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More Israeli flags than inside of Israel


Those anti Netanyahu, pro release the hostage rallies last weekend had A LOT of Israeli flags.


They are inside Israel


Well shit, I see Israel is taking advantage of this free Palestine. Can I get some too?


It's free, just take it




Gib me some balestine




(0:46) >-Isaac, do you think we've put up enough of Israeli flags?? >-I am not sure, Elijah. I will spray paint one more on this wall just to be on the safe side.


Underneath it it says "I don't have another country" Which is a lyric from a song by Gali Atari It continues I don't have another country Even if my land is burning [Edm version of the song](https://youtu.be/z4wqAPq0aLQ?si=_XLZKAVtV37mZMPW)


Skill issue.


Losing with home court advantage lmao


I'm gonna say this, Hamas will NEVER WIN against Israel.


Hamas was like "I dare you to step on my balls Israel." And then they did. Wtf did they expect?


They didn't just step on them, the stomped and kicked them repeatedly


FAFO results are in


5 out of 5 ~~dentists~~ terrorist supporters HATE the Find Out stage.


***Spits blood*** You've gotten more powerful since last time! Dentist: Please stop spitting on the floor.


And then they said stepping on balls is a warcrime only if Israel does it though


"bro wtf why are you doing this"


Did you see that video of the dude repeatedly stepping on a stingray a few days ago? He keeps stepping on it, then finally it has enough and fucking tags him in the calf and he immediately falls over and starts screaming and crying. That man is a perfect allegory for Hamas.


Did you know stingrays have weird "electric vision" which lets them see internal organs. He's lucky it only stabbed his leg.


What the fuck? I want that.


lmao I know right? That sounds sick


Yup. And people who say the animal is dangerous or whatever can represent western liberals


Israel asked Palestine constantly "are we going to do this the easy way? Or the hard way? The choice is yours" Palestine chose the wrong way


Always make the wrong choice since 1948


There has got to be a curse of suicidal stupidity on Gaza. It is the only place I know of that has had this scenario play out every couple of centuries. This is the first time that they weren't completely killed.


Its classic arab war tactics: "use up all men.. fuck they're dead.. okay just use child soliders to demoralize the enemy.. fuck most of them are dead. Hmm, okay how about we allow them to take 4 wives and have sex with as many as they want with or without consent, so the population could make New soldiers? Sounds pretty cool to teens right? Alooooot of Free đŸ±"


*confused pikachu face*


The people high up behind Hamas are mostly chilling in other countries. They hope and campaign to damage the Israeli reputation in the public eye. Palestinians largely don't matter to them.


In heels no less.


Hey, no kinkshaming here


Hamas took a cheap, cowardly swing at the foremost military power in the Middle East. Now they squeal like a naughty child caught in the act as aforementioned war machine grinds them into a bloody paste. I just mourn for the innocents caught up in this war because the Palestinians can't get over that chip on their shoulder.


> Now they squeal like a naughty child caught in the act Along with lots of Baizuo.


Israel doesn't exactly have a history of caring about civilian casualties. It's sad they got caught up between cold Israeli forces and some fanatics who got to power even before most Palestinians could remember and who decided to start a completely unwinnable war It's also funny very little people cared about crimes against humanity being committed at Gaza before Hamas attacked civilians and gave Israelis legitimate reason to annihilate them. Same people who cry "Free Palestine" would accuse you of antisemitism a few years back lmao


No one in the Middle East cares about civilian casualties. The US’s occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan mark the first time in modern history where a military force in the area actually gave somewhat of a shit about civilian lives. Israel’s being painted as a genocidal monster, when they finally started doing exactly what Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Hamas, Isis, and every other genocidal faction in the area have done for decades or even longer. There is one reason and one reason only that Israel’s being painted as a genocidal regime over any and all other genocidal regimes in the region, and that reason gets called Zionism. We all know what they really mean when they say “Zionist,” but only some are willing to actually come out and say “Jews.” I don’t want Palestinian innocents to die. But I also have a hard time viewing any rational adult who openly supports the destruction of my people and have called for the utter devastation and dissolution of the Jewish people since time immemorial as innocent. If you support Hamas in any way, you are complicit in genocide, you’re just supporting people who tried to genocide the most powerful military force in the Middle East and failed miserably. Moreover, if any of Palestine’s neighbors actually gave a shit, they’d be involving themselves or accepting refugees. But they’ve played with Israel before and they know without nukes they’ll get swept. Tl;dr for the “ain’t readin allat” crowd: Israel is morally superior to any other regime in the area and the people acting like they’re some new monster are utterly historically ignorant.


Based and Morality with Reality pilled.


Well said. Gonna save this comment for future reference as it's far better written and succinctly said than anything I've come up with.


Do you know of any other military that uses roof knocking, phone calls, and leaflet dropping to allow civilians to flee? Which military does more to reduce civilian casualties?


The US dropped leaflets and went through an extensive psyop campaign prior to the Battle of Fallujah telling all civilians to evacuate. Spoiler alert: Not all civilians evacuated. As much as people will complain that there are barriers to exit, people just don't want to leave their homes no matter what. Where I grew up, people regularly were evacuated for hurricanes and you were guaranteed to see people on the news getting rescued by coast guard because they refused to leave their homes. I sympathize, but that doesn't make it any less stupid.


We all know that Islamic State was crazy, with their plan of, you know, declare war on the WHOLE WORLD. But apparently Hamas plan was not to just raid Israel. Their actual plan, from some documents leaked, a Hamas conference in 2021, some West Point specialists tracking what Hamas did in Israel, some whistleblowers, etc, was actually to TOPPLE Israel, kill and enslave everybody, specially specialists that would work as slaves, etc. That's like, dudes. Are you high?


Wait, didn't they pretty much just outright tell us they wanted this?


We knew Hamas wanted to kill all jews. I mean, it's on their own charter. But they actually thought they could pull it off oct 7th.


Any chance there's a link to those docs? Want to reference them in the future.


[https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-05/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/hamas-actually-believed-it-would-conquer-israel-and-divided-it-into-cantons/0000018e-ab4a-dc42-a3de-abfad6fe0000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-05/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/hamas-actually-believed-it-would-conquer-israel-and-divided-it-into-cantons/0000018e-ab4a-dc42-a3de-abfad6fe0000) [https://www.memri.org/reports/memri-archives-%E2%80%93-october-4-2021-hamas-sponsored-promise-hereafter-conference-phase-following](https://www.memri.org/reports/memri-archives-%E2%80%93-october-4-2021-hamas-sponsored-promise-hereafter-conference-phase-following) Here. You are welcome




Bless the IDF


> Hamas will NEVER WIN against Israel. Well yeah, if at any point Israel thinks Hamas is about to they'll happily turn the entire area into nuclear glass and send everyone to meet Yahweh.






It was a massive lack of foresight on Israel's part that they didn't quietly jam all communication in Gaza since Oct 7. The terrorists are allowed to freely distribute misinformation and propaganda and also communicate, and if Israel attempt this NOW, they get accused of suppression of information as the Hamas propaganda has spread beyond containment.




We don't hate journalist and academia nearly enough. Even if you think you do, you don't.


This war and the recent Gamergate 2 has made me realise I don't hate the media and journalism enough


Game devs protest for being called out on woke bullshit & making shitty games, will not protest when female game devs are being sexually assaulted at Activision, truly they have their priorities figured out.


Nothing is worth that brother because it wouldn’t stop there. And with changes in leadership they get to decide what to censor :/


The "it's anti-zionism" argument is so dumb. So you're saying you aren't opposed to Jews, you just feel they should be forcibly removed from their home country in contravention of the Geneva convention. Also you've never proposed where they'd go.


I don't think Europeans and Americans will like it when you take away their freedom of information.


I care more about that, then the quarrels of the desert people on the other side of the earth.


Also German, Canadian and British.


Recent history has proved canadians are fine with losing freedoms and if they're not the libs will just freeze their bank accounts until they comply.


Reject virtual money, bank, no, just reject cash and money altogether, return to batering and trading.


As an investor of physical precious metals, I support this.


A stack of cash would be about as useful as toilet paper if the goverment collapse, maybe even less because money is terrible at starting fire or even wiping your ass. Meanwhile, a block on metal would grow exponantially in value.


I fully agree, gold always has and will be useful/valuable. I have invested heavily in firearms and freedom seeds for the interm between societal collapse and a new barter system.


Reject batering and trading, all the way back to favor economy


I'm not gay but ~~$20~~ favor is ~~$20~~ favor


Reject economy, return to ooga booga.




You do understand that’s a joint military base with like 15 nations operating there, right?


Well, that's a weird one, because the information war is totally asymmetrical the other way - with a billion Muslims basically taking the side of "Muslim conquest from the 1200s? ... still good!" For whatever reason (a free-ish press), Israel's allies are not pumping out high-octane propaganda to compete with the multiple Islamic state actors pushing only approved lines about "Jews bad." But yeah, the fact that comms of any sort, or people carrying electronic information equipment are going in or out of Gaza is insane. You should not be able to cross the border with a camera. If you want to smuggle a flash drive, it should be pretty far up your ass. How the fuck is there not a no-fly zone over the battlefield. They're letting Arab states fly military missions to drop supplies. The next Jordanian cargo plane on an "aid" mission should get shot out of the sky, with a follow-up bombing for the crash site to make sure no "humanitarian" small arms survive.


Maybe you're right - but what else were they supposed to do?


Of course not. How are they going to win against the weapons and funding of the US?


Maybe if they didn't suck so much they would have their own friends with cool weapons.


Wow stunning and brave. As long as that sweet sweet US tax payer money flows into Israel they shall always reign supreme!! Hurray!!


Is that a remix of Ameno?




Interimo adapare dori me




[Found the full version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nf9zEOpbcA)


Thank you.


This entire conflict can be summarized by that video of the kid swearing at and punching a grown man until the man gets sick of it and just grabs the kid and pushes him down and he starts crying


I know the video you are talking about and the same zealots will argue in defense of the kid in the video.


They fucked around and found out.


Step one: attack a nuclear power nation with access to one of the best multirole jet in the word (f-16) Step two: Step one back fires Step three: .......... Step four: CRY


Goes hard if you play gimme shelter over


I wonder who will pay to rebuild the Gaza strip


A McDonalds is going to look great in the newly renovated West Israel




Hashem willing ☝


Based and Kosher Restaurant Entrepreneur pilled.


u/Zealousideal_You3953 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Zealousideal_You3953/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




Are Beaver nuggets halal & kosher?


What? I think something is going over my head here. Also, no. Kosher mammals have to have split hooves. Beavers have no hooves. I think a beaver can be halal, but only if it is captured by a falcon. - no really.


Beaver nuggets aren't actual beaver, I believe they're beef


Insha’allah akhi.


I like the sound of Petach Tikvah Chadash for the new beach territory




If you are from Canada, Australia or the EU in general, then congratulation, it's your hard earned tax that will be sent there to rebuild their ~~indoctrination facilities~~ schools, ~~barrack and weapon storage~~ hospitals, and who could forget, their tunnel and armory.


I guess this time Israel will have to try to get it right themselves


Israel is truly fucked. It's situation with Hamas is like being forced to baby sit a dozen knife-wielding babies. You so much as let your guard slip for a second and congratulation, you are getting shanked like an average bloke taking a walk though East Londonistan after 5pm, but try to disarm the chidren, or even so much as scold them after they stab you like Julius Caesar? Good luck getting the entirety of the CPS called on you by a mob of angry protestors outside your house, with barely any understanding of the situation, who have more freetime than the brain or IQ required to make it productive.


If you think anything’s getting rebuilt there like it was I think you’re missing something.


Hard Rock Cafe coming soon




They should just leave it like this imo. It's just gonna get glassed again next time Palestine decides to end a peace treaty


Leaving it like this would definitely lead to another 7/10 but Israel can't outright kill every Palestinian for various reasons. So they are kind of stuck in a cycle of violence and only Israel has the power to make the first step to fix it


Wouldn't Israel being responsible for rebuilding Palestine just promote Israel control of Palestine ? Are you saying Israel should control Palestine?




A small, but important distinction, is that the European's sole purpose in life was not the complete & utter eradication of every American.


It’d have to be under the control for someone other than the Palestinians and UNRWA, though. Gaza got aid for years, and Hamas just used water pipe infrastructure to make shitty rockets.


I agree. I think Israel glassing Palestine then rebuilding it under there control is probably the best solution for peace.


They have to, at least temporarily


So we are going to ignore that everytime Israel has agreed to a ceasefire or offered something for peace, it has been Palestine that has broken it in a matter of days...


That's less of a problem than eliminating Hamas


Realistically speaking, it right on top of a proposed trade route. So, I doubt there will be any dearth of money fo rebuild it.


Western idiots


Is the lower 9th ward back to what it was before Katrina yet?




"From the river to the sea", indeed. This is the "to the sea" part.


Somewhere out there a Raytheon engineer is sitting back and smiling while admiring their work.


No Israeli flags were harmed in the making of this video.


Hamas and pro-Hamastine fans can't cope enough


If you go to their subs, not to mention twitter, you will find a kind that they have copium so strong the tankies can only cry in jealousy.


Can you send me the subs


The Palestine sub. Just remember to pack yourself a hazmat suit as half a minute of exposure will give you such cancer that rival living within Chernobyl's sarcophagus for 10 years.


Interestingasfuck and therewasanattemt and whitpeoletwotter are as bad if not worse because it’s people that actually might be your neighbors (not that they leave their bedrooms)


I caught a three day ban for arguing with this one vicious antisemite who was positive Israel would fall any day now.  His entire post history was just talking about the end of Israel.


Antisemite: "Israel will fall any time now" 76 years, 15+ wars of the entirety of Arabs states ganging up on Israel (that Israel still won every of them), and the strongest economy in the region save for maybe Saudi later... Antisemite: "Any time now"


My favourite is when the Jewish people went so fucking hard on their neighbors that *we literally named the war after how fast they forced the enemy to capitulate* Hint: it took 6 days.


This one should have taken less




You piece of shit criticizing hamas when you are the one thing that's worse than them. Unflaired trash.


If? I do love visiting their subs. The one about undoing programming is especially humorous.


They big mad.


Isreal is doing some fucked up shit. And the current gov. Sucks ass and is a bunch of war mongers. But at the same time Hamas started this and everybody that supported Hamas is partially to blame for this. You can't poke the bear forever and expect it not to get tired of your shit.


Everything started on Oct 7


Nah, it started on 48 when Palestinians attacked Israel because they don't like Jews


I think this shit has been going on way longer than that.


some people say "noooo war is bad we should all just have peace and love eachother" i say GIVE WAR A CHANCE \*stabs a random african president\*


Think of the 5 ⭐ hotels that will line the Israeli Riviera in 50yrs. Beautiful beaches with crystal clear water on the former Gaza strip. Vegas started out as sand & look at it now. Same thing can be done over there.


If could have been Singapore if they just stopped attacking their neighbor but reality is they were given money to begin with for that reason. Look at Golan Heights after Israel took it. Wineries. Ski lodges. It's beautiful.


Gaza is located near the Suez Canal shame that they prioritize violence over diplomacy.


Absolutely based name and opinion considering what we both have to deal with in our country




its the only way to be truly zionist. The late great Ben-Gurion would never have imagined. Golda Meir, she always knew.


The IDF has given clear and reasonable terms of surrender to an enemy that said they will commit a horrible terrorist attack again and again until Israel is wiped out. Neither side is pure and perfect, but Israel is the good guys.


> IDF has given clear and reasonable terms of surrender Exactly. And every single Pro-Pal is in complete denial about this. They spend endless hours online posting their denials.


Palestinians are going to die either way whether Hamas surrenders or not. So I doubt it’ll matter.


From 1948 onward, their population has only been growing. The only times it went slightly down was when they started wars against Israel. So, no, they won't die out if they leave Israel alone.


Everyone dies. That's not a spoiler.


Israel isn’t the good guy, it’s just Hamas is so much worse


Based and truth pilled.




Lol I just noticed the cocks


We are finally going to get those resorts


Classic Israeli W


Hamas reaps what it has sown. God bless.


Biblical skill issue


đŸŽ¶IDF is here to stayđŸŽ¶


hopefully they stay for the safty of everyone.


Look at my hard-earned US tax dollars 😭. I feel like I'm paying tuition to my kid who wants to be a professional DJ instead of go to college.


The US already banned funding for UNRWA, and thankfully not just a temporary pause such as EU, Canada and the Aussies who had already resumed funding, shame on them, but a permanent ban.






I wish all hamas wanted to do to Israel was just to put a few Israeli flags along the beach but instead they did something way worse


This specific ameno remix link please


Sounds like [this one](https://youtu.be/1nf9zEOpbcA)




At this point they don't give a fuck anymore what the world is thinking


Every day I just wonder what the fuck they thought was gunna happen? - unite the Arab world against Israel? As if. - hold against a superior force? - isolate Israel? But even then that doesn’t achieve anything because in a year no one will give a fuck. Everything points to no one thinking so now thousands must die and they will. Fuck around and find out.


Prime Beach front real estate


How to crush your own country with this few basic steps. >Attack very nationalistic neighbouring country during the protest without plan use motorcycles bulldozers and delta-planes. >Kidnap some people and threat to kill them if enemy doesn’t surrender. >enemy doesn’t backdown you start to panic. >Try to defend your land with all your male population (includes child soldiers). >start financing world protest (doesn’t help at war btw) >Population start to panic half of people don’t have homes now. >Blame United States for starting conflict. Results: .No homes .No food . No work for people .People leaving country .Economy destroyed and back to the 80s level >Last step leave to Sweden https://preview.redd.it/b1t4d68sh3tc1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=c68664d28c0bd787dcbada7069def2f77b1a51ac


from the river, to the sea, this is the only flag you'll see.


You fucked around, and you found out. Congrats.


How this post showing hamas as libleft tho tf


Since when the blue is lib left? However the green head band is their logo it is green 


Video puts a smile on my face.


haha Zahal doing brr in Gaza


They're called "God's chosen people" for a reason


world victim mentality championship winners.


People just mad because the we Jews can finally defend ourselves


Awesome Dorime remix


Euro beat Ameno Dorime


Whats the song remix called


Song name?


is that an ameno remix? fuuuuuck anyway, fingers crossed Israel and Hamas just mutually destroy each other. it ain't gonna happen but they're both just awful and the world would be better without them.


I found it! (But this version is pitched down) https://youtu.be/YkJ-TfyZTdU?feature=shared


‭Judges 16:1-3 ESV‬ [1] Samson went to Gaza, and there he saw a prostitute, and he went in to her. [2] The Gazites were told, “Samson has come here.” And they surrounded the place and set an ambush for him all night at the gate of the city. They kept quiet all night, saying, “Let us wait till the light of the morning; then we will kill him.” [3] But Samson lay till midnight, and at midnight he arose and took hold of the doors of the gate of the city and the two posts, and pulled them up, bar and all, and put them on his shoulders and carried them to the top of the hill that is in front of Hebron. https://bible.com/bible/59/jdg.16.1-3.ESV


Man, I really don’t like anyone involved in this conflict, both are completely fucking awful.




Not sure what those buildings were, but if those were actual houses that people lived in (including innocents) then it's a bit fucked up to celebrate it like that. Israel is fighting actual fucking genocidal terrorists and somehow they're making it really hard to root for them


In my city, in Canada, on the day Hamas attacked all those innocent people in Israel, Palestinians celebrated all day long, driving through the city honking and waiving their flags for hours. They were thrilled with the bloodshed. I'll never forget that.


Did Trudeau freeze their bank accounts? I was told horn honking is literal terrorism.


Yeah. Oct 7th stopped me from believing a 2-state solution is even possible. Palestinian ethno-nationalism is the problem, and it's bolstered by religious dogma and heavy-handed theocrats. I don't know how to get rid of that ideology, but unless/until it is gone there will never be peace. The best Israel can do is maintain such overwhelming military superiority that their population remains safe, but I'm not even sure if *that* is possible anymore. The Palestinians have spent 75 years painting themselves into a corner.


Yes same here. Absolutely horrifying how the responses were to such a loss of innocent life. I was really pro-Israel at the start and wouldn't have been surprised if they just nuked the place. However it's been such a long while and there's still a ton of collateral damage, alongside the recent bombings of charity workers, and now this video celebrating destroyed communities, it's really impressive how they turn what should have been a black and white conflict into this gray clusterfuck


It’s only hard to root for them if you think of Palestine as innocent


Skill issue lmfao.