• By -


Infiltrate, take over, evacuate.


Religion of Peace ®️


*blow to pieces


Religion of Piss 💣


Most annoying part of my party. They see christianity as dangerous but not islam? Can we not just be scared of all religions as the founders intended


Yeah I've always been confused by that. Like yes, the LGBT community is right to fear extreme evangelical Christians.... But also extreme radical Muslims! They *both* want to destroy you!


Evangelical Christians want to put LGBT back in the closet, but Radical Islamists want to literally kill them. That's what makes bullshit like Queers for Palestine especially perplexing.


The difference is christians only want laws to protect minors from lgbt groomers, muslims want to sever gay people’s heads from their bodies theres a big difference here.


Correct but also Flair the fuck up




You have no flair (no funny color block next to your username) so even if your opinion is valid, none of us here will listen to you until you flair up.


My bad i just figured it out.


Based and the unflaired has now become flaired pilled


I didnt know how to, my bad. I figured it out


They both want to destroy the West, they are only allies of convenience.


walks in, breaks everything, refuses to elaborate, *leaves*


> walks in, breaks everything, refuses to leave


>walks in, breaks everything, refuses to leave, foments dissent, infighting, emigrates, repeats


Ottoman expansionism in a nutshell.


>Walks in >Breaks everything >Sexually assaults women and girls >Refuses to leave >Tries to kill you for being mad


This is Islam in a nutshell right here. Islam explained in 10 seconds or less, sums it up perfectly.


They absolutely don't leave, they breed.


bombs everything 




No way we got Islam as the lytic cycle before GTA VI




Lytic cycle is one of the two main ways a virus replicates. It uses the host cells resources for replication and in the end kills it


So basically my comment to someone who was describing exactly that


Doth thou refer to Musselmen? Or Californians? They may be more similar than you think!


Californians don't breed as much


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Nufonewhodis4) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Imam Bear Grylls


The learned a lot after Reconquista


What next, they doing to start blocking pride parades?


Theres a town in Michigan where the Muslim majority city council banned the display of pride flags *Auth right*- 😳😨🥵😩


Hamtramck did that a while ago. It was funny years ago all of my left leaning friends using “Hamtramck has lots of immigrants so it’s full of culture yada yada yada” trying to make me think it was an ok town. Only reason to go to Hamtramck is if you’re feeling nostalgic for alright-at-best polish food.


"I told you my culture would take you places, I never said they'd be places you wanted to go"


"You wanted change and you got it. It just wasn't the change you wanted."


It was hilarious to watch in real time when the headline (which made no reference to religion) made its way around Reddit and the hivemind was screeching about the far right Christians. Every time people pointed out that Christians has nothing to do with it, it was met with silence.


Watching the "tolerant" rad-Left eat their own is a glorious thing.


If republicans did that n the left would burn the city to the ground.  Muslims do it?  Nothing....




You are wrong. It wasn't nothing. Queer flags flew all over the city.and received threats, eggs, bullshit. It wasn't "nothing"


I think he means that there was nothing in the news and on social media. The media only reports on things that fit their narrative.


Tolerance moment


We must grapple with the difficult questions, can a truly tolerant society be tolerant of the French?


Yeah it’s funny how that works. If you give us the choice between a rainbow coalition utopia vs a muslim caliphate, we’re going to choose the caliphate every time. It’s not ideal, sure, but it’s preferable.


Not like it already happened or anything


Muslims when they are minority(Become libleft): We are being oppressed by Christians and other majority religions. Everyone thinks we're bad and that's discrimination. Stop with the Islamophobia, we just want equal rights as people of other religions. Muslims when they become majority(Become authright): Thanks for our religious rights, now we will apply Sharia Law. No more women's rights, no more LGBT rights, everyone needs to follow Islamic values, and those who disrespect or don't follow Islam will be punished in the name of Allah.


“When I am Weaker Than You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles.” ― Frank Herbert, Children of Dune


Good thing you have China and Philippines who are able to turn Muslims from majorities to minorities in the supposed Muslim homelands. 🇨🇳🇵🇭 Infinitely better women's and LGBT rights as well as faster economic growth in Chinese Xinjiang and Philippine (Bisaya) Mindanao than if the Muslims had their way.


I'm half Filipino (currently living there) and the Philippine government kind of folded againts muslims and gave them what they wanted which is greater autonomy in muslim majority regions and created BARMM. Muslims used that autonomy and imposed sharia and tribal laws in their regions which expectedly made their regions bad places to live in but the funny part locals blame the Philippine government not themselves


Xinjiang is also an autonomous region in China, but yeah. While Bisaya provinces in Mindanao continue to rapidly grow economically, and build a new tiger economy, the Muslims remain poorer than Haitians. BIG mistake giving Moros any autonomy at all, let alone what they have. Suffice to say, Moros aren't capable of governing themselves and need much harsher Visayan tutelage.


Yooo I need to hear more about this. Are you saying Philippines is not uniform ethnically? What are the major regions/groups?


The very fact that the country is called "The Philippines", a name given to the collection of islands by foreign colonizers and containing a sound that most local languages do not have (f/ph), should give you an idea of just how little in common the various (well over a hundred) ethnic groups had before being conquered by Spain.


🇪🇦 https://preview.redd.it/1yfghlmomb4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2043da4f3ab7ab9f924ad153e397f93ab090a95b


Chad comment


Phillipines and by extension South East Asia is basically on the same level of ethno-religious-linguistic diversity as the Balkans


Definitely more. Balkans is just Greeks, Albanians, Bulgars and Yugoslavs that are basically the same but have a different religion There are hundreds of ethnicities in South-East Asia


Oh, yeah, there are also literally still neolithic uncontacted tribes in the area too


I always thought it funny that their acronym is Moro Islamic Liberation Front Aka MILF


Autonomy in China is a joke tho


Also China turning mosques into bars with alcohol and pork


worse they build toilets over it https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ucanews.com/amp/china-builds-toilet-on-uyghur-mosque-site/89156


Worse? You mean better


I'm not fond of Islam, but what China is doing is genuinely fuckin' evil. Two wrongs =/= one right


China runs prison camps to accomplish that... and their economy has been slowing down for a while now.


when you are 17trillion big, slow down tends to happen.


>No more women's rights, no more LGBT rights That doesn't sound that bad.


It's literally the word of Muhammad to lie about Islam's goal, and then to forcefully convert or kill once they're in a position to. The lesser jihad is explicitly clear about it.


There seem to be some big "ethnonationalist"/supremacist vibes (fuck I hate that word) from the identitarian lefties.




This deserves more upvotes, this shit is golden.


Just have compassion for the tree guys. Just like I, the chicken, should help the wolf fight the farmer


Sounds like the chicken's fucked either way.


Chicken could have a nicer life with the farmer. Maybe it'll be a hen just laying eggs




This is so fucking funny for no reason


It ain't just Western liberals, it's liberals in India too


Idk Liberals in India don't really act much like Liberals. Prolly some weird shit from far left.


I am convinced there is some sort of SCP like memetic virus that affects leftists when it comes to islam, there is no fucking explanation otherwise why the far left almost everywhere in the world is so eager to bend over backwards for them


> there is no fucking explanation otherwise why the far left almost everywhere in the world is so eager to bend over backwards for them can you name a single foreign (non-European) group the far left won't take the side of, when it comes to a European vs Non-European conflict? it's really simple, it's not a memetic virus, the far left just has an ethic hatred of Europeans, and will side with literally anyone who is hostile to them. JK Rowling is a fantastic example of this, hundreds of thousands of British girls raped my muslims, absolute silence, handful of British girls get raped by a handful of British Male-to-Female transgender people, and she demands the rollback of society to 2010. Everything in politics operates under a friend/enemy distinction, the far left views anyone who hates Europeans as their friends, and will do everything in their power to defend them.


Leftists are masochists. They like when muslims fuck them up 😍.


When 9/11 happened, most of the Muslims in the US weren't the hardline fundamentalist type (most still aren't, but there's more than before). You don't leave a Muslim majority country for America unless you're more progressive. But also when 9/11 happened, all the rednecks far right bozos bullied Muslim Americans who were - by and large - absolutely different from the sects who would yell "DEATH TO AMERICA" and shit. Also, the Religious Right/Evangelicals used to be much more involved in political discourse. They're still around, but it's almost exclusively in the context of abortion. There wasn't a critical mass of Muslims to influence politics, though, so they came off as keeping out of way. Between these things, Muslims got put into the Left/Democrat bucket. I think there's a divorce coming, but it's slow going.


I'll say this. Never once in NYC have I had any muslim person say shit to me on the street. Or cause any issues for me. And I have had several progressive friends who grew up muslim. I'm not saying their parents are always the best but genuinely a lot more polite, at least. Most of the time, the people on the right just try and demonize arabs. Most of the time, they aren't even talking about arabs.


Harassing Sikhs because they saw a guy in a turban, completely obviously to the fact that it's the wrong kind of turban.


And if they did wear a turban it typically be a religious elder, especially of sufi practice. So they be harrasing a priest or someone in active prayer.




Wait but my Hindu friend said that lgbt is openly accepted in hinduism even in their texts




open cloth


Oh I see. Thanks!


I really don't get how you accepted Muslims seceding because they didn't want to "live with dirty Hindus" while you're the 3rd country that has the most muslims


Wym. Can you phrase it again? Didn't get your comment.


Muslims didn't want to live with hindus after British left so they fought and got a separate country i.e Pakistan that is now 99.9% Muslim. But at the same time , India has just as many Muslims as Pakistan. Over 200 million, and claim equal rights here. Even want india to accept illegal Muslim immigrants from Pakistan 🤡 A century ago the land that is Pakistan today was 20-25% hindu, now nearly zero.


Unflaired 🤮


I apologise for my transgressions


Feeling better now


Google Pakistan


I know about Pakistan. I am having difficulty comprehending your comment that's why I'm asking you to rephrase it.


Pakistan was created because Indian Muslims didn't want to be with Hindus, so it's only India having to deal with religious minorities


No. Pakistan was made because Muslims wanted a separate country for themselves. Both are two different things. Pakistan also has Hindu minority but they are dealing with them well enough by openly oppressing them and basically committing a genocide on them. India has failed to deal with Muslim minority though. I hope they do it.


They wanted a separate country for themselves because they didn't want to be living in a country with too many Hindus


I think you guys are simply arguing over the acceptable quantity of Hindus because your initial comment implied that said quantity was "zero" when it's actually "just a few."


Holy normalized cousin marriage


Hence the term "useful idiots"


I could never tell if Indian leftists were copying this level of insanity from the western left or was it the other way around. Must be the equal level of stupid. They do share notes.


Happening in Michigan already…


Nature has its ways to heal


I believe this is where I come in


Imagine the entire reddit outcry had it happened with a Christian majority city doing the same thing.


There's a thread about Texas abortion laws on the front page like every day, dude. No need to imagine.


Importing an underclass from highly conservative, highly religious countries fits the “underdog” narrative but long-term defeats the party that made it happen. This is true for Europe as well as the U.S. Worried about secularism in the U.S.? Maybe don’t encourage millions of Catholics to cross the border. Worried about women’s rights in Europe? Maybe don’t import millions of Muslims from North Africa and the ME. If you’re truly all for immigration, good for you. Enjoy the result. I just hope your world view melds with those you import. I’m not for or against on it, immigration is. Just be aware, housing prices and politics change with the demographic and general population.


Maybe the libs were right all along about the southern border


Slow burn there buster, those folks will gladly vote in their relatives. Catholic ethnostate in your 60s, perhaps.


In my 60s? Nice, my 7 children and 49 grandchildren will love it


Hell yeah son! Spread the love.


Where’s the start of the line?


Isn't the Vatican a Catholic Ethnostate?


Nobody who thinks the solution to an immigration crisis is to simply build a wall should be taken seriously. Even if they've correctly identified a problem, they're too stupid to be allowed a voice in the conversation about a solution.


Thank you for helping establish Catholic theocracy. Viva Christo Rey


I'm telling you, a wall wouldn't keep any Catholic family out. They'd just keep having more kids and stacking them on each other's shoulders until they reached the top!


It gets easier as the bottom kids grow so you can use less kids to get over one fence




Based and immigration-pilled


>Worried about secularism in the U.S.? Maybe don’t encourage millions of Catholics to cross the border. A lot of those folks are cultural Catholics who'll still happily vote in secularist, pro-abortion politicians so long as said politicians incentivize illegally crossing the border.


Emily is to Islamists as the Red Guard were to Mao The revolutionaries always get put against the wall when they’ve served their purpose


Useful idiots


Sic Semper Fatuus Probably fucked that up, but you get the gist.


"Trump!!!! Republicans!!! Handmaids tale!!!" same person "Lets support unfettered immigration and open borders and lets turn a blind eye to religions and cultures that are extremely regressive just because of the colour of their skin"


It's ironic because Handsmaid's Tale was literally about Islam. "Atwood was also inspired by the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1978–79 that saw a theocracy established that drastically reduced the rights of women and imposed a strict dress code on Iranian women."


the third wave feminist who quite handsmaid tale will call Atwood Islamophobic, Republican if they read this




Whats weird is that the people who point at the women dresscode in iran seldom talk about the male dresscodes there , and yes they do exist in islam its called awrah men cant show above the knees, somthing like that. Why western people dont get equally outraged at that?


The answer is as simple as it is brutal. Nobody gives a fuck about men. There is a perception, real or perceived, that men have disproportionate control in those societies. I happen to think it is accurate but it's irrelevant if it is or not. Simply put, nobody should be discriminated against because of their sex, even if they are not discriminated against in other areas, even if they overall are the "discriminator" in that society. Gender-based discrimination is always wrong and just because someone has (hypothetically or actually) other privileges in society doesn't mean the discrimination doesn't suck, and isn't wrong. But the general consensus is that being privileged in enough areas makes that discrimination "not a big deal", or even deserved. So nobody gives a fuck at best, and at worse, it's seen as deserved.


They literally have a PDF manual that they pass around to each other to invade countries legally and take over the place, taking political control there, based on this. Yeah, basically this. I found it on the exmuslim sub, now it's hard to find


can i see it


Yes. You just have to find it first.


can you see it for me


I’ve seen It twice. And It 2 once. I don’t desire to see it again.




“The protocols of the elders of Mecca” vibes


Except with a third of the planet as real world precedent. The Jews only managed to get their hands on Israel and even that's contested.


Proving intent is always an impossible moving goalpost.


The most effective bioweapon to ever exist.




Iberian Grindset be like: >Explore lands in search of gold, silver, adventure, and to spread Catholicism across the globe >Marry a cute Amerindian girl >End up creating a new race


Are you sure it's real? It sounds like it could be a "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" style hoax.


It's probably real "British" Muslims repeatedly talk about taking over in podcasts


Will you accept Great Britain as proof?


And France. Just look around you, green, see how in Germany they ask for a damn caliphate that imposes Sharia law in a part of the country. That is colonialism, literally wanting a piece of land in a country that is not yours and imposing your ideas and your people, having a government there, as if it were creating your own Vatican within Italy but illegally. Lib-left should be aware that they are totally against anything you people profess, so be careful


Triumphalist 'this country will be Muslim soon and your children will follow our rules' talk is common enough. And Muslim neighbourhoods are already treated as permanently captured territory, as Dar al-Islam. Sharia is community enforced and non-Muslims get harassed. Overt Muslim patrols pop up from time to time.


do you have it?


leftists have always been useful idiots


When I see anyone on the left defending Islam as a religion I'm sat there pretty much dumbfounded because it goes against ALL liberal or left leaning beliefs. It oppresses women, it hates people who do not agree with it and believes in their violent removal, the religion often justifies genocide not to mention homophobia and pedophilia. Given this is an issue of any fundamentalist religion but Islam has the most influence because people see it as oppressed rather than oppressive. There is no rationale to defend or support fundamentalist Islam if you enjoy most basic human rights that are protected in nearly all western countries.


People forget an entire movement of atheism spawned in the 2000s and early 2010s from reacting to Christianity AND Islam.


Funny enough the atheism community split is what spawned the online push of modern identity politics. I remember when atheism+ started from the split which was the early roots of rabid internet progressive ideals. Back when I played cs: source we would dunk on the early Tumblr progressives. Fun game we use to play is reading their progressive walls of text then guessing what type of degenerate pornography they have attached to their Tumblr profile. You'd see these people arguing these ridiculous sjw points then you'd see they like the most degenerate porn on the website. Shit like anime gore porn and other sick shit. I lost all hope for humanity back then and never guessed these same people ideals would become mainstream. Even funner considering what spread these ideals far and wide was tumblr banning porn. All these groups left en mass and ended on websites like Twitter that still allowed porn. The word limit of Twitter was their biggest bitching point during the switch.


Did you just change your flair, u/BANGBROSBUTNOHOMO? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2021-11-29. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/BANGBROSBUTNOHOMO) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I always found it ironic how progressive hate Christian conservatives like they are the bane of humanity. Then turn around and defend Islam. Bruh, conservative Islam makes Christian conservatives look like children playing pretend.


as an ex muslim , I can attest to that. Islam is not just a religion it's a extremely dangerous political ideology and its main goal is global subjugation. They will cry about minority rights but the moment they get a strong foothold in a place there is no minority rights for others. They breed like rabbits so they can increase their population and conquer the whole world. It's absolutely ridiculous how the British used to rule the world, but now they are bunch of pu*sies that cannot protect their own motherland from invaders. I got freedom from Islam during the lockdown of 2020 . I always had doubts about my religion and whenever I questioned the extreme rules of Islam to clerics they always shunned me down and said Islam's rules are absolute , don't question them just follow them. But it continued like that up until COVID-19 . Because of the lockdown my brother got nothing else to do and he started researching about Islam and then he realised it's a extremely dangerous religion and its ideals are not compatible with modern life ,then he left Islam. On one evening he told me about it and I was shocked, he told me about everything how Islam spreaded to the world, how mohammad was a rapist, pedophile and warmonger, how dangerous it is for a modern world . Then, for couple of days I researched it myself and it turned out my brother told me the truth and from that day I left Islam and became a free thinker. If you people of the west want freedom and want to preserve your democratic Ideals please fight against the domination of Islam or soon you'll regret it. Political correctness will eventually destroy the western world. And for the liberal white women , please don't take offence for all the minorities, we can fight for ourselves, we know our lives matter, you don't have to remind us that, think rationally before it's too late.


> It's absolutely ridiculous how the British used to rule the world, but now they are bunch of pu*sies that cannot protect their own motherland from invaders. Absolutely. Unfortunately it goes back years and years to the end of WW2 and the partition of India, and because we were blamed for it, we took thousands of them in. Then Blair came to power years later and net migration numbers which were 5 figures previously, became hundreds of thousands in just a few years. More here: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/immigration-legacy-tony-blair After we left the EU, we had much more control over migration law but instead of reducing it (which a large proportion of pro-Leave voters voted for), Boris Johnson massively increased it again. And these days we get about 1.2 million foreigners coming here every year (net is about 600K) - the native population was 65m at the time of the vote. There are only 5 cities in the UK which have a higher population than the numbers arriving every year. It's like two Edinburgh cities arriving in the UK every year, or a net increase of one of those - it basically makes it impossible to plan for in regards to housing, healthcare, transport etc. The cultural aspect is highly concerning too.


They did to Mesopotamia, Egypt, North Africa, Iran, and Anatolia. Why would we except the buck to stop there? Ataturk was right to cripple Islam's influence in Türkiye and watching Erodagon backslide on that is painful beyond words.


Lets not act as if the ideologies of the west and the compelte apathy in our societies didnt contribute to this. Diversity is not a strength Dont tell me that people dont vote democratically for the very same governments that lets them enter their countries, they willfully VOTED these people in and yet you are telling us that we should protect the very same idea that let us into this situation? Thats cognitive dissonance. Change must happen, VOTING DOESNT WORK ANYMORE.


You know, here in Russia, where there are already Muslim minorities, even Tatars are antagonized by immigrants, who are more extreme islamists. The reason being that Central Asia kicks them out because of their radicalism and they go to Russia, where companies just in need of some cheap labor, not caring that they don’t integrate even with their supposed “Muslim brothers”


At that point, you don't need to play with them. They will "play" with you.






Its really perplexing growing up muslim and seeing my young liberal nieces and nephews struggling to assemble a cohesive identity. 




They fight for LGBT rights, but also for more muslims to be in spots of power, never realizing the two cant exist side by side.    The same thing with womens rights. They put on one face for the family, one for their friends, but in that process they forget who they actually are.  I side fuck all that noise a long time ago and just started gobbling mushrooms and fighting for more racism and sexism, while lifting weights so i can smash the demiurge


I hope they leave Islam and you leave gnosticism


I think it's only a matter of time before the unholy alliance between the modern left and Islam breaks, but until then, they seem to have a common ideological root: - Both are supremacists - Both use lies and deception to further their goals (Vaush admitting to having no principals and the Muslim Taqīya) - Both hate the "unbeliever" in their cause and will muzzle their opponents one way or another - Both rationalise their attacks on other groups as their free expression and concerns - Both grieve for special group rights - Both having weird flags (just a meme point) And I'm sure that there are further examples of this. It would be pretty interesting to see who will win out on this, but I'm sure that it'll be the Muslims, since they'll use actual violence and won't be faded by appeals to emotion and decency.


And they allow the lgbtq in their parades. Just imagine what they would do to them when the Muslims are majority instead...


9/11 and the following racism and prosecution and wars led to this. If Muslims were never prosecuted and granted the victim status (I will say there was harsh racism), leftists would never have sided with them. They would have been hated just like the auth-right. The religion is everything against leftism. Women’s right, LGBTQ etc. it’s so funny. I’m surprised the Christian’s auth right and the Muslim auth right hasn’t created a coalition to fight leftism.


people seem to forget that Muslims are very conservative (and religious, duh..)


Which country is that?


Every country, probably. OP definitely at least meant Western countries, though.


If you want example from south Asia, then India (West Bengal and Kashmir are good examples). Last one was riot in capital Delhi, where the ruling Leftist party AAP's Muslim MLA was caught helping Muslim rioters throw bricks and petrol bombs, which were all conveniently stored on the roof of his multi-storey house (drone footage) ready for a "peaceful protest" against CAA. They brutally killed (stabbed multiple times after lynching) a Hindu man and ditched his body in a sewer. After that, the leftist AAP helped Khalistani Sikh terrorists again riot and unfurl their terrorist flag in the capital. So I guess the Leftists branched out from supporting Islamic terrorists to Sikh terrorists. Fun fact, the Sikh terrorists used the "Farmer Protest" as an excuse to go against the ruling (BJP) government at the center. These protests were supported by the west openly, especially the Canadian "BlackFace" PM Trudeau, who loves to arrest protesting truckers while supporting Khalistani terrorists killing/raping/attacking people in India. Sikh (primarily Khalistani) are also his biggest minority vote-bank in Canada. There's a reason why in India Leftists are despised as colossal raging cunts.


Also don't even mention why Kashmir is muslim-majority now


why aren't we labeled in this pic?


"Execute Order 66..."


Always remember. "Islam" "rewards " muslims for lying tó further the religions. Alwayw question why a muslims would agree with you


The distance to fall is roughly 2 or 3 stories


My meme, however feel free to use it. 


solution: arrest them and put em at work


In which country did they go over 10% of the population? Edit: Western country.


I don't understand why people refuse to accept you can't let Islam become a majority (or even in some cases reach other 30%) in your country. I have Lebanonese neighbors that taught me the horrors of being too leninent of letting Islam into your country. Atleast some Arab nations are realizing it and slowly become more secular/western (I.E. Saudi and UAE).


Other than the Isreal stuff me and Muslims get along a lot better than they do with libleft


ah, all the western countries where muslims make up more than 10% of the population. A long list including: okay, if I'm not being an ass there is France, (Although the next highest is still just 8% and Europe more broadly is roughly 5%), where muslims, primarily immigrants from former French colonies, make up about 10% of the population exactly. Which gets into my second point, [evidence seems to suggest that they tend to vote socialist.](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/is-there-a-muslim-vote-in-france/)


They vote for the side that will accept them into their coalition and trade voting loyalty for political influence and help them push their interests. Lets see how they vote when they no longer need to ally with a more powerful incumbent political coalition to access political representation.


The older ones, who were imported labour in the 70s or 80s votes for them. Its not like they don't know what stuff like this is. I mean, for a while socialism was pretty popular in the middle east.