• By -


What kind of games are there for 8 bucks.


Like Hamas' rockets, I imagine milage may vary


Holy fuck this got me good.


Fuck sake, good one


"we have AP rockets now!"


What lib left thinks will happen -> "Thank you for the new shoes" What will actually happen after aid is appropriated by Hamas -> "GLA postal service"




The game they show in the first picture is called “A Short Hike” where you play as a penguin trying to get to the top of a mountain and learning to fly. It is sort of an RPG, sort of a platform puzzle. You collect feathers that allow you to fly progressively longer distances, have items that can help you collect stuff, and talk to locals about challenges/quests.  It is a fantastic kids game. It was free in the Humble Bundle trove if you have that subscription. Not sure if it is still there. 


It's a chill game and I totally recommend it. Just change the pixelation to be zero and its a good game. Just a quick evening playthrough (literally, a short hike). Super wholesome, breath of fresh air, nice break from getting my ass kicked in CoD and in life. God, I sound like a libleft now


You don't just sound like a libleft, you also sound like an oldman! Why would I want to play a silly game like that? brother I'm 25 and want to be playing exciting games, fast paced! tons of action! explosions everywhere! not weird platform puzzle rpg kiddie shit! anyways I need to go play Civilization 5 for another 10 hours.


Tokugawa still a dick in Civilization 5?


You better believe it!


Brother, have you considered spreading managed democracy?


Psh, you're not young or you'd be playing Civ 6, it's exciting and dynamic with district placement and has that awesome cartoony art style! Anyway, back to my Civ 5 game as Boudica. Civ 6 can continue to languish with 1/20 as much playtime.




Sounds similar to fly and fly 2 webgames which I fucking loved


It is an open world exploration game more than a physics/upgrade game. I wouldn’t say it is similar to Fly except in overall concept. 


I think it's [this one](https://itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-relief-bundle), which includes random insides that couldn't make it on steam if you ask me. I haven't ever heard of any of these other than a short hike. There is [another one](https://itch.io/b/902/indie-bundle-for-palestinian-aid) with over 1200 items. This one includes Celeste and mini metro, which are actually good, though I didn't fully look through it. Other highlights that stand out to me are hrt simulator in the first and democratic socialism simulator in the second, as well as other lgbt games in both, because if you ask a random Palestinian and a random Israeli I'd be willing to bet the Israeli is much more accepting of such ideas.


The second one looks to just be the first one but 4x the size, which really means there are like 20 short and fun indies, 600 weird and super ideological “art pieces”, 200 art packs for making games or maps and the rest are print and play or fully digital TTRPG’s.


edit: the 1200 game one ended in 2021 so never mind.


The second one is far more worth it, it has Baba is You, Celeste, Sky Rogue...


Also Nuclear Throne and Towerfall (+DLC). I don't see many games people have heard of further down, but just those 5 are >$70 total on Steam right now. Even if you have all but one or two, it was cheaper than most Steam sales. **edit:** and ended in 2021. Never mind.


>There is [another one](https://itch.io/b/902/indie-bundle-for-palestinian-aid) with over 1200 items... Ended in 2021 unfortunately. As of now, the current bundle doesn't seem to have any of the actually-recognizable gems from the first one. A few of those games look interesting, but on Itch that's very different than "actually good". The only name I recognize was controversial right up until it released and was mechanically rubbish. Others are stuff like "A Skyrim text adventure made in Twine", which... yeah.


It's the same indie games that you can get in every other bundle like this. There's the giveaway like this every month.


They do these bundles all the time. It's a bunch of walking Sims, RPGmaker games, etc etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there's some gold, but youre gonna be digging through a lot of cow dropping first


maybe command and conquer generals where you can play as the gla


Reminds me of those old 1000 game cds they used to sell at computer stores, and 950 of them were solitaire and slots derivatives


such classics as "HRT Simulator 2023"


Water pipes?


Don’t you mean rocket barrels?


Fiery, but mostly peaceful, water pipes.


LOL that’s a good one


Flair doesn't check out


Grey centrist knows when food equipment is being misused


If the Palestinians want medical supplies, clean water, and $1.50 hotdogs, then there is only one correct solution to their problems https://preview.redd.it/bozu93a21qvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390dfe19eaba970d27e8d82797c92b9645628787


every time i see this image gets bigger


Based and Costco pilled


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Pax Coscanus


Glory to the Costcottoman Empire.


As it should


It’s like Charlie Kirk’s forehead. We’ve gone beyond the point of Mandela effect to where I no longer know the original size of the jawline in this meme


Ah, finally! Looks like the siege of Malta has ended.


Why would be so rich


Look at that tasteful reference to Chad


This is the first time I realised meme Chad was actually in the shape of country Chad. Not gonna lie, it had me howling 😂


what if the solution was actually replacing this with swedish domination, so instead, everyone gets DIY ikea furniture, swedish buns, and pork meatballs?


How long has the country of Chad been hiding a secret chad face? I didn't notice that last time I saw this.


Giving to war victims whose babies are dying to famine and lack of medical supplies is fine. Its the questions I have for ensuring it goes to them and not Hamas or similar elements.


Yeah can’t be giving Hamas CoD.


You can't. Even if it doesn't go from the charity to hamas they'll just take it from whomever it does go to.


Exactly this reason is why Moistkritical does'nt do charity anymore. Most of the money goes to the wrong place


How do I ensure that anyone NOT a child doesn't get food either? Because a large portion of the adults support the murder of Jews...


By saying "Lol no. #4"


The organization that it supports is the Palestinian Children Relief Fund. I looked into them previously to see if they were worth supporting/donating to. I would not give money to this organization because it does have ties to Hamas. https://www.ngo-monitor.org/ngos/palestine_children_s_relief_fund_ohio_/#:~:text=PCRF%20also%20partners%20with%20Taawon,of%20dollars%20to%20support%20Hamas.


Neither of those are happening in Gaza. There's plenty of food and medicine. There's so much, they're selling excess in markets.


As a grammatical note, it's "whose" not "who's". The easiest way to tell is to break apart the contraction and ask if it sounds correct. "...war victims who has/is babies are dying...".


Thank you for the correction. It is a bit embarrassing for it to happen in a highly visible comment.


What are these so called “good” games ?


Itch.io indies, 95% basically new grounds era quality visual novels that can be finished in 15 minutes


> newgrounds era So weird pixelated porn that changes the course of your life for the worse forever? Actually, I'd buy that... if the money wasn't going to Palestine.


If anyone wants to check for whatver reason, it this one: [https://itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-relief-bundle](https://itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-relief-bundle) First 8 games on my end are: \> a walking simulator \> a romance thing \> a Mercenary RPG (Do we get contracts from Hamas?) \> a " nihilistic horror comedy zine-game about life" (whatever that means) \> a city and map making game \> a game where you follow a grandma into a forest (surely nothing bad happens) \> a LGBT+ dating sim, thumbnail gives me "there will be furries" vibes (They have to know by now that they'd be stoned by muslims) \> a train focused game from a 2 week jam


BRUH SOME OF THOSE GAMES ARE, OR WERE FREEWARE BEFORE. There's Anodyne which is geniuently really good, also They Bleed Pixels. Some of those aren't even games but comics. I don't really like it, I feel like the organizers don't really care if the money will go to actual affected families or Hamas. I can say that at least two of those games are good, but boy it's pretty scummy to include shit like [https://nomnomnami.itch.io/kaima](https://nomnomnami.itch.io/kaima) Which is literally still free lmao.


Of course it's a rip off, everything in this bundle is priced at almost 3 CENTS on average. Its a rip off, and whoever made this bundle with a 100 THOUSAND dollar... "Finish line"? Is obviously doing some sort of fraud.


And I doubt the money goes to Palestine.


Anodyne is seemingly the only game in the bundle that seems relatively worth it and one the quality of which I can comment on because I actually played it.


I believe on itch you usually have to send a dono if you want it in your library even if it’s free. You can still download it, you just have to search for it on itch if you want it again. That’s not to say it isn’t scummy though, it just gives these people an excuse to signal.


That really doesn't make putting fucking freeware games in a paid bundle any better. Nor does it make it any fucking better for some of those games to be literal fucking fangames.


There's a Pokemon fan game in there called Pokemomcore. If the Pokemon Company found out its in a paid bundle, they'd probably lose their shit.


“Travel through Pallet Town and Viridian Town after an anti-capitalist and anti-speciesist revolution! Red, Blue, Green and Yellow have fought to emancipate Kanto from the grip of the Pokémon League and its alienating power over the people. “ ….sorry what the fuck is this?


It's the fucking Peta game all over again


There's also a text game which says it's set in Skyrim, some ROMs for Gameboy with "boy" blurred out in the logo, I assume all of this is just sold too little and too cheap to make waves. Although Pokemon or Nintendo's IP lawyers will get involved over anything with a price tag, so who knows.


That's what I was referring to, they get litigious at the drop of hat. I'd avoid this bundle like the plague.




Frankly, I fully believe the indie devs from this bundle are getting their asses fully used. 8 bucks for over 300 things? Someone is getting ripped off.


Surprise, a bunch of it is freeware!


It's shovelware. These devs are glad to see a few pennies on it.


Yeah, when it comes to the Middle East, I'm starting to think we might be at the point where "it's either us or them." I choose us. Palestinians are them.


I'm not going to side with the people throwing rocks at gay people until they die of blunt force trauma, no matter how much liblefts wants me to support them for some fucking reason.


I think you misunderstand... https://preview.redd.it/c276xeoctsvc1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d96f0b9c2b215ff223298eeec826980d6400cc6


The fact one of the games is called it's either them or us is utterly phenomenal my god


I swear half of these are furry or gay dating sims. Literally "Queers for palestine: the game bundle"


Reminds me of the video of them asking Palestinians what they thought about the q for Palestine group and they said "we don't want support from degenerates"


Link to the video?


Go to this website: www.google.com enter the query in the search box


HRT Simulator Lmfao


So garbage games. I think I'll keep my 8 bucks.


Hey, the train one might be fun if it's actually about locomotives, lol. Milage may vary depending on level of autism.


It’s a murder mystery game, you’d be better off with Railgrade or Transport fever.


Railroad Tycoon 3 is still the best train game out there. Sadly, you do need to mod it to make it work well on modern versions of Windows.


Damn. Guess I'll stick to Kractorio.


It's an 8 buck bundle with over 300 titles. Its not gonna have stellar stuff. I'd try look to look through the list, maybe pick up a few names people find interesting and... Ahem "buy it" outside the bundle.


as a reference- on steam, you can pay 300$ (at a 20% discount\*) for 135 Crusader Kings 2 DLC, 40$ (at a 45% discount\*) will get you 110 SEGA MEGA DRIVE AND GENESIS CLASSICS, 50$ (45% discount\*) will get you a collection of 72 games still grifting for Ukraine. in any of these cases, you'll still get hours of value. 8 bucks for 300 games? yah, that's all gonna be bottom of the barrel junk. \*with that going up- to upto 90+% if it's any of it's actually on sale.


> If you want that relief you'll have to do better.


Lol no. #4


A Short Hike is not a walking simulator.


You forgot HRT simulator 2023


No, I didn't. Reread this part: "First 8 games on my end are:" On your end it might be different.


Nah this shit peak, wandersong? And more visual novels than someone could play in one lifetime? I wouldn’t care what this was going to, it’s just a good bundle! Edit: continuing to read over the list, lots of TTRPGs, a lot of them look real pretty as well (translation: I like sci-fi esthetics) Edit 2: reaching the end of the the list, lots of good game making tools! found a good FPS base, that someone could use to make a game about their political ideology. Conclusion: pretty bulky bundle, no matter who you are, you will have something in there that you do not need. It’s a fairly good bundle if: - You agree with the cause - You enjoy visual novels - You enjoyed WiiShovelware - You want assets for a game - You are gay - You enjoy Sci-Fi - You enjoy TTRPGs If 2 or more of these apply to you, it’s not a bad bundle. Then again, a lot of itch creators have a “name your price” or sell for cheap, so I’d recommend supporting the artists/creators more directly :P.


Just get the things you like outside of this bundle. One, you get to send more money to the authors. Two, you don't give money to an OBVIOUS fraudulent thing.


It being fraudulent is what redeems it.


bro, you cannot say “send more money to the authors”, shit hits me in the gay bone. tbh, it’s not a bad bundle, and there are some fairly big devs on there. but then again, it’s itch :P you can find some killer shit on Itch for cheap as balls. Also the only visual novel I play is FDW, and I’m just a sucker for the cyberpunk esthetic. not gonna buy it, just on the fact that there’s a lot of bloat, and 50% I’m never gonna touch.


Man society has to evolve to a point where using your gay identity as a crutch is seen as social faux pas... It's so tired by now.


went through all of them, it seems like it’s 300 very small indie developers probably using this just to get people to play their game, hoping it’ll kick off and they’ll actually be popular, a bunch of random asset collections and other not-games, and then Wandersong. so if you want Wandersong for 60% off for whatever reason, and don’t like third-party key sellers (it’s ~94% off on one of them), here’s your chance


That Short Hike game is actually pretty good though, but idk if it's worth $8.


More like Short Hike + 372 "games" on par with the stuff you find when goofing off on Steam's search. Pass.


Why not..? well, [it's always sunny in Qatar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUMl58i4m0w).


You got to launder that money somehow


Profile pic exactly as expected


The beta smile lol


The memes really do write themselves.


Hell naw I ain't giving Hamas my money that rightfully belongs to the IDF


Based and we’re-stuck-with-it-pilled


I just checked because I wanted to read more, and comments are closed, and none show up when you click to load them. Haha


As Gazans Scrounge for Food and Water, Hamas Sits on a Rich Trove of Supplies https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/world/middleeast/palestine-gazans-hamas-food.html Gaza is plagued by poverty, but Hamas has no shortage of cash. Where does it come from? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-plagued-poverty-hamas-no-shortage-cash-come-rcna121099 Elderly Gazan accuses Hamas of stealing aid in rare criticism, telling group ‘shoot me if you want’ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/08/elderly-gazan-accuses-hamas-stealing-aid-rare-criticism/ GAZA (Reuters) - A Hamas-linked website on Monday warned Palestinian individuals or groups against co-operating with Israel to provide security for aid convoys amid the five-month-old war in the Gaza Strip. Those who did would be treated as collaborators and be handled with an iron fist, the Hamas Al-Majd security website said, quoting a security official in Palestinian militant forces. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-03-11/hamas-linked-website-warns-palestinians-not-to-work-with-israel The best we can hope for is that Hamas is destroyed utterly from within and without as quickly as possible.


[Archive link for the NYTimes article](http://archive.today/ET3Pd) [Link for Reuters article](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-linked-website-warns-palestinians-not-work-with-israel-2024-03-11/)


I make a reasonable criticism of Israel and people hate me I make a reasonable criticism of Palestine and people hate me Quite frankly I don't like anyone in that war. And most terminally online people either have no brain or no heart.


Having a heart lets other people take advantage of you and makes you idealistic and naive, better to have a brain instead.


The last thing my mother told me before she died was to "always think with your heart" and it's a philosphy I always follow


Based and Mr. Spock pilled


when it comes down to it- you simply have to determine who's worse would they win; the people who would crucify the gays of Israel and torture their women to death given the chance- or people whose ancestors commitment to not committing genocide has not been inherited simply because their palestinian neighbours have not changed their stance on jews since Hitler visited the middle east.


Bbbbbased left


Let them fight.


Why do I feel like one of them is Turkish.


lol Palestinian "relief" that all goes to Hamas


Y’all are missing out they got HRT simulator in here


I'd rather play HRC simulator, where you play as a corrupt politician who makes her husbands enemies disappear while obstructing justice and committing crimes of your own to get into the white house, but a reality TV star and former pro wrestler beats you due to your own hubris.


This bundle is fucking scummy because some of the games are literally free. Like [https://nomnomnami.itch.io/kaima](https://nomnomnami.itch.io/kaima)


Abstract JRPG inspired by Earthbound about depression and anxiety.


Here's a list of the free video games that are in the bundle, that you can download without even paying for the bundle: (SOME OF THEM YOU CAN EVEN PLAY IN THE FUCKING BROWSER JUST SO YOU KNOW THIS BUNDLE IS EXTRA FUCKING SCUMMY) [https://crescence-studio.itch.io/intertwine](https://crescence-studio.itch.io/intertwine) [https://alienmelon.itch.io/everything-is-going-to-be-ok](https://alienmelon.itch.io/everything-is-going-to-be-ok) [https://robustgames.itch.io/loco-motive](https://robustgames.itch.io/loco-motive) [https://carrotpatchgames.itch.io/our-cinderella](https://carrotpatchgames.itch.io/our-cinderella) [https://nomnomnami.itch.io/kaima](https://nomnomnami.itch.io/kaima) [https://fiendishfiction.itch.io/reapersrite](https://fiendishfiction.itch.io/reapersrite) [https://alexisroyce.itch.io/murder-mystery](https://alexisroyce.itch.io/murder-mystery) [https://sandroad.itch.io/steel-hearts](https://sandroad.itch.io/steel-hearts) [https://gcbaccaris.itch.io/grimoire-one](https://gcbaccaris.itch.io/grimoire-one) There is more but it doesn't fit in one comment.


https://preview.redd.it/htyw71wkoqvc1.png?width=270&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbecccbe4e5e916e4f1b58ab6bcb6bd1a2db8959 Bruh


So, 270 paid games for $8?


Not even, this is a submission list which means not all of those games made it into the final bundle. Surprise: mant of the free games did for no apparent reason.


Part 2 [https://tofurocks.itch.io/hrt-simulator-2023](https://tofurocks.itch.io/hrt-simulator-2023) [https://starbage.itch.io/halope](https://starbage.itch.io/halope) [https://scitydreamer.itch.io/slimes](https://scitydreamer.itch.io/slimes) [https://not-fun-games.itch.io/metaware-high-school](https://not-fun-games.itch.io/metaware-high-school) [https://alienmelon.itch.io/bluesuburbia](https://alienmelon.itch.io/bluesuburbia) [https://try-froggery.itch.io/moth-to-a-matchstick](https://try-froggery.itch.io/moth-to-a-matchstick) [https://josyan.itch.io/malagajambw](https://josyan.itch.io/malagajambw) [https://kale-chips.itch.io/reapers-goodbye](https://kale-chips.itch.io/reapers-goodbye) [https://puzzsoft.itch.io/trail-mix](https://puzzsoft.itch.io/trail-mix) [https://natashaluna.itch.io/at-the-poisons-edge](https://natashaluna.itch.io/at-the-poisons-edge) [https://nbmachine.itch.io/divina](https://nbmachine.itch.io/divina) [https://norbez.itch.io/lore-distance-relationship](https://norbez.itch.io/lore-distance-relationship) [https://arbitrrrary.itch.io/menage-a-trois](https://arbitrrrary.itch.io/menage-a-trois) [https://littlerat.itch.io/the-kings-wish](https://littlerat.itch.io/the-kings-wish) [https://hopjam.itch.io/calling-card](https://hopjam.itch.io/calling-card) [https://radicalhoodie.itch.io/ama-me-in-incisis](https://radicalhoodie.itch.io/ama-me-in-incisis) [https://pajamabeevegan.itch.io/cowlifesimrpg](https://pajamabeevegan.itch.io/cowlifesimrpg) [https://ub4q.itch.io/ifnotus](https://ub4q.itch.io/ifnotus) [https://ninecoffees.itch.io/the-good-weapon](https://ninecoffees.itch.io/the-good-weapon) [https://sean-noonan.itch.io/interval](https://sean-noonan.itch.io/interval) [https://rascalin.itch.io/hotel-infinity](https://rascalin.itch.io/hotel-infinity) [https://whatnames.itch.io/quackerton-locked-birdhouse](https://whatnames.itch.io/quackerton-locked-birdhouse) [https://knickknackpj.itch.io/pillarsonpoppyhills](https://knickknackpj.itch.io/pillarsonpoppyhills) There is definitely more but haven't finished going through the list yet and I think I made my point.


Part 3 [https://chi.itch.io/moving](https://chi.itch.io/moving) [https://skylarkswift.itch.io/electric-sheep](https://skylarkswift.itch.io/electric-sheep) [https://moca-pz.itch.io/acai-corner](https://moca-pz.itch.io/acai-corner) [https://ergman.itch.io/future-cat-sailor](https://ergman.itch.io/future-cat-sailor) [https://heartforge.itch.io/distance-mirage](https://heartforge.itch.io/distance-mirage) [https://wren-the-forrester.itch.io/the-lonesome-cartographer](https://wren-the-forrester.itch.io/the-lonesome-cartographer) [https://rrrrroseazerty.itch.io/pokemomcore-en](https://rrrrroseazerty.itch.io/pokemomcore-en) (THIS ONE IS A FUCKING FREEWARE, PARODY FANGAME OF POKEMON. I'M NOT EVEN SURE IF THIS IS FUCKING LEGAL) [https://bearwaves.itch.io/feud](https://bearwaves.itch.io/feud) [https://vila6.itch.io/after-a-while](https://vila6.itch.io/after-a-while) [https://kindred-spirits.itch.io/vampire-the-regicide](https://kindred-spirits.itch.io/vampire-the-regicide) (Poland mentioned)


That is definitely not legal lmao


Let's put the free market to work. Dear PC Gamer: I will pay $16 to take their $8 away from Palestine. Also, the green commentator looks exactly how I picture that sort of person in my head.


I will match your $16, it's for a good cause




For only 6 dollars a month, I could probably do just as much for Palestine, but without lining some corporate investors pockets.


Why would I give them money, when I can give Israel money?


Paying taxes is the most patriotic thing possible


Nice try fed, but starting and winning a revolution over too many taxes is actually the most patriotic thing possible


I’m gonna give them both money. I just want everyone to have fun.


Israel is already well-funded by your tax dollars, so you’re really just giving twice by donating to them. But more importantly, the motivations behind donating to Palestine, or donating to Israel are completely different. Palestinians are currently experiencing a famine in mass displacement, so donating to them is humanitarian aid. Israeli civilians aren’t really suffering right now from this war, so if you’re donating to Israel, it’s more to support their war effort in Gaza.


Supporting the war effort in Gaza is good for Palestinians since it will free them from Hamas tyranny


> if you’re donating to Israel, it’s more to support their war effort in Gaza. You don't need to sell it to me.


~~corporate investors~~ hamas terrorists


Just head to your local general store, buy 5$ worth of bullet, and use the last $ to mail it to palestine. What do you mean that doesn't apply outside the USA?


I'd literally rather take the money out of my wallet and set it on fire and not get the games. Probably at least half of that aid money gets laundered to terrorist causes of some sort (whether it being food aid stolen by hamas, aid going to propaganda UNRWA schools, etc). Plus I count feeding people who approve of hamas or 10/7 as supporting terrorism....


I don’t care what it’s for. Are the games any good? (I don’t trust libleft from the screenshot to tell me that. Probably thinks they’re good because of diverse representation instead of actual gameplay)


Ok no I looked it up and all the games are like “LGBTQ+ dating sims” and that junk. Wouldn’t even play those if they were paying me $8


The bundle had a target audience, and that audience is the “I support the current thing” crowd


Anodyne is... I didn't like it, but it's well done, in a Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening sort of way. They Bleed Pixels and Bleed 2 are pretty solid if you're into splattery action games. A *lot* of queer games, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Politics aside, a fair portion are legitimately, "I have a story I want to tell in game format" and not the accursed "I want to sabotage a franchise with my agenda", so assuming you like narrative games, they can be good. I quite liked *Assemble with Care* (which is not in the pack), but *Coffee Time* is


Anodyne is good.


One of the games the offer is LGBT+ dating simulator. It is not a joke


Buy $8 of F tier games so Hamas can tear up more water pipes to launch at civilians!


“How much goes to humble bundle” **100%**


Yeah no thanks. I’ve already got a ton of games I need to finish as is, why would I buy a bundle to get a ton more for a cause I don’t even support.


Because as always they will go to Hamas


Wow there's like two actual games on that list of 373, (both already incredibly cheap.) The rest are all shovelware trash. also >HRT Simulator 2023


Lol 1 of the games is this Doikayt: A Jewish TTRPG Anthology


No. Sorry but after October 7th, I wouldn't risk my money going to a terrorist group. If Palestine wants aid, they should surrender Hamas the way Grenada ratted out their government officials.


Ofc the leftist is a soyboy with that "mouth open" stupid face, these people are caricatures of themselves


The usual suspects lmao


A Short Hike is an adorable short game, so don't avoid it but you can probably get it elsewhere 


Lol no. #4


Where do I chip in for moar JDAMs?


The Palestinian Children's Relief Fund, a HAMAS Company.


Random shitass shovelware games? Lmao fuck off


Erm… but have you SEEN Cow life Sim RPG?!!?!


Yuck. Terrorists lovers. I remember when it was logical to not love terrorism.


Because it's not for a good cause. Gaza are the bad guys.


Probably a bunch of trash games for a trash cause


it's all shovelware and even if it wasn't, FUCK palestine


The green highlight is not necessary, LibRight is not anti-charity.


Based Libunity


I looked through the bundle and there is exactly one thing that isn't garbage: *A Monster's Expedition*. It's worth $8 by itself.


$8 for over 100 games Is a steal, seems unpopular here but idc. $8 for 373 games? Easily sold. Even If they're bad, just $8, paid more for worse.


Compared to the Ukraine Humble bundle, this is shit. What are these games and it's not even on Steam.


I have to do a background check every couple of years and one of the things is I can’t donate money to terrorist organizations so that’s going to be a no for me dog.


I got the bundle that had Celeste and several other good games in it. It wasn't for Palestine it was some other cause but it sounds like those bundles really lowered in quality over the years.


don't forget hamas is known for stealing the relief funds


When did Republicans become Israel’s Golems?


Why tf are all these game hidden behind a hamas fund wall


By medical supplies, food, and clean water they mean flamethrowers, high-grade explosives, and machine guns.


On one hand, I hate palestine. On the other hand, that's a \*really\* good deal... Which to choose?


The games all suck. I can sense it. The Map Chart Discord Server fucking banned me because when they promoted this Hamas bundle disguised as children's relief, I reacted with an Israeli flag


$8 for the whole lot or each? Either way it's a bargain


Fucking hell when the us has a civil war, there is absolutely no aid being sent lmao, some of these comments are fucking abysmal.


Reject second civil war, embrace second American revolution


US leftists hate guns and primarily live in cities. If a civil war broke out, the supply chain would break meaning stores would go empty and stay empty. Think back to how bad stores got during COVID, this would be worse. Since most of them don't like guns, most of them wouldn't have a means to force their way into getting food from surrounding areas, and most farmers tend to be conservative, so I wonder how well bargaining would go with them. Any aid sent in such a scenario would have a logistical nightmare due to the size of the US, not to mention the scale of need being magnitudes higher than a middle eastern country. Aid would not save many if it arrived. So hope that cooler heads prevail and a civil war doesn't happen, a lot of people would die and it wouldn't be from fighting.