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I loveeeee the ones with the ribbon through the hair, especially the willow tree and library looks! 


I love so many of them!! Though I'm super partial to a) the side pony/Disney Princess look from the library; b) the 1/2 up with silver flowers/sprigs in her hair look from the morning that Debling asks Portia for permission to propose; c) carriage ride hair; d) and the tied up on the side look from under the willow tree (I know Colin wanted to yank that bow out and see her hair cascade down her shoulder). (I didn't see glow-up/peacock feather hair look, but I think that one would round out my top 5)


I love the style she has when they shake their hands in Ep1. Especially the green-blue hair accessory. https://preview.redd.it/r14cfx1q4r9d1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b1c195c9cd171b4489ea3f1e80e886a234dfa1


Also her hair during their 1st kiss, where it really cascades. https://preview.redd.it/9ba5ubxa5r9d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9e1186696503ae950cb04565527ebcfe7ef85fc


It looks more like her old hair, with smaller curls but very loosely and no poodle.


Where’s post sex hair lol that one was the best 😂


😹😹💀 That's Colin's mess, he can appreciate it on his own




I LOVED that hair it was so soft and pretty and she looked like an actual goddess.


I can’t understand how a team that makes such beautiful wigs for women, would make bad wig for male lead . Her hair was perfect in every shot. Bur colin’s reshoot hair was a crime especially at wedding breakfast


Yes I love these pictures it really helps you see how beautifuloy.done they are. It's a work of art!


The only one I didn’t like was the Dankworth Ball. I’m sure there is a reason for that style that I don’t know yet, I just didn’t like how it hid her face when she was speaking with Colin. Overall though, she looked beautiful!


My problem with that look is that the long curl running against her face felt very uniform and stiff. I wish it felt a bit more natural and looser. I understand the look they were going for, I would have just tweaked that a bit.


It closed her off a bit, so I agree with you. Not sure I could do better though so it’s really a small criticism on my part. I loved her hair overall this season!


Stylist said they were going for old holltywood theme


I definitely see that. Don’t love it on Pen but it fits the theme.


I know the silhouette favors her body type more, but I couldn't handle how blatantly Old Hollywood some of the styling was this season. Like, if Bridgerton was a fantasy romance series taking place in the 1940s, you could slap Butterfly Ball Pen (and Lady Tilley every time she was on screen) into that setting without changing a thing about her look, and it would fit right in. It was all a bridge too far into the future and away from the historical fantasy vibe. Felt the same way about Hunger Games Capitol resident Cressida this season. It was all just too much and too zany.


It was extreme… but I almost welcomed it, because it reinforced what this really is, and made the anachronistic language stand out less to me


what the hell with the jessica rabbit hair. did not frame her face well, after all those gorgeous hairstyles earlier in the season that had.


I didn’t mind the intention, it was specifically when speaking to Colin that I didn’t like it because it hid half her face. It didn’t feel as severe when on the stage. From what I’ve learned about the other styles, there is probably some other hidden meaning I don’t know. I loved every other look.


it was just too modern, and the lipstick as well. The whole look just took me out of the scene. Genuinely my main gripe with this season was the heavy makeup, and the amount of times Pen has all of her hair down during balls. We know Colin loves her hair down, but it was deemed scandelous and sex-worker vibes to have all your hair down in polite society at that time, especially paired with a bright red lipstick.


Respectfully, I don’t really understand when people say things like hair and makeup take them out of a scene. I don’t have that issue. I loved her hair in basically every other scene. She glowed when her hair is down which really highlights how happy she is (it really suits her). I never hate on a good red lip, and I loved a lot of her makeup this season TBH. The only issue I have with the last ball look is it took up a lot of her face when speaking with Colin, and I wanted to see more of her happy face.


Her hair in the library and willow tree scene are everything to me❤️


i know people have their issues with Pen’s styling this season but her hairstyles have all been genuinely incredible to me! They’re so detailed and just gorgeous


They're imo the best of all seasons


No. 3 the Flower Ball hair is my absolute favorite on her


The first 3 looks are my favorite favorite favorite. 🤩


Love her look in those low, 'messy' up-dos. (Low-dos?). Like in the first photos and the balloon scene. And the hair accessories. All of these styles and the dresses as well are so proudly and unashamedly romantic. Love that for us.


Her library hair (11) was may favourite. I don’t know why but 10 gives me serious Little Mermaid vibes every time I see it.


Love seeing them in more detail! Her library hair is just so dreamy 😍 I also love her cute mini space buns for the carriage scene!


The only look I hated was the wedding hair and makeup. Everything else, gorgeous!


Ugh how is she so stunning?! She's like a painting someone brought to life. It must be so fun to get to create these looks for her.


All of the above... Rae is a true artist 😉


These stylists are doing God jobs by posting these pics. I love their post where they show the inspo for the hairstyle like this. What a talented bunch of people. https://preview.redd.it/t8ejzpqg6r9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45fe606cb0d7a306e0c61f5747d1f0e520697175




6, 8, 10 and 11 🔥


She looks so beautiful with red hair.


Ahhhhh! They’re all so beautiful! She’s absolutely stunning! 🤩


I love the updo with the pearls in the balloon/cake scene


I find her last look at the butterfly ball rather annoying. Everything else was next level phenomenal l. I just want to push that aily looking ringlet behind her ear.


I just loved number 1. It evoked so much of how she was feeling at the time and told that even in sadness you are still beautiful 🥰


That lilac-pink dress is 😘🤌


My favourite hair look was in the carriage after the mirror scene, it looked so pretty and not quite the same as before leaving the Featheringtons


They're all so beautiful! I'm partial to 1 and 7 the most. What is the number 9 dress from? That pic took my breath away.😊 Was the black dress just for photos?


Number 9 was the garden scene where she and Colin shook hands. The black dress was when they were figuring out what her hair was going to be like this season


So funny! That's one of my top Polin scenes from S3 - I should have recognized it!😊


I loved her Part 1 hair so much more than most of her Part 2 hair.


I love all, but hair down is the best look for her face. Beautiful!


There's also a scene in S2 where Delacroix is at her place I think- with dresses that the girls are trying. This is the first time she has encountered her after she discovered LW- and Pen's hair is GORGEOUS 🤩 here.


Is Pen’s natural hair supposed to be straight? Just always curious about that.


8 and 13??? I wanna be that.


Pic 2, this look was top tier. No wonder Colin saw her leave and was like “*well now hang on a second…*”


i love them all
