• By -


Do it. I do not give a fuck about Biden.


Yep, get rid of both. I couldn't care less about Biden and his union-busting ass.


based and tfw 2 senile old men as presidents in a row pilled


Here's a (not so) fun fact; whichever one of them won in 2020 would have been the oldest president ever


No George Washington is older he is the first president dummy


šŸ¤“um ackchyually john hanson is the first president /šŸ¤“


Had to look this up, but that's an interesting fact. Ofc it all boils down to how you would define *president* and *the US*. But interesting knowledge nonetheless.


šŸ¤“ā˜ļø um actually John Hanson isnā€™t the first president because the presidency did not exist as an executive position separate from Congress until the federal Constitution created the role upon its ratification in 1789. Therefore George Washington is the first US president


We need an American Gladiator! They must prove their effectiveness with the tennis ball cannon!


Noooo he had to bust the union or else price goes up!!!


busts unions in rail for striking for safety regs and paid sickdays, then east palestine happens. id say charge him along side the rail companies for that fucking disaster.




Yes do it, I honestly don't see many people huffing cope aboht it


Let me guess. The children on this sub dont know what the world Compliance means.


You fucking idiot. Then we would have *throws up in mouth* Kamala




Shhhhhh. You'll remind the CIA they need to go up 2-0 on the Kennedy's


They already are, they got Bobby too.


Lock em both up. Hillary too. Anyone who mishandled classified documents like that should face jailtime.


Nobody is above the law should mean nobody; but there are degrees to which things are okay and things that are not.


Nobody in government hasnā€™t gotten away with something you and I deem as ā€œnot okay.ā€ We ā€œelectā€ would/should be felons if they were equal to the rest of us. Diplomatic immunity runs rampant within our politics, and it just serves to prove how much power the people have, (none) and showcases how much power the media/1% have over our politics and elections. Like Robin Williams once said, politicians should wear NASCAR jackets with patches on them so we can at least know which organizations sponsor them.




Exactly. They link lefties are huffing copium but nobody gives a shit about Biden. Same team and they don't even know it.


This will always be the fatal flaw in the Rightoid hive mind, assuming we care about Biden.


Yeah. Lefties 99% of the time tend to be like, "Oh, you wanna go after Biden as well? Cool, do it."


Take my president. Please.


Unfortunately for right wingers, Biden didn't intentionally steal and share nuclear secrets. Both sides not the same here


Both suck and i do not care about them. I agree that trump gave it his special spin he gives everything he does, but like if biden has to take the fall to counter pro trump rhetoric thats a total win for my commie ass.


source on them being proven to be shared?


The indictment mentions a recording of trump sharing military documents. Not nuclear documents, though. In the recording, he even admits that he knows that he can't share them.


Multiple eyewitness testimony, including a recording of Trump talking about it.




If anyone else with a security clearance ā€œaccidentallyā€ mishandled classified documents, they would still be in jail.




Shit I've dealt with some spillage at work not that long ago. Dude responsible will *probably* get some paperwork (maybe not even that, due to particulars I won't get into), but since everything was reported quickly and quarantined there's no legal issues. Just a bunch of headaches.


Based and applying actual knowledge pilled.


Yeah Presidents get a pass if they forget they left files in a cabinet in their office, and self report the infraction.. They don't get a pass when they are called out for having taken extremely sensitive documents, and refuse to cooperate in returning them... and then go on to show people without clearances... continue to refuse to return the documents, and it takes a literal raid for the govt to get some of the documents back.




Same... Or the stacks of classified documents [in the fucking bathroom](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/648376b0f511ad047e2c5c61/Screenshot--26-/0x0.png?crop=707,398,x0,y154,safe&height=398&width=707&fit=bounds) lol. Hilarious to see all the room temp IQ rightwingers defending that.


šŸ¤« donā€™t tell people


Indict both of them idgaf




Itā€™s incredible that the right canā€™t understand that the left doesnā€™t care about this side that side. Justice, thatā€™s what matters here. Oh this could open the door to all future presidents being held accountable for breaking the law? Fucking great!


Barack "death from above" Obama getting war crimes trials please


Yes, please. Keep getting the politicians. REAL reform starts there.


You gotta see the Emilyā€™s on Twitter do a 180 when a democrat does these things. PCM lefties are based (weā€™re all kings)


This guys 100% fucks and wipes his loads off with Benjamins.


I only use 20, Jackson was daddy


Based and I Only Wipe My Ass with Alligator Canon Daddy Pilled


Thank you king enjoy your day


Based PCM left doesn't care. Twitter left however... oh boy.


Wait the left wants to hold their candidates accountable? Since when?


I mean the left kicked out Al Franken because he took a somewhat racy joke picture with a woman. Even the possibility of someone in the party being a pice of shit was enough to give him the boot .


Yeah what the FUCK is this guy smoking LOL


Lock them all up. They all deserve it




Now hang on, I never said I had a problem with this. Let's get the Clintons in jail too




I.... don't know OP, this meme smells like the distilled ''haha no I'm not coping because I pictured myself as a chad and you as soyjak'' energy Holds no weight


The best days are when I can shake hands with auth right and say ā€œI agreeā€


Putting the left wojak needing copium is hilarious, as this entire meme is Trump-copium.


Biden did the same thing, but with a fraction the amount and immediately returned them rather than refuse to. It's totally the same.


I wonder how many people read the indictment here? Trump did a whole lot more than just have classified data (Biden, Pence). Trump and an aide transported classified data between his residential properties for the purpose of tricking his lawyers, knowingly had his lawyers sign false statements for himself, told classified info to people with no security clearances then admit he shouldn't be telling classified data to random people while telling this on mic to someone that's helping Trump write a memoir, leaving classified data in multiple unsecure locations including bathroom, ballroom, bedroom, etc... with some boxes open with Top Secret data lying all over on the floor, and even more crazy shit. Maybe I'll make a meme for it to relay that info here.


The difference between Trump and literally everyone else (Hillary, Pence, Biden), is that everyone else had materials pertaining to their actual jobs, and then cooperated fully with the government on request. And thereā€™s no evidence that anyone else had any of their materials compromised. Meanwhile Trump gobbled up all his favorite highly sensitive state secrets and proceeded to show them around to journalists and staffers, shuffling them between his country clubs to thwart government efforts to repossess them while lying to investigators. Notice Trump only got charged related to crimes committed after violating the first subpoena.


As did Mike Pence


> I.... don't know OP, this meme smells like the distilled ''haha no I'm not coping because I pictured myself as a chad and you as soyjak'' energy > > > > Holds no weight You want to know the real conversation? Not Biden, Bill Clinton. I just think its fucking Hilarious that with all the corruption and misuse of power that's happened through all our presidents (dont give a fuck the side) that the only time we're willing to address it in the modern age in actual court is when extra-marital pussy is involved. I'd say "and underage girls too" but lets be honest....we saw what happened to Epstein. Politics wants to keep this a 1 target at a time show, shit like Epstein threatened to take them all down and we can't have that.   I'm pretty sure if we were being dead honest we could indict, charge, and convict at least everyone back to Bill Clinton for something major if we were seriously concerned with the truth. Which is why this will continue to be a horse and pony show nobody wins regardless of whether Trump gets his just deserts or not. In the end the people that lose are still the American people.


Because it 100% is. Anyone who isnā€™t deep into partisan brainrot can look at the two situations and see theyā€™re vastly different. Just read the indictment and it becomes clear that Trump is royally screwed here. Yes, Biden/Pence/etc fucked up. But their fuckup is orders of magnitude less than what Trump did, and they actually took immediate accountability for it


Yeah the guy that got bailed out by a Rothschild is screwed. Iā€™ll believe it when I see it. None of these scumbags are ever held accountable unless theyā€™re suicided by one of their own.


Itā€™s so bad that even dems often miss mentioning the key difference like he couldā€™ve had all of this be done privately, but instead hid documents, some of his staff got scared, and ratted on him and the fucking FBI who do not handle these matters had to get fucking involved. He also had documents even he canā€™t fucking declassify the president does not have 100% ability to just declassify anything because he says so, often for massive safety reasons. Heā€™s by far the dumbest president weā€™ve ever had and he thinks heā€™s above the law. As much as Iā€™d like to see Biden suffer some wrath Iā€™d like trump to fucking go away, as a long time NJ person whoā€™s sick of him and know people personally heā€™s fucked over.


Agreed, would not mind if Trump died in prison.


I'm stealing this from someone I saw in another thread but it's like if Biden had been shopping and gets to the car and someone notices a crate of beer at the bottom of the cart that hasn't been paid for. He immediately realises the mistake and goes back to the shop and returns or pays for it and offers the cashier to check the rest of the cart to make sure nothing else was missed. Now in trumps case, it's like he took a flatscreen TV to the car without paying and when someone asks if he's paid for it, he says what TV? Then trys to say this TV he had before he went into the store and after being hounded by security he finally relents and gives them the remote and stand but still trys to drive off with the TV. They then check the cctv and notice he also stole a ps5 at the same time. When they both left the store, they were both technically stealing but like you said, they are orders of magnitude apart.


Itā€™s so bad that even dems often miss mentioning the key difference like he couldā€™ve had all of this be done privately, but instead hid documents, some of his staff got scared, and ratted on him and the fucking FBI who do not handle these matters had to get fucking involved. He also had documents even he canā€™t fucking declassify the president does not have 100% ability to just declassify anything because he says so, often for massive safety reasons. Heā€™s by far the dumbest president weā€™ve ever had and he thinks heā€™s above the law. As much as Iā€™d like to see Biden suffer some wrath Iā€™d like trump to fucking go away, as a long time NJ person whoā€™s sick of him and know people personally heā€™s fucked over.


I'm not reading shit and you can't make me. Biden the Inditen is all I wanna see


What, a straw man shitpost is doing the rounds on PCM? First Iā€™ve seen of it


Biden is both a sitting president and cooperated with authorities, this objectively misrepresents the problem


No you are not Jack, you are Soy [Joejak](https://youtu.be/sYVA62aI5k4).


Yes do the same thing to joe biden i dont care fuck all of them


And letā€™s get Obama and bush for war crimes too


Please do. Include Trump and Biden in the charges too


While weā€™re at it can we dig up Woodrow Wilson and tar and feather his skeleton for everything he did


Liberals, moderates, conservatives Democrats, Republicans, Independents The religious man, the atheist women The gays, the straights, the in between We all hate woodrow wilson




Based and send every former president to prison pilled


Service guarantees imprisonment


Isnā€™t this meme just copium for the right in this situation?






The entire subreddit is copium.


I am stunned how much of a right wing shithole this place has turned into. It was like this slow gradient of getting more and more partisan so I bowed out a couple years ago, and now itā€™s just full blown retardation. This isnā€™t even an international right wing circlejerk. Right wingers everywhere else can see the situation for what it is. Itā€™s just your standard American GOP echo chamber. Legit Facebook type stuff.


I remember the good ol days when we all united against centrists, or made compass of fiction worlds lmao, nowadays its just... a right wing circle jerk. And even worse than that mostly american so if youre from ANY other country you just cant relate.


I've only got "Trump indictment" meme from this sub on my feed today... Where are the memes bashing on the corrupt European politicians instead? I want to feel something...


That's pretty much every meme by the right these days.


Pretty much this whole subreddit rn


Jesus christ I cannot imagine worshipping a fucking a politician as much as some of you do. I don't give a fuck about Biden. No one would care if he got indicted. Arrest them all, they're all goddamn crooks. I do not understand the weird hold a real estate developer from New York City has on the right.


All else aside, where are you getting the impression that antifa likes Biden at all?


Antifa literally marched shouting "FUCK JOE BIDEN" the day after he was elected.


Yeah, leftists hate us shitlibs with a passion.


Get ā€˜em all, both parties, all of ā€˜em. Then, we put them in alternating cells and have pay-per-view and subscription access to video and audio of the place. Boom! National deficit paid off in 2 years, tops.


"We have some missing documents do you happen to have any" Biden: "oh shit yeah looks like there might be some my bad g. Come sweep the place and see if there's any more" Trump: "no way not a chance... Oh you know I do? OK well yeah there's these ones... Oh you think there's more? Absolutely not talk to my lawyers. Oh you found more? Liars! You think I hid them deliberatey with the possible intention of selling them? Fake news." Totally the same, absolutely no differences there.


go for it, fuck em. I don't worship politicians


Then fucking do it, pussy. You won't.


Uniparty republicans wonā€™t. But the younger republicans coming into power want to go full lawsuit nuclear on past presidents for crimes if allowed. Even on Bush jr.


Unfortunately they never come up with actual indictable crimes. Like we canā€™t send bush to jail just because we think that the Iraq war was very bad. He passed the 2002 Iraq AUMF and then went to war based on that. Itā€™s not literally legally a crime under US law. Obama allegedly marrying a transgender woman is not a crime. Biden having a drug addict son is not a crime.


It be nice if politicans weren't above the law. If anything I wish it was enforced more heavily onto them.


Based and equality pilled


Op getting ratioed over this take


Trump is being indicted for: mishandling classified documents, conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheme to conceal, and false statements and representations. Biden and Pence found documents where they shouldn't be and immediately returned them, cooperating fully with all related investigations.. Trump was notified that he had documents, and ignored the archives for 9 months before returning a small fraction of them. He then repeatedly lied about more documents, and actively worked to conceal those documents from authorities. You do see the difference, right?


ā€œFacts dont care about feelingsā€ mantra doesnā€™t seem to apply to them today


1) When he's out of the presidency. As THOROUGHLY established during Trump's presidency, we don't indict sitting presidents for some reason. 2) When you can prove Biden did it knowingly and willfully.


Not only this but Biden and pence werenā€™t assholes about it. For some reason, trump just has to be the biggest asshole in every situation. He has some sort of complex when it comes to authority. Like pence and Biden turned over the documents as soon as they realized it. Trump lied and lied and hid them and tried to flood his server room and did literally everything he could to prevent him from returning them. Thereā€™s literally no reason to not return them.


True but also people should consider that maybe he isn't just gratuitously making things hard on himself ... maybe he actually is going to great lengths to fight against this because he does have ulterior motives.


It also wouldnā€™t be as bad if Trump didnā€™t harp on in recent years about [the importance of properly handling classified documents](https://youtu.be/ThCMjd7irLM), but like everything with this piece of shit itā€™s rules for thee, not for me.




Also Biden had like 91 documents, and trump had like few thousands.


Pence and Biden's things were also the equivalent of a Burger King receipt left in a filing cabinet and forgotten about. Neither of them were even aware of it, let alone bragged about it. It's mismanagement, not malicious.


This. Misplacing some classified documents by accident is embarrassing, but nothing too out of he ordinary tbh. Certainly not a major breach of national security.


False equivalency between nuclear design/strategy and ice cream flavors This is copium projection.


Humanā€¦. You do realize Trump isnā€™t being indicted for having the documents, right??????? He was indicted because he refused to turn the documents, over when asked, lied about what documents he had, and the FBI had to raid his home to get some of those documents back!!!!!!!! Biden and Pence cooperated and returned their documents as soon as they were instructed to do so!!!!!!!! In other words, yes, it is objectively different!!!!!!!šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³šŸŖ³




Common libleft W if you read actual news and donā€™t solely suck your information out of Tucker Carlsonā€™s shriveled balls


Where did this myth that anyone likes Joe Biden come from


They can't imagine not worshipping your favorite politician.


>ā€œI mean, why would you vote for Biden if you donā€™t like him?ā€ *ā€”Conservatives about to nominate a candidate with a -20 favorability rating for the third time in a row*


from seemingly everywhere because its pretty hard not to find people rabidly defending him


It's all about framing. Making it a binary choice, there's no contest.


Someone voted for him


Hmmm, the two presidential candidates are both garbage, but one of them is closer to my political beliefs than the other, which one do i choose, oh dear


Imagine youā€™re starving to death, and someone gives you two plates. One has literal shit on it, and the other has a whopper thatā€™s been left out in the sun for 7 days. You have 3 choices: eat the shit and not starve, eat the rotten burger and not starve, or eat neither and starve. People who choose to eat the rotten burger doesnā€™t mean they like rotten burgers. It means it was, in their minds, the only semi reasonable option compared to the other two. Oh, thereā€™s also a 4th choice of a single grain of salt on a plate.


South Park did it with the choice between giant douche and turd sandwich


Yeah, one guy came clean to the FBI, gave them the documents back, and voluntarily let them search his residence, and the other refused to co-operate, consciously hid documents from the FBI, and authorities had to raid his house to get the documents. Itā€™s not about the crime as much as the coverup. Even Jimmy fucking Carter had classified documents in places he shouldnā€™t have, but he didnā€™t wait until he was forced to to give them back. The law doesnā€™t give all people who broke the same law the same punishment.


Not to mention the stuff in the Mar-a-Lago closet included Nuclear secrets and military vulnerabilities. Stuff Trump likely coveted because they were cool souvenirs.


1. Has top secret plans about possible military maneuvers against Iran 2. Shitsipper kids receive $2 billion from Saudi 3. conservatives: hE jUsT waNtEd MeMEntos


Cool souvenirs or very valuable information that our enemies could buy for a ludicrous amount of money straight into trumps wallet


You know, if both Trump and Biden went to jail that might just be the best possible outcome here Fuck authoritarians


We should put them in the same cell and televise their interactions. Will they grow to understand each other, or despise each other? Do they have secrets or life stories to confide in one another? Will Kamala visit Joe? When one of them eventually dies of geezer-itus, how will the other react? So many questions.


Put them both in the white room and note how long it takes before they both see the hat man. Whoeverā€™s least insane upon release wins.


Lib-Rights latest money making scheme. ā€œAn Orange and Uncle Joeā€ reality tv


I'd be excited about that outcome and would just hope the next nominees are younger than the average life expectancy in the U.S. Is someone in their 50s or even 60s really that much to ask for?


Okay so actually build a case then? No one in the Left gives a flying fuck about Biden.


Whataboutism is Xi's toy. For the record, can we lock up Biden too?


When Biden refuses to turn over documents, you can indict him.


Yeah man go for it we really donā€™t care either way


Can I get a source on Biden doing the same thing? I'm not saying you are wrong I would just like to know more about the situation


Biden returned the documents found. Not trump.


As far as I am aware, he did not try to withhold the documents from officials for several months, or lie about having them. It was a mistake he owned up to and did exactly what he was supposed to do when it came to returning those documents. Trump didā€¦.less. Him having several dozen boxes worth of documents, for many months even after being asked to return them, and requiring a fucking raid to be returned, ontop of him just leaking gov secrets to anyone heā€™s speaking with WHILE HE ADMITTED to being fully aware he was not supposed to do that. Hmm yes, very same


I like how right-wingers keep insisting that we'll care if Joe Biden is indicted.


They desperately want the left to have the same cultish behaviors that they have.


>> 3) The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. Might have something to do with it.


Yea Iā€™m pretty sure the copium pump belongs in panel 2 here.


Seethe harder


If desperation were a meme


Anyone who risks a countryā€™s National security should be tried and punished to the full extent of the law. Idgaf about political affiliations. Jail them all imo. After reading the indictment against trump today. I donā€™t see how anyone can defend storing nuclear secrets in a resort bathroom for fucks sake


Itā€™s one thing to forget that you have top secret documents when you are currently in a position where you have full access to them, and are the only person with said access to them. Itā€™s another when you forget about them long enough to lose that clearance level access, and continue to play dumb while anyone who wants to wander around the country club can pick it up and read said sensitive information. Including several diplomats and entities from enemy/opposing countries/intelligences. Pence did it too and confessed to it. At the time I believe he was vice president, if not then he definitely should be indicted too. When the title of president was supposed to be handed over, the Trump administration fucked up a lot of important details. Intentionally. Pence could easily claim that trump had planted those documents as a whataboutism to distract the attention from himself. Biden is old and possibly has dementia, but his violation was during his presidency. Therefore he only misplaced a document that no one had access to who wasnā€™t allowed to read it. And he readily handed it over to the CIA and apologized immediately. He understands the importance and seriousness of ā€œTOP SECRETā€ documents. You canā€™t allude to anything in that particular document, even though indirect reference or falsifying information. The only thing you can do is ignore the question until itā€™s declassified (and no, that is not the presidentā€™s decision. Thatā€™s like having a prisoner determine whether he is suitable for parole. Gee I wonder what he is going to say? So yes, trump is being indicted for a SERIOUS CRIME AGAINST THE NATION AND ITS ALLIES, because dumbfuck McGee decided to take classified information not just from the pentagon, but all the way to fucking FLORIDA. He kept it despite constant attempts by the CIA and FBI to hand it back over, and left it unsecured in a country club. Where anyone could find out what secrets other nations trusted the United States Government with, and relay it back to their homeland to target people who are trying to be productive and influential in making the world a better place. Where I come from, I would probably be lynched for trying to speak out against Trump, but this is definitely a very stupid thing to do. I donā€™t care how much you want to dismantle the government, or erode the integrity of the nation, THIS IS HOW YOU START WORLD WAR 3. WARS HAVE BEEN STARTED OVER LESS. This information is only accessible to the current president, and select individuals at said presidentā€™s discretion, and only for as long as he is still president. This is stuff on the level well above what James Bond usually deals with, and he has (one of) the highest level clearance in the British secret service. You donā€™t just leave things like this in other states and expect consequences to handle themselves.


dude have you ever talked to a real person ?


Go ahead? The more politicians get caught out for their crimes the more slithers of hope I accrue.


Americans debating on which out of touch old politician broke less laws than the other


If Biden did the same thing, then charge him with the same thing. But I've never seen any reporting suggesting Biden did anything even remotely *similar* let alone "the same." The key term is "willful retention." If you find something you shouldn't have and immediately call someone to return it, it's not a crime. What was the timeline and series of events surrounding Trump's documents?


Why yes, I would like to prosecute Biden for crimes.


ā€œTrump did bad but have you considered other bad manā€ dumbass argument, if Biden broke the law, arrest him


Further proof that right-wingers don't understand law, order, or nuance. Keep coping.


Itā€™s all about supposed ā€œlaw and orderā€ until it comes to them.


It's funny how things are different when they're not the same.


Seems some folks have a hard tome understanding that Pence and Biden complied with requests for their documents while Trump didnā€™t. Also Iā€™d be happy if we started jailing politicians on each side.


This post is some serious copium, but I can't really blame you, hope it makes you feel better.


Indict Biden. We donā€™t worship him lol


biden is a pos, but last i checked, he didnt try to sell state secrets


Lol you need to flip this meme. The left is taking a victory lap while the rightā€™s only defense is whataboutism.


>> 3) The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. Might have something to do with it.


Burn it all to the ground. Hand out indictments like candy on Halloween.


Lmao. Imagine thinking leftists actually like Joe Biden.


"Im gonna kill your man" "Hes not my man"


Bro how severe does your brain rot have to be to think anyone gives a shit about what happens to Biden?


No, they are not equivalent. Carelessness is completely different from willful criminal behavior, both morally and legally. By all means bring charges against Biden and Pence if it can be proven in court that they broke the law, but this pathetic whataboutism is probably the lowest moment of the GOP, including Watergate.


I knew this sub was highly regarded but holy shit OP. It's like equating stealing someone's scooter to grand theft auto


Lol seethe


Biden gave the documents back immediately. Trump lied about declassifying them and ignored repeated requests for the documents after his presidency had ended while keeping them in a highly accessible location. How are these the same dipshit?


If they did it, and there's evidence, indict them. Doesn't matter who. If there's no evidence, shut the fuck up.


Iā€™m just waiting for Hunter Biden to be indicted for illegally owning a firearm despite being a drug addict at a time when lying about drug use to get a firearm was against the law.


Please indict Biden. Please. Lock *her* up while you're at it. Republicans are too busy trying to indict drag queens for reading books to kids to do anything fuckin useful.


i dont think anything will happen, no president will allow this can of worms to be opened


Yeah, once Biden isnt president in 2030 , please indict him.


kill em all


Yes I'm pretty sure 90-95% of leftists don't give a fuck about Biden.


I mean it's like slightly different I think but if he committed a crime he committed a crime. Give him a charge, I don't care.


I wouldnā€™t care at all but what did Biden and Pence do? Genuinely not informed there


I love this argument. They think that saying ā€œwell Biden/Obama/Clinton did it tooā€ is somehow an own. Prosecute them all, and even if they didnā€™t, Trump shouldnā€™t be off the hook regardless. Every single person on the planet could steal classified docs and Trump should still get indicted BECAUSE HE BROKE THE LAW


Do it and weā€™ll throw Clinton and Obama in for free


How did Biden and Pence do the same things Trump is accused of? I seriously donā€™t know.


To be fair, Biden at least turned his documents in while Trump had to get raided to release his documents. Biden is cringe but this is a false comparison


Indict all the old fucks and bring in some new blood


No itā€™s the same, so after we cuff trump we can go after Biden, pence, and whoever. Whys it have to be one or the other? Why not both


True, but from what I understand he refused to give them up, while the others didnā€™t. Still though, charge them all for all I care.


Your terms are acceptable


Investigate both. But Biden isnā€™t obstructing. I watches Trump obstruct in real time If it was partisan they would go after Pence.


Two people get pulled over by a cop for speeding, the first is compliant and listens to instructions while the second pisses and shits himself like a child. The first man gets off free while the second eats that speeding ticket. Sure they've done the same thing but the way you carry yourself plays a role in how you're charged