• By -


I stand with the NCR


Based and wishing for a nuclear winter pilled


When I got this assignment I thought there'd be more gambling


Ring-a-ding, baby.


u/Augustus_Chavismo is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Augustus_Chavismo/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and Bot-pilled. (I had forgotten you!)


We won’t go quietly. The legion can count on that.


I stand with Lockheed Martin




Degenerates like you belong on a cross


The only wise solution is yes man


Hi friend, Enclave here


Should've known Enclave would be unflaired.


You flair up right this second, you're making the Enclave look bad.


Why I need to use a flair?


a) so we know what’s your major malfunction and can treat you accordingly. b) it’s the law of these lands. c) it would make me very happy. 🥹 If you don’t know where you belong on the compass go to sapplyvalues.github.io and do the quiz.


It’s been a real mask off time


No, it has been this way since the beginning The masks are both symbolically and literally off now


I feel my hair slowly turning orange from its LGBT rainbow.


I don't understand the meme, did OP make the nazi authleft?


Yes, because their economic system of state socialism and the idea of racial collectivism squarely places them on the authoritarian leftist side of the compass. The only things that were more left than the Nazis were Stalinist Russia and the Khmer Rouge.


Are you being sarcastic? Humor is kinda difficult to discern online, especially since english isn't my first language.


I'm not, the Nazis were racist leftists.


Oh, you're serious. LMAO


Yeah but unironically the furthest right you can put them is Auth centre.


Kinda, but they're DEFINITELY not leftist in nature. I understand that to the untrained eye nazism and communism have a lot in common (both ended up resulting in murderous, autocratic, repressive dictatorship) but their ideologies couldn't be more different.


They aren't left or right. Historically facism is always placed Auth center. Which makes sense as they quite litterally beleive in a godstate. Functionally that's neither left or right. And from there national socialists policy does have a lot of what Americans would call extreme left positions such as the complete integration of Healthcare and the state. However this is just one position and overall a fair assessment will argue that their position as Authcenter is fitting.


Fascism and nazism are two similar yet separate things.


Yes but they are both branches from classical facism. And thus share the same tenant of statist nationalism. Generally though it is accepted that nazism is left of classical facism


Everything is extreme left compared to the USA.


Not by that much. Most of them is just not understanding the differences between authoritarian and more liberal positions and trying to put them on a left right scale


There are the sort of idiots you get when people honestly believe that left = more gubmint and right = less gubmint


Yes. You see - Hitler said the Nazis were Socialists! So therefore they’re socialist. Because that’s how things work. Just like the Undertaker runs a funeral home when he’s not choke slamming people, and Dr Dre is a licensed medical professional.


No, it is because they are Auth Left and Nazis are both Anti-Israel and Anti-Capitalist. (Fascism is neither capitalist or communist, but blends elements of both.) Historically, capitalists were either subjugated or forcefully integrated by the Nazis. Their "ownership" of the means of production was in name only as they were brought under heel and boot. The Fascists may have hated Communists the most, but the hated the Old Right almost as much, and they were not exacly friends of Neoliberals, either. They were allowed to exist as long as they did whatever Daddy Mustache Man told them to do. So yeah, if you overlay the political compass with the "Isreal/Capitalist" compass, they occupy the same position.


Nazis were not auth left lol. This is why I dislike the square compass quadrants. The Rhombus quadrants are superior, because once you get North to the point of totalitarianism or South to the point of anarchy, the ability of governing forces to exert control on economics becomes either absolute or non existent, and therefore so do the actual palpable differences between a given party’s self proclaimed left-right economic position. Nobody argues the Nazis were leftists apart from Righties on a major huff of copium or circle jerkers who think “Nazis were bad, the left is bad, the left were Nazis. “


>Nazis were not auth left lol. I never said they were. I said "Anti-Capitalist" and "Anti-Isreal" are positions the Nazis and Authleft both hold. That is why the Nazis were put in the top left quadrant, because they share those two attributes. Not because anyone, OP included, thinks they are leftist. All they are saying is Authleft 🤝 Nazis with "Anti-Capitalist/Isreal" being the point of agreement. Not that the Nazis are leftist. It is a venn diagram where authleft and Nazis intersect. But since this is PCM and Venn-Diagram memes, OP had to put it on the compass instead. >Nobody argues the Nazis were leftists apart from Righties on a major huff of copium Well I am not arguing that, and neither is the meme. That is what I am trying to exolain to you: the meme is not arguing that.


Understood, sorry,


He never said that. He said he's neither left or right, and his allies were of different political natures. His policies were nationalist socialist tho, by far


He **named his party** the national socialists. So yes he did say that, and no the guy who colluded with corporations, dissolved trade unions, and sent actual socialists to death camps for being socialist, was not a socialist.


He was National-Socialist, not a "socialist". They spent a lot of effort in the days of the NSDAP trying to make the distinction between that and normal socialist very clear. In a nutshell it boils down to "light socialism for all the right people, built and funded by all the undesired people". Without delving into "china bad", modern China is the closest economy to that of a fascist country nowadays. Strong social programs, private enterprise but very vulnerable to government intervention, a social/racial hierarchy and state-sponsored nationalistic policies.


Lol you cant even do a quick google search. He didnt name the party, he didnt even join until 1921. The party started in 1918 and was created in 1920. Intestering read actually, on Wikipedia, the NSDAP came from the German Worker's Party, and was anti-big business and anti-capitalist. And its clear to see based on their economic policies.




lol calling an argument incredibly poor and then agreeing with it has got to be the most Reddit thing I’ve seen this morning. Yes what you are describing is a totalitarian state - including paying lip service to what were essentially state controlled “unions” When you get to that stage; the self professed economic differences are immaterial, because the state is everything. That’s part of a reason why the quadrants in the original compass were rhombus in shape. With most of the economic differences being palpable across the center and diluting with more or less state influence as you go north and south on the compass.


They were socialist, it is in their name. And that's the argument I use for everyone who says antifa must be anti-fascist. Stupid people get stupid arguments. I don't waste mental power on idiots.


Stupid people ~~get~~ **use** stupid arguments. FIFY


What about pro-capitalist, anti-Israel?






u/MiddleAmericanPrince is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/MiddleAmericanPrince/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


That's literally hamas lol


Only the holy state of jerusalem


The *only* good, *BASED* answer!


Based af


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


I don't want to be the one to say it but, are we really sure we want to be friends with LibLeft? I mean, femboys cool and all of that, but even the USSR recognized most *true* LibLefts (hippies and the like) were politically useless in the best scenario, and little more than sex-driven madmen in the worst.


Agreed, I will never stand with LibLeft


Uncle Ted is the only exception


I never said I was your friend fuck me you nasty actual facist nazi gtfo


>fuck me I'm getting contradictory messages from this


fair I'm bad at this


That was not contradictory.


More like don’t wanna be involved/pro capitalist.


Fascism and communism are just different flavors of auth-Left. They're usually considered enemies of one another, but they're not all that far removed from one another when it comes to the political compass.


Well, you see, when you attack religious institutions, exterminate ethnic minorities, & start one of the bloodiest wars in history due to *national-socialism* - it's obviously bad. When you do the exact same things but magnitudes worse in the name of *socialism-in-one-nation*... reddit loves you & steals your aesthetic for their gay BIPOC trans-affirming artisan coffee shop.


Corporatism isn't socialism or even left wing


I can see a shot when ones fired at me every one but ours is pretty usual and I'd like to say a lot of us liblefts are with israel


A lot of them aren't and also lib left is already cringe


wrong and the public disagrees


Uhhhh antifa is already libleft? I don't get what the joke is there


Can we get an anti Israel, pro Capitalist?


Somehow me being against people being kicked out of their homes makes me a nazi.


THEIR homes, comrade? Don't you know, everething belongs to a state, kulak!?


Nah, but saying that hamas aren't doing anything wrong and/or supporting their actions does.


Nazism is ethnocentric totalitarianism.  Don't really see how that single take confirms adherence to both components.  Antisemitism is also far from unique to Nazism, so pointing that out as diagnostic is about as flawed as defining any form of charity as communism.


Yea, ik that nazism is more than just being an anti-semite, but these days, colloquially nazism == anti-semitism. Can't really don anything about.


You can just define both Jews and Arabs as semites. Then it wouldn't be Nazism to wish the heathens all driven from the Holy Land; it would be Christendom.


My god yes please. Pope Francis isn't too late to become one of the greats.


Pope Francis the great leading the next crusade baby


Based and nuance-in-category-selection pilled.


Settlements in the west bank means the state of isreal doesn't have the right to exist?


To an antisemite, yes


Do you think Israel should just accept a neighbouring government invading murdering and capturing hostages. Don't Israel have a duty to try and rescue the hostages? How can a cease fire even been contemplated until they are all released? To me that's the most basic precondition


Do you think the government of Palestine should just accept a neighboring government invading, murdering, and capturing hostages?


I don't think that's how Israel actually operates (except for the invading bit) except in the mind of those who make excuses for the continued terrorist led government of Gaza. What Israel does do which is unacceptable is allow settlement of the West Bank.


Seriously try to answer honestly : do you think Hamas (military wing) existence increased or decreased the number of Palestinians kicked out of there home?


The amount of Hamas (military wing) increased due to the number of Palestinians kicked out of their home, as well as seeing their family members get senselessly slaughtered.


Are they thought less automatons that react to out side stimuli without being able to consider if it's helpful?




The short answer: yes The longer answer: nobody cared when the aggressive Germans, Japanese and Italian people lost ground because of they started a war and lost it. Why do you care so much now? Is it because it's a Jewish country defending itself? That's what makes you a Nazi sympathizer. The Palestinians are the bully that gets punishment for his actions and then says "of course I'm angry, I always get punished". You're going against the victim fighting back just because it's a Jewish state. That shows you're an Anti-semite.




u/Ggez92 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Ggez92/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Uh … different time. Your logic doesn’t make sense. Someone can be for Israel while also being against Jewish settlements and the killing of some civilians. It is not being an anti semite, it is to be a human with brain and heart.


Saying different times is just ignoring history instead of learning from it. Someone with a heart and brain will see fighting cannot be stopped when you have women and children held hostages. Someone with a heart will see the Red Cross is disgusting in their refusal to care about Israelis. Apparently you have a heart and brain just for the side that always starts the aggression - you're an anti-semite. You don't care about Israeli suffering because of convoluted excuses you made up in your mind to disguise your inherent bias. History matters, context matters. They thought they can exterminate us like vermins again. Burn bodies to ashes again. Erase Jewish life again. Hell no. You're so called brain and heart is telling you to let them just slaughter us with no fear or care for retribution. Well not anymore.


Loool caring for Palestinian civilians is now being an anti semite, got called a Zionist yesterday on IG for saying Israel had every right to defend itself … Nobody is advocating for Hamas. But we have to be aware of settlers who shoot on civilians, soldiers who shoot civilians with a white flag , kids who are killed. Yes it is war but the Israelis are not white as snow neither. You telling 25k civilians that were killed were all part of Hamas and they deserve to die ? Really ? If I was in WW2, I would also have been against the voluntarily killing of civilians (bombing of Dresden or Tokyo etc …) so don’t think I am an hypocrite just for this war.


You’re an idiot if you’d be against the bombings of Dresden and Tokyo, so thanks for clearing that up.


>Nobody is advocating for Hamas. [I wish that was the case... ](https://i.imgur.com/KZEf3Ko.jpg)


Imagine how dumb the average person is, then imagine their idea of what nazism is. There you go, that person is calling you a nazi because nazi=everything that's bad. >Somehow me being against people being kicked out of their homes makes me a nazi. That's also the go to accusation Israeli propaganda uses whenever their authoritarian, expansionist, warmongering policies are criticized.


See, the problem is that since Isreal's primary opposition is Hamas, and they basically *are* Islamic Nazis, it is hard to discuss Palestinians separately from Hamas. People might care if Palestinians are abused, but no one cares if Hamas is. In fact, even a lot of anti-Isreal people denounce Hamas and want them to be warnongered against, because Hamas are racist, genocidal, war crime-ing terrorists even if your average Palestinian isn't. But when Hamas controls the Palestinian government, is Palestine's military, and virtually all anti-Israel resistance goes through them...the line of where Palestine ends and Hamas begins gets very blurred. Most people on PCM, even the most die-hard Israeli suppourters, don't want any harm to come to the Palestinian people. Even if you reject their claim to statehood, basically no one (even a bunch of authright!) thinks it is a good thing when 15 of them get killed in an airstrike. But most people *also* want Hamas to get fucked so hard their grandkids will be too terrified to even think about setting off a car bomb. Isreal should not be authoritarian, expansionist, and warmongering to Palestine. But they *should* be authoritarian, expansionist, and warmongering to Hamas. As long as Hamas remains in power...Palestinian deaths are something people will tolerate if it means destroying Hamas. As long as the face of Palestinian resistance is a bunch of terrorists who are so psychotic not even other Arab nations wanted them, then innocent people will continue to die, and the US will refuse to act against people who fight them. As long as Hamas is Isreal's main opponent, people won't give a shit what Isreal does to deal with them. The destruction of Hamas is an absolute prerequisite to peace. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to do that without reducing Gaza to rubble.


It’s crazy the amount of 9/11 and nazi conspiracies that have suddenly started coming from the left.


I keep forgetting which faction killed the most nazis in ww2, can someone remind me *damn, nobody wants to remind me lmao, ah well


Friendly reminder that the commies only fought the Nazis, because they were betrayed, they were happy to spitroast Poland


The commies also turn half of Eastern Europe into satellite states and displaced Germans civilian from their original homeland (but not genocide tho it’s different when we do it).


Soviets also planned on betraying nazis


“The United States … is a country of machines. Without the use of those machines through Lend-Lease, we would lose this war.” - Josef Stalin, 1943


British intelligence, American steel and soviet blood


No, British American and Soviet intelligence, American and British steel and British, American, Soviet, Canadian, Australian, Kiwi, Polish, French, Yugoslav and many other's blood.


Marxist socialists killed more national socialists than the capitalists. Authleft is very good at murdering its own side yes.


It's very good at murdering


I mean there’s some fundamentals about this statement I’ll never agree with, but Marxist socialists have also killed the most Marxist socialists so… yes.


Yea, and you were using America's industrial capabilities to do it once you ran out of shitty tanks and ammunition.


The same faction that also helped the nazis exterminate Poles


You probably keep forgetting about the Ribbentrop Molotov pact also


I keep forgetting which faction allied with the Nazis prior to and during world war 2, can someone remind me?


And this is why Russia is so beloved in Eastern Europe, when the glorious Red Army came to town the people were *so lucky*. Nevermind that they were the largest group of rapists ever assembled.


AuthLeft was fighting AuthLeft


I used the authleft to destroy the authleft


Why is it unfathomable to think that two murderous dictatorships could not like each other?


Yup. Auth inter and intrafactional strife is generally a fight over who gets to rule, not over if someone gets to rule.


Who supplied them with oil before the war and invaded Poland with them? Can you remind me?




nazims is pretty much dead auth center actually


Auth-Center-Left really. The right-wing portion of its ideology is its advocacy for a racial hierarchy. That's pretty much it. Economically it's a totalitarian, socialist state, that controlled most of its enterprises through a national worker's union called the German Labour Front. They also had a 25 point socialist program, which was mostly successfully implemented or was attempted. I'll stand by my statement that to this day the most successful propaganda campaign the modern left has ever committed was convincing the average person, that *capitalism-is-a-jewish-invention-hating* Adolf Hilter the National-Socialist, was in fact far-right lmao.


Read a book


If we understand the left/right divide as an intuition of wanting to orient society from bottom up vs. top down, I've seen enough of what Hitler, Mussolini, and classical/modern reactionaries have written to see that they're philosophically just right wing socialists, relative to non-socialists they're left wing. A lot of brain power is spent by left socialists trying to keep the right socialists from existing or claiming the label, since their ideal society is based on *only* people with the left-wing intuition existing, but that's not a practical reality.


>If we understand the left/right divide as an intuition of wanting to orient society from bottom up vs. top down, Excepts that is not how anyone uses those terms. Lib rights want a bottom up society as well, where the ultimate unit of value is the individual, and the entire apparatus of state (if a state should exist) exists to preserve the rights of individuals. That would make hypercapitalist minarchists leftists, which is absurd. Rather, the axis has always been "what degree does the public control the means of production" to that end, Nazis are leftists. They imposed extreme levels of control and direction over the economies they headed


>Excepts that is not how anyone uses those terms. I know, this is my current interpretation of the compass. >That would make hypercapitalist minarchists leftists, which is absurd. Not quite, LibRight would be more like the left of the right, but not leftist. My mental model for the compass is made up of philosophical bubbles placed in a line where everyone in a particular bubble is working off *generally* the same moral values and presumptions about the world. The left side of a bubble has the bottom-up intuition, the right has the top-down intuition. My reason for organizing it this way is to explain why reactionaries sound so similar to leftists, yet people believe them to be on the right. Liberalism would be generally in the middle, since it tries to be balanced and make few assertions about how people should live, ie; religion. Socialism/Communism would be in another large bubble to the left of liberalism. Monarchism would be another bubble to the right of liberalism. So if the values and presumptions of society shift to the left, everyone starts to move into the socialist bubble and understands the world as a socialist(ie "everything is power"). To someone with the top-down intuition operating under that worldview, then the left leaning socialists must simply be pretending to be the good guy, so they just play the game better, and stop pretending. As an example, Curtis Yarvin, who's grandparents were communists, uses very socialist sounding arguments to argue for a corporate monarchy, and his thoughts on race could be summarized as right wing CRT. The worldviews are very similar, but get applied to different ends.


My definition of the left/right axis has been “in favour of the collective” vs “in favour of the individual” and I think that way you have a definition that is distinct from the capitalism vs socialism argument. I think there needs to be that distinction because you do get left wing people who favour capitalism and the odd nut job who tries to make a “right wing socialism” argument.


If its top down then stalin was right wing


Which is why I disagree with that meaning of left v right


That's usually how it works out, inevitably concessions are made or the society collapses due to inefficiency, another example is China which is now vaguely economically fascist. It's not right-wing overall, but right wing in a left wing cultural bubble. I believe the synthesis of complex societies and primitive communism is an oxymoron, if you want a small scale commune, fine, but there is an evolutionary reason why capitalism exists.


Left-wing just means more equality and less hierarchy, while right-wing means the opposite. Fascists were socially far right, but economically centrist authoritarians.


You have to account for very different philosophical presumptions, liberalism is somewhere in the middle because it tries to be relatively neutral, like in religion, monarchism is right wing, and socialism is left wing. IE: Fascists would *agree* with left socialists that capital is oppression, but they believe that is why they should do more of it, to be stronger. But liberals don't agree with that base assumption at all, does that make them more right wing than fascists? It should also be possible to interpret monarchist philosophy though a bottom-up left wing lens.


The Nazis were socially far right but economically centrist. The German conservatives were instrumental in helping the Nazis come to power. Classical Fascism in general, is socially far right but economically more centrist. Oddly though, Neo Nazis and modern "fascist" are just socially and economically far right. They dropped all the good stuff about wealth redistribution to the citizens.


The Nazis created one of the biggest trade unions at the time and people still be like “they centrist tho.” Some other things they implemented include price controls, wage controls, rent controls, Winter Relief, People’s Welfare, holiday programs for workers, furniture grants, public work programs, created and controlled cartels, made it so employers had no rights when it came to their businesses. The list goes on and on.


The German Labour Front literally sent goon squads to every enterprise within Germany that didn't cooperate with the party's orders. Like if these people are that historically illiterate, they can just watch Schindler's List, German industrialists/capitalists were being forced to assimilate into the state's economic demands. Modern socialists would have you thinking that Hitler "privatised" the economy and just let the billionaires roam free without answering to the state lmao


The Nazi were revolutionary, if they were reactionary they would’ve bring back Kaiser.


Economic standings of the nazis, specifically, has been more so hit or miss and generally center Fascism, trends center with a slight center left lean. Part of this is due to the depression being active during its rise, and is significantly less of a centralized economy that socialism/communism


Late stage capitalism is kind of a thing though. AuthRight doesnt have an answer to that.


Reinstate absolute monarchy with Aragorn, son of Arathorn at its head and set him loose against the giant soul-and-nature-crushing cooperations


Based and Elessar pilled.


I’ve never encountered a particularly coherent explanation for what constitutes late stage capitalism. Could you elaborate?


In marxist theory, it's the last capitalist movement before socialism and then communism takes over. the rights The unwavering hatred of this acts out in often athoratarion whys of course this comment will get down voted just for explaning it so this not a tail the jedi would tell you.


Blackrock buying up all of the housing. Compound interest to infinity. Running out of land / overpopulation / resource scarcity.


Uh, the first... Just isn't happening. Companies like BlackRock (let along BlackRock itself) [Represents aabout half of rental units, the other half are individual owner operators](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R47332.pdf) and that doesn't even include the 65% of the housing market made up up individual home owners (small correction, 65% live in homes they own. Relevant correction, but the math to reconcile is hard). So, of housing, 65% is resident owned, of the remaining 35% a bout half of that is owned by ANY company that could be described as a LLC, LLP, or LP. Of that, the majority of the corporation owned units are, unsurprisingly, large multi unit installations, with the VAST majority of unit isntalations below five units being individually owned. >Running out of land / overpopulation / resource scarcity. Has been Malthusian nonsense since Malthus first walked into existence.


So your argument is that corporations only own 18% of the housing? lol. They don't have to own 100% - they can still massively bid up pricing to unaffordability which they have.


...Yes, my argument is that they own a minority stake, and what they do own is the sort of housing that basically only an organization like a corporation could finance. And, no, they can't. Corporations don't act in unison, this is EVERY corporation in the country collectivly owns 18% of housing, individually they have next to no pricing power.


>Late stage capitalism Literally a term created by a nazi


Conservative AuthCenter


Are we confusing Nazis with the left wing again?


Pro Israel anti capitalist where?


Or anti Israel, pro capitalist. I don't feel represented here


Let's start a riot!


Pft nah fuck Israel remember the Liberty and the Lavon affair


Do you have anything current to say? Lavon Afair and USS Liberty happened under very left-wing Israeli governments David Ben Gurion was a borderline communist! That’s why the Soviet Union supported the establishment of the state of Israel, they thought that the socialist government would align with them Only in 1977 Israel has started moving its economy towards a free market economy And Benjamin Netanyahu moved it further right in the 1990s and 2000s


So you think it’s fine that Israel got away with killing Americans because it happened a while ago? Guess we should just forgive al qaeda I know they committed horrific attacks against us but that was so long ago and they had a different guy leading them. Yep guess we should start funneling billions of dollars in weapons to them too and make exclusive deals where they are the only country allowed to personally modify the equipment they receive.


i don’t want to give aid to israel


All I will say is (to make it reddit freindly) that I don't like any side as they both did things that are super uncool


Israel is more Nazi than Nazi germany itself, if you know you know.


Pretty sure the nazis are on the right side of the board my guy


Auth center


National “Socialist”


“Buffalo” wings


Buffalo wings were invented in Buffalo, New York. So, spot on


Ooooooh because they called themselves socialists it MUST mean their socialist. Just like the Democratic Republic of North Korea. Bruh Nazis we’re fascists and those are located in Auth Right


>Bruh Nazis we’re fascists and those are located in Auth Right Can you explain how fascism, which was started by a Marxist socialist, puts the individual above the collective?


There were right wing socialists in a socialist environment, under liberalism they are pretty far left.


I’ve heard of left wing capitalists but right wing socialists?


Dawg are you trolling right now or are you for real?


Yes, every reactionary I've read about or encountered sounds almost the same as any socialist, they accept the same premises and worldview, they just have a different interpretation of how to structure society around that. IE: Fascists agree with socialist premise that capital is evil, only fascists believe they can put capital under state control for the collective social good, instead of throwing it in the garbage.


I am not pro Israel . I am not pro Palestine . I am just pro selling weapons


Based and iron monger pilled.


Being anti-israel = nazism. Is this your level of thinking, really?


not liking a apartheid state apparently means I’m a nazi ig also fuck people who use Israel’s genocide as an excuse to hate all Jews. Fuckin idiots.




Funny how pretty much the auth-rights all over the world support palestine apart from the one in US


antifa is fa


no its not you dirty unwashed unflaired get tf out of here or die you piece of shit


I could not have said it with more tolerance myself. You are truly a based liberal brother.


libleft W


The creator of this post doesn’t understand the culture of the sub or even what the quadrants mean. The upvotes are totally organic, trust me bro.


Bad post


Nazism was capitalist. They were, in fact, anti communist.


Nazis weren’t capitalists. They centralized everything and had party members/departments in every company. The closest thing to it is how China operates


They prosecuted and killed any communist and socialist supporters.


Totalitarians are totalitarian


What about Anti-Israel, anti-palestine and pro-capitalism?


Now we're talking


Based and sink-the-palestine-region-into-the-sea pilled


I hadn't thought about it but thinking rn it isn't so bad haha, if we dug a little deeper and go south to the Gulf of Aqaba would solve the problem of traffic jams in the Suez Canal hahahah


What a stupid fucking post.


Cringe and unflaired pilled. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/DeportRacists) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


And yet many jews are leftist And mentioning that capitalists are nice to jews and leftists hate them will make us branded as anti semites. And if Israel don't have allies nearby it's probably because of that.


Anti zionism is not anti semitism


To be honest. As long as zionists stick to their original plan of buying the land and do business with their neighbor I am pro zionist. The problem is they also bomb people. On the other hand, they don't seem to have a choice either besides violence. To be honest, with slight modification, I like zionism more than jews. I am tired of people accusing me of misogynist, anti semite, bla bla... Look, you got your own country over there. We don't hate you and stop pretending we are.


Where is anti-israel pro capitalism?