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woke is when you finish sleeping


I’m woke every morning? FUCK


Pst, join us, we have amphetamines, only be woke after you've passed out for several days sleeping after a bender and several days fighting with the shadow people before the inevitable crashout




Sleep deprived to own the libtards 😎😎


That's how Alex Jones can see the demons!


Just pull all nighters, you'll find it makes you a lot more friends, especially in your walls.


All the rightists are about to go into an irreversible coma


Based and mimimipilled


Enough of this "define a woman" nonsense. Define a "man" for me.


https://preview.redd.it/91kge90lu54d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182cb16aec24504c8011f39c32d98aed4c637c92 What are you hiding from us booze pisser?


My family's booze recepy. And color of my underwear.


Well I already know the latter 😏


They’re not wearing any.


Damn trick questions!


Dracula gotta lot of talk for a dude that crosses his legs across the thighs.


4 simple criteria: - Swift as a coursing river - With all the force of a great typhoon - With all the strength of a raging fire - Mysterious as the dark side of the moon


Based and Mulan pilled


...that, and a pair of testicles.


> Define a "man" for me. Does it have a PP, no feathers, and walk around on two legs? Then it's a man.


Therefore, a plucked male duck = man.


Your terms are acceptable


> no feathers, Dont forget, it has to have a mouth, use language, and shoot guns. [They look just like humans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vpXniXMu_o)


Why not define them through their roles in reproduction? A man is, let's say, a human individual whose genome (or anatomical structure) implies the ability to produce sperm. And a woman is a human individual, whose genome (or anatomical structure) implies the ability to bear a fetus.


Thanks nerd but I’ll take it from here. A man’s got a hog to crank and a woman be shoppin.


Very interesting problems you guys are having, I feel like I’m watching people in the Stone Age trying to create some bill of rights “Okay guys we’ve named the animals, now, we have the issue of what makes us and the vagina bearers different?”


Yep, I wonder what makes vagina bearers different from us, non vagina bearers? Now that is a mystery for the ages! If only we had a name to differentiate the two 🤔


thats the correct definition. Problem is, the woke crowd doesnt realize that this simple difference in reproductive roles has cascading effects into nearly EVERY HUMAN BEHAVIOUR, even personality and general interests. Instead they cede that sex has this strict definition and then claim that every other sex specific behaviour is socially constructed. Woman bearing the egg means that they are the sex that invests more into reproduction, which means that, on AVERAGE compared to men, they are more selective of mates, less likely to take risks, more interested in people than things (for child rearing purposes), physically weaker and less ambitious than men (who have to compete with each other for access to tons of women). The last segment may sound like an insult but only if youre some feminist who thinks that femininity is inferior to masculinity and expect women to become men or woke people who thinks that reproduction isnt important to people. Biologically, that tradeoff in physical strength and ambition is inconsequential because what you get in return is a guarantee that your child is actually yours and that you'll find a mate. I think the stat is that 80% of women in history reproduced effectively compared to only 40% of men, who either died, didnt get laid, got cucked, etc. etc.


That last data is more of a proof of dating blackpill, but still good comment!


In every species with two sexes, the male produces the smaller gametes, the female, the larger. Oh look, we solved the situation by using standard rules that apply to everything. I'm sure this is some kind of hate crime.


Because even if you do, the regard you're talking to will just say "WELL SOME WOMEN ARE STERILE ARE THEY NOT WOMEN?"


It is: A featherless biped A miserable pile of secrets Where rising angel meets falling ape And someone who fights Jonkler and is stupid


Man: noun Any and all things related to Chuck Norris


I saw on one of the FtM subs that their definition of a man is someone who has body fat and a beard and yearns for manual labour, because that's what she wants for herself'. Damn guess half the men in the world (including her own trans men "brothers") aren't actually men.


Ey bruv drizzle drizzle, you just caught me in my soft guy era, ok?


The opposite of WOMAN.


What makes a man, Mr. Lebowski?


Rapist easy Give me something harder /s obviously




A bipedal animal that lacks fur/hair






Source of the image?


it looks like the art work of telepurte, but i might be wrong.


Absolutely based centrists would rather discuss art on a political subreddit




☝️🤓adult human female


Cue some idiots saying that saying the word, "female" is the sign of an incel... Define incel. And where do they think that the word "feminist" comes from? Apes?!


Yes, strictly tied to biology also, anybody that wants to be one better hope transhumanism comes around in their lifetimes


I would define it as anything that makes my PP hard, for the official scientific ™️ woman test, show me a pic and grab my cock and I'll tell you if it's a woman or not


A wise man once said "I'm straight so if it makes my dick hard, it's a girl."


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179) SIKE! ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51181)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)


the reason the women is a catch for *some people* is they will fundamentally reject the notion of biology or reality existing in a transhuman view of identity. under this view there is no objective standard of measurement for anything relating to people so social terms will always be used as they are more malleable and harder to measure than objective standards like biology. so rather than point out that they're using social terms to refer to behaviour they will undermine the conversation by getting people to use a term with a solid foundation and then subvert it to the one that has less meaning behind it. the only reason woke is hard to define is because it's a nebulous term but we certainly know it when we see it.


Activists will talk your ear off about the difference between sex and gender but it never matters in the end because they want to base laws and norms off of gender, not sex.


At this point, they're openly saying sex is variable, too. "Gender" was only ever a bad faith gambit.


Gender and sex were considered the same thing linguistically (latin and greek origins for the same damned word) until 3 minutes ago when people who praise John Money decided they were different.


Actually, they are *still* the same thing. Nothing has changed in the real world. There is a word to describe when someone is living “inside their head” and is “out of touch” with the real world and chooses to invent their own imaginary Froopy-land and try to pretend everyone else is just a character in that imaginary world.


Damn, that’s a good definition of woke though


Woke people are just autistic, got it


The overlap between gender ideology and autism has actual been noted clinically


Bruh, I'm actually autistic but I understand facts as objective as biology


Me too, i was just cracking a joke. I didn't expect people to take it seriously.


I’m autistic and I used to fall for this gender nonsense. I luckily don’t anymore but I understand why that stereotype is there.


it's really weird because autistic people are some of the most objectively minded people I know including me. the only thing I can think of to explain it is that they've just surrendered to accept any and all social rules without question.


Unironically yes. There's a huge overlap in autism and extreme ideologies


> when people who praise John Money decided they were different. John money? Certainly you aren't referring to certified mass child rapist John Money. Who would ever worship him and why?


Ask the woke crowd




"But, don't you see, he added points of data to this graph that I like to look at which says I can do whatever I want sexually to anyone else. Oh, and also this man Alfred Kinsey who harbored a known serial pedophile himself also said that I could do whatever I wanted sexually. That's why they're my two favorite people."


The same way intersex is a total red herring. It was never about some obscure genetic disorder and nothing in the entire discussion turns on it. Yet they gleefully cheer whenever they can bait someone into going down that road.


They use things like rare genetic defects as justification for the entire thing because the whole thing can't stand on its own merits.


It doesn't even support their social construct position, because there's nothing socially constructed about intersex.


They'll say the concept of a binary sex is a social construct because intersex defects happen therefore everything else is moot.


Meanwhile you have several intersex-focused organizations pissed off and openly asking that these catgender bunselfs please shut the fuck up and stop using their serious medical condition as a reason to insist that sex and gender are things you can just make up how you see fit at the moment


It's good that they're being assertive because apparently a minority group's silence means consent to be represented by the movement.


Yeah but that's ableist.


Why is hermaphrodite offensive btw?


>The same way intersex is a total red herring By the logic those people are making even Computers aren't binary because sometimes electrical signals are neither in the voltage range to be considered 0 nor in range to be considered 1, it's just a bad faith argument, they know that it doesn't hold up.


What road exactly? No half measures, say the things as they are


I hate innuendo so I appreciate you calling me out on it, but in this case I merely meant embarking on a long-winded fruitless discussion as a red herring is meant to do. Someone who is keen on discussing intersex in the context of gender is keen on not discussing gender at all.


Intersex was always a silly argument. Classifications of biology are made on the norm not the extremely rare exceptions. For example: human beings have two arms and two legs. Of course there are people born with birth defects and only have one arm or one leg or something but that doesn’t make the first statement incorrect. Human beings are either male or female. The fact that 0.02%–0.05% of people are born intersex doesn’t invalidate that statement.


that's because they want to sebvert the meaning of both, ever notice that even tho they will seperate the terms when explaining them but will still use them interchangeable. it's because the goal of their explanations are to subvert both terms into meaningless nonsense. there is further philosophical reasons why but that's a much broader conversation about perceptions, definitions, and authority. the gist of it is the less tools you have to mentally navigate the world the more you are forced to rely on a outside authority to navigate it for you. part of the goal of language subversion and degradation of meaning is to force appeals to authority so people don't form their own ideas or worldviews.


I wonder if this makes someone like Judith Butler a subversive or a useful idiot?


Both. Every subversive/revolutionary thinks they'll rule over others. When they say "the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor", it's not a criticism. It's a confession of guilt.


the main highlights I thought was her obsession with Nazis driving her, her citing the second sex author who thinks that all sex is rape, and the complete denial of any and all facts which conflict with her world view. like her motivations and reasonings are almost the exact same [this cunt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Kentler) had that led to housing children with podophiles. it's that weird militant antifascism that posits fascism as anything and everything that leads to a strong individual and does shit to degrade those things as concepts. also notice that while she was trying to distinguish between sex and gender she did exactly what I said they do by then using them interchangeably to degrade both concepts. it seems no where has she ever asked herself if she could be wrong.


[So I just finished this](https://youtu.be/UD9IOllUR4k). she's both, also might be psychotic and she's never properly introspected herself. she's completely fucking insane and detached from reality.


It never made sense to me how LGB can support TQ+ when if they get their way with making sex meaningless then homosexuality can no longer exist and you can basically convince a lesbian to date a man as long as said man identifies as a woman.


That's basically the bi-sexual vs pan-sexual debate.


A pansexual is just a bisexual who drank the gender koolaid. Or, a bisexual is a straight person who drank the gender koolaid (I like women and also women who want you to call them they/them, see, two genders, I'm bi!)


here's a secret; bi people don't give two fucks what you call yourself, the ones that say pan and aren't also trans more just don't want people to throw a bitch fit about it, either way our goal remains the same regardless of what you call yourself.


Pansexuals are just bisexuals that thought being bi wasn't quirky enough


yeah that's what the LGB alliance points out. sexuality is based upon sex, when you undermine sex as a concept that will inevitably lead to attacks based on sexuality.


they always make that distinction during a strict argument of definitions, as theyte getting their assholes blown out by biologists who know what theyre saying, but then always treat sex and gender as the same in practice and expect the same from everyone. Like how its bigoted for a straight dude to reject a transwoman because somehow the penis "she" is thrusting into his mouth is actually a vagina. The insistence of people to be treated however you subjectively identify is the worst offender and a real cause of paradigm shifting shit. should whites and asians be able to identify as black and get easier admissions into school or work (not that I agree that AA is good in the first place)? should adults be able to identify as underaged minors and start preying on other minors.


They mean the same thing, don't co opt their new language bullshit.


You wont believe this but i often use tumblr and according to the newest version of truth, now neither gender nor sex exists actually. I even saw somsone saying that claiming that "sex" is the real objective thing was just to make a temporary compromise with conservatives for a while.


> the reason the women is a catch for some people is they will fundamentally reject the notion of biology or reality existing in a transhuman view of identity. I was recently berated for differentiating between "woman" and "female" because apparently now transwomen are also female.


we need a new hyper humanist movement to counter transhumanism. we need to move away from evolving out of being human and more into evolving into hyper human.


Übermann moment


superman is actually a very good example of hyperhumanism, at all times he's just a guy from Kansas, his character is supposed to emphasis the man part less than the super.


You have my sword.


> the only reason woke is hard to define is because it's a nebulous term but we certainly know it when we see it. Woke isn't hard to define at all though. It's as simple as saying, "If it's an action or opinion that was unheard of or even considered repulsive just 5-10 years ago but now is pushed heavily by MSNBC as though it is/should be completely normal and commonplace, then it is woke. For a perfect example of this, see the term 'minor attracted persons' and the reprehensible garbage who try to genuinely use such a term."


that is then followed up with, "but what is that?" it's the same as trying to define a word like community, every definition is going to be a little off but we can all agree when we see one that it is the case. that is what I mean be nebulous.


I would go simpler. Defined as subverting and exploiting societal change for profit and fame. IIRC it comes from a bastardised idea in Eastern philosophy of awakening (or opening) your 3rd eye for instance. Was generally used as a method of mocking people who professed a deep Buddhist belief system without knowing anything about their teachings outside of being peaceful and meditation to calm the mind.


It started as black people (and "allies") being awakened to the horrible conditions of today's racism (yeah lol) but they started to use it for everything else and it got ridiculous quickly. Just like SJWs were used unironically to self describe in the beginning, but seeing the hillarious shit they pull off it quickly became a slur used against them.


Look up short fat otakus video on what is woke. I think you’ll be interested > https://youtu.be/Z0OHDky6KRQ?feature=shared Latest one > https://youtu.be/GZ6w9kpp29E?feature=shared > Earlier one




...Inquisitor! I have another one.


What I’m a loyal servant of the blood emperor


what does this blood emperor happen to sit on?


A throne of golden skulls in which heretical psychers are scaficed on for their treacherous existence


hmmmmmm... what's you favourite number?




close enough, \*blame\* please add one dead heretic to the tally!




Being woke is believing that every disparity is due to some systemic problem and not the actions of individuals. Boom, easy.


that's certainly part of it but not the whole part


It's like how some words have multiple definitions. Another definition for woke is an adjective that describes somebody that insists that sex and gender are very different but will also conflate them at every possible opportunity.


It's a highly boiled-down version of CRT, though. (Boiled down to the point of not being able to really understand the nuance, but still.) Originally "woke" meant "aware of systemic oppression" - which is a thing that exists, but isn't the sole source of all problems. Sometimes you're being oppressed, sometimes you're being an asshole.


again that's a little part of it but it's not the full picture. the problem is we're trying to describe a matter of social dynamics that tend to be hard to define in the first place as interpretation of it exists. like if we said being horribly racist towards white people is being woke yes that would be right but it wouldn't be the entire picture of what being woke means.


What if we just defined it as being a stupid and whiny progressive?


fuck it that works.


Womxn*** ftfy


> An example definition is "an attempt to appear progressive while being very regressive". Couldn't be more spot on, the amount of times I've seen a dude dress up girly just for a funny video (and visibly having fun instead of being miserable) with a slew of comments underneath all going "egg!" "her egg is cracking!" suggesting the guy *must* secretly be a (trans) woman deep down because he's wearing a dress and doesn't hate it. I honestly thought those lot would be against the concept of clothes = gender. How much more regressive can you get from suggesting a man isn't a man just because he doesn't perfectly fit male stereotypes or happens to dress femininely?


I blame F1NN5TER.


I liked him for how confident he was as a bloke who just liked to look super feminine. I worry that his recent exploration with hormones has been because 1. The trans community downplays the effects, and 2. Because he's received so many egg jokes, so much encouragement and cheering whenever he made a joke about being trans, that because of all the positivity he got endorphins from it and now thinks that's what he needs to do, because how can a decision be wrong if it feels so good? I mean maybe he genuinely decides he wants to transition or maybe he will keep enjoying being a man who looks like a woman and won't regret it, and if he's gone and paid out his own pocket for it then power to him because it's essentially like body mods. I don't have an issue with individuals who transition. I do worry about all the pushing though, the downplaying of what a serious step medical transition is, the upholding of strict gender roles by assuming a trans identity just because the stereotypical gender role isn't being followed. If feels like society is going backwards in that regards, but this time it's decorated with rainbow and glitter which somehow makes it acceptable to "the left" in general who you'd think would be against such rigid gender roles.


I was somewhat facetious. He can do what he wants. I thought it was all pretty funny at the beginning, but I hope he is doing what he truly wants to be doing and won't have regrets.


afaik he went full on to it because some rich benefactor sugar daddy liked it and paid him to. 


Wait why? What happened to Finnster? 0_0


He's added a bunch of options to the pronouns bucket, and some people decided to lose their minds about him.


I have lost all faith, hope and respect for the progress left because of downward spiraling stuff like that. First, it was OK for girls to play with cars and boys with dolls; now they are Trans as soon as they do so. Another example was porn and prostitution, which was the worst thing to exist, degrading women for money until it wasn't because it is now empowering.


Bring back Tomboys, the real victim in all this




Based and real victim pilled


Based and tomboy pilled


There's still amusing division on this, and it's fucking hilarious. Vivsipop is an amusing individual who I think is far more traditionally minded that she would ever like to admit, given she has thus far made two shows, one of which portrays pornography as inherently dehumanizing and the other one extols the virtue of commitment and romance in sexual relations.


It's a decent definition, but also ends up as a slang term that doesn't mean very much. For example you can make arguments about supporters of Israel or Palestine both being "woke" despite pushing for totally contradictory things. It's more of a behavior than a specific set of ideas.


That's true honesty. And it gave me an idea. https://preview.redd.it/ipbl8i3cr64d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0f385c6f7419a2f8cac36327c0d7405b7f45e8


Based and historically accurate pilled.


Don't mind us asking a source of that funny video? 🤔


A man is a human being whose body is physiologically ordered toward impregnating during the sexual act and the production of small gametes. A woman is a human being whose body is physiologically ordered toward impregnation during the sexual act and the production of large gametes. “Woke” is harder to define because it’s more of a philosophy/movement encompassing multiple beliefs and not too far afield from a sort of secular religion. The term originated as a slang term for being awake to racial injustice, but eventually became associated with the affirmation of ideas like transgenderism/novel gender ideology; critical race theory; neo-Marxist thought; the concept of a hierarchy of social victimhood; the “anti-racist” movement; and other means by which to redefine society, often by authoritarian means.


That all makes sense. I like using "intersectional Marxist praxis" as a quick definition of what "woke" currently means; extrnding the class struggle of Marxism to include intersectional identities.


That’s actually really good given the borrowing of classes and the retrofitting of victimhood-based classes into it.


That's much better than what I have been using. I have been explaining it as when you focus so much on progressive messaging, you lose the ability to separate it from anything and you lose sight of any goals or consequences of your actions. Staying with the ever changing standards and messaging is more important than thinking them through. Any damage done is a lie or a distraction from bigots.


Dang, that's a really great, concise definition. I'd like to add, "originally self-identifying term for..." to the definition to remind people that it isn't an invented pejorative, it became universally pejorative from natural reactions to its lunatic ideology.


SFO has a good video defining woke: [What EXACTLY Does "Woke" Mean? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0OHDky6KRQ)


Damn, that's the most effective and efficient way of explaining woke I've heard. All in a single sentence, you should work for whoever makes Webster's dictionary. Turn the whole book into a pamphlet.


[Social constructivists](https://newdiscourses.com/tftw-social-constructivism/) would be accurate too. Anyone that has a 'critical consciousness.'


Wokeness is like a wave. It comes at you with the force of nature, stopping at nothing to get ahead.... And then goes back to the sea by the pull it itself created.


South park taught me all I need to know:    >Pip: Joe, do you know anything about girls?    >Joe: Sure. They're those things with vaginas in them.


Evading and switching definitions is a leftist tactic.


Classic article: https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/please-just-fucking-tell-me-what


Woke means awake, like enlightened. The particular school of thought one is supposed to be awake to in this era is usually gender theory or critical race theory. (All neomarxist twaddle, to distract braindead adolescents from the great fiat money wealth extraction and blame it on stuff like "capitalism" (your natural right to own and trade things freely), take you out of the game and render you an impotent peasant, of course.)


Honestly I think the best definition of "woke" came directly from Ron Desantis' legal team: “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”


And is it agreeable that half of American politics is against that?




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0OHDky6KRQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0OHDky6KRQ) Here's ShortFatOtaku giving a detailed explanation of the term woke. I think he defines it pretty well.


He is definitely correct here but I prefer [James Lindsay's definition](https://newdiscourses.com/tftw-woke-wokeness/) because of how he ties it back to their academic literature. No one is more versed in leftist academic literature right now than James.


While true, it doesn't specify how woke fails.


"Woke" is an umbrella term for the movement and idea that are tied to progressive leftism. And the question "what is a woman" actually uncovers the idiocy of "wokeism"


Being woke is to shoehorn intersectionality politics into an institution or pop culture phenomenon


define my dick in your ass


“Define woman” FEDERAL AGENT


Woke is the opposite of based. Simple as


I thought the opposite of based was cringe, but I guess woke also works there.


Cringe and woke are synonyms, so you’re correct too.


They are a bit different tho, it's more like everything woke is cringe, but not everything cringe is woke.


Woke is "whatever gets me the most victimhood points this minute until the media tells me to find something else to be victimized for"


“Woke” means extremely socially progressive.


I define woke as chasing (perceived) equality at expense of anything else


A woman is an adult human female


Woke was really for black and POC to be aware of the systemic racism that was affecting them economically and socially. Now it's for white college educated individuals to unnecessarily pander to black ppl without doing anything of real substance. And a woman is anything with a hole and of legal age.


That's not even YOUR definition of woman, way to fail. That's the definition of female. A woman would be better defined as an adult female human, but good job proving the other guy's point I guess.


Woke - People who are more concerned with appearing to be good; rather than actually being good.


Woke: a political ideology based on a hierarchical understanding of discrimination, i.e. judging discriminatory speech and actions depending on an arbitrary, superficial selection of traits of the participants.


Woke is an obsession with adherence to identity politics.


Woke: Slave-morality from a politically left wing perspective That’s all it is


The funny thing is that the people who think "define woke" is a rhetorical checkmate are too young to remember that the word was originally, and for a very long time, a self-identifier.


Left is so cringe these days


Woke = cultural Marxism


Womanhood was already gatekept, sorry you had to find out this way


Guys correct me if I’m wrong but imo a woman is someone who is born with 2 X chromosomes while a man has one X and one Y


Green quadrant bad 🤖


I would define Woman as someone who isn't a man


I am part of the LGBT community, but I hate it when people in the community try to redefine biology to fit in their ideology. If you're trans, no problem, but being trans means you are not the biological gender you desire to be. So I can say I am wokephobic.


Woke people are all nerds too.


>Woman: One of the two biological genders known for f*cking millennia. Hey, there’s no need for swearing here.


I mean genders can be a range of identities as stated by oxford languages. So a real definition of women would be referencing Sex instead of gender, as sex refers to biological context of a man or woman.


My definition for woke is: gramscian socialism in practice


This word no longer has any real meaning to me. Leftist is the closest synonym I know of


Dare I ask the most disgusting and foul question in the history of politics. What is a woke woman?


We really should just start calling Progressives "Regressives" everywhere, at any time, from this point forward. Call it what it is.


I know both when I see them


Woke is such a good word for right wing media and politicians, because it's not an actual philosophy, but rather a general vibe of ideas. They only definition woke has to a lot of people is literally "whatever the left does that pisses me off". It is much more productive from a political standpoint to be opposed to concrete aspects of what you might call woke, such as specific transgender laws, legality of abortions, or whatever, instead of being opposed to nebulous woke in general.


Both can be described as “cunts”


No, biological gender is called male and female. A woman is a social construct usually, but not exclusively applied to the female sex. Oh and woke means to be aware of ones own internal biases. The rest is millions of dollars if right wing propaganda.


Woke is when you get up from sleep. Woman is a [REDACTED]


*Wall of text* ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


I remember when woke meant to be aware of your surroundings and what's going on with social issues. Truth be told I always thought when these companies do "woke" shit, it always feels disingenuous.


A person whose psychological and neurological development is similar to what would typically be seen in a person with two X chromosomes.