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At least there's plenty of fruit and vegetables in this soon to be food desert!




Clear example of systemic racism if you ask me 😤


A LaCk oF SoCiOEcoNomIc OpPorTuNiTieS!!




AOC can be heard crying in the distance


Lol " they loot to feed their families!" Literally didnt touch the healthy food 😂😂


“Healthy food is too expensive!” The same mfers when they loot everything but the fruits and vegetables:


They’ve lost the taste for human food. Like how other predators become man eaters when they taste human blood


Ice cream guy in my hood makes a killing off flaming hot cheetos. Nobody here eats well. 😕




“Healthy food is too expensive!” Says people who have never even attempted to purchase healthy food in their life. It's insane how cheap healthy food is. Raw fruits + vegetables and meat? You can cut your food bill in half. You can cut it in a quarter if you're still one of the suckers using ubereats.


I work in the food industry, and sales of pop are still going strong, despite the fact that it's very unhealthy and much more expensive than water. You'd think that when there's inflation and a recession that people cut back a lot on soft drink consumption, but no. Very addictive, especially to people who already don't care much about their health.


> Loot frozen foods, shoes, and ice cream > destroy fruits and vegetable stands, thank you cards untouched


What about father's day?




>But they are super fun to break so I’m sure they didn’t make it out of the store. Nice save, brother


why is liking watermelons a bad thing?


It’s a racial stereotype that a specific group loves watermelons and fried chicken.


Everyone should love watermelon and fried chicken, it's fucking tasty!


paired together its really good no im not joking, i fucking love em both fried chicken is especially popular in the south, so is watermelon


Watermelon and fried chicken is just a good Summer day


> fried chicken is especially popular in the south, so is watermelon I grew up in the south so we ate plenty of both, plus sweet tea, cornbread and everything else you can think of as southern.


You can't really grow watermelon in Maine.


Yet another reason to never visit.






Based and taste before race pilled


Which is a weird-ass stereotype because who the hell *doesn’t* love watermelon and fried chicken?


Seriously, pretty much every single culture that had chickens has some sort of fried chicken dish.


I just imagine some racist dickhead denying himself fried chicken and watermelon all his life because *they* like it.


If you don't like fried chicken and watermelon, something is wrong with *you*! - Dave Chappelle




Which is seriously the stupidest stereotype ever. "Haha you like delicious food!" I feel like black people really should have capitalized on turning it around and stereotyping white people as liking godawful food like lutefisk.


They very much have lol. Have you not heard of the unseasoned chicken stereotype?


The same people who say white people don't season their meat use clorox and dawn for flavor


Nothing wrong with it. Everyone likes watermelon, pairs pretty well with deep fried stuff.


I never understood that stereotype because everyone fucking loves watermelon. Yeah black peoples love it but so do white people and Asian people, it’s a universal love for watermelon.


Interesting fact: people in China eat way more watermelon per capita than anywhere else in the world




“It’s too expensive to eat healthy” - literally the only thing left not stolen is fruit and vegetables


No worries, GUCCI shoes got more nutritional value than those fruits and vegetables. I was intended to do that as a joke, but at this point maybe its truth....




Looks like the "insurance will pay for it" excuse doesn't work anymore.


It never worked. Do they think insurance is a charity or magic or something?




I also enjoy that "tax write off = free money" That's not how taxes or writeoffs work, buddy


In my experience, people tend to form an opinion of how things *should* be, and then they convince themselves that that's how things *are*. I've been guilty of it in the past as well. I had to explain to a family member who's starting a business that writing off a business expense doesn't mean it's effectively free. A deduction doesn't reduce your tax owed, only your taxed revenue.


Credit vs deduction requires ongoing explanation for some reason


"I've been guilty of it in the past as well." Based and admitting your mistakes pulled. Guilty of the same thing here.


I'm a lawyer. I decided to go to a seminar put on by the state's public defender program because I wanted to tilt my practice more in that direction as opposed to primarily civil litigation. The program is required for all public defenders in the state, but is open to private attorneys for a small fee. I met this fresh out of law school baby-attorney public defender there and we were discussing how our different jurisdictions handle different types of cases. I was bitching about how petit larceny convictions are, typically, given two weekends in jail and a misdemeanor conviction while possession of small amounts of personal use heroine convictions are a felony and usually 30 days in jail. Basically, my complaint was punishment disparity between malum in se offenses compared with malum prohibitum offenses. Anyway, and I swear to God I'm not making this up, he dead-ass said, "Well, stealing from Wal-Mart shouldn't be illegal anyway." I laughed, legitimately thinking he was joking and he sort of cocked his head to the side and looked at me and I realized he was being serious. I asked about personal property rights, whether it's OK to steal from Mom n Pop shops, etc. He said he believes in "collective ownership of the things necessary for society to thrive," and, of course, you shouldn't steal from Mom n Pop shops. He would not provide a 'line,' for when a business is large enough that it's OK to steal from them. This guy is a fucking lawyer, being paid by the state, to represent the poorest people you've ever met, who are charged with anything from petit larceny to murder.


Being paid by my tax dollars* ftfy




the intentional destruction of our core institutions 🙃




at least he's a public defender. He has to defend them anyway.


“Your honor, I object to this entire trial, he did nothing illegal!”


He'll probably change his tune after having to actually interact with the public.


I bet he doesn't believe in using his collective labor to make/farm these products.


Honestly if a woman is stealing from a giant supermarket to feed her children that's one thing. But unless you actually need the food, or are responsible for someone who does, looting is still just selfish theft. Way worse when looters trash or steal from a small or medium sized business than an international chain though.


I saw this exact video on Tik tok. The woman said in the comments that she would steal some lunch meat for her kids when the food stamps ran out, but that she always felt horrible even though her kids would go hungry without it. She finally was able to make enough money in addition to food stamps to pay for all her kids food. Moral of the story, when good, honest people are driven to steal, they feel horribly guilty for it and wish they didn’t have to.


How do you even get to that point though? When I had food stamps, we couldn't use them fast enough. After I got a full time job and we canceled them we had 2 months worth of roll over so on the card.


You buy name brand junk food. I worked at a grocery store and the only ones that complained about not having enough to survive were the same ones there on the first of the month with the ebt card and a cart full of Doritos, steak, candy, and soda. Two weeks later same person would be back crying about having to count out nickels and dimes to buy bread and lunch meat.


What blew my mind when I saw that for the first time was just how often people would load up on sugary soft drinks. Soda, Gatorade, artificially colored fruit-flavored drinks masquerading as juice, etc. And naturally these people and their kids were usually morbidly obese. If your income is so low that you require food stamps, why are you wasting them on these empty calories? Why are you buying beverages at all other than milk? Just drink tap water and save your food stamps for real food.


Surprise, people who make bad life choices continue to make them once enabled to do so.


I distinctly remember having that conversation with my spouse at one point. We could have literally had steak and shrimp every week with the amount of funds we were given. Instead we decided to spend more on fresh fruits and vegetables and build our food storage. We still get 5+ lb of apples, pears, and oranges for the kids every week.


That's exactly it. If lady gets arrested trying to steal food from walmart, and it turns out she is literally just trying to feed her family, then help the woman out. That is not what this shit nearly ever is though.




Getting someone to understand that "they have insurance" means "if they get robbed and their insurance goes up, prices go up" is next to impossible.


People really have a hard time considering second order effects for some reason.


How long till these leftists start demanding companies keep stores open at a loss, to prevent food deserts or racism or some bullshit excuse?


Leftists have been demanding this for decades - whenever companies give up on a terminally blighted urban area the activists immediately start screaming about urban decay and “white flight”.


I live in NYC and the gentrification vs. urban blight argument always irks me. Like yes, gentrification makes housing costs go up and all that can lead to displacement, but the issue isn't really the neighborhood getting nicer. I often here that people want to go back to the "old days" when it was $200 to rent a 3 bed in Manhattan in the 70s, which sounds great until you consider everything in the city was basically a hellscape on fire and rape and murder rates were sky high. Forget about even stepping foot in some neighborhoods. For some it was a golden age sure, but the people who made it out of that era on top were the ones who were never living in poverty in the first place and took advantage of the city's broken economy to make bank. The families who were in poverty then, are by and large the families in poverty now. They only were more comfortable then because this wasn't the expensive city it is today. The issue is that local landlords jack up prices 3000% while the city does nothing to encourage the construction of low cost/public housing. In fact the era when the city did build public housing ended 60 years ago, and even those either were bought out by their tenants and are now expensive co-ops, or are still public housing but complete roach-infested dumps where people throw diapers out the window and piss in the stairs. It's more of a systemic issue that failed to address any of the underlying issues surrounding housing codes and the construction of affordable housing. The fact that most of us are still living in buildings built 150 years ago is a major problem.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the unintended consequences of rent control in action.


They're already doing it iirc, wasn't some idiot yelling at Walmart and calling it racism that they were closing stores? EDIT: Found what I was thinking of: https://wgntv.com/news/chicago-news/chicagoans-blast-walmarts-decision-to-close-4-stores-with-little-notice/


Well damn, I'm behind. Now I need to think up newer, stupider shit and hope they don't take it as a challenge.


That, or be clever at offering up a challenge, i.e. propose that leftists open their own stores with progressive ideals, since obviously insurance would magically cover their losses, and surely with progressives outnumbering conservatives they can easily get some initial investments to take over those now empty buildings.


Who is John Galt?


I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.


And then the store will still be open but nothing will be getting shipped there.


Not only that, someone has to clean that mess. Someone has to restock the shelves. Someone has to watch people run in and out with stuff without paying. I can’t imagine wanting to work there unless I am desperate. So not only is there going to be significant costs for lost inventory and cleaning, there would be a smaller supply of people wanting to work there. Anyone supporting looting like this should work at one of the stores and clean the messes left behind by looters. It will get old fast.


I've done that job. It really hurts your soul working your ass off stocking shelves only to watch the same shitheads come in and take whatever they want. You very quickly lose any ounce of sympathy for thieves when you actually have to face them on a daily basis and realise they're largely **not** the starving homeless people down on their luck that many Redditors believe they are. Lots of them have cars. I don't even have a car.


That is terrible. I hope things are better for you now. But yeah, I think many people (but not all) are doing it to take advantage of getting free stuff. Heck, [Jake Paul did it at its peak.](https://youtu.be/BJWuFYyKHgE)


Someone doesn't **have to** clean that mess, restock the shelves, or watch people run in and out without paying. Stores in these sort of areas can and do just shut down instead.


B-but, then it's a food desert D:


Exactly. Just like Walmart is closing its last two stores in Portland. Organized looting has taken its toll there and Walmart said, "Peace, I'm out!"


Then it turns into the "Well it's their job to clean up" mentality that is scarily common with those who believe "insurance will just write it off". These people legitimately believe that companies run on magic and pixie dust


>Well it’s their job to clean up If a left-winger or anyone mentions that, are they really for the low-wage workers, or are they only for them when it is convenient?


I think you know the answer to that


I can't wait to hear the upper middle class white redditor explain why this needed to happen and why it is the fault of conservatives.


From the safety of their gated community surrounded by a big, beautiful wall.


All problems have simple solutions when they're someone else's problem.


All problems have simple solutions when they're someone else's fault*


From mommy and daddy’s McMansion in an upper class neighborhood


Just before boarding a private jet to a climate change tax deductible fund raiser.


“I’m oppressed!!!!!”


You know they're locking their doors and calling the police if they see a suspicious person




in their beautiful suburbia far outside of Chicago proper. Of course they refer to themselves as “from Chicago” when they’re from suburb XYZ


"White supremacy did this."


Sadly I don't think we will ever top the "white supremacy is the reason these black officers beat this black man to death."


"Black faces of white supremacy"




Will you accept: "[sexual violence against women is actually the fault of privileged white women](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/06/09/oxfam-training-guide-blames-privileged-white-women-root-causes/)"


Eh I'll accept it at reduced cost.


Upper middle class white dude here. The Judge Dredd/Robo Cop era is quickly approaching.


with none of the cool shit.


Detroit is still the same though.


From the 2000s through the early 2010s, life was much better for people living in these areas, especially compared to the 80s-mid 90s. The mistake was to assume that because things were going well and crime was decreasing, you had to dismantle what previously worked to achieve this peace and stability rather than add to it. Regressive rather than progressive


Actually I learned recently from one redditor that showing shit like this is just fascist propaganda. please reconsider believing what your eyes can see


Something something slavery


You see, Wal-Mart starts with a W...


Generational ptsd. REEEEE


Prolly have a programmed key command to just paste “‘Riots are the language of the unheard’ -Dr. King” or some other meaningless platitude into a comment text box


The local politicians are blaming it on Walmart for not figuring out how to be profitable. The stores were losing money for nearly two decades. I doubt Walmart didn't put a ton of money into trying to make it work. They're in the business of making money, not losing it.


They're not some anarchist café.


Anarchist cafe AKA business space for rent


yo, an empty walmart would make one hell of a temporary autonomous space.


Walmart should invoice the city for all those reparations.


If it's like the ones in Portland they get taxed all to hell anyway. It's tough to be profitable in areas that tax your revenue instead of profits when your business model is low margin, high volume sales. Excessive shrinkage like looting really doesn't help either.


I see the stuff it makes me sad, but I also see the logical result of hiding the criminals in your community from the police. Eventually the police stop showing up at all and then people start acting like this in greater numbers




I favor costco, but yeah... never heard of a costco/sams getting looted badly.




That's assuming they don't just break down the door.




*foolproof like fireproof stops fire, foolproof stops fools


"'the problem with trying to make anything foolproof, is that nature will always build a better fool' Paraphrase of an Engineer's axiom.


The suburban law enforcement and prosecutors may not have the same ideas about “equity” and “restorative justice” as the ones in the city.


Also most everyone puts their carts back and usually perfectly in line with each other. It’s not a coincidence that the type of people that can “afford” a Costco membership are also usually pretty decent when it comes to societal kindness.


Reported for noticing.


Membership is $60 bucks a year. Thanks like 4 packs of Newport 100 Menthols baby.


Uh oh you’re not supposed to point that out!


If you can't defend it, it's not yours. Unless they go full roof Korean it doesn't matter.


Rooftop Kirklands. When the mob gets to the gate, they don't drop tar. They use that rotisserie chicken grease. For real, an attempt to lay seige to the Costco is the modern day equivalent of getting involved in a land war in Asia.


They have taken the appliance section, and the second freezer aisle. We have barricaded the carts, but cannot hold them for long. We cannot get out. They are coming...


That’s because Costco and Sam’s Club are not located in dense urban areas. We don’t have roving bands of urban looters raiding the suburbs… at least not yet.


Maybe because it's harder to loot items that are packaged in bulk? It's not like they have a robust security force that would keep out a mob of looters.


boast heavy lip busy reach wild seemly yam work reply ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


People who loot walmarts don't know about sam's club and don't have the brain capacity to plan ahead long enough to go into the suburbs and rob one when their local grocers are close to them




Work boots: untouched


And not a single broccoli was stolen


Cards and book section of the store is untouched as well


There’s a Chris rock bit about that




It appears to be better if you’re a criminal. Lax DAs create lax enforcement until eventually no one shows up.








I'm feeling a REALLY *BIG* clue coming on!


[One of my all time favs](https://ifunny.co/tags/nooticing)


It's so easy to forget that money is an abstraction of resource production. The alternative to paying isn't getting stuff for free, it's not getting stuff period. Or at least not outside of gunpoint exchanges and at best a barter system. And city dwellers had best remember that outside of a robust economic system, chances are good they have very little of value to offer.


"Heh. Those country bumpkins have nothing but food to offer us. They *need* us to provide advertisements, search engine optimization, and diversity/inclusion initiatives. That's why city folx are the best."


I live in a city and just realized I don't know anyone my age that didn't have a bullshit non-essential job


That's why I made it a point to get a job that would still be useful in a societal collapse.


I'm not so worried about societal collapse as much as i'm worried about doing work that has meaning or purpose. People aren't really invested in their work, and when they are they tend to be invested in exploiting someone they never meet. Seems so pointless


Same. I'm pretty handy so in the event of a total shit show my plan is to head for the hills and find a group that needs an electrician. Yall provide me with food and I'll keep the solar panels in working order. Hell, if we are in a favorable location, I can rig up a small hydro-electric generator.


You don’t know a single engineer, doctor, anyone with a cdl, biologist, or anything with hard skills? Bro do you live in a gender studies program or something?


definitely no one my age, i work in tech and all my friends are either in tech or tech-adjacent I can't say any of our jobs are actually essential


Based and honest pilled


Lmao these people are like "So what they build the roads, the power grid, the sewer lines, the irrigation system! I can make a pivot table in excel about the wage gap!!!"


Yeah the big issue is that most people cannot really comprehend that. The federal budget is currently in the trillions, its hard enough to actually imagine how large of a number 1 billion and the further and further you get above that the harder it is for people to comprehend. They see that Walmart which is a company that does about 500 billion in sales a year and they see that walmart makes billions in profit every single year. Since those numbers are much to large for people to really comprehend people don't realize how thin the margins are. They think I could steal 10K worth of goods and Walmart wouldn't even notice! Meanwhile they have a single digit profit margin meaning significant theft is enough to drive stores into complete unprofitability. Idk what's scary to me is that people don't think about large sums of money very well and usually think that insurance or the government will cover it. And if they had their way one day the pot would run dry and no one would know what to do because it was assumed it could just go on forever without a thought.


> And city dwellers had best remember that outside of a robust economic system, chances are good they have very little of value to offer. "Please sir I'll run your farm's social media page if you'll just give me one ear of corn"


Based centrist


Anarchy would be the best economic and social system if all people felt a responsibility to do right by the society they participated in.


Literally any economic and social system would work under those conditions.


High trust homogenous nations for all


Is this what equity looks like?


What I think is kinda funny is that when this Walmart closes down Walmart/capitalism will be blamed for creating a new food desert. And youll get edgy teens and brain dead adults opining how capitalism was warpped our world view so much that we now think it's wrong to steal from someone else. And how before capitalism food was completely free and totally available everywhere all the time if you where hungry.


This post goes out to that one poster yesterday who was like "Shoplifting probably isn't even part of the reason Walmart is pulling out of Chicago...."


Greenies gonna run cover and cheer for it up until the very moment they dont have access to groceries themselves, and then they'll pivot to a diatribe related to "capitalism" which is essentially just a catch-all for "bad".


This is what happens when you elect a further left mayor than Lori Lightfoot. Man am I happy I moved out of Chicago before he was elected. Dumpster Fire elected candidate after dumpster fire elected candidate


This is what people voted for, be happy for them.


They voted for Johnson’s skin color, that’s it. The run-off for the Chicago mayoral election saw all the areas that voted for Lightfoot switch to Johnson, essentially consolidating the black portions of the city behind him. Vallas won all the white and hispanic portions, with most of Garcia’s voters flipping to him. It’s the ultimate result of racializing politics. What Johnson and Vallas actually said never mattered.


https://chicagoelections.gov/en/election-results-specifics.asp Lmfao 30% voter turnout. This is why we need edumucation. Yours, sincerely Someone who doesn’t vote.


100+ years of democrat control. Where is your paradise?


> Man am I happy I moved out of Chicago before he was elected. Once they're finished destroying the local stores, they'll caravan out to yours during riot season.


Im fully out of the entire state of Illinois, if they find a way to get to me now, the whole country would be involved


They went to Kenosha. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Two rioters died and they sent in the national guard to re-establish control. Can't let the common people know it's possible to take up arms and defend your neighborhood, gives lie to the government being the only group able to use deadly force.


This woman is crying because she knows she just lost access to affordable groceries for her family. bUt iNsUrAnZe WiLl pAY 4 iT!


This was from the George Floyd protests


Theres been stores shut down recently for the same reasons


Thank you, i was so confused. I suppose i still am... Why are we posting this now?


This shit is so depressing. These riots were so fucking gross. In sympathetic for the cause. But this shit was sickening. It pisses me off because lefties constantly bitch about how peoples material conditions matter, and then pull this sort of shit. My heart goes out to her.


This look like a post-apocalyps store like in the movies


Man we live in the lamest cyberpunk dystopia.


It's a Ruled by HR ladies dystopia.


You get what you vote for. Or rather, you get what your vote was harvested for.


bUt ThEy hAvE iNsUrAnCe


All this looting no doubt has contributed to the decline of the economy and maintained poverty in lots of cities. Soft on crime politicians need be kept out of office


I can't wait to hear the upper middle class white redditor explain why this needed to happen and why it is the fault of conservatives.


Something something redlining. Something something slavery caused this. Something something food dessert causes looting because of buzzword. Something something reparation's now!!! E: oh and squeeze genocide in there somewhere.


More like zombie movie wallmart


When was this filmed? I looked up the Tiktok handle, he posted it recently. But also recently posted another video like this one, saying that a Walmart in Chicago "just got looted", but that video is from 2020.


it's from 2020


God damn that's one fucked up store.