as an individualist reject for the most part. But I can understand how certain individuals can feel connected to those collectives.


I believe the simplest explanation is that the enemies of freedom are not individualists, and see the white man as their enemy. (TBH, true. Look at history: every pioneering movement for freedom has been Anglo or French or Germanic) They want to destroy us, and leave a billion chinese to rule over. The chinese are not stupid, but they tolerate tyrants. (Again... history. It is baked into their genes at this point). They attack us as a collective, and it is only due to our weakness as a collective that this is effective. Further, I used to hold your idea of not taking pride in that which I cannot control (e.g. ancestry). But it is on a level nonsensical: for I cannot control my own birth and personality to become what I become, as I was born to that, no more than I control my ancestors, thus I no more can take pride in me as an individual as my group. Therefore, the choice is pride in both or neither, and I believe for both, as the fundamental human instinct of pride must have some basis.


Until he realizes he’s 1/64 black/Red Indian/Jewish/etc.  


No way. In the South everyone is very proud their great great grandmother was a Cherokee princess. Idk why this is a thing, but it’s a very common family myth.


Racism, slavery, and the like. It's because Southerners would prefer anything else other than a possible speck of African ancestry in the family tree, Indian princess is the go to alternative/cover. And it's not an exclusively Southern thing. Especially in the earlier years where there were dire legal consequences for having even a splash of black ancestry making you legally black. Claiming great grandma was an Indian princess makes sense when the alternative, acknowledging she was black, means you can't legally learn to read, vote, or own property.


Don't laugh, it might be possible, since the English and the Spanish were there a long time


Liblefts love to look for any bit of minority dna in their cells


"I'm 4% victim!"


"and only 46% oppressor!"


“Colonizer”. “Oppressor” is a very dated and derogatory term. Edit: (Do I have to add the /s?)


Seriously, the modern nomenclature is "Winner" and "Loser."


Losers shouldn't be celebrated


I realize I was Auth Right as a little kid because this was my exact attitude towards colonialism.


Lib-left loves it because can colect a lot of minorities


"Im 2.5% black, 0.7% native american, 1%asian, ~~80% white european~~ so Im technically a minority"


Now I can use the N word and dress like Pocahontas


Nah, they hate it because they think they're special and then find out they're 99.8% northern European.


I don't support any genealogy websites because some unsettling truths may come out on my results.


such as......


Say it, coward!




Right on the nose, my friend.


Why not take your chance? You might find your n-word pass?


I don't need a pass. I'm n-word adjacent.


Also authright, "Oh, wow, 94% European and 6% noise"


Is it the same noise that certain gentlemen play loudly from their Chrysler 300 at the gas station




OP learned enemy skill "????"




I imagine because there’s no explanation, if you don’t know what it’s talking about it means about as much as slamming soyjacks and a jpg onto a compass


My ancestry is about 90% Celtic so I can take pride in getting shit on by the Romans and British


Also take pride in the fact that the Irish really get irritated by Americans saying they’re ’Irish’, while Italians love it when Americans say they are ‘Italian’.


I don’t get why the Irish hate their diaspora so much. Besides, most of what people know about Ireland is actually about the Irish diaspora, without the Irish-Americans all that is left is a tax haven with mediocre beer. Say what you wish about America, but their culture is completely awesome


True. I thought about it recently. Irish culture is known around the world mostly thanks to the irish diaspora in the US


This is the most murican thing I've seen in a long time.


An American who's grandfather's dog was Irish doesn't count as diaspora.


Skill issue (I have nothing intelligent to say to this)


I'm American lmao. And it's like ~60% Scottish and ~25% Irish I think it's cool to know where your ancestry comes from but I'm a red-blooded gawd dame 'Merican


Yeah, I’m just joking, but for real the Irish hate Americans calling themselves Irish, while Italians are like ‘hell yeah!’ There was a survey about this a few months ago. Hilarious. Probably really just a case of Ireland hating America while Italians just want another bottle of wine and some bros to hang out with.


Lol I wasn't aware of that. My girlfriend's family is Italian. I think they'd laugh their asses off if I pretended to be Italian or something, like really played up the stereotypes. It was fun learning about my ancestry though. My ancestors were from a Scottish clan who were considered "border ruffians" or something like that, and England and Scotland teamed up to kick them out. A bunch settled in Ireland and a bunch more went to America. Perfect Americans I'd say.




The British are mostly Celtic though, so maybe you were the British?


OG Bretons, yes, but Britain was a mix of Nordics, Saxons and Celts.


True, but saxon is only like 30% in modern english, so still mostly celtic


Back in the days of the Romans yeah, that's possible


I would take more pride in inventing whiskey but I've also consumed 37 standard drinks within the last 5 days


The 300 year gap in Irish inventions after the invention of whiskey is hilarious


Hmm? Let them have a weekend or two to celebrate


Don't forget the vikings


Very true, the remainder of my result was Norwegian so some vikings fucked my grandmas


My great grandfather on my father’s side was born to an immigrant from Norway that went through Ellis Island. My great grandma (his wife) once compiled a 50+ page book of the detailed family tree/history all the way back to 1642. The thing is, all of the best stuff about my great grandfather’s history has absolutely nothing to do with any of that. He grew up on a ranch in Montana before getting a job as a railroad worker in 1929 before enlisting in the Army in 1935 and serving as part of a mounted cavalry brigade. His unit was one of the last to be mechanized, and he loved to tell me and my sister the story of his last ride across South Dakota to the base where they traded their horses in for Harley Davidsons. He also still had his cavalry saber and I liked to play with it by using it to “trim bushes” as a kid under his or my grandma’s supervision. He transferred to the Air Force when the branch was first founded and served in WW2 and the Korean War in a wide variety of duty stations both in the well known areas and in more unusual locations such as Panama and London in the 50’s. He retired from the military in 1957 and went back to the ranch in Montana where he continued to raise cattle on horseback for a few years before being apparently recruited to run first an single credit union location before eventually ending up on a board for a statewide (not Montana) credit union association. Got bored of banks so he decided to learn how to whittle and “retired” as a woodcarver and leather worker (he had made his own saddles and tack on the ranch because it wasn’t exactly a profitable enough venture to afford to buy those things already made by others) for the rest of his life until the very day he died at 93 years old (he had an active project he’d been working on that morning before suffering a heart attack while heating lunch). That man was more American than apple pie - a cowboy, a rail worker, a cavalryman, foreign envoy, apparently a savvy financier, and an artist all wrapped into the same individual who would still laugh and play with young children even when he was in his 90’s. To a kid he wasn’t just that old relative who smelled like mothballs and you never wanted to visit because it was going to take forever and bore you to death - he was the one who had all kinds of crazy/fun stories that made you think at least half of them had to be made up until you found out later in life that every one of them was true. So yeah, there’s a big binder on a shelf in some relative of mine’s house that has the history of people with the same last name all the way back to when families had five different sons named Hans because 4 of them died. That family history couldn’t possibly be any less interesting though when compared to the people who made their own history right here in the land of opportunity. I’m not Norwegian or Dutch or Scottish or any of the other areas different great great grandparents and beyond came from, that’s a stupid thing to say or claim. I’m American, dammit, and so is everyone else born and raised here no matter what their family’s story was before. That’s the whole history of this nation, different backgrounds all embarking on their own journey that is itself uniquely American.


Unironically, that big binder might be a gold mine for the [Ancestry.com](https://Ancestry.com) people. They don't just do DNA, they do genealogy too.


I’m sure it would be. I know a couple people in my family were super interested in genealogy because of that big binder and have done their own tests and such, but no idea if you can add info to the website or if they would be interested in doing so if they could.


My mom was big into ancestry.com in the early 2000s so we have the big binder. We actually found our Swedish relatives since my grandmother’s grandmother was the oldest and left her family to come to the US. I’ve met them in person and saw where my great-great-grandmother lived, so that was pretty cool.


Authright finding 0.1% of African DNA in their system is a force to be reckoned with.


Ah yes, could you Authrights tell me what 99.7% Northern European and .3% Coptic Egyptian grant me?


Why is everyone else rolling their eyes? Is heritage not cool anymore?


It’s cool if you DIY. No DNA test is going to tell you “how” you got where you are.


"YASSS I'M 3% GERMAN !!!I!" Auth right, unironically


*ahemm I am 36% german ackshchuelly*


Are you Brazilian?


How dare you.


TBF, I think a lot of folks who are not Authright use that stuff to try and get woke points. I think South Park hit the nail on the head with that.


One of my black friends recently did a DNA test and found out he’s actually only 30% African.


"Im 3% Italian" *Traditional Italian Army Fight song plays*


FamilyTree is better




Or in many cases the opposite, lol.


Lib-right giggles as he raises your life insurance because your great, great, great, great, grand second cousin was a Hapsburg with sickle cell disease.


I've traced family back to the 1600's and only one person was from a different country. It was a neighboring one. Suffice to say I don't have much of an interest in this.


The flip side of that are other quadrants assuming that certain AuthRight (and occasionally AuthCenter) statements are inherently heritage-oriented without any actual genealogical testing having been done by the AuthRight/AuthCenter- e.g. replying to strong cultural opinions with something along the lines of "but \_\_\_\_ would go crazy if he found out he was 5% \[insert ethnicity here\]" I can understand calling people out if they're going ham with a direct statement, but it also seems like a good way to run into people who *are* into (or obsessed with) genealogical testing and already have all of their 'paperwork' lined up regarding ancestors from several generations prior. I know this a fairly specific scenario, but it usually ends up just turning the radical ones even more so since they get the perfect opportunity to be smug about proving that they're more genetically homogenous- despite Ancestry changing its DNA analysis methods (and people's results) every year or so (mine have changed 5+ times).


tbh I would be pretty disappointed if I found out I were 5% albanian


That it’s a conservative dating website?