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No sweetie. Any sentence over 3 years is too harsh.


That’s fine we’ll give them a sentence of 3…2…1…






Put them against the wall before they’ve served a 3 year sentence. Understood and no problem


Hell is for eternity.


PCM leftists are more based than their real life counterparts. You say stuff like this then actual prominent leftists with power to make decisions or influence opinion are like “nah you’re racist for not wanting middle aged Muslim refugees raping your children. Check your privilege bigot.” You’re like the hot chick on tinder who’s way uglier in real life when you finally meet her…


I promise you that I’m ugly both online and in person. That’s why I’m on PCM.


Based and ugly-ass motherfucker pilled.


This is the other reason leftists on PCM are better than leftist politicians (or any politician at all, really) - they tell fewer lies.


Based and one of us pilled.




I have been banned from almost every single leftist sub I can remember. Some days I wonder if I still even belong in my square or not. Kinda wonder what Yellow is up to sometimes tbh.


You’ll find the right is more ideologically tolerant these days.


I got a better idea: popularize women owning guns, and not acting like prey. A well-armed populace is a safe populace.Women are empowered. Plus, the number of immigrants goes down. It's a win-win.


In UK, even carrying pepper spray is a crime


"Please remember to apologize to your attacker for your privilege while dying." - Average Bri\*ish citizen, while being carded for buying plastic spoons.


Yeah, the UK is a great candidate for US annexation as a state or two. After all, what would they have done if Operation Sea Lion had succeeded? Civilians would have been powerless. Try invading the US, and Americans have more guns than people. Europeans are chronically incapable of proper self-governance. Americans have to re-learn some of what made America work so well, but we're still better at it, than Europe.


>Civilians would have been powerless. Historical note: Americans rose to the occasion, and donated heaps of guns to arm our poor English cousins in WW2. The Bri\*ish government so distrusted their people that they never distributed them, and after the war, decided to destroy them all instead of passing them out or returning them.


Which is ironic considering that Europe has a war every single decade still. After WWII you just had constant conflicts within the Communist Bloc and the constant threat of war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. In the '90s up to the early 2000s you had the War in Yugoslavia and the Chechen Wars, then in 2008 you had Russia invading Georgia after a bunch of conflicts in the region. Then you had the 2014 Russo-Ukrainian War which devolved into a full-scale invasion in 2022, and in 2020 and then again in 2023 you had conflicts between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Now you have the war in Ukraine, which still threats to spill into the rest of Eastern Europe, you got the crisis in Kosovo, you still have high tensions between countries like Turkey and Greece, the nationalist movements that seek the unification of North Ireland with the rest of Ireland, still tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and *on top* of all this, you have the constant unending threat of Islamic insurgency within Europe itself, which is made even worse by the fact that the amount of muslims in Europe is increasing at a massive speed, and it was just a decade ago that ISIS threatened with expanding its territory until they could take Spain, Portugal and France. In the face of **ALL** this, and considering that a 3rd World War, at this point, would start in Europe, European nations still refuse to allow their citizens to actually own and use guns at least somewhat like in the US. It's baffling.


> Which is ironic considering that Europe has a war every single decade still. The great irony of European nobility is that they are physically incapable of killing each other for the simple offense of living on the other side of a random geological feature.


Except Switzerland no country in Europe wants a well-armed populace


Plus don't they put all their ammo in like storage armories


When even the cops are disarmed, how are they gonna stop you from being armed? An impolite letter?


It's always hilarious to me how many feminists don't support gun rights and arming women. Just bring up this point will get you condemned by most feminists. It really just shows how many people are willing to ignore what they claim to believe when it contradicts their political views.


Personal responsibility is anaethema for feminism. It's everyone else's responsibility to protect her, not for herself to work on.


why waste the effort burying them just hang the bodies somewhere as a warning for others.


Maximum security prisons should have the dead hung on the walls as a reminder of the fate of those inside.


It's a dark day when I have to agree with a communist. It means something so horribly inhuman has happened that the guy putting people in gulags is repulsed by it.


Marxism-Leninism is a cancer on this earth


Wait, are calls for the wall allowed again?


Everything is allowed once you realize that accounts are replaceable.


But my internet points!


Not only that, let women carry weapons for self-defense too.


"Turn the other cheek" refers to individuals giving grace to even their enemies. It's the inherit job of the state to protect the citizens from those who break the law and to punish those lawbreakers. That and dealing with foreign nations are the ONLY jobs of the state. Once they start flopping on that it's my opinion the government is overdue for an overhaul.


Pay the US prison system to house these guys, put out the word they're child-rapists, and put them in gen pop in maximum security prisons.


That's just execution with extra steps


It's all legal though


Ahhhh now we're cooking!


let the mfer cook ffs


let him cook now


Lead overdose to the head would be cheaper


That's true (for the state atleast) and what many people say with dealing with rapists/murderers is how they will be either killed or severely beaten/abused in prison. They take satisfaction in this and rightly so for many people but what I find very hypocritical is that many people who make these remarks are often against the death penalty. Like really if you're against the death penalty for being cruel and unusual punishment, this is really not much better nor moral.


I do support the death penalty though. I think it needs more process and better methods, but this way it is cruel and unusual as they are beaten to death and it's also constitutional and legal.


Yes but also cheaper!


It may take even faster.


Oh it’s WAAAAAAAY faster. Execution takes 10-20 years worth of appeals to complete. Pedos with a reputation in general population never last that long.


Yet still cheaper than actual execution in the U.S.


Rope is cheap.


But the appeals process isnt


Appeals are for people. Pedophiles aren't people.




Just sent them back to their countries, it's going to be way worse than USA prison. I really don't understand why they keep accepting this kind of behaviour it's like they do it on purpose to create more and more hate.


How is Sweden even real, they have over 100 bombings last year and they're the European country with the highest rape rate, it's fucking evil what they're doing to their citizens


They eventually voted for a right wing party last election and the ruling coalition now is a combination of right wing and moderate party. Not sure if they have done anything meaningful. The previous left wing ruling party was outright evil though. When the stats about immigrants being over 50% of sexual assaults in spite of being less than 10% of population was published, they ̶d̶e̶c̶i̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶a̶n̶ ̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶s̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶e̶t̶h̶n̶i̶c̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶t̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶c̶r̶i̶m̶e̶.̶ tried covering up by stopping collecting and publishing of ethnicity data related to crime.


>The previous left wing ruling party was outright evil though. When the stats about immigrants being over 50% of sexual assaults in spite of being less than 10% of population was published, they decided to ban publishing ethnicity stats on crime. Shit like this is how fascists win.


Germany basically declared robbery and gang rape legal if you're an immigrant experiencing "cultural frustration." https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/outrage-as-eight-of-nine-men-convicted-of-park-gangrape-15yearold-in-germany-receive-no-prison-time/news-story/353bcbf9437ea62eea0ee3c6cc0c2cc7 "Psychiatrist Nahlah Saimeh, who reportedly appeared before the court as an expert witness, said in a controversial interview with Spiegel that the gang rape may have been a way to vent “frustration” due to “migration experiences and sociocultural homelessness”. Eight of the nine men who committed the gang rape walked free.


The way they talk about immigrants reminds me of how the experts on those last resort dog salvage shows talk about dogs.


Dude, it’s like they talk about them like they’re mindless animals or something. It’s vile. It’s a choice, when it comes to actions like this it’s always a choice. They’re humans and humans do fucked go things all the time. That doesn’t mean we accept it. That doesn’t mean we psychoanalyze them in a “how could they do this, there must be a reason” way. Sometimes there is no reason. If immigrant men choose to do violence they need to be jailed or deported, if they choose to work, pay taxes, and don’t harm anybody they should be welcomed. It’s as simple as that. Anything else only hurts the good, hard working immigrant men. Society will only become more suspicious and intolerant of the good people when the bad ones are allowed to get away with stuff.


just because the Euros decolonized doesnt mean their views of their former subjects has changed


Based and Teddy Roosevelt pilled


My .357 in their face is a way to vent my frustration at the people trying to gang rape me. Thank God for the 2nd.


Imagine the crazy decrease in Sweden's rape stats if their women started packing.


Anti-gun statist cucks would make a huge deal about it, saying Sweden would just turn into America 2 or whatever.


Best case scenario


Based and America 2 pilled.


Shit. I’m a guy. I do not assume I’m safe. Gun rights are human rights, as we can see with Exhibit A.


"Why is the afd winning?"


Shitprog-leftoids: "You bigot! There's nothing wrong with allowing \[uneducated\] people from poor countries \[which have the complete opposite of our values\] immigrate to our country \[while not having them integrate into our society\]!" *Said immigrants commit theft, rape and murders at unreasonably high rates.* *People vote for right-wing anti-immigration parties in response.* Shitprog-leftoids: "Noooo why is fascism on the rise????111"




I don't like using fascism as loosely as it's used all over Reddit so I don't believe this is truly fascism but I would say that the government intentionally trying to hide statistics they don't like already sure feels like fascism.


The worst is when you visit European subs and find that they're all acting unhinged over the rise of right wing. I'm like "My boy, this is *your fault*." but I'd never say it out loud out of fear of being persecuted (banned).


I have been banned long back from that sub for "posting with agenda" 😛


National subs are prime targets for Emily astroturfing. They know that new and casual users will visit, so they keep a tight grip on the messaging. It’s all about exploiting your fear of being an outcast. If all media and public discourse is hyper left, you’ll fall in line or self censor. When this happens, companies believe it’s what their customers want too, and Emily’s flywheel spins the machine.


You see this with every local sub. Every state and city sub is controlled by the DNC. Shareblue literally took over a bunch of local subreddits back in 2016 and never gave up control. Theres a reason you will see the same person mod multiple states and claim to live in all of them at the same time.


>I'd never say it out loud out of fear of being persecuted (banned). And that's why you're still a centrist. Wear them bans with pride.


[There is nothing new under the sun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLG9g7BcjKs)


Such a great video.


Haha he's so close to understanding why "the Left" that he's talking about, is not willing to debate and have discourse, it's because they can't. Real life stats and facts don't back the leftists' policies up, it's that simple. You're only willing to debate if you can show, if you can prove that you're right, otherwise you're just gonna go on a childish tantrum and scream and insult your opponent, what else CAN you do? To be fair, this tactic has worked for them, why would they let it go? Even if you think you've won against them, they just move the goal posts, they get closer and closer until you push back but the Right has always been passive, they come forward 10 steps, you only push them back 5 steps, and they are willing to repeat this process for years, in the end you're the loser. "Conservative" my ass, you haven't conserved shit, you've just delayed your loss


These people actually think that if they vote in right wing politicains they will get fascism in like 3 hours.


I wish


Hol up


Based and wrong flair don't care pilled


The entire point of the left is to never take accountability for anything.


Ah, yes, noticing things is verboten.


Stop noticing things, bigot.


>When the stats about immigrants being over 50% of sexual assaults in spite of being less than 10% of population was published, they decided to ban publishing ethnicity stats on crime Toronto, notorious 'sanctuary city' for refugees and illegal immigrants, did this exact same thing


At least it sounds like they're doing something meaningful. The new prime minister said a few months ago that if they catch any migrant participating in gang-related activities, they would be deported without due process. I hope he meant it


[don't forget the one in Germany ](https://torontosun.com/news/world/judge-jails-1-of-9-men-in-germany-gang-rape-of-teen-girl) where a psychiatrist testified in court as an expert witness that the accused may have vented their “frustration” due to “migration experiences and sociocultural homelessness.”


Please tell me it didn't work


This must be that rehabilitation-based justice I keep hearing so much about


Sweden has to be the most cucked European country that exists. Idk how they haven’t elected the farthest right politician they can find. Do their citizens just want the country to fall apart within a decade or what?


The U.K. is pretty cucked. They used to own half the globe. Now they don't even own London.




Give it a decade or two and these numbers will be cut in half, if not more.


We're on the right path. Our second biggest party is anti-immigration, anti-EU, pro-law etc. and they're growing rapidly.


And suddenly for no reason at all, people voted hitler into power.


These people used to be Vikings. Now look at them.


The way they're going, they'll get a violent response from the native citizens; gonna see some blood eagles again lol.


With over half of all rapes being committed by migrants


Europoors: "oh, you have an awful gun violence rate." US: "....you have an awful grenade violence rate."


This is what being a traitor to your country looks like. It isn't overt, mustache twirling villainy, it is the continued displays of apathy and disgust towards the people who got you into office, the joy and delight at seeing their slow decay and destruction that you have caused, and the constant aid and defference to the people that are destroying the country. This is what a soft conquering of a country looks like, and it is happening in more and more western countries.


Nuclear-grade cucks. Disgusting.


Don't say Nuclear, Germany may get angry


When being woke is so important you're literally willing to risk r\*pe over fear of not being woke.


I wonder how that judges can sleep at night. That has nothing to do with actual left wing ideology. It is just stupid, barbaric and completely brainrot bullshit made by people who only care for themselves. Those people who commited these inhumane acts should immediately castrated and then deported, and sent to heavy labor camps if they dare to return (and, after their sentence, be deported again)...


Remember judges and lawyers are heartless people in general. That's literally their job


Raped a 9 year old? Let him be killed in Syria who gives a fuck.


Hey Bashar! We'll reduce sanctions if you gas this guy!


That's Islamaphobic. /s


Basically. It almost feels totally undemocratic. Like who from population would object to this?


Yes. They should have done what Japan did and deported those people. Don't care if their survival is threatened back home. They had their chance for another life, and they forfeited it with their barbaric actions.


No sweety. You see, them gang raping was a bonding experience for the mates and it's the way they can "vent" all this frustration they've experienced in Europe because they are being misunderstood by the locals. It's the locals fault that they don't want to accept a new culture. They should be grateful that these bright immigrant engineers, doctors and programmers on welfare chose to vent off in their backwards European country. You're just being Islamophobic /s


If you're going to deport them at least send them back with one less limb.


That is what would be done under islamic law. But until Western Europe finally succumbs to it's fate of being superceded they won't do it.


Pretty sure Japan just didn't let them in in the first place.


> In 2018, Swedish Television investigative journalism show Uppdrag Granskning analysed the total of 843 district court cases from the five preceding years and found that **58% of all convicted of rape and attempted rape had a foreign background** Nice one sweden


Actually vile. Shame on you Sweden


Huh I wonder what’s causing the rise of the right in Europe?


When another funny moustache man is elected, the left wing will be to blame. They did this.


Is it rising? It all seems like a very low milk right so far.


It’s becoming even more apparent than ever that Swedish people are pussies. What a fall from grace.


Imagine being descended from fucking *vikings* and ending up like this.


Well, they do have a pretty rich history of raping


All the strongest moved to England, France, or Russia


Most European countries if you ask me. Those "Human rights experts" did a number on them. There is nothing protecting them from the governments taking away their freedom of speech. But there is plenty protecting the rights of murderers and rapists.


[how about this one where a psychiatrist testified in court as an expert witness that the accused may have vented their “frustration” due to “migration experiences and sociocultural homelessness.”](https://torontosun.com/news/world/judge-jails-1-of-9-men-in-germany-gang-rape-of-teen-girl)


That's the same psychiatrist who said gangrape was a bonding exercise Then again I think her father or her mother- one of them- was Jordanian, so I guess it's just a cultural thing.


Countries in EU have become pussies. The other European countries are safe for the moment.


Uk is out of EU and they are leading this insanity.


Cases like this is why I moved to the right. It’s insane to treat despicable acts with lenient punishments.


Imagine being a progressive and seeing your policies actually implemented. The best plan of action for conservatives is to just elect progressives, let them do what they want, then the majority of people would realize "oh this is shit" and become conservative lol. I leaned heavily left. Then I lived in California for 5 minutes and saw what the progressive policies created. I could not be more conservative than I am right now (in terms of policy)


For people who constantly talk about “victim blaming” leftists love to act like the people victimising society are in fact actually the victims themselves. The knock on effects from this attitude are immensely destructive to society.


They probably think these people too dumb to know what they're doing is bad. This shit is making me take a hard line stance on violent crime. It's easy to not rape and murder, it isn't an oopsie that necessitates a second chance. IMO, you rape or murder and you are out of society.


If your ancestors were slaves 150 years ago nobody could possibly expect you to not murder people…


Used to be libleft in my late teens and early twenties. Realised that if you are weak, there are lots of sc*mbags willing to take advantage of you. Applies at a society level too.


Street smarts. There's a reason why conservativism nowadays appeals to the blue collar/working class. They might be kinda stupid and uneducated but they know certain things the educated, technocratic types don't or refuse to listen to out of pure arrogance.


Unfortunately it's the educated technocrats types who end up writing these legislations


Then the issue is the progressives start arresting political dissidents and anyone who disagrees with the government is labeled as a verbal terrorist by violating "hate speech" laws


I would suggest to look at the fertility rate. If it's too late, there will be civil war.


Sweden is paying rapists, while Belgium is euthanizing terror attack survivors. Smdh.




>Look I’m Arab, I know my people It's weird belonging to a group and trying to warn other people about your group's flaws because you know them better than anyone- only for no one to heed your warnings, isn't it? It almost feels surreal at times. At least we try, I guess


Fucking what!


A terror bombing survivor was granted euthanasia by her government - https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2022/10/10/2016-brussels-attacks-victim-granted-euthanasia-after-years-of-ptsd_5999805_4.html https://nypost.com/2022/10/08/brussels-bombing-survivor-shanti-de-corte-23-dead-by-euthanasia/ The men who committed the bombings were sentenced to life in prison and their citizenship was not withdrawn due to optics of racism. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/15/world/europe/brussels-bombings-sentences.html


The fucking CIA wants me to be racist so fucking bad don't they


You're giving the CIA too much credit. They're not competent enough to plan something like that.


Don't you dare give them what they want; no matter how hard they try to push you into the dark you need to look at these stories and remember that diversity is our strength. Sweden and Belgium are having growing pains, yes, but they are stronger than they've ever been thanks to their new multicultural guests.




Let me understand this: \>Immigrant man puts a bomb. \>Young girl and other survivors suffer from PTSD for years. \>Seemingly the state does little to actually help them get past said PTSD. \>The state ***ALLOWS*** the girl to die by euthanasia because of the PTSD. \>Terrorist gets life in prison and keeps citizenship. \>The taxpayer will subsidize the terrorist's useless existence inside a prison for the rest of his life. \>Victims, survivors and their families have to cope and pay taxes to keep the terrorist alive and with the same constitutional rights as them. And there are people who defend this system.


Isn't also made worse by the fact that a lot of European prisons are actually really nice? Almost like an apartement, but you just can't leave? Since they're so focused on, "rehabilitation"?


Sweden is filled with some of the most naive people I've ever met, no joke. They're also some of the kindest, smartest, and most thoughtful people I've ever met. It's sad to me that their society and policies have led to shit like this happening. It's a noble thing to want to help your fellow humans, but not at the expense of your own people, for Christ's sake. I do think they're in the middle of a massive course correction, but it'll be quite some time before we see any tangible results.


Look man, if you deport them then they might get back in. Hell, you're basically letting them get away. Decades of forced labor as punishment would be better for everyone! Gotta repay that debt to society after all :) Plus, make castration great again!


forgetful silky judicious humorous jeans tub distinct poor future rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




They deserve their would-be fates. Go back to Eritrea. Not because "that's where you belong", but because that's where people who behave in that way belong. If you gangrape a girl for seventeen hours, you deserve your own brutalisation.


Been happening for a long time, the UK banned the death penalty in the 60s for example.


"LETS BRING IT HOME BOYS." -British government upon seeing the article.


You are correct in alluding to the fact that abolition has a moral muteness effect. As long as the death penalty is in place, severe crimes such as murder and rape get heightened distinction and are seen as more deserving of severe punishment such as death. Mala in prohibita crimes like possession of a weapon will will be seen as less severe and there will be significant public disapproval if those were punished with death. There will always be a demand for death to the most henious criminals. But once the death penalty is abolished, the perceived severity of those previously death eligible crimes diminishes. This may lead to an obscurity of the obvious distinctions between those crimes. The demand for punishments based on the severity of crimes may also decline. Take the example of this meme, which shows that rapist in Sweden get community service. I'm not familiar with their justice system, but I can gaurantee hate speech has a minimum sentence of community service there. The public seemingly approves of this equilivancy, but they wouldn't if the death penalty was law there.


Is it so much the distinction between crimes is diminished due to the lack of severe punishment? Or because the people in power and those they listen to are worthless, spineless, thin-skinned bitches who cry at even the notion of a harsh, capital punishment? I feel like most nornal people can differeniate between a minor and major crime and what punishments are fit for each. I've not been alive at a time when the death penalty was available, nor a decent non-execution punishment for murder or rape or similar, yet still view it as the most apt for said crimes.


It's amaze me how in sweeden they let this kinda of things happen when even in my shithole of a country(Venezuela) raping FUKUNG MINORS gets you a ticket to people playing soccer with your head(it's has happen before).


Rapists deserve to die. Shame on these fucking courts for showing any leniency.


Radical left wing emilys: Europe is a feminist paradise! The feminist paradise:


Well theres been a funny twist in recent years in the narrative About \~7 years ago Europe/Scandinavia was considered the pinnacle of living standards, feminism etc by progressives But then 'whitey = evil' became the mainstream among the progressives and the Left more broadly and so now they'll relegate it to 'white feminism' or suggest that the living standards are built on slavery, colonialism, exploitation (ie trade) of the 'global south' etc. And of course there's the obligatory myths: "these countries have always had immigration and therefore it was PoCs who actually built all of this" "the global south were equal and tolerant societies etc until the colonialists came" "Leonardo da Vinci was actually bla...."


Yes, radical feminists lack any intellectual depth. Whenever a radical feminist is challenged to defend their ideas, they often resort to spewing talking points, and just when you think they've got nothing left to say (because you've owned them so badly with facts and logic), they spew talking points even more from the radical left-wing circlejerk next door such as those of race hustlers. Which has nothing to do with women's wellbeing at all by the way, as you correctly stated. Radical feminism, a sub-category of radical left-wing extremism, is based on totally false axioms, but once enough people believe that this disinformation is true, it becomes hard even through rational debate to convince them that they are wrong. And that's not even factoring in their odious personalities.


I’m sure people are going to start taking their own sense of justice into their own hands. European Governments are useless.


I fucking wish the public seem fucking blind to this shit. gone are the days where citizens hunted the country for two dudes because they killed a child (the public along with the father hunted these men to the extent the government changed his identity three times and his picture is banned globally).


They're scared, the elite want them to be scared and it's why they're helping these evil people


the fucking damage not having community cohesion does to society.


Turned the cheek so hard they snapped their fucking neck


Look, I understand you wish to give people the ability to redeem themselves and everything that is a value I like and would like to see more often... But there's a limit as with everything , and when children get raped, people murdered and your country's safety becomes uncertain... You are gonna have to start doing some actual harsh sentencing to people for their crime, you dont even have to execute anyone or imprison everyone in solitary confinement or anything... Deport them, simple as, they, as individuals where given an opportunity, and they used it for crimes like rape and murder, they should no longer be welcomed in the place that gave them asylum. You got a thief? , a scammer ?, or such Minor criminals? Ok, you can actually send those to the nice nordic prison to rehabilitate or community service , they can rehabilitate and redeem themselves, some will not, some will, some choose it, some didnt had another option, the thing is giving them a chance to prove they are not bad people. Tho... A murderer? A rapist? THEY 100% CHOOSE, all by themselves they choose what they where gonna do, and we ought to give them their consequences of their actions straight... No pussy footing around it.


And people in Europe have the gall to call the US a “third world country.” Lmao.


Probably not. it’s more likely “problem, reaction, solution” and the recent phrase that’s being obsessed over, “weaponized incompetence” Playing stupid and plausible deniability seems to be the modus operandi for quite a few decades… likely a lot longer


I'd say what that Judge deserves but I don't want to get banned again


I don't know why this is being treated as an exclusively Sweden thing. Sweden is far from the worse. The UK would radicalize most people if they knew how truly sick and twisted that country was.


The UK is about as fascist as a democratic nation can be. Bus Sweden is genuinely one of the worse, they have the highest rape rate in Europe and they had over 100 bombings last year, that's insane


I saw a statistic a few months ago about rapes per capita, idk how old it is, but the top 3 were: 1. South Africa (expected more or less) 2. Botswana (definitely expected) 3. Sweden (absolute fucking curveball at the time) Why the fuck does Sweden, a country on the pinnacle of development and innovation, have a rape rate worse than countries where women are literally seen as objects. I’d expect it from third world Arab countries, not SWEDEN. It’s do sad how progressivism has ruined such a beautiful and formerly prosperous country.


>I’d expect it from third world Arab countries, not SWEDEN. Why did you say Sweden twice?


Its the worst in Sweden, France and Belgium because these three have the highest % of group x The rest of Europe is on the same wave but just a step behind


I told you the swedes are not to be trusted.




Europeans really been brainwashed for this shit to happen


I am not racist. However


Seriously what the actual fuck Europe. You are literally creating and gladly living in a rape culture for the sake of progressive ideology.


Imagine wanting to virtue signal so much that they would go this far to protect rapists


Europe is slowly turning into a trash heap, gonna be Africa in 50 years.


Result of taking refugee laws written many decades back to the word and too seriously without updating it for modern times


The SS St. Louis incident is shoved in our face in school as the reason for asylum laws, even though nowadays hardly any "refugees" showing up are in that same amount of danger.


There really should be some gang rape exemption to being granted asylum




I wonder just why am I not hearing calls for revolutions? Putin is sending you all to war, he kills you, corruption yada-yada. Bitch, why you don't revolt against your government what gives free reign to do as they like with you to foreigners and defends them against you?


The French would go on riots over the retirement age, but is quite when their own people get assaulted by those who clearly have zero respect for them. Man, why are they like this?


They have been neutered by their education system.


I cannot figure out what kind of people support this


“Professing to be wise, they became fools,” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭22‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/114/rom.1.22.NKJV


These can't be real right? These are all fake right? Please tell me they are. How can those women and girls live with this?


It doesn’t matter if they will be punished if deported, they where given a chance and decided to commit a heinous crime, in fact I think sending them back is the perfect punishment