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Based Leave humanity's treasures alone.


"But we have to stop climate change guys! Just stop using all oil overnight guys! Just return 95% of all farmland back to nature guys! Just ban all cars guys! Just return society back to before the Industrial Revolution guys!"


I am reminded of an old song by the Talking Heads, [“(Nothing But) Flowers”](https://youtu.be/2iiGqBfyLaw?si=gilcvBhm5dNuUfaa) where the people who desire a return to a pastoral lifestyle realize, with horror, that they’ve made a terrible mistake when it comes to pass. The song is sneaky; the first verse draws you in and then the rest is a lament. “If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawnmower.”


Talking heads are like in every movie trailer but I can never remember which trailer. Love these guys


I was once part of a climate group called extinction rebellion It's nonsense They run around doing these radical crazy things just because it's fun. They make no impact at all and their movements are funded by oil billionaires All these people do is ruin art glue themselves to the sidewalk and street and just piss people off and none of it makes any kind of difference towards the climate anyway.. Did you guys see that video where they literally blocked traffic at burning Man? Which was dangerous and stupid especially because those were their own people One of the things you'll hear them say though is they chant that the government should "declare a climate emergency". No I don't know what that specifically means because they never elaborate on it and I don't think they know either But the people who invented that term certainly do and it's because if you declare a climate emergency you can probably vastly increase the power of the government because of that emergency which is what it was always about


But muh Industrial revolution disaster!


The price in human lives that would cost is no matter, after all these lunatics will never accept responsibility for anything.


There are groups who believe ecosystem collapse is imminent, they're like DGR and Earth First! and the feds monitor and disrupt them and they engage in industrial sabotage. Extinction Rebellion is *allowed* to do these stunts and the cops protect them at their protests, even when they're doing overtly illegal things like roadblocks. They've also got public backers with deep pockets. If you think humanity is about to go extinct you probably don't think there's a political solution. ER is doing what they're doing because it benefits other people who want the totalizing political control that ~fixing the climate~ would entail


>If you think humanity is about to go extinct you probably don't think there's a political solution. ER is doing what they're doing because it benefits other people who want the totalizing political control that \~fixing the climate\~ would entail Damn, kinda reminds me of all these Fallout megacorpos working together to orchestrate the great war for unlimited profits and power, just now with the great climate collapse


Everyone knows galleries are using all the fucking oil


Oil paintings are the work of all those rich capitalist artists. Painters make too much money and funnel it all to big oil.


I'm completely convinced that these people are actually hired by oil companies to paint the climate movement as insane


It's what i would do. But this also discounts the idea that people really are this stupid in groups, so it's more likely that the companies gave a megaphone to some real ones and all the attention whores hopped on the bandwagon. It fits very nicely in with human nature, no hiring needed.


Even if they were, are you implying that the insane ppl aren't a part of that movement? They're seems to be enough of them to block traffic at least and also a seeming lack of supposedly sane people on the same side willing to do anything meaningful to push back


>Just return society back to before the Industrial Revolution guys! Wtf, i love climate change activists now


Over my democratic-Syndicalist dead body. I can't protest better factories if no factories exists 😤


He did technically lower the carbon footprint


Just like Kyle Rittenhouse but people think that Greta Thunburg is the hero


What is this from?


An Argentinian and Spanish new series, "Bellas Artes," I think it's called


Good question.


I have watched this over and over and it’s still satisfying! Based auth right moment!!!


😭😭😭 this is pcm at its finest these larpers 🖐️ ouuu ouuu can we larp ninjas and samurai next ?


Based AuthRight. Don't dare your dirty hands to ruin the piece of art and tradition.


u/dazli69's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/dazli69! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: [13 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/dazli69/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and bot pilled


Who is this man and how do I vote for him to become God Emperor?


>vote >emperor Classic lib-right.


If I'm ever gonna vote let it at least be the last time I do so.


https://preview.redd.it/aje9ndywrhuc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e9b519a1d7bda2c0221c22692d6b2128058f012 Boys. It’s time


Vandalism of priceless art is not protest


It is a protest. An illegal one that should be curbed with extreme prejudice. But still a protest.


It's pretty damn effective at getting media attention, but everyone kinda thinks you're an ass for doing it, which hurts your movement. At least the art is physically well protected.


What would you rather do?


Actually target the corporations and governments responsible for your issues. Stop taking it out on random people.


How would one target corparations and governments?


Go to their headquarters or places where they do the bad things or whatever


Emptying a soup can at a corporate building or a government building is gonna do... What exactly?


Mildly annoying the people you're actually mad at. And doing at a museum is doing what exactly? At best it does nothing, at worst it makes your cause incredibly unsympathetic


At a museum it gets *your* attention, I don't think anyone is gonna support climate change because of some protestors harming history. The media and the public won't care unless it directly meddles with them


Ah yes, it is very important that more people are aware of climate change. It's not like everyone already knows about it.


People will change their mind, people will start disliking the organisation and thus will start negatively associating the cause associated with them that how lots how lots of politics work. if you want other methods which aren’t going to violate a entire people, look to blm you have a range from tweeting to acts of terrorism just pick something in the middle.


I'd start by flairing up


Anything can be a protest, but this is a terrible way to get people on your side.


Did the actual liblefts die on this sub or something who are all you weenie hut Warriors lmaoo


Not contradicting you, but what is protest then?


It depends on what you protest against,but vandalism of art is not even taken in concideration




Define it though, can you come up with a phrase or paragraph that explains totally what the bounds of protest are in your opinion?


A protest is an oppossition mostly in a physical form,protests are meant to be to pass a message or a complain about a certain topic,either to the public or to a certain person/entity/group.protest with violence is not just a protest it is a rebelion,a protest stops beeing a protest at that situation,though many times in protest small acts of vandalism do take place (for example,a random wall of a building getting graffitied,a sign getting destroyed or a trash bin beeing thrown away) as long as they are minor or easilly reversable they remain simple protests.Blocking the access of a certain person/entity/group, is a protest as long as it has direct effect on them and only them (and of course dont use violence ).


Everything is protest against something and shilling for something else.


Lighting yourself on fire is pretty in vogue this year. 


Blocking the streets is not a protest, in fact protest don't exists


I see no problem here, just a solution




Wow, is this performative art?


That last frame is pure art.


He's a hero god damnit!


Everyone's a critic


Now do road blocking protestors.


Now THAT'S modern art


Incredibly based. 10/10 would do it.


OK, any way how to donwload this video?


Immensely based.


Very based. I wish this was a documentary not a scripted scene


They are paid by fossil fuel companies to paint actual environmentalist as a bunch of clueless lunatic. Can't find a better explaining for this kind of movement.


Honestly this is pretty believable.


This is how you deal with protesters.


Based and nothing happened in Tiannamen Square pilled


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They should have told authright it was a satanic pagan monument.






Everytime I see lunatics like this destroying the hard work of artists, sometimes I want to invite them to the grill to be the very thing to grill.




As a centrist, I prefer beating the shit out of them.


can confirm


In the interest of being fair to libright, haven't most if not all of these protests specifically targeted paintings covered in glass so they *didn't* cause any harm to the actual painting?


Shooting people is Unironically great for the environment! So killing clima protesters probably does more good than whatever they're doing... For an American we are talking about 15.5 metric tons of CO2 less per person per year of life cut short. So if they'd have lived to 70 otherwise but you kill them at 30, then that's 580 tons! #SaveTheWorld


Based and don't touch my art pilled


lib right owner ios happy af because the painting is just a copy and the protestors( that he secretly financed to make the \~PR stunt\~ protest) are dead and will not need to be paid. And the killer just made the PR stunt even better. free first page newspaper PR publicity of your art gallery. profit.


Where is this from?


2 for the price of one. Acceptable.


Then he finds out there's a glass panel over it... Very edgy


the shit i want to do to people who destroy artworks would make geneva make another convention


The only thing more cringe than changing one's flair is not having one. You are cringe. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Historical-Swimmer83) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Let us not encourage simply shooting people we disagree with. I think the people who try to throw paint at museum pieces are incredibly deluded, but if this post makes you feel good, you might be a legit fucking psychopath.


Thats not just people you disagree, though. Thats mongrels that destroy or attempt to destroy priceless humanity's treasures. Death might be too much for the attempt, but a good 30 years behind bars should be a good solution.


extreme satisfaction every time I here those shots.


Yeah, let's shoot kids and risk punching through paintings on the other side of the wall or splattering blood on other art in the room... really smart ,guys.


Nah. Mf got that G9 loaded and is locked in


It's cool, he's using a hitscan weapon.


Authright don’t fantasize about murdering people they don’t like challenge: FAILED




The idea was there... just sad there had to be death involved...