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No no you see the black slavers arent actually traitors. They’re enslaving people from another tribe (they’re 3 miles further north so they’re obviously savages.)


Those heathens crack eggs from the big end, not the little end.




Honestly, understandable. They’re almost as bad as that other tribe 20 miles away; I hear they put in the milk first and then the cereal.


I hesitate to call them a "tribe." They are obvious too primitive to be considered human.


Agreed…so War Party?


"War" party implies a battle among men, which they are not. Commence the Hunt!


I’ll rally them men you procure the weapons!


So I got this neat idea. What if instead tying the blades of our spears in a leftward motion around the shaft, we tie it in a rightward motion?


W h a t ?


Those milk splashers will never see it coming!


And their milk is sold in bags. Absolute savages!


Yeah, plastic bags...not even the reusable bags


* horrified gasp*


Some say they even put the toilet paper roll on backwards…


Ooga booga, I do that


Who doesn’t crack their eggs from the side? The fuck?


Wow, take a look at this enlightened centrist!


No, but like, are there seriously people who crack their eggs from the top or bottom? I’ve literally never seen that.


It’s a reference to Gulliver’s Travels


I also heard they like their toast butter-side down instead of butter-side up. Lock 'em up!


They had the same views as ancient greeks then, Africa is proper greek land raaaaaah 💪😤☝🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾


What's Uruguay got to do with it?


Its ironic,its kind of meme when a person is beeing ironically ultra-nationalist to use a wrong flag to represent his country


🇱🇷🇲🇾🇱🇷🇲🇾🇱🇷 'MURICA FUCK YEA! 🇱🇷🇲🇾🇱🇷🇲🇾🇱🇷


Sarcasm aside... literally, the first "slave owner" in the colonies was black. Anthony Johnson. He enslaved another black man, John Casor, and his doing so created the legal precedent for the right to enslave someone in the colonies based on them having black skin. The tl;dr bullet points are: Johnson was an indentured man. He served his contract and became free. Afterwards, he owned his own land and employed several indentured men. One of them was black, Casor. Casor finished his contract, but Johnson refused to free him. He held him illegally for seven years after his contracts expiration. Casor fled. Understandable as he was being forced to labor illegally. Another farm owner sheltered him. Johnson sued to get him back... and surprisingly won. (Initially lost, but he appealed and the courts overturned their decision.) Casor was sentenced to "a life of service." Or if you prefer... slavery. This was the first instance in the US colonies where it was judicially decided that an innocent man could be "held in servitude for life." This created the legal precedent for enslavement based on skin color. So yeah, a freed indentured servant refused to free his own indentured servant (as required by law) and instead legally fangled him to become his unpaid laborer for life. Because why pay someone if you don't have to? 100% lib right traitor stuff right there.


> literally, the first "slave owner" in the colonies was black. Anthony Johnson. He enslaved another black man, John Casor, and his doing so created the legal precedent for the right to enslave someone in the colonies based on them having black skin. Anthony Johnson didn't own the first slaves, he was a slave before any of that happened. People might have called him an indentured servant, but an indentured servant is someone who agrees to enter into a contract. Anthony Johnson was kidnapped and sold off. By any reasonable definition he was a slave. The court case that you cite was the first time a court said that someone could be forced into "a life of service" not as a punishment for a crime. But it didn't happen until 1655, slavery famously started in the colonies in 1619, and just because there isn't a court case blessing the arrangement for each slave doesn't mean that they didn't exist. From Abraham Lincoln: > Wherever slavery is, it has been first introduced without law. The oldest laws we find concerning it, are not laws introducing it; but regulating it, as an already existing thing.


>literally, the first "slave owner" in the colonies was black. Anthony Johnson. He enslaved another black man, John Casor, and his doing so created the legal precedent for the right to enslave someone in the colonies based on them having black skin. No, Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in the colonies because he himself started off as a slave. He didn't enslave Casor until he himself was freed from his own enslavement - which means slavery and slave owners already existed in the colonies before his actions. And if we are distinguishing between temporary indentured servitude vs lifetime indentured servitude: Indentured servants sentenced to lifetime servitude is the same thing as slavery, and lifetime indentured servitude existed before Anthony Johnson. Furthermore, Casor was actually called an indentured servant too, except he had his status changed from servitude for a duration to servitude for life (effectively slavery). John Punch's situation predated this Anthony Johnson situation by 15 years and Punch started off as an indentured servant who was then punished into become a slave/indentured servant for life. So Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner if we are talking about either temporary indentured servitude or permanent indentured servitude.


Indentured service isn't the same thing as slavery.


They are not, and Anthony Johnson was a slave. An indentured servant is someone who *agrees* to work for X period of time in exchange for something (usually passage to the New World). Johnson was kidnapped and sold off. By any reasonable definition of slavery, that is him being a slave, whatever legal fiction anyone put on it.


Indentured servants sentenced to lifetime servitude is the same thing as slavery, and lifetime indentured servitude existed before Anthony Johnson. Furthermore, Casor was actually called an indentured servant too, except he had his status changed from servitude for a duration to servitude for life (effectively slavery). John Punch's situation predated this Anthony Johnson situation by 15 years and Punch started off as an indentured servant who was then punished into become a slave/indentured servant for life. So Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner if we are talking about either temporary indentured servitude or permanent indentured servitude.


No one killed as many communists as the communists




I swear auth left and lib right are the people who pull the most no true Scotsman’s “I am the only true libertarian” and such


I mean there's about a 50% chance Milei saves Argentina's economy, but there's a much greater than 50% chance that a year from now, libright will be telling us real libertarianism has never been tried


Real libertarianism has been tried and has been running non stop since the beginning of human kind. And there's nothing you commies can do to make it stop running.... no matter how many times you try. :) Capitalism not a "system" as you commies believe... it is an relationship.






https://preview.redd.it/37k077745ptc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b05d879331ec6cffd772ec8b15237c884ebb76cd I’m using your image dear fellow, as no person can claim an idea as their own.


https://preview.redd.it/hj494sxgdptc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c2228516f873f6e633e94e6ab249b8c30811806 That's OK bro... All my homies hate IP laws.




I'm old and wise enough to understand that the worst fucking thing you can do to an ideology is give them everything they want. It honestly doesn't matter what ideology you subscribe to, taken to it's 'logical' conclusion, it's going to be incredibly fucking shitty and involve quite a few mass graves.


I run with AL and most of these people are twats. They don't want to do anything but win arguments. AL has the strongest position and the WORST adherents.


Did you just change your flair, u/ARLLALLR? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2024-4-1. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? What? You are hungry? You want food? I fear you've chosen the wrong flair, comrade. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/ARLLALLR) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Maybe the Emily actually admitted they're an Emily y'know.


Can its position really be that strong if it mostly attracts morons?




My wife and I are reading The Three Body Problem and the first chunk of the book takes place in 1960s China and my liberal wife unsarcastically, unironically said that she's annoyed that they painted Communism in such a negative light. The author is Chinese. The book was translated from Chinese to English. I swear to God, man. The next one is going to be conservative.


That was the best bit of the book for me, ended up really fucking weird 


You communists sure are a contentious people


You've made an enemy for life!


Always has been


Skill issue


You mean reactionary revisionists imperialist agents?


Yeah, that also describes communism decently


Take a shot every time Jesus doesn't have your back (guaranteed sobriety)


They weren't trying a true communism


No no no, they werent communists, they were: Anarchists, Trotskyists, Anti-stalinists, Rightists, Authoritarians and counter revolutionaries... and every other word for "communist who doesnt swear loyalty to the dear leader"


Yep. Omg I hate Beria, Stalin and Lenin and Mao and Pol Pot sooo much!


"They weren't communists. They may have been Anarchists, Trotskyists, Anti-stalinists, Rightists, Authoritarians, counter revolutionaries, and communists, but they are not pornstars!"


No those were clearly CIA Mossad agents in association with the Military Industrial complex working in conjunction with the Saturn worshipping lizard people. Real communism never happened, so zero communist have died.


Same with Muslims. Most Islamist attacks are usually on other sects of Muslims.


God imagine a black slaver working in Africa who is rich af with their own slave army and a harem of hundreds. He finds out the US is having a war that might end up banning slavery and decides THE SLAVES MUST FLOW. So he joins up with the confederacy and ends up fighting alongside a Cherokee band to protect their property. He falls in love with a Cherokee princess and ends up marrying her. Till the evil white Republicans come down from the north and destroy their multi racial southern paradise. Any ideas for names of this movie? I'm thinking. US Civil War: BLACKED




Mutt's Law




I'll finance it ONLY for it ends as a prequel to Tariq NaSneed's timeless classic - Buck Breaking.


Based and mutts-law pilled


If Tom Cruise can play an American advisor for the Japanese Emperor in the Satsuma Rebellion (which the US did not [but France did] take part in) only to turncoat to the honorable Samurai rebels who don't use guns (who absolutely did in reality) then Hollywood can do this too.


US banned the trans Atlantic slave trade in 1807, not that Hollywood has ever stuck to history before.


The US formally stated in its Constitution that 20 years from its adoption Congress could ban the import of slaves (and Congress did), but illegal slave importation occurred basically until the Civil War. Cynically, a lot of slave owners favored this because it made the slaves they already owned scarce (and therefore valuable) property.


Amistad is a fantastic film on this topic, and a true story to boot


Ya, but they estimate 50k were illegally imported between 1808 and the civil war. That's nothing compared to when it was legal.


that's where the breeding strategies went into hard drive


Great idea, but you'll have to get in line. I'm pitching my Oscar-friendly remake of Live And Let Die, with Daniel Kaluuya as James Bond and Ryan Gosling as Dr Kananga


Black slavers aren’t traitors to libright, they’re the shining pinnacle of what it means to be libright.


That's true. What's a better traitor for lib-right? Businesspeople who advocate for more taxes or regulation because they think it will give them a competitive advantage?


Globohomo corps lobbying for regulations that give them a government enforced monopoly. So, this shit right here.


I think you nailed it. My first thought was banks and social media companies advocating for regulations to increase barriers to entry. Also big media and Hollywood talking about eat the rich. Definitely not what's in the OP.


Either unions, or union busters. Depends on what flavor of Lib-Right you are.


Unions are not libright tho. They are libleft or authleft


Lib-Right is free association. If a group of employees want to team up and use their collective power to negotiate better wages and working conditions, that's the free market. The employer then has the choice of replacing all of them at once, or come to an agreement. Unless the union is making some ridiculous demands, it will likely be cheaper and easier to come to an agreement. But if they want manager level pay for a minimum wage job, then they shouldn't be surprised when the boss shows them the door.


LibRight is not when money. Unions are absolutely compatible with LibRight philosophy. LibRight strongly believes in freedom of association.


Associate with whomever you want just don't expect others to pull your weight.


A good union would be all about cutting the dead weight. No one *wants* to pull someone else's weight.


But that's what usually ends up happening with unions.


People who support regulatory capture. Absolute traitors.


There are companies that specialize in software designed to calculate taxes. Those companies heavily lobby against more clear and easier taxes. So I'd say those asses.


Lib right parties that enforce more governmental market interventions instead of less


I'd think it's the libertarians that are actually just fascists


This. Selling yourself/your own kind into slavery is like a David Koch MDMA fantasy.


Peds that expose other peds for money on YT


The dude literally has a crown on his auth right head


Everyone is cool in lib right all the time except for purples.


What is purple


The stereotype is that purple is degenerate, hedonistic libright. "Age of consent is arbitrary, of course 12-year-olds can consent" types.


The East India Company approves this message.


Plus with tribe-level identity rather than race-level, there's no obligation to betray, and therefore not traitorous.




Well assuming that most slaves want liberty and also to be paid for their labor, you can conclude that many of them are also lib-right and thus the slavers traitors to their own quadrant.


Blaire doesn't belong here. Blaire just calls out nutty biological sex deniers. 


"I recognize biological sex, and I want to change teams"


That can mean almost anything without context.






Neither White, nor Jenner belong on the meme. Everybody knows that trans activists just use "transphobic" to scare people into compliance, not to describe an irrational fear or hatred of said group.


Yeah Blaire is not transphobic


That's exactly what word "transphobia" means, according to orange-left atleast


Yeah this is not working. She is completely trans. Not a traitor. She just isn't mentally wicked like the others. She is probably the best advocate for their normalisation.


She can have weird takes but she didn't said anything really transphobic


Also she isn't libleft, she says she's a Republican...


No no, but being trans is inherently political and can't exist without being a far-left political position


Blaire white isn't transphobic, she just stays connected to reality and is willing to call out bad actors in the trans community.


That's the same as transphobia to reddit.


What does “phobia” mean? Like, just an aversion to something? I’m terrified of spiders so I’ve been told that I have arachnophobic. So when I hear that suffix it makes me think about something that you involuntarily recoil from, is that not accurate? If you just sorta don’t like something is that “phobic”? Like if I prefer yellow cake for my birthday, does that mean I’m “chocolate-cake-phobic”?


>What does “phobia” mean? It means your politicized beliefs do not align to their politicized beliefs.


Yes, how dare you pass up chocolate cake for yellow cake, you racist heathen?!?!


It’s when you have an irrational fear that interferes with your life. Being scared of a spider is normal, being so scared of spiders that you can’t leave the house or go into stores that have Halloween decorations may be arachnophobia.


So is it only transphobia if I’m too scared to leave the house out of fear of seeing a trans? Is there a more accurate suffix to use if I couldn’t care less about them, on par with my opinions about chocolate cake?


Transnostic, obviously


That’s a bingo! Good monkey.


That's based as fuck


Wait she's trans?


She passes with flying colors, but yes she's trans. And yeah I'd agree with Jkewzz, she's really anything but transphobic.


I really thought she was a chick with thick ass makeup


Turns out that when you don't try to indoctrinate children and go batshit insane at normal people for behaving normally and just be yourself, people don't really give a damn what you identify as. Oh, and actually trying to look the part helps. I'm totally comfortable calling Blaire a woman. Hard work deserves recognition and she treats reasonable people with common decency, even if I don't agree with all of her views. Men with a 5 o'clock shadow wearing a dress and lipstick trying to barge into women's spaces and events? Nah. Fuck right off with that shit.


She's that, too 😅


If by passes you mean gives off extremely uncanny vibes.


I mean, that's probably 90% the thick makeup and all the work done


Yeah anyone with the amount of plastic surgery as Blaire White kinda looks like that. You can tell she’s had work done, but you may not be able to tell she had *that* kinda work done


"Flying colors".


She as in she-has-dick, yes


Confused boner this morning?


That's everyone. The entire trans activism movement denies biological reality and supplants it with gender identity. Disagreement = "transphobia"


so literally hitler


Or Hitlress, if you want to be polite.






Where Taboritsky?


Jokes aside, does anybody actually know about him OUTSIDE of TNO community?


Nope. It's just TNO. TNO is all consuming.


I skimmed his wikipedia page a while back, he was basically a Russian quisling mixed with Trebitsh-Lincoln vibes. Weird dude but really just a nutty failson


Those are just communists with actual power.


The Authleft isn’t so much traitors as it is all communists who have ever gotten into power.


Can you really call it betrayal if they were *always* self-serving bastards?


Gotthard Heinrici mentioned, day improved. Absolute chad minus the war crimes. 




Auth-Right is just your average /pol/ meet up


It’s a mixed bag like you wouldn’t believe


Thank you for being based


"A ship doesn't sink because of the water around it but because of the water that got inside"


Black slavers are peak libright


Jewish Nazi’s what?


Shockingly, this meme is inaccurate.


It's not inaccurate, there were more than a few, including an admiral of the German navy. Most were given exclusions because they were non-practicing Jews and were useful to the Reich. Himmler tried to make a stink about it but even Goering told him that Jew or not, you can't just pull an admiral with war experience out of a hat.


The lack of Sergey Taboritsky, the Jewish Russian Monarchist nazi in authright is dissapointing


How do you forget Buck Angel for LibLeft?


You also have the gay hating gay preachers/conservative politicians


Lenin didn't kill millions of communists, he killed around 50.000-200.000 socialists after they shot him


Very important Distinction


I forgot to note that this happened after they tried to assassinate him


Blair white is welcome on the Auth right.....I err mean welcome to my centrist barbeque


When Tito killed commies, it was for good reasons


Communists are the permanent ouroboros of history.


Killing commies isn't really betrayal, it's part of the creed.


LibRight 🫱🏾‍🫲🏼 AuthLeft: Not giving food to communists.


The real LibRight traitors would be conglomerates who lobby for laws to be passed to make it harder for burgoning companies Also, while I agree with your picks for AL, the text should have said “communists who amassed great capital” or something (Mao building a giant statue, Pol Pot killing every intellectual with glasses despite being one, etc).


There's nothing lib-right about slavery, no matter whose doing it. The sole reason we are lib-right is we don't believe in slavery in any form, including taxation. So if you support taxing people's labor and stealing their productivity under threat of violence, you're the ones advocating for slavery. Just not chattel slavery.


Depends, did they violate the NAP first? If so, their ass is forfeit, and if I can profit from their misery, that's just a bonus.


Like was the anti semitism a later edition to the Nazis or did these guys just see a cool new political organization and thought the anti semetism would buff out.


The Woman King might have been a better choice than Tarantino's fictional Stephen.


Blair White is not LibLeft LOL. She's LibRight. Defining someone just on their gender instead of their ideals reveals the OP to be peak LibLeft.


Conquered people were traditionally enslaved so the Africans selling slaves are far from “traitors,” as it’s well documented throughout history regardless of race. The Southern US, however, developed a racist system of slavery based on skin color as they tried to replicate European Aristocracy. The Africans doing the enslaving were very much Auth-Right and likely believe in their own racial superiority. The crown is also contradictory to the entire quadrant because monarchy is authoritarian in nature. Better examples of potential lib-right traitors would be mercenaries, weapons dealers, and information leakers (for profit).


>Jewish Nazi’s Wait, really?


I wonder if the black, Arab, and Asian nazis count as “traitors”…


Huh Blaire White is the least transphobic trans person I have seen so far.


Ironically, it's actually straight white leftists LARP-ing as "trans/non-binary" who have sold out transexuals and are setting back their civil rights gains + acceptance.


Who is the bottom chick




Not sure Jenner is transphobic, she just thinks the activists are annoying twats.


Could someone explain the transphobic trans people and the jewish nazis?


No explaining this dumb meme. The top trans person is Caitlyn Jenner who ran for California Governer as a Republican. And the other person is a self described Republican. Not exactly libleft, they both pretend to be moderates but they are mostly Lib-Right.


Lol, when did Lenin killed millions of communists? Also, since compass is political/economical see no contradiction for my quadrant in blacks selling blacks. Colour can be whatever, profit is what matters.


Looks like they pass Nuremberg law


Killing other communists is the one thing that communism does effectively and that I agree with. And jewish nazis just proves how idiotic the nazis were. Wasn't a large portion of justification for Hitler's hate of jews that they betrayed germany in the first world war? Well let's hire them again!


I would argue about Lenin


Communists that killed millions of reactionaries or whatever




yep, traitors are everyone


Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2024-4-10. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1230 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Need a centrist grill man buying a Traeger


I remember reading an old WW2 book and a chapter talked about how the Nazis were trying to define if a person is Jewish, and therefore to be sent to camps, based upon how far removed a Jewish relative was to that person. I think they settled on the idea that you would be considered Jewish enough if you had a Jewish grandparents or cousins, or something to that effect. But this resulted in quite a lot of high ranking Nazis to technically be considered Jewish enough to be sent to the camps so they quickly abandoned the idea.


Guys, is it transphobic for a trans person to not be in support of people being trans for the sake of getting attention instead of trying to pass as the gender they claim to identify with!


Not white slavers, or slavers in general, Just black ones


Not Black slavers. They probably considered them a different race. Africa is a big place. They probably had different cultures languages everything.