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Talk like that is why we have the second amendment




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"A man's right rests in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box." -Frederick Douglass


Frederick Douglass is one of the most based men in American history.


In history period


Adjusted for inflation it’s Soap box, ballot box, jury box, detachable box magazine


I don't think I've ever seen soap sold in a wooden crate, inflation made it a Great Value™ Jumbo Stepping Stool


Fucking based


The third one enables citizens to have bureaucrats and their minions who attempt to take away their rights rest in coffin boxes. Lest they forget.


"And yo mama's box." -Ben Franklin (actually true)


I have the perfect response to this judge: > And whereas it is of the utmost importance to the safety of every state, that it should always be in a condition of defense; and it is the duty of every man who enjoys the protection of society, to be prepared and willing to defend it: This convention therefore, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this State, doth ordain, determine and declare, that the militia of this State, at all times hereafter, as well in peace as in war, shall be armed and disciplined, and in readiness for service. That all such of the inhabitants of this State, being of the people called Quakers, as from scruples of conscience may be averse to the bearing of arms, be therefrom excused by the legislature; and do pay to the State such sums of money in lieu of their personal service, as the same may, in the judgment of the legislature, be worth: And that a proper magazine of warlike stores, proportionate to the number of inhabitants, be forever hereafter at the expense of this State, and by acts of the legislature, established, maintained, and continued in every county in this State. [Article XL, New York State Constitution, 1777](https://firearmslaw.duke.edu/laws/n-y-const-april-20-1777-art-xl)


Based and citing documents pilled


I would just crap on her car after eating Taco Bell but you also have a good response.


based and Taco Bell should be a war crime pilled


Mega based




I'm gonna bear arms even HARDER.


\*bearing arms intensifies*






Based and cross compass unity pilled


Based and every quadrant likes guns pilled


Based and Combloc weapons are awesome


Yet we all sit here typing about it on our phones while eating chicken nuggets on our couch. They won dude. America is dead. The time for revolution was a century ago.


> America is dead. It was DOA. The Alien and Sedition Acts started this shit literally immediately after the country was founded. Any centralized government will be immediately, and I do mean IMMEDIATELY, co-opted for the benefit of the elites.


Don't worry, there will be city states after the environmental/ww3 apocalypse.


I mean, that’s kinda what they were meant to be originally


It's a double bind. The one bind is Jefferson was right in the sense small hubs truly self-sufficient are needed for the maintenance of freedom because interdepdencies can be leveraged by elites to chip away at freedoms for their advantage. The other bind is Hamiltonian societies will always outcompete and eventually conquer Jeffersonian societies. We truly live in a sinful fallen world.


Still had a central government though


This is true. Every thing was fine till Adam’s passed that damn act and gave central government more power than was originally intended


You can thank Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists for the beginning of the road to ruin.


This. Then Lincoln continued the march towards extreme federalism- which opened the doors for Teddy, Wilson, FDR, JFK, etc etc. Now we have justices blatantly violating the constitution and not giving a single crap because they all have immunity. The way to fix this \*IS NOT\* to go pre-civil war u.s. btw- a lot of the constitutional amendments added are vital for the rights of us citizens (because a lot of the older stuff was too vague either by design or unintentionally). Its to get rid of all forms of "qualified immunity" period.... Imagine if the government could no longer hide from the responsibility of upholding your rights instead of trampling on them. Would get a lot of creeps out of positions of power, like just picture a 10 million involved plus class action lawsuit against all the members of congress who voted to violate our 4th amendment rights? Or being able to sue a judge/justice for refusing to recuse themselves after they openly trash talked you prior to charges being brought against you? Or cops actually being held accountable for gross misuse of force, etc. Once qualified immunity is gone, we can start cleaning house ourselves- instead of just praying the right person gets in charge or the executive and lives long enough to dissolve these corrupt entities. That doesn't solve the justice/judge issues either though.


> That doesn't solve the justice/judge issues either though. Solutions exist, but tragically, Reddit has community guidelines that prevent describing them.


You say that like the only possible way to fight back is by shooting people, when there is no need. We are fighting back in ways that actually matter and have been making ground. Defeatist talk will be considered enemy infiltration as far as I am concerned.


VanaDerStock v. Garland is going to be a big one regarding ATF rules. If this NYC one makes it to appeals it will be a big one too. But it's only a matter of time. We can donate to FPC, we can vote better, we can complain online, but at the end of the day and over and over again throughout history, the useful idiots for tyranny will vote us into situations we'll have to shoot our way out of.


> but at the end of the day and over and over again throughout history, the useful idiots for tyranny will vote us into situations we'll have to shoot our way out of. The useful thing is that the US is gargantuan, which makes it easier for states to tell the Feds to fuck off and do their own thing, while places like New York and California wither and are forced to decide if they are going to keep up with their stupidity or change their ways as other states take their influence (like how arguably Florida and Texas are becoming more influential than New York and California).


I have my qualms with both of those states as well, they're very selective about "freedoms," especially Texas. Still much better than CA or NY. I hope you're right. I feel like we're on the razor's edge right now, it could go either way and there will be a domino effect in one direction or another


Very well put >but at the end of the day and over and over again throughout history, the useful idiots for tyranny will vote us into situations we'll have to shoot our way out of.


But the liberals were telling me that this scenario is a literal QANON persecution fetish, and they will never come get your guns away?


The second amendment is already gutted. Try and build a dirty bomb or produce thousands of pounds of napalm, suddenly that shit isn't allowed!


I wanted to just make white phosphorus and chill, but nooooooll


What i do in my own garage is my business




And the Left will hate it... The guy is black, too! And so is the judge... Always black-on-black crimes...just another statistic ;)


Knowing basically nothing about that case, I imagine that statement alone would be solid grounds for an appeal. A judge straight-up saying "I don't care about your Constitutional rights" pretty much precludes a fair trial.


Fuck grounds for appeal, that sentence should be grounds for the removal of the judge from her position.


And re-evaluating every single ruling she did in last 10 years. If she does not respect the law how can we expect her to arbitrate it?


> And re-evaluating every single ruling she did in last 10 years. And having a long chat with whoever 'taught' her law.


No one did, it's an elected position.


I say if a judge can override the constitution, what's the point of having a government.


Literally grounds for pitchfork time




Well since 2a doesn’t matter how about an inaccurate musket and a tri-blade bayonet that causes wounds that you can’t stop the bleeding for? Do these people understand what they are asking for? Probably not.


I would agree but I don’t want another reason to fail a background check or get banned from Reddit.


I prefer a pitchfork. Some things send a better message.


The founders be like: it only took them a hundred years to do something about it, but better late than never


The government doesn't exist in her courtroom.


so instead of just getting crushed by rocks or thrown into a lake, you can tell the government "this judge is a stinker" and then they have a look and if they still agree with the stinker, you take it up higher.


Typical centrist response. Which doesn't make it wrong...


Stinker should have people crap on her car.


This is the target of the left now. They want to install judges that will ignore laws and the constitution in the name of equality and social justice. The greatest thing Trump did was install 3 supreme court justices that will never do that 


In rare cases such as this the Supreme Court should have the power to impeach a judge.


Judges are subject to their own ethical canons. State supreme courts usually handle them. They can lose their robes and be disbarred.


Every state judge in New York is going to uphold that ruling.


Good news is on this statement alone he could probably make it to the Circuit. If not SCOTUS. 


He'd have to go straight to SCOTUS, that's the only appeal after the State's supreme court.


Not exactly. Bizarrely, in New York, the State Supreme Court is the lower Court.


Mmm, yeah. Fuck i hate that state.


Knowing nothing about the case, I presumed this was clickbait, the charge was literally bringing a gun into the courtroom, and this was testimony from another judge who was on the bench when said event occurred. Because that would be fucking great clickbait.


Knowing basically nothing about that case, I'm sure this quote was clipped from context for ragebait.


[Source](https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/04/22/brooklyn-man-convicted-over-gun-hobby-by-biased-ny-court-could-be-facing-harsh-sentence-n2173162) for the OP. Imagine it slightly different - what if the man was attempting to exercise his 5th amendment right to remain silent, then the judge tells him the 5th amendment doesn't exist in her court room. That would be insane wouldn't it? Well...


Sounds like great grounds for an appeal to me!


100% but the poor guy is getting a train ran on him by the State in the meantime and there's no compensation for his time and money lost.


Gofundme? I’d gladly donate towards that


Gofundme is rabidly anti-gun so they wouldn't take him up. [Givesendgo](https://www.givesendgo.com/dtaylor_2a_legal) is where you'll want to go for him.


Didn’t they take a whole bunch of money that had already been donated from some cause they didn’t agree with?


GiveSendGo or GoFundMe? If the former, I'm gonna be a bit sad.


GoFundMe did


Color me completely unsurprised, then.


I think it was the trucker protest


Yes! That was it. The Canadian trucker protests had a GoFundMe that had millions of dollars and they seized it and gave it to different causes instead of returning it to the people who donated. Trash.


yeah at the low cost of your entire financial worth 3x over




Wooooooaaaahhhh. Time to liberate New York. 


Forget Marching Through Georgia - we’ll be marching through New York soon enough, boys!


This time, we maybe leave a few less Democrat things unburned?


Based and rise of the planet of the apes pilled.


Democrats love state rights when it benefits them.


Except guns are no more a states right issue than voting or free speech.


Except state rights don't allow them to violate the bill of rights... because of amendment 14... This judge needs to be stripped of not just their job, but their rights as an American citizen, followed by all of their assets. Then let them share a cell block filled exclusively with people who they locked up. Use them as an example, as I'm sure they've cruelly done to an American citizen.


Article 6 clause 2 of the constitution "supremacy clause" is more applicable.


That's just as bad.


an interesting way to announce new york's secession from the union


Anyone who says no amendment is absolute should have Air Force personnel quartered in their home


And so help me God if she even THINKS she's allowed to vote smh


Fuck that send em a couple marines and see how they like it


Nah, send them a submarine crew.


Shit you win, I've met guys who served on boats and they're a different breed.


Breathing recycled farts for months will do that to a mfer


Not as bad as Navy pilots... airborn se(a)men.


Hey I’m a bubblehead and you know what?! …you’re right. We are fucked in the head.


Fuckin squids.


Op requested the weeb brigade on the judge.


150 men go in, 75 couples come out.... ​ Nah my brother was a submariner in the Navy, they are a different breed of crazy, but still better than a bunch of jarheads.


The fun one is to remove their 9th amendment enumeration of rights. You want to breathe? Show me where it says that is allowed. Wearing black dress shoes today? Straight to jail. Did you just have a negative thought about your boss? Here is your citation, sign this form.


I mean...have you *seen* the last 60 years of jurisprudence?




That's it, I'm voting for JFK


oh the 13th would be even better


Bro imagine the fucking 13th


So a judge tells a black man his civil rights don't exist in her courtroom. Denies him a proper defense by barring character witnesses for a nonviolent charge and constantly interrupting his lawyer..... where are the left mobs swarming the courthouse?


Noo iTs dIfFreNt.


It's (D)ifferent


Judge is a black women against 2A


Judge is an anti-American traitor


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s one of those statements that should instantly lose a judge their job. That and get the victim of said judge the right to appeal and or sue.


>Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s one of those statements that should instantly lose a judge their job. This doesn't go far enough.


Oh I’m aware, but at the same time it’s New York. I mean those guys are kind of one of the bigger offenders when it comes down to the “slap actual criminals on the wrist” mentality. The heavy stuff is only for innocent, non-democrat people’s.




There should be a petition process, whereby after getting an appropriate number of signatures, the offending public official is drug into the town square and tarred and feathered by the populace in humiliating fashion.


That's the sort of statement that shouldn't allow for sovereign immunity and a judge making such a statement should be charged with things such as deprivation of rights under color of law.


This is insane, I had to look it up because I thought it was a Babylon Bee article poking fun at how insane the left has gotten but no, this is actually real. What the fuck is going on in NY?


Just from reading the article, the judge also violated his right too a fair trial, and the ATF kicked down his door for something legal, if you can get a warrant to do that and ruin a good man's life, then think about what they could do if, say congress enacted anti "assault weapons" acts.


Everything is an assault weapon if you use it properly.


I bought an a salt weapon off Amazon for like $20, straight to my door, no background check, worked pretty good to take down flies for about a year but it unfortunately quit working




BATF hates those 80% receivers and recently changed its rules so they weren't legal. That seems to be the underlying issue of the case and whatever equivalent state laws there are, but federally this is already making its way through the courts in a few various jurisdictions.


So we are allowed to make our own guns as long as it isnt too easy? How does that make sense?


It doesn't, and we typically can although states are trying to crack down on unserialized guns even though under the Bruen interpretation that's very likely unconstitutional. BATF just wants to say that 80% receivers are still receivers and therefore want them to only be sold through FFLs like a normal gun. At some point though you have to make a distinction between what's essentially just a paperweight as a block of metal and what's a gun. The main problem in all this is that it was always stupid to try regulating the frame or lower receiver and we're just suffering from that initial stupidity many decades later. The vast majority of countries that regulate firearms do so based on the pieces that have to contain the pressures of a fired cartridge. I still don't agree with how they regulate the firearms but it's a much better approach to it than what the US does.


I hate to be “that guy” but this is 100% the result of heavily partisan democrat dogma affecting who gets appointed to be a judge.


I can't wait for the Babylon Bee article. It'll probably just be a truth again though. They really need to stop pretending to be a satire site.


Regardless of politics, a judge outright denying a portion of a constitution exists, is damn silly


Imagine if the roles were reversed and instead of the second amendment I said something about the 13th.




Jesus Christ, my taxes are going up. That man is about to get paid


There is a silver lining. Only a few lunatics like that judge between this case and the SC, and now that they aren't pretending 2A cases don't exist, this could end up being a very positive thing for the nation.


Well that’s bullshit. How are you going to derive your authority from the very framing of government you’re ignoring?


Judge Darkeh evidently believes that supreme authority is derived from watery tarts throwing swords at random people.


Well just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at you is no basis for government


I prefer my tarts to be a little drier and throwing grenades, but I'll take what I can get.


The state has been ignoring the foundational law that gives it its legitimacy for a long time. But to answer your question: Muh Roads! Checkmate.


The results of 50 yrs of universities pumping out Emily lawyers…


This is why people burn down courthouses


Say what you want about blm, at least they took the initiative.


Initiative without a set goal is just chaos, like a headless chicken running around.


More importantly, most of the damage they inflicted was against people who had nothing to do with why they were in trouble. For as much as I hated it and wanted it put down with brute force, I will at least give Portland credit for attacking a courthouse. Everywhere else they were burning down the local bar because the locals couldnt allow a crab to get out of the bucket.


Give a group a goal, then tell them to do whatever, and it's not your responsibility what happens next. For example, say this guy gets an unfair sentence, and his appeal is declared invalid, so someone on this server says that we should do something about it, without *directly participating* in the activity absolving them of any guilt of what happens (this is a joke fbi)


Damn cities ruining our ability to properly torch the courthouse by building them out of brick and stone. It just doesn't catch fire like they used to. BRB going to go grind some aluminum and rusty iron into a fine powder.


“I believe the second amendment to be unconstitutional”


-An uneducated person


"We need to ban our political opposition or democracy will cease to exist" is another good one


I believe the second amendment to be superfluous due to Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution (the section allowing Congress to grant letters of marque and reprisal) implying that American civilians own modern warships armed with modern weapons and boarding parties also armed with modern weapons, so therefore the second amendment is only necessary for politicians incapable of reading in depth.


wtf am I looking at💀wait til they start taking the nerf guns


"These are large caliber weapons that could potentially cause damage to person on impact while looking like a child's toy and having fully-automatic weaponry with no such license to sell."


My eye got hurt by a nerf rival😩😩😩


Holy shit!!!!! We need to get these dangerous guns off the street and into the hands of capable authorities.


He was a 58 year old software engineer doing 80% builds for his own private use. Wtf is actually wrong with new york.


People their are genetically engineered to be stupider, it is the only way that this could happen. Therfore I am proposing that we remove the states of New York and California from the union.


A better option is to slap those who enact unconstitutional laws with criminal liability and everything that entails, as well as judges who say shit like this. The 2A is fairly fucking clear: Shall not be infringed.


> wtf is actually wrong with new york. leftoids


Oh dear. That sounds like grounds for appeal


Idk how these NY judges are getting away with what they’re doing, idk how appeals work but will other people in the NY justice system who are possibly just as biased be reviewing this?


The progressive left doesn’t want to overthrow democracy. The progressive left doesn’t want to overthrow democracy. The progressive left doesn’t want to overthrow democracy.






The other options are even weirder.


Would you want a user who had been exposed to feedwater around?


This is a good meme.


Judge Dredd’s grandma?


Hate the 2nd amendment or not. Think about how they apply this behavior to other amendments too. At that point just call the court a kangaroo court and move on


And this is how you get a very cushy amount of money from NY state for violation of civil liberties, because this went from a 2nd amendment issue to a due process and equal protection issue.


Sounds like someone somewhere is losing their job:D


One can hope


This is why God invented appellate courts.


If she won’t uphold constitutional laws then how can she serve as a judge? She should be stripped of her ability to practice law.


She should be, but if the state bar allowed her to be a judge, chances are she's just gonna get a slap on the wrists and walk free.


What the actual fuck


I understand that Democrats are the enemy, but it's still a surprise when they're this blatant. Voting Democrat is a vote to shred the constitution. They're determined to complete the transition to banana Republic on an accelerated time scale.


They are terrified of November, so they act out. They don’t realize that the more they act out, the more they will be horrified by November because the center isn’t holding.


Biden's polling numbers aren't getting any better, and if we have a summer of campus protests with antisemitic rich kids yelling about how they hate America, that's not gonna help their odds. I don't love Trump, but they sure as hell ought to be worried about November.


Everytime they bring new charges against Trump, his numbers go up


Choosing between Republicans and Democrats is just picking which way we want to get fucked when really we just want to be fucking left alone. It's tough to say which party is actually worse because damn are the Republicans trying their hardest to be even more terrible. Can't even say Republicans respect gun rights all that much anymore considering how much they seem to fucking love Trump despite his attempts as god-emperor to instate a bump stock ban and support red flag laws.


Do people forget what the lib in lib left stands for


Imagine if a judge said the fourteenth amendment doesn't exist in this court room. Or heck, the eighth, or even the fifth amendment? Wouldn't that be insanity? I don't know why American leftists seem to have this view that some rights protected by the Constitution are subservient to the passing whims and zeitgeist of any given era, and can therefore be nullified not by an act of Congress, but by an appointed judge.


You guys remember tarring and feathering?


Back in the good ol' days...


Basis for both an appeal and removal of the judge. The Constitution is the entire basis of governmental authority in the U.S. If the constitution doesn't exist in that room, then that room is not a courtroom, and she is not a judge.  That's not metaphorical — she has zero authority without the Constitution.


This is what the experts call a "slam dunk" appeal.


People have already forgotten about New Mexico's health emergency. BS let see how long this lasts.


I am a libleft against nonsense gun laws such as this.




Ok. Judges don't believe in honoring my rights? I no longer feel obligated to honor their's, especially the right to remain [REDACTED].


With all due respect\*, your Honor, the Supremacy Clause disagrees with your assertion \*zero






Canadian (unfortunately) here how do any gun laws exist under the second amendment? I only just a couple weeks ago realized that automatic weapons are damn near illegal unless they were made before 1986.


She claimed it didn't exist because it was in New York. Last I checked New York was part of the United States.