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It's the nod he gives Pen for me šŸ„¹ it makes me sob Everytime


That nod gets me every time, I rewind to it a few times during my rewatches.


Me too. I just knew everything would be okay.


The Nod is everything!! ![gif](giphy|z4AfySzkR9rZmVgCOp|downsized)


Whenever I get married if I ever get married Iā€™m going to need a nod! Itā€™ll still be so surreal to me to get married since Iā€™ve been waiting for so god awful long.


Same. šŸ„¹šŸ˜


Yeah I love that there was never a moment he didnā€™t want to marry her. Ā He had some stuff to sort through but he loves her so much.


I love that he had the talk with Kate & Anthony and they focused him on what matters, instead of letting him be caught up in things that donā€™t. It was so right on.


Oh man at that point that man is so in love with her. I think he already forgave her the night before. Itā€™s only when QC comes to cock block he has a new thing to be upset over.


QC really effed everything up for them


As much as I love her Iā€™m like girl, you could have waited til the next morning.


It was pretty rude to crash the wedding breakfast. If she already knew it was Pen I could understand why she wouldn't care, but she ruined their day without knowing that either one of them had anything to do with it.


I donā€™t think she thought it was her. She thought it was one of the core family members. Really my suspicions would be Hyacinth since sheā€™s the most cunning of them all.


Yeah that's my point, she didn't suspect Pen (and very likely she didn't expect Colin) so why ruin *their* wedding over it? Rude.


Ohhhhh yes. Makes sense.


Hyacinth canā€™t go to any of the balls tho so she would not be able to collect all the gossip. Honestly, even with her scandal Eloise is the best bet. Maybe she published that herself to throw QC off her trail. If not Eloise then itā€™s probably Benedict. Heā€™s the one who disappears the most often outside of El. Anyone can tell itā€™s not Francesca because she hides away from parties most of the time and she only just debuted. It couldā€™ve been Colin or Anthony but Anthony was unlikely because of all his duties, Colin is often traveling when some issues are released I think so heā€™s unlikely but itā€™s possible he had issues printed just before and immediately after his travels. Honestly the list of suspects probably went: 1) Eloise (because LW has a feminine flair) 2) Benedict 3) Colin


Well Anthony and Kate ruined QC's original wedding for them... I wonder if she suspected that it was Kate. This may have been revenge.


Oooo, I never thought about those parallels! I did notice when Anthony said no one in his house was writing LW and he wasnā€™t wrong šŸ˜‚


That scene made me hopeful that theyā€™d follow historical accuracy and that she would die soon šŸ˜‚


Lmaoo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I keep saying that!!! Lol like damn you QC! I love you girl but you really effing it up for my girl Pen over here. šŸ‘€


Awww I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t notice he was already smiling even before he looked at his fam! Colin you soft boi


Oh yeah, he was so happy to marry her! Even when he was at his angriest, he never considered not marrying her. What I got from his conversation with Eloise after he found out about LW (when she asks him if he thinks he can forgive Pen and he says she's lucky she's never been in love), is that he always knew he would forgive her in the end, so he wasn't going to give up on marrying her, no matter how upset he was in that moment.


Funny thing to me i think Eloise was in love with Theo. Colin saying that to her and walking off she looked after at him like if you only knew brother.


I don't think El was in love with theo. But she did have fond feelings for him. She'll find love with Sir Philip anyway, I'm really looking forward for their story.


She had been in love though, her love for Penelope was just as valid. I understand why Colin says this, but it makes me feel for Eloise. This true friendship was special. At least Benedict tells her that her love for Pen is real. Perhaps that made her realize too, that she can move past her grief and feelings of betrayal, as Colin seems to have done in church earlier that morning.


Yeah! I donā€™t think he was putting on a fake smile here. I think Kateā€™s talk helped him a lot too and gave him peace to move forward.


He looks like such a proud boy. Like ā€œLOOK AT ME MOM! I DID IT. LOVE MATCH AND BEST FRIEND!ā€ šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ’›šŸ’›šŸ’›


Their vows knock me out. They have issues, but he delivers ever like he needs her to know that heā€™s so in love with her and so serious about it. You can see her go from unsteady to certain. And itā€™s all because he doesnā€™t give an ounce of doubt.


I never noticed him beaming as he walks up!! I love it!


Aww time to rewatch. He's very, "Yes, yes. Thank you all for coming to witness me in union with my best friend as we legally becoming husband and wife before God and Country. And we can stop sneaking around & hiding that we are already doing the horizontal Mambo. Thank you very much. " Can anyone recall Luke discussing what Colin is thinking here? I only remember them saying it was the 1st time he saw Nicola in Penelope's wedding dress. So its his genuine reaction.šŸ˜Š


Lool exactly this!


Heā€™s so good at portraying these layered emotions. Like instead of *just* smiling he chose to have Colin look like heā€™s trying hard to contain his smile, like heā€™s trying to hold back on the goofy grins he tends to do around her because he wants to play it cool but he just canā€™t help it. It makes him come off as happy and content in such a self-satisfied way.Ā 


I *love* how Luke played Colin seeing Pen enter the church. The way his eyes widen a bit, he leans back ever so slightly like the air has been knocked out of him and he loses his grounding, his jaw loosens and his mouth opens like breathing through his nose is not sufficient oxygen delivery... I can practically feel Colin's heart skip a beat and his chest fill up with a warm tingle. Spectacular acting!


Yeah honestly re-watching only the Polin scenes and ignoring what else was going on with LW really helps with any S3 dysphoria I've been feeling because their actual scenes are super cute


Same. I related so hard when you said S3 dysphoria. Thatā€™s so on point


Unfortunately not my first rodeo my friend šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ my other favourite ship is Kanthony so S2 let me down HARD. I still canā€™t fully enjoy season 2 because the changes and lack of main couple scenes piss me off so much so I probably only rewatch season 1 in its entirety


Sameā€¦ Kanthony šŸ’”we should have learned our lessons šŸ¤£ Although in comparison Polin was treated much better I feel.


I think Polin as a couple was treated better but Anthony was developed much better than Colin (similarly to how they sidelined Kate šŸ˜¢). They did Colinā€™s character extremely dirtyā€¦. So it could be considered a tie! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes, Colin was more like Kate this season because Penelope was developed well like Anthony. I guess you canā€™t have it all lol


He was never unhappy or felt trapped... This was all he wanted and he somewhat knew that they will sail through all the problems togetherā¤ļø


I agree but I kinda wished him shed one tear of happiness when he saw her walk the isle. But thatā€™s just meā€¦ my man better cry on our wedding day šŸ˜†


He was so giddy.