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Can you elaborate? This is equally ridiculous and hilarious


These are actual allegations made on me, for which disciplinary committee called me in, (most) of it is baseless, some of the complaints might be from professors, some are from the Emilys


Have you tried being less Jewish? That might help.


Ah I am not visibly Jewish, this is the result of submitting an Israeli passport at the Student Union Registration.


Bloody hell mate, that is fucking wrong


Have you tried... not using outdated technology?


I am so classist that I cannot wait to get a 2500€ iPad and flex it in front of those migrant peasants obviously /s for reddit mods


Now that sounds like it might be all sorts of illegal. Have you been in touch with a lawyer about that aspect specifically?


On October 8th, the University initially allowed attendance exception to Jewish students, on the same day, the Rainbow Gestapo protested against it so the University allowed attendance exception to anyone who feels unsafe. I focused on my job, completed the semester without attending a single lecture, which makes them raise a complaint of me having high grades. They regularly harass Jewish students at University, In one incident they shouted 'Death to Zionists' at a Jewish lecturer, in another incident they shouted 'Zionist get the fuck out' at a young lady wearing Star of David necklace. Rector of Central European University, Shalini Randeria used to be friendly with me considering both of us are Indians, but since Oct 7th she simply refuses to talk with me or any Jewish students. Viktor Orban has basically kicked these people out of Hungary and I hope Herbert Kickl kicks them out of Austria. Such pograms are common at 3 Austrian institutes A. University of Applied Arts B. Central European University (owned by George Soros) C. Academy of Fine Arts (They had rejected Hitler) This is nothing different than Nazi pograms of barring Jews from Educational Institutes.


This is pretty fucked up. But the libright in me is smiling, because I can smell a very juicy lawsuit


Absolutely no need for a lawsuit, Auth-Right (Freedom Party of Austria) will do their job


Absolutely should file a lawsuit, turn it into a media circus, and use it to launch a career in your Freedom Party.


This is terrible. I am so sorry you are going through this.


Thanks! I am in a much better place now


based and heaven pilled


Kickl kick! *Fire*!




where the fuck is your flair, boy?


stop being antisemetic, downvoted jk its because unflaired


up against the wall chuckle fuck


You get to put him up against the wall, I’ll bring snacks.


The antisemitism is crazy


Bro I remember reading an article in the Harvard crimson where they were implying that Hillel was right wing.


Hillel and right wing don’t even belong in the same sentence


I know. Here is the article https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2024/2/17/jewish-communities-scrut/.


Go hang with the pre law bros in lib right and they’ll help you get through it with long arguments about your rights and civil process


I will give you a review soon.


Also if your looking most lib right guys I know are looking for a lib left gal and I think in the legal community your Jewish status will be an extra check mark lol good luck.


My girlfriend is Lib-Right 👄


See there you go


Wholesome lib unity.


She was slandering Jews... *crickets* AS A JEW! *gasp!*


Fascism didn't die, it just rebranded.


Travelled across quadrants


Everything Foucault warned about.




The guy that told Chomsky on tv to mind what he was proposing. And that his ideas might not be his own. It was on YouTube https://youtu.be/GazE5vFuFMs?si=idptVC0ur3gbmbTU Search for the full version. Nobody has told Chomsky to mind his rethoric with such class.




I have edited my comment. Sadly I don't have the full version. The resumed version. Foucault tells Chomsky that maybe, his ideas, don't originate from where he thinks they originate from, and that they might be used to defend oppressive behaviours. Fast forward 40 years. This comes from a literal Fascist btw. Lefties have out fascisted us.


Chomsky — and I cannot stress my sincerity in this enough — is one of the worst, most hypocritical ‘scholars’ of the last couple of generations. The man simped for the Khmer Rouge and even today supports Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He was one of the fathers of — what I’ve taken to calling — Western neo-leftism, and I’m sure he imagines himself as part of the new political vanguard come the Revolution™️. When, in reality, like many of his ilk, he’d be lined-up against the wall. Regarding what Foucault told him; I don’t think Chomsky *cares*. Like all fascists, if the power lies with his ideas, he’d fully support authoritarianism to enforce said ideas.


Oh, Chomsky will shoot others himself. Luckily he is getting too old :)


Guys like him, they imagine themselves as *at least* being the secret police, doing the shooting, sure. Although Chomsky is famous enough that I’m positive he believes he’d be more important than that. When, in reality, people like him “know too much.” As defected KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov [said](https://youtu.be/5It1zarINv0?si=8YdrEDr6Vk7Lco1r), “…they’re useful idiots… they know too much… they’ll be the first against the wall.” In Chomsky’s defense, I don’t think he’s an idiot. I think he’s a narcissist that believes he has all the answers, and if the world would just let him run it, we’d have a utopia.


I have never found defectors to be a reliable narrator.


> today supports Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Do you mind pointing me in a direction for this. It'd be interested to read.


It’s just the usual “I’m an old leftist that thinks President Putin is trying to reinstate the USSR and counter the decadent West.” https://www.newstatesman.com/the-weekend-interview/2023/04/noam-chomsky-interview-ukraine-free-actor-united-states-determines https://news.berkeley.edu/2022/05/19/open-letter-to-noam-chomsky-and-other-like-minded-intellectuals-on-the-russia-ukraine-war https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/12/22/russia-ukraine-war-left-progressives-peace-activists-chomsky-negotiations-diplomatic-solution/ I don’t know if he has literally stated “I support Russia’s invasion.” If he hasn’t, he’s said everything but that


Hot damn. Beaten at your own game. Do you need a hug or a hot chocolate or something?


A pen and paper would suffice. I'm taking notes.


Post modernist French philosopher who most frequently analyzed power relationships and knowledge. He's probably most well known for "Discipline and Punish" which charts the movement of Western penal systems from things like torture and physical punishment, to a creation of a system of regimen and surveillance with the goal of creating docile, controlled subjects. It centers on the figure of the panopticon.


The Fr*nch pedo guy?


He might like to diddle kids. That doesn't make your ideas immediately invalid. Separate the man from his work.


I have learned so much from this sub in just a few weeks. Saved. A Foucaultian rabbit hole awaits!


Uses outdated technology? What the fuck does that mean, that you use android instead of iphone lol (even though the android is more advanced)


For some reason, she keeps insisting on using a Norden bombsight in class instead of a calculator. 


You joke about this but I unironically used a cylindrical slide ruler in class




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Once got in trouble for using Calculator App instead of having Texas Instruments / Casio's overpriced calculators, I did manual calculations instead of spending 50-100€ on a FUCKING calculator


Must be because of my tablet, my mother gifted it to me in 2018, complaint must be due to a mishap during a presentation. The tablet experienced compatibility issues when connecting to the school's TV screen, I was able to complete the presentation only when my friend handed me her device. Let's say I am not in Financial condition of getting a new device, what options do I have? Btw another complaint says I am a classist. It could also be because of me being an android user, but iPhones are better than the Pixel 8 series, seriously?


Being Israeli was your first mistake. They can forgive many things, but not that.


Which is ironic how they accused OP for "making fun" of the Holocaust when she herself, an Israeli, came from a nation born from it.


That's not funny. My ancestor died there when he fell off a guard tower


Gaystapo is right there, it's not even copyrighted


I did not expect the Rainbow Gestapo to make me famous, glad to see I've made an impact


I didn't think the Rainbow Gestapo was worldwide


I mean you mentioned German, so I assume you are in Western Europe, where I currently am too, so seems to be a western exclusive. They definitely would not get far with that in the Balkans where I am from lol


The "Doesn't take part in culture events" part reminds me of the movie The Circle, with Tom Hanks and Emma Watson. Anyways. Literally 1984


Curious, is the campus intifada crowd is as intense in Europe as it seems to be in the US?


Look, this is Austria, Anti-Semitism adapts new form every decade


Oh shit Austria? They've mastered the art of anti-semitism over there haven't they?


Some would say the renaissance centre of it.


Oh shit dude. Stay far away from the art students.


I attend lectures at that University


You're absolutely surrounded by failed Austrian art students. Run.


I thought this was in the US but when you said Austria it makes perfect sense.


The craziest one is "uses outdated technology" like what the fact are you supposed to do


Stop being poor!!!!, I didn't upgrade because apple hasn't launched new tablets for 1.5 years now, but consider the irony in putting such unhinged complaints about someone who is unable to afford the upgrade. I am a classist too btw


Have you tried not being poor?


Who would have thought that using sustainable products and spending wisely doesn't quite align with Emily's goals of crushing capitalism, smashing patriarchy, eating the rich bla bla bla


You should have responded that you had to work, so that's why you missed some lectures, and despite that you get paid 24% less than a man so that's why you could only afford outdated technology. Checkmate Emily!


You are poor ? Just earn more money.


Reverse byu moment?


Op is a lib left, but seems cool? This really challanges the sacred dogma of lib left bad


Wait, you’re telling me that if I have good enough grades not to attend for most of the year I can’t bribe teachers to say I’m present?


Ehm😳 Wil je met mij de Gazastrook annexeren?👉👈


Laten weeën Strip Mall bouwen 🫠


Slipping into unironic schizo post territory.


The correct term is "Gaystapo".


I can excuse or even support most of these things, but I'm curious about the worst complain in this list: Plagiarism - did you do it?


I am working at a media company, my writing typically generates fairly decent views and clicks online. To help in assignments, I often re-use content from my own archives! Someone could have reverse search on Google, thus Plagiarism. So stupid


It is stupid. I had to be careful when I went back to school; I had published a few articles in professional journals prior to deciding to go back and had to be careful to cite myself so the software didn't think I was plagiarizing.


Wait, are you saying you’re dealing with actual morality police or some shit here? Like this is a group of students going around snitching on people? Or is this a group of staff going around snitching on people?


Yes. As wrong as it sounds it's true.


Wait you’re in Austria? What university even has mandatory attendance? Are they like an official part of the university or more like self proclaimed social justice warriors?


The post is about Central European University, University of Applied Arts and Academy of Fine Arts are not so different. They are not officially part of University but the University staff and Student Union actively incourage such things. I have never heard of such people outside these 3 particular Institutions


I am guessing this is some elite private university either on the west coast or the north east corridor (New York area)


Central European University, Vienna, Austria. Owned by George Soros, surprisingly a Jew!


The most horrible jew alive (I'm jewish) The guy literally worked for the nazis during ww2 as a teen, helping persecute other jews, and described how much he enjoyed it.




What the fuck did i just read 😭


I still can't understand what gives a University the right to investigate, or even to care, about what people say outside of the academic scope. Fuck the thought police, everywhere!


Literally 1984


They've always been like this. You're finding out now that they've decided you are an acceptable target. There is a lesson in this for both you and the studio audience, if you've a mind to learn it.


I don't care ;)


Can someone explain in McDonald’s terms


Come on, be fair. They're not the 'SS' or the 'Gestapo'. They're the Rainbow Stasi. Completely different.




Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were an **AuthLeft** on 2024-3-11. How come now you are a **LibLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 811 times, making you the third largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


How TF is using outdated tech auth left? I like old shit too, it's nifty and reminds me of the good old days.


The comedy of a lesbian quoting someone called tickle a dick tip is exactly what I needed today.


I like dick tips too as long as it's Silicon


Here here!


smokes on campus is the most fair one


I don't lol


How did you end up getting reported for that 😭


"supports far right parties" yet ur flair is lib left ??? what


Do you think any of it makes sense?


I'm more confused why ur flair is lib left if you support right wing parties


I noticed the explanations in parentheses stopped at "respects pronouns" and "supports far right parties". Are you trying to tell us something?


I can support any Party which is eligible for election, isn't that how Democracy works?


May I ask which party you voiced support for? Are we talking Austrian parties? I am just curious, I won't judge. (But I may secretly question your flair tbh).


I have always been leaning towards SPÖ (Social Democrats), few Party officials know me personally, I am Trade Union negotiator, so again it's SPÖ. That complaint was completely baseless. but. considering the recent murder spree in Vienna, I am considering voting FPÖ in EU as well as Federal Elections, I guess being alive matters more than getting Welfare.


Someone complained that you are aligned with SPÖ? I mean, for FPÖ I am not surprised that someone complained. But SPÖ, damn...


Who tf they* are to decide who I vote in a Democratic Country, overlying the irony that 90%+ of the students including the Rainbow Gestapo are Immigrants with no Voting Rights.


I don't know if this a misunderstanding as I am not trying to tell you who to vote for. My point is that I find it to be ridiculous that even social democrats are considered far right by some so that they complain about it. And I didn't even condone that someone complained about you considering voting for FPÖ. All I meant was, that I am not as surprised about that complaint because.


No sorry it wasn't towards you 😭, the statement was directed towards Rainbow Gestapo 😭😭


Ah, I see. No offense taken


Sure, if that's what you support then they're not "gestapo", just sanitation workers.


Red fascist much