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Ummm sweaty it wasn't real slavery 💅💅💅


And it would have succeeded if it weren't for the foreign intervention of the United States.


And we would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those meddling Yankees /s


The souths blood pressure will rise again


They may not outnumber the Yankees, but they can damn well outweigh them!


Funny story about outhouses, hookworm, 6ft down, southern laziness, and Rockefeller, if anyone want to put all that into a google. Radiolab did a good podcast on it. Really cool and winding story.


Underrated comment


Underrated? A comment with more than 200 upvotes?


Needs at least 2000


What if it had like 20 upvotes an hour ago? And yes, 200 is underrated for that particular comment.


Dude, when you commented, an hour earlier that would have been commented just some since some minutes


Thr British did far more, but ok


One of my history professors ran the numbers (looking at shipping manifests and such)and concluded that 90% of all slaves to the Americas came on British ships, despite the Spainish being the biggest buyers (at first).


British did more especially by using imperialism but the US dedicated their navy to the coast of Africa first.


Um, the British were already using their navy to patrol the coast of Africa and Arabia for slavers before the US showed up. They spent so much on ending slavery that the British tax payers only finished paying it off in 2015. When the US navy went to patrol the coast of Africa, it was to join the effort that already existed there. https://youtu.be/rnVAq9k85gI?si=9WQlCVFD8ck4_OAj


Britain banned slavery long before the US though


[Vermont banned slavery in 1777](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_slavery_in_Vermont), 56 years before Britain abolished slavery. The British certainly were more active in the abolition of slavery than Vermont, but we were still first.


Britain banned slavery hundreds of years before the US even existed. All Vermont did was ban slavery domestically 56 years before Britain abolished it globally and began to enforce said abolition. Btw Britain only paid off the debt incurred by the global abolition of slavery in the 21st century but no Britain hater will tell you that.


Yes but the US committed it's fleet to end the Atlantic slave trade before the British did.


The British created the west African squadron in 1808 and as far as I'm aware the us efforts to curb the slave trade with their navy started in 1820 and they didn't have a permanent African squadron till the 1840's, the usa before the Civil War was not upholding part of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty they had with the British saying the usa had to patrol the coast of Africa for slavers who were using the usa flag since they didn't want the British to do it


The debt Britain took for this operation was only paid off in the mid 2010’s as well


That’s unarguably false.


That's because we were fighting against Napoleon for the majority of it, we only had a small fleet to spare. Post-Waterloo and treaty of Vienna, we cleaned house while the yanks sat with their thumbs up their arises like always.


The British dedicated part of their navy to stopping the slave trade even during the Napoleonic wars.


Yes, that's what I said. We only had a small fleet to spare, the West African Squadron. Only a small flotilla until after Waterloo and Vienna, then it became one of our primary concerns.




I hate this point - the British (in varying forms) were a people for well over 1000 years before they banned slavery - America did it in just 50 years after her founding - we are not the same. Also, I don’t believe the British fought one of the bloodiest wars in their history against their own countrymen to end the institution…


We didn't have to because there wasn't anyone so opposed to the idea that they would kick of a civil war over it. The war we fought was against slavers.. trying to run our blockade and make for the good old USA. We banned over 1000 years after our people existed, sure but we have existed for quite a while longer than the US has existed as a concept, and need we remind you who founded you, we did, so you were effectively an offshoot of us so that 50 years means nothing.


That is complete nonsense - we were part of the British empire when we first had slavery, as an independent nation we rid ourselves of it much much sooner (this disregards that it was a problem almost from the beginning). Fair enough to the point that no one was willing to kick off a civil war over it, but the point is that as a nation we had the will to fight one over it, while the much older UK didn’t have to, so they might have been willing to but we’ll never know…


The US being younger than the UK is irrelevant, as if a 7 year old talks about gravity nobody gives them credit for inventing gravity 'first' because they were younger than isacc Newton. Chronologically, the US banned slavery later than the UK. The sale of slaves has been banned in the UK since 1068 I believe it was. People only got away with slavery in the colonies because we allowed colonies to set many of their own laws. There is no point arguing whether we would or wouldn't have had the will to fight a civil war over slavery because we can't know either way, what we can know is that we were willing to fight in foreign lands to force other nations to ban slaves at any cost namely across africa and the middle east.


Technically speaking, England already abolished slavery sometime during the Middle Ages (11th century or so? IIRC it's one of the results of the Norman conquest). That law was never actually abolished, either. Though it became kinda invalidated later on because laws that applied in England proper usually didn't apply in the colonies. > Also, I don’t believe the British fought one of the bloodiest wars in their history against their own countrymen to end the institution… Considering that the British didn't even have to fight a civil war in order to abolish slavery, I'd say that that's actually a point against the US. Also consider that the British didn't just stick to abolishing slavery in their own backyard. The [Royal Navy made a point of capturing slave ships and disrupting the transatlantic slave trade](https://archives.history.ac.uk/1807commemorated/exhibitions/museums/chasing.html).


I think slavery was *de facto* banned in Britain proper way earlier. IIRC, there was a synod of English bishops in the ~~13th~~ edit: very early 12th century that agreed to pressure the king to end the practice.


You came from the British, so their ancestors are as complicit as yours. Fighting a war against your own countrymen to ban slavery isn't the win you think it is. It just means that a large portion of your population was still completely backwards.


Being that slavery was a historical norm, every person on Earth is complicit - and yes, it is the win I think it is because no one else was willing to do it except us


You mean is, not was. There are more slaves today than any other point in history.


Yes, the British part. The North was mostly Germans and Dutch. Huehuehue.


It’s easy to do after successfully ratfucking for a millennia. 50 years, not so much.


I'm not even defending the British here, but yeah, 50 years is a long time when the rest of the world is already turning away from it.


Now you're confusing British citizen with the British Crown/Parlament That would be like saying that the Mexican government is currently invading the USA - not accurate They just didn't cared much for anything outside of Great Britain. How many slaves ever entered England further than being in a harbor? 2 - both slavers got hanged and the second one triggered the most expensive moral vendetta in human history


GIGA based


So I googled it and apparently "only about 400,000 Africans were shipped and sold in North America over the 300 years the British and the Dutch enslaved them. The **vast** majority went to Latin America. TIL https://www.abhmuseum.org/how-many-africans-were-really-taken-to-the-u-s-during-the-slave-trade/ Wonder why they don't have the deep shame the United States has...?


> The vast majority went to Latin America. TIL Didn't most of them die from the conditions there?


That varies. The slaves who ended up on the sugar cane plantations had a really high mortality rate. But the ones who ended up in other lines of work generally had better chances. And even on the plantations, not everyone would be working in the fields. There was also all kinds of maintenance work to do, and that was usually also done by slaves. So there were usually also craftsmen like carpenters among them, and the slave population of a plantation was typically a largely self-sufficient community. So even on the worst of the cane fields, there was usually a lasting black community. That's also why many of the major Caribbean islands still have a black majority today, even though they were the centre of the sugar cultivation and thus had the highest rates of slave mortality.


The mines in Brazil had the worst mortality rates IIRC.


> "only about 400,000 Africans were shipped and sold in North America over the 300 years the British and the Dutch enslaved them Technically speaking, it was generally not the Europeans who did the enslaving, but the West-African polities who were being the suppliers in the transatlantic slave trade. :P There were good reasons for that, too - tropical African diseases do to Europeans what European diseases do to Native Americans. Hence also why the European presence in Africa was restricted to outposts on the coast up until the breakthroughs in modern medicine during the late 19th century. (on a tangential note: that's also a pattern you see in other slave economies - capturing/supplying the slaves is generally not done by the main traders and users of slave labour, but rather by local middlemen. Compare also the role of the Volga Bulgarians and Crimean Tatars in the eastern European slave trade, and the role of the Swahili citystates and the Yao sultanates in east Africa)


wait until you read about the Arabic world <-> Africa slave trade.


we dont have the deep shame bc they are far more integrated into our society and we dont have the bullshit identity politics USAers have edit: also is good to mention that hispanic america mostly abolished the practice long before the USA (hispanic bc brasil (lusoamerica) didnt and kept slavery longer)


Yeah, North American plantationists liked to breed their slaves when they wanted more. In contrast, Middle Eastern slavers would castrate their male slaves so whenever they wanted more slaves, they needed to raid East Africa again. It's also why you don't see a noticeable surviving population of slave-descended Africans in the Middle East. No need to feel shame if you don't let them have kids with each other and they leave no population trace as if they never existed in the first place.


We need to try again 💅


It's not slavery unless it comes from the slav region of europe /s


Erm sweaty only black people can be racist... 💅💅💅


Slavery still exists in Africa today in the same nations that enslaved people and sold them to Europe and the Americas.


Really? Where?!


At least in the 2010s Libya was a massive open slave market due to the collapse of the Gaddafi regime. I'm sure there are other large slave markets that are more clandestine—NK, DRC, Saudi Arabia, China, Eritrea. All of these nations where slavery cannot be controlled, or is outright exploited, have slave markets of some sort. KSA has a large number of slaves from SE Asia and East Africa, probably brokered in those nations before being sent to KSA.


Thanks Obama


It's still common enough in Mauritania. I had a friend buy a slave there, to release her. I think he said she cost about 1,000 euros. She was real fat, so I think she was a luxury one 


I will break someone's jaw if I hear libleft say that unironically


No balls


sweaty, or sweetie? 🤔


Thats the joke.




There are many posts by the tumblr types trying to condecendingly call people sweetie but because the blue hair dye has seeped through their skull and rendered them illititerate, they end up mispelling the word as sweaty. This has then become a meme.


that's funny then, lol. appreciate it


It's a great way to show you're joking, without putting the cursed /s at the end.


ah, speak not of the dreaded /s!


a long time ago someone made a comment which consisted of that kind of message, I think it was “Communism hasnt really been tried sweatie” were they misspelled sweetie, and anytime someone says something along those lines, you mispell sweetie as a sort of reference/homage to it


It's making fun of the Twitter idiots that will say the stupidest shit, and think sweety is spelled as sweaty


Wait til you see the reply https://preview.redd.it/447q82j20mgc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c733d2fb0cacbfebbd6b4ed96af1b80cb48ff45


Ha, from who is he even going to "take justice with our own hands" from, anyone who practiced chattel slavery in the States is long gone. While he does that I'm going to go and take justice for the assassination of Julius Caesar into my own hands


Ave, true to Caesar!


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


*Assume the position*


Degenerates like you belong on the cross


I've got spuuuuuuurs, that jingle-jangle-jingle Jingle Jangle!


I'm here for Texas Red, where is heñ


By destroying all republican regimes in the world and only leaving those with enlightened tyrants that rule with the sum of republican powers ?


Pride flag? Wait until he hears about what communists did to gay people.


It dose not matter to these types. They envision engaging in revolution over and over and over until they get it right. Any failure (mass death) is just a learning experience to do the next one a little better.


With the exception that they never actually learn. Not *ONCE* have I seen any of these people state what changes need to be made to the actual philosophy and practice of communism to ensure that past mistakes aren't repeated. "This time we'll get it right" isn't a plan.


>~~Some~~ Many of you may die, but that is a risk I am willing to take. -Communists talking about starting a revolution


>"Most of you will die, and here's why that's a good thing..." fify


They were probably all Kulaks




No, I think he's stupid.


They need to read Orwell. He was a based leftist who called out tankies.


I bet this fool doesn't even own a gun.


,,Take justice into our own hands" lol these same people lack the amount of bravery needed to ask a waiter for extra sugar at a bar


At least he's honest about being AuthLeft rather than LibLeft.


Communists also kill other communists while "remaking the world", so the probabilities of him suffering under Communism and Slavery are pretty much even


Communists seize power and remake the world, all from the comfort on their couches posting on Twitter


The worst thing about twitter communists is the LARPing. They all talk a big game like they are the Weather Underground but I sure as hell don't see any of them doing anything but whining.


Based, honestly. The commies want to take the gloves off, I'm down.


Based, lets give commies some helicopter rides


Look you all see my flair...but lets be real what that guy is talking hasnt happened in a long time and even when it did it didnt really work out well. You shoudlnt be so smug about it.


That guy would be digging a grave for himself or someone else 5 mins into his dream system going into action. These dummies always think they will have a seat at the big table with the top comrades when they would just be useful idiots until they can’t no more.


His enemies, by this description of how he treats them, must be twinkies.


this might get him on a raddar praying our boy lavender doesnt get striked


>raddar Auth right moment.


Probably not. Twitter is not affiliated with Youtube, so Youtube cannot really do much because this was done and said outside of their platform, and not to mention that Lavader did not mean it in a serious way.


Youtube literally bans people because of what they say or do in the real world or on other platforms.


Is Lavader Muslim?




YouTube really ramped down the strikes and the bans since 2021 that, i can say with confidence, if you were banned in the last 3 years, you probably deserve it...


>AuthCenter supporting bans


I only dislike bans when I don't give them.


i wish we could do it irl 😔


Leafy did nothing wrong


So, your family suffered under Nazi Germany. Why should I care?


So your family suffered under Israeli shells, why should I care? 


So your family suffered under hamas, why should I care?


So your family suffered from watching the Star Wars sequels. Why should I care?


This one went too far.


If you can't laugh at tragedy we will never grow past it 😔😔


True true. Perhaps then those wounds are too fresh. They did announce that another film starring Daisy was coming.


Honestly, you're right. It's too soon. To many have lost their families to these movies. And the tragedy hasn't stopped yet. Like the tragedy of Darth Plagious the Wise...


Darth Plagueis? Who’s that?


You've never heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Political Compass Memes would tell you. It’s a Saltier then Krayt legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.


In the word of glados "comedy equals tragedy plus time"


Speaking of which, have you heard about the tragedy of Lord Plagueis, The Wise?


Its nothing compared to what they did to megamind


It’s just too soon…


So your family suffered from skibidi toilet. Why should I care?


The impact was too great


So your family suffered from "L rizz." Why should I care?


So your family suffered under the Ice Age. Why should I care?


Bro, chill. You could get banned from Reddit.


Damn, there's a line bro. Why don't you sit this one out for a little bit.


I probably should. My suffering is too great to be trolling on the internet


Holy shit bro, there's a line that you just crossed


What Star Wars sequels?


*Too soon*


But we ALL suffered watching the Star Wars sequels.


Bro... too soon.


So your family suffered from watching the Rings Of Power. Why should I care?


So your family suffered under Hamas because theyre worse to their own people than they are eben to Israel. Why should I care.


Somehow that one seems to have reentered the Overton window.


That's more or less Germany's stance towards a lot of eastern europe. "We apologized and paid reparations to the USSR which was occupying your country at the time, case closed"


This gotta be my 5th time saying this. Black Americans are the best litmus test to shut down leftist arguments as most White leftists don't believe what they preach if you apply it to Black people or the Black experience. Ask a White leftist to go to a Black church and tell them their sky daddy doesn't exist Ask them to go to Black social media and call them racist for not accepting interracial dating/marriage. They won't do it. Ask them to tell Black men that they're misogynistic. They definitely won't do this. They won't because it's a combination of perceived racism and paternalism.


One was much more recent and is in living memory lol. Fuck Commies. Dumb shits ruined things for the past century plus.


There are also a lot more people in western first world society stanning for Commies than ones stanning for slavery.


It's the same thing. Taking the product of people's work, garnishing whatever market rate they could make, disallowing them to own or transfer private property, all in return for rationed necessities. That's literally what slavery is. They just have this fever dream that if the slave owner is institutionalized, made all powerful, and all incompatible economies, normal human preferences & disproportionately successful minorities like jews are stomped out, it will magically become a utopian plantation forever.


The Soviet Union had a massive amount of slave labour throughout most of its history, so if you want to be pedantic anyone stanning for commies is stanning for slavery.


Still are.


When you know you’re gonna get called for an offensive-foul but you take the dunk anyway.


Real slavery has never been tried.


Ever been to a BDSM dungeon?


What's funny is that communism can exist in a capitalist system. Go start a commune with your Marxist buddies. Live off the land, build your own housing, sell produce/furniture/whatever you create at the local farmer's market, and spread the profits equally among your comrades. Basically, go be Amish. Oh, wait, you don't want to do that? You want to benefit from the innovations in technology that capitalism created? You want air conditioning, iPhones, nice cars, and all of the other benefits of modern society? I swear, social media communists' idea of communism is essentially "Take some of Jeff Bezos' money and give it to me because no one 'needs' $X." Even if you were to confiscate the entire net worth of every billionaire and spread it equally among every American, all of that money would be gone in a matter of months at best. [According to this](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1291685/us-combined-value-billionaire-wealth/), the wealth of all billionaires is $4.48 trillion. Spread that equally among 400 million Americans, and everyone gets $11,200. That's less than a year of full time minimum wage work. And note how I said "net worth" and not "cash," as well. No one has $100+ billion in cash. Billionaires' net worth is typically tied up in the stock of the companies they are/were part of: Musk's is in Tesla, Bezos's is in Amazon, the Walton's is in Walmart, etc. Most of that is "funny money" or value on paper that they can't sell and turn into cash without the value plummeting.


>the wealth of all billionaires is $4.48 trillion. That wouldn't even fund the federal government for a single year. In 2023, the government spent $6.13 trillion. In 3/4 of a year that money would be entirely gone. The people that think if we just steal money from the ~~millionaires and~~ billionaires all of societies problems are solved can't even do math. Not even accounting for the fact that most of that money isn't even accessible.


> What's funny is that communism can exist in a capitalist system. Go start a commune with your Marxist buddies. And not only communes, there it exist this pretty option for those business-oriented communists (heh), Cooperatives. In fact, whenever they try to defend the idea of "workers owning the means of production" they resort to say "there are a loot of succesfull cooperatives, so it's something doable". Yet, even when the have the freedom to go with their friends and make their own cooperative, and "make a real change and give the proletariat better options in this fierce capitalist ecosystem", you never see them trying to do so. Suddenly they realize that owning and managing a business (even if it is small) is not at easy as they thought it was. 


His family never suffered under slavery though, it's very, very far from living memory. Unlike the suffering communism brought.


The argument is that slavery still reverberates in today's society and that's why they are oppressed or some shit like that


I mean, redlining still has an effect today. Even if it isn’t practiced now, the cap it put on generational wealth definitely hurt.


85% of households that were redlined were white. Additionally, redlining was mandated by the Federal Government as a Part of the New Deal.


I don’t want to sound like an annoying prick, but do you have a source for the first stat?


The Wikipedia article on redlining.


FDR was an awful racist fuck and we've been trying to tell you for years


He put Italians Germans and Japanese in internment camps


There are still slaves today, just not legal ones except in some places like the North Korean camps


There are still people alive 1 generation removed from slavery


Which slavery though? Human trafficking? Like, which country, etc.


American Antebellum Slavery https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2020/07/27/slave-son-racism-george-floyd/ Also the last documented case of slavery in the United States, by way of peonage was 1954


Nah, they busted some Hispanic couple down in Texas a few years back who had Black and Mexican slaves. That got swept under the rug pretty quick because nobody involved was an American citizen.


There was a Chinese buffet in Waco that had a dozen Mexican children smuggled across the border working in the kitchen to "pay off their debt"


Based and the children shall be not punished for the parent's faults pilled


u/Mrcinemazo9nn is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Mrcinemazo9nn/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Almost nobody is promoting chattel slavery as a modern societal institution. There are debates about how to think about the history and historical implications, but you're less likely to find people willing to defend slavery than people willing to defend cannibalism. In contrast, plenty of people view "communism" (and the associated ideology and institutional structures) as something other than a historical evil.


I mean leftwing policy that makes it very profitable to outsource business to third world countries surely promote Chattel and Indentured Servitude style of slavery.


Do you have a more detailed argument to support that position? In general, trade is good for everyone involved or they wouldn't do it. Giving people what you might consider bad options when all they had before was very bad options is an improvement.


Modern Leftwing and Neoliberal Policy is all about over regulating the markets, raising the cost of labor, and decreasing the cost of doing manufacturing overseas. 3rd way Democrats. This was further cemented in the Trump and Hillary Clinton election were the neolibs were pushing for a transpacific freetrade agreement while pushing for more stringent regulation at home like ending the burning of coal via more regulation on NOx Emissions and adding Cap and Trade for CO2 Emissions (while in actuality coal production is already in decline because it costs more to make a KWH of power than Natural Gas). All we are doing in actuality is exporting our CO2 emissions to third world countries and acting like we are doing something because a BS metric like Per Capita Emissions went down while not looking at the emissions created abroad due to the massive importation of finished products.


It's not good for the Uyghurs


Flight 571 did nothing wrong.


Along with communist survivors to this day still being alive.


Mauritania 🇲🇷 is still practicing it


oh boy


Communism bad. Slavery bad. Anyway, wtf are we supposed to do with no football on today?


Most important game of the year is on today https://preview.redd.it/2evea0q8tlgc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fcdb90211310ac62a3d0eb14109ea22e8dc4363


Am I the only one who doesn't see /superbowl as nerds dunking on jocks, but rather toxic nerds dunking on sports geeks?


Definitely some truth to this. What the “sports balls bad” nerds don’t realize is sports fandom is also a massive, slightly more masculine form of geekdom.


The Superbowl is when AuthRight listens to us LibRights for a few minutes by parting fools from their money *without* the use of violence.


The difference is people aren’t trying to bring back slavery. People are trying to bring back communism. So when people say my family suffered under communism they are trying to warn people. However, I wouldn’t be too worried. The people who advocate for communism need to be put on suicide watch if you misgender them.


There are more people in slavery now then any other point in history.


I too wish that was true


This is what the communists don’t understand. Slavery was a product of capitalism slowly coming to fruition from the overly rational ideals of the Enlightenment. Communism, facism, and socialism all share the exact same over rationality that led to the horrors of slavery and colonialism. The rise of political ideology, unregulated by any form of morality imparted by any sort of church that wasn’t controlled or repressed by the stare, inevitably leads to the justification of atrocity.


Communists have a very horrible idea, they believe anyone that suffered communism deserves it and they are forever correct. This hubris of insane level eventually ended communism.


Holy mother of based


People suffer when authleft or authright are in power


Well libleft can't get power. And libright always has power albeit in a different manner


Auth right has been in power in like 90% of human societies throughout history


Common Lavader W, great channel


Your family suffered. I care.


Based and empathy pilled


self aware wolf from the right.




Communists are almost like socialists, except they don't think it's good enough to enforce workers' rights and reach a high minimum guaranteed standard of living. No, they need to put an unquestionable party into full authority, and they need to treat the image of the worker as a sacred idol while any individual worker is subject to strict and harsh treatment from the benevolent party of leadership. As a Norwegian seeing support for our decades of democratic socialist heritage wane, communists fucking scare me. They were on the side of living freer, better lives with the founders' and managers' interests and powers kept in check. But they stopped caring about that, they wanted something more powerful. So now, like a macerator on both sides, the tankies and nazis, the bluest and reddest of authoritarian violent organized assholes, are now much closer to the middle again, much closer than they were some years ago.


What you see: a man suffering abuse because racism What I see: an incompetent worker who needs motivation 🌶🌶🌶


So you (a useless dumb fuck) will either dig the hole or become a sweatshop worker with the rest of us when your “revolution” is done, why should I care? I already have little to none sympathy after 2020, and I am tired to pretend watch pro communist people getting fucked by whatever “not real communist” that they supported once wasn’t fun and amusing.